How much, at what time and at what temperature is best to walk with a baby. How to enjoy walking with a child

About what is useful for kids to visit fresh air many experts say. Another thing is that it is important not to overdo it and properly collect the crumbs for a walk, especially if it is winter time. Today we will consider the main points related to the organization of walks for young children in the cold season.

How long can and should you walk with a child in winter?

Children need daily walks, they help strengthen immunity, and children sleep well outside. Therefore, those mothers who, fearing that the baby will pick up, are wrong, leave them at home, depriving them of winter fun in the fresh air.

Pediatricians say that children 2-4 years old need to be outside every day for 4 hours and sub-zero temperatures are not a hindrance, the main thing is to properly dress the child, but more on that later. Of course, the time of the walk can be divided into morning and evening out (it is even recommended to do this), or it can be somewhat reduced so as not to disappear completely.

Duration of winter walks with children different ages looks something like this:

  • newborns at a temperature of minus 10 degrees can be in the cold for no more than 30 minutes, that is, 15 in the morning and 15 in the afternoon;
  • children from 6 months to a year can stay in the cold for a little more time - 40-60 minutes (it is better to divide this time into two walks for half an hour);
  • from 1-2 years old you can walk 1-1.5 hours twice a day;
  • from 2-4 years old approximately 2 hours twice a day.
Check the weather forecast before heading outside with a small child. In winter, it is important to pay attention not only to air temperature, but also to wind speed. If it is fast enough, then it is better to halve the duration of your stay in the yard, since both you and the baby will quickly freeze in such weather, and this is useless.

Even if your son or daughter has a runny nose, but it remains normal temperature there is no body and other symptoms of the disease (sore throat, perspiration, cough), you should not refuse to walk. Go out with him for 15-20 minutes into the yard. This will only contribute to a speedy recovery.

To determine that it is time for a newborn to go home, you can touch his nose. It is this part of the body that serves as an indicator of the state. If it becomes cool, immediately lead it to heat.

The need to return to the living quarters of older children can be determined by behavior. They became capricious and restless - it's time to finish with a walk.

How to dress your child for a walk in winter?

The question of how warmly it is necessary to dress a baby for a winter walk torments many parents, so we hasten to warn against the most major mistake.

Don't dress your newborn too much.

The reason is that an excessive amount of clothing will lead to the fact that he will quickly sweat and, as a result, will begin to freeze very soon. Therefore, it is important to choose such items of clothing that will protect you from the wind as much as possible and at the same time will not make you sweat even on the threshold of the house.

An excessive amount of clothing will not be to the liking of children after a year, as this will greatly limit their movements. They will become restless and capricious, and crying in the cold is completely undesirable.

So what should a child wear?

Fortunately, today there is a huge number of children's overalls that are not blown and frost-resistant, which means that under them it is enough to wear tights, panties and a warm T-shirt with a jacket.

Do not forget about mittens, a hat and a scarf, which are necessary for children at any age (newborns are no exception).

If your child is already running independently, then the quality winter shoes also cannot be in last place. Moreover, the shoes should also be very comfortable and not provoke or.

  • when you are going for a walk with a child, at the beginning you dress yourself;
  • dressing the baby, you can clearly pronounce all your actions, this will help him quickly get used to this procedure and associate it with
  • favorite pastime - walking;
  • as a rule, the child should have one layer more clothes than on you;
  • use special creams to protect from the wind open areas of the skin of the crumbs - cheeks, nose, forehead;
  • after it was transferred colds take your time for a walk. Discuss the possibility of being outdoors with your pediatrician.
Winter is a time of fun and joy, so do not deprive children of this happiness because of your own suspiciousness and fear of catching a cold.

Winter walks in the fresh air bring many benefits to children: they strengthen the immune system, temper, improve appetite and sleep, and contribute to the knowledge of the world around them. In the cold season, it is necessary to dress properly in order to prevent hypothermia of the baby. Qualified specialists online store "Daughters-sons" will help you choose clothes for winter walks.

How long can you walk with a child in winter?

It is necessary to go outside with a baby from the first weeks of his life. If the weather is calm and the temperature is above zero, you need to walk every day. The main thing is to constantly monitor the condition and behavior of the baby in order to avoid hypothermia.

Time must be calculated taking into account the age of the baby and the weather. The first 2-3 exits with a newborn should last no more than 20 minutes. Then the duration of stay on the street is gradually increased to 1-1.5 hours. You can walk with a baby, provided that the temperature has not dropped below -5 ° C. On calm days, you can go out for a while at -10 ° C.

How much a child should walk in winter depends on:

  • his age;
  • weather conditions;
  • the state of health and well-being of the baby;
  • quantity and quality of clothes worn;
  • motor activity;
  • number of walks per day.

In frosty walks it is better to shorten. You can break the exercise into two times - half an hour before lunch and another 30-40 minutes after. To little man was comfortable, he should be dressed in windproof and waterproof overalls with a hood, warm socks and a hat. Under the second layer of clothing, it is recommended to put on a warm undershirt or sweater. Great for shoes winter boots or boots.

You should not buy clothes made of synthetic fabrics, you can sweat and freeze in it, choose sets from natural materials.


In a baby under 3 years old, the body is not yet adapted to thermoregulation and the manifestation of a feeling of cold, so he needs constant monitoring of body temperature. Usually mothers touch their nose, if it is cold, then it's time to go home. With strong gusts of wind and -10 ° C, it is better not to go outside.


How long should you walk with your child in winter? The time depends on the age of the baby, his well-being and the weather. From the first year of life, it is necessary to spend in the fresh air up to 2 hours, after 3 years - about 3-4 hours a day. Time must be increased gradually. It is better to go outside twice a day. If you choose the right clothes, then even frosts down to -15-20 ° C will not scare you, although at this temperature the time spent on the street is reduced to 20-30 minutes.

They say that children born in winter grow stronger and healthier. It is hard to say whether there is a sound rational grain here, but it is known for certain that parents of winter children have more reasons to worry, because it is important to prevent vitamin D deficiency, and you also need to walk with the child, but it’s frost or snow slush on the street! How to walk with newborns who were born in the cold season, tells pediatrician and author of numerous books on children's health Evgeny Komarovsky.

Walking is natural

For a person, life under a roof is a necessity that appeared over time, when civilization began to conquer natural inclinations, Komarovsky believes. Adults will name 150 reasons why they need a roof over their heads. The child does not know any reason, he is closer to nature, and the requirements of a civilized society are alien to him. That is why with a child, even born in the cold season, you can and should walk.

There are always more viruses and bacteria indoors than outdoors, not at home sun rays(the light through the window does not replace them). Fresh air and sunlight the child only get outside. Walking with a child, according to Komarovsky, parents also need to be taught. After all, the fear of taking a child out in the cold in winter, the fear that he will breathe frosty air and get sick, still sits firmly in the minds of moms and dads.

All parents should remember that while the child breathes fresh air, his lungs and bronchi are freed from house dust that accumulates in the respiratory system.

Upper Airways are also cleansed and moisturized, which reduces the risk of getting a respiratory infection. All systems of the organism of the peanut begin to work more intensively, because a small organism needs to maintain the level of energy consumption (at low temperatures, for example).

Rules for walking with a newborn

The first walk with a newborn is a special event for the whole family. Komarovsky advises not to delay this, and start walking already on the 10th day after discharge from the hospital. The duration of the first exit to the air - no more than 10-15 minutes. But the very next day you can make two exits at the same time. Gradually, by a month, the child should spend as much time outdoors as parents and the prevailing weather conditions can afford.

It is very good to immediately determine the place where the child will walk in the first few months.

It is not at all necessary to drag a heavy stroller up the stairs, first down and then back, in order to ride the little one along a busy street where they walk for ten minutes. different people, including carriers of SARS and influenza.

It is most preferable to walk in the winter on the balcony. If there is no balcony, then in the courtyard of your own house. If this is not possible, choose quiet places for walking, where there are no large crowds of people, in winter these are parks and squares. Riding on the streets can only be caused by an urgent need - you need to get to the clinic, you need to go to the pharmacy or store, but there are no assistants.

Important question- how to dress a child, especially in winter. Do not be afraid of wind, snowfall, frost, because healthy child, who is also properly dressed, will not feel the slightest discomfort from a walk. This, however, does not mean that you need to carry the baby outside in any frost.

Komarovsky advises to remember a simple rule that will allow you to quickly figure out whether to walk today or not. For each month of a child's life - minus 5 degrees, but not lower than 15 degrees for any baby. Thus, if the child is 1 month old, then you can walk with him at minus five, and if two months old, then already at minus ten.

Universal Tips how to dress a baby does not exist. You can understand whether you did it correctly only after returning from the first walk. If the baby is sweating, blushing, the next time you need to reduce the amount of clothing. Cold is the fear of all adults without exception. But, according to Komarovsky, frozen children are hundreds of times less common than children who have been carefully wrapped up. It is easy to understand that the child is hot - he begins to act up, cry, turn out of his clothes, does not want to enjoy the walk and refuses to sleep on the street.

Children have a completely different metabolic rate, and therefore, where mom and dad are cold, children are fine, and where adult family members are warm, the child becomes hot. Therefore, it should be dressed a little easier than the grandmother requires. There are more diseases from sweating than from mild hypothermia.

If the child is sick

The immunity of a newborn is far from perfect, and if the mother is breastfeeding, then the protection is somewhat higher than that of artificial ones. Quite often, after discharge from the hospital, the baby gets sick. Parents at this moment do not even allow the thought of possible walks.

Yevgeny Komarovsky claims that only high temperature can be a contraindication for breathing winter air. If there is no heat, go for a walk with your snotty little one without a shadow of a doubt.

If, after several walks, the baby appears moist cough, do not be afraid, this is a very positive change in his condition, indicating that the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs began to moisten, the baby began to cough.

Whether walks with newborns in winter are useful, see below in Dr. Komarovsky's program.

Now it's time for the first winters for your baby. Of course, it is very interesting for a child. Everything around becomes white, cold snowflakes fall from the sky, which melt on the spout, and the air pleases with its freshness and special winter scent. However, for parents, this event is not so joyful. After all, it is with the advent of winter that appears a large number of worries related to the health of the child, choice winter clothes. Today we will talk about how to properly organize a winter walk with a small child.

It snowed, it's cold outside. But this should not affect the frequency walks with a crumb. You cannot sit at home all the time, depriving your child of fresh air and new experiences that winter brings. Here are some tips on how to properly walk with children at this time of the year.

1. Walking with a monthly baby.

Your child was born in winter. You safely left the hospital and the first thought that appeared in your head: “Is it possible to go to the hospital with the baby? street? Here are a few rules to follow:

The baby should stay at home for two weeks after birth. But do not forget that the room where the baby sleeps must be cleaned daily. ventilate;

If temperature the air outside is below five degrees, you do not go out with the baby for a walk until he is one month old;

If the air temperature is not lower than five degrees, you can take the baby out to breathe. On the first day, the time spent on a walk should be no more than five minutes, on the second day you can already increase and walk for ten minutes. Add time every day. In the second week of life child a walk can last an hour, but no more;

When dressing a child, do not forget that the child should not sweat. See how many layers clothes put on you and add another one - this is the only way the child will feel comfortable and he will not be hot. In addition, clothing should be made from natural materials, since synthetics do not allow the skin to breathe;

If you notice that on the street wind, it is better to stay at home, because newborns have short nasal passages that do not allow them to breathe freely in windy weather;

Keep an eye on your child while walking. If the baby is naughty, return home.

2. Walking with a child aged 2-6 months.

At this age, babies in most cases sleep on walks. Winter time is a wonderful time of the year when a child can get a healthy dream outdoors.

Walking rules for children of this age:

Temperature air should be at least 10-15 degrees below zero;

Give preference to windless days for a walk;

It is better to go out with the baby in the afternoon between 12-14 o'clock or in the late afternoon between 16-18 o'clock;

If you have time and the baby is positive, you can take several walks a day. The main thing is to follow behavior baby. If he gets tired of walking, he will definitely demonstrate it;

3. Winter walks with a 6-9 month old baby.

At this age, many babies already know how to sit. Because of this, they are able to know the world, so do not count on the fact that during the walk the child will sleep. Be sure to talk to your child, talk about everything that surrounds you. Show your child all the fun.

Walking is also a limitation. windy days. You can go outside with a baby of this age even at a temperature of 20 degrees below zero, and the walk time can be 1.5 hours.

4. Walking with children 9-12 months old.

The age It's good for babies to start walking. Many of them no longer tolerate strollers, and it is simply impossible to put them there. Now you have to lead the baby by the hand through the squeaky snow, be prepared for small falls into the snowdrifts and watch that the baby does not eat the snow.

What you need to know about walking in this case:

Buy winter overalls in which it will be convenient for the child to move, squat, bend over;

You also need to choose the right shoes. It is better if you opt for boots with a hard back. Size shoes should be equal to the length of the child's foot + 1 centimeter. And one more tip: the size of the boot should be measured not by the sole, but by the insole;

Walks at this age can be very long, because the baby is actively moving and does not freeze. Also you can purchase sled that will bring your little one special pleasure.

Is it good to walk with a child in winter? Won't get sick, won't catch a cold? Only mothers who know nothing about raising children can ask such questions. Walk on health, and more, is the general answer. Now let's talk more about the rules. winter walk with baby.

From the first weeks of life, regardless of the season, the child needs fresh air. Start a walk at temperatures down to -10 degrees with the baby in the arms of mom / dad and walk for 15-20 minutes. Gradually increase the walking time to 1.5-2 hours. You can go outside with your baby 1-2 times a day. A strong minus of air temperature (-20) is not a reason to cancel the walk, but only the need to reduce the time spent outside to half an hour. You want your son or daughter to grow up hardened, healthy and developed.

In the absence of wind, the smallest ones can be carried on their hands for the first walks. A baby from 1 to 3 months in calm weather can walk at temperatures up to -10, from 3 to 6 months: up to -15, over six months: up to -20

1. What clothes do you need for walks in winter

  • light, not constraining movements;
  • warm but not hot;
  • windproof;
  • consisting of several clothes, so that if necessary, you can take something off, for example, when visiting a store;
  • covering the neck and ears, but not making a packaged "mummy" out of the child.

An infant who cannot walk should be dressed warmly. It is necessary to cover him with a blanket in the stroller. As soon as the baby stood on his feet, let him stomp in the snow, show interest in this white miracle. Let him fall into the snow, let him be surprised or cry. This is knowledge of the world.

Walking on their own, children produce more energy, they have faster blood circulation. They are hot. Moms should carefully monitor the behavior of their child, not to miss the moment when he becomes cold. With the active behavior of the child, it is better not to overdo it with clothes.

Experienced mothers advise: if the child walks lying in a stroller or sitting on a sled, put on him one layer of clothes more than on yourself, if he runs and actively moves, then one layer less if you are going to calmly walk around with your child. snowy streets, put as many layers of clothing on him as you do on yourself.

Pediatricians warn: three years of age a small person does not know how to tremble and chatter from the cold, his body has not yet formed a sufficient fat layer for thermoregulation. It is the mother who must monitor the exchange of heat in the body of her child and respond in time to temperature changes.

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2. More or less movement

The child is not an old woman, he should not sit on a bench. Active games, running around, cleaning the paths with a spatula, making a snowman - unforgettable moments for the whole future life, especially with the active participation of the mother in joint action. Went for a walk with your son or daughter, put away mobile phone and take care of the child. Everything that you and your child “play enough” can be photographed.

3. Attention and only attention

Make sure that the child does not overdo it in games. As soon as you see that the child is flushed, began to breathe quickly and heavily, swallow cold air with his mouth, dampen his ardor a little. You can distract attention with a flying bird that drove past beautiful car, story, fairy tale, song.

A baby in a stroller simply cannot tell that he is cold. Mom needs to see this. lethargy, sudden sleep, pallor of the skin - signals about the possible freezing of the baby.

4. Go outside full or hungry

Food is fuel for our body. Only well-fed child will be joyful, cheerful, active. You do not want your son or daughter to ask you to buy a bun or chips at the sight of every store you meet. We ate, dressed and went for a walk. This is how your life should be. But a snack in the form of an apple or a cookie, you can take with you. Just in case the trip gets long.

5. Things you can't do without

Just walking with a child will not work. Every time he wants to discover the unknown, to get acquainted with the outside world. Mommy should think over the lesson plan for this day in advance.

  • Snowfall? You can clean the paths. The spatula, taken out of the bag by the mother in time, will bring joy to the child and allow him to take it for a while.
  • Thaw? We make a snowman or a fortress. You can also play in the snow. Dry mittens, preferably two pairs, will help keep your child's hands dry and warm.
  • Freezing? Why don't you take your child down the hill? Together, only together. It is still too small for independent trips. Sledges taken for a walk will be in place and on the way home. A tired child can be brought up on a sled.
  • Whatever the weather, pack a handkerchief, a thermos of tea, a pack of snack biscuits, and a couple of your favorite toys.

A simple runny nose or indisposition of the child should not become an obstacle to walking. In the open air, nasal congestion passes more quickly, and the malaise is forgotten. Go for a walk at least for a while, of course, if the child does not have otitis media or high temperature. Should work here common sense parents.

Sometimes children do not want to go for a walk. There are many reasons. This is both simple laziness and unwillingness to put on winter clothes. street clothes, and a bunch of other reasons. Mom should kindly and convincingly convince her offspring to go for a walk. For example, say that the sun sent vitamins and you need to pick them up.

Moms, dear, the most important thing that should be present on common walks is love, good mood, attention and desire to be together. Children will grow up, and memories will remain with you and the child. Do not forget that everything in a person is born in childhood. How your child will grow up, what will be his character, life, depends on these joint winter walks.

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