Message about Palm Sunday. Congratulations on Palm Sunday, video. Lazarus Saturday as a great miracle of resurrection

The holiday has no fixed date, it is celebrated a week before Easter

Palm Sunday(church name - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem) - the great twelfth Orthodox holiday. It is dedicated to the solemn appearance of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem on the eve of His martyrdom and death. On this day, it is customary to attend divine services, consecrate willow or willow branches in churches and decorate icons in the house with them.

Palm Sunday in 2019 is celebrated on April 21st. The date changes every year depending on the day Easter is celebrated. The holiday is celebrated a week before Easter, on the 6th Sunday of Great Lent.

The name of the holiday Palm Sunday comes from the custom to consecrate willow branches in the church on this day. They symbolize the palm branches with which the Jews greeted Jesus in Jerusalem. In Russia, palm trees do not grow, so they were replaced with willow branches. Willow is the first plant that blooms in spring. She personifies the awakening of nature after a winter sleep and the rebirth of a new life.

How to celebrate Palm Sunday

  1. Preparation for the holiday begins in a few days. People cut willow twigs and put their houses in the water so that they blossom.
  2. The celebration of Palm Sunday begins on Saturday evening. Divine services and willow blessings are held in churches.
  3. On Sunday, there is also a service in churches, and priests sprinkle willow twigs with holy water.
  4. After the service people bring consecrated twigs home, put them near the icons and store them in this place for a year. To attract strength, health and prosperity, family members are lightly whipped on the back with willow twigs.
  5. Hostesses cook holiday dinners or dinners. Palm Sunday falls on great post. On this day, it is forbidden to eat meat, eggs, dairy products, but it is allowed to eat fish and some red wine.

Palm Sunday is preceded by the feast of Lazarus Saturday. On this day, Jesus Christ performed a great miracle - resurrected the righteous Lazarus. After Palm Sunday, Holy Week begins - the week before Easter, which is dedicated to memories of the last days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ.

history of the holiday

The feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem was established by the Christian church in Jerusalem in the 4th century. In Rus', it originated in the X century and was called Palm Sunday.

The holiday is dedicated to the solemn entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem before Easter in the year 33. After Christ raised Lazarus of Bethany, rumors about him spread throughout many cities. He entered Jerusalem on a donkey, accompanied by the apostles. According to tradition, those who entered the city on a horse brought war, and those who entered the city on a donkey brought peace. The Jews saw in Jesus a new ruler - the king. They showered the path of Christ with flowers, palm branches, laid clothes at his feet. But the Lord went to Jerusalem not for earthly power, but for martyrdom in the name of atonement for the sins of mankind. Five days later, the same crowd shouted: “Crucify Him…!”.

There is a pagan version of the origin of Palm Sunday, according to which the ancient Slavic celebration of Verbokhlest became the prototype of the holiday. It was dedicated to fertility, vitality and willpower, which were identified by the willow. On this day, mass festivities were organized. Guys in comic form whipped the girls with willows. It was believed that such a ritual contributes to the continuation of the family and the appearance of healthy and strong heirs. Also on this day domestic animals were beaten with willow twigs so that they would grow up healthy.

Traditions and rituals

Many traditions and rituals are associated with Palm Sunday. They are aimed at attracting health, wealth, prosperity, successful marriage, happy motherhood.

Modern traditions in Russia

Believers prepare for Palm Sunday in advance. A few days before the holiday, they cut young willow branches, bring them into the house and put them in water so that they bloom. It is worth choosing unspoiled trees, where there are no hollows, broken or dried shoots. It is not recommended to use a willow that grows near a cemetery or water bodies. According to legend, evil spirits can rest on it.

The celebration of Palm Sunday begins on Saturday evening. All-night vigils are held in churches. At the service, the priests read the Gospel, Psalm 50 and sprinkle willow twigs with holy water. Parishioners stand with twigs and lit candles until the end of the service. On Sunday, the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is held and the willow is again consecrated.

People bring consecrated branches home and put them near the icons. There is a tradition of whipping children and adult family members with them, while saying: “I don’t beat, the willow beats!” or “Willow whip, beat to tears!”. People believe that such a ritual helps to cleanse the evil eye and evil spirits, attract health, strength and prosperity.

Folk healers harvest willow buds on this day. They believe that infusions from them help men to maintain strength, and women to conceive a child. Housewives bake pies from willow buds. It is believed that they help protect households from diseases.

Young girls on this day make love spells for future husbands. They break several branches on the willow, tie them up with red thread, think of the betrothed and keep them behind the icons. You can’t throw away a bunch, as you can break a life young man and own.

In some regions remained ancient tradition organize palm markets or fairs on this holiday. They hold festivities with colorful treats and entertainment for adults and children. folk craftsmen they sell handicrafts and cherubs - willow branches decorated with angel figurines.

Ancient traditions of celebration

Women who had small children on Palm Sunday bathed them in water with palm buds. They believed that such a ritual could save babies from ailments and give the growing body health and strength.

Relatives of weak and sick people beat them with willow twigs on the body and at the same time sentenced: “Holy Spirit, enter through the willow - take away the disease. Willow will come - the disease will take away. It was believed that such a rite helps to restore health.

Housewives baked cookies with the addition of willow buds to become healthier and ward off illnesses from their families. Pastries were also fed to livestock in order to increase the livestock and protect it from diseases.

After the end of the service in the church, believers ate 9 willow buds to protect themselves from toothaches and ailments.

On this day, people hammered a consecrated willow stake on the corner of the house. They believed that he would help drive out fears and make all family members more determined.

In the XVI-XVII centuries in Moscow on Palm Sunday, the annual procession of the Cross was held. It was attended by the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church and the tsar. They rode through the city on a donkey. An important attribute of the holiday was a tree decorated with fruits. The fruits symbolized God's grace. They were handed out to everyone on Red Square after a general prayer.

Properties of the consecrated willow

consecrated willow becomes sacred. She has miraculous powers throughout the year. The church recommends keeping it in the house near the icons until the next Palm Sunday. It helps to attract health, prosperity, good luck. You can also make healing infusions from it, conduct rituals to protect against diseases, fires, to attract health, strength, well-being.

Rituals with consecrated willow

  • To cleanse the evil eye and evil spirits, they lightly beat family members on the back with consecrated willow rods and at the same time say: “I don’t beat, the willow beats!”. To attract strength, health and prosperity, they say when whipping: "Be as strong as a willow, as healthy as its roots, and as rich as the earth." Whipping with willow domestic animals protects them from diseases.
  • To protect the house from fire and lightning, several branches are burned and the ashes are preserved.
  • To attract health and strength, they bake bread with blossoming buds of consecrated willow on Palm Sunday and eat it.
  • Women who cannot conceive for a long time need to swallow several willow buds.
  • With insomnia, they put a willow branch at the head of the bed and say before going to bed: “Holy angels, take care of my sleep, holy willow, drive away the undead.”
  • For a successful solution to an important matter, they eat a willow bud and think about the matter.
  • To become more self-confident, they stick a consecrated branch into the roof of the house or in the corner of the ceiling.
  • To be strong and healthy, Pure Thursday(three days before Easter) before sunrise, a willow branch is boiled in boiling water and washed or rinsed with this decoction.

Throwing consecrated twigs into the trash is not allowed. This can lead to illness and money problems. Used or worn-out willow can be:

  • let the river flow;
  • burn separately from garbage;
  • bury in a clean place;
  • put between the bushes of a growing young willow;
  • use to expel evil spirits and cleanse the house - set fire to a twig and go around all the corners of the room with it;
  • give it to the nearest temple, where the willow will be burned with a prayer.

Do's and Don'ts on Palm Sunday

On this day, it is forbidden to do housework: clean, wash, wash dishes. It is undesirable to cook hot meals, so the housewives try to prepare holiday treats for the family in advance. It is not recommended to sew, knit, embroider, and comb your head. It is not allowed to engage in heavy physical labor: chop wood, work in the garden.

On this holiday, you can not quarrel, use foul language, wish evil, think about the bad. It is better to refrain from watching TV, computer games, noisy feasts.

The Orthodox Church does not prohibit the baptism of a child on Palm Sunday. It is only necessary to agree in advance with the clergyman on the time of the event and prepare everything necessary for its holding.

Palm Sunday falls on the period of Great Lent, during which it is not recommended to arrange magnificent celebrations. If the newlyweds want to seal their love union on this day, they should limit themselves to painting in the registry office and a modest note in narrow circle without meat dishes and alcohol.

According to the charter of the Orthodox Church, it is forbidden to get married on this day, since the holiday falls on Great Lent. The only exception can be the consent of the bishop who rules the church.

What to eat and what not to eat

Palm Sunday falls on Great Forty Days of Lent before Easter. At this holiday Orthodox Church gives relief from fasting. It is forbidden to eat meat, eggs, dairy products, but it is allowed to eat fish.

The traditional treats of the festive table are vegetable salads, stew with the addition of peas, beans, corn, beans, lentils, porridge from a mixture of cereals. A popular product during the fasting period is mushrooms. Housewives make roasts, casseroles, pies, zrazy, soups, and cabbage rolls out of them. Mushrooms and legumes replace meat products. For dessert, the housewives serve fruits, lean marshmallows, jam, marmalade, halva, dark chocolate, and cookies. Kissels, compotes, uzvars are traditional drinks. On Palm Sunday, it is allowed to consume red Cahors in small quantities.

What to give for Palm Sunday

On this holiday it is customary to give symbolic gifts and souvenirs:

  • Palm branch consecrated in the church.
    When presenting such a gift, wish the person various blessings: health, prosperity, good luck.
  • A bouquet of willow or a bouquet of flowers with willow.
  • Charm from willow branches.
    The amulet can be made independently. To do this, take a few willow branches (preferably consecrated in the church), weave a pigtail out of them and connect them into a wreath. You can decorate it with artificial flowers or colored ribbons. Such a charm will protect the house from troubles and bad weather.
  • Postcard with Palm Sunday.
  • Church themed gift.
    good option will be the icon "The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem."
  • Cup, T-shirt, fridge magnet, soap self made with the name of the holiday, the image of a willow or an icon.

Signs and beliefs

  • If Palm Sunday falls good weather, then it will good harvest fruits.
  • In order for the house to have prosperity and well-being, on this day it is necessary to plant or transplant indoor flower. If it grows well, then profits should be expected, and if it withers, prepare for losses.
  • If a girl wants to get married in the next year, then she needs to break branches on a young willow before dawn, put them at the head of the bed and think about her beloved all day.
  • Before you do an important thing, you need to eat three willow buds stored on Palm Sunday. They are able to attract good luck.
  • To get rid of a headache, you should comb thoroughly, collect the hair from the comb, dip it in water and pour it at the willow roots.

Catholic Palm Sunday

Among Catholic Christians, Palm Sunday is called Palm Sunday, or Vai Week. The holiday is celebrated a week before catholic easter. In 2018, it falls on March 25th.

On this day, the solemn service begins with a procession around the church, which symbolizes the meeting of the Jewish people with Jesus Christ. It is attended by a clergyman and parishioners who hold lit candles in their hands, palm branches and sing a hymn to Christ the King and Bible songs. At the end of the service, the consecration of palm branches takes place.

Symbols and traditions of the holiday in different countries

The main symbol of Palm Sunday in Russia and other Orthodox countries of the CIS is willow, or willow. Depending on geographic location and historical traditions people, the celebration may have other attributes:

  • Date palm - among Christians who live in the countries of the Mediterranean.
    Palm branches were the first symbol of the holiday. They symbolized the branches with which the inhabitants of Jerusalem met Jesus Christ.
  • Olive tree - in Switzerland and Italy.
    In Switzerland, this day is called Olive Sunday.
    In Italy, the olive is considered a symbol of peace. It is customary to give a consecrated branch to a person with whom you want to make peace.
  • Coconut palm - in the Philippine Islands. Bouquets are made from its leaves, with which people solemnly glorify Jesus Christ.
  • The walnut is a holiday symbol in Austria. On the eve of this day, the inhabitants of the country harvest thick nut shoots, which are decorated with sweets, flowers and ribbons.
  • Dried flowers - in Poland and Lithuania. In these countries, bouquets of dried cereal shoots, ears of wheat, juniper and blue paper flowers appear on Palm Sunday.
  • Yew - in England.
  • Orange - in France. Long before Palm Sunday, the French sprout an orange seed in flower pot. On the eve of the holiday, they decorate young sprouted shoots with ribbons and take them with them to worship.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday(old Slav. Nedelya Vayy, lat. Dominica in Palmis de passione Domini) - Christian holiday, celebrated on the Sunday ("Week") preceding the Week of Easter, that is, the sixth Week of Great Lent.

Every sixth Sunday of Great Lent, exactly one week before Easter, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday.

Story. The history of the holiday Palm Sunday marks for the Christian world the day of the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. The rumor about the resurrection of Lazarus at the hands of Jesus spread throughout all the cities, people saw in Jesus the solution to their problems, their new ruler, the king whom they would like to see on the throne. In those days it was customary for the ruler to enter the city on a donkey, thus showing that he had come in peace. Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. People greeted him with palm branches, and the entire path of the messiah's progress was covered with flowers. The palm tree in Judea was considered a symbol of virtue and closeness to God. This is how only kings were met. Jesus Christ knew that he was bringing people not an earthly kingdom, but the path to the salvation of their souls - the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus also knew the price he would have to pay for it.

Why then a willow and not a palm tree? Not all Christian countries have palm trees. Therefore, in countries they are replaced by tree branches that bloom first in spring. Therefore, among Orthodox Christians, palm branches were replaced by willow. In addition, among Orthodox Christians, willow symbolizes virtue, renewal and new life.

Orthodox Christians began to call Palm Sunday, but Catholics still have the name - Palm Sunday.

Signs, customs and rituals on Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday, people bring willow branches to the church to bless it. The consecrated willow branches, which are brought into the house after the church, on this day are a symbol of the fact that people, just like the Jews in their time, meet Jesus Christ. Keep the consecrated willow whole year.

Since ancient times, willow branches have been attributed healing and magical properties. The consecrated willow was considered a talisman for the whole family - they touched loved ones with a twig, wishing them health and happiness. There is such a ceremony when, after a church service, people come home, beat each other with willow branches and say: “I don’t beat, the willow beats. Be healthy like water and rich like earth” or “Willow whip - beat to tears. Be healthy like a willow, ”etc. The meaning of the ceremony is to wish close person health and well-being. And people simply believe that after such rituals, health, strength and prosperity will come to a person. Palm branches decorate the icons standing in the house. This ceremony should bring happiness, well-being and health to every inhabitant of the house.

On Palm Sunday, it is customary to pat small children with bunches of willow, which were consecrated in the temple, so that they do not get sick during the year and grow up healthy.

The swallowing of palm buds on Palm Sunday was known in Ukraine, where children ate the kidneys "so that the throat did not hurt."

It is also believed to have healing properties and water in which branches of consecrated willow stood - sick children were bathed in it and they believed that the disease would thus recede. On Palm Sunday, healers made various decoctions and powders from willow for a variety of diseases for the whole year. In olden times, this is how they were treated for many diseases.

Men on this day wore willow buds as a talisman to give physical strength boys, and girls - to help in conceiving a child.

Traditionally, on this day you can enjoy delicious meals and delight the kids with sweets. But, since the holiday falls on the period of Great Lent, dairy and meat products should not be put on festive table. On this day, you can eat fish and drink some red wine.

According to ancient legends, on this day no one drove cattle out into the street, as they believed that evil spirits would definitely spoil it. And the girls on Palm Sunday necessarily combed their hair, saying: "Water, go to the ground along with a headache." And then they put the comb in the water and poured the willow with this water.

Happy Palm Week, especially with last days it is connected with many signs on the weather and the future harvest. In the old days they believed that what kind of wind blows on Palm Sunday, it will be like that all summer, but if the weather is warm and clear on that day, then the whole village was preparing to harvest a good harvest of fruit. If, however, "on Palm frost, spring bread will be good."

On Palm Sunday you can not work, swear and be offended.

Palm Sunday in Russia fell on April 1st. Before baking Easter cake and coloring the eggs, the Orthodox bring willow branches to their homes. This symbol replaces palm branches, which, alas, cannot be found in our climate - a symbol of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem. How to spend Palm Sunday correctly, we were told by the rector of the Elokhov Cathedral, Father Alexander Ageikin.

Palm Sunday is a commemoration of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem. The main meaning of the holiday is an attempt to comprehend what is happening: sometimes we meet God with all our hearts, and then turn away from him. The same people who met Jesus at the entrance to the city, cut off the branches of palm trees and spread their clothes under his feet, as if they were a king, - after three days they shouted “Crucify, crucify!”

So our life is the same. It seems that everyone is a Christian by baptism, but often we act in a completely un-Christian way. Therefore, this holiday is an occasion for all of us to think about our lives.

The willow twigs that we bring into our homes should remind us that we need to constantly remember about God. By themselves, of course, they have no mystical meaning. but what you bring from the temple becomes to some extent sacred - hence the reverence comes. But you do not need to endow these branches with any special properties. Otherwise, it turns out to be magic that has nothing to do with Christianity.

- Willow branches have been sold on the streets, in the passages since the beginning of last week. Is there a difference: bring a branch to the house on the eve of the holiday or in advance?

“People should come with willow to the temple, to the service - as to a meeting with Christ. There is a special prayer for the consecration of the willow, it is thanks to her simple twig becomes a shrine, reminiscent of our relationship to God. If you just buy a willow on the street and put it at home, it will have nothing to do with the holiday, except for a symbolic one. It turns out as if the execution of the plan: "We need to put a branch." But it's not right. This is the same as going to bathe in an ice-hole at Epiphany, but not going to the temple at the same time.

- When should the willow be consecrated?

- On Saturday, at the evening service - at the all-night vigil, and at a certain moment. But we understand that not everyone has the opportunity to come on Saturday, the priests go to a meeting and allow during sunday to all those who come, too, to consecrate the twigs.

- After willow twigs Can you store as much as you want?

- Usually they are stored for a year - until fresh ones are put in their place. They are placed next to the icons. When willows are going to be changed, the old ones should be burned: they should be treated with reverence, and not just like garbage. This is a shrine that was in the temple. Here, approximately the same principle as with holy water in Baptism. All these are things that accompany us during the liturgical year - from Pascha to Pascha.

Palm Sunday 2017: Everything you need to know about the holiday

Palm Sunday falls in 2017 on April 9th. It is always celebrated exactly one week before the Easter holiday.

This is the day when the Son of God entered Jerusalem, so its other name is "The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem." This event happened after Jesus resurrected Lazarus.


The main attribute of the holiday is consecrated willow branches, which should stand for a whole year as a symbol of the acceptance of Christ and His great sacrifice.

The day before, on Saturday evening, Orthodox Christians with willow or willow twigs go to temples and churches for the All-Night Vigil. Immediately after reading the 50th psalm of the Gospel, the clergy sprinkle the willow branches with holy water. After that, the parishioners with lit candles stand until the end of the festive service in honor of the Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.

The next day, people again go to churches and re-bless the willow branches. Also on this day, those who could not get to the Saturday evening service can come to the church with twigs.

On Palm Sunday, the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom takes place. This is a quiet holiday that is best spent with family. During this period, Great Lent is still going on, and ahead of Christians lies the strictest week of fasting - Holy Week.

Fasting and prohibitions

On this day, you can enjoy delicious dishes, and please the kids with sweets. But do not forget that the holiday falls on the period of Lent, that is, dairy and meat products should not be put on the festive table. On this day, you can eat fish and drink some red wine.

On Palm Sunday you can not work, swear and be offended. It is believed that willow branches that are going to be brought to the temple for consecration should be cut only from young trees that do not yet have dried branches and damage. At the same time, you can not take branches from trees that have hollows, as well as from those that grow near the cemetery. It is not recommended to take branches from trees that bend over the water: in the old days, people believed that at night water and mermaids could rest on such branches.

Rites and conspiracies

Our ancestors have long attributed healing and magical properties to willow branches. The consecrated willow was considered a talisman for the whole family: its branch was touched to loved ones, wishing them health and happiness.

On Palm Sunday, healers made various decoctions and powders from willow for a variety of diseases for the whole next year. In those days, this was how they were treated for many diseases.

There is such a ceremony when, after a church service, people come home, beat each other with willow branches and say: “I don’t beat, the willow beats. Be healthy like water and rich like earth” or “Willow whip - beat to tears. Be healthy like a willow, etc. The meaning of the ceremony is to wish a loved one health and well-being. Many people believe that after such rituals, health, strength and well-being will come to a person.

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On Palm Sunday, it is customary to pat small children with bunches of willow, which were consecrated in the temple, so that they do not get sick during the year and grow up healthy. Palm branches decorate the icons standing in the house. This ceremony should bring happiness, well-being and health to every inhabitant of the house.

It is also believed that the water in which the branches of the consecrated willow stood has healing properties. Sick children were bathed in such water, confident that the disease would then recede. On this day, men wore willow buds as a talisman to give physical strength, and girls - to help conceive a child.

If the weather is warm and clear that day, then the whole village is preparing to harvest a good harvest of fruits. If, however, “on Palm frost, spring bread will be good.”

On Palm Sunday, the girls did a love spell on willow. To do this, early in the morning they found a young willow, broke a small twig on it and said love words: “As long as the willow lies behind the icon, until my husband stops loving me, he will not forget. Amen". This branch of willow was kept in the house behind the icons.

Signs and superstitions

According to ancient legends, on this day no one drove cattle into the street: people believed that evil spirits would definitely spoil it. Girls on Palm Sunday always combed their hair, saying: "Water, go to the ground along with a headache." And then they put the comb in the water and poured the willow with this water.

Also, girls who wanted to marry a particular guy, all day, from morning to evening, thought about this particular guy.

And in order to increase their wealth, our ancestors planted a flower or transplanted indoor plants. It was believed that such plants bring wealth to the house. If the flower withers, then there will be no profit, but on the contrary, big financial losses will soon await. Therefore, such a flower was carefully looked after.

With Palm Week, especially with its last days, many signs are associated with the weather and the future harvest. In the old days, they believed that what kind of wind blows on Palm Sunday, it will be like that all summer.

Palm Sunday is traditionally celebrated a week before Easter. In 2018, this day falls on April 1st. So, this holiday is considered one of the most revered in the church.

It is worth noting that it is dedicated to the day when Jesus entered Jerusalem. People joyfully greeted him with songs and flowers, and also laid palm branches under the donkey's feet, which symbolizes purity and infallibility. Since the palm tree does not grow in our latitudes, in Orthodox tradition it was replaced by a willow, which blooms first after the arrival of spring.

It is believed that on Palm Sunday you need to lightly beat each other with willow branches, wishing health and well-being in the family. At the same time, after using the willow, in no case should it be trampled underfoot - this is a great sin. You can’t throw it away either, but you should carefully collect it in one place and burn it. In addition, it is recommended to do a transplant on this day. indoor plants- they will grow well and attract wealth to the house.

On Palm Sunday, it is desirable to be in the circle of relatives and friends, but you should refrain from active entertainment, alcohol abuse and recreational activities as Lent continues.

Food on the table should be modest, without prohibited foods. The exception is fish vegetable oil and some red wine.

It is also forbidden to work on this day. Believers on Palm Sunday go to church for service and always light a lit candle, symbolizing the death and resurrection of Christ.

Animated pictures-congratulations on Palm Sunday 2018 are excellent free mini-gifts with which you can please your family and friends on this bright holiday.

Palm Sunday in 2018 is celebrated on April 1st. On this day, it is customary to light willow branches in churches and congratulate each other on the holiday - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. He is celebrated in last sunday before the week of Easter, on the sixth week of Great Lent.

The name of the holiday "Palm Sunday" is associated with one of the symbols of this day - willow. That is why branches with fluffy "seals" - willow buds are depicted on many postcards for the holiday.

GIF animations, postcards and pictures with congratulations on Palm Sunday carry all the symbols of this holiday - willow branches, domes of churches, inscriptions with congratulations, icons. Such colorful congratulations sure to please your recipients and give them a great, festive mood.

Palm Sunday 2018 - pictures, animations

The bell ringing broadcasts, the parishioners gather everyone, Palm Sunday promises to be a wonderful holiday! People will light up the willow, put it in a conspicuous place, it will avert all troubles, add warmth to the souls of everyone!

Congratulations on Palm Sunday - pictures, poems

I sincerely wish you all the best! Let thoughts become cleaner and brighter, And people are sincere, kinder! Let the series happy years Will be bright days bouquet! Let happiness, like a moth, flies from flower to flower! Let every flashed moment Illuminate the bright glare of the sun, And let every passing hour Let it become a holiday for you!

May Palm Sunday bring peace and harmony to your home.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Week of Vay, Palm Sunday) - a holiday that takes place on the sixth Sunday and is established in remembrance of the solemn entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. This holiday passing, that is, its date changes every year and depends on . Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, the last and most important part of Lent.

Palm Sunday 2018 April 1st

Palm Sunday. holiday event

Solemn entry of the Lord into Jerusalem preceded by the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus from Bethany. We find a touching account of this event in the Gospel of John. When Lazarus fell ill, his sisters Martha and Mary were immediately sent to tell the Savior about it. Lazarus soon died and was buried, and only four days later the Lord came to Bethany. “Lord, if you were here, my brother would not have died!” said Martha. The Savior replied that Lazarus would rise again, and went to the cave where he was buried. When the stone was rolled away, the Lord prayed, and then called out in a loud voice: “Lazarus, get out!” And Lazarus, entangled in grave clothes, came out of the tomb, in which he had lain for four days.

The Lord has resurrected the dead before, shortly after death. But this miracle especially shocked all those present, because the smell of decay was already coming from the deceased, he was buried and lay in the coffin for several days. Many who saw and heard about this event believed in Christ.

When the next day the Savior entered Jerusalem, where many pilgrims had gathered before the feast of the Old Testament Passover, He was greeted as a conqueror. The scribes and high priests, who were looking for the slightest reason to kill Jesus Christ, wanted to kill the resurrected one as well. Lazar went into hiding and subsequently became the first bishop of Cyprus. He lived another 30 years.

The entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem, his solemn meeting is described by all four Evangelists. The disciples, at the command of the Lord, brought to him a donkey and a young donkey, on which they laid their clothes, and He sat on top of them. Many people who learned about the great miracle met the Savior: they spread their clothes on the road, others laid cut branches. Accompanying and meeting people loudly exclaimed:

Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!

The donkey and the young donkey, not yet walking under the saddle, symbolized the Old Testament Israel and the pagans, who also believed in Christ. The Evangelists note that Jesus Christ, as the Son of David, enters Jerusalem on a young donkey, just like David did after the victory over Goliath.

The people greeted Christ as a victor and triumphant, but the Lord went to Jerusalem not for earthly power, not to free the Jews from the power of the Roman invaders. He went to suffering and death on the cross. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday. Only a few days will pass, and again many people will gather. But this time the crowd will shout, "Crucify Him, crucify Him!"

Palm Sunday. history of the holiday

Holiday Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem known since the first centuries of Christianity. Already in the III century, St. Methodius of Patara mentions him in his teaching. The holy fathers Ambrose of Milan and Epiphanius of Cyprus, who lived in the 4th century, in their sermons say that the holiday is celebrated solemnly, many believers go on this day in a solemn procession with branches in their hands. Therefore, the holiday received another name - the Week of vay or flower-bearing. In Rus', fluffy earrings bloom just at this time. Hence the popular name of the holiday - Palm Sunday. On this day, food with fish is allowed. On the eve, on Lazarus Saturday, it is customary to eat caviar.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Festive worship

In the hymns to the holiday, first of all, the humility of the Savior, modestly walking on a dumb foal, is indicated, and an appeal is made to believers to meet the Coming One with jubilant singing: “ Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, hosanna in the highest". The texts of the Orthodox service not only describe the events that took place in Jerusalem two thousand years ago, but also show us their significance, in particular, the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. The first proverb (Gen. XLIX, 1-2, 8-12) contains the prophecy of Patriarch Jacob to the son of Judah that kings will come from his family until the Conciliator appears (i.e., the Lord Jesus Christ); in the second proverb (Zephaniah III, 14-19) it is prophesied about the triumph of Zion and the rejoicing of Israel, because among them is the Lord, the King of Israel. The third proverb (Zechariah IX, 9-15) predicts the solemn entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem on a young donkey:

Your king is coming to you, righteous and saving; He is meek and sits on a colt and a young colt.

The canon depicts the joy of true Israel, honored to be a witness of the Lord's Royal Entry into Jerusalem, and the malice of the scribes and Pharisees and Jewish high priests, with which they looked at the triumph of the Son of David. All living beings are called to glorify the Lord, who goes to free and saving suffering.


Russian Faith Library

The evening service has a feature that distinguishes this holiday from others: after the Gospel, the priest reads a prayer over a willow, in which the dove is remembered, which brought Noah a branch of an olive tree, and the children who greeted Christ with branches with the words: “ Hosanna in the highest! Blessed are the coming ones in the name of the Lord". Having venerated the Gospel, the worshipers receive from the priest several branches of the consecrated willow, and for the rest of the service they hold them in their hands along with burning candles. Returning home, believers place a willow next to the icons. Last year's "bouquets" are not usually thrown away, they are burned or lowered into the river.

In the Apostle (Phil. IV, 4,-9) believers are called to meekness, peacefulness, prayerful mood and fidelity to the teachings of Christ. The Gospel tells of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem (John XII, 1-18) and of the supper at Bethany.

Troparion holiday explains to us the spiritual meaning of the solemn entry of the Lord into Jerusalem:

Џ the general resurrection before its S passion ўversz, and 3z8 the dead in the engine є3si2 lazarz xrte b9e. the same and 3 we are 2 ћkw strotsy, victorious џbryz more, to you the winner of death cries out 1m, nsanna in 8 external bliss of the grave in 2 and 3mz of the city.

Russian text

Confirming the General Resurrection before Your sufferings, You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God. Therefore, we, like children, wearing the symbols of victory, say to You - the Conqueror of death: Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who walks in the name of the Lord!

Holiday kontakion. Church Slavonic text:

N a prt0le on nb7si, on the lot on the earth

Russian text

Christ God, carried on the throne, and on earth on a donkey, You received the hymn from the children and the praise from the Angels crying out: "Blessed is the Lord, who comes to call (from hell) Adam."

"Donkey ride"

In the XVI-XVII centuries. in Rus' in Moscow, Veliky Novgorod and other large cities there was a custom to make a procession on the day of the holiday in a special way. In Moscow, a solemn religious procession was heading from the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin to the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat (St. Basil's Cathedral), one of the aisles of which was consecrated in the name of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem. The patriarch rode on a young donkey, which was led by the tsar. Most often, the "donkey" was symbolic - a horse of a light suit.

In Rus', this custom did not arise independently, but was borrowed from the Greeks. In the Church of Constantinople donkey ride was known as early as the 9th–10th centuries. The earliest Russian evidence of such a custom is found in the account books of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod for 1548. The governor of Novgorod led a donkey on which sat the archbishop. The procession went from St. Sophia Cathedral to the Church of the Entrance to Jerusalem and back. It is known that such a ceremony was also held in the 17th century in Rostov the Great, Ryazan, Kazan, Astrakhan and Tobolsk. At the end of the 17th century, the custom was abolished.

Palm Sunday in folk traditions

Palm Sunday was timed to coincide with some folk rituals and customs. Peasants during matins prayed with consecrated willow and, having come home, swallowed willow buds in order to protect themselves from illness and drive away any ailment. On the same day, women baked nuts from dough and gave them for health to all households, not excluding animals. The consecrated willow was protected until the first cattle pasture (April 23), and every pious housewife drove the cattle out of the yard without fail with a willow, and then the willow itself was either “launched into the water” or stuck under the roof of the house. This was done with the aim that the cattle would not only be preserved intact, but that they would return home regularly, and would not wander in the forest for several days.

Russian historian and ethnographer of the second half of the 19th century M. Zabylin in the book "Russian people. His customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry” describes the traditions of Palm Week in this way.

« palm week, or the week of Vay, we are enlivened by a purely holiday of the beginning of spring; a willow or a willow, which has not yet given leaves, blooms, and thus, as it were, declares that our northern nature will soon reward us and everything living on earth with new blessings. The very holiday of the Resurrection of Lazarus serves as a symbol of renewal, the revival of powerful nature. On Palm Week, children's bazaars were established in the capitals, where they sell mainly children's toys, willows, flowers and sweets, as if to commemorate the fact that small children met the spring of their lives and should rejoice in this life, and looking at the toy, study the essence of it. of their future, since each toy is a visual literacy, a visual teaching that develops further understanding in the child, brings him closer to life and develops his thinking through visualization, comparison of action and images. On Lazarus Saturday, everyone allows eating caviar, lean pancakes and various kitchen biscuits.

On Palm Sunday, returning from church with consecrated willow twigs, village women whip their children with them, saying: “ Willow whip, beat to tears!» In Nerekhta, peasant women bake lambs on Palm Sunday, and when they come from church, they feed cattle with these lambs, and willows are stuck in the village at St. icons and protect it all year round until George's Day. This practice continues in many provinces. It is known that in our country the first spring pasture of cattle begins with St. George's Day. On this day, the peasants take a one-year-old willow, drench it in holy water, sprinkle the cattle in the yard with it, and then whip the cattle with this willow, saying: “ Lord, bless and reward with health! And sometimes just: God bless you and be healthy"... and with a willow in their hands they bring to the place of pasture. The consecrated willow is highly respected and is usually preserved by the Russian pious people behind images for a whole year. In some provinces, willow, consecrated on Palm Sunday, is used as a sympathetic remedy and put into the swill of sick cows or calves.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Icons

Images of the Savior riding on a donkey are already known in early Christian art. Almost all images of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem have a common compositional scheme, but differ significantly in details. Christ blessing right hand, sits on a donkey, He is accompanied by two apostles talking among themselves. One of them is determined by a stable iconographic type as Peter, while the second apostle, quite young, may be Thomas, Philip or John. At the bottom of the compositions, children are depicted rejoicing at the coming of the Savior. An indispensable element of the iconography of the holiday is the image of the Mount of Olives.

A significant change in the iconography of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem takes place in the XIV - early XV century. Now the Savior is most often presented in a complex perspective - he turns back to the apostles. The considered pose of Christ is present on the icons from the festive row of the iconostasis of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, the Assumption Cathedral of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, tablet icons from Novgorod and many others.

In the Pskov images of the 16th century, the Savior is shown sitting with his feet forward, and his left shoulder is turned towards the viewer so that He enters Jerusalem almost with his back forward.

Temples in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

In many ancient cities temples in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem were built in the XIV-XV centuries. Until our time, they have survived mainly in a rebuilt form. So, the temple in Veliky Novgorod, built in 1336 by Bishop Vasily, was dismantled "for dilapidation" in 1759. At the same time, the construction of a new cathedral designed by the architect Rastrelli began. The building has survived to this day, it houses a lecture hall.

Often the temple was not independent, but was considered an aisle of the main city cathedral, even if it stood separately. Perhaps this is due to the rite of the “donkey procession”? With the appearance and spread of this custom in Rus', the construction of churches in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem or aisles in Moscow (the western aisle of St. Basil's Cathedral), Ryazan, Kashin, Kazan, Suzdal and other cities coincides.

The rector of the cathedral of Yuryevets Povolzhsky (now the Ivanovo region) was an archpriest. True, he did not serve there for long, only eight weeks. The new archpriest was so strict with the flock, trying to correct people accustomed to a dissolute life, that they beat him almost to death! The governor posted guards around the house and did not allow the massacre to be completed. The rebellion did not subside, and Archpriest Avvakum was forced to flee to Kostroma, and then to Moscow, where he later served in the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square. A Cathedral in honor of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem in Yuryevets It was rebuilt in the 18th century and has survived to this day.

There are no Old Believer churches consecrated in honor of this holiday.

For fish;

Associated with Holy Week and Easter Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem at Wikimedia Commons

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem(church.-glory. Entrance gdⷭ҇en to і҆ERⷭ҇lim listen)) is a Christian holiday celebrated on the Sunday ("week") preceding Easter, that is, on the sixth Sunday of Great Lent. Dedicated to the solemn entry into Jerusalem of Jesus Christ, described in all four Gospels. In Orthodoxy, it is one of the Twelve Feasts.

Other names

The holiday has several names - Waiy week , Palm Sunday, Palm Sunday(gr. Κυριακή των Βαΐων , church-glory. Week of Vay, lat. Dominica in Palmis de passione Domini)

Celebrated event

Description in the Gospel of Matthew

Jesus leaves Jerusalem and spends the night in Bethany (Matt.).

Description from other evangelists

The entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem is described by all four evangelists, Mark (in the 11th chapter of his Gospel), and Luke (in the 19th chapter), and John (in the 12th chapter) tell about it.

The description of events given by Mark and Luke is in many ways very similar to the description given by the Evangelist Matthew, although it differs in some details. Evangelists Mark and Luke report that Jesus, approaching Jerusalem and being near the Mount of Olives, next to Bethphage and Bethany, sends two of his disciples for a young donkey, which they find, untie and bring to Him. Being taught by Jesus, to the question “why do you untie?” they answer that the Lord needs him (the colt).


The holiday symbolizes, on the one hand, the recognition of Jesus as the Messiah (Christ), and on the other hand, the prototype of the entry of the Son of Man into Paradise.


Russian icon of the XIV century

Eastern Slavs give consecrated willows a special cleansing power, believe in saving livestock from spoilage, disease, the evil eye, a predatory beast, from evil people and evil spirits.

Palm bazaars were considered a special feature of Palm Week. They were especially loved by children, as they presented a rich selection of children's toys, books, and sweets. They also bought bunched willows there. An ornament was tied to a bundle - paper angel. He was called "Palm Cherub".

Many sayings are associated with willow and will accept: “On the eve of Palm Sunday, St. Lazarus climbed for willow”, “Cattle are driven out into the field for the first time (on Yegory Vesny) by willow from Palm Sunday”, “If palm week is bucket, with matinees, then yari will be good "," On the willow frost - spring bread will be good "," The willow leads the thaw, drives the last ice from the river "," It is not the willow that beats, but the old sin ".

see also



  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Liturgical instructions for clergy. // Comp. Archpriest Vitaly Grischuk. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Orthodoxy. spirit. acad., 2013. (in iBooks format).
  • Grushko E., Medvedev Yu. Dictionary of Russian superstitions, spells, signs and beliefs. - Russian merchant, 1996. - ISBN 9785882040474.
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  • Lyakhovskaya, L. P. Calendar of Slavic life and meals. - M. : MSP, 1999. - 464 p. - ISBN 5-7578-0066-6-1.
  • Palm Sunday / Tolstoy H. I. // Slavic Antiquities: Ethnolinguistic Dictionary: in 5 volumes / ed. ed. N. I. Tolstoy; . - M. : Int. relations, 1995. - Vol. 1: A (August) - G (Goose). - S. 336-338. - ISBN 5-7133-0704-2.
  • Traditional Rites And ritual folklore Russians of the Volga region / comp. G. G. Shapovalova, L. S. Lavrentiev; ed. B.N. Putilov. - L.: Science. Leningrad. department, 1985. - 342 p.
  • Freidenberg O. M. Entry into Jerusalem on a donkey / Myth and literature of antiquity. - M.: Vost. lit., 1998. - S. 623-665.


  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem // Orthodox Theological Encyclopedia. Volume 3. Edition Petrograd. Supplement to the spiritual magazine "Wanderer" for 1902
  • A. A. Tkachenko, Diak. Mikhail Zheltov, N. V. Kvlividze. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem // Orthodox Encyclopedia. - M.: Church-Scientific Center "Orthodox Encyclopedia", 2005. - T. X. - S. 38-51. - 752 p. - 39,000 copies. - ISBN 5-89572-016-1.
  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem // Orthodox Encyclopedia
  • Wai week. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem Orthodox rites of worship
  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and Palm Sunday in Russian painting