Creation of a fuel-free energy generator. Free energy of the ether: theory and schematic diagrams of generating devices

Nikola Tesla's last lifetime interview

The Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade (Serbia) published last lifetime interview with the great Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla, taken 2 months before his death by a journalist, as well as a close friend of Nikola Tesla - Alfred S. Hole (A.S. Hole), with whom he closely communicated for the last 15 years of his life.

We express our deep gratitude to Dragan Vukachevic for the translation of the material and personally to the ex-director of the museum Velimir Abramovich.

Alfred S. Hole: Mr. Tesla, I am glad to welcome you. Mr. Thompson said that you insistently asked to see me, because I'm here in front of you.

Nikola Tesla: That's right, dear Mr Howl. As life has shown, you are one of the few journalists whom I can trust and do. Unfortunately, I feel that my days are waning, my vitality is fading, but I must tell you what I must. I have no right not to say it.

Alfred S. Hole: Say what, Mr. Tesla?

Nikola Tesla: Tell about your most important discovery, the invention of a wonderful machine that, like a living being, is able to extract energy from the environment. 12 days ago I filed a patent application for a device that, with the help of electricity and a few mechanical parts, will generate energy from an endless and constant source - the most luminous ether. I am not sure that the application will be approved soon, but I feel my strength is leaving me. That's why I called you here. Someone I can be honest with.

Alfred S. Hole: Mr. Tesla, I think you're exaggerating. You have been full of energy all your life and I am sure that you will be with us for many years to come.

Nikola Tesla: Unfortunately, I cannot agree with you, dear Alfred. But I didn't call you for that. I want to tell you about my most important invention. I spent more than half of my life on its development, and now, finally, I can safely say that I have achieved resounding success. Such that all mankind can no longer worry about obtaining energy in any other way than my device.

Alfred S. Hole: Tell me more about what this device is.

Nikola Tesla: I will not bore you with scientific explanations and my theories, all this is in my works and interviews. Everyone can read this and understand. I have always believed that electricity, like the ether, is like an incompressible fluid. Therefore, I will simply show you a diagram of a mechanical analogue in which ordinary water plays the role of ether (see Figure 1).

After I designed this mechanism and it started working, exactly confirming my conclusions, I realized that this was a revolution in science and the life of mankind. Now there will be no need to burn millions of tons of fuel, poisoning the air, there will be no need to extract it in terrible conditions - it will be enough to start my device and you can get clean energy anywhere on the earth at any time of the day or night.

Alfred S. Hole: Mr. Tesla, this sounds like a fairy tale and if I had not known you for so many years, I would just laugh in your face. I know that in recent years you have been deprived of your own laboratory where you could conduct tests. How did you manage to create such a device without these conditions?

Nikola Tesla: You are absolutely right, my friend. But, as you know, for the last 7 years I have been busy working with some young and promising engineers for the benefit of our country on another incredible project. They ask to create such a field so that it can hide our equipment from enemy eyes and devices, which would help bring the end of this terrible war closer. However, if my calculations are correct, then there is not much left before the end of this war - 2, maximum 3 years.

Alfred S. Hole: What is this project? Can you tell me more?

Nikola Tesla: Unfortunately no. Even what I told you, I had no right to tell, but I know, Alfred, that I can believe you. Let me just say that I am not at all sure of the success of this experiment. Too many unknowns in this area. I'm afraid the experiment could have dire consequences.

Alfred S. Hole: Let's get back to your submitted application.

Nikola Tesla: While working for the government, I secretly used the laboratory for personal experiments and experiments. It was not difficult - at night there is a lot of time. It was there that I first assembled and launched my main invention.

Alfred S. Hole: Explain in a nutshell how it works, Mr. Tesla.

Nikola Tesla: With pleasure, my friend. Moreover, this principle is elementary: my transformer creates an electrostatic field of very high voltage, which makes it possible to pump ether into upper part devices, and with incredibly low energy costs. flowing into lower part device, the ether performs useful work by inducing EMF in the removable coils of the third stage. Important detail- all coils of all three stages must be tuned in a certain way and very accurately. Otherwise, all you will see is just a spark at the top of the appliance. You will see more detailed technical details after registering a patent application.

Alfred S. Hole: This is insanely interesting, Mr. Tesla. You said that the principles of your invention are set out in your past works. Tell us in more detail what kind of your work is better for young researchers who are interested in your developments to start with.

Nikola Tesla: This is, of course, a complete cycle of lectures on high frequency currents, methods for their production and methods of application. This is a lecture on the problems of increasing human energy. My work is about gravity as a pressure force of the world ether. Once you start with this, you won't need anything else.

Alfred S. Hole: That is, the whole secret of your device is in these works?

Nikola Tesla: Exactly. These works consistently describe my research and search for a solution. In these works you can find all 3 separate devices, from which the installation is assembled for converting the energy of the ether that constantly surrounds us into electricity suitable for our needs.

Nikola Tesla: I have already done it, my dear Alfred. I shared the most precious thing in my life - what I have been working on for almost half a century. I am sure that sooner or later the world will understand and come to what I came to in my research. I'm not sure that I will live to see my rightness recognized, but I have no doubt that it will be recognized. According to my calculations, in 3 months I will not be alive, but I hope that during this time our bureaucratic machine will process my application and together with you I will witness the triumph of new energy - clean energy future.

Recorded by Alfred S. Hole from the words of Nikola Tesla on October 28, 1942 at the New Yorker Hotel.

A little more than two months later, N. Tesla died.

World War II lasted another two and a half years.

Tesla did not become a witness to the energy of the future, just like we are still ...

In the conditions of the modern world, when energy carriers are constantly becoming more expensive, many people are turning their eyes to the possibility of saving their money through the use of any alternative sources of electricity.

This problem occupies the minds of not only homegrown inventors who are trying to find a solution at home with a soldering iron in their hands, but also real scientists. This is a question that has been discussed for a long time, and various attempts are being made to find new sources of electricity.

Is it possible to get electricity from the air

Perhaps many may think that this is outright nonsense. But the reality is that it is possible to get electricity from the air. There are even schemes that can help create a device capable of obtaining this resource literally from nothing.

The principle of operation of such a device is that air is a carrier of static electricity, just in very small quantities, and if you create a suitable device, then it is quite possible to accumulate electricity.

Experiences of famous scientists

You can refer to the works of well-known scientists who in the past tried to get electricity literally from thin air. One such person is the famous scientist Nikola Tesla. He was the first person who thought about the fact that electricity can be obtained, roughly speaking, from nothing.

Of course, in Tesla's time it was not possible to record all his experiments on video, so at the moment, specialists have to recreate his devices and the results of his research according to his notes and old testimonies of his contemporaries. And, thanks to many experiments and studies of modern scientists, it is possible to build a device that will allow the production of electricity.

Tesla determined that there is an electrical potential between the base and the raised metal plate, which is static electricity, and he also determined that it can be accumulated.

Subsequently, Nikola Tesla was able to design such a device that could accumulate a small amount of electricity, using only the potential contained in the air. By the way, Tesla himself assumed that the presence of electricity in its composition, the air is obliged sunbeams, which, when penetrating space, is literally divided by its particles.

If we turn to the inventions of modern scientists, then we can give an example of the device of Stephen Mark, who created a toroidal generator that allows you to store much more electricity, unlike the simplest inventions of this kind. Its advantage lies in the fact that this invention is able to provide electricity not only to weak lighting devices, but also to rather serious household appliances. This generator is able to carry out its work without recharge for quite a long time.

Simple circuits

There are quite simple schemes that will help create a device capable of receiving and storing electrical energy contained in the air. This is facilitated by the presence of modern world many networks, power lines that contribute to the ionization of the airspace.

You can create a device that receives electricity from the air with your own hands, using only a fairly simple circuit. There are also various videos that can become the necessary instruction for the user.

Unfortunately, creating a powerful device with your own hands is very difficult. More complex devices involve the use of more serious circuits, which sometimes makes it very difficult to create such a device.

You can try to create a more complex device. More than complex schemes as well as video instructions.

Video: homemade free energy generator

Most people are convinced that the energy reserves on earth can only be replenished by processing natural resources (coal, gas or oil). Nuclear power plants are not reliable enough, and the construction of hydroelectric power plants is very costly and laborious process. Given the fact that any material resources eventually run out, more and more attention is being paid to alternative source energy, one of which is the so-called "etheric" energy generator (photo below).

One of the most used concepts when considering such formations is the so-called "ether", which is understood as a spatial structure devoid of material content. Despite this, the free energy of the ether and the generator of free energy are not abstract concepts, but quite specific attributes of the objective world.

Theoretical basis

Ether and the Theory of Relativity

come down to us historical facts testify to the fact that the majority of scientists known to science were engaged in the study of the ether. The term "ethereal" usually meant a not fully understood field formation such as the Absolute Void, which fills all the free space between atoms and molecules. The situation changed somewhat only after A. Einstein published his theoretical research on the special theory of relativity with conclusions about the curvature of space and the relativity of time.

After that, all ideas about the existence of the ether were called into question, since in the light of the latest data it was impossible to imagine a curved space in the absence of a material carrier. In addition, the "Special Theory of Relativity" could in no way explain the effects with the transformation of mass and other quantities when changing the speed of movement of material objects in the ether.

Ignoring the conclusions of A. Einstein

Despite long disputes between theorists and representatives exact sciences, the thoroughly forgotten "ethereal" aspect over time began to again attract the attention of researchers. Only with its help it was somehow possible to explain the presence of the so-called "dark matter", as well as the notorious torsion fields of Akimov and a number of other carriers of latent energy.

Since a practical justification for all these effects has never been given, most amateurs were content with their real manifestations in the form of self-made generators of electromagnetic radiation. The first developments were implemented at one time by the great Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla ( general form object of his invention is shown in the photo below).

Thanks to the discoveries of this legendary man, it was possible to achieve some success in creating free energy generators and preparing an appropriate theoretical justification for their functioning.

Explanation of the effects of N. Tesla

There are many explanations of Tesla's e / m effects, which define them as a kind of field structure formed when a high-frequency electrical signal passes through a conductor.

When the current fluctuates in the circuit, for example, the energy from the ether is first pumped into it, and then pushed out, which causes the propagation of electromagnetic waves. At the same time, it was taken into account that the magnitude of the field created around a current-carrying conductor is proportional to the square of its amplitude. From a theoretical point of view, this phenomenon was explained by the fact that the undulating oscillatory motion of charged particles causes the formation of surface current eddies that induce high-frequency fields.

Additional Information. In fact, their origin is associated with the kinetic nature of the processes occurring (more precisely, with the high frequency of the generated oscillations).

Based on the proposed explanations, it is possible to present a theoretical justification in the form of the following analogy:

  • The movement in the ether is in some ways very similar to the movement of a liquid in a pipe with outlets not filled with water, due to the rapid movement of which a certain vacuum is created in it;
  • Reduced pressure leads to the effect of drawing in foreign particles of liquid from adjacent outlets (this corresponds to the pumping of energy of the e/m field from the ether);
  • With a sharp deceleration of the flow of particles, their splash outward and restoration of pressure inside the pipe will be observed;
  • The latter effect corresponds to the spark breakdown of the electric current through the spark gap, which leads to the formation of a powerful burst of energy with impact properties.

It is the reason for the formation of significant e / m fields with unique characteristics that propagate over long distances.

Tesla Generators

Oscillatory circuit

For a better understanding of how the Tesla ether generator works, you should first familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of a typical oscillatory circuit, in parallel to which an electric spark gap is connected. Let's start with its constituent elements - inductance and capacitance, which set the main resonant characteristics (frequency and phase). Before you assemble them into a single scheme, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • When a current is supplied to the circuit from an external source, the capacitor is first charged, in which all the energy received is concentrated;
  • Upon completion of charging, the capacitance begins to discharge through the current coil, which completely collects this energy in its inductance;
  • As a result of these processes, an alternating electromagnetic field is created in the circuit, and the radio waves formed in this case, under the influence of new energy receipts, begin to propagate into the ether.

Important! Without external support, natural oscillations in the circuit quickly decay, which is explained by current losses in the passive component of the circuits (see the diagram in the picture below).

The latter is due to the fact that the supply wires and the coil included in the electric generator have a small ohmic resistance, on which the initial energy reserve is gradually dissipated.

When choosing the parameters of the components of the oscillatory circuit (coil and capacitor), on the basis of which the Tesla generator is assembled, the following points must be taken into account:

  • The scientist recommended that his primary coil be made of only a few turns of thick wire, providing low inductance and low ohmic resistance;
  • The secondary coil, on the contrary, must be wound from a large number of turns of a very thin wire;
  • This configuration provides the maximum energy ethereal release and propagation of waves over remote distances.

After connecting parallel to the oscillatory circuit of the spark gap, this effect is greatly enhanced.

Tesla emitter circuit

Recall that the main factor determining the possibility of practical implementation of Tesla's ideas is the high power of the generated magnetic field pulse. The principles of constructing an oscillatory circuit discussed above guarantee the desired effect even with a relatively low pumping energy in the primary coil.

Additional Information. The classic Tesla free energy generator circuit is somewhat reminiscent of a conventional power amplifier that operates in a pulsed mode.

A schematic diagram of the modern version of the Tesla free energy generator is given below.

In this embodiment, the discharge control module is located separately from the high-voltage part of the oscillatory circuit. A constant supply voltage of about 10 volts is applied to a node that generates pulses with a shape close to a perfect rectangle.

Important! The squareness factor of the generated pulses is very important to obtain the desired result. Only sharp transitions from maximum to minimum (steep fronts) make it possible to assemble a generator that operates without significant power losses.

The high-voltage transformer uses an open ferromagnetic core, and the ratio of turns in its windings (primary and secondary) is chosen so that a pulsed signal of the required amplitude is obtained at the output. The oscillations formed in the circuit charge and discharge the capacitor C, which is included in the broken resonant circuit.

When the capacitance is fully charged, the potential accumulated on its plates causes the arrester connected in parallel (through inductance) to operate, that is, the operation of the latter is controlled by the generated pulses themselves. At the end of the discharge, everything returns to its previous state until the next full charge C.

Homemade generator

In order to make a free energy generator with your own hands, you will need the following set of components and accessories:

  • Any suitable transistor with a certain power margin (KT805 AM, for example). It would be better if it comes with instructions for installing on a radiator;
  • A tube made of plastic or cardboard with a diameter of about 1.5-2.5 cm;
  • A thick copper bus with a diameter of about 2 mm, as well as a thin copper wire in enamel insulation with a cross section of 0.01 mm;
  • Capacitor with a capacity of about 0.22 microfarads, designed for voltages up to 250 volts;
  • A ferrite ring of any magnetic conductivity with two windings isolated from one another (it can be taken in ready-made from the old computer power supply filter);
  • Battery type "Krona" and a resistor with a nominal value of 2.2 Kom.

Additional Information. The input filter is used for additional decoupling of the supply and high-voltage circuits (in principle, you can not install it, but supply 9 volts directly to the capacitor).

Such a home-made design is assembled on a fiberglass board or any other convenient base, on which the radiator for the transistor should also fit. Both coils are wound on a plastic tube so that one of them is placed inside the other. The high-voltage winding located inside is necessarily wound coil to coil.

The subject diagram of such a generator with the natural elements indicated on it and the links between them is given below.

Upon completion of the assembly and start-up of the generator, it will be necessary to check the shape of the generated pulses, which will require an electronic or digital oscilloscope. The main thing to pay attention to when tuning is the presence of steep edges in the generated sequence of rectangular pulses.

Other types of generators

In addition to the schemes already considered, there are many other options for translating the ideas of N. Tesla into reality. This:

  • Edward Gray Free Energy Generator;
  • Smith converter;
  • Fuelless generators Romanov, Kapanadze, Melnichenko and many others.

Consider the features of some of them.

The Romanov generator is a BTG type installation, assembled according to the classical scheme, but with its significant complication. All additional nodes and modules introduced into the familiar N. Tesla generator can be found in the figure below.

A certain practical interest is the generator of free energy, proposed at the time by the scientist and naturalist E. Gray. If we consider only the core of this device (without additional nodes and assemblies), which expresses the essence of its work, we can see that:

  • The design is based on a converter or “switching” tube, to which a high-voltage potential is applied;
  • The circuit also contains a classic spark gap and a capacitor, through which the high-frequency signal is grounded at the same time;
  • In all other respects, the operation of this circuit does not differ significantly from typical free energy generators.

In the final part of the review of this topic, we note that assembling a Tesla generator (or any similar one) with your own hands does not seem to be too difficult. To do this, it is enough to stock up on all the necessary details and try to be extremely collected when assembling a high-voltage device.


In this article, let's talk about Nikola Tesla. Let's try to figure out whether what they say and write about him is true. Who was Nikola Tesla anyway?

- a brilliant scientist-practitioner who left a bright mark in the history of mankind. The unit of magnetic induction is named after him. He made about 1000 different inventions, received about 800 patents for inventions.

Among his inventions are: induction motor, asynchronous machine, alternators, three-phase transformers. He, being an opponent of Edison, radically changed the principles of using electricity that existed at that time, substantiating the prospects of alternating electric current. It is believed that in 1893 Tesla built the first wave radio transmitter, ahead of Marconi.

In addition to his well-known works and inventions, Tesla, conducting his numerous experiments, promised to discover the laws of existence and obtaining free energy, but secrets that no one has ever revealed.

Let's try to figure out whether what they say about him, write, show in sensational films is true.

In his old age, Tesla announced that he had invented the "Death Rays": “it becomes easy to blow up gunpowder and weapons stores by means of high-frequency currents induced in each particle of metal located at a distance of five to six miles or more”, “My invention requires large territories, but when used, it makes it possible to destroy everything, people or equipment within a 200 mile radius".

It is believed that Tesla kept such inventions secret for humanitarian reasons, so that greedy people could not use them for evil. This is hardly true! Tesla was an obsessive experimental scientist. No one will ever refuse to test his discovery in practice, and no altruistic views will stop the inventor! Einstein, Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann, Enrico Fermi, Arthur Compton - all of these well-known scientists agreed to test the nuclear energy of the explosion "live". None of them thought about the future of mankind. Although, they say about Einstein that he was an ardent pacifist.

How to perceive the fact that Tesla, a humanist, proposed many military ideas, including radio-controlled ships filled with explosives, the idea of ​​wirelessly transmitting energy to defeat the enemy, and the creation of resonant weapons. From 1936 to 1942, he was the director of the Rainbow Project—stealth technology—which included the infamous Philadelphia Experiment. Whatever they write about this experiment, it’s much more plausible not that the ship disappeared, but that people who fell into the radius of the “Miracle Installation” were exposed to powerful high-voltage and high-frequency electromagnetic effects. What would be the consequences for them? It is foolish to explain what high voltage is, in a home power outlet several orders of magnitude less than what was on the ship, and the high-frequency field on the Eldridge destroyer is a microwave oven on a huge scale. It is not surprising that almost all members of both crews were patients in hospitals for the mentally ill - the brains of some of the crew were cooked and they soon died, and those who did not cook, in the terminology of psychiatrists, turned into a "vegetable". And the nausea of ​​the crew members after the first experiment is a sign of strong radio exposure of the brain (not radioactive, but high-frequency).

The teleportation of the destroyer in general is not confirmed by any real documents. Or did the intelligence services of other countries not work at that time? If such a fact of displacement had taken place, then it would certainly have surfaced in the intelligence reports of other countries.

Tesla has developments that have no technical secrets or secrets, but they constantly excite ignorant minds. This is the transfer of energy over a single wire, or without wires at all. Interestingly, Tesla did not hide the installations demonstrating this. They are still reproduced all over the place. There is nothing supernatural about them. Why be surprised? Such transmission of energy over a single wire is not used on a domestic scale only because the efficiency of the system "power source - converter - single-wire line - converter - load" is less than 50%. Why waste energy? Wireless power transmission is an ordinary radio signal. To use it as a source of energy, it is necessary to increase its energy, and a powerful radio signal is harmful to all living things.

Those who consider the idea of ​​obtaining energy from the ether plausible do not consider the energy balance of energy transfer and loss, or do so completely ignorantly. For some reason, no one thinks about why such a wonderful achievement is not realized in the same way as Tesla's current inventions. They talk about efficiency exceeding 100%. It turns out that in the process of energy transfer, it is still multiplied to the one that was in the source! There are many articles that even refer to patents, which say that the efficiency reaches more than 100%. When asked where the energy comes from, they say that the energy is miraculously extracted from the "ether". But, in no experiment, at any level, under any interactions, leaks from the space that they try to call "ether" are detected.

The fantasy of people deprived of scientific knowledge, or simply trying to make a sensation, comes to the point that they declared the Tunguska meteorite Tesla's failed experiment in wireless power transmission. They do not think at all that the energy of the Tunguska explosion is so huge that it simply could not be radiated by Tesla, even if we assume an efficiency of more than 10,000%! An attempt to transfer such energy through any device would cause a huge explosion not in Siberia, but in America!

From these articles on the subject, one can find an incredible fantasy that puts forward the version that Tesla used multiple resonant reflections from the moon. Greater stupidity and think it is not possible. If a powerful laser beam with a diameter of 1 centimeter is directed towards the Moon, then on the Moon it will have a diameter of at least a kilometer. This is despite the fact that the beam is coherent. If you carry out mathematical calculations, then there will be 99.99% energy loss on the face. Tesla at that time could not have a narrowly focused transmitter that was not inferior to a laser. What resonant multiplication can we talk about? Such statements are very reminiscent of the "Concept Star Wars United States”, or “SDI”, where it was supposed to explode a nuclear bomb on Earth, then using a satellite orbiting the Earth, receive energy from this explosion, and only then destroy enemy ground targets with a laser beam. This was also nonsense, but because of the well-conducted deception operation by the United States, the leadership of the Soviet Union fell for this nonsense, getting involved in an arms race.

Another equally important question: Why did Tesla's "explosion" occur in Siberia and not in America? And how did he calculate it? If we forget that the Moon is far away, that it is not capable of resonance, and still believe the theory of resonant reflection from the Moon, then given the wavelength (which is obviously huge) and the speed of light, the explosion should have occurred in America rather than on Eurasian continent. Moreover, Tesla argued that in the ether, energy propagates faster than the speed of light. This statement completely destroys the myth about the Tesla origin of the Tunguska explosion.

Just think: why do people need to know simple things that the absence of meteorite material at the site of the Tunguska explosion is explained by the fact that the Tunguska body was a fragment of a comet and exploded upon entering the earth's atmosphere? The comet, which turned into dust during an atmospheric explosion, could not and cannot be found in the swamps surrounding Tunguska. In addition, there is absolutely no need for people to know that most English-speaking commentators on the idea of ​​​​Tesla's "guilt" point to the incompatibility of the energy that Tesla radiated with the help of his tower and the energy of the Tunguska explosion. The main thing is not reliable information, but a “sensation”, which leads to a public “resonance”. Someone claims that the trees were not felled from the epicenter of the explosion, but vice versa, towards the epicenter. Even if you believe it, you can draw an analogy with a new type of weapon "vacuum bomb". Its principle of operation is as follows: first, the space is filled with a mixture of gases, and then, during its sharp combustion, a discharge occurs. And who said that a comet cannot be a carrier of such a mixture of gases?

In articles dedicated to the scientist, they write that the Tesla towers created a glow in the sky for many kilometers. Flying butterflies glowed, and horses received an electric shock from the "stepping voltage". Considering that the tower is a Tesla transformer, powered by a powerful current source - over 100 kW, then such a huge transformer, with a considerable height of the tower, is capable of creating any kind of glow. And the earth, which acts as a conductor and has some resistance, will naturally be a source of dangerous voltage - any experienced electrician knows this. There is also nothing supernatural here! Except of course the added fantasies of people.

The most interesting of Tesla's works is his car. Tesla not only “dealt” with the ether, but also easily began to extract energy from it! Information in various descriptions similar and short. It does not allow to seriously judge the reliability of the existence of such a car.

“Sponsored by Pierce-Arrow Co.” and General Electric in 1931, the now elderly Tesla removed the gasoline engine from Pierce-Arrow's new car and replaced it with an 80 hp AC motor. without any conventionally known external power supplies. At a local radio shop, he bought 12 vacuum tubes, some wires, a handful of assorted resistors, and put the whole thing together in a box 60 cm long, 30 cm wide and 15 cm high with a pair of rods 7.5 cm long sticking out from the outside. Reinforcing the box behind the driver's seat, he extended the rods and announced, "Now we have power." After that, he drove the car for a week, driving it at speeds up to 150 km / h.

Since the car had an AC motor and no batteries, the question rightly arises, where did the energy come from in it?

Accusations of "black magic" were made. The sensitive genius did not like such skeptical press comments. "He removed the mysterious box from the car and returned to his laboratory in New York, and the mystery of his power source died with him.".

It is worth noting that Tesla is by no means vulnerable and touchy, considering how he won a commercial dispute with opponents of AC and Edison, introducing his AC mechanisms, as he used living people on the Eldridge destroyer for the sake of science! The Tesla car is nothing more than a spectacular demonstration, when the magician, counting on the understanding of the audience, does not reveal the secret of the trick. This is very much in the spirit of sensationalism.

Anyone familiar with electronics will understand that a vacuum tube capable of switching electric currents for such an automobile engine, it must have very large dimensions. No one has ever sold or bought such a lamp in ordinary stores. For example: one of the most powerful triodes of "our day" - GI-42B weighs 30 kilograms, has a length of 44 cm and a diameter of 23 cm, with a pulse power of 3.5 MW. What will be the average power? I will answer - with the limiting ratio "accumulation - generation" equal to 140, the average output power will be equal to 25 kW. I note that the GI-42B consumes more than 6.5 kW of power only for heating with a filament. This is already a loss of energy - at least up to 19 kW. And Tesla's engine is 80 hp, which is approximately 60 kW. Compare 19 kW and 60 kW! This is where he found such a lamp, which even now the industry does not produce, and where did he place it in the car, on the roof? And from what voltage source did he make the initial start of the “free energy” generator, which must first enter the generator into operating mode - heat up the cathode with a power of 6.5 kW? If this was done from a 12 volt battery, then the filament current must be at least 400 amperes with a time of at least 50 seconds required to prepare the lamp for operation. During this time, any car battery V best case will be discharged, and in the worst case, it will explode. Moreover, no one knew, but it turned out “to get energy from the ether, you need only a handful of simple radio components from the last century!”

A more plausible version is that Tesla's car had a battery that was always recharged when it was possible, because no one was constantly monitoring this.

Who really was Nikola Tesla?

Tesla was a creative person, completely passionate about his work, so much so that he “burned” with his ideas day and night. In various "non-fantastic" sources, you can read about Tesla: “His brain was constantly busy solving current technical problems, and therefore insights were as frequent and as successful as the brain allows. Natural sharpening of perception and enthusiasm reached psychopathic states: until the end of his life, Nikola Tesla, after mental stress, suffered from the appearance of clear visions, sometimes accompanied by strong flashes of light.. All this testifies to a strong mental tension, which made his ability to express some of his thoughts and ideas not quite understandable to other people.

Tesla, not understanding his "fuse" day and night, of course, tried to find a rational explanation for this phenomenon: "My brain is only receiving device» , - he said and believed that each person is an "automaton of cosmic forces." Tesla wrote: “... I am sure that a single Cosmos is united in a material and spiritual sense. In outer space there is a certain core, from where we draw all the strength, inspiration that always attracts us, I feel its power and its values ​​sent by it throughout the Universe and thus supporting it in harmony. I have not penetrated the secret of this core, but I know that it exists, and when I want to give it some material attribute, I think that it is LIGHT, and when I try to comprehend its spiritual beginning, then it is BEAUTY and EMpathy. The one who bears this faith in himself feels strong, works with joy, because he feels himself a part of the general harmony.. Still, according to many sources, you can read that Tesla slept no more than two hours a day. And how can you fall asleep here, if ideas constantly climb into your head? In such a state, any sane person will talk about cosmic or divine forces.

“The constant internal stimulation of consciousness, greatly depleted in reality testing, led to what drug use leads to, namely: to the creation of an internal reality that is far from adequate to reality outside world. Only that remained adequate to reality, with which Tesla constantly dealt in practice: constructions based on electricity and magnetism. But I wanted much more. With the help of the revelations of the Cosmic Mind (purely in his mind), he tried to create a theory of the ether and gain access to infinite energy.

Tesla's merits as an inventor are grandiose, he did a lot for the progress of mankind, but there is no need to idealize him and make him a sinless saint. In addition to being a brilliant inventor, he was also a great showman, dreamer and, at the same time, a convinced mystic. It is characteristic that a real temple (in the literal sense of the word) was erected in his honor in California, in San Diego.

The history of discoveries is confirmed by the facts that the one whose name the discovery is named after, as a rule, takes only a small last step in the research of this phenomenon. Never before in the history of physics has a scientist discovered something fundamentally new in such a way that it comes as a complete surprise. The priority of the majority of the discoverers is either disputed, or there is a person who did the same a little later, but independently. And the statement that Tesla discovered something there, and the rest of the scientists did not know anything about it, sounds silly.

Indeed, literally in all Tesla's inventions, someone challenged: in the priority of radio, and in the study of x-rays and the properties of high-frequency fields, and in everything else without exception.

In conclusion, I would like to ask you: Do you still believe in Tesla's miracles?

Somehow a man came to the Science Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation with the development of a superweapon. Presents an official paper that he was sent to the FSB. The committee, of course, was terribly intrigued. They ask, where are the drawings? He wonders: why? I, he says, invented the red button. You press it - and all the enemy's nuclear weapons explode. He is asked: how to do it? The guest, akimbo, says: “I brought you an idea. And your job is to make it happen."

Attention! An unexpected sensation!

A perfect aircraft has been invented that uses the energy of the ether. The press is talking about the use of extraterrestrial technology. The simplicity and efficiency of controlling the aircraft are brilliant, and the aerodynamic capabilities shock the scientists of the planet. In order to give the device multifunctionality, the issue of the possibility of increasing the crew of the device is being considered - for now, it is controlled by one pilot. In addition, a suspension option for air-to-ground missiles is being developed.

Three famous electrical engineers of the world- Volta, Faraday and Tesla- with their work, they forced the entire human society to move rapidly towards the electrification of our life, transport, and industry. Volta and Faraday are perceived normally by the younger generation according to physics textbooks, but Nikola Tesla was "set aside" a little, but, perhaps, in vain. Imagine, a huge number of power lines, transformers, billions of copies of AC motors, and in general all the alternating current that flooded our technology - all this is Tesla's work, undeservedly forgotten by our society due to wars and revolutions 20 century. With his experiments and inventions, he was far ahead of his time, and left for us, in addition to the noted heritage, a very unique apparatus capable of making a breakthrough in new civilization. Such high-sounding words are not just a tribute to Tesla's genius, this is evidenced by recent experiments carried out almost simultaneously at six points on the earth's expanse.

Let's start a little further. With the increase in energy consumption by the population, the price of fuel for power plants is steadily increasing, which makes electricians think about obtaining electricity from the environment, especially since Nikola Tesla has already received this energy. This energy is called free energy. At low powers, the acquisition is already taking place; for this, various methods are used; they are extracted from permanent magnets, from the heat of water, from the atmospheric condenser in which we live, from ferromagnetic alloys, etc. But the task is much more voluminous - we need to learn how to get electricity on a large scale so that any family can use electricity, regardless of where they live. And such a possibility, it turns out, has existed for a long time, and humanity is "successfully fighting it" in the full sense of this expression.

It is historically known that Tesla at night lit up the sky over New York, and then over the Atlantic. At night it became as bright as day, but at the same time long sparks fell from under the hooves of the horses, and the hair and fingers of passers-by shone. Much has been written about this in the newspapers. Imagine what the power of energy radiation should be in order to produce this effect. And, as you know, at that time, power plants were extremely weak, and even modern power plants taken together cannot do this now. However, it is known for certain that he received energy with the help of his coil and "scooped" it directly from the environment. What kind of coil is this that is able to "draw" as much electricity as necessary this person V this place? Let's call it "teslovka".

According to "comrade Tesla", people are surrounded by three oceans. first ocean- the air we breathe. Second ocean- water element, rotating at the same time, which Tesla called vibrations. The secondary winding, located inside the primary, falls under the vibrating current. It is natural to understand that the ether vortices constantly cross its coils in the transverse direction,- we emphasize, in the transverse. As a result, a voltage is induced in the "secondary" wire, which is displayed on the tip at the top of the winding in the form of a crown, i.e. voltage ionization occurs. The crown requires a certain amount of power. This crown and" indulge" Tesla coil lovers, extracting long, beautiful discharges in the air.

Many people took oscillograms of current fluctuations in Tesla coils, but for some reason no one paid attention to comparing the obtained current curves. Consider the oscillations of the Leningrad coil taken by the first oscilloscopes.

Figure 2 oscillograms of the sinusoid of the current of one oscillation are presented, where under the letter a) is a graph of the oscillations of the current of the primary winding. For a strong inductive coupling, transformer iron is inserted inside the windings and the current curves on the oscillogram of the primary and secondary windings of oscillations, as in any transformer, are intertwined very tightly and oscillate together. On the left of the graph, the iron was pulled out, and a weak inductive connection was obtained. In this case a) it can be seen that in the primary winding with a single current pulse, these oscillations decay at the point K. Under the letter b) current oscillations in the secondary winding with a weak connection, here, on the contrary, the oscillation begins a little later than the zero point and expands along the voltage height to a certain size, and only some time after point K, the current oscillations at the maximum break off only at point C, although current in the primary winding has long been absent. The question is, due to what medium the current fluctuations continue in the secondary winding after the point K and up to C? It is quite clear that the "holy spirit" has nothing to do with it. This means that this is the inertia of some medium; according to Tesla, this is definitely the ether. You see, he understood this even without an oscilloscope, and we, having the latest instruments, do not think about such obvious facts of electrical engineering. Since the environment exists, then we can use it to generate electricity. But how to do it practically?

Let's talk about this using the example of communication. "Chatting" on the Internet forum, the four of us agreed to make a current generator under the article "Tesla - a current generator." When they made the first coil, everything was fine - they worked in unison talking. But when they started manufacturing the second coil (the generator consists of two), then disputes began about whether to do the right or left winding of the wire, since the generator’s performance may have depended on the winding direction, and we didn’t know how best to do it. To be sure, it made sense to make two secondary windings, both right and left windings. So it turned out that having made the generator "in draft", each left with an extra secondary winding. We agreed to start electrical testing using a third, single winding, using it to determine the parameters of the generator. This is where the oddities began. When the third, adjacent winding was turned on, a crown lit up on the upper needle of its secondary with a hiss and crackle - an extraordinary beauty. But, interestingly, the other two, intended for the generator, also began to coronate, although they stood at a distance of almost two meters and were not connected to the network. It was amazing, and it happened to all four, naturally, to all four, and a heated debate began, what it is and how to proceed. It turned out that both the right and left windings corona well in the air thanks to the neighboring one, which is working. Non-working coils did not require primary windings, around one working with a primary winding, you can put twenty or thirty pieces even without "primaries" within a radius of 1.5 - 3 meters (at a voltage of 180 kilovolts) and everyone will work - corona. And, as you know, the crown requires power consumption. And then it sounded - guys, yes, this is the resonance of Tesla's ether and about which V. A. Atsyukovsky constantly writes! And what started here .... A lot of various proposals fell down, and it was difficult to find the truth in this "jumble". They write one thing from the Far East, another from the Urals, a third from Ukraine, and so it went on for almost three months. The meeting was interrupted in the summer (2009) when Tariel Kapanadze from Georgia made a film on the Internet on obtaining electricity from the ether, also based on a Tesla coil. It became extremely clear to all four what to do, and we are not alone in this matter, and no one needs a generator using fuel at all. Work began again and everyone began to "boast" - I did it, it works for me too, etc. An avalanche has begun. So a big, huge thank you to the Internet for being able to unite and multiply our efforts!

Everyone can make at least two Tesla coils of the same number of turns and diameter, put one of them into operation, and move the other, even just a secondary winding without a primary, relative to the working one and get a crown on it at a close distance (within half a meter), and moving aside, see the fading crown. At this time, it is necessary to look at the magnitude of the current of the working coil and make sure with your own eyes that the supply current from the network of the working coil does not change its value from the spatial position of the unpowered coil. The question is, where does the energy come from for the corona for an empty secondary winding?

In principle, the whole world should have guessed this before, and we are no exception. Back in the twenties and thirties, at the dawn of the development of electrical engineering, the alternating current power plants under construction were quite low-power, and each fed only a few enterprises over one network, which operated up to hundreds of electric motors, heating furnaces, welding machines and electrolytic baths. At the same time, interesting things happened. During operation, for no reason at all, the voltage in the network began to increase on its own above 380 volts to 450 or more, and the generators at the power plant began to work as if idly. And since the steam pressed on the turbine blades (it is impossible to quickly change the pressure of hot steam), the turbines began to rotate faster and the frequency of the current in the network increased. All electric motors of machine tools at enterprises began to work faster (their power directly depends on the frequency of the current), although the load on the current generators at the power plant decreased, and the automation at that moment cut off the steam supply to the turbines. Naturally, the generators slowed down sharply, reduced the supply of electricity, and at that moment the excess voltage disappeared, and the enterprises began to “suffocate” due to a lack of energy. There was a huge buildup of voltage and frequency in this electrical network up to a complete shutdown. Over time, they learned at such a moment to connect another, parallel network, which stabilized the state of affairs. With the enlargement of power systems, data" "parks" were decreasing, but the theory of such oscillations had already been fundamentally created and the additional energy began to be called reactive power, which came from the capacitors and inductors used in electric motors and transformers (in radio engineering, self-induction EMF). Imagine, some coils and capacitors created power comparable to the power plant and worked against it.The current from them is always directed towards the buildup current and it turned out that the power plant almost does not work, and the wires heat up as if under increased load.The exact "culprits" of these phenomena were also identified- these are the resonance of currents and the resonance of voltages. But, one wonders, where does such power come from in capacitors and inductors, capable of pumping the energy system into a hundred modern enterprises? At" normal thinking can be answered with a single assumption- such energy comes from the environment, and according to Tesla- from the ether. At the Academy of Sciences, such a task was not even set, which is why all academicians went towards a vacuum in terms of world outlook. Only ordinary engineers struggled with this phenomenon. To compensate for reactive power, they began to use powerful capacitor banks, huge synchronous compensator machines, and made variable power supply circuits for loads depending on the voltage and current in the power plant network. In general, the struggle with reactive power around the world has unfolded colossal and continues to this day.

There is also a factor in electrical practice that is not quite adequate, sometimes leading to accidents with personnel. If a battery of capacitors not connected to anything is left without shorting the plates (plates-electrodes), then, after a day or several, the battery will be almost fully charged with electricity. And the higher the battery voltage, the faster it charges. Where does this electric power come from in violation of the modern law of conservation of energy? For an ordinary engineer, it is quite clear- from the environment (from the ether) and this is the same reactive energy, and some say that this energy is from the vacuum. But, technically literate people understand that vacuum by name is emptiness, then where does emptiness get its energy from? But interestingly, all over the world they are struggling with this reactive energy and it never occurred to anyone to use it as a current source instead of power plants. Here, to obtain it, no fuel is required, there is no need to bury waste, here it is only necessary to hesitate environment near coils and capacitors in the same electrical way. But what is the power expended on these oscillations- we'll talk about that later.

Again, we note that from the graphs in Fig..2 it is clear that the Tesla coil, unlike other electrical transformers, has a small inductive coupling between the primary and secondary windings, that is, the energy from the primary winding easily passes into the secondary, but vice versa, it is relatively bad. When a response current pulse is created in the secondary winding, it pushes the ether from the center of the device to its turns. Beyond these turns, the ether almost does not go and falls poorly on the primary, due to the lack of an iron core, since a poor inductive connection called "below critical" is made. Understanding this factor suggests an unambiguous thought - to remove energy from the secondary, which is "in free flight", a third winding is needed, which must be located inside the secondary, and the more successfully the "secondary" works, the more efficiently the energy will be removed in the third winding.

In the experiments, the third winding was short-circuited by a copper jumper, which heated up and the insulation burned on it, and in the primary winding a current of 1.8 Amperes did not even stir, as if nothing had happened, since the work was done "on the tail" between points K and C according to Fig.2. Almost similar conditions arise in the secondary winding, but it affects the primary current by about 10 - 15% and the power device begins to "feel" the load of this winding and both easily go out of resonance. In general, the secondary winding, perceiving impulses from the primary, becomes the main and guiding force in the buildup of the ether around the installation, apparently due to its large area and multi-turn. Figuratively speaking, the energy of the secondary winding "shakes the ether", and the third winding, placed inside the secondary one, "collects pieces of the ether", forming a flow of electricity in the third circuit.

We should also consider the specific parameters of the Tesla coil in our experience. The primary winding was carried out with a copper tube 6-10 mm in the amount of 6-8 turns on one coil. You can put separately standing next to several "teslovok" pieces of 3 or more without any primary windings. The secondary winding itself was made about 1 meter long, 100 mm in diameter on a polyethylene or fluoroplastic water pipe, with a number of turns of about 1000, in order to obtain a crown at the upper end. And most importantly, the third winding inside the secondary is required for each "teslovka". It is carried out with a thick stranded wire (approximately 10 - 25 mm 2) with thickened insulation in order to create a sufficient gap between the turns. The number of turns is determined by the required voltage. A capacitor is connected to the ends of the third winding with the calculation of obtaining a current resonance according to the equation: 1 \u003d (2pF) 2 LC

where F is the frequency of the current, C is the capacitance of the capacitor in farads, L is the inductance of the winding in units of Henry. Since the inductance depends on the number of turns, it is quite natural to have a device for measuring the inductance in kind during manufacture, which will speed up the setting of the apparatus.

If large powers are needed, then the third windings must be connected in parallel in general scheme through high-frequency diodes, which is given onfig.3. It is necessary to note a very significant detail of the device. All three windings of each "teslovka" must be tuned to a certain current frequency (say, to 100 kilohertz allowed by the radio committee) using capacitors. If the primary or secondary windings are in poor resonance, then the third winding loses the current necessary for the load, consisting of our TVs, refrigerators, power tools, etc.

Resonance is the basis of the entire device, which Kapanadze noted in his video. You can, of course, use a ground connection, as Kapanadze does, which increases the current output in the system through the secondary and atmospheric space charge. However, this ties the device to the installation site, which is not very rational for city apartments, since it is necessary to ground the electrical network from the coil in two places, say, being on the ninth floor. problematic enough. But we must pay tribute to the talent of Kapanadze, it was he who, after Tesla, was the first to guess to use the third winding in the teslovka inside the secondary. Figure 4 shows an approximate diagram of his device worthy of respect for his ingenuity. He divided the third coil into two parts. The part that is inside the secondary winding perceives its electrical impulses, respectively, the dummy winding - the second part of the circuit is also forced to oscillate the current, since it is connected in series, moreoverit is irradiated from the outside of the secondary winding in time with the oscillations.

Consider the power ratio. If 300 watts of energy is supplied to the primary winding (Fig. 3), then about 250 watts of energy are also released on the secondary windings of the three "teslovkas" standing next to each other, which in total is 750 watts for the crown. On three thirds windings are also 250 watts, which we can use for their intended purpose. It is better not to load the secondary windings, since they, receiving their share of the buildup energy from the primary, through the side surface, additionally "draw" energy from the surrounding ether due to the "tail" from point K to point C in Fig. 2 and transfer it to the third windings . Given energy"tail" theoretically has long been known. For example, if you have a water pump motor running in the yard with a winding inductance of 382 mH, with a resistance of 30 ohms, at a voltage of 250 volts (easier to count), with a frequency of 50 Hz. and with a 40 microfarad capacitor, then the engine consumes 750 watts of energy, while only 9.55 J of energy is spent on the magnetic field, the capacitor consumes 6.4 J, but this engine produces 1000 reactive volt-amperes of reactive energy, i.e. . these are the same watts, they just called them reactive, which go through the wires to the power plant and they spend additional fuel consumption in the generators to pay it off. This is the real energy of the "tail", which is why there is a struggle with reactive energy in any energy system due to fuel economy.

The sixth comrades work separately in the Smolensk region. Theyused the principle of the capacitor unit described above. An exemplary diagram of the device is shown in Fig.5. Here, too, a current is supplied from a source of vibrational energy to three series-connected capacitors C1, C2, C3. The charge of their plates oscillates in time with the source of oscillation buildup, but C2 is included by the circuit in the circuit of the high-voltage winding of a household transformer in the form of an oscillatory circuit. Naturally, the oscillatory circuit C2 with the transformer winding perceives"small portions" of the buildup, and by itself, as a result of resonance with the ether, begins to give out the necessary power to the secondary winding for the payload ~ 220 V . The scheme is extremely simple, we must pay tribute to the "wit" of the Smolensk "guys". Here, a relatively small buildup of the oscillation source is quite enough for resonant excitation of force current oscillations in this circuit, and the transformed current can be safely removed from the secondary winding of the transformer to any payload. It is possible that Tesla himself used this technique to drive his electric car, it was not for nothing that he bought radio tubes in a store, which were the source of oscillatory energy for the capacitor plates, and the inductancethe stator winding of the traction motor served as the main part of the oscillatory circuit - the current source (instead of the primary winding of the transformer in the circuit of Fig. 5). And now let's talk about the main thing - about the magnitude of the power of the buildup of the ether around the capacitances and inductances in order to obtain free energy (reactive power), which is searched for by specialists in everything the technical world. Let's look at the theoretical side of the issue first.

Since the reactive power formula for any winding Q \u003d I ^ 2 * 2P * F * L,

where I is the current value, F- current frequency, L - inductance. The value of L is given by the geometry of the winding of the transformer or circuit, it is difficult to change it, but it was Kapanadze who used it. Another value is the frequency Fmay change. In reactive power, it is set by the frequency of the power plant (source of oscillations), but with an increase in it, the power of free energy increases, which means that it is reasonable to increase it when the inductance builds up. And to swing the inductance in frequency, to obtain and increase the current I, a capacitor connected to the inductance is needed. But in order to start the buildup of the circuit, an initial current pulse is needed. And its strength, in turn, depends on the active resistance of the winding itself, the resistance of the connecting wires and, not surprisingly, the wave resistance of this current circuit. For direct current, this parameter does not exist, but for alternating current it necessarily arises and limits our capabilities, and on the other hand helps us. From the equations long lines communication is known - the wave resistance of movement for any electromagnetic wave along the wires must be consistent with the load resistance at the end of the line. The better the match, the more economical the device. In circuits consisting of capacitance and inductance, of which the "teslovka" consists, the wave resistance is determined by the value which, if divided by the active resistance of the conductors, in principle, is the quality factor of the circuit, i.e. a number showing how many times the voltage in the coil of the circuit increases with respect to the setting voltage from the generator of the power plant (source of buildup).

Z in = ROOT (L / C),

Tesla used this principle, making coils more and more solid in size, that is, increasing and increasing L - the induction of the coil and purely intuitively strove for the wave number Z V = 377 Ohm. And this is the wave resistance of not something, but ordinary ether according to Maxwell, although its specific value was determined later based on the conditions for the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere and space. Approaching this number of wave resistance reduces the buildup power. From here, it is always possible to even approximately calculate even the frequency of oscillations of the ether itself, at which the minimum buildup energy from the power plant is required for the “teslovka” that generates reactive energy, but this is a separate topic of consideration.

In the future, an extremely simple current generator for any power is seen. This is a transformer of acceptable power, the primary winding of which is connected through a calculated capacitor (with an appropriate reactive power) to a source of electrical drive of relatively small power, operating from a battery when starting. The secondary winding of the transformer, through a rectifier and an inverter, supplies the required current to the supply network at a frequency of 50 Hertz for consumers and simultaneously feeds, bypassing the batteries, the buildup circuit, or rather itself (according to Fig..5.). Now it seems unrealistic due to the law of conservation of energy, since the action of the ether is not taken into account, however, in the near future, such installations will be widespread in everyday life and in industries. Reactive power, more precisely the free energy of the ether, we emphasize, the ether of Maxwell and Kelvin, should and will work for people in full, as the great Nikola Tesla predicted. The time he foresaw is now, thanks to the vast army of electricians trained by the industry and the Internet, which allows the exchange of world experience.

The proof of the work of the ether can be seen by everyone on his desk. You don't need much for this. The nail definitely jumps from the table to the pole of the magnet due to something. What reasonable person can say that the nail to the magnet jumps from the table of waters by the action of vacuum (emptiness). The scheme of this everyday experience is extremely simple (in our opinion). In the domains of a magnet, which are visible from metal filings with the naked eye, ordinary superconducting currents are organized by nature, which exist independently of our theoretical fabrications. These currents (having the Curie point of transition to ordinary conductivity) pump the ether from one end of the magnet to the other like short-circuited rings, and such a rotating ether flow, getting into a metal nail, induces in it also ordinary superconducting currents, the magnet poles of which "stretch "to meet the flow of ether emanating from the magnet. And since these small "dots" are attached to the atoms and molecules of the nail on which they are formed, it turns out that the movement of the ether generates a response movement of the nail as a whole. Asked- where is the emptiness, that is, the vacuum? So respected vacuum specialists will have to quickly correct their vacuum knowledge for the knowledge of the ether. World experience in the development of electrical engineering confirms this situation unambiguously.

Another, no less important proof of the existence of the ether is the experimental material, accumulated since the sixties by Academician of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.V. Vachaev, who produced an electric discharge with tubular electrodes in water approximately according to the scheme of Fig..6, and this discharge in the form of a small ball lightning served as a source of buildup for the circuit in a wide frequency range. The discharge made the supply transformer a current generator, i.e. a source of reactive energy (they even disconnected from the network and worked for an additional load) and at the same time various chemical elements appeared in the water from small in mass to heavy lead, which fell out of the circulating water in the filters. Such phenomena cannot be explained by vacuum, no matter how hard you try. This experiment clearly indicates the work of the ether.