How to get a guy by correspondence. How to please an interesting guy via penpal

Text messagesgreat way flirt. You can flirt through messages with a new acquaintance, with a guy you've been dating for some time, and even with permanent partner to have a little fun. Messages also allow you to keep in touch, find common interests and communicate with the guy before taking the next step.


How to start a conversation and flirt

  1. Start a conversation. If you're trying to flirt with a guy you're not in a relationship with, start a romantic conversation first. This way the guy will understand your intentions, and if he shows reciprocal interest, then continue in the same spirit.

    • For example, the message “I dreamed about you today!” will be a skillful start to flirting. This will show that you had an unusual dream about a guy, and if he keeps up the conversation, then you can move on to more flirtatious remarks.
    • If he ignores the subtext, then you will understand that the guy is not interested in a relationship.
  2. Send a flirty compliment. Everyone likes it pleasant words about yourself, so a compliment is a great way to flirt. When starting flirting in messages, use flirty remarks to keep things moving forward.

    • For example, if you are going on a date with a guy from basketball team, then you can write: “Today, after your arrival, it became hot in the gym!”
    • Be original and specific. No need to emphasize appearance, but it can be said more clearly. For example, instead of “You're cute,” write “You have a beautiful smile.”
  3. Send messages at night. Naturally, it is better not to text a guy at 2 am if you are not sure that he is awake. Late-night messages are more intimate and encourage flirting.

    • At night it is easier for a person to relax. Wait until it's dark and then send your message.
    • You can write: “I’m already cozy under the blanket. What are you doing?”
  4. Be yourself. In messages, sometimes you want to seem stupid, offended, open to talking about sex, even if you are a different person in real life. You don't need to do this, especially if you don't know each other well, because the guy will get the wrong impression.

    • For example, you don't need to use a million exclamation points to express liveliness if you are quite reserved in life.
  5. Show off your fun side. You don't have to pretend to be someone you're not, but you can show that you know how to have fun and enjoy life. The messages come down to short, funny replies, so keep him interested in your good mood.

    • For example, tonight you are at home, lying in your pajamas. Instead, tell your guy about how much fun you had the day before: “I had a great time hanging out with my friends yesterday. It’s a pity that you weren’t around.”
  6. Don't be afraid to tease. It will help you get closer if the guy has a sense of humor. So, you can tease a guy about a mistake in one of his messages, which was the result of a very funny automatic correction.

    • For example, if a guy sent a message “Your boss is very sexy”, meaning “neck”, then tease him with this. Write: "Ha, I have a sexy boss? I'll definitely tell her."
  7. Give him a cute nickname. This may seem strange, but it will make it clear to the guy that you like him. Choose a masculine or pretentious and harmless nickname. Either way, use it in messages to hint to your guy about your feelings.

    • For example, a masculine nickname would be “strongman” or “Thor.”
    • You can choose “sweetie” or “baby” as a cute nickname.
  8. Don't let the guy get bored. Sending the same message every day around the same time can make a guy bored. Don't follow a template, send messages to different time or change the text of the message.

    • For example, friendly Good morning, sweet!" - this good way say hello in the morning, but you don’t need to send such a message every day.
    • Make changes to it like “Wake up, sleepyhead!” or “I’d like to see you soon in class!”
  9. Show your guy that he's on your mind. If something reminds you of a guy, then take a photo of this item. Send a photo and indicate that you remembered it when you saw this item. The guy will probably smile.

    • Send pictures that will be interesting to him, as well as use your general jokes.
    • Do not send pictures to serious topics(For example, wedding rings, a wedding cake).
  10. Keep up the conversation. When texting a guy, maintain your part of the conversation. Simple monosyllabic answers will not take you far. Supplement what has been written, ask questions, or suggest new topics if the old one has exhausted itself.

    • For example, if a guy asks, “Do you like movies?”, don’t just answer, “Yes.” The answer should contain clues for further conversation: "I love it, especially films with handsome men like you! Which session are we going to?".
    • Also ask clarifying questions about the guy: “What your favorite dish?".
  11. Don't rush into sexual innuendo. Sometimes you just want to write something sexy, but it’s better to wait a little. It's best not to write sexual messages before you start a relationship.

    • Simply flirting is enough (for example, noticing that you like his eyes).
    • It is better not to write overly sexual messages that discuss genitals and try to start a conversation on the topic of sex. Of course, it's always up to you, but such messages can take a guy by surprise.
  12. Please do not send photos. It's best not to send sexy photos even if you're in a relationship. Once you send a photo like this, you will not be able to undo this action. You can't be sure that the guy won't publish them.

    • Use flirtatious photos like blow kisses, but don't send anything your grandma wouldn't approve of seeing on the internet (because it's quite possible development events).

What to write before and after dates

  1. Test the waters. If you want to ask a guy out on a date, the first thing to do is to test the waters. Are you embarrassed to invite directly? Use a workaround. For example, talk about your plans for the weekend and see if he is hooked.

    • Write: “What are your plans for the weekend? I would like to go to the cinema. What about you?”
    • By talking about your plans, you invite him to participate in them.
  2. Invite a guy. If you need a more direct route, then just ask the guy on a date through a message. Write a little lightheartedly to leave an escape route in case he's not in the mood for a date.

    • Write: "It's been a tough week. I'd have fun on the weekend. Any suggestions?"
    • You can say even more directly: "I would go somewhere. Would you like to go to a cafe on the weekend?".
  3. Start preparing early. Messages help heighten anticipation, so text him the day before or on the day of your date. Just say how excited you are or how much you're looking forward to meeting them.

    • For example, write a simple message: “I can’t wait for tonight!”
    • Add some flirtatiousness and use the compliment: "I want to see you soon, hopefully in those skinny jeans you usually wear."
  4. Text after a date. If the meeting went great, then say so in a message. Of course, the call will mean even more, but if you can't call the next day, then a text will also cheer up the guy.

    • It’s enough to say: “Yesterday everything went just great!”
    • You can also add a little specificity: “I’m glad we went to this sushi bar. Everything was very tasty! I had a very good time with you.”

Greetings dear girls!

When you are on a social network, you often end up on the page of a guy you like, but are you embarrassed to start a conversation first? Absolutely in vain! Nowadays, many couples have managed to find their soulmate on the Internet.

Therefore, do not miss the ideal opportunity to meet and be the first to take the initiative! In this article we have prepared the most effective advice, how to interest a guy by correspondence in contact. Read and remember!

Many girls, when starting a conversation with someone they like, make the same mistake - they don’t think about how they “look” from the outside. If during a live conversation you have the opportunity to do beautiful make-up, hairstyle, smile charmingly or even wink, then online everything is different.

After you write to the interlocutor you are interested in, the first thing he will start doing is studying your profile. The first impression of you depends on how winning the photographs are (not only new ones, but also old ones “hanging” in the archive).

Don’t forget to also carefully re-read what information is provided on your page. Are there any mistakes in the description about you, vulgar jokes on the “wall”, incomprehensible videos, stupid and provocative statuses. If such incriminating evidence is present, then spend an extra half hour and clean up the information.

Put a new avatar on your page, post pictures in which you look great, along with interesting description. Take a fresh look at your page and give yourself an objective assessment of whether you like what you see.

We sincerely hope that our tips will help you win the heart of your desired boyfriend. Your friend has a similar problem, and she is trying to interest a guy to no avail, then advise her on social networks to read our article.

We say goodbye to you, our dear readers, and wish you to be with those guys you dream about so much!

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Scrolling through the guys' pages in VKontakte, you caught your eye on a photo of a handsome guy.

You really liked him, and you decide to write to him. But before you send a message " Hello! How are you?", evaluate your behavior in similar situations " on the other side».

You want to please a pen pal, right? And you yourself understand that it is not enough to get on his friends list and like all his photos and posts.

How to please a guy in contact and make sure that your communication does not end after several messages about nothing? There are several rules that will help you with this.

Unobtrusively interest a guy

There is no need for this suddenly " like» everything is on his page. It’s better to immediately send an offer to become friends, but with some unusual wording. For example, you liked his photos from his last trip.

If you have been to this place too, then offer to remember pleasant moments of relaxation and favorite places together. If the place is unfamiliar to you, then ask to tell about it, as you are planning a place to stay.

Thus, it turns out that you proposed a topic for communication, and he is given the right to support it or refuse it. Surely he will accept your friendship offer.

Look for common interests

To like a pen pal in contact, try to find out his interests and hobbies. A thorough study of his page will help you with this: photos, music, groups, posts on the wall, his friends. At the same time, try to remain incognito - no need to show the guy you like that you are collecting information about him.

Let all your searches testify not to the amount of work done, but to the fact that there are topics that unite you.

Don't be intrusive and clingy

Remember the rule that your mother taught as a child: “ Girls don't call first" It's the same in correspondence.

Don't rush to write to him " Hello!“immediately as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning. Let him write first. If there is no strength to wait and can not wait to read at least a word from him, then once a day it is allowed to start a conversation first. But not more than once a day! And let this conversation not begin with hackneyed " How are you? What are you doing?».

It’s better to talk about what you just read in a book or on the Internet, saw on TV or on the street, what thoughts came to mind.

Don't be overly curious

There is no need to ask the guy questions related to his personal life. If he wants, he will tell. Or you will understand everything yourself from communication.

Don't neglect the benefits of correspondence communication

Agree that it is much easier to communicate in absentia: you can choose the words that are most suitable in a given situation, you can demonstrate your erudition by consulting Yandex first.

In absentia please stranger much easier. However, there is also a problem here.

If you communicate online, you have little time to think carefully. Otherwise, your interlocutor may think that you are a narrow-minded girl and stop communicating with you. And how can you please a pen pal in such a situation? Unfortunately, not at all. Therefore, there must be moderation in everything.

Write correctly

Try not to make grammatical errors. Otherwise, sometimes a person writes something that his interlocutor has to decipher for a long time and try to understand what they wanted to tell him. Such mistakes are repulsive and create a negative attitude.

Therefore, if you have problems with grammar, then take the time to automatically correct errors.

These are general, global tips.

Each case is individual, and there is no definite answer here. Your reliable assistants will be a sense of humor, erudition, friendliness and tact.

Having these qualities, it’s not at all difficult to please a guy on VKontakte or any other Internet resource.

Sympathy between people can arise immediately after meeting, even if the meeting took place remotely, through an Internet site. The likelihood of finding the love of your life on a dating site is very high, contrary to popular belief... All of them, including those who have already created strong family unions, once started with the fact that their correspondence turned out to be special. There are some rules with which you will learn.

Where to begin?

All people who actively spend time on a dating site receive several messages a day, the number of which can sometimes amount to dozens. However, among the usual phrases “Hello/What are you doing/How are you” there are dialogues that immediately make it clear that further communication with this person will be promising and interesting. Think about it, what kind of message would “hook” you? First of all, it stands out from the crowd. On a dating site, you can start a conversation with any topic that will not directly relate to romance and relationships. For example, you see photos from a resort in a guy’s profile. Ask where he found these beautiful views for a photo, or share your impressions of visiting the same country. This way you can fulfill the first condition - make your correspondence stand out among the rest.

Turn on fantasy

The height of originality that has been achieved cannot now be lost. Don’t let the correspondence deteriorate into the banal after a promising start. It would be good to start asking the right questions. But you need to find out in advance what you can ask a guy by correspondence, and what it’s better to refrain from. You can tell about yourself in a non-trivial form, not just listing your places of residence, study and work, but by retelling an interesting and positive incident, sharing your childhood dreams. No need to talk about difficult times, about experiences, “cry into your vest”... If communication goes well, then sooner or later you will be able to talk about worries and sorrows, but to start communication, leave only positive and pleasant emotions.

About humor

Many girls doubt whether they should show off their sense of humor in front of their interlocutor. At first, this is not welcome. The fact is that guys are often not ready to objectively accept the fact that a girl loves and knows how to joke. Some people can take any jokes from women’s mouths and be very offended by such behavior. The pride of most men is a rather sensitive "zone" of their soul. So at first you need to demonstrate your sense of humor very carefully, in no case allowing any ambiguous jokes or hints.

Looking for common points

Excellent soil for exciting conversations with mutual sympathy, these are hobbies and hobbies, books and cinema. Pay attention to the fact that extremely important conclusions about a person’s character can be drawn from your favorite music, books and films. If, for example, it turns out that you like the same series, ask which characters from television history attract your interlocutor the most. This will not only give you an extra reason for a pleasant conversation, but will also allow you to reveal the personality of the guy you like from another side.

By listing your favorite authors, books you’ve read, and serious hobbies, don’t become a snob. This method will definitely not help achieve the goal, which is that how to like a pen pal. Some ladies love to flaunt their intellectual knowledge and excellent erudition. But, alas, not everyone likes this trait in women. The fact that a girl is intellectually developed is a huge plus, but it’s the desire to demonstrate her “smart” hobbies that pushes her away. A man in such a demonstration can discern an intention to humiliate him, to make him look like a fool and an undeveloped person, which, of course, will not be a good basis for starting a relationship.

Beautiful words

The ability to beautifully formulate your thoughts looks very attractive in correspondence. You need to try to write correctly, logically and without mistakes. But you shouldn’t focus too much on spelling and, especially, make comments to your interlocutor. Try to avoid jarring abbreviations, jargon, and the use of large quantity diminutive nicknames. All these actions may seem to a guy a manifestation of frivolity and frivolity.

You should not use other people’s quotes, statuses, poems and thoughts in correspondence. Girls whose mouths are full of " women's wisdom”, copied from various sources on the Internet, cast themselves in an unfavorable light. A man will quickly understand that such a girl is not capable of reproducing her own interesting thoughts.

What to do if the interlocutor does not make contact?

It happens that you put all your strength into correspondence, try to follow all the recommendations, but the interlocutor does not show any noticeable interest. It seems that all your efforts in resolving the issue how to like a pen pal, are wasted. Perhaps he has already found a girl he is interested in on the site, and correspondence with all the others has faded into the background. But there is a possibility that such a guy simply does not know how to normally express his thoughts in the form of messages. Therefore, communication with him seems dry and distant. Try to organize phone conversation, and your interlocutor may appear to you in a completely different light. And after a heart-to-heart conversation, going on a first date is even easier. Don’t be afraid to take the initiative - perhaps the man is just waiting for this decisive step from you.

Start your correspondence with a well-posed question. A well-chosen question is the key to a successful start. This way you will demonstrate to the guy that you are interested in him. Unlike the long love letter, there is brevity and simplicity in the question. This is exactly what many men love.

A good question should be:
a) simple, without philosophical meaning;
b) open, requiring a detailed answer (for example, not “What time will you be home?”, but “What are you going to do when you get home?”);
c) straight.

Guys often appreciate clearly posed questions without any hints. In addition, not everyone is able to understand hints.

Be original and interesting. To do this, try to make him laugh by showing wit. In response to a joke, never write the standard “ahahaha.” Try to parry back. You can also start the conversation with a funny observation or interesting news. Show him your attitude towards life, tell him how you have fun on your weekends and what hobbies you have. Find out what common interests you have. Be positive and mischievous. Otherwise, the dialogue may turn out boring and insipid.

Be flirty. Flirting is one of the main manifestations that you care about a person. However, in this matter it is very important not to go too far. When flirting, you can:
- tease a guy;
- use winking emoticons and double-meaning hints. This way you will subtly let him know that you want to go on a date with him.

Finish your correspondence on time. This stage is very important, because if the conversation drags on for a long time, the guy may lose interest in you. Here are the main ones to stop the dialogue:
- short answers from the guy “yes”, “no”;
- the guy doesn’t ask you counter questions and doesn’t raise new topics for dialogue;
- you have difficulty coming up with a topic to continue the conversation.

At the end of the correspondence with the guy, you should leave open topic, so that you can easily return to it, or intrigue him with some exciting upcoming event. You can also write about your desire to meet or continue communication.

Mistakes you shouldn't make when chatting with a guy

Don't write your guy several messages in a row. Wait for his response first. Don't respond to his messages too quickly. Pause.

Don't send him a question mark or write "Hey, are you there?" if he doesn't answer. Never ask a question whose answer is obvious, such as: “Did you receive my message?” Do not continue the dialogue if he simply answers your questions dryly and does not show any interest in you.

Do not reveal all your “trump cards” and do not write to him about yours. strong feelings. There is a time for everything, and you should talk about love in a personal conversation. Don't send him photos of an intimate nature. This is one of the most stupid but common mistakes.

Don't be afraid to write first. After all, who does not take risks will never know the taste of victory. Believe in yourself, be yourself and be happy!

The desire to improve the text ad infinitum is a well-known “disease” of authors, an obsessive state in which it seems that after the one hundred and twenty-fifth edit the text will become perfect. But the problem is not always in the text.

You will need

  • - plan
  • - text structure


The text should meet the task: to reveal the author's, main topic, answer . It should be written in clear language (unless, of course, the opposite task was set). It should have a clear structure: introduction, body, conclusion. If basic specifications met, you can move on. If not, there is no need to rush to comb out the text. Perhaps the writer's eyes were blurred.

Mind must rest
It is believed that you can abstract yourself from the text and look at it fresh in at least two to four hours. Ideally, you need to postpone the text for a couple of days. By the way, there is a rather witty rule among writers who work in large genres: “You shouldn’t reread in the morning what you wrote the night before, otherwise you’ll have to spend the whole day editing yesterday’s text.” An experienced writer knows how to change the optical focus and evaluate the text first at the macro level (structure, logical connectives), then at the micro level (literacy, exact words).

There are people who are pathologically insecure. No matter what they write, they don't care