How to get rid of an obsessive ex-girlfriend. Subjective opinion regarding pseudo-objective circumstances

When a relationship comes to a standstill, and there is a feeling that it is time to leave, young man the thought may slip that he wants to say goodbye to his girlfriend forever. But in order to leave, it’s not enough to say: “I want to leave the girl”, you need to take more decisive action. Then the problem is that only you understand that it's time for you to leave, and your girlfriend thinks differently. How to act in such a situation? How to break up with a girl? It is best to do this carefully, trying not to cause deep trauma to the vulnerable female psyche. Learn how to make the breakup process less painful. If you definitely decide to take this crucial step, then you must immediately inform your girlfriend about it. There is nothing better frank conversation, with which you can put all the dots over the "And". It may turn out that the girl also thought about ending your relationship, but because of her modesty or fear of hurting you, she did nothing. Adhere to the following action plan for preparing and conducting a conversation.

Analyze the current situation

Think carefully about whether you are sure that you really want to break up with your girlfriend. Maybe this desire arose suddenly and was dictated by anger, jealousy, or the desire to avenge some act? In the event that you are convinced that your intentions are serious, try to answer yourself what specifically does not suit you in the relationship, is it possible that the girl, having changed her behavior or any decision, will again be able to achieve your location. Thanks to the arguments received, you will be able to answer the numerous questions of the girl. When compiling a list of reasons, you should pay attention to their wording. In no case should you say this: I’m leaving you because you are not smart enough, beautiful enough, you don’t know how to cook, etc. Remember that the girl should not have the feeling that she is to blame for your breakup. Therefore, it is best to build a phrase in such a way that it is clear that the reason lies in you, and not in her.

Difficult conversation

If you are thinking about how to get rid of a girl, then you should know that you cannot do without a difficult conversation. At the beginning of the conversation, you will need to inform her of your decision, and then bring all the prepared arguments. Don't skimp on praise. Be sure to tell the girl that you're sorry about what happened, thank her for all the good times. Refrain from accusations, shouting and scandal. You should not express all the negativity that you have accumulated and leave with an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul. Keep in mind that you may want to return to it. And having said nasty things, it will be almost impossible to do it. Prepare for a violent reaction. It is possible that you will see tears, and hysteria, and prayers. However, you have to be relentless. Do not leave the girl a single chance and hope to think that you can be together again, that she will be able to return you. So it will be much easier for her to come to her senses and start a new relationship. Do not answer her SMS and do not send them yourself, ignore calls, messages in in social networks. Do not enter into female manipulation, suicide threats. And most importantly, if you want to do what real men do, then do not start a new relationship without completing the old one. Sometimes a man does not find the strength in himself to serious conversation with a girl and thinks about how to make the girl quit herself, so that it looks exclusively like her decision? It's not at all difficult to do this. Bright enough to show her your most bad sides, start drinking alcohol, not appearing at home, going on vacation with friends without her, flirting with other girls, not taking into account her opinion, not showing interest in her, cheating. Becoming an anti-hero for a girl is not at all difficult, it’s hard not to get used to the role of a scoundrel for real and not inflict a severe wound on the girl’s heart that loves you. Be grateful to her for all the good things you had. Be grateful for the love she continues to have for you. Do not hurt her and do not torture a person in vain, but rather take courage and talk to her.

Now you know how to get rid of a girl in order to cause her a minimum of pain and suffering.

How to get rid of a girl

Bring back the girl

How to get rid of a girl

If you have a girl who brings only one problem. That is a perfectly reasonable decision - to get rid of it.

You can always find a girl who will suit you, both spiritually and physically. And not necessarily for this, she will eat your brain.

But before you get rid of the girl, you need to give an accurate assessment of the situation. After all, if you ever again want to restore relations with her, then it will be easier to do this if you are not rude and ignorant.

Remember, you can never hide the truth from people, even if it hurts, but over time, the truth will leave only good and good memories about you. And now the main problem. When a relationship is deadlocked for you, it doesn't mean it's deadlocked for your girlfriend. Therefore, she can hope to the last that you will be together again. And this causes a number of problems.

What do we have to do

Tell her everything the way it is. Even if it's a very delicate situation. For example, she has depression or a lack of self-confidence. Do it in a polite way, without sarcasm and incomprehensible words. Remember that the goal is to let her know that your relationship is over, not to hurt her.

Keep your distance. Being around a girl who still loves you may give her the false impression that you can be together again. So, if you have the opportunity not to see her, do just that.

Be diplomatic if you have to see her almost every day on duty. She's just a person, not a friend. Remember the distance, if it cannot be physical, then let it be at least emotional. You do not need to talk to her, she can interpret your words in any way.

Be firm. She will try to get your attention in any way. possible ways. We must be firm and not succumb to such provocations. She will create difficult situations for you, and showing up at the most inopportune times. We must be ready.

You don't have to talk about your new girlfriend. Because the girl will try in every possible way to find information about your new girl. Her place of study, work, her past relationships, and everything else that can denigrate her in your eyes. And that can jeopardize existing relationships.

It's better not to tell her that you have another. She may start thinking about cheating. And this can lead to the most insane actions. You know, girls are very dangerous creatures.

  1. Just know that she was the person you loved. You only want the best for her. And if for this you need to part with it, then you need to do it. If she is too intrusive, then talk to her friends, perhaps they will find a suitable solution.
  2. If the situation comes to: “You will be mine, or no one will get it,” then it is better to contact law enforcement agencies.
  3. Be consistent, do what you say.

What you need to know

  1. Be careful with your choice of words. No need to be rude and rude to her. You can say this to her when she is with a friend. So that her friend could support her.
  2. Better to say it in person. Rather than by phone or the Internet. So she will have much fewer questions. And you will not look like such a bastard.
  3. You don't need to tell her that you still love her. It will only give false hope.

To begin with, let's decide - does the young lady want money or is she crazy about you? If money, then everything is extremely simple - say that you are ruined, and it will be blown away by the wind. But if the lady has serious plans on the theme of "happily ever after" - get ready.


And no, just telling her "Bye-bye" is not an option. First, you have to explain why. Secondly, she still does not believe. Say that she is not your type - she tortures you half to death trying to fix it. Lie that you have found another - after all, she will find this other, and then you will testify in court. You will start drinking like a shoemaker, move to a odnushka in Kapotnya and you will snap at obscenities - you will decide that you are depressed and you need to urgently save you, and then you will have to drink yourself for real. In general, it won't work. We need to act smarter and harder.

Step 1: Everything is wrong and everything is wrong

Start criticizing absolutely everything about her: the dress does not fit, the hair was better, the shoes are too simple, the cutlets are dry. This is the basis, the base of your strategy. Not in the form of advice, but a categorical "fi". To the question "Why don't you like it?" sulk and click your tongue, they say, well, how can such obvious things be misunderstood. Gradually pump up - from clothes go to the figure, behavior, circle of friends, "chicken girlfriends", and finally bring it to reprimands in public. Does she do anything wrong, sit quietly and try not to breathe? Blame her for being too boring and predictable. Does she diligently study your interests and teach all the stars of the Spanish La Liga? Claim that she is copying you and has no brains of her own. Use the tactics of the enemy - do not look for a reason for discontent, come up with it yourself.

Actually normal girl should have run away. Didn't work? Let's go further.

Step 2: Compare her to her mother

And the comparison should in no case be in favor of the girl. At first, she probably won’t understand what the catch is, and will try to match all “But my mother did it differently ...”, but sooner or later (depending on the severity of the case) she will break. For example, at the stage “And my mother cooked porridge better” or “And my mother knew all this.” The most persistent will reach the stage "And such skirts always went to my mother." At worst, show your acting talents! Even if her cutlets are better than mom's - why report this annoying person?
But we do not recommend comparing with an ex-girlfriend. The weapon is strong, but it can work in the wrong direction: if you come across a maniac, she will definitely try to surpass the “unattainable ideal”.

Step 3: Leave her without sex

And give it all to your friend! Joke. Let's get to my friend later. At first, just turn your nose in response to any caresses and signs of attention from her. Pretend to plow like Papa Carlo, complain about fatigue, a sore head (yes, yes!), disappear with friends and stop all attempts, even just to hug you. Even if the young lady is cool about sex, it will work - such male attention is needed for self-esteem, and it will just hit her well. How, however, to cope with it yourself is a question, but still people are adults, you'll figure it out.

Here you can remember kind word former, but only very carefully. And after removing all heavy objects within reach.

Step 4: Foil her plans

This must be done systematically and regularly, at the last moment. Did you invite yourself somewhere? Delay your answer until the last half hour and, of course, refuse. If he doesn’t call, you can call yourself and merge at the last moment under a “very important pretext”. For example, take your mother to the country. Third time in a week, yeah. Or run away to work. After that, it will be especially chic to post a photo with a couple of nice colleagues or friends, and then make a displeased face: “Are you following me?”.

Step 5: Resent everything

So there was a chance to avenge all the men of the planet. Well, surely at least once in your life you heard a sudden and unmotivated “Oh, everything”? It's your turn. 10 minutes late? They pouted and "oh, that's it." She asked why are you looking at her like a wolf? "Oh, everything." Called for dinner? "Oh everything." Just look, do not get involved - it's very convenient. But you don’t need to be jealous - this is regarded solely as a sign of great and strong feelings. On the contrary - show complete disregard for her attempts to make you offended by flirting with the bartender.

Step 6: Fight with her family

Enlisting the support of wise and experienced people is always helpful. To secure it for yourself, come to family dinner to her family and make a brawl: get drunk on firewood, drop a couple of plates, call her father an idiot, bring her mother to hysterics and kick her beloved Yorkie. Speak up before you leave free relationship / same-sex marriage/ group sex. Congratulations! Now these wonderful people will work in your favor and daily drip on the annoying lady's brains that you are not a match for her.

Step 7: Girlfriends

Is it still not behind? Have you become more assertive? Yes, the case is indeed clinical. Well, it's the turn of the girlfriends. It is necessary to flirt with them in full (and then one on one with an annoying passion to call them fools, yes, one does not interfere with the other). Engage in an intriguing correspondence with some prettier girl and "accidentally" forget to close the tab when you leave the room. Ask for their meetings and there flutter around all the girls except your own. Finally, sleep with the most talkative and meanest of them and secretly tell the other about it. Stock up on popcorn and wait for the show.

Plan b:

If a girl withstood all this and even decided that you are in despair and she needs help to survive the crisis in your life ... What, we thought we would say now, “So we must immediately marry this treasure”? Ha! We don't have a fairy tale here. This means that Madame is either sick and in need of psychiatric help, or she has something very, very bad up her sleeve. She is secretly recruiting you as terrorists. Or plans to lull vigilance and dismantle the organs. Or - oh horror! - jump out to get married on a flight and decide at your expense financial difficulties aunt Glasha from the village of Kukuyevo, alcoholic uncle Borya and a whole kagal of "most beautiful" people.

There is no time to understand - she has probably already seen that they want to get rid of her. So drop everything, change your documents and fly to Murmansk with transfers in Morocco and Macedonia. Trust the apartment and the cat alone, yourself true friend, no correspondence and telephone conversations, all at the meeting. Well, sit there, beyond the Arctic Circle, until your tormentor finds a new victim.

She does not want to hear about the breakup and constantly attacks you, wanting to save the relationship. How to get rid of an annoying girl without causing her much harm?

Just yesterday, you thought that you met your only love and your firm and proud, but lonely step through the vicissitudes of fate, were replaced by the steps of a couple walking through life together. But everything turned out to be much more complicated ...

Relationships with a girlfriend sometimes go incomprehensibly where: you are mired in figuring out who is right and who is wrong, meetings do not bring joy, quarrels and fits of jealousy have become commonplace, and attraction has almost faded away and all this has become so burdensome that you want only one thing - to be left alone ... Well, or with that smiling translator from the last business meeting.

Your girlfriend is a good person, but there is no coincidence of priorities and you can’t see your life with her beyond the next turn of the street.

Some, but not her. "I'm leaving, goodbye!" - has no effect on her. She does not want to hear about the breakup and constantly attacks you, wanting to save the relationship.

How to get rid of an annoying girl you date or live with without causing her much harm? You don't want to ruin your love karma, do you? With the help of these methods, she herself will leave you or beat you ... then as lucky.

1. Discredit yourself

You're probably pretty damn good if your girlfriend has a crush on you. It's time to dispel her dreams and hopes.

The image of the man of her dreams is unlikely to drink a lot, smoke, behave in a boorish way, untidy, dull, aggressive, infantile, etc. Start to show the unpleasant side of a person. If something doesn't work, try something else. You must make her have an irresistible desire to kill you on the spot.

2. Ignore her

Elusive Joe, it's time your time! Where you are, how you are doing, and what prairie you are disappearing into, should be a great mystery. Phone calls, texts and letters will go unanswered. Keep meetings to a minimum, and be late for appointments, like a forgetful young and windy student.

3. Minimum love relationship

Save kisses, hugs, caresses and sex for the future. We understand your unrestrained physical attraction to the fair sex, but you have to control yourself. An unsatisfied woman who lacks affection is one of right steps to an early break.

4. Raise doubt

Jealousy and doubts about the fidelity of a partner always fall as a heavy burden on the heart. strange phone calls, periodic disappearances will finish everything else in her imagination.

5. Involve strangers

Involving other people in relationships will help get rid of a girl. Start getting on the nerves of her family, friends and her best friend. Forget their names, talk nasty things about them and your girlfriend, and look down on them. They didn't really like you before, just don't tell me you didn't know it, and now they need some reason to declare a holy war. They will attack you and plant seeds of doubt in her soul.

6. Get her

Even love can get boring. Declare your love to her every hour, say that you are not worthy of her, do not give her a minute of free time, bother her with your presence, calls, snotty pink postcards and text messages.

During sex, ask her if she came or not every 2 minutes. After sex, persistently ask how good you were.

Jealous of her waiters, passers-by, boss and other men on this planet. Torment her with jealousy and endless interrogations.

7. Go on a gamble

Confidently tell your girlfriend that you will never get married in your life, much less have children. Say you're going to drop everything and go to a monastery. Join a sect and pester it with strange lectures. Tell about the perverted sexual desires. Ask if her girlfriend wants to participate in a threesome and start persuading. Take out a loan for a new sports car.

Any, even the most annoying girl, will run away without looking back, with the firm conviction that you are a real monster.

We congratulate you, you were left in splendid isolation and you can finally call a smiling translator for lunch. Of course, of course, purely to smooth out the harsh men's everyday life, we believe you ...

Photo: Helga Weber

Are you dating a girl you like but nothing more? The young lady is quite beautiful and smart, but for some unknown reason, the heart does not start to jump out of her chest during dates? Well, it's time to admit that you are simply incompatible. Different tempers and outlook on life provoke constant quarrels, A tender feelings they cannot smooth out the conflicts that have arisen, because they do not exist.

It is easy to guess that the likelihood of a girl taking the initiative to part ways is low. Only now, leaving a girlfriend seems like a difficult task: you don’t want to see women’s tears, and it’s not like a man somehow. If you are in a similar situation, hotshow life will help solve the problem. Follow the ten rules listed below, and your lady will run away on her own in 10 days.

Hint that there will be no wedding

Do not hesitate, she is very much looking forward to a marriage proposal. That's why The best way get rid of the girl - hint about the lack of intentions about the wedding. At every opportunity, talk about how you like life young guy, Not bound by ties marriage. Let the lady understand that happiness does not shine for her soon.

Become a workaholic

Make every effort to start and end each day with work. Let on personal life there will be no time. Dedicate rare hours of rest completely computer games or football. In general, do everything so that there is no place for a girl in your life.

Become a narcissist

Praise yourself from morning to night, never complimenting a friend while doing so. Act like you are God, try to constantly remind the girl how lucky she is. You can spend hours spinning in front of the mirror, admiring your reflection.

Complain constantly

Play a terrible hypochondriac, have a tantrum because of a banal bruise or runny nose. Let the partner see in you an eternally dissatisfied grumbler who is terribly afraid of dying from a terrible disease. The more you show infantilism, the better.

Do not answer texts and calls

Without words, it is clear that calling and writing first is not worth it in any case. As for the initiative on the part of a friend, here it is also desirable to observe regularity. Let the girl get used to you "never hear" the signal mobile phone. Reply to the message once - make an irreparable mistake, as another one will come after it, which you will also have to answer now.

Tell me about how you left your ex

With rapture, dedicate the girl to the story of parting with ex-lover. Of course, the story itself can be invented, but the main thing is that everything looks believable. Let the lady think that you left your ex-girlfriend by SMS, sending her a message with the text: "I'm sorry, but we are no longer together." Rest assured, women's solidarity will flare up with terrible force.

Stop being courageous

Men don't need to stand in front of a mirror all day to look good. Quite the opposite - slight negligence causes delight in women. If you want to alienate your girlfriend, turn into a kind of excellent student. Wear an inconspicuous gray sweater every day, even taking it off at events. It is desirable to lay the hair in a side parting and spread with gel, and the face should be shaved smoothly.

Don't put down the toilet seat

Domestic quarrels do their job with great success. No matter how much your friend asks you to put the toilet seat down, keep "forgetting" about it. The girl will just get mad at such negligence.

Prank your friend endlessly

Any, even the most serious remarks of a young lady, should make you laugh or make comments in the form of evil jokes. Poke a girl for any reason. Perfect option- constantly joke with a partner, being in the company of mutual friends. You can remember things in front of strangers that no one should know about.

act like a woman

No, painting your nails and wearing a skirt is not worth it. Just take note of a few features of your girlfriend's behavior in romantic relationship. For example, write meaningless messages to your partner every five minutes (but only if you have not yet begun to ignore her calls and texts).