Foreigners were struck by the beauty of the Kazakh girl. The rating of the most beautiful Kazakhs and Kazakh women has been compiled (photo)

I decided to write about our girls from Kazakhstan, I think many will be interested. My name is Assel, I'm 23, I live in Almaty.

Many ethnic groups live in Almaty - Russians, Tatars, Uighurs, Koreans, Germans, but in order to be "authentic", I will describe exactly Kazakh women.

Of course, we are all different - appearance, way of life, habits may vary depending on the place of residence (in the South Kazakhstan region, for example, stereotypes about the humiliating status of an eastern woman are quite justified), upbringing, family well-being, environment.

Girls from the regions come to the former and present capitals (Almaty and Astana), as elsewhere, in search of a better life.

Since childhood, we spend a lot of time with relatives, a girl is supposed to be modest, hospitable. Pupil primary school she may well receive guests, for example. She can go to clubs to play the dombra (national instrument), dance, skate (on the Medeo skating rink) and like trips to the mountains, since Almaty is located in the foothills of Alatau. And someone gets a good education abroad and adheres to Western values.

Of course, like all girls in the world, Kazakh women get married. The Kazakhs believe that you need to get married early - before the age of 25. On “kyz uzatu” (seeing off the bride) they dress up by combining the traditional for the West White dress and Kazakh national costumes.

Usually, the bride's family arranges the bride's farewell, and the subsequent wedding is organized by the groom's family. At the wedding, we are no different from other brides in modern world so there is no point in posting pictures.

On weekdays, Kazakh women wear casual, the most common uniform is ballet flats, jeans, and a jacket. Sometimes dresses, but simple cut, scarves, pashminas, cardigans, ankle boots, clutch. But the notorious national motives are sometimes introduced into the everyday life of Kazakh women. Of course, fashionistas stand out from the crowd, wear more interesting clothes. And believe me, these are not the girls who will marry with a high national headdress with rhinestones.

About five or six years ago, it was fashionable to lighten hair. It looked different ... Craving for everything European or something else to blame for this - I don’t know. However, you always want something that is not given by nature. But some radical measures to eliminate all Asian in appearance, I did not notice. Unless girls are fond of anime, Japanese and Korean culture.

In general, I repeat, our city is inhabited by the most different girls and women, Almaty is a city with many parallel worlds. However, I hope that this article and photos will help readers get a little idea about us.

A very good addition was left in the comments:

Alma-Ata is not the whole of Kazakhstan, just as Moscow is not quite Russia. The urbanized part of the Kazakh population is strikingly different in appearance from the inhabitants of the villages, especially the northern Kazakhs from the southern ones. Representatives of the northern Kazakhs, unlike their aul compatriots, often have long slender legs, white skin, high cheekbones and general sophistication. Including the photos in the article reflect exactly this part. :)

Among Russians in KZ, the type of “Russian beauty from a plow and from a plow” is practically NOT found, which is so common in the Russian outback, characterized by nondescript facial features and general rudeness. The Russian population of KZ is the descendants of several waves of resettlement of the Russian intelligentsia both in pre-revolutionary and in Soviet periods, which determines the "thoroughbred" appearance of Russian Alma-Atinki.

First of all, the absence of fat citizens and good color faces, which can be explained by a much better and more varied diet than in the Russian Federation, as well as 300 sunny days a year.
Regarding the manner of dressing, this is Asian with a claim to Europeanism. That is, it is almost impossible to buy in Almaty stores SIMPLE T-shirt or SIMPLE trousers. All "ala dolchegabanna", the most expensive brands at a price of 5 times higher than the world prices.

If you have basic wardrobe and I want to add a twist in the form of a little pretentiousness, well, or just find something of that kind, then in small stalls called “boutiques”, this can be done quite well, spending, though, a lot of time, effort and money. But if you need an ordinary gray blouse for 300 rubles, then this is not here. Well, or the same, but for 3000. :) Progressive :) some of the townspeople fly to Moscow, Europe or the Emirates for shopping.

In general, the urban population looks more well-groomed and elegant, compared to the megacities of the Russian Federation, but, most likely, it will soon sink into oblivion, to the same place where the native Muscovites and Leningraders have sunk, under the influx of newcomers, because the process of urbanization has not yet been completed and the ethnic and social composition of the city is undergoing significant changes.

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Women of the East have long captivated with their femininity, sweet smile and bewitching cunning, looking through shyness and curiosity. And what does the most beautiful Kazakh woman look like, a girl from a neighboring country, long time part of the Soviet Union?

Features of the appearance of representatives of Kazakhstan

The special status of Kazakh women, who have been respected in society since ancient times, makes them equal to men, whether they are the keepers of the hearth or beautiful warriors. With confidence, strong character and special dignity, they differ from others. Oriental beauties, while maintaining a soft step, natural flexibility and charm of femininity. That is why the most beautiful Kazakh women of the world are among the world's successful celebrities:

  • Gaukhar Berkalieva (Goga Ashkenazi) - CEO"MunayGaz Engineering Group" and the owner of the fashion brand Vionnet (Paris), permanently residing in Europe.
  • Gulzhan Moldazhanova, one of the most successful top managers with an income of $ 7 million in the company of the "aluminum king" Oleg Deripaska.
  • Altynai Asylmuratova - head of the creative team of the Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg.

Kazakh beauties have silky dark hair, swarthy skin and broad face with high cheekbones. The appearance is influenced by the region in which they were born. So, northerners are owners of more light shades skin and taller stature. Nature is kind to oriental women preserving youth and beauty long years. Among the mature beauties: Roza Rymbaeva, Saule Rakhmedova. The unique appearance and national flavor do not require additional use of decorative cosmetics to emphasize the dignity of the face.

Beauty contest in Kazakhstan: the most beautiful Kazakh woman - 2015

For 19 years, a beauty contest has been held in the country, the purpose of which is to identify worthy representatives of the fair sex for performances from Kazakhstan at the international level. Girls who claim to be the first beauty must go through the registration process, casting and a complex system of qualifying rounds in order to be in the final, held in Almaty in December. Despite the existence of a professional jury, for the last two years the finalist has been chosen by popular vote by counting votes in live. The winner of 2015 was chosen by 27,138 people.

Photos of the most beautiful Kazakh woman can be seen in the article, as well as on the official website of the competition. She became a seventeen-year-old student from Aktau Aliya Mergembaeva. The girl grew up in large family, where, besides her, three more brothers and a sister are brought up. Aliya donated one million tenge from the total prize fund of five million to charity. Traditionally, the winners are given a dowry from a fashion house (pillows, blankets, traditional dastarkhan), which is absolutely logical, because the girls have a positive attitude towards creating a family. Totally agree Last year three beauties entered into marriage: Aidai Isaeva (title of 2013), Ainur Toleuova (title of 2011), Zhanna Zhumalieva (2010).

Performance on the world stage

Representatives of Kazakhstan do not have outstanding achievements in the international arena. The Miss Universe and Miss World contests annually bring together dozens of beauties whose appearance is impeccable. Each winner is separated from the crown by a subtle advantage in temperament, charm, and the ability to present oneself. Latin Americans in this regard have much more achievements compared to representatives of other countries. The most beautiful Kazakh woman Aigerim Smagulova, who sent an application for the Miss Universe 2015 contest, did not appear in Las Vegas.

Regina Vandysheva, Russian by nationality, represented Kazakhstan at the Miss World show. She became only 13th. The mixing of nationalities, which is attributed to the phenomena of globalization, has become the norm of recent times. So, in Russia in 2013, on the contrary, Elmira Abdrazakova, a native of Kazakhstan, who has Tatar roots, won.

Mestizo girls

It has long been known that the most beautiful girls are mestizos, where the blood of different nationalities is mixed. So, the mother of Shaira Kulzhabayeva (information about her will be in the article) is an Uzbek, and the beautiful Albina Dzhanabaeva from the VIA Gra ensemble is the daughter of a Russian mother and a Kazakh father. The same situation with the famous singer Lido. In 2012, the title of "Miss Almaty" was received by Farida Malik, whose father is Hindu by nationality. The exotic beauty of the 18-year-old girl captivated the members of the jury. The most beautiful Kazakh girls often have the most unpredictable roots. Alfina Nasyrova (title 2007), one of the owners of the most beautiful eyes, has Tatar roots.

Ten best beauties from Kazakhstan

Fashion magazines, websites and sociological laboratories conduct their research, thanks to which the best representatives of the fair sex of Kazakhstan are determined. The list, as a rule, includes actresses, TV presenters, models and other representatives of show business. TOP most beautiful Kazakh women according to the proposed version is headed by:

Actress, producer, TV presenter

The whole country is worried about the green-eyed beauty today. In June 2016, a young woman born in 1974 was beaten by own husband, businessman Bakhytbek Yesentaev, taken into custody. A native of Uralsk, Bayan grew up in an artistic family, making her debut in 1993 in the film Love Station. After the star role that made her famous, a period of downtime began. The most beautiful Kazakh woman studied at KazGU as a TV journalist, becoming the host of a number of rating TV shows. Being a real style icon for the women of Kazakhstan, Bayan also took up producing activities, creating the successful Kesh YOU team and the Alau boy band (seven projects in total).

After a young woman at 36 played herself in the movie "Cocktail for a Star", she became mega-popular in her country. The woman has been married since the age of 20, brings up two daughters, remaining the standard of beauty for her fellow citizens. Her Instagram followers are close to a million.

Who would be included in the TOP-10 Russians?

In 2015, Timati's video ("Lada sedan, eggplant") was released, literally blowing up the Internet. More than 15 million views testify to the amazing success of the video, which starred a native of Taraz (Kazakhstan) Shaira Kulzhabayeva. The fantastic beauty of the girl in the eggplant-colored dress is one of the reasons why viewers are attracted by the desire to watch the clip again and again. The most beautiful Kazakh woman lives in Moscow, where she works as a model.

According to the original version, Vera Brezhneva was expected to participate in the filming, but Shaira became quite worthy replacement a fading beauty. She not only conquered the country with her beauty, but also performed her vocal part remarkably.

In 2016, the country launched new competition"Miss Virtual Kazakhstan". The winner was mother of many children Ainur Aitimova, who gave birth to twins a few months ago. The competition became truly massive, bringing together about two thousand participants, which indicates that in Kazakhstan beautiful girls doesn't get smaller.

Beautiful Kazakh women have unique features of appearance and know how to emphasize them. In a sweet smile, a sly fleeting glance, both shyness and curiosity can be seen. Girls from Kazakhstan are characterized by mystery, flexibility, good looks.

How do Kazakh women differ from other women of the East?

Probably a special social position, a special status in the social hierarchy. Since ancient times, the Kazakh people paid a special tribute to the keeper of the hearth. Therefore, women, even in ancient times, were companions of men, occupied special position. There are many ancient legends about beautiful warriors who were also famous beauties. Such social status could not but affect the appearance of Kazakh women. Confidence, a sense of dignity, a strong character make the beauty of a girl open and bold. Many of the women of Kazakhstan became famous not only in their own country, but also abroad, they were able to achieve success in science, creativity, and sports. At the same time, beautiful Kazakh women remain extremely feminine, sweet, and mysterious.

What features of appearance distinguish Kazakh girls and women?

Like most oriental beauties, they have dark skin, silky black or Brown hair, beautiful slanted eyes. Mostly representatives of the Kazakh people are short, have a soft, unhurried gait. But it should be noted that the appearance of girls may differ depending on the region of Kazakhstan where they were born. For girls from the northern regions, more bright skin, more high growth. High cheekbones effectively emphasize the eastern section of the eyes and make them wide, round face more endearing. Beautiful Kazakh women try to emphasize their unique appearance, its natural features. They use very carefully decorative cosmetics and they know that they look spectacular and charming even without makeup.

The most beautiful Kazakh women (Top-25) includes well-known Kazakhstani actresses, singers, presenters, models, winners of beauty contests, who live not only in Kazakhstan, but also in other countries, as well as those who have Kazakh roots through two or one parent.

25. Zhanna Jumalieva / Janna Jumalieva- Miss Kazakhstan-2010. Titleholder" Best Top Model" on international competition"Miss World 2011", entered the Top 15 most beautiful girls in the world out of 122 representatives.

24.Madina Sadvakasova / Madina Sadvakasova(September 8, 1979, Alma-Ata) - Kazakh pop singer, winner of the youth competition "Zhas Kanat", was a soloist of the Presidential Orchestra and the ensemble "Gulder".

23.Makpal Isabekova / Makpal Isabekova(February 21, 1984, Panfilov, Kazakh SSR, USSR) - Kazakh pop singer. Gained popularity as a member of the project "SuperStar KZ", which became a famous pop star.

22. Assem Zhaketayeva / Assem zhaketayeva(1992) - Kazakh singer and actress.

21. Dinara Baktybaeva / Dinara Baktyubaeva(November 17, 1993) - Kazakh actress. Films with her participation: "Narxoz", "He and She".

20.Zhaniya Dzhurinskaya /Janiya Djurinskaya(December 6, 1990, Baikonkur) - Kazakh actress. Film with her participation: "Universities".

19. Saya Orazgalieva / Saya Orazgalieva(January 7, 1988) - Kazakh singer, actress. Popularity came after the role in the television series "Universities", her other films: "Cocktail for the Star", "Book". According to Sai, her grandmother on her mother's side is Ukrainian, and everyone else in the family is Kazakh.

18. Anelia Moore / Anelia Moor(December 19, 1992, Kazakhstan) - german model, has Kazakh roots maternal line. Participant of the 7th cycle of the show Germanys Next Top Model / Top Model in German.

17. Arujan Djazilbekova / Arujan Djazilbekova(June 25, 1986 Almaty, Kazakhstan) - Kazakh actress and model. In 2004 she became the winner of the Ford Models Supermodel of the World competition. Famous films: "Swing of Love", the series "Asel, friends and girlfriends", "Escape from the village. Operation "Mahabbat".

16. Aliya Telebarisova / Aliya Telebarisova(April 30, 1993) - Kazakh singer, actress. As a child, the winner of vocal competitions. Films with her participation: " Parallel Worlds", "Brothers", "Zhas sent".

15. Madina Saibulatova / Madina Saibulatova(1988) - II Vice-Miss "Fashion Model of the World" at the Miss All Nations-2015 contest. Represented Kazakhstan at the contest "Miss Tourism" (Miss Tourism International-2014).

13. Saltanat Bekjigitova / Saltanat Bekjigitova(1993) - the winner of the annual Internet beauty contest "Miss.Kz-2013", as well as "Miss Almaty-2010" and "II Vice-Miss Kazakhstan-2010", took part in such beauty contests as Top Model Asia- 2009, Miss Fashion TV-2012. She was a presenter on the HitTV channel, now she is the host of the Revue program on the NTK channel.

12. Aidana Medenova / Aidana Medenova(September 28, 1991, Semey, Kazakhstan) - Kazakh singer and actress.

10. Asel Sagatova / Asel Sagatova(May 5, 1985 Semipalatinsk, Kazakh SSR, USSR) - Kazakh actress and model. Films with her participation: "A mother's cry for a mankurt", "Irony of Love", "Racketeer".

9. Bibigul Suyunshalina / Bibigul Suyunshalina(July 4, 1991, Kazakhstan) - Russian actress of Kazakh origin. Former model. Films with her participation: "Gromovs. House of Hope, Troubadour", "Astana my love", " Virtual love", "Survive after".

8. Asha Matai / Asha Matai(real name: Akbota Maratovna Askarbekova) (born 1988, Alma-Ata) - Kazakh singer and actress. Winner of the Grand Prix "Shabyt" and "Zhahan Dala", winner of the Republican TV show of the contest "Empire of Stars". Films with her participation: " back side"," Aldar Kose", "Zhanym-2", etc.

7. Karlygash Mukhamedzhanova / Karligash Muhamedjanova(July 22, 1983 in the city of Karaganda) - Kazakh actress. Films with her participation: "The Irony of Love", "The Tale of the Pink Hare", "Liquidator", "Seven May days"," The whole world is at our feet", "Voice of the steppes".

6.Kumis Bazarbaeva / Kumis Bazarbaeva- Kazakh singer, model. Miss Asiada-2011, Miss Earth Kazakhstan 2013. At the international beauty contest "Miss Earth 2013" received titles Miss Versailles 2013, Miss Talent 2013, and also became the face of two cosmetic companies "Miss Ever Bilena" and "Miss Glutamax". Working on recording his own solo album.

5. Diana Korkunova / Diana Korkunova(December 18, 1996) - Russian model, has Kazakh roots on the maternal side. Considered a famous Insta-Girl (due to posting her photos on Instagram and having a large number subscribers).

3. Almira Tursynbaeva / Almira Tursyanbaeva- Kazakhstani model. As a student, the owner of the titles "Miss KazNU - 2010", "Miss Students 2010" and "Miss University 2010". IN currently heads the Central Asian Congress of Business Women.

2.Aina Alieva / Aina Alieva(August 8, 1988) - Uzbek model with Kazakh roots.

1.Bayan Yesentayeva / Bayan Yesentayeva(January 9, 1974, Uralsk, USSR) - Kazakh actress, producer, TV presenter, singer. Films with her participation: "Astana - my love", "Cocktail for a star" (parts 1 and 2).

It is worth noting that 23-year-old Alfina Nasyrova continues to conquer international competitions and not so long ago received the title of 4th vice-miss at the international beauty contest Miss Globe International-2011.

The second place in the list of the most beautiful Kazakh women went to the famous producer and actress Bayan Yesentayeva. In third place was "Miss Kazakhstan-2009" Symbat Madyarova. This is followed by young actresses Bibigul Suyunshalina (“Unreal Love”) and Aliya Telebarisova (“Myn Bala”).

18th place. Karlygash Mukhamedzhanova - actress

17th place. Asem Zhaketayeva - a singer performing under the pseudonym Aylan

16th place. Karlygash Egimbayeva - winner of the contest "Lady of the Kazakh Police - 2011"

15th place. Indira Seitkazieva - Miss Kostanay 2009

14th place. Madina Sadvakasova - singer

13th place. Kumis Bazarbayeva - Miss Asian Games 2011. As Kumis herself says, her parents are Kazakhs

12th place. Asel Sagatova - actress and fashion model

11th place. Zhanar Nurbayeva - First Vice-Miss Kazakhstan 2010

10th place. Khorlan Kunserkina, better known as "Lana" - violinist

9th place. Lydia Dosalina, better known as Lido, is a singer. Lido is Kazakh by her father and Russian by her mother.

8th place. Albina Dzhanabaeva - singer, member of the VIA Gra group. Albina Dzhanabaeva is a Kazakh by her father and a Russian by her mother.

7th place. Saltanat Bekzhigitova - Miss Almaty 2010

6th place. Ainur Toleuova - Miss Kazakhstan 2011

5th place. Aliya Telebarisova - actress, Miss Almaty 2011

4th place. Bibigul Suyunshalina - actress