Iontophoresis is a fashionable technique in cosmetology. Which is better: phonophoresis or electrophoresis

Despite the emergence of the latest cosmetic techniques, galvanization and iontophoresis do not lose ground. The reason is simple: they are simple and reliable methods with numerous positive reviews, accessible to any category of clients and understandable even to a novice cosmetologist. In addition, you can work with electroplating without a medical education.

Electroplating: principle of operation

Galvanization, or galvanization, in cosmetology is the procedure for influencing the body with a constant bipolar galvanic current with low voltage. healthy skin without damage, it does not pass current well, therefore, when external influence it enters the body through the hair follicles and ducts of the glands, distributing further in the intercellular spaces of the tissues.

Electroplating involves exposure to the skin and tissues with two electrodes:

  • Active, having a direct therapeutic effect;
  • Passive, closing the electrical circuit. It turns wet fabric lining, is attached to the patient's body near the site of exposure or is given to the patient's arm.

The created electric field sets the ions in motion: the positive electrode attracts negatively charged particles, the negative electrode attracts positively charged ones. The resulting ionic asymmetry in tissues has a beneficial effect on the vital activity of cells, activates intracellular biochemical processes, metabolic reactions, division, etc.

Electroplating in cosmetology

Impact on problem area active positive electrode (anode) helps to close pores, thicken the skin, constrict blood vessels, relieve swelling, acidify the skin environment, reduce the activity of sebaceous and sweat glands.

The negative electrode (cathode) is used for:

  • pore expansion;
  • loosening and softening of the skin;
  • opening blood vessels and enhancing microcirculation;
  • strengthening the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • loosening of sebaceous plugs;
  • skin cleansing.

The negative electrode alkalizes the surface of the skin, to restore its pH at the end of the procedure, it is recommended to change the polarity.

The type of electrode in galvinic is selected according to the indications:

  • oily or dry skin type;
  • oily or dry seborrhea;
  • problem skin with comedones;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • puffiness;
  • epidermolysis;
  • rosacea;
  • small scars and post-acne scars;
  • aging prevention.

Galvanic current shows high results in the fight against cellulite. He smooths out orange peels", reduces the appearance of stretch marks, improves skin elasticity. Electroplating helps to create perfect body: it causes a powerful effect of lymphatic drainage and prevents sagging of tissues against the background of weight loss.

The current strength is selected individually. The more powerful the impact, the brighter the possible side effects: burning, tingling, metallic taste in the mouth, etc. Electrode work goes on without interruption massage lines dashed and in a circular motion, through a conductive medium - a special gel for galvanization.

Contraindications to galvanization:

  • intolerance electric current;
  • the presence of a pacemaker, metal pins, implants;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy.

The electroplating course is up to 20 sessions of 15-30 minutes. Depending on the problem, procedures are prescribed daily, every other day or once a week. However, today in pure form electroplating in cosmetology is rarely used and most often exists in the form of disincrustation and iontophoresis.

Disincrustation - cleansing the skin of the face with a galvanic current from a negative policy with loosening of sebaceous plugs and their removal from the pores. Such cleaning is much more gentle and effective than ultrasonic peeling, it can be recommended to owners sensitive skin and appoint younger adolescents from 10-12 years old.

Indications for facial galvanization - problematic skin with folliculitis, hyperkeratosis and small comedones that are difficult to treat with normal mechanical cleaning. For the procedure, special saline or soda solutions are used - disinfectants. In addition to the main active components professional tools contain reaction-enhancing potassium and magnesium ions, and skin-soothing plant extracts.

Under the action of the current, alkaline ions are released from the solutions, they react with the fatty acids of the sebaceous plugs, the contents of the pores turn into soap and are easily removed. An indicator of the effectiveness of the procedure is the appearance of bubbles under the electrode. Old hard comedones can be removed manually- they will become more pliable. Together with impurities, dead cells of the stratum corneum are removed from the surface of the face. After cleansing, it is recommended to close the pores with a positive electrode.

The term "electrophoresis" is formed from two words: electrolysis - "decay into positive and negative ions" and phoresis, which means "introduction of substances into the skin." The more common names for this procedure in cosmetology are iontophoresis, non-injection mesotherapy or ion mesotherapy. In the process of iontophoresis, there is a combined effect on tissues of direct electric current and the introduction of medicinal and active substances with its help. If the drug ampoules are not enough for a good glide, you can use a contact gel.

The main nuances of iontophoresis in cosmetology:

  • the indications and choice of the electrode are determined by the properties of the administered drug;
  • drug ions are able to penetrate deep into the epidermis up to the basal layer and accumulate in the dermis;
  • active substances from such depots are released gradually and absorbed by the skin over several hours and even days.

For ionic mesotherapy, you can buy ready-made preparations or make your own cocktails according to the usual indications and standard recipes. The treatment regimen is prescribed, adjusted for the phoreticity of the drugs.

Means for iontophoresis

Means for iontophoresis, being electrolytes, consist of concentrated complexes of different polarity. For the convenience of the cosmetologist, each package of the drug is marked with "+" or "-", indicating the choice of electrode.

The main groups of means for iontophoresis in cosmetology:

  • moisturizing;
  • nutritional;
  • with lifting effect;
  • anti-couperose;
  • anti-inflammatory.

They can be medicinal, cosmetic or cosmeceutical.

Substance injectedDirection of actionElectrode polarity
AloeAnti-inflammatory effect, toning, increasing local immunity+/-
Vitamin CNormalization of work sebaceous glands, skin lightening-
Vitamin B1, B12, EStrengthening the processes of oxidation-reduction, improving the quality of aging skin+
HyaluronodaseBreaks down hyaluronic acid, thus smoothing out stretch marks, scars and scars, eliminates the consequences of unsuccessful contouring+
HydrocortisoneAnti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive action-
Dirt (components)Comprehensive multilateral action+
A nicotinic acidImproving blood circulation, increasing vascular permeability-
Salicylic acidInflammation blockade, cleansing, brightening action-
Hyaluronic acidMoisturizing, wrinkle smoothing-
CaffeineImprovement of blood circulation, lipolytic effect+/-

For iontophoresis, plant extracts, placental-collagen masks, meso-cocktails with peptides and microelements are also used.

Hyaluronic acid iontophoresis

Iontophoresis hyaluronic acid causes a lot of controversy. It is believed that in order to achieve a pronounced hydrating effect, it must be administered intradermally. External use only softens the upper layer of the epidermis, the drugs do not affect the total amount of hyaluronic acid with subsequent collagenogenesis in the body, since they are quickly excreted.

Hyaluronic acid iontophoresis has its advantages:

  • binds and retains moisture in the upper layers of the skin, which is no less important for its condition;
  • stimulates wound healing, binds inflammatory processes, reduces the risk of scarring;
  • stimulates the immunomodulatory effect;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • restores tone, improves the condition of fine wrinkles;
  • creates a slightly acidic environment unfavorable for pathogenic microorganisms.

Regular iontophoresis procedures lead to the formation of a depot with hyaluronic acid, so the effectiveness of the course will be higher and longer than individual sessions. The severity of the action will also be affected by the characteristics of the active substance in the means for iontophoresis. Molecules of hyaluronic acid in the latest generation of preparations developed by the world's leading manufacturers are able to penetrate deeper into the skin and decompose more slowly.

How to choose a device for electroplating and iontophoresis

Before buying a device for electroplating and iontophoresis, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • device manufacturer;
  • functional;
  • power;
  • ease of use and detailed instructions;
  • availability of certificates.

Galvanic devices for the face have a current intensity range of up to 5 mA. They can be equipped with oval, spherical, cone-shaped electrodes that allow you to process hard-to-reach areas. It is convenient when one device combines ranges for the face and body, in addition, they are equipped with electrodes for large areas.

Desincrustation and iontophoresis are often functions of cosmetic combines. Versatility is the main advantage of such equipment: one device can produce different types current and significantly expand the range of procedures. It is not worth saving on the purchase of a cosmetic combine, reliable and efficient devices are found only from leading manufacturers. So, cosmetologists give positive feedback about the facial devices of the Italian company Decomedical - an authoritative brand in the field of professional equipment for a beautiful business.

Love is a science! Beauty is always a weapon!

Coco Chanel

The choice of drugs in the treatment of cosmetic defects

Currently, the cosmetic industry offers various preparations for. These can be ampoules, gels and solutions.

Polarized preparations are marked (+) or (-) on the packaging. This means that they should be administered from the appropriate electrode.

If there is no polarity marking, refer to the table of substances for iontophoresis.

The greatest mobility medicines, dissolved in water. For the dissociation of water-insoluble drugs, solutions of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and ethyl alcohol. The mobility of substances in such solutions is somewhat lower.

Substances used for iontophoresis

Lidaza - a preparation containing the enzyme hyaluronidase. causes an increase in tissue permeability and facilitates the movement of fluids in interstitial spaces. The main indications for the use of lidase are scars after burns and operations, hematomas. , adhesions, fibrous changes in tissues.

Biogenic stimulants used in medical practice:

  • preparations from plants (aloe extract);
  • from animal tissues (placental suspension);
  • from firth mud (FiBS, peloidin, gumizol).

Ascorbic acid . One of the important physiological functions ascorbic acid is its participation in the synthesis of collagen and procollagen and in the normalization of capillary permeability.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). It has a stimulating and vasodilating effect. Hyperemia enhances the processes of regeneration and resorption of tissue decay products. Reserve capillaries open, the permeability of their walls increases.

salicylic acid used as an antiseptic, distracting, irritating and keratolytic agent. It is used to treat seborrhea.

participates in the process of lipolysis by blocking the action of phosphodiesterases. Used in the treatment of cellulite and local obesity (including on the chin).

Inorganic iodides - potassium and sodium iodide. Dissolving agent. Promotes the resorption of infiltrates and scars.

Sulfur helps to strengthen hair and nails, improve protective properties skin and reduced production sebum. It is successfully used in acne treatment programs, in the treatment of alopecia.

Trental (pentoxifylline) - improves microcirculation, dilates blood vessels. Helps improve lymphatic drainage and lipolysis. Used in the treatment of cellulite, obesity, correction age-related changes, alopecia, striae.

Zinc used as an antiseptic and astringent.

Special solvents

For iontophoresis of complex organic compounds with amphoteric properties (proteins, amino acids), buffer solutions are used. Medicinal substances, for example, lidase or ronidase, dissolved in an acidic (acetate) buffer solution with a pH of 5.2, are injected from the positive pole.

Acetate buffer prescription:

  • Sodium acetate (or citrate) 11.4 g
  • Glacial acetic acid 0.9 ml
  • Distilled water 1000 ml

With poor solubility of the drug in water, alcohol or dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide - DMSO) is used as a solvent. At the same time, not only the medicine but also the solvent penetrates the skin through the skin due to the processes of osmosis and electroosmosis. These phenomena are insignificant for water, but are markedly enhanced by the use of alcohol and, especially, DMSO, which should be taken into account in medical practice.

Preparations for galvanization

In cosmetology, ampouled solutions of collagen, elastin, herbal preparations. These substances do not have mobility in an electric field. Iontophoresis, for example, collagen, does not occur. We use a collagen solution as a conductive agent in galvanizing.

Substances that cannot be administered by current are successfully used in procedures. The cosmetic effect of such procedures is much higher than the effect of simply applying a substance to the skin due to the activation of blood vessels and an increase in the permeability of cell membranes.

Large protein molecules of collagen do not have a charge and are not able to penetrate the skin. But the collagen solution conducts electricity well. Using ampoules of collagen solution, we carry out galvanization and at the same time moisturize the skin.

What is an ion cocktail?

When conducting (as well as classical), you can use one ready-made drug (monotherapy), or make cocktails. With the simultaneous introduction of substances often have a more pronounced effect. This effect is called potentiation.

Exist certain rules preparation of cocktails for ionotherapy.

Rules for making ionic cocktails:

  • Medicines are used in the form of aqueous, saline, less often weak alcohol solutions.
  • The solvents in the cocktail should be the same.
  • The concentration of the substance in each solution does not exceed 10%.
  • The cocktail is made up of ions of the same polarity.

Ionic cocktails

electrophoresis is a process in which galvanic current is used to introduce substances dissolved in water into the upper layers of the skin. Electrophoresis was introduced into practice at the beginning of the 19th century by doctors, when for the first time medicinal substances in combination with direct current were used to influence the patient's body. The principle of operation is as follows: when the current passes through the solution, the particles receive a positive or negative charge, they become ions. In this case, the negative electrode repels from itself, and, therefore, sets in motion, negative ions, and the positive electrode repels from itself and sets in motion positive ions. And it is this movement of ions that promotes the transfer of the product through the skin. The effect of electrophoresis depends on the type of product used. Electrophoresis will have a moisturizing effect when used to administer a moisturizing product, an anti-seborrheic effect if the administered product has anti-seborrheic properties, a firming effect if the administered product has a plumping effect, and so on.

It is believed that substances that collect near the anode produce an astringent effect on the skin, while those surrounding the cathode open the pores.

It is assumed that the use of galvanic current increases the volume of cells and improves their blood supply. Beauticians use various formulations to hydrate or "normalize" the skin for 3-12 minutes. Any substances that penetrate the skin using electrophoresis can only nourish its upper layers. In addition, positively or negatively charged particles and water quickly disappear at the end of the procedure. Therefore, the statement that frequent, regular and long-term treatment gives a lasting effect on the skin, unreasonably.

The electric current used for electrophoresis causes a variety of physicochemical, metabolic and cellular-tissue reactions in the body, against which the effect of medicinal or nutrients acquires a number of features and advantages compared to conventional methods of administration/application of these drugs.

The following factors are of greatest practical importance in cosmetic electrophoresis:

Longer action of the agent and slower excretion of it from the body due to the formation in the skin of a depot of ions with pharmacological activity

The possibility of creating a high local concentration of the injected substance without saturating the blood and other body media with it

Less chance of adverse reactions

The introduction of a substance in the most active form - in the form of ions

Painless administration of funds and the absence of tissue deformation that occurs with other methods of pharmacotherapy due to the introduction of a solvent.

One of the varieties of cosmetic electrophoresis is stain removal. Is not medical term, but in cosmetology it means the removal of plaque from the skin of the ditsa, in particular, surface fat and skin secretion products. The cleaning liquid in ampoules is placed in the electroplating apparatus. Salt solution (salt in water) is also believed to be effective.

This skin care method has contraindications.

areas of the skin that have acne, inflammation, wounds or other damage

Varicose formations

Body parts with metal prostheses

People with pacemakers

Hypersensitive areas.

Hardware cosmetology is the next stage in the development of cosmetology as a science of beauty and health. By influencing the body of various physical phenomena - heat, cold, laser radiation, electric current, vacuum - cosmetologists successfully slow down the aging of the body, fight overweight, and various skin problems. Most cosmetic devices are suitable only for salon use, but there are also devices that can be bought for home use. One of these devices is an apparatus for conducting iontophoresis at home.

The principle of operation of iontophoresis and indications for its use

If we translate the term "iontophoresis" into an understandable language, we get the following phrase - transportation (delivery) of ions. This procedure is based on the effect of a kind of complex - an electric current plus medicinal or cosmetic preparations- on the skin of the face or the whole body.

In the twentieth century, after lengthy studies of the iontophoresis procedure (also called electrophoresis or galvanization), it was proved that a current of low strength and voltage affects the cell membrane, changing its properties. Under its influence, the permeability of the skin increases, the main metabolism is activated and regeneration processes are launched.

If the electric current is used not as a mono-procedure, but in combination with certain drugs, ions are formed - particles with a plus sign. Ions, penetrating into the skin layers to a depth of 5 mm, serve as a conductor for the active components of cosmetics. Thus, a depot of substances is formed in the skin dermis, which gradually penetrate into all cells and improve their functioning.

With the help of iontophoresis, it is possible not only to administer medicinal substances, but also to remove dead cells, excess sebum and particles of dirt. To do this, the skin is treated with alkaline solutions and galvanized.

For the iontophoresis procedure, an anode or cathode of an electrolytic ion is used. The anode is necessary for insertion into the skin acid solutions, designed to strengthen skin tissues, normalize microcirculation, relax areas of tension. Most often, a positively charged manipulator is used to narrow pores, remove redness after various cosmetic procedures, swelling and foci of inflammation.

With the help of the cathode, alkaline solutions are introduced, which soften the skin, improve blood flow in it, and activate the nerve endings. Most often, the procedure is performed to improve the condition of a mature or oily skin.

In addition to local effects, home iontophoresis also has a general effect on the human body. The electric current also stimulates the nerve endings in the skin tissues. Electrical impulses reach the brain, providing a calming effect and improving overall well-being.

The procedure is carried out to achieve the following results:

  1. Reduce large and small wrinkles in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids, around the lips and on the neck.
  2. Achieve additional tissue hydration.
  3. Prevent the development of cellulite.
  4. Cleanse the skin from toxins and free radicals.
  5. Thanks to the activation of blood flow and improved lymph drainage, get rid of bags under the eyes.
  6. Make the skin supple, smooth, restore its good tone and pleasant color.
  7. Deliver maximum useful nutrients to tissues, which is especially important in winter.
  8. Reduce the appearance of small scars or scars as much as possible.

Algorithm for iontophoresis at home

Basic Rules

If you decide to perform iontophoresis at home, without consulting a specialist, remember a few basic rules:

  1. Cosmetics used during galvanization should only be on water based. The use of products containing fat emulsions is strictly prohibited.
  2. For a certain electrode charge (positive or negative), there is a list of cosmetics. Substances with a “+” charge are injected with a positive electrode, with a “-” charge - with a negative one.
  3. It is better to use one-component preparations, alternating courses (for example, a course of vitamin C (10 sessions), then a course of hyaluronic acid (also 10 sessions). Firstly, with one-component preparations it is easier to avoid side effect. Secondly, as iontophoresis is carried out, the injected substance accumulates in the skin, creating a depot. If the choice is made in favor of a cocktail, then it should include minimal amount monopreparations (optimally 3) with the same polarity.


If you use an anode during iontophoresis, then you should familiarize yourself with the list of drugs intended specifically for a positively charged electrode:

  1. Aloe extract or juice.
  2. Vitamins B1, B12, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E).
  3. Hyaluronidase.
  4. Healing mud.
  5. copper sulfate.
  6. Physiological saline (0.9% sodium chloride solution).
  7. zinc sulfate.
  8. Zinc hyaluronate.

For a negatively charged electrode, the following substances are suitable:

  1. FIBS.
  2. Unithiol or Ichthyol (contain sulfur).
  3. Sodium salicylate.
  4. Nicotinic acid (diluted with water 1:1).
  5. Water soluble hydrocortisone succinate.
  6. Ascorbic acid (diluted with water 1:1).
  7. Hyaluronic acid.
  8. Caffeine (sodium benzoate) - can work both on "+" and on "-".

Also used are special charged cosmetics for iontophoresis (for example, cocktails produced by Beauty Style), water-based non-woven masks impregnated with appropriate solutions: hyaluronic acid, collagen, placental masks (leading sellers on this moment is a Chinese brand DIZAO).


  1. The procedure begins with a preliminary cleansing of the treated area. This can be done both with the help of certain cleaning agents (alcohol), and with the help of anaphoresis - galvanic disincrustation. Anaphoresis promotes loosening of the epidermis, increasing its permeability to the active components of cosmetic preparations.

Cleaning is used for decontamination. sheet mask, impregnated soda solution(per glass of purified warm water 1 dec. l. soda). We apply a mask for 20 minutes and act on it with a negative charge, leading the electrode along the massage lines. At the end of deincrustation, to restore the ph of the skin, change the polarity to “+” and treat the skin for another couple of minutes.

  1. The next step is to connect the electrodes to the device. It should be remembered that the electrodes of stationary devices are of two types - active and passive. The active electrode is used to perform electrophoresis, while the passive electrode is held by the patient. The active electrode can be charged positively or negatively depending on the desired effect.

Immediately before the procedure, the client must remove all metal objects from himself. Wet hydrophilic pads are put on the electrodes (if the skin is very delicate), which are needed to prevent the occurrence of chemical burn during iontophoresis.

It should be noted that in such compact devices for home iontophoresis, such as, for example, Gezaton Beauty Iris, one roller electrode is used.

  1. So, the area of ​​influence is cleared, the device is ready for work - you can start. Apply to the processing site cosmetic product, the charge of which corresponds to the charge of the active electrode (or the roller electrode, depending on the configuration of the apparatus). The iontophoresis apparatus is connected to the network, the active electrode is applied to the selected area and driven over the entire area.

At the very beginning, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation in the area of ​​contact with the electrode, but after a while discomfort disappear. If this does not happen, the procedure is suspended. The duration of galvanization is about 15-20 minutes. The iontophoresis procedure is completed by skin treatment with a moisturizing or tonic lotion.

We offer a video of the use of a professional device for iontophoresis. You can get a lot from it useful information concerning the procedure at home: the principle of operation, the algorithm for processing the skin of the face and the area around the eyes, and performing hardware cleaning.

Contraindications for iontophoresis:

  1. The presence of a pacemaker.
  2. Heart rhythm disturbances.
  3. Hyperthermia.
  4. Vascular diseases of the skin.
  5. Maceration of the skin in the treatment area.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Oncological neoplasms.

Apparatus for home iontophoresis

In order for the electric current to have its positive effect, you need to choose high-quality equipment. Consider the most popular devices for iontophoresis at home:

  1. Multifunctional massager Gezaton Beauty Iris.

This device operates in three modes and affects various types current: galvanic, Lotti microcurrents and conventional microcurrents. Using three nozzles alternately, you can moisturize and nourish well with the help of galvanic current (iontophoresis). skin covering, thanks to microcurrents, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage will improve, and with the help of Lotti microcurrents, wrinkles will become less noticeable or disappear altogether.

  1. Mente Aurora Ceutical G 7

This device also boasts versatility, because it generates not only galvanic current, but also ultrasound and even infrared radiation. Each of the modes can be used on its own or combined. If you focus on the electric current, then this device is perfect for ion purification - the charge of the device is positive and ion enrichment - the charge is negative.

  1. Gezatone Galvanic Beauty SPA m775

This device allows the client to use also three types of physical phenomena: galvanic current, infrared radiation and vibration. Electric current in this instrument is used for deep cleaning skin, its detoxification, nutrient delivery and lifting. The combination of different operating modes allows you to achieve a more pronounced effect.

  1. Massager galvanic Gezatone m910

This device is considered the simplest and most affordable device for inophoresis at home. It produces only galvanic current and can be used for deep nutrition skin and cleaning.

One of effective methods rejuvenation in hardware cosmetology is electrophoresis. There are devices for galvanic exposure in many salons and it will be useful to know what exactly happens to your skin at the time of exposure.

At the core medicinal electrophoresis lies the action of ionizing galvanic current and medicinal substances.

The essence of this procedure is reduced to the effect of galvanic current and the introduction through the skin, as a rule, of ampoule agents.
The injected ions in combination with direct current have a reflex and humoral effect on the body.

The resulting excitation is transmitted to the central nervous system and in higher vegetative centers.
The response may be local or generalized. Ions introduced into the skin have a humoral effect on the body.

In addition, the galvanic current itself creates a favorable background in tissues due to complex electrochemical changes. The ions introduced by electrophoresis give a high therapeutic effect.

Is very popular Darsonval- a medical device, the basis of which is pulsed alternating sinusoidal currents of high frequency and voltage, but of low strength. It contributes to the expansion of arterial and venous vessels, an increase in the permeability of the vascular walls, stimulation metabolic processes, decreased sensitivity of motor nerves.

Substances injected into the skin break down into ions and are injected from one or another electrode of the same polarity. Ions and nutrients penetrate through the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands to a shallow depth, accumulate in the skin and form a depot, and then are washed out by the lymph, diffusing into deep-lying tissues and entering the general hemocirculation.
Indications: sluggish atonic, oily, dry skin, etc.
The gauze tape is impregnated with an ampoule preparation.
The client holds one electrode in his hand, and the skin is gently treated with the other for 10 minutes.

On each ampoule preparation, it is indicated from which electrode to inject it - positive or negative. Ions through the channels penetrate into the dermis.

The procedure is carried out until the drug is absorbed.
Water can serve as a solvent for some substances introduced by iontophoresis.
Nutrients and ampoules administered by iontophoresis penetrate to a depth of 1 cm or more.
It is customary to use 8% nutrient solutions. The current strength in this case can vary from 0.01 - 0.05 to 0.1 mA per 1 cm2.
It is possible to use an anti-wrinkle gel, which must also have a certain polarity. In this case, each wrinkle is treated with a finger electrode.

Cleaning with decontamination.
The use of galvanic current is also the basis of cleaning with disincrustation.
Through decontamination, deep cleansing pores with electric current.
Indications: oily skin with many comedones.

Under the influence of electric current, the skin loosens and waste products are pulled out of the pores or fats are emulsified with the formation of soap, which is removed from the skin through the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Under the influence of galvanic current expand blood vessels, blood flow is accelerated, the permeability of blood vessels and cell membranes increases, and cell hydration is carried out.

Usually the client holds the positive electrode in his hand, and the work is done with the negative electrode, which is wetted with a special disinfectant solution. Areas of oily skin, forehead, nose, chin are cleaned.

If the skin is very oily, it is processed within 2-3 minutes; if dry, sensitive, then within 1-2 minutes. The procedure is performed 1 time in 15 days.

The current strength increases smoothly from 0.6 to 1.5-4 mA to a subjective state of tingling in the skin.
After the cleaning is carried out vacuum procedure, it is desirable to make a soothing atrial healing mask according to skin type, and then a protective cream is applied.

All these procedures are necessarily carried out by a qualified cosmetologist with a basic medical education, who can navigate the contraindications, which are not few for these procedures.

The Nu Skin company offers to use a device that is designed for home use. This became possible for several reasons.
1. The impact current has been reduced thousands of times, now its range is 0.9-1.3 μA. This current is quite comparable with those electrical processes that occur in the skin.
2. The built-in microprocessor determines the condition of the skin, its conductivity and regulates the current itself, and in the latest model, the exposure time, the exposure time. Fully automatic.
3. The active ingredients of the gels are free from all potential harmful substances and are hypoallergenic.
4. Four nozzles allow you to work with various types of special gels and carry out cleansing and nourishing procedures for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, work on cellulite, inject corrective doses of collagen into deep folds and wrinkles, and clean the bulbous space on the scalp.