Dysgraphia treatment in adults. Dictation must be written! How to recognize a deviation from the norm

Dysgraphia is a fragmentary deviation that occurs in written speech activity, due to insufficient development (or decay) of the mental functions involved in the reproduction and management of written speech. The described disorder is manifested by persistent, characteristic, repetitive errors that appear when writing, which do not disappear without targeted corrective intervention.

Diagnosing dysgraphia, first of all, includes assessment of written works, review of oral and written language check. With the violation under consideration, the corrective effect consists in eliminating the disorder of sound pronunciation, developing non-speech functions, vocabulary, phonemic processes, grammar, and coherence of speech.


In order to write down the dictated sentence correctly, a person needs to know, in addition to the subtleties of writing letters, the features of their differentiation and maintain the semantic verbal sequence. The process of mastering writing skills is due to a close relationship with the degree of maturity of all aspects of oral speech activity (sound pronunciation, phonemic perception, speech coherence, its lexical and grammatical correctness).

Therefore, the origin of dysgraphia often lies in similar organic causes and functional factors that give rise to: dyslalia (against the background of the preservation of auditory function and innervation articulation apparatus there is a deviation in the reproduction of sounds), (underdevelopment of speech activity or its absence with the preservation of hearing and intelligence), (deviations in pronunciation due to a disorder of the innervation of the organs necessary for speech reproduction), aphasia (local absence of speech or a violation of previously formed speech activity), delay in psychoverbal maturation.

If there is a disorder in the differentiation of sounds, a violation of their pronunciation, deviations in analysis and generalization, then dysgraphia may develop. Most scientists who study the causes of dysgraphia are convinced that its formation is significantly affected by abnormal factors that affect the baby in the mother's womb, as well as after birth. In addition, dysgraphia can also be caused by long-term somatic diseases and head injuries. Dysgraphia in children is often genetically determined.

So, the underdevelopment of the brain during the intrauterine formation of the baby, its damage in the natal or postnatal periods (fetal asphyxia, birth trauma, transferred meningococcal pathologies, somatic ailments that cause weakness of the nervous system).

In addition to the above aspects, it is possible to single out socio-psychological moments leading to the appearance of this deviation, such as: bilingualism of parents (bilingualism), lack of speech interaction, incomprehensible or incorrect speech of adults, inattention to children's speech communication, premature learning of the baby to read and write (when there is no psychological readiness).

The deficit of verbal communication is far from the last position in the generation of the violation in question. In families where adults communicate freely on different languages, also often the described defect can be observed in crumbs.

Dysgraphia in adults is noted at least as often as in children. The main reason that gives rise to the deviation in question in the adult period are tumor processes occurring in the brain, meningococcal infections, brain injury, asphyxia.


The manifestations that characterize the described pathology include typical errors of a stable nature reproduced in writing, not due to ignorance of grammar and language norms.

Classical errors observed in various variations of dysgraphia can be found in:

- mixing and replacing graphically similar handwritten letters (for example, w - w, m - l) or phonetically similar sounds (b - p, w - g);

- violation of the separation or fusion of writing words;

- distortion of the letter-syllabic construction of the word (letter permutations, their addition or omissions);

- agrammatisms (defects in verbal transformations and consistency of words).

Non-speech symptoms are also distinguished, namely: neurological abnormalities, disorders of the cognitive sphere, perception, memory, motor skills, and mental disorders.

In addition to the above, this deviation is characterized by a slow writing of letters and ambiguity of handwriting. Words slip off the lines, fluctuations in the height of letters and their slope, replacement of lowercase letters with uppercase letters and vice versa are also often observed.

With articulatory-acoustic variation of dysgraphia, characteristic spelling errors are due to incorrect sound pronunciation (the individual writes the same way he pronounces). Here, substitutions and omissions of letters in writing repeat similar sound errors in oral communication. The articulatory-acoustic variety of the considered deviation is observed with rhinolalia, polymorphic dyslalia, dysarthria. In other words, the described variety occurs in babies with phonemic immaturity of speech.

The acoustic form is characterized by the underdevelopment of phonemic perception against the background of the preservation of sound pronunciation. Errors in writing here are manifested by the replacement of letters corresponding to close sounds (hissing - whistling, deaf - voiced and vice versa).

Dysgraphia, which arose as a result of a disorder of linguistic generalization and analysis, is characterized by a deviation in the division into syllables of words, into words - sentences. The described variety of dysgraphia is manifested by omissions, repetitions or letter-syllabic permutations, writing additional letters or omitting the endings of words, writing together prepositions with words and vice versa, separately - with prefixes. Dysgraphia is more common in younger schoolchildren precisely on the basis of discord in language analysis and generalization.

Agrammatic dysgraphia is manifested in the erroneous declension of words, violation of the consistency of words and prepositional constructions (incorrect word order, release of sentence members). This variety usually accompanies a general underdevelopment of speech communication due to alalia and dysarthria.

With an optical variation of the described disorder, when writing, graphically similar letters are mixed or replaced. Violation of the reproduction and recognition of isolated letters indicates a literal variety of optical dysgraphia.
With incorrect spelling of letters in a word, we can talk about the verbal form of this dysgraphia. The characteristic errors of the analyzed form of dysgraphia are the addition of letter elements or their omission (x instead of w or vice versa), the mirror style of letters.

Often, with the considered deviation, non-verbal symptoms are detected: decreased performance, neurological failures, distractibility, memory loss.

Dysgraphia in adults is characterized by similar symptoms and is manifested by persistent spelling errors against the background of knowledge of spelling norms and grammar rules.

Types and forms

The following forms of the disease under consideration can be distinguished: acoustic, articulatory-acoustic, agrammatic, optical and dysgraphia, caused by a disorder in the process of analysis and generalization of the sign system that correlates the conceptual meaning and typical sound (language).

The acoustic variation of dysgraphia is manifested by the substitution of letters that correspond to phonetically similar sounds. The specificity of this variety lies in the correct pronunciation of such sounds orally. Often, when writing, voiced letters are mixed with deaf ones, hissing - with whistling, components - with affricates enclosed in them. In addition, the variety of dysgraphia under consideration is also found in the incorrect designation when writing the softness of consonants, for example, “lubit”, “letter”.

Dysgraphia in children of the articulatory-acoustic form is the production of errors in writing due to the presence of a violation of sound pronunciation. In other words, the baby, based on his own incorrect pronunciation, fixes it in written speech. Therefore, until the sound pronunciation is corrected, one should not correct the letter based on pronunciation.

Agrammatic dysgraphia is due to the immaturity of the grammatical structure of speech. The kid writes contrary to grammatical rules (" nice bag», « funny girl"). Grammatical flaws in writing are found in verbal constructions, their combinations, and sentences. This variation of dysgraphia is more often found in third-graders. Here the student has already mastered the literacy and "close" came to comprehending the rules of grammar, but the baby cannot master the norms of inflection of nominal constituent parts of speech. This is revealed in the incorrect spelling of morphemes that are at the end of a verbal construction and show the connection of a word with other words.

The optical variation of dysgraphia is based on the underdevelopment of visual generalization and analysis, spatial representations. All letters of the Russian alphabet are "equipped" with a set of certain elements ("ovals" and "sticks"), and consist of several "characteristic" elements. Similar components, combining in every possible way in space, form a variety of letters: i, sh, sh. When a baby does not grasp the differences between letters, this leads to difficulties in mastering the skills of writing letters, as well as to incorrect reproduction of them in writing.

Dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren, provoked by a disorder in the process of analysis and generalization of the sign system, is considered the most common. It is characterized by such errors: omissions of letters and even syllables, “relocation” of letters, syllables, inscription of additional letters in a word, underwriting of words, doubling of letters, syllables, spelling together with prepositions, and separately with prefixes, combining syllables from different words in a word.

Some authors also distinguish a motor form of dysgraphia, which is due to difficulties in making hand movements when writing. In addition, there is a violation of the relationship of motor representations of words and sounds with visual images. As a result, the appearance of writing spasm is possible, characterized by the occurrence of a change in the motor acts of the hand, which provokes deviations in writing. At the same time, the ability to perform other actions with the hand is preserved.


Diagnostic measures, first of all, include exclusion physiological reasons, hearing anomalies and visual pathologies. Therefore, an examination is carried out by "narrow" specialists - an oculist, a neuropathologist, an otolaryngologist.

In this case, first of all, in order to diagnose the violation in question, it is necessary to conduct a speech therapy study, since, first of all, it is necessary to assess the level of maturity of speech functions. Here it is important to determine whether the erroneous spelling of letters is dysgraphia or is it ordinary illiteracy based on ignorance of spelling norms.

When examining babies for dysgraphia, first of all, they check:

- the degree of general development of the crumbs;

- the level of maturity of oral speech (here they evaluate the quality of pronunciation of sounds, the ability to distinguish them, the presence of phonemic generalization and analysis, the specifics of the grammatical construction of speech, vocabulary);

– ability to carry out sound analysis;

- the state of motor skills (speech and manual), the completeness of the articulatory apparatus;

- the amount of vocabulary, the correctness of speech construction;

- written speech (here, the written work of the crumbs is analyzed, he is given a task consisting of such blocks: rewriting the text, dictation, descriptions of pictures, reading by syllables and letters).

Also, in order to determine the causes of dysgraphia, it is necessary to conduct a study of vision, a test of hearing and maturity of the central nervous system. In addition, testing is carried out to identify the dominant hand.

To detect the considered deviation in children of the primary school period, the method of assessing the skills of phonemic speech analysis is often used. The baby is given several exercises that show the level of ability to orally analyze the sound range of words.
Testing includes tasks, performing which the baby will demonstrate the ability to:

- recognize and emphasize a given sound in a word;

- select pictures whose names begin with the indicated sound;

- to invent words;

- divide sentences into words, then into syllables;

- match words according to the sound composition;

- to identify sound distortions in words pronounced by the baby himself or by another individual;

- reproduce several syllables consecutively after a speech therapist.

In order to check the preschooler for the likelihood of having dysgraphia, it is recommended to evaluate his approach to drawing, as well as the nature of the drawings themselves. If a three-four-year-old does not like to draw, then this often indicates a crumbs predisposition to dysgraphia. The drawings of a baby with dysgraphia are distinguished by the presence of intermittent, torn, trembling lines, made by too weak or, on the contrary, too strong pencil pressure.

Correction and treatment

If the violation in question is identified, it is necessary to immediately begin work to correct the defects of the letter.

The correction program is determined in accordance with the type of deviation and is carried out by the following methods:

- performing exercises that improve;

- learning with a crumb of spelling norms;

- work to increase the volume of vocabulary;

– doing written exercises different nature;

- massage;

- prescribing sedatives.

There are many ways to correct writing defects caused by dysgraphia. The most effective among them are the following methods: “word model”, sound and letter recognition, Ebbigaus method, error correction.

The "word model" technique involves the use of cards with the image of an object and a schematic outline of the word. The kid is given a card on which some object is drawn and a word scheme is drawn. He needs to look at the card, identify the object and pronounce the sounds of the word in order. Then he needs to correlate each sound with a letter, and then write a word.

The technique of recognizing sounds and letters involves the child writing a large number of letters. Then the baby needs to underline the words with the indicated sound and write it. After that, the baby will need to find these letters in the word and sentences and cross them out. The last stage is to work with drawings, the designation of which contains the sound being worked out.

The Ebbigaus method involves filling in gaps in words. The kid is given words familiar to him, but some letters are missing in them. The child needs to fill in the gaps with the necessary letters, read the word and write it correctly.

The error correction method involves finding the crumbs of errors, correcting them and spelling the words correctly. The kid is given a card with a word in which a mistake is made, and this word is voiced correctly. The child should find the mistake, correct it and rewrite the word correctly.


Preventive measures aimed at preventing violations of the reading process and writing defects should be implemented for preschool stage especially in children with speech impairments. It is necessary to work towards the development of attention, visual images, spatial representations, memory, the formation of grammatical construction, vocabulary, the ability to conduct language analysis and synthesis, and the elimination of disorders of oral speech activity.

To prevent the described disease, the entire environment surrounding the baby should stimulate the development of its cognitive sphere, intellectual function.

From infancy Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the full-fledged formation of oral speech activity, because the main foundation on which writing is based is precisely oral speech.

In order to prevent the occurrence of deviations in the auditory discrimination of sounds, it is necessary to "accustom" the hearing of babies to a more "subtle" sound by teaching the crumbs to recognize a variety of non-speech noises, such as rustling paper, ringing the phone, knocking the clock, rain, knocking on the table. You should also develop the ability to locate the source of the sound.

If the baby has certain problems in pronunciation or sound substitutions are observed, then the described defects must be eliminated, and only after they have been eliminated can one begin to learn to read. Often there are cases when the crumbs have sounds, but he continues to confuse them when pronouncing. This also requires correction, since similar substitutions are possible in writing.

Thus, the main focus of the preventive measures aimed at preventing dysgraphia, should be put on teaching the correct sound differentiation and correct pronunciation.

Dysgraphia has definitely pronounced symptoms, but only a specialist, most often a speech therapist, can make an accurate diagnosis. Dysgraphia does not go away on its own and interferes with the further education of the child: without eliminating the problem, mastering the school curriculum, even at a basic level, will be almost impossible.

What is dysgraphia? How do you know if a child has dysgraphia?

As a rule, parents and teachers learn that a child has problems with writing (dysgraphia) only when learning to write, that is, in elementary school. Dysgraphia is a specific writing disorder when a child writes words with phonetic errors, errors in recording sounds. Instead of "p" he writes "b", instead of "t" - "d", forms syllables incorrectly, adds extra letters, skips the necessary ones, writes several words together.

Dysgraphia can be mistaken for simply not knowing the rules of grammar, but the problem goes deeper.

Compare "offer" - "breathing" and "offer" - "application". This example clearly shows the difference between simple ignorance correct spelling(rules) and dysgraphia.

Moreover, the handwriting of such children is often illegible, uneven. When writing, the child shows a lot of effort, but writes very slowly. If such a child studies in a class with ordinary children, then he may experience serious feelings due to his mistakes, slowness, and discontent of the teacher. In speech, a child with dysgraphia often cannot build long sentences and prefers to remain silent or speak briefly. Because of this, the "dysgraphic" does not have full communication with peers, and it seems to him that his classmates are opposed to him.

Unfortunately it's enough serious problem, which "does not walk alone": most often, dysgraphia manifests itself along with a reading problem, and the child may also have problems in speech and violations of other physical functions.

Types of dysgraphia

  • Articulatory-acoustic. It is connected with the fact that the child pronounces sounds incorrectly, which means that when pronouncing them to himself, he writes them down incorrectly. To treat this type of dysgraphia, you need to work on the correct pronunciation of sounds.
  • acoustic. In this case, the child correctly pronounces sounds, but confuses them with similar sounds (deaf-voiced: b-p, d-t, s-s; hissing: s-sh, s-zh; and also do not distinguish between the softness of individual sounds).
  • Optical. A child with optical dysgraphia finds it difficult to write and distinguish between letters: he adds unnecessary elements (sticks, dashes, circles), skips the necessary ones, even writes in a mirror image in the opposite direction).
  • Dysgraphia due to problems of language analysis and synthesis. A child with this problem in writing can skip or repeat whole words, rearrange syllables and letters in places, write different words together (prefixes and prepositions are confused with nouns - they write together or separately, attach part of the next word to one word, etc.)
  • Agrammatic dysgraphia. As a rule, it is detected after grades 1-2, as it requires great knowledge of the rules for writing words (" nice cat", "beautiful sun", etc.). That is, this problem is connected with the fact that the child cannot correctly decline words by gender and case, cannot agree on an adjective and a noun. Such a problem can be observed in bilingual (bilingual) families, as well as when the child is taught in a non-native language.

Causes of dysgraphia

The causes of this disorder can be very different: from birth trauma, infections and genetics to neglect of education. With problems in the functioning of the brain, dysgraphia is most often accompanied by comorbidities which parents may already know about.

In fact, a child diagnosed with dysgraphia cannot write without errors, because his speech, auditory and visual and motor analyzers are disrupted, the child cannot process information (synthesis and analysis).

How to eliminate dysgraphia and is it possible?

Fortunately, yes, with some effort on the part of both parents, specialists, and the child himself dysgraphia can be corrected and cured. Of course, this is not a quick process: it may take months and years of systematic practice to completely overcome dysgraphia and related impairments in writing, speech, and reading. But these works will be rewarded: the child will be able to fully study in an ordinary school and become a full-fledged member of society, an ordinary child.

Dysgraphia is not a sentence, you can live with it, but the task of parents and teachers should be to overcome this ailment. Fortunately, many techniques and exercises have been developed to eliminate dysgraphia. This is confirmed and famous people suffering from dyslexia and dysgraphia. Here is just a small list of names: Hans Christian Andersen, Albert Einstein, Tom Cruise, Salma Hayek, Cher, Dustin Hoffman, Walt Disney, Fedor Bondarchuk, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Marilyn Monroe.

Which doctor treats dysgraphia?

Usually, dysgraphia is reported by the teacher teaching the child. He may already have experience of working with such children. Next, you should contact a speech therapist and a psychoneurologist. The main work is carried out by a speech therapist: he develops both hemispheres of the brain, teaches to distinguish, pronounce and record sounds. A neuropsychiatrist will help identify concomitant disorders (if any), understand the causes of dysgraphia and prescribe drug treatment. In some cases, other specialists are involved in solving the problem, for example, if a child has hearing problems, he can neither hear sounds nor write them down.

What should teachers and parents do?

Eliminating such a problem is impossible alone: ​​parents, teachers and doctors must unite and agree on their actions. Prescribe treatment, perform certain exercises. Perhaps the child should be transferred to another school (specialized) or hire a tutor who can professionally perform the exercises with the child at home.

It should not be forgotten that the "dysgraphic" very often acutely feels his problem and is afraid to show it again: he misses lessons, loses his notebooks in the Russian language, and communicates little. The task of adults, in addition to treatment, is to provide psychological support to the child: do not scold, show interest in success, help.


Dysgraphia is a disorder that you can and should work with: do exercises, correct related problems (for example, communication problems with peers). The peculiarities of this violation and its significance for the future life of the child cannot allow non-professional intervention - it is necessary to contact specialists, first of all, a speech therapist.

Photo of dysgraphia

Photo courtesy of user Jelenko, Vitaliy Kupriyanov.

Dear readers! If you have photographs of examples of recordings of a child with dysgraphia, please use them to illustrate this and other related articles. Thank in advance!

Dysgraphia in children is a disease expressed in violations of the development of written language. Very often, parents do not even suspect that this disease is present in a child.

The appearance of the disease is due to the unformedness of some mental functions, due to which there is a partial violation of the very process of writing words. Dysgraphia in younger students can manifest itself in the presence of persistent or frequently repeated mistakes.

The problem has nothing to do with the child's ignorance of the spelling rules.

The disease manifests itself in about 30% of school-age children, usually in second graders. Many parents believe that various new education systems are to blame for this problem, causing schoolchildren to have learning problems due to brain overload. But this is not true, as well as the fact that this disease is a consequence of the mental retardation of the baby. Delay mental development or violation of this function is in no way connected with the occurrence of dysgraphia in schoolchildren.

Causes of dysgraphia in younger students

Violation of the writing process cannot arise without reasons and rarely exists on its own. As a rule, the problem also affects:

  • lexico-grammatical side of speech.
  • sound pronunciation.
  • speech connections.
  • phonemic awareness.

Therefore, very often the functional and organic causes of dysgraphia coincide with the causes of such disorders as:

  • dysarthria
  • dyslalia
  • aphasia
  • alalia
  • impaired mental function.

Dysgraphia in a child may also appear if he has encephalitis, birth trauma, or had asphyxia during childbirth. This also applies to newborns. Symptoms of dysgraphia in school age, as well as the symptoms of dyslexia, can also appear with brain damage or its underdevelopment during pregnancy.

It is also necessary to monitor the development of infections in infants, their diet. In time to treat any somatic diseases, especially in severe form, for example, it is better not to postpone the treatment of rhinolalia.

What causes childhood dysgraphia

This includes many factors that surround the baby from the moment of birth. For example:

  • bilingualism or multilingualism in the family.
  • lack of communication and speech contacts.
  • incorrect speech of loved ones or fuzzy pronunciation of words.
  • too early attempts to teach the child to read and write, when psychologically he is not yet ready for this step.

An example of the text of a student with a diagnosis of dysgraphia

The risk group for the onset of the disease includes children with mental retardation, constitutional predisposition, as well as those who have any speech disorders. It is better to try to prevent the disease, and for this it is necessary to eliminate any speech deviations in time, for example, short bridle language.

What you need to pay special attention to

It is not necessary to eliminate dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren and not in adolescents, when all the signs are fully manifested. Study necessary prevention need more in preschool age starting from the chest. It is necessary that the baby always hears the correct speech, clearly pronounced words, even with a newborn it is necessary to talk a lot. At the age of one year, many factors of further child development are laid.

Children with dysgraphia need special help from a speech pathologist because conventional methods it is impossible to overcome the disease. But still, prevention and timely measures play a significant role here, since the disease is much easier to prevent than to cure. You should be screened for signs of dysgraphia if:

  • left handed child
  • V kindergarten he attends speech therapy classes
  • the baby was retrained to be right-handed.
  • the family speaks several languages ​​at once
  • began to teach the child to read and write unreasonably early or sent to school too early
  • the baby has impaired attention and memory problems.

Types of dysgraphia and their features

In order for the path of correction of the disease to be chosen correctly, it is necessary to accurately determine its form and make a diagnosis. In general, dysgraphia is divided into 5 main types.


With this form of the disease, the pronunciation of sounds is disturbed in children, and on the basis of this they write words incorrectly. That is, the violation of pronunciation by them is recorded in writing, the child writes the words in the same way as he pronounces. The doctor with this form of dysgraphia must first of all correct the sound pronunciation of a small patient.


Symptoms of the acoustic form of deviation are expressed in the replacement of the correct letters with those that correspond to sounds close to them. Replaceable pairs include: deaf and sonorous sounds - P-B, T-D, F-V, Sh-Zh; hissing and whistling - Zh-Z, Sh-S, as well as pairs of sounds S-Ts, Ts-T, Shch-Ch, Ch-Th. In the pronunciation of sounds in words, no violations are observed.


In the case of the agrammatical form, the deviation is caused by underdevelopment grammatical structure speech. Children with such a violation write with constant errors, as if not paying attention to the rules of grammar at all. It is possible to diagnose this form only in schoolchildren from the third grade, since it is at this age that the main signs of this type of disease begin to appear.


The appearance of the optical form of the disease is due to a violation of spatial and visual analysis. In fact, any letter is visually formed from dashes, sticks, ovals, sometimes with the addition of special elements. In space, such, at first glance - the same - elements are combined in different ways, forming different characters(letters). If visual perception is disturbed, then the child does not catch the differences between the letters, and therefore cannot write them correctly.


This is dysgraphia caused by a violation of language synthesis and analysis. Because this form is the most common, it is commonly referred to as the motor form.

The motor form of dysgraphia is usually expressed in the appearance of specific errors. For example baby:

  • skips letters or whole syllables in words
  • doesn't write words
  • rearranges syllables or letters in words
  • adds extra letters to words
  • repeats a letter or syllable in a word
  • combines syllables of completely different words in one word
  • separates prefixes from words, and writes prepositions together with words.

Which doctor should be consulted

What to do if a student has symptoms of dysgraphia? You need to go to a good clinic and undergo an examination. Of the specialists, you need to go through a pediatric ophthalmologist, a pediatric otolaryngologist, a neurologist, a psychologist and a speech therapist. A speech therapist can determine the child's level of speech formation and its main functions.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out in several stages, the first of which will be the study of the child's school notebooks and other written work. Then the specialist begins to study the patient's speech skills, their level of development, as well as the state of the child's hearing, vision and central nervous system. As a result of the data obtained, the following indicators are examined:

  • manual and speech motor skills
  • articulation apparatus
  • determining the dominant hand.
  • phonemic syntax and analysis
  • sound pronunciation
  • auditory differentiation of sounds
  • vocabulary features
  • syllable structure of words
  • grammatical structure of speech.

Dysorphography is a specific writing disorder

Dysorphography is one of the varieties of dysgraphia with its own specific manifestations. Children with this disease cannot even master elementary rules spelling, even though they know the rules of spelling by heart.

The most difficult thing for schoolchildren with this disorder is the solution of any spelling problems, as well as the definition of spellings, especially if the spellings are in endings and contain unstressed vowels. In addition, such children experience great difficulties in mastering the rules of punctuation and syntax.

Treatment of dysgraphia and its prevention

How to fix the disease? Doctors advise to act in such a situation in a coordinated and collaborative manner, the success of the correction depends on this. How far dysgraphia can be cured depends on the joint work of specialists, parents and the smallest patient.

Children with this disorder should receive regular help from a qualified speech therapist and special exercises. As a general therapy, a child may be prescribed exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy and hydrotherapy. as well as certain nutrition.

doctor advises

Dysgraphia in children slight deviation, which is quite well corrected. To prevent it, it is necessary to conduct special classes with the baby with early age. To develop his sensory functions, HMF, spatial representation, graphomotor skills, which contributes to a better mastery of the processes of correct reading and writing. In order for the treatment of dysgraphia in younger students to be successful, it is necessary to correct all problems with oral speech in time and strive for its proper development.

Video for the article

To diagnose dysgraphia, it is enough just to spend a few various tests on dictations and rewriting of texts. This allows you to determine the degree of disorder in the child.

Children with dysgraphia lose confidence in themselves, study poorly, because they cannot write correctly. Some children refuse to write at all and are even afraid to go to school. Most often, teachers do not know that a child is dysgraphed and do not care about such a child, believing that he is simply lazy.

However, if parents notice symptoms of this disorder in their child, they need to immediately begin treatment for dysgraphia. For this, please refer to children's speech therapist(who will develop a treatment plan for the disease) and child psychologist(he will help to improve relations in the family and school). It is necessary to improve the child's memory and develop his ability to concentrate.

To save a child from this violation, patience, time and timely correction of dysgraphia will be required. The treatment will be too tiring for the child, so during the treatment he especially needs support and attention from adults.

What do parents need to know?

Dysgraphia is not a sentence. Children with dysgraphia are able to fully master the skills of writing. Although for this they must diligently and diligently engage. In addition, there are many methods for correcting dysgraphia.

The help of a speech pathologist is essential. This specialist influences the prompt elimination of dysgraphia. The speech therapist will conduct various games with the child that will develop writing skills.

Children with dysgraphia must first be taught correct oral speech, and then learn writing. IN this issue quality is important, not quantity. You can not scold the child for failures, shout at him, or, conversely, rejoice too violently. You need to convince the child that he will succeed. Only patience, the desire of a child and teamwork with specialists will help cure dysgraphia.

Dysgraphia correction - what you need to know?

  1. You should not start the treatment of the disease directly from the elimination of errors in the letter - this does not have the proper effect on the correction of dysgraphia. Very often, children with dysgraphia do not hear certain sounds or cannot distinguish them. Therefore, it is first necessary to teach the child to distinguish between sounds by ear and pronunciation, since training in writing in this case will not give a positive result.
  2. It is necessary to gradually approach the elimination of the problem. For example, a child cannot distinguish between the sounds "Sh" and "S" by ear. First, you need to draw the child's attention to the different positions of the tongue and lips during the pronunciation of these sounds. Then you can start drawing these letters in the air with your eyes closed.

It happens that in children with dysgraphia it is not possible to identify specific violations in writing (unrecognition of letters, sounds, difficulty in speech analysis, etc.). Therefore, it seems that there is no explanation for the appearance of the violation. However, the bottom line is that writing is a complex speech activity, which includes a number of different operations carried out simultaneously. And some children cannot perform these operations at the same time. Because of this, they develop dysgraphia.

  1. Large texts need to be divided into several parts and tasks must be completed in several stages;
  2. You can not force the child to rewrite homework several times in which he made mistakes. The child will become unsure of his abilities and this will make even more mistakes.
  3. Even for minimal success, a child should be praised and encouraged. Under no circumstances should you yell at him or humiliate him.

How to help a child with dysgraphia learn to write?

Correction of dysgraphia occurs as follows. You will need checkered notebooks and a pen covered with pimples or ribs (for massaging the fingertips). Hull shape writing pen should be as triangular as possible. The ink in the pen is multi-colored, it is possible with sparkles so that the child likes to write with them. Can be written with fountain pens so that children train the force of pressure and correctly hold the pen in their hand.

Every day you need to copy a small fragment of any work of art into a notebook. In one cell - one letter, and the letter must completely occupy the cell. The child must want to work. If you force him with a shout or a belt, this will bring results. It is impossible to allow the child to get tired, to be dissatisfied with himself.

In elementary grades, all children make mistakes when writing, this is a natural learning process. But it happens that there are too many mistakes, they are illogical and appear in places where it is impossible to make a mistake. At the same time, the writing of the text is given to the child with difficulty, the repetition of the rules does not bring results, the handwriting is completely impossible to make out. Then we are no longer talking about ordinary illiteracy, but about such a functional disorder as dysgraphia. We will talk more about its signs, causes and methods of struggle in this article.

The content of the article:

What is dysgraphia?

The phenomenon, which is accompanied by the inability of the student to competent, accurate writing, is called dysgraphia. It is accompanied by a large number of recurring errors.

The problem is based on the immaturity of the higher mental system, as well as inconsistency in the work of the brain lobes responsible for visual and auditory perception, analytic skills, fine motor skills hands All of these processes are involved in writing.

Dysgraphia is quite widespread: every third student is affected lower grades. The problem cannot be left unattended, as it slows down the assimilation of the school curriculum, depresses emotional condition"Losers": he can become the object of ridicule from classmates due to poor academic performance.

Solving the issue will require examination and painstaking work with a specialist. But even this does not guarantee the complete elimination of “functional illiteracy”. In some cases, it lasts a lifetime. However, among the "dysgraphics" you can meet famous film actors, politicians and even poets.

How to recognize a deviation from the norm

If the student is developed by age, assigns homework enough time, but at the same time regularly brings "deuces" in the letter, you should pay attention to the nature of the errors. Due to a number of features, dysgraphia can be distinguished from banal inattention. But the final decision will be voiced only by a narrow specialist.

Errors may be due different reasons, their analysis will help determine the type of dysgraphia. Most often found:

  • The disappearance of letters and syllables. They may be missing at the end or in the middle of a word: “beech” instead of “bun”, “tan” instead of “tank”, “knowledge” instead of “task”.
  • Replacing a letter with a consonant one: "P" to "B", "T" to "D", "Zh" to "Sh". For example: "breathing" instead of "offer".
  • The erroneous spelling of words with prepositions and, conversely, the separation of the prefix from the word: “I was on the road on ice.”
  • Merging several words together: "he sat on the window."
  • The absence of a dot at the end of a sentence and a capital letter at the beginning.
  • Errors even in stressed vowels: "kefEr", "hammer".
  • Rearrangement of syllables in places: "tevilizor", "puzzle".
  • Repeating the same syllable twice.

In addition, it is difficult to make out anything in the “dysgraphics” notebook: the letters have different size and tilt, the lines go beyond the margins or “fall” down, the handwriting is extremely illegible.

If you find several of the above types of errors at the same time, and they are regularly repeated, this is a reason to seek help from a specialist.

Types of dysgraphia

Based on violations in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bwriting, experts distinguish the following types dysgraphia:


With this variant of dysgraphia, the student correctly says all the letters, but confuses them when writing with paired ones in sound: З-С, Б-П, Д-Т, С-Ш, З-Ж. Plus problems with writing letters in a soft form (“Lubim”, “Syurtuk”).


Becomes obvious in grades 2-3, because it manifests itself after learning the fundamental rules of grammar. The student consistently makes mistakes when declining words by gender, incorrectly coordinates the main members of the sentence with each other. Confuses plural and singular related words. For example: " good boy"," the cat came running. This type is often found in children with general underdevelopment speech or in schoolchildren who study in a non-native language.


With this form, there is a problem with visualization, namely: extra details are assigned to the letters, and the necessary ones are lost (especially in lowercase "T-P", "Sh-I", "L-M", "X-Zh"). Plus a mirror image of the letters.

Violation of language analysis and synthesis

Characteristic is the double repetition of one word or, conversely, its “loss”, rearrangement of syllables, continuous spelling of several words, separation of prefixes from them, attachment to the word of a part from the next word. That is, the student has difficulty dividing the word into syllables, and the text into separate words.


It occurs with speech therapy problems, when during a conversation some sounds are replaced by others and errors are transferred into written speech. (“koKhta”, “Lyba”, “I listen”). This is where a speech pathologist can help. By solving the problem of pronunciation of words, you can get rid of many errors.

Each of the types listed above requires some kind of intervention. For each type, sets of exercises have been developed, performing which can significantly improve the situation.

Reasons for the development of deviation

Dysgraphia occurs as an independent phenomenon or may be the result of psychosomatic disorders that parents already know about.

So to possible reasons relate:

  • birth injury;
  • fetal hypoxia during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • viral infections affecting the central nervous system, transferred at an early age;
  • neurological pathology, hyperactivity, ADHD, mental retardation.

This also includes bilingualism (when two languages ​​are spoken at home), slurred speech surrounded by a schoolchild, an indifferent attitude towards his common development in general and speech pathology in particular.

Early learning to write and untimely going to school (before 7 years old) plus immaturity of certain areas of the brain can also cause spelling difficulties. It happens that a child is simply not ready to perceive information due to the underdevelopment of the speech, visual and motor centers, the lack of the ability to synthesize and analyze.

Treatment of dysgraphia

If parents are really interested in overcoming their child's difficulties with writing, then they will have to work hard. First you need to contact a specialist, find out what type of dysgraphia is taking place. Further, it is necessary to systematically perform tasks according to a special program focused on a specific violation.

You may need to implement a whole range of measures, including massage, exercise therapy, classes with a speech therapist and tutor.

It may take years to solve the problem, but the result will be an increase in the quality of writing and speech, a reduction in the number of specific errors, and sufficient academic performance. And the student will no longer experience discomfort because of his “stupidity”, he will avoid ridicule from his classmates about this.

Which doctor should I contact?

Initially, signs of teacher dysgraphia are noticed. They may already have experience teaching students with similar difficulties.

You will need to visit a speech therapist and psychoneurologist. It may be relevant to consult an audiologist (to test hearing) and an ophthalmologist.

Based on the diagnosis, the child may be prescribed certain drugs for a course of admission. But the main role in the treatment of dysgraphia is played by work with a speech therapist. It is important to attend classes regularly, to do the homework of a specialist.

But remember that you can not overload the child with lessons! For harmonious development should walk daily fresh air eat well, sleep at least 10 hours a day. It is worth taking breaks in the educational process, after classes provide the student with time for free play activities.

Also forget about reproaches and moralizing, in case of failure it is better to just keep silent. But for any success, you need to react violently, thereby giving the child emotional nourishment and motivation to continue studying.

Exercises for the correction of dysgraphia in younger students

A set of measures is developed individually, based on the type of dysgraphia, its causes. But there are universal tasks that will help overcome difficulties. Here are some of them:

  • Improve bad handwriting help: cutting, coloring by numbers, tasks from the “circle the dots” series. Performing them is more interesting than circling prescriptions. Children are more willing to engage when the lesson takes place in a playful way.
  • If the problem is in the erroneous pronunciation of sounds, buy a manual and do “amusing gymnastics for the tongue” while sitting in front of a mirror. Just coordinate these exercises with a speech therapist.
  • We copy the word according to the model. The student calls each letter of the word from the textbook, pronounces it syllable by syllable. Rewrites, voicing what he writes. In conclusion, he checks the number of letters in the sample and the notebook, checks the spelling.
  • If the letters and syllables still disappear, you need to draw as many squares on the sheet as there are letters in the sample word. You need to rewrite and check if all the letters are in place, if there are empty squares.
  • We develop attention. Give the child an old telephone directory, ask one of the pages to cross out all the letters "b" (choose the letter with which the most problems). At another time, the task can be complicated by adding a second letter to the search.
  • We play school. Invite your child to be your teacher. Write a few words under his dictation, making simple mistakes, typos. Let him try to find them and rate you. If he does not see them, use a textbook or dictionary to check. It is important that the child finds all the mistakes on his own, so there should be few of them.

It is also necessary to adjust to the special rhythm of the student. Most likely, he will need a little more time to complete written assignments. Don't rush him. The school teacher should also make allowances for this.

Dysgraphia is a phenomenon that is not associated with laziness or unwillingness of a student to study. This functional impairment ability to write texts and individual words, requiring the intervention of a specialist. With regular sessions with a speech therapist or an experienced teacher in the Russian language, you can achieve good results, improve school performance. And parents should be patient, not scold for mistakes, but praise for any success.