The ideal lover that you need to be able to. What should be the ideal lover - The art of love between a man and a woman - Sexual relations. Man and woman. Love and perversion

Each of us has an established image perfect lover, but have you ever wondered what an ideal lover should be, because the stronger sex also has its own ideals in this matter. And here we are talking not at all about a homeowner trying to take her husband away from the family, but about the qualities that every woman should have so that a man does not want to look for a replacement for her.

The ideal lover according to men

So what is she, the ideal lover? Maybe she should have a stunning appearance? Or African temperament? Or maybe masterfully master all the poses of the "Kama Sutra"? It turns out it's not all that important. Although beauty and "Kama Sutra" do not interfere at all.

According to the results of sociological surveys conducted among men different ages and statuses, it turned out that women's sex appeal is most valued by the representatives of the stronger sex - 55%, followed by goes appearance- 45% and temperament follows with a small margin - 40%. Unfortunately, the mind does not occupy the first positions in this list, although there are exceptions. Guided by the data obtained, and the opinion of the men themselves, several specific qualities were identified that, according to the stronger sex, an ideal lover should have.

The ideal lover respects and loves herself

The favorite subject of men's dreams is a temperamental, beautiful, tender woman who will not interfere in his life and will not encroach on his freedom. At the same time, she will not look for him, collect information about her favorite ways to spend her free time, call for no reason, demand gifts and dates. In addition, she must be loving, sensual, affectionate, etc. This list of necessary qualities can be continued almost indefinitely. But can a woman in our country, in which men right age 10,000,000 less (and hence the corresponding competition), to have such advantages? Oddly enough, but maybe.

But only in one case will she be an ideal lover - loving and respecting herself. When a woman loves herself more than a man and does not humiliate herself in front of him. When she goes on a date only for her pleasure, and not so that she has everything like everyone else. And she makes love for herself, and not to keep a man. And she lives with her husband because she loves him, and not because of a child or money. AND after sex, he listens to his feelings and to himself, and does not blow his lips, because the man immediately went to the shower. A woman who loves herself will always be a mystery to men. Well, what could be more interesting than solving it?

The ideal lover is uninhibited in bed

Most women are adept at flirting, though each in their own way. But from what, many with such ease and pleasure doing these games in vertical position, and begin to tighten, shy and go numb during the process of transition to horizontal? By continuing to fool around, play pranks and tease your partner, you will be able to get rid of the tension that so often fetters natural impulses and deliver a lot of pleasure to a man. Do not forget - sex is a natural continuation of love and romantic feelings. A seductive woman always wears beautiful underwear or stockings, despite the fact that no one will undress her. She does it for herself. Various erotic accessories only tone her up. Learn to have fun, because if you do not enjoy what is happening, nothing good will come of it.

Is it possible to make the beloved man dream only of you alone? How to quickly kindle a desire in him and - most importantly, not let him go out? You can master this art!

You so want to be the one and only for your man, become an ideal lover and give him magical sensations. After all, it is so important that in bed you not only give each other pleasure, but also become more and more close and open. How to make your every night fabulous? This subtle art can be learned.

Sensuality in a woman awakens with time. And if you want, you can develop it. You will have to work on yourself, abandon the usual scenarios of behavior in bed. So what makes the perfect lover so special?

1. Enjoys sex. She makes love not at all out of a sense of duty and not in order to keep the "lustful male." She responds to every touch and is ready to give her partner bold caresses. Attraction cannot be faked: when a man feels that he causes a sincere desire in a girlfriend, this is the best compliment for him.

2. Loves himself. A real seductress knows her worth, understands how attractive she is. Perhaps a picky critic would find her proportions far from ideal. But such a woman knows how to emphasize her dignity and presents herself as a gift. She has no doubt: anyone will feel dizzy from the fact that she is around. And this confidence is transferred to others. Her partner does not have to listen to lamentations about

3. Take care of yourself. Agree, it is difficult to imagine a sex diva in a stretched terry dressing gown and torn slippers. Certainly. desired woman does not at all intricate lace underwear and not stilettos. Just remember that natural smell clean skin, fresh fragrance Hair affects men magnetically.

4. Knows what he wants. Unlike many young ladies, in bed, the ideal lover does not at all try to reproduce exciting scenes from romance novels or "downhole" moments of porn films. Everything is much simpler: she directly asks the man what caresses he dreams of. And in the process, she sensitively reacts to every groan of the partner, the movements of his body, the rhythm of breathing - that's why the result is so impressive.

5. Intriguing. People quickly get used to each other, and the intensity of passions inevitably falls, even if nature has endowed you with a stormy temperament. Therefore, it is so important to be able to awaken the imagination of a companion, to tease him. Imagine: today you are a liberated hetaira, and tomorrow you are a laughing graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens. Next to such a girlfriend, a man will also have to change his role, trying on different images. The game will definitely bring variety to the relationship.

7. Constantly improving. She is interested in the sexual side of relationships, tries to keep abreast of new trends, reads high-quality literature on this topic. Have you ever heard of special exercises for the development and strengthening of intimate muscles? Try to master such gymnastics - and you will experience a completely different range of sensations during sex.

8. Knows how to keep up the conversation. It just seems that in bed the ability to think is completely useless, it does not require a head, but completely different organs. A few minutes following the bright finale can bring a couple closer or, conversely, push lovers away from each other. If immediately after an orgasm you suddenly tell a relaxed man: “You know, my previous one was more inventive than you,” you are unlikely to leave pleasant memories of yourself. Luxurious woman distinguishes the ability to be silent when necessary, and, conversely, at the right time to defuse the atmosphere with a joke.

9. Respects his freedom. A self-confident diva is unlikely to bombard her lover with sentimental SMS and fill up his mailbox tender postcards. No need to make big plans right after the first night: a real man will not succumb to pressure and will not want to become a victim of manipulation.

10. Admire a man. Next to the ideal mistress, he feels like a real hero. Emphasize how good you are in the company of your partner! Let him feel like a champion in bed and not only. Who would voluntarily refuse such a sensitive and understanding girlfriend?

Try to get rid of complexes. tightness, forget about the sexual stereotypes that you were inspired from your very youth. Each couple develops their own rules of behavior in bed, determines the measures of decency. decides what is permissible in sex and what is strictly forbidden. And this can only be achieved through experience. So fantasize, experiment! Listen carefully to your body, follow its reactions - it will not deceive you. And, of course, be sincere with your partner, only under this condition can you truly understand and feel each other.

Have you noticed that some women exude sexuality? How do they do it? Are they always extraordinary beauties? Why not the most beautiful woman attracts men to itself, like a light bulb butterflies?

Every woman wants to be loved and desired. It's not a secret for any of us that any man first of all needs good mistress. What separates the woman everyone wants from the rest? She follows certain rules.

12. Men like to return to places where it is nice and cozy, so your house should always be clean and smell good.

13. Do not show jealousy, even if there is a reason. In any case, a man does not admit to treason, and with such behavior you will only push him away from you.

14. Do not tell a man what and how he should do. Nobody likes moralizing.

15. Know how to forgive, or at least pretend to forgive. Men do not like those who remind them of past mistakes.

16. Successful men believe that they want to rob and use them. Even if he is right, you should not scare him away in the first weeks or months of dating.

17. Be open to experimentation. A man will never refuse a woman who is ready to have sex with him in a new position or an unusual place.

As stated in one folk wisdom: "A woman should be a mistress in the kitchen, a lady in the living room and a passionate lover in the bedroom." The first and second can be easily learned, but if there are cooking courses and etiquette lessons, then the third is not taught anywhere.

That is why we invite you today to cast aside all prejudices and begin to comprehend the science of passion. And for this, we suggest that you take a look at the list of points, following which you, if you do not become an ideal lover, then get very close to her image.

A woman is both an apple and a snake

The ideal lover always feels and knows what her partner wants. She knows how and where it is better to caress him, what to whisper in his ear. Of course, she does not have the talent of a clairvoyant, she takes her knowledge from him, through a long conversation "about it." A mistress is a woman who always exudes desire, she knows how to caress her partner and make love with pleasure, and not because she “must”. She wants to reach the highest point just like him, she wants new sensations and does not tolerate boredom.

She can always offer to try not only new positions, but also new places.

The lover should be well-groomed, charming, smart and a bit reckless. Otherwise, she will keep the man for the night, and she needs to remain in his memory forever. The most famous courtesans were Cleopatra, Josephine, Madame de Pompadour. You can always read their biography at your leisure and pick up something worthwhile for yourself.

The mistress makes her partner feel like a real man. Even weak men they want to manage the situation at least in some way, which is why such an alliance is very strong.

There is a difference between a mistress and a wife, she considers her man a real holiday, while for his wife he has long become commonplace.

Love yourself! Unconditionally and unrequitedly, once and for all. The secret of geisha, who are considered one of the most skillful mistresses, is self-love. Admire yourself more often, tell yourself how beautiful you are and repeat that you are the best.

The woman was too smart, but this lack was compensated by her beauty.

Love your body the same way you love yourself. Ideal figure not all of the fair sex possess at all, you should not go on a year-round diet and starve yourself, find the weight in which you are comfortable. Love yourself, your legs, thighs, hair color.

A sparkle in the eyes always attracts a man, try not to walk tired all the time, but radiate energy and cheerfulness. A mistress always exudes desire, so you try to radiate at least something.

Around perfect lover a special aura always hovers, namely, it is able to create an appropriate entourage in the bedroom. Give Special attention to your appearance, linen, aromatic oils, all this can either increase the desire of a partner, or completely shine it on “no”. Think also about the colors that your man prefers, everything in you should kindle his passion, if for this you have to cook dinner in a negligee, there is nothing reprehensible in this.

It's time to surprise the man. It could be, for example unusual dinner, sparkling wine, goodies that he can lick off your body, but you should not overfeed your partner. With a full stomach, he is unlikely to be capable of a stormy night.

Pull pleasure, even if your man is already pretty inflamed, change positions, relax during lovemaking. After such outbreaks, even a relationship that has been drawn out by a routine can ignite with renewed vigor.

Every woman in the era of Alexandre Dumas dreamed of being a courtesan, now times have changed, and a bad lover, according to men, is much better than good wife. Try to convince your man that he is the best and wonderful, and others simply do not notice this. Sometimes indulge your man with such piquancy as a striptease. Let from time to time a man conquers you again, what he got with difficulty is valued much higher.

Psychology 0

Hello everyone, lovely ladies! True woman will make a lot of effort to always . However, one cannot succeed in everything, and not everyone is a priestess of love, but in every person there is an excellent lover somewhere inside, despite decency and shyness.

Men's opinion

In this matter, the most important is the opinion of men, because girls are trying only for their day. I will dispel the myth that knowledge of postures is of great importance. In fact, they do not care how many positions and sexual techniques their chosen one knows. Unfortunately, women tend to forget about the elementary.

What should be a dream woman? Men's view.

  1. Shy woman with thoughts of a harlot. A similar type is to the liking of many representatives of the stronger sex. They are essentially hunters, and they are lured by a certain closeness. Such a person is a mystery to a real man, who, as it were, challenges him to solve it.
  2. A lady who knows how to take the initiative. Many representatives of the weaker sex believe that the first step should always be for a man. Based on stereotypes, I will dispel this myth. Of course, we want to see the perseverance of the conqueror. However, a man is the same person who wants to connect his fate with a lady who knows how to achieve her own. In no case should you run on the heels of the subject of adoration. They work here female tricks. A lady should be interested in something new in a relationship, be able to express her feelings by speaking directly about them. Write to your chosen one at the end of the working day: “I am all in anticipation and burning with passion. Your playful kitty.
  3. Spontaneity and desire for sexual variety. Everyone has long known that married couples who have lived together for many years must work on relationships in order for them to develop. Each spouse will appreciate some spontaneous gift from his wife. You can try to have unexpected sex in an unusual place, visit a sex shop, or a sexy lingerie boutique. This allows you to brighten up everyday life, awakens desire and helps to let go of the most secret feelings out.
  4. Game lover. In many continents, a survey of men was conducted on this topic. Statistics show that this is one of the most secret desires. In this situation, a woman uses her talents in the game, turning into a sensitive conqueror of the heart of her chosen one. If your spouse is addicted computer games- no problem. Transform into a sexy heroine from his favorite game. Come up with an interesting plot. For example, 10 wishes that the main character needs to fulfill in order to win his lady of the heart.
  5. Confidence. It is probably no secret to anyone that men are attracted to self-confident ladies. And indeed it is. It is such a person who will not think about what kind of woman he will quickly get bored with, she will do everything possible to diversify her intimate life. Of course, if you use all the chips of a skilled priestess all the time, very soon it will turn into a boring everyday life. Sweets, as they say, should be in moderation. Only in this way will you turn your relationship into something amazing.

Learning to Express in Dance

Often, the fair sex simply does not fully understand the meaning of body movements, namely dance. First of all, it is an expression of one's emotions and experiences.

Men really like striptease: graceful, feminine and sexy body movements will not leave indifferent any, even the most closed, male. A huge plus such hobbies is the correction of the figure, because in this case the area of ​​the hips, waist and décolleté is tightened.

Some ladies believe that these nuances are not so important and have nothing to do with the ideal lover. But you understand, dear readers, that this is completely absurd. With the help of simple methods, you can save a woman from complexes. It is the base on which everything else depends.

Don't be afraid to experiment

Perhaps the most difficult thing about this is to step over your principles and good upbringing. But, think about what new opportunities will open up for you. Men are very welcome massage. Tie him to the bed when you please. Find an erogenous area on the body and work it out with light erotic movements.

Play role-playing games and do not be afraid of them, try yourself in the role of different characters.

Be desirable for your man

Stop dressing all the time home clothes like bathrobes and slippers! An alternative to this can be modern tight shorts and T-shirts. Wear only spectacular underwear. Even being in own house, a woman should always remain desirable for her husband.

Be playful with your partner, but not too approachable. Thanks to such manipulations, you will awaken passion in him. This is what it looks like in a man's eyes real woman.

love yourself

Stop criticizing yourself all the time. To be successful in a relationship, you must only see yourself as positive aspects. Agree that a woman dissatisfied with herself will look pathetic and will not cause desire.

When you repeat for the hundredth time with your chosen one: “I have cellulite”, you lower yourself in his eyes and force you to focus on your negative aspects. Even if you do not see beauty in yourself, just keep silent about the shortcomings and work on them. Then the figure will be good, and the complexion will change, and the mood. You will like yourself and get rid of the complexes.

By and large, there is no such concept that allows you to determine what should be ideal woman in bed. Each male sees his own individual preferences here. Focus on the desires of your chosen one, and not your girlfriend or neighbor.

And remember the golden rule: always be yourself. No need to play someone else's role in life. Always behave naturally, do not impose, exclude pretense.

What delights men more than sex?

Now you know the main secrets of how to become an ideal lover, watch this video in addition, I learned a lot of important and useful things from there, and I recommend it to you!

You can get sexual education in the center women's development, look for all the details Here.

Dear ladies, keep the blog bookmarked to come back here again and don't forget to share with your friends in in social networks useful information. Bye everyone!