Owners of a thin waist. The thinnest waist in the world. History and horrors of the corset. Who are these people

A graceful thin waist has always attracted the gaze of the opposite sex, so some young ladies, in pursuit of incredible forms, have created simply impossible things with their own bodies.

What only fashionistas do not go for a slender waist! Today, the Internet offers a rich selection of fast, effective, and healthy diets to get rid of extra centimeters. Any of them will definitely suit both the composition of the products and the duration. But patience and willpower are often not enough.

Here, specific assistants come to the rescue, who, purely physically, do not allow you to eat to satiety. We're talking about corsets. Not so long ago, ladies could not imagine leaving the house without a corset. They even created different kinds: For exercise, For gala evenings and even for pregnancy. Corsets, in essence, are similar to lotus feet in Japan. The difference is that there the leg was deformed, and here it is the waist.

Standards female beauty change drastically from time to time. However, even today, some beautiful ladies, endowed by nature with a thin waist, sincerely believe that you can improve endlessly. Such originals sometimes even get into the Guinness Book of Records.

1. Ethel Granger: waist 33 cm.

Mrs. Granger is officially named the lady with the narrowest waist on the planet. It is even included in the Guinness Book of Records. Her waist circumference was only 33 centimeters, and she achieved such volumes to please her own husband.

Ethel was born in 1905, when the fashion for corsets had already passed. At 23, young Ethel preferred baggy dresses that were then relevant, which annoyed her fiancé William. Once he told Ethel about his secret fantasy of seeing a corset on the bride, which would make her waist fragile and refined. Once the girl put on a coveted element of the wardrobe and tightened her waist to 61 centimeters. The husband was delighted. Over time, her husband insisted that she not remove this item of clothing even for a period of sleep.

2. Cathy Jung: waist 38.1 cm.

American Kathy was born in 1937 and today she holds the record for the thinnest waist in a living person. Being 1.65 m tall, she had a waist circumference of only 38.1 centimeters, which is comparable to a can of mayonnaise. This result was achieved without surgery, by constantly wearing a slimming element of clothing. Katie was so impressed by the movie Gone with the Wind that she decided to try on a corset. She first wore it at the age of twenty-two, and after that she became interested in styles. Victorian era.

Katy wore corsets even while carrying children. After three births, her waist was 66 centimeters. But the woman continued to reduce the belt to 38 centimeters.

Cathy's husband, who worked as a surgeon, monitored his wife's health, and, in his opinion, the woman was absolutely healthy. However, Cathy can only remove the corset for a short time, since her muscles are no longer able to fix the skeleton in a natural position. In addition, her lungs were significantly reduced in capacity.

3. Nerina Orton: waist 40 cm.

Already at the age of twenty small years British Nerina Orton attracted public attention by the fact that her waist circumference was 40 centimeters. The girl said that at the age of 14 she set a goal - to “make” herself the narrowest waist and began to constantly wear a corset.

No exhausting diets or workouts Young lady did not trouble herself. She wears a specific element of clothing without taking it off, because, according to her, without this device, the intestines try to accept their natural form. Nerina even sleeps in a corset, without which her waist circumference is 56 cm.

The girl works as a dancer in the world of burlesque, and her main desire is to break the record of Cathy Jung.

Now Nerina is the owner of a real collection of unique corsets total cost around £15,000. The girl wears this wardrobe item 22-23 hours a day (60 minutes are spent on water procedures), and its lacing takes about 2 hours. However, Nerina is very happy, perceiving herself as weightless, refined and graceful.

4. Michel Kobke: waist 40 cm.

German Michelle Kobke managed to reduce her waist circumference from 64 to 40 centimeters in just three years. To achieve this goal, she wore a special corset almost around the clock.

Today, 24-year-old Michelle works as a sales assistant. She sincerely believes that some men admire her tiny waist, while others are shocked by her, nevertheless they find her owner gorgeous.

Doctors are strongly advised to slow down on the result, although Michelle would like to reduce her waist to 35 cm. But this can provoke various diseases in the gynecological field and problems with the digestive tract.

Due to experiments with health, Michelle today cannot do without corsets, because without them it is difficult for her to move and get up, since her back muscles almost do not function. The girl's tummy is so flat that she is no longer able to eat ordinary food, but eats in micro portions ten times a day. Nevertheless, she considers herself elegant and graceful.

5. Joana Spangenberg: waist 50 cm.

Model from Romania Ioana Spangenberg has a naturally thin waist with a girth of 50 centimeters. The girl claims that she does nothing to improve her natural beauty. She eats three meals a day, snacking on chips and chocolates. Ioana's usual daily menu: buttered toast and jam in the morning, meat and potatoes for lunch, and a cheese sandwich in the evening. The secret lies in the fact that the capacity of the girl's stomach is very small, and the model takes food in miniature doses, and from large ones she becomes ill.

When Ioana was 13 years old, her waist could be clasped with her hands, and today her circumference is slightly larger than a standard music disc. The figure of the model is very similar to famous doll Barbie. Ioana is completely happy and feels feminine and graceful, and her husband does not tire of repeating that she is a unique, delightful and beloved woman.

Of course, a thin waist is an object of admiration for men and envy of women. But some of these girls, in pursuit of the ideal, forgot about the most important thing - their health. And whether the resulting effect is worth the sacrifices made, everyone decides for himself.

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This is not photoshop, they really exist.

Cathy Yung - 77-year-old American from the USA Cathie Jung (Cathie Jung) is the owner of the thinnest waist in the world, whose achievement is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Cathy's waist is only 38.1 cm.

It all started with envy of the waist of a Barbie doll, and then at the age of 22 she discovered interesting thing- a corset that she wears without taking off for about 30 years.

With acquaintance with a corset, this begins interesting story the life of this amazing woman.

At 22, she discovered a wonderful thing for herself - a corset. According to her, she really liked the heroines from Gone with the Wind and she began to imitate her idols.

Having given birth to three children, Katie finally decides to say goodbye to her former waist of 71 cm and make friends with a corset. For 25 years she has not parted with him. Removes only in the shower for 30 minutes, no more, otherwise the waist may deteriorate ...

Kathy is married to a surgeon. It is the husband who monitors the health of his wife and claims that Katie is absolutely healthy.

Katy's clothes are made to order. She admits that she feels chic in her corsets, while generating income for manufacturers. The price of a corset is from 100 to 500 pounds. Katy has over 100 of them.

Cathy Jung, along with her husband, often take part in various TV shows in the US, Western Europe and even Japan. In addition, the owner of an unusual waist is invited to shows of old clothes.
Katie at the Guinness Book of Records Reception.

Dora Stein - A resident of Germany, Dora Stein will soon become the woman with the narrowest waist in the world, breaking the record of American Katie Jung, who has a waist of 38 cm.

Dora's waist is 42 cm so far, but she has already removed 2 ribs and will not stop there. The woman is going to have another operation, plus go on a strict diet.

Michelle Kobke - A 24-year-old German woman rounded her waist from 64 to 40 centimeters thanks to a corset she wore for three years! The famous parameters of the ideal female figure 90-60-90 pale before the achievement of the 24-year-old resident of Berlin Michelle Kobke (Michle Kbke).

A recent measurement showed that the young German woman is the owner of a completely unique waist, the circumference of which is 40.6 cm. (In the other two parameters, Michelle is also quite pretty ...

Even 3 years ago, Michelle's waist was close to the ideal indicator - her circumference was 64 cm.

The girl began to wear a custom-made corset - and did not take it off day or night. Only occasionally did Michelle take off the amazing construction for a few minutes to take a shower.

However, she decided not to stop there - Michelle decided to wear a corset further, at least until she manages to repeat the absolute world record of "wasp waist".

Nerina Orton - Nerina Orton from Birmingham, UK dreams of having the smallest waist in the world. Nerina is only 22 years old and her waist circumference is 40 centimeters, so she may well achieve her goal.

Nerina works part-time as a burlesque dancer and wears a corset even when she sleeps. Without a corset, Nerina's waist is 56 centimeters. Her goal is to break the record of American Cathy Jung. Corset lover from Connecticut, Mrs. Jung wears a corset 24 hours a day and has been able to reduce her waist to 38.1 centimeters. She is 165 centimeters tall and is the current Guinness World Record holder for "The Thinnest Living Human Waist".

Ethel Granger - Ethel during her lifetime was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the thinnest waist at 13 inches (33cm).
According to eyewitnesses, she did this to please her husband, through long malnutrition and tight corsets.

Ethel was born in 1905, when the corset's days were numbered.

A whim of fate: the corset has become a real fetish for William Granger, Ethel's husband.
Her husband, astronomer Arnold Granger, was tired of his wife's shapeless dresses - the fashion of the 1920s not only hid the waist, but also prescribed corsets that slim the chest and hips!
The fashion was "boyish" style, flat-chested and narrow-hip women.

Initially, having a waist of normal size (56 cm), she achieved this result with the help of a special corset for ten years, the period from 1929 to 1939.

What women do not go to in order to achieve the perfection of their body! Some resort to shocking methods - and all for the sake of the notorious "wasp waist". Today, our review includes those who are famous for their unnaturally thin waist. But this is not a gift of nature at all, but the result of human obsession. Beauty, of course, requires sacrifice, but are extremes justified, undermining health for the sake of a few centimeters in girth?

Ethel Granger

Ethel's husband was obsessed with thin women's waists, so he forced his wife to wear slimming corsets for many years. As a result, the woman got into the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the thinnest waist in the world (only 33 cm). This fame seemed to Ethel not enough, and she added extravagance to her image with numerous piercings on her face.

Michelle Kobke

In pursuit of a thin waist, a young German woman mercilessly ruins her health. For several years in a row, the girl wears a corset, without taking it off even in her sleep! Without it, she can no longer move independently, as the muscles of her back and abdomen are atrophied. Michelle's stomach also suffers from her obsession - it cannot accommodate a full portion of food, so the girl eats like a bird, 10 times a day in small portions. Now the result of the efforts of Michelle Kobke is 40 cm at the waist, but she wants to achieve 38 cm at any cost.

Dita Von Teese

Dita became famous not only as the ex-wife of the eccentric rock singer Marilyn Manson, but also as one of the owners of incredible body proportions. With his short stature(total 160cm) she has a waist circumference of only 56cm! The star tells the tabloids that she strictly monitors her diet, consumes vegetable juices daily, does not eat bread and abstains from alcohol. But among other things, since the age of 18, Dita has been tightening her waist with corsets that she wears every day. In a corset, the waist circumference of the star is almost 42 cm!

Cathy Yung

A resident of America, Katie Jung, was fascinated by the idea of ​​​​an incredibly thin waist already at the age of 38. At that time, her waist was 66 cm. The woman began to shackle herself in belts and corsets, and also underwent plastic surgery. As a result - 53 cm at the waist without a corset and 38 - in a corset. For example, this is the average volume of a mayonnaise can in the United States.

Joana Spangenberg

The only participant in our rating, which was given a thin waist by nature. According to the Romanian model, she has been obsessed with the idea of ​​gaining weight since childhood. To do this, she eats high-fat foods in large quantities (chips, meat, pizza, sweets), but her weight is still catastrophically small: with a height of 168 cm, Ioana weighs only 38 kg! At the age of thirteen, the girl's waist circumference was 38 cm, today it is a little more than 50 cm.

Fashion and beauty are too abstract and relative concepts that tend to change. In any era, preference is given to certain criteria and standards. Women in different times dream of petite feet, pale skin, long hair or magnificent forms. But for some, dreams become an obsession, and we see the result in the examples of the participants in our rating. Is it beautiful today? controversial issue. But the fact that it is unhealthy is unequivocal.

Everyone, absolutely everyone in the world wants to be beautiful. Everyone wants sports and toned body. Men dream of a steel press, inflated chests, powerful biceps, triceps... For this, someone "tortures" themselves for hours in gyms, someone goes under the surgeon's knife, someone uses the services of beauty and cosmetology salons an infinite number of times. And it is not for us to judge which of these options is correct. Everyone chooses for himself.

Nowadays, every girl is trying to strive for the established standards of beauty - unshakable 90-60-90. Many will say that these standards are already outdated and it is necessary to look for new ideals of beauty, but until they are found, everything remains the same. Every woman wants a "wasp" waist. But, at the same time, there are also such representatives of the fair sex who "somewhat" overdid it in these aspirations. And today we will talk about them in order to finally find out who has the most slim waist in the world!

80-year-old US representative Cathy Jung became widely known after entering the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the narrowest waist in the world. It's scary to even imagine, but today, her waist is only 38.1 cm! Cathy has a craving for a small waist since childhood. Since then, she has been haunted by the small waist of a Barbie doll. From the age of 22 she best friend becomes a corset.

Cathy Jung has been in a corset for over 30 years and wears it without taking it off at all

Not the last role in this matter was played by her passion for the fashion of the Victorian era, in which, as you know, corsets occupied a dominant position. So, Katie, having given birth to three children, measured her waist and found a terrifying 71 cm. Deciding that something had to be done about it, Katie made good friends with the corset and parted with it for a maximum of half an hour to take a shower. To date, its proportions are 99-38-99.

Born in Birmingham, she is now 26 years old. She wears a corset for almost half of her life. Today, the size of her waist is 40 cm. She does not part with her corset even at night. IN free time performs in dance style "Burlesque". She lives only for one goal - the smallest waist in the world.

Nerina dreams of surpassing Katie Yung

This 28-year-old German woman has been friends with corsets for only 7 years, and has already managed to achieve a result of 40.6 cm, with an initial volume of 64 cm. And, apparently, she is not going to stop there! But there is also back side medals. The back muscles have atrophied so much that she can no longer even stand up without a corset.

According to the girl, her goal is 38 cm

To date, Valeria's waist is 47 centimeters. Looking at her once, it becomes clear who her idol is. The world-famous doll captured her mind from childhood. And even though she is now 25, this hobby has not gone away. Operations to change the nose, removal of ribs, even circumcision of the already small waist - according to Valeria, any means are good in an effort to make your waist smaller and smaller.

Valeria Lukyanova prefers the name Barbie

It is to her that we owe the appearance of such a style as "pin-up". It was she who was the inspiration for many designers, artists and photographers to create these playful paintings and photos in red and white striped swimsuits. Betty shone brightly in the 40s and 50s. She has participated in countless beauty contests, and the number of victories in them has exceeded fifty. For many years, her images graced the covers of fashion magazines and men just went crazy over her.

Waist Betty Brosmer was 45 centimeters

The model is from Romania. Looking at her, I want to quickly buy something and feed. Even to feed by force, even to buy with the last money. But a sane person would definitely not be able to do otherwise. Ioana looks like she was deliberately starved for several months. With a height of 1.67 m., Her weight is only 38 kg, her waist is very small and is 50 cm. According to the girl, this is all from her nature.

In an attempt to somehow gain weight, Ioana fails over and over again

Model from Venezuela. Now she is 27 years old. Looking at the girl, it immediately becomes clear that her mania is not limited only to a reduction in the waist, which is only 50 cm.

A rare part of this girl's body was not injected with silicone.

Especially eloquently talking about this, one might even say screaming, are the breasts and hips of a girl who, apparently, has survived many operations to increase their volume.

Meanwhile, Aleira started wearing a corset at the age of 19.

To date, her internal organs have undergone serious deformation, but the girl cares little.

Her body brought her great popularity in Latin America.

For a girl, the main thing is her popularity, and health is in second, and maybe third place.

Burlesque star Dita Von Teese celebrated her 45th birthday this year. Just imagine, she has been wearing a corset for 27 years! Her waist is really small - 56 cm, and if she is compressed by a corset, then it is less than 42 centimeters (41.91 cm, to be exact). And all this with a height of 160 cm and a weight of 52 kg. Dita maintains her waist so small with the most common at first glance means: healthy eating, alcohol only on holidays, a complete rejection of bread, morning vegetable smoothies, and daily exercises.

Dita was married to the eccentric Merli Manson for 2 years

Ann is 30 years old and a model. With a high growth of 188 centimeters, her waist is only 59 cm. She gained fame after participating in the "reality show" Tyra Banks - "America's Next Top Model" and winning it. After this, the proposals fell on her, as if from a cornucopia. Today he has many contracts with the world's largest modeling agencies. Although before participating in the project, everything was not so rosy in Ann's life. For several years she knocked on the thresholds of modeling agencies in the hope of finding a job, where she was refused over and over again due to excessive tall.

Ann Ward is shy and shy, which is rare in the modeling business.

It can rightfully be called the narrowest waist of the 20th century or even in history. Only 33 cm! Ethel was born in 1905 in Peterborough, UK, just in the era of the decline of corsets. At the time of her youth, which fell on the 20s of the twentieth century, wide dresses-hoodies were very fashionable, as well as short haircuts. Ethel did not differ from her peers and friends, until 1928, when she married W.A. Granger.

She owes her figure to her husband, who literally went crazy over her thin waist.

Wanting to please her husband, Ethel did not part with a corset, not for a second all her life. She even got into the Guinness Book of Records thanks to her waist. But the quirks of her husband did not end there. After his lengthy persuasion, Ethel agrees to walk in high heels, as well as to make many piercings in her ears and insert several earrings into them at once. But even this was not enough insatiable husband. For full completion In the image, he personally pierced Ethel's nose and inserted a piercing into her. For such, to put it mildly, a peculiar look, Ethel Granger was awarded a second hit in the Guinness Book of Records. Despite her husband's numerous interventions in her body, she lived a rather long life and died at the age of 77, in 1982.

Looking at all these girls, one can only be surprised. They go to great lengths to achieve their goal. They want to be special, stand out from the crowd. But sometimes, in pursuit of uniqueness, they forget that they are causing serious and irreparable harm to your health.

Meet 8 women so obsessed with their waist circumference that they resort to the most extreme measures to reduce it to the size of a jar of mayonnaise:

1. Nerina Orton

Nerina Orton from Birmingham, UK dreams of having the smallest waist in the world. Nerina is only 22 years old and her waist circumference is 40 centimeters, so she may well achieve her goal.

Nerina has been wearing a corset since the age of 14. There are certain health issues that can arise from her obsession. The woman's body has adapted and grown with the fact that she has been wearing a corset all this time, so every time she takes it off, she feels her intestines moving, trying to get into a more natural position.

Nerina works part-time as a burlesque dancer and wears a corset even when she sleeps. While other people prefer comfortable nightgowns and pajamas, Nerina wears a specially tailored corset for the night.

Without a corset, Nerina's waist is 56 centimeters.

Her goal is to break the record of American Cathy Jung. Corset lover from Connecticut, Mrs. Jung wears a corset 24 hours a day and has been able to reduce her waist to 38.1 centimeters. She is 165 centimeters tall and holds the current Guinness World Record for "The Thinnest Living Human Waist".

2. Cathie Jung

American Katie Jung was born in 1937. The girth of her waist in a corset is 38.1 centimeters. Without a corset, her waist circumference is 53.34 centimeters. Her passion Victorian clothes manifested itself at the age of 38, she began to wear belts to gradually narrow her then 66 cm waist. She also underwent waist correction surgery.

Currently, she is the owner of the thinnest waist in the world. Her waist is about the same size as a regular can of mayonnaise in America.

3 Michele Koebke

For most of us, a small waist is the result of a careful diet and plenty of exercise. But not for 24-year-old Michelle Kobke. This Berliner has managed to shrink her waist from 64 centimeters to 40 centimeters with a corset she's been wearing for three years now, even while sleeping. Despite having a smaller waist than most models, the skinny German says she hopes to narrow her waist down to a shocking 38cm.

However, Michele's tiny waist can cause serious consequences for her health, as she can hardly stand up without a corset, due to the fact that the muscles of her back and abdomen gradually atrophy. Her stomach is so tight that she can't eat a full meal, instead she eats 10 small meals a day.

For comparison, the waist circumference of the average woman in the UK is 84.9 centimeters.

4 Ethel Granger

Ethel Granger had the thinnest waist ever. Her waist circumference was only 33 centimeters, but she did not get such a waist by nature. For her waist, Ethel could thank her husband William Granger (William Granger), who was obsessed with the idea of ​​a wasp waist in women.

After for long years wearing corsets, Ethel finally got into the Guinness Book of Records for her 33-centimeter waist, as well as for her unusual view with multiple facial piercings.

5. Ioana Spangenberg

No, it's not photoshop surgery. According to the Romanian model Ioana Spangenberg, her 50.8-centimeter waist was given to her by nature.

The growth of 30-year-old Spangenberg is 168 centimeters, and she weighs 38.1 kilograms. She states that she eats three large meals a day, including fatty foods such as chips, pizza and kebabs.

When she was 13 years old, her friends could completely wrap around her 38 cm waist. She says that she tried to gain weight by eating sweets like Mars bars, but she couldn't do it.

6. Ann Ward

Her waist is so thin that it fits in the hands of a man. However, with her height of 188 centimeters, this participant in the show "America's Next Top Model" simply shocked the audience. The owner of a super thin waist impressed even supermodel Tyra Banks (Tyra Banks) and the jury while 15th season of the TV show, which she subsequently won.

The student from Dallas, Texas, was only 19 years old when the show was filmed.

7. Dita Von Teese

In 2012, Dita Von Teese celebrated her 40th birthday. The "Queen of Burlesque," who was married to rock singer Marilyn Manson from 2005 to 2007, believes this moment she is in best form than it was on its 20th birthday.
In an interview with Closer magazine, Von Teese, who is 160 centimeters tall and weighs 52 kilograms, also admitted that she is now going through the stage of "partying" in the style of the 90s.

The star explains that she supports her tiny 56cm waist (which can be shrunk to 41.91cm with a corset) with healthy eating, drinking less alcohol, avoiding bread, and drinking vegetable smoothies in the morning that include ingredients such as parsley, cilantro, and spinach. She also wishes to exercise daily and has been wearing a corset since she was 18.

8. Valeria Lukyanova

Valeria Lukyanova is the self-proclaimed "most famous woman Runet". The 21-year-old Ukrainian made a splash in her native Ukraine and neighboring Russia a few years ago with her Barbie doll looks copied from anime. After Runet buzzed about her, Internet users began to dig up her old photos in in social networks. They found evidence of all plastic surgery that she went through, from nose reshaping to rib removal and waist trimming. As a result, she, of course, has a tiny waist.