Congratulations on the day of Russian students. Congratulations on Tatyana's day and student's day

If you graduated from college
Or even an institute
So, he was definitely a student,
You have not forgotten those moments!

Happy students day
All former graduates
We wish them only happiness
For everyone to be healthy!

You are no longer a student
I already have my diploma in my hands.
But congratulations from the bottom of my heart
With this wonderful day.

Let there be a craving for knowledge
Always move forward
With student enthusiasm
May you always be lucky.

Happy student day guys. And let you - former students, but, after all, so often you remember those stormy merry years this wonderful period in my life. I wish you more often to show yourself as brave and purposeful guys, militant activists and sociable buddies, as if you were students again. I wish you success and constant self-development, good luck in life and brilliant victories.

If you studied in college, university,
You can be called a former student,
We want to congratulate you on the day of students
And in the life of happiness you only wish!

Do you remember your student years?
Let the memory keep these moments,
And don't forget your classmates
Live life without troubles and insults!

You were once a student too.
Have you forgotten that time?
Tests, exams, pairs, "tails" -
These events were all!

And now the student's day has come,
And we congratulate you on it too,
You remember your dashing years,
It's impossible to forget them!

student day celebrates
The whole huge country.
I congratulate you too
May spring be in your soul.

Let the memories warm
About a great time
Impressions remain
IN heart easy burden.

Congratulations to everyone who was a student,
I wish you not to lose your youth of spirit,
On the student's day to see classmates,
Ile on extreme case chat online!

Remember how you spent your leisure time fun,
The first time they fell in love, they were devotedly friends.
Share your personal successes
Don't lose touch, stay together!

If you remember how you tried
Learn a summary overnight
If you kept in your heart
The joy of glorious years at the university,

Then catch it now
My congratulations.
Celebrating Student's Day
Happiness, joy, love.

You are no longer students
Glorious time has passed
Still remember the moments
How lucky at the sessions

And the ticket is just the one you need
You pulled out again
So celebrate the holiday together,
Peace, fun and love

On Student's Day will reign
In your souls again let
We want you to smile
Don't let sadness into your heart!

There are no former students
Everyone knows this for sure.
Today boldly from the heart
We will congratulate everyone together.
Do not lose your soul's enthusiasm,
Feel free to celebrate the holiday
Call your classmates
Spend it together.
After all, they were the best years
Which cannot be returned.

Although the school years have passed,
I want to congratulate you on the holiday
You were still a student
I want to make my dream come true.

I wish you to live in abundance, happiness,
And don't forget about the fun
Let everything be always in order
Don't forget your classmates!

Post Views: 481

On January 25, there are 2 holidays in our country at once - women named Tatyana celebrate their name days, and all of Russia celebrates Student's Day.

The history of Tatyana's Day

The Holy Martyr Tatiana was born into a noble Roman family - her father was elected consul three times. But he was a secret Christian and raised a daughter devoted to God and the Church. Having reached adulthood, Tatyana did not marry and served God in one of the temples, caring for the sick in fasting and prayer and helping those in need.

In 226, the girl was captured during the next persecution of Christians. When she was brought to the temple of Apollo to force her to sacrifice to the idol, the saint prayed, and suddenly an earthquake occurred, the idol was blown to pieces, and part of the temple collapsed and crushed the priests and many pagans. The demon who lived in the idol fled with a cry from that place, while everyone saw a shadow sweeping through the air. Then they began to beat the holy virgin, gouged out her eyes, but she endured everything courageously, praying for her tormentors that the Lord would open their spiritual eyes to them.

And the Lord heeded the prayer of His servant. It was revealed to the executioners that four angels surrounded the saint and deflected blows from her, and they heard a Voice from heaven addressed to the holy martyr. All of them, eight people, believed in Christ and fell at the feet of Saint Tatiana, asking them to forgive them their sin against her. For confessing themselves as Christians, they were tortured and executed, having received Baptism in blood. The next day, Saint Tatiana was again given over to torment: she was stripped naked, beaten, her body was cut with razors, and then instead of blood, milk flowed from the wounds and a fragrance spread in the air. The tormentors were exhausted and declared that someone invisible was beating them with iron sticks, nine of them died immediately.

They threw the saint into prison, where she prayed all night and sang praises to the Lord with the angels. A new morning came, and Saint Tatiana was again brought to trial. The amazed tormentors saw that after so many terrible torments she appeared completely healthy and even more radiant and beautiful than before. She was persuaded to make a sacrifice to the goddess Diana. The saint pretended to agree, and they brought her to the temple.

Saint Tatiana crossed herself and began to pray, and suddenly there was a deafening clap of thunder, and lightning incinerated the idol, the victims, and the priests. The martyr was again severely tortured, and again thrown into prison for the night, and again the Angels of God appeared to her and healed her wounds.

Then the girl was taken to the circus arena, a terrible lion was released on her, but the beast only caressed the saint and licked her feet. And when they tried to take him back to the cage, he suddenly rushed at one of the tormentors and tore him to pieces. Tatiana was thrown into the fire, but the fire did not harm the martyr. The pagans, thinking she was a sorceress, cut her hair to deprive her of magic power and locked up in the temple of Zeus. But the power of God cannot be taken away. On the third day the priests came, surrounded by a crowd, preparing to offer sacrifices. Having opened the temple, they saw an idol thrown into the dust and the holy martyr Tatiana, joyfully calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. All torture was exhausted. In the end, the judge ordered that Tatyana and her father be beheaded, and she was listed by Christians in the calendar as having died for her faith. As history testifies, Tatyana's day was special among the Moscow patronal holidays.

Tatyana's Day and Student's Day

In 1755, the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana (Tatiana's Day) received a new meaning in history. Russian science- Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the "Decree on the establishment in Moscow of a university of two gymnasiums." Then followed the Decree of Nicholas I, where he ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the signing of the act of its establishment. So there was a student holiday - Tatiana's Day and Student's Day.

Moscow students honored the memory of the martyr Tatiana with solemn prayer services and performances by their choirs in churches. And the university church was consecrated in honor of Tatyana. In this temple long years many generations of students and university professors prayed. The Soviet authorities closed the temple. In 1994, on January 25, according to the new style, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' served for the first time in the Tatian Church a prayer service. On the same day, the First All-Church Congress of Orthodox Youth began its work at the university.

Tatyana's Day has become a favorite holiday for students also because in Russian system higher school, it traditionally coincides with the end of the autumn semester and the beginning winter holidays… Do not forget this historical fact: On January 12, according to the old style, the Name Day of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna Romanova, daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, who was shot by the Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg in 1918, was celebrated. Tatiana's day with its fraternal feasts, pranks of respectable professors, sleigh rides has become an indispensable object of student folklore, an attribute of student traditions.

How should Tatyana's day be celebrated?

Tatyana's Day is one of the favorite youth holidays, full of reckless fun and valiant prowess. In no case should you celebrate it at home - an inexpensive student cafe or a dorm room is perfect for a party.

The feast menu should not be complicated, dishes that can be quickly prepared without culinary experience and large financial expenses are best suited. In the old days, black bread, herring, sauerkraut and boiled meat, from drinks - fruit drink and kvass.

The first half of the day is reserved for the official part - congratulations to students and professors, reciting solemn speeches and, of course, a prayer service to the Great Martyr Tatiana, the patroness of students. Well, then comes the turn of fun, which continues until late.

On this day, every student considers it his duty to celebrate with all his might, with all his heart, and the police do not detain even students who are too wild.

Traditions on Tatyana's Day. Celebration of Tatyana's Day

In Russia, back in the middle of the last century, Tatiana's Day (Student's Day) became a cheerful and noisy holiday for the student brethren. On this day, crowds of students walked around Moscow until late at night with songs, rode, embracing, three or four of them, in one cab and bawled songs. The owner of the Hermitage, the Frenchman Olivier, gave the students his restaurant for a party that day ... They sang, talked, shouted ... The professors were raised to the tables ... Speakers changed one after another.

This is how Tatyana's Day was celebrated by students of pre-revolutionary Russia. After the October Revolution, this holiday was rarely remembered. But in 1995, the church of St. Tatiana at Moscow University was reopened. And in the assembly hall of the old building on that day, prizes were awarded, established in part of the founders of the first Russian university - Count I.I. Shuvalov and scientist M.V. Lomonosov. And again in Russia there was a cheerful student holiday - Tatiana's Day.

History of Students' Day

Historically, it so happened that just on that same Tatyana’s day, back in 1755 on January 12, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree “On the Establishment of Moscow University” and January 12 (25) became the official university day (in those days it was called “foundation day Moscow University). Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of all students. It should be noted that in translation from the Greek ancient name"Tatiana" means "organizer".

In the 60-70s. XIX century Tatyana's day turns into an unofficial student holiday. From that day, besides, the student holidays began, and it was this event that the student brethren always celebrated cheerfully. The celebration of the "professional" day of students had traditions and ritual - solemn acts were arranged with the distribution of awards and speeches.

Students' Day celebration

At first, students' day was celebrated only in Moscow, and it was celebrated very magnificently. According to eyewitnesses, the annual celebration of Tatyana's Day was a real event for Moscow. It consisted of two parts: a short official ceremony in the university building and noisy festivities, in which almost the entire capital took part.

In the 18th - first half of the 19th century, solemn acts to mark the end of the academic year became a university, and therefore a student holiday, they were attended by the public, awards were handed out, speeches were made. At the same time, January 12 was the official university day, celebrated with a prayer service in the university church. But it was not called Tatyana's Day, but "the day of the founding of Moscow University."

Then followed the Decree of Nicholas I, where he ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the signing of the act of its establishment. So, by the will of the monarch, a student holiday appeared - Tatiana's Day and Student's Day.

Despite the fact that the history of the holiday has its roots in the distant past, the traditions of celebrating it have survived to this day. The student brethren, as they organized wide festivities more than a hundred years ago, and at present, on January 25, Student Day is vigorously and cheerfully celebrated by all students throughout Russia. It should be noted that on this day, even extremely sober students were not touched by the quarterly students. And if they approached, they trumped and inquired: “Does Mr. Student need help?”

However, students will never miss their chance to take a break from a long and tedious learning process - and, according to folk wisdom, only the period of the session distracts him from the endless triumph.

Signs, rituals and conspiracies for students on Tatyana's day

Tatyana's day is both a holiday and a special date for students. For them, this is not only an excuse to digress from the sciences and plunge into fun, but also an opportunity to attract good grades to the record book with the help of special rituals and conspiracies.

The most important student tradition on Tatiana's Day is, of course, the call of Shara

This is done as follows: on the night of January 25, students go out onto the balcony or look out the window, shake their record book, calling “Shara, come!”. And in response you need to hear (and not necessarily from a student!) “Already on the way!”. This ritual allows you to get good marks "on the ball", i.e. without much effort.

Also on January 25, students draw a house with a chimney on last page your record book. Moreover, the house should be small, small, and the smoke from the chimney - long, long. To make it more authentic, it is drawn in the form of a swirling labyrinth with one line. And so that the line in no case crosses and does not touch itself.

If you manage to draw such a "smoke" without an error (crossing and touching the line) - this is good omen. And the longer this “smoke” turns out, the easier and more successful your studies will be this year.

Finally, on Tatiana's Day, in no case should you study and even look at the notes! On January 25, you need to forget about classes altogether! Only rest and fun! So that studying was not a burden, but a joy.

Love plot on Tatyana's day

Take a pile of finely chopped, long shreds, fold them lengthwise and tie in the middle of the red woolen thread. Then bend the rags and make a panicle bunch out of them, tying a small handle on top with a red thread. The same panicle can be made from the feathers of poultry - duck or turkey. Then dip the whisk in holy water poured into a shallow dish and sprinkle the water on the sides of the room.

Read the prayer to Saint Tatiana:

“Oh, holy martyr Tatyana, accept us, praying and falling to your icon. Pray for us (say your name and the name of your beloved), may we get rid of all sorrows, bodily and spiritual torments, may we live life together in piety, may we love and respect each other. Let us live in the present life and in the next century, make us worthy of all the saints to worship in the Trinity the glorious God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, ever and forever. Amen!".

After saying the prayer, throw a scarf over your head, go outside and go to the house of your beloved. Ask for a visit and discreetly hide your amulet somewhere in a secret place. If no one finds a panicle within a month, the guy will certainly marry you, and living together will be long and happy.

If you did not manage to get into the house of someone you like, then invite him to visit you. Cover the table with a white tablecloth, bake a round cake or buy a cake, make tea with dried mint leaves and viburnum berries.

When your guest approaches the house, read the love words:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The mother door is wooden, your nails are tin, you open and close - you let any people through. Let the good fellow pass for me, let him enter my house through you, take my hand, never leave me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!".

When your betrothed enters the door, immediately take him by the left hand and hold your palm for a while, looking into his eyes. Mentally say to yourself "Now you are mine" and lead him to drink tea. At the table, start only cheerful conversations, try to please him by pouring tea into a cup, offer him honey or jam and say: “Now it will be sweet for you.”

Love magic performed on Tatyana's day can work in two weeks or a month. If you didn't succeed, then the heart young man busy, and you'd better find yourself another suitor.

Love spell of the groom on Tatyana's day

  • Also on Tatyana's Day, girls lure suitors. Such a trick. Early in the morning on January 25, the girl needs to thoroughly knock out the rug, and then spread it at the entrance to the house. Next, it is necessary in one way or another to lure the one whom she wants to be her suitors - if you manage to get the guy to wipe his feet on the rug prepared for him, then he will constantly be pulled into the girl's house.
  • There is another way to love the groom - with the help of a panicle, which the girl makes from rags and feathers. On the same day, such a panicle should be hidden unnoticed by everyone in the house of “your” groom. If this succeeds, the guy will not go anywhere.

By the way, the mothers of the guys on this day made sure that their sons were not bewitched in such ways by the one they did not want to see as a daughter-in-law. Therefore, they tried to keep their sons at home that day, and the girls who tried to visit in one way or another were treated with caution.

To strengthen your love

Those who are already married or have a soul mate can strengthen their love with special dinner by candlelight, because fire is a source of energy. It is necessary that there are as many dishes on the table as the number of years the couple has been married, but if only one year has passed, then no more than five are allowed. You only need to have dinner together, buy a candle in the church and wrap it with a red ribbon or put it in a red container. Exactly at midnight on January 25, light it up and say these words: “Tatyana is the organizer, love is the guardian. Make it so that they are attracted to each other like a magnet. Words are law. And whoever is against - get out! After pronouncing them, you need to drink from one glass and kiss.

So that there is always peace in the family

Very often, conflicts arise in families on domestic grounds. To maintain a wonderful relationship, you can conduct a special ceremony on Tatyana's day. This must be done by the owner of the house. The day before she needs to buy white towel and grind all the dishes with it before dinner on January 25th. When all family members sit down at the table, the woman says these words to herself: “With whom I now sit down, with that I remain in the world. I will love them all and we will live in goodness. After dinner, give all leftover food to birds and animals. Hide the towel in a secluded place and use only special occasions and only give it to relatives.

To be healthy

On January 25, you can ask St. Tatiana for health. To do this, you need to wash yourself at dawn in three waters - pure, flowing and with the addition of holy water. Put on white underwear bought the day before and washed three times. Then go to church, give to the needy paper bill and put a candle for health in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Take off your underwear at home and cross it three times, saying the following words: “I take off white underwear, I accept a blessing from Tatyana. Save me from illnesses and leprosy, give me health a hundredfold.” Hide and wear this linen if the disease suddenly begins to rise. Then be sure to wash it.

Folk omens on Tatyana's day

Since ancient times, weather patterns have been monitored on Tatyanin.

  • If it snows on the day of Epiphany Tatiana (Tatiana's Day, Babiy Kut) - then a frosty February and summer with rains are expected.
  • Sunrise on Tatyana's day personified early spring, imminent arrival of birds and early spawning of fish.
  • If it is frosty and sunny on this day, then the harvest will be rich!

Many signs for Tatyana's Day were associated with the preparation of the ritual loaf, which was mentioned above:

  • If the bread rose like a mound in the middle, then wait for good luck this year and life will get better, it will go uphill.
  • If the loaf turned out smooth and without flaws - a sure sign to quiet year and measured life.
  • If the loaf burned, they rejoiced, and the birthday girl had to eat the burnt crust.
  • If the loaf cracked, it was considered a bad omen.

Congratulations for Tatyana

Let Tatiana give you

Fresh feelings like the first snow

Longing with despondency will go away

And everywhere there will be success!

On Tatyana's day, accept congratulations,

All those who are called holy names.

I wish you a good mood

And smile at simple joys.

Let Tatyana, luck shines on you.

May happiness meet you at the door.

Let the one who loves reciprocate,

Will give you all the delights of love.

Forget the January frosts

Hurry to friends and have fun

Before it's too late

While life boils with happiness!

Meet Tatyana's day in a big way -

Don't sleep like a polar bear!

On Tatyana's day, we hasten to congratulate

Without exception, all Tanya,

To temper their steep temper

We will give them flowers, toys.

We will smile at them on this day

Forgive the whim, any flaw,

We laugh together with them

We will support Tatyana in difficult times.

May this day, on their bright holiday

Dreams come true cherished.

May the day be like a little prankster

Will give happiness the wings of light.

Our Tanya, from the heart

You accept congratulations:

We wish the girl of dreams

Spiritual, external beauty!

So that no male hero

Didn't pass by without gasping!

Tatiana, dear Tatiana!

Today is your holy Tatyana's Day

I am intoxicated and drunk from your beauty ...

I wish that every new day

Your smile was illuminated,

May you always be the happiest of all!

To have fewer life mistakes

And there was always a fervent, ringing laugh!

So that you are surrounded by love

To rejoice in the sun and moon ...

So that happiness is only for you

And a desperate success awaited in life!

With the twenty-fifth of January -
Holiday students!
Tatyana's day is not in vain,
Full of compliments!
As a student, he is mischievous
With cunning, perky,
All, in winter - cool,
Bright, sparkling!
Let him please you
Joy and laughter
Gives a bright chance
For great success!
So that your hopes are for the future,
Justified in life
So that success, from all legs,
They'll come to you soon!

Original congratulations on Student's Day in verse

Have fun, walk, student,
Sadness, sadness drive away!
Let Tatyana dividend
Will bring to your holiday!
So that couples are just tin,
The whole professorship is trash,
So that flying days do not count,
So that in the record book - starfall!
Let the time be remembered
Life is bright, young -
From the heart - Gip - hip hurray!
Trouble sucks!

Congratulations on Student's Day in prose

Happy Student's Day! I wish you to have a distinctive memory, with which you will remember what you never knew!

I wish you unlimited scholarships, excellent memory, and decent teachers!

As they say: the genius sleeps in each of us. So let our genius not sleep more and more every day, but wake up soon!

Everyone knows how fun students live. So let you have only two holidays a year: New Year and New Day! For daily bright and festive student life!

Cool teachers, boring lectures, successful defense of the diploma!

Student! Do not be stingy at the session, in the diametrical case - you can always get a dandy hairstyle, trendy clothes, cool shoes - and everything is free, but in the military registration and enlistment office!

Don't let the granite of science crush you!

Everyone knows how much a student always wants to sleep. Remember: on each desk there is a sleep button that you need to press with your forehead, but do not wake up by snoring near your sleeping one!

No one died from science, but no one was born either. Student, think about your future!

Success in your studies! Do not degrade to the state of caudate!

Learn more fun! What is important is not knowledge, but memory to catch on when the exam!

I wish you to understand at the exam everything that you didn’t understand at the lectures and hardly heard. Starting weeks! Successful session!

I wish that you do not feel the need: there was always enough days to prepare for exams, enough knowledge and imagination to pass the session perfectly, there is plenty of money until the next scholarship. Live well!

I wish that in the exams you will meet only easy questions and smart desks that replace the notes!

Original congratulations on Student's Day - Tatyana's Day

January 25 - we celebrate not in vain,
Who will answer what day?
The day when you are too lazy to study!
All the students got tired
After all, they studied for a semester.
And now the time has come
Relieve nasty fatigue!
Forget the seminars
about exams, about couples!
Tatyana's day is coming
Everyone rejoices and celebrates!
If you study well
Can you make it through life?
So gnaw on the granite of science,
And don't give up!
Even if it's hard
You learn to spite others!
And Tatyana will help you,
Everyone can become a leader!

Beautiful congratulations on the Student's Day

Being a student - what happiness -
To know all the joy of youth!
Enthusiasm in life and good luck,
I want to wish you!
Study - only "excellent",
It's easy to go to your dream
Always decent scholarships
And respect this status quo!

Great congratulations on Student's Day

I hasten to congratulate you on the student's day,
Health, first of all, wish
Meet with success everywhere
And all the troubles do not know!
May every day bring you joy
Love, luck, happiness and kindness,
So that all your wishes come true
So that you are very lucky in life!

Wonderful congratulations-wishes on the Student's Day

Happy Student's Day
And with all my heart I wish:
Happiness, joy, good luck,
It means a lot in life
Optimism and success
Jokes, cheerfulness and laughter,
The most devoted friends
And have wonderful days!

Cool congratulations on Student's Day

Spurs, "failures", offsets,
Beer, vodka, zalyta,
Songs, dances, shura-mura,
Couples, lectures, cupids,
Sex, romance, breakups,
And in the Enki magazine again ...
How different everything is
The life of a student is so wonderful!

Original congratulations to students on the holiday

Songs with a guitar, dancing, smoke from bonfires,
Holidays reckless joy until the morning,
Couples and confessions, sessions, love…
Glorious time for student youth.
So take everything from life, don't miss the chance,
Time is fleeting, just make it
Be happy, walk student, from night to dawn,
The most cheerful, celebrate the holiday!

Original congratulations on International Students Day

international student day
Knows no boundaries, as you know.
Well, go ahead, student, go for it,
Know all the charm of youth!
May joy be boundless
In the record of life - only "excellent",
And all the problems that prevail
Let them roll away, with the mark "failed"!

It has long been known that students have a lot of fun, especially between sessions. The peak of their fun is certainly the holiday of all students, which coincides with the name day of all Tatyanas. On this day, all students completely forget about their studies and try to have fun to the fullest. Congratulations on Student's Day, which can be not only beautiful words addressed to university students, but also with excellent toasts. But do not forget that we also need congratulations on Tatyana's Day, because not all Tatyanas are students, but they all deserve attention. You can come up with any congratulations you need yourself or find on our website. We offer our visitors all the best that you can imagine. Neither students nor fans of Tatyana will have to strain too much, just take it and use it.

Home » Congratulations on Tatyana's Day (Happy Student's Day)

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A flock of white snowflakes will explode with fireworks -
Winter is in a hurry to congratulate all students.
May these years be a beautiful bright light
Which will stay in your heart forever!

Tatyana's Day! I congratulate you!
I wish you many wonderful joys
And enjoy life every hour
For good, not remaining indifferent.

Simple happiness, peace and warmth,
Comfort in the house and desired love,
And never know human evil.
I heartily congratulate you, Tatyana!

On the day of St. Tatyana, smile soon!
I wish you well bright days.
Let the snow give joy and fun,
Let your happy laughter sound everywhere.

May the soul not know painful worries,
In life there will be a measure of difficulties, troubles,
May the Lord give love in abundance forever,
In life, there will be a faithful person next to you!

The January sun is shining
Winter drops snowflakes ...
There is a wonderful holiday in the world,
He gives us full joy.

I wish you love and good luck
Beautiful moments in fate.
Congratulations on Tatyana's day,
Smiles and happiness to you!

January 25 Tatyana's Day. And this means that soon, soon all the students will celebrate amazing holiday our patroness, and on this occasion we have prepared for you cheerful, positive and beautiful congratulations happy Tatyana's day in verse.

If you yourself are still a student, or your boyfriend, or a brother and sister, or a girlfriend with a friend, or a neighbor on the site, or ... but you never know, there are students around - then these wonderful congratulations happy Tatiana's day - especially for you!

In addition, all your friends Tatyana, Tanya, Tanya and Tanya will be very happy if they receive cards from you on Tatyana's day with sincere and kind congratulations!

Tatyana's name day: congratulations on Tatyana's day are cool

Tatyana, the sun's light is for you,
Goodness and joy in fate,
Dreams ready to come true soon.
Trouble and grief - do not happen.

Health that is enough for a century
Separation may not know you
Let love keep your home
Let all sorrows become a dream!

I congratulate all Tatyana!
May your house be full of happiness
Let the family be healthy
And for those who are just growing up
Who was named Tatiana
Good luck, I wish you joy
And in the future great love!
Tatyana's day is a beautiful holiday,
He is full of joy, goodness!
Let your thoughts be beautiful
The spirit is strong and the soul is bright!

Congratulations on Angel Day to Tatyana in verse

Sparkling strewn with hoarfrost
January morning ringing
My friend, with your name -
Hello sends me a blinding sun,

And it pours like nightingale trills,
And lightness carries a dandelion...
You are summer in winter! Happy birthday
Beloved, tender Tanechka!

Blossom with delightful beauty,
And be excited by the heat of love
I want to be delightful all my life
You were bewitched by happiness!

Let your session give up easily
For a couple, let the couple go faster,
The exam is definitely a success
Especially when a freebie student is waiting.

May the most evil professor not forget
What does it mean to be a student yourself,
May a miracle suddenly happen on Tatiana's day -
Would you like to learn something...

Coolcongratulationshappy student dayon Tatyana's day

Tatyana's day is a holiday for all students,
He gives happiness, joy, positive!
But do not rush to get drunk, like a prankster,
The science of life is completely forgotten.

We are given only one youth,
And there is so much I want to do in it -
May everyone smile on this holiday
And will have fun, live, dance and sing!

Tatyana's day has come,
Students are walking around
We are too lazy to study today,
And our goal is completely different!

And let the whole world envy
And remember those moments
When cheerful, young,
He celebrated his Student's Day!

Life congratulations on Student's Day

Who was not a student - to understand is not destiny,
As a crowd walks on Tatyana's holiday,
How to ask for favors in school,
To bring gifts to the protector on a holiday.

Shout on the balcony: "Freebie, come!",
Sometimes it's not easy, no matter how you look at it.
You stubbornly gnaw the edges of science,
And you will, of course, be irresistible.

Sleepless nights you give books
Check your dictionaries more often
But you will be cheerful and drunk today

Positive verse on Tatyana's day for former students

Tatyana's day is a big date,
And there is a holiday here and there.
We used to be students
Let's go back to those years!

We remember sweet moments
When the spirit is full of fun;
We were greedy for learning -
Science stone was like fluff.

Today we have learning again
Come and test us again
But it will be harsh on those
Who will not hear his voice.

Today is the day of St. Tatiana,
Day of wisdom, and therefore
If you are drunk with a good thought,
Everything will be decided according to the mind.

Short congratulations to women in angel day Tatyana

Tatyana's Day - a wonderful holiday
For Tanya, Tanya, Tan.
Tatyana is more beautiful than the sun,
Like birds in the early morning!

I wish the "tails" were shorter,
I wish you an easy session always,
I wish you don't forget
Holy this time never!

Tatiana, dear Tatiana,
Such a feminine lady
Such a sweet girl
You must be prayed for.

For everyone, you, Tanya, are just a treasure,
Everyone will be glad to see you.
You radiate goodness.
We are very fortunate to know you.

We wish you sincere happiness
Good luck to meet you often,
With wealth, happiness to be on "you" ...
And let the flowers bloom around!

International students day
I send wishes - fun,
More happy moments
Always a cool mood
To loudly, unanimously noted
You are a holiday to smile
So that the session does not scare you,
To be easy to deal with.
Enough scholarships
To rest, which is important for a student,
Let fate fulfill dreams
The blockage with study was not terrible!

Everyone knows that a student is a superman.
Dormitory - his habitat,
The student's age is fleeting,
It is easy to do without sleep, without food.

Loves gatherings and laughter
Like a sponge absorbs knowledge
He is a great pleasure seeker,
To abundant philosophical libations.

not studied by science,
The personification of freedom
Despising moldy life,
Giving preference to sandwiches.

On Student's Day at the end of the year
We sing to you, dear ones, an ode.
And no matter how old it is at the moment,
If you are still a student at heart!

From session to session, as before,
Students live beautifully on Earth.
They always live in great hope,
That the session will go by itself.

What a pity that now scholarships are not everywhere,
And more often you pay for your studies yourself,
Sometimes student housing is not allowed,
And he builds a wigwam on the pulpit.

While you study for a bachelor's degree,
And there is a master's degree - two years,
Well, and then suffer in graduate school,
You barely crawl into doctoral studies.

A wise man once said:
Learn and learn and learn
He repeated this word three times.
And he shut up so as not to swear.

On this international day of students
I wish guys you want
So that grants suddenly fall from above, from the sky,
I'll fly to Harvard with you!

I wish you happy internships
Preferably away, abroad,
With housing at the expense of overseas academies,
With the payment of the host parties.

Live, student, cheerful and hungry,
Study and hatch your diploma!
Celebrate always your day international
And add health every day!

Walk, student, and have fun.
Today is a holiday.
But do not be lazy in your studies.
You are a joker and a prankster.

Grades will be yours
On "good", "excellent".
Just don't sit idle.
Behave yourself.

Let the subject be easily given,
Education, seminars.
And understand one thing -
These couples don't last forever.