Size chart for fur coats from Greece. Forward to the dream: choose the size of a women's fur coat

Before buying a fur coat, it must be carefully studied. The product must be sewn with high quality, the fur should not fall out, and the skin should not rustle when crushed. However, even if after all these checks, outerwear remains as attractive, one more thing is important: it must fit perfectly. Too big a thing will fill, and in general it will look ridiculous. And if the product is too small, then it will bristle and soon go along the seam. How to determine the size of a fur coat?

How to choose the size of a fur coat?

First, measure the circumference of the waist (at the narrowest point), chest and hips (at the most protruding points). You also need to know your shoulder width. All measurements must be taken on underwear. The centimeter tape should not be stretched, but should not hang. It is recommended to add 2-3 cm to the indicators, which will become a reserve if you put on under outerwear oversized sweater.

The resulting values ​​can be found in the table.

Limit size - what is it?

Let's say you always wear size 52 clothes. Accordingly, your chest girth should be 104 cm, and your hips should be 112 cm. However, what size should you choose if, for example, your hips are 120 cm, and not 112 cm? In this case, you need to choose larger size - 56.

Fur coat does not fit: how to determine?

Obvious signs that a thing is small for you are protruding pockets and horizontal folds on the surface of the product. And in the case when the outfit is large - vertical.

It also happens that the outerwear is chosen exactly in size, but it still sits crookedly, vertical folds form in some places, in others the fur coat is stretched, the pockets are bulging, the hem in front is much shorter / longer than the hem in the back. This is explained by the fact that this style simply fits a different type of figure. Accordingly, you need to either try on a different model, or take the thing to the atelier, where it will be re-sewn a little.

It is important to know!

Bought a fur coat and soon found that it didn't fit you? In accordance with the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" you have the right to exchange the goods without giving a reason within 14 days, not counting the day of the purchase itself. You can read more about this in a special section.

Now, knowing how to choose the right size of a fur coat, you can easily find a product that fits your figure. Come for a new thing in the Palace of Culture "Lensoveta" and enjoy the purchase long years! If you have any difficulties with finding a fur outfit, our consultants will be happy to help you. Waiting for you!

The fact that the “suit fits” properly is not only the heroes of the New Year’s film beloved by Russians. Any, no matter how high quality and expensive clothing will look on its wearer only if the size is chosen correctly. And this applies to fur coats in the same way.

When choosing a fur coat, you should understand that you are buying a fur outfit that you will wear for at least several years. Yes, some people can afford to change their fur coat every season, but there are not many of them - and the fashion for fur still changes quite slowly, the main trends move from season to season.

Therefore, you need to choose a fur coat very carefully, you must be sure that you are comfortable in it, that it sits well. This is not the kind of clothes that are bought "for growth", or hoping to lose weight. You can lose weight, and the fur coat will not look good on you. So buy only the clothes that suit you right here and now.

There are several immutable products for choosing fur products by size:

Rule One- never buy a fur coat if it is small or too tight for you. This will not make you slim, but, on the contrary, will make the figure look fuller and awkward in appearance. In addition, in such a fur coat you will sweat more, which may, among other things, affect its safety. And the fur on such a fur coat will wear out faster.

Rule Two– if you are struggling to choose between two sizes that seem to fit you both, choose the larger one. It will still be good to sit in a fur coat, and you will be freer in it, and even in case of frost you can dress warmer.

Most often, the sizes of fur products are quite large. For example, a size 50 fur coat might suit ladies whose size is between 50 and 54. The main thing - we recall once again - is not to strive to buy a tight-fitting fur coat.

It is very important to know all the features of your figure. For petite women, fur coats are sewn according to specially selected proportions, based on more short sleeve and torso. Full ladies visually reduce the size will help a wide fur coat to the knees or short fur coat A-forms

And in any case - fur coats must be measured. In addition, the process of trying on exquisite furs cannot but give pleasure even to those ladies who do not cherish the prospect of spending time in the fitting room and in front of the mirror of a clothing store.

So that you can find out in advance what sizes the Fur Factory salon-shop offers its customers, we offer you a table of sizes valid in our store for your reference.

For example: on the label of a fur coat, these are the parameters 85 cm / 100 cm / 130 cm.

Where: 85 cm - the length of the product. 100 cm - product width at chest level (in this case it is 42-44 size.). 130 cm - the circumference of the fur coat along the bottom (hem).

Size table.


Product width at chest level (cm)


One more thing important rule- trust the experts. Sales consultants in our salon will provide you with all necessary information about the available sizes, will help in the process of trying on and tell you what features this or that type of fur has or fur coat style.

Fur coat, especially from natural fur, is quite expensive. Therefore, I really don’t want to make a mistake when buying and buy a fake or just a poorly made copy. And you can still "not guess" with the size, color and style. Tips on how to choose the right fur coat will help you avoid all these troubles.

We define quality

Making sure that the fur coat that we purchase lasts a long time and does not lose its appearance for the next season, you should pay attention to the following points.

Fur quality

Pinch. If there are hairs or fluff left in your hand, this is bad sign. The fur "climbs" - it means that it is of poor quality, and this "molting" will never stop, no matter how the seller tries to assure you of the opposite. If you don't want to look like a skinned cat, keep looking.

Pet. Run your hand against the wool. If the hairs have returned to their place, everything is in order: the fur is good. Sticky and "sluggish" does not suit us.

Look around. Fur should not be faded, have rust spots(from the cage in which the animal was kept). Assessing the quality of the coloring, run over the fur with a damp handkerchief. If it stays clean, there is nothing to worry about.

Smell (among the tips on how to choose the right mink, fox, beaver, arctic fox coat, there is one). If the fur coat smells of musk, rancid fat, has any other foreign smell, this is not good.

tailoring quality

Check the seams. As a rule, the manufacturer does not sew fur product tightly, but leaves an unstitched place on the lining on the back at the bottom. This allows the buyer to examine the fur coat from the inside: check if the seams do not diverge and if they exist at all, otherwise sometimes the canvases are not sewn together, but glued together.

Look at the color of the skin. It should be light, and to the touch - soft and elastic. If the mezdra is yellow, it means that the skin is old, and the fur coat does not last long.

Fake or not?

Nowadays, it happens that a fur coat pretends not to be who it really is. For example, the seller says that she is from silver fox. But the buyer, armed with knowledge, knows: the fur of the silver fox is tricolor - gray at the base, white in the middle and black at the tips. And in front of him is a two-colored and cheaper fox dog. So don't deceive us.

We will also be able to distinguish a beaver from a nutria, which is very similar to it. Beaver fur has a soft down, which is why it is valued higher.

If you do not know how to choose the right mink coat in the market, the following information will help you. A pseudo-donor gives out a different length of pile. Carefully examine the entire surface of the fur coat. Buy only if all the hairs are one to one.

By type of fur

The fur variety of fur coats that are offered for sale today can cause serious pangs of choice. The most popular option is, of course, mink. But this is not the warmest fur. So if, in addition to beauty, warming properties are important to you, take a closer look at fur coats made of sable, fox or muton - they are the warmest. Next in descending order of skin warmth are sable, arctic fox, beaver, chinchilla, coypu, and in last place - mink.

What to look for when buying a fur coat from a particular fur?

Mink coat. The mink is often replaced with a rabbit or groundhog. You can recognize them by their shorter fur.

Today, mink is dyed any color, even red. But if there is an intention to wear the purchased fur coat for as long as possible, it is better to give preference to classic natural shades - they are always relevant.

The natural color of the fur is always relevant

Very popular in Lately transverse mink coat (fur stripes are laid out horizontally in it). How to choose quality item? Please note: a crest is formed at the junction of the plates - this is a sign that the mink is real. But if the tuft sticks out too much, then the fur is of poor quality.

A fashionable solution - a model of sheared mink with transverse tailoring

On sale you can find fur coats made of sheared mink - this is fashionable, but keep in mind that such fur practically does not heat.

Mouton coat. Mouton is a refined sheepskin. The material is inexpensive compared to other types of natural fur. Therefore, you should not be afraid of fakes.

Fur coat from astrakhan fur. When sewing it, the fur of young lambs is used, which has characteristic curls. A clear and pronounced pattern of curls speaks of high quality fur.

Karakul - fur is very durable, wear-resistant. A fur coat from it will be worn not for years, but for decades.

How to choose the right coat size?

In the case of a fur coat, choosing the right size is especially important. importance, because this thing is not purchased for one year and often it will not be possible to change it. Therefore, the fitting process should be given as much attention as possible. The result should be the purchase of a product in which you are absolutely comfortable.

Try on several models and decide which one is more comfortable for you.

Size suitable fur coat, usually, smaller size other clothes worn by a woman. So, a fur coat of size 50 corresponds to approximately 52-54 dress or blouse sizes. But if you can’t decide on the size in any way, hesitate between two options, it’s better to choose the one that is larger. For a fur coat, the main thing is that it should not be small. Then you can put on some more clothes under it, and it’s easier to move in loose winter clothes.

Some time ago they became fashion models tight-fitting coats. But now this fashion has departed and there is a tendency to increase volume. In terms of comfort and practicality, this is for the best. The fur coat “in a slip” gets wet faster from sweat, the skin hardens after drying, loses its elasticity and cracks. Yes, and the fur wears out faster. The service life of the product is correspondingly reduced. It is also not necessary to talk about the convenience of tight fur coats.

Model with fur looks attractive different lengths And contrasting colors

The question of how to choose the right size for a mink, muton or any other fur coat is inextricably linked with the choice of style. The size of the fur coat may be yours, but when trying on in the chest, you feel discomfort. This means that the volume of the armhole is small for you. And a larger size will not help here. We need to look for another model.

Given all these points, it is better, when choosing fur coats for trying on, to give preference to voluminous styles - for example, having the shape of a trapezoid. They will not let you down, even if they are a little larger in size.

Pick up right size easier if you choose a model with a cut "trapeze"

But in other cases, signs of the wrong size will be immediately visible:

  • horizontal folds, bulging pockets appear if the fur coat is small;
  • longitudinal folds, vertical waves indicate that the fur coat is small.

A fur coat should be chosen based rather not on mathematical calculations, but on one's own feelings. You should be comfortable in it. Is there anything pressing on the neck, do you want to move it forward or, on the contrary, push it back? Make it a rule to stay in each fur coat you like for at least three minutes, to “live” in it. If you feel absolutely comfortable, then the thing is yours.

Buying a fur coat is a serious step, a long-term investment of money, and a lot of it, for warmth and beauty in a frosty winter. The purchased fur item must be exactly the right size, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to wear:

Fashion for fur coats does not change as often as for other outerwear. All last years the current model was straight silhouette with a minimum of decor. But even such clothes simple style requires precise selection for each figure.

There are three numbers on the label of any women's item: they indicate height, hip and chest circumference. To understand what criteria the physique meets, you need to know these indicators. We measure growth:

To measure your height at home, it is best to use the help of another person. If this is not possible, then an error of 1-2 cm in the direction of increase or decrease must be taken into account. Be sure to take measurements of the girth of the hips and chest.

How to determine your size?

The girth of the hips is determined by measuring them at their widest point. For buying a fur coat, this indicator is very important. The girth of the chest is usually measured at convex points, the resulting figure is divided in two. The result is the size. For example, a chest girth of 96 cm, dividing it in two, we get 48. This means that for a woman with a chest girth of 96, you need to choose a fur coat of size 48.

Important! Accurate measurements can only be obtained if all measurements are taken with minimal clothing (only underwear is allowed).

What is a border size?

Not all women will confidently answer the question about their clothing size. Sometimes a blouse is bought in size 46, and trousers in size 48. This happens because different parameters of the figure dictate their choice. For fur products - voluminous and durable - you need to focus on big numbers . They should be the decisive factor in purchasing a fur coat with a deviation in the size range towards an increase.

If you take a fur thing with a focus on smaller parameters, then there is a high risk that there will be excessive fitting (tightening) of those in places that go beyond standard measurements. Do not buy a fur coat that will be small - it has little comfort and even less freedom of movement. If the product is stretched over the figure, like a drum, the cold will penetrate quickly enough.

Also, do not take a thing that will be large: in addition to the fact that the frosty air will walk freely inside the fur coat and “cool down” it, it will also look quite comical.

Size standards

Fur coats are mainly sewn for a height of 170 ± 5 cm. But sometimes in the store you can also find fur items for women with a height of 180 or 190 cm. Be sure to pay attention to this indicator when buying a fur coat, otherwise the waist will be shifted in a fitted model, and shorter length the silhouette itself will not look harmonious.

Russian size range fur products in the store - from 38 to 66. There is also a European (from 32 to 60) and international (from XXS to XL) systems.

How to understand that the size is determined correctly?

It is not difficult. A few simple signs will help:

An example of determining the size of a fur coat

The girl’s height is 170 cm, chest girth is 95, hips is 102. If we take the half-girth of the chest, we get size 48, even the 50th, but on the hips - 52. So, the fur coat should be looked after with marking 52, we go in the direction of increase. This will be correct for comfortable operation of the product. According to the table, we determine the marking of the international system L and European - 40.

Fur coat size chart

Knowing all about correct selection sizes, it would be useful to systematize the information by looking at the table with the Russian and international classification.

Differences between mink, muton, arctic fox and other fur coats

Mink products are very beautiful, elegant, modern. These animals are short-haired, fur coats from their fur do not add any additional volume or extra pounds. Medium pile mouton or astrakhan fur coats look more voluminous than mink, but with the right choice of style, they will adorn their owner for many years.

Quite another thing is the fur of a muton, arctic fox, fox. Products from them are long-haired, adding kilograms and volume and taking a few centimeters of growth. You should choose styles that are not long, not bulky, possibly from the sheared fur of these animals.

The sizes for any fur coat are standard, if deviations from the norm are not discussed separately in each particular company.

When choosing a fur product and deciding on the type of fur, the most important thing is to choose right size fur coats. Such expensive purchase should be comfortable and should not disappoint.

How to take measurements?

To find out your size, you will need to take individual measurements measuring tape. It is necessary to take into account the height, girth of the bust, waist and hips.

Rules and nuances of measurement:

  • Usually, height The first thing you should pay attention to when buying a fur product. You will need an accurate measurement of your height, discrepancies in measurements are allowed no more than three centimeters.
  • Properly measured breast volume It has great importance for the selection of a fur coat perfect for the figure. When measuring, be sure to keep in mind that you will be wearing some clothes, a shirt or a sweater under a fur coat. There may be a difference in actual measurements from the measurements indicated on the label of the fur product by about two centimeters.
  • Waist it is especially important if the fur coat model is fitted. Measure the narrowest part of your torso with a measuring tape and add a couple of centimeters to your measurements.
  • To measure hips it is necessary along the protruding points of the pelvis, plus or minus a couple of centimeters.

For exact result measurements of a mink coat should be done by someone else. Remember the measurements and compare them with the numbers indicated on the fur tag.

Need to know! there are several dimensional grids: Russian, American, English and European.

The sales assistant will help you compare your data with the size written on the fur coat label. But you should not unequivocally trust the size indicated by the manufacturer, it is imperative to try on a fur coat, since tailoring features for a particular model are possible.

Subtleties of choice

In order for a high-quality and comfortable mink coat to last more than one season, you must adhere to the following practical tips:

  1. Do not buy a fur coat "back to back". A tight-fitting fur product will hinder movement, and not sit as it should. Due to the tight fit to your body, the fur coat will significantly reduce its service life.
  2. If, when trying on, the pockets on the fur coat puff up, and horizontal folds are also noticeable in the back area - try on a size up.
  3. Vertical wavy folds indicate that the fur coat is too big for you.
  4. Pay attention to coat style, It happens that due to an inappropriate model, it is not possible to find the right size. Look at other fur coats that suit your figure.

Before buying a fur coat, carefully try it on, carefully inspect, compare with other models presented. Take your time with the choice, you need to make sure that you are comfortable in a fur coat, and it does not hinder your movements.