What are the differences between Spanish hair extensions and other technologies? Spanish hair extensions

Are you dreaming of changing your image and want to get hair extensions? Spanish build-up hair in Moscow allows you to get the curls of your dreams in less than two hours.

In pursuit of fashion, modern beauties experiment with hair color and length, change haircuts and styles. But no matter what bold and daring hairstyles fashion dictates, long Thick hair will always be at the peak of popularity. If your hair is far from ideal or you don’t want to wait for it to grow to the desired length, you can always turn to professional hairdressers for a service. VictoryStyle specialists offer their clients the best and safest hair extensions, one of which is Spanish extensions.

And the Spanish technology of hair extensions is in which artificial strands are attached to the client's natural hair using special glue. This procedure does not require special equipment or high temperatures, so Spanish extensions are considered the safest and most gentle for hair. This type of extension first appeared in Spain, where hairdressers developed special “Rueber” glue, which not only firmly fixes donor strands, but also does not harm clients’ hair. In the process of expanding Spanish technology nothing complicated, but good result depends on several factors: the professionalism of the master, the quality of the donor strands and glue.

Hair extension technology using the Spanish method

For extensions using Spanish technology, European and Slavic hair is used High Quality. The extension strands are already formed and secured with keratin glue. The master applies a special activator to the glue, which softens it and makes it more flexible and soft. Having stepped back 1 cm from the hair roots, the master fixes the donor strand to the hair and forms a flat connection with his hands. The hardened glue resembles a small capsule, which is why the Spanish technology is also called. Small flat capsules do not interfere with the combing process at all, do not put pressure on the skin during sleep and are not susceptible to hot temperatures.

The hardened glue fixes the donor strand quite firmly, and the joints are invisible and almost imperceptible. In the first days of wearing artificial strands, the client will feel heaviness out of habit, but after a couple of days this feeling will pass. Glue for fixing artificial strands can be either completely transparent or tinted to match the strands. But when it dries, it acquires a whitish tint, which will be noticeable on dark-colored hair. Therefore, Spanish extensions are more suitable for fair-haired and fair-haired girls.

And artificial strands can be worn for up to 4 months, but no more, since the glue begins to break down over time and the extended strands may simply fall off. In order to grow hair, you will need from 150 to 200 donor strands, and the procedure itself can last more than 2 hours. When the master begins the extension process, he selects the thickness, shade and texture of the artificial strands, taking into account all the characteristics of the client’s hair. At the client’s request, you can choose strands tone-on-tone with your own hair or create a highlighting or coloring effect by using strands of different shades during the extension process.

Correction of hair extensions

No matter how tightly the artificial strand is fixed, over time it becomes necessary to make a correction. Firstly, the hair grows and the capsule goes down, and secondly, the keratin included in the rising glue begins to break down over time and the hair begins to be combed out intensively. In order to remove the artificial strand, the master applies a special solvent to the capsule, the capsule softens and the donor strand is painlessly removed. Correction takes longer than the extension itself, since the artificial strands first need to be removed, then the client’s hair should be combed out of glue residue, and then the strands should be corrected if they are combed out during wear. The further procedure is identical to the initial extension. The correction will cost the client less than extensions, since the same strands will be used as during the first visit to the specialist.

Pros and cons of hair extensions using Spanish technology


  1. This technology is absolutely safe and does not harm the hair.
  2. High temperatures are not used to fix the strands.
  3. The structure of the glue is similar to natural keratin, which natural hair is made of, so it does not cause allergies.
  4. Keratin capsules firmly fix artificial strands; they do not comb out and are not destroyed by heat.
  5. No effort is required to remove the extensions; keratin is easily softened with a special product.
  6. The extensions can be worn for up to 4 months without correction.
  7. Artificial strands are not required special care.
  8. Donor strands can be used for repeated corrections several times.
  9. Suitable for all hair types.
  10. You can extend strands of any length from 30 to 70 cm.


  1. Lengthy build-up process.
  2. This method is not suitable for dark-haired girls, as the frozen capsule takes on a whitish tint.
  3. Spanish extensions are not suitable for owners short hair. Optimal length hair is considered 10 cm.
  4. Correction takes longer than the extension itself.
  5. Extensions cannot be curled, as chemicals can destroy the capsules.
  6. Extensions are not suitable for girls with alopecia and scalp diseases.
  7. Extensions are contraindicated for girls taking strong hormonal drugs and antibiotics, as well as for those undergoing chemotherapy.
  1. After extensions, it is not recommended to wash your hair for 2-3 days.
  2. Before combing, you must first sort out the tangled strands with your hands.
  3. When washing, do not rub your hair too vigorously. To thoroughly cleanse your hair and scalp of oil, simply apply the shampoo with light massaging movements onto the skin.
  4. Balms and masks should be applied to the entire length of the hair, but if necessary, you can safely apply medicinal products on the skin and not be afraid that the keratin capsule will dissolve.
  5. Hair should not be twisted into a tight knot or toweled.
  6. Do not comb your hair until it is dry.
  7. Do not place the hair dryer close to your scalp. It will not be able to damage keratin capsules, but high temperatures will only harm natural hair.
  8. It is recommended to braid your hair at night to avoid tangling your hair.

Today, many fashionistas are turning to the most popular type of hair extension: Spanish. This popular procedure has virtually no detrimental effects on health. natural hair, since it refers to cold building methods without thermal effects. That is why many young ladies prefer this method of acquiring a beautiful hairstyle.


Nowadays, many girls turn to hair extensions. Procedure using latest technologies, competently carried out by an experienced master, allows you to get an excellent result. There are many different techniques hair extensions. Each of them has its own distinctive characteristics and nuances that are important to consider. The Spanish method, popular today, involves the use of cold extensions.

Appeared this technology thanks to the efforts of Spanish hairdressers. They have developed a specialized adhesive that contains two highly effective components. This glue is called Rueber. It makes it possible to firmly and reliably bond donor curls with natural strands. With this technology, only pre-prepared natural strands, which are formed from European and Slavic hair impeccable quality. The procedure does not cause inconvenience and does not lead to negative consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages

Spanish extensions, like other popular techniques, have their strengths and weaknesses. Girls who want to apply for this service should familiarize themselves with both. Positive aspects a lot of.

  • Your own hair is not subject to harmful effects high temperatures. Specialized devices are not used either, due to which many Negative consequences are excluded.
  • High-tech glue from Spanish masters is very similar in structure to keratin natural origin. It is this component that human hair is made of, so the glue does not provoke allergic reactions.
  • Extended curls can be tinted, dyed, or straightened. There are no restrictions in choosing various shampoos, gels, masks and balms. Ladies don't have to give up their loved ones cosmetics which they are accustomed to using.
  • Special capsules guarantee maximum reliability of bonding natural and false strands, so you don’t have to worry about combing your hair.

  • Properly extended strands, with proper care, can last up to 4 months.
  • Curls grown using this method can be easily removed without causing any pain.
  • Spanish extensions make it possible to increase hair length up to 70 cm.
  • If desired, the donor's curls are allowed to be used several times.
  • The cost of the cold method is several times lower than that of hot extension methods.
  • You can visit the sauna, solarium or swimming pool.

Unfortunately, the Spanish extension also has disadvantages.

  • The procedure usually takes quite a long time.
  • The process of hair extensions itself will be very painstaking and difficult. This is why it is so important to choose experienced craftsman who will not make mistakes.
  • The correction will take no less time, and the procedure itself always turns out to be quite labor-intensive, and it should not be neglected under any circumstances.
  • If you have a short haircut, then Spanish extensions will not suit you: this procedure provides for the shortest hair length of 10 cm.
  • If you have done fashionable Spanish extensions, then you will have to forget about perm: it is contraindicated after such cosmetic procedures.
  • If you do not properly care for your hair and skip correction procedures, then the glue capsules during removal can seriously harm your natural hair. Of course, a lot depends on the experience of the hairdresser who deals with your hair.
  • This method is not suitable for brunettes.

The method also has contraindications.

  • Spanish extensions are strongly not recommended if there is significant hair loss.
  • The obstacle is various diseases scalp, as well as increased sensitivity.
  • You should not resort to this procedure if you have vegetative-vascular dystonia, are taking strong antibiotics, or are undergoing aggressive chemotherapy.
  • Many ladies suffer from allergic reactions. In case of such problems, it is better to abandon the Spanish extension.

Execution technique

Using a special activator, the master makes the keratin capsules already applied to the prepared strands softer. It is necessary to attach the curls at an approximate distance of 1 cm from the roots. Usually craftsmen make a special flat connection manually. Outwardly, it looks more like a capsule. To ensure that the connecting areas are not conspicuous and invisible, the size of the capsules can be reduced. However, it must be borne in mind that with such actions the Spanish build-up becomes less sustainable.

The specialized two-component glue used during such extensions can have either a transparent structure or match the shade of the strands. As soon as the adhesive component dries completely, a small light capsule will appear at the attachment points, which will not be noticeable.

If you decide to turn to trendy and safe Spanish extensions, then you should familiarize yourself not only with its pros and cons, but also with its care features. Only if you treat your extensions with proper care, they will last for quite a long time and will not lose their attractiveness.

  • Treat your hair extensions with care and precision. Always make sure that the extensions do not get tangled.
  • After completing the procedure, you should not wash your hair for 2-3 days. It is advisable not to neglect this rule, otherwise you can seriously damage the attachment of the extended strands.
  • In the future, it is recommended to wash your hair very carefully and carefully. It is better not to make sudden movements.
  • You can apply your favorite masks and balms along the entire length of your hair without fear of damaging the capsules. This will not dissolve them.

  • Do not comb your hair extensions while they are wet under any circumstances. You can comb your hair only after it has dried at least a little. If tangled knots appear, it is advisable to immediately untangle them carefully. Do not leave such defects, otherwise it will be much more difficult to get rid of them later.
  • It is recommended to dry the attached strands exclusively using blotting movements. Be careful not to curl your hair with the towel.
  • Quickly dry the extensions with a hairdryer. Keep the equipment away from your head and do not bring it close to avoid harm.
  • Don't do it under any circumstances perm.

For hair extensions using this technology you can use different kinds hair. The strands are attached using Ice Extensions glue and activator. Handmade, allowing the formation of a small capsule of transparent color, for blondes and brown-haired women, for extensions on dark hair use black glue. Hair extensions are removed with a special composition.
Spanish hair extensions stay securely on the hair for up to 4 months, after which the glue breaks down. You should not remove curls before 2 months - the capsules will have to be crushed with tongs, which can negatively affect the strands.
Hair care after Spanish Ice Extension.
A distinctive feature of the Spanish cold hair extension technology is that the glue that forms the capsule is not afraid of temperatures and the effects of cosmetics, so there are no restrictions on caring for your hair extensions and there is no hair loss when combing. Spanish hair extensions allow you to wash your hair extensions with any shampoo and carry out any hair care, repaint it in any color, perm it, cut it, the hair extensions hold very tightly.
But this does not replace regular care long hair, frequency of combing with a special hair comb, preparing your hair before bed, visiting your hairdresser to control hair extensions and professional care for hair extensions.
Benefits of cold extension Ice Extension.
There is no special care for hair extensions; you can use any shampoo and conditioner. You can dye, tint, lighten hair extensions.
You can visit the sauna and swimming pool. There is no hair loss when combing.
Hair extensions using Spanish technology can be worn for up to six months, but correction of hair extensions after three to four months is advisable.

Disadvantages of Ice Extensions cold hair extensions.
Long build-up time.
The technology is difficult to implement for an inexperienced master, compared to others.

Hair extensions using Spanish technology allow every woman to become the owner luxurious curls any length and volume. Spanish hair extensions allow you to create any look: straight flowing curls or cute playful curls. This hair extension method is more suitable for girls with blond hair, because the glue has a slightly whitish tint. Spanish technology is easy to implement, but gives good results only if used quality materials(glue, false hair) and qualified work of the performer.

Features of Spanish hair extension technology

Spanish hair extensions are cold technology, the appearance of which is the merit of Spanish hairdressers. They invented a special two-component Rueber glue that reliably connects donor curls with natural hair.

For extensions, ready-made strands are used, formed from Slavic and european hair high quality and secured with glue. To soften the glue, the master applies a special activator to it and with his hands forms very neat flat fastenings that firmly connect the natural and false strands. A small flat capsule is formed at the junction of the hair; it does not interfere with the combing process and does not cause discomfort during sleep.

Video of Spanish hair extension technology

In the first days of wearing false strands, you may feel heavy, but this is due to lack of habit; it will soon pass. In his work, the master uses from 150 to 200 donor strands. The Spanish hair extension procedure takes an average of 3.5 hours, and the results last up to 4 months. After drying, the glue acquires a transparent white tint and can be noticeable on dark hair, so cold Spanish hair extensions are more suitable for fair-haired and fair-haired girls.

Correction of hair extensions

After 3-4 months after extension, the need for correction arises. Firstly, the glue contains keratin, which begins to deteriorate over time: the extended strands not only become combed out, but may also fall off. Secondly, the natural hair grows back, the capsules that have fallen down look unsightly and require a “transplant”.

Correction takes much longer than the initial procedure. To soften the capsules, the master treats them with a special solvent, then removes the false curls, combs the client’s hair out of glue residue, tidies up the removed strands and re-extensions them. Although the correction takes more time, it is cheaper, since the same strands are used as during the first extension.

Pros of Spanish hair extensions

  • Hair is not exposed to high temperatures and special devices, due to which it remains healthy;
  • The structure of the glue is similar to the natural keratin from which human hair is made, and therefore does not cause allergies;
  • Hair extensions can be tinted, dyed, straightened, and any shampoos, masks and balms can be used to care for them;
  • Capsules ensure reliable fastening of natural and false curls, so that the hair does not comb out;
  • Extended strands with proper care lasts up to 4 months;
  • Artificial curls are removed easily and painlessly;
  • The length can be increased up to 70 cm;
  • Donor curls can be used for corrections many times;
  • Prices for cold methods are traditionally lower than for hot extension methods;

Cons of Spanish hair extensions

  • Despite all the practicality of this hair extension technology, it has one big minus— with hair attached to glue, you should not go to a bathhouse or sauna, and also, when swimming in the sea, you will have to protect your hair from getting wet;
  • The extension process is complex and painstaking work;
  • Correction is an even longer and more labor-intensive procedure;
  • Spanish extension technology is not suitable for short haircuts. The minimum hair length at which extensions can be made is 10 cm.
  • At improper care and untimely correction, adhesive capsules can damage the hair when removed. Much, of course, depends on the work of the master.
  • Hair extensions using Spanish technology are not suitable for brunettes.

Contraindications to the use of Spanish hair extension technology

Spanish hair extensions are not recommended for severe loss hair, hypersensitivity and diseases of the scalp, vegetative-vascular dystonia, during long-term use of potent antibiotics, hormonal drugs and undergoing chemotherapy.

The most popular extension procedure at the moment is Spanish hair extensions. Every fashionista will be interested in learning about the details of the method, advantages and disadvantages. This procedure is the least likely to spoil own hair, since it refers to “cold” exposure methods without the use of any thermal effects.

The principle of Spanish hair extensions

The Spanish method, which has gained popularity, involves fixing donor hair with special Ruber glue at the roots of your own hair. The basis of the method is glue, invented in Spain, The structure is reminiscent of a component of living hair - keratin. Pre-prepared donor strands are glued to your own strands in a special way.

Features of the extension procedure

Spanish hair extension technology has been popular among women since 2006, when Ruber glue was first invented. Since then, the method has remained the most affordable, but quite effective. The glue turned out to be hypoallergenic and does not cause any irritation.

During the procedure, strands of donor natural hair are used. Available for sale different types“raw materials” are European and Slavic. Slavic ones are better suited for the purpose of extension, but their cost is twice as high.

In Europe, they receive material from Asian countries, where the structure human hair tough, rough. To bring the “raw materials” into an acceptable state, they are processed and dyed. As a result, they become brittle, lifeless, and quickly fail. Therefore, their price is almost two times lower.

Slavic hair is obtained from Eastern European countries. They are better suited for extensions in terms of plasticity, structure, and color.

One of the features of the procedure is long time on its implementation and the skill of the performer. They weigh the pros and cons when turning to a private owner or a beauty salon. You should not trust photographs posted near your workplace. These could be photos of his competitor.

Review reviews of skill and communication skills. You will spend about 4-5 hours in close proximity to this person.

Advice. A private master does not always turn out to be good professional. In this case, it is better to trust a specialist from the salon. There his qualifications were verified.


The price for extension services using the Spanish method varies depending on the region of residence, cost of donor strands, requests from the master. Also, the cost will be different depending on whether you are served in a beauty salon or from a private master.

Cost of hair extensions using the Spanish method according to statistics:

  • from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles in both capitals (from private masters);
  • 5,000–12,000 rubles – in regional cities (from private masters);
  • 12,000–20,000 rubles – in the capital’s salons;
  • 10,000–15,000 rubles – in regional salons.

You can save money by purchasing materials yourself.


The extension procedure using the Spanish method has a number of contraindications. So, it cannot be carried out:

  • girls under 16 years of age;
  • women undergoing chemotherapy;
  • with alopecia (loss);
  • pregnant women. Read on our website which extension techniques are safe for pregnant women;
  • when the length of your own curls is less than 10 cm;
  • when taking antibiotics;
  • with climate change.

Photos before and after

Extension procedure

The strands are prepared in advance by gluing the ends with glue that hardens in the form of a capsule. In the second stage, the master treats the adhesive capsule with a special compound, it becomes soft. Now the hairdresser connects the donor strand with yours, pressing them to the capsule manually a centimeter from the roots. Through a short time the composition hardens. It turns out two strands connected by an adhesive capsule. The capsule is strong and hard.

With this method of extension, the master attaches from 150 to 230 strands, attaching them evenly throughout the head. A woman may experience slight discomfort only in the first few days after the procedure. Then she gets used to it and wears her hair like her own hair.

Attention! The glue capsules become whitish after drying. Therefore, this type of extension is suitable for fair-haired ladies. Brown-haired women and brunettes need to think about other methods, for example, Hollywood hair extensions or the gel method.

Extensions achieve two goals at once - hair length and hair volume, which is the dream of most ladies. It can be extended up to a length of 70 cm. The volume of donor hair cannot be more than half of your own.

Carrying out correction

Hair grows constantly, so three to four months after extensions, adhesive capsules become noticeable. Also, under the influence of balms, shampoos, and other cosmetics, the keratin in capsules is destroyed. It's time to correct these hairstyles:

  1. First, the glue capsule is treated with a softening solution.
  2. Then, using special pliers, the donor strand is pulled down.
  3. The capsule is crushed with special tweezers, then the remains are combed out of the hair.
  4. Extended strands are cleaned and sometimes tinted. Then used for reuse.

Correction takes much longer than the extension itself.

Hair care after the procedure

Hair extensions will not become a special period in your life and will not change your usual lifestyle. You will also dance, play sports, go to the sauna, swimming pool.

The first two or three days they don’t wash their hair. Allow the adhesive composition to dry securely. You just need to follow some protective measures to prevent the capsules from collapsing:

  • Always cover your head in the bath;
  • wear in the pool special cap for swimming;
  • wash your hair with smooth movements without tangling your hair;
  • comb already dry hair;
  • do not lie down until your hair is dry;
  • use mild, non-aggressive agents for washing;
  • comb your hair with combs and wide-toothed brushes;
  • dry only with blotting movements, without twisting with a towel;
  • You can use a hair dryer for a short time, away from your head;
  • If the hair is long, it is pulled into a ponytail or braided at night.