How to erase a tattoo at home. Video: “How to remove a tattoo? Laser tattoo removal. Hike to a specialist or folk remedies: What to choose

Tatyana Kleiman

Chief Physician center " Successful people”, dermatologist-cosmetologist.

1. Salt

Salt irritates and loosens the skin, its hypertonic solution draws fluid out of the skin, it is also possible to partially remove the pigment, but no one has yet been able to completely remove it. Cons: prolonged healing, subsequent scarring and the risk of infection, redness and swelling.

Tatyana Kleiman

2. Bath

It is believed that if you have made an unsuccessful tattoo, then going to the bath and sweating will save and the tattoo will disappear. The logic is simple: if the master forbids the bath immediately after the procedure, then, acting on the contrary, you can get rid of the drawing.

The bath is forbidden, first of all, because thermal procedures stimulate lymph flow and increase blood circulation. The tattoo will remain, but the pronounced swelling of the tissues, which will disrupt the vital activity of skin cells, can last up to a month.

Tatyana Kleiman

3. Potassium permanganate

Dangerous way! Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent. She burns the skin. As a result, we get a chemical burn with the risks of scarring and hyperpigmentation.

Tatyana Kleiman

4. Iodine

It is believed that if you lubricate with five percent iodine, then they will gradually discolor.

Iodine can give some lightening of the pigment, but complete removal will not work, since the pigment lies in the dermis, and we apply iodine to the surface of the skin, from where it easily evaporates. I suppose that there will immediately be those who want to introduce iodine deep into the skin, but in this case, a chemical burn and a scar are provided to you.

Tatyana Kleiman

5. Hydrogen peroxide

Advisers say that if you wipe a tattoo with 3% hydrogen peroxide, it will discolor over time.

Hydrogen peroxide has a disinfecting and loosening effect, but it is not able to remove the pigment. A harmless way, but also useless.

Tatyana Kleiman

6. Skin pigment

Tatyana Kleiman

7. Cold

Cryosurgery. The ink is burned out liquid nitrogen. As a result, the skin becomes covered with blisters, which come off, removing some of the pigment.

Effective, but very traumatic method. There are risks of scarring and hypopigmentation.

Tatyana Kleiman

8. Electrocoagulation

Users warn that the procedure is quite painful, local anesthesia will be required. At the site of the tattoo, a scab first forms, which disappears in 7-10 days, but the scar will remain and a long recovery period will be required.

The pigment in this case is crushed by an electric discharge, but remains in the skin. The method is painful and ineffective.

Tatyana Kleiman

9. Laser

An effective but painful method. The disadvantage of the laser is that it is difficult to remove light pigments.

Tatyana Kleiman

10. Remover

Remover is a special clarifying liquid that is used both in the correction of microblading and tattooing, and for the removal of artistic tattoos. First, it is injected, like a pigment, under the skin, and then this place is treated with a certain composition to consolidate the action.

Now there are many offers on the market of removers, some are good for removing organic pigments, others are good for inorganic, and others work with both. Undoubtedly effective method. However, you need to follow the recommendations and apply the remover at home for a long time.

Tatyana Kleiman

In a person's life there are different events, both good and bad. Joyful events are replaced by sad ones, and happy ones are replaced by sad ones. Various life “turns” sometimes make you feel ashamed of your actions, and sometimes you just want to erase all painful memories from your life. Tattoos on the body are precisely those memories that are not so easy to get rid of. Of course, when a tattoo was made, we wanted to wear these inscriptions or patterns with pride all our lives. But life, sometimes, is relentless, and the desire to get rid of a tattoo at home at any cost is a fixed idea.

Hike to a specialist or folk remedies: What to choose?

Of course, in modern tattoo parlors, it will be much easier, safer and less painful to remove a boring tattoo, because medicine does not stand still. A competent master himself will offer you the most gentle way for you to get rid of a tattoo, believe me, there are a huge number of methods. Despite all this, the forums are full of headlines on the topic: “how to get a tattoo at home?”. It’s hard to say what pushes people to folk recipes, perhaps the lack of funds, or maybe the desire to experiment. Many are interested folk recipes tattoo removal at home and in the article we will describe in detail all the known and folk ways getting rid of unwanted tattoos.

Tip: “When carrying out manipulations to get rid of tattoos at home, follow safety precautions. Regularly disinfect the skin and hands, as the risk of blood poisoning is very high.

Before using folk methods, you need to stock up on “angelic” patience, since the procedure will be long and sometimes very painful. Remember, with indelicate handling, you can get a severe burn and “rattle” in the burn center. Therefore, strictly follow the instructions below and no self-activity.

The most famous ways to get rid of tattoos

Method number 1

The most common way to remove a boring tattoo is to lubricate the skin area with 5% iodine. This method is 100% unsuitable for those who are allergic to iodine.

This method requires exactly 5% iodine. Applying 10% iodine to the skin causes a severe chemical burn.

We take iodine, moisten it cotton swab or just a piece of cotton and wipe the tattoo 3 r / day and so on for several months (the result depends on individual features skin). The smeared area should not be covered with a bandage, a burn may result. After a while, the skin on the treated area will begin to itch, itch and peel off a lot, do not be alarmed, this is normal. This is due to the fact that under the action of iodine skin covering dies, and therefore, along with it, and the tattoo. Peeling skin cannot be torn off, since you will not achieve acceleration of the process, but you will earn yourself an infection more than.

If the itching is unbearable, then before going to bed, lubricate the skin area with an antibacterial moisturizer, you can buy it at any pharmacy. In no case should you sunbathe and in general, try to reduce exposure to the sun to zero. After the layer of skin peels off on its own, a small bleeding wound may open to your eyes, in this case, temporarily stop using iodine, and continue after recovery. After the course, ideally, in place of the “old” tattoo, there will be new, slightly pinkish skin.

Method number 2

Not less than effective tool from the undesirable pattern is plain table salt. First of all, you need to wash the tattoo with ordinary soap and wipe it with hydrogen peroxide. Next, we take salt of medium grinding (the larger the salt, the more painful the procedure), dissolve it in a small amount of water to the consistency of “slurry” and apply it to the desired area. It is not easy to apply, but rub with a cloth or sponge into the tattoo for 20 minutes, try not to rub for more than 40 minutes, then rinse with cool (not cold) water and bandage it. Do this procedure followed every day and for at least 3 months. The effectiveness of this method, most likely, will be visible after several procedures, the paint will begin to fade and wash out, but it will take much more time to completely get rid of it. The procedure is very painful and because of this it is not suitable for everyone.

Method number 3

This method is very painful and after it is guaranteed to leave a scar. To carry out the procedure, we need an alcohol tincture of celandine (you can buy it at any pharmacy), moisten a cotton swab with tincture and wipe the tattoo. Keep in mind that celandine is a very poisonous plant, after using this method, a burn remains, which will need to be disinfected regularly to avoid infection and suppuration. After application, be sure to bandage, use only a sterile bandage. The procedure is carried out every day for 2 months.

Method number 4

When using this method, the scar is also guaranteed, moreover, the procedure should be carried out with extreme caution, since there is a high risk of getting chemical burn. For the procedure, we need a normal table vinegar. There are 2 ways to remove a tattoo with vinegar:

We apply vinegar to the skin area with a pre-moistened cotton swab, wait 5 minutes (no more) and neutralize with hydrogen peroxide and apply a sterile bandage. We do this procedure for 7 days, then we give the skin a rest and heal for 2 weeks, then we repeat the procedure and so on for two to three months, or as much as we can.
This option is suitable for those who have a tattoo machine at home. You will need to fill the machine with vinegar and clearly along the contour, then “knock out” the necessary area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with vinegar along the top layer.

Method number 5

To carry out the procedure, potassium permanganate in powder is required. Potassium permanganate can remove a tattoo in 2 ways:

  • We dissolve manganese in water and lubricate the contours of the tattoo, and cover with a napkin, and wrap it with plastic wrap on top. After 2 hours, remove the bandage, apply a bandage and treat the burn.
  • Pour manganese powder on the skin area with a tattoo, cover with a damp cloth, wrap it with a film and remove it after 2 hours, then apply a sterile bandage and treat the burn.

The disadvantages of the method include the fact that severe burns remain, and subsequently large scars. The skin under the tattoo changes color, becomes dark and, as it were, washed out.

Method number 6

Take a regular sterile syringe, fill it with milk and cut off your tattoo around the entire perimeter. This procedure is done every day for a couple of months. As a result, the area of ​​​​the skin on which the tattoo is located will begin to fester and peel off. The scar is guaranteed, do not forget about the sterile dressing and regular disinfection of the treated area.

Here, perhaps, are all the ways to remove a tattoo at home, some of them are very painful and leave backfire in the form of scars and scars, some less. It should be remembered that each person has his own pain threshold and what hurts for one is tolerable for another.

The positive result of removing an “undesirable” pattern is affected by:

  1. The age of the tattoo itself.
  2. Depth and area of ​​the tattoo.
  3. The area of ​​the skin where the tattoo is made.
  4. The time spent on the removal of wearable "arts".

Tip: “Most likely, you won’t be able to remove the tattoo at home the first time, only repeated procedures will give desired result, most importantly, do not give up and if one method is not effective, feel free to try the next one and so on until the result. Of course, it is difficult to remove a tattoo at home, but it is quite a feasible task, just remember that luck smiles at the most fearless and persistent.

Under no circumstances do not change the above dosages and do not change the time of exposure of the drug to your skin, the consequences can be truly catastrophic. Before the procedure, always wash your hands and do not forget about disinfection and the use of sterile dressings.

One of the most popular ways of self-expression is a tattoo. But, over time, such an indelible pattern can get boring. Life principles may also change, in which the old tattoo will not fit. In such cases, one thing remains - to get rid of the "drawing". In this article, we will tell you how to do it professionally or with home remedies.

A few years ago, it was believed that it was impossible to completely get rid of a tattoo. But, modern medicine allows you to do this without consequences for the body. by the most the best way To "erase" the tattoo is to use this special equipment. Modern lasers allow you to neutralize the coloring pigment under the skin. This procedure is not very painful and allows you to achieve the best effect.

Is it possible to remove, remove a tattoo completely without a scar?

Lasers for removing tattoos have been used since the middle of the last century. But, the first attempts were not successful. The design of such devices did not allow this procedure to be painless. Against, discomfort from such a procedure were more painful. The first lasers used to remove tattoos did not destroy the coloring pigment, but literally “burned out” it. After that, ugly scars and scars remained.

Today, modern neodymium lasers are used to remove the pattern from the skin. The principle of operation of such devices is in the rapid penetration of rays under the skin. Due to the speed of their penetration, the skin does not have time to be injured. Coloring pigments are destroyed and gradually excreted by the body.

Wherein, pain with this procedure, they are practically not felt. Moreover, they are an order of magnitude less than the pain when applying a tattoo.

It may take several treatments to remove a tattoo without leaving a scar on the skin. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the quality of the paint. The better the paint was used when applying a tattoo, the more difficult it is to destroy its pigments. This means that more procedures may be needed.

There is also another nuance to take into account. A "tattoo" made using black and blue ink is removed faster than a tattoo with a predominance of orange and red ink. And here green paint may not collapse at all. With a laser, you can only make it brighter.

It is also worth considering the type of skin. Tattoos on fair skin are removed better and faster than tattoos on swarthy and dark skin.

IMPORTANT: Chemical peeling can also be used in the process of tattoo removal. After which it may collapse natural pigmentation skin and its color will become uneven.

If a scar remains when removing the “tattoo”, then it can be processed special creams that speed up scar healing. You can also use cortisone. The substance is injected under the skin and it dissolves the scar.

Small scars and scars can be removed using peeling, special skin resurfacing, as well as using the dermablasion method.

If you do not want to risk the appearance of a scar after removing the tattoo, then you can use another method: applying a new tattoo in place of the old one (“cover up” method). new job over the old one). This method is becoming more and more popular today. After all, you can “paint over” an old tattoo in one session. At the same time, the wizard will help you choose new drawing, which will ideally fall on the old tattoo.

How to remove a fresh tattoo?

How fresh tattoo the easier it is to remove. But, for this you need to use professional techniques. The most effective way is, of course, a laser. Fresh paint easier to destroy with laser beams. Sometimes it is possible to lighten the area with a tattoo in one session. But, as a rule, after a while you need to “fix” the success and repeat the procedure.

In addition to the neodymium laser, which is popular today in cosmetology clinics, an alexandrite or ruby ​​laser can be used for this purpose. The choice of equipment is based on the depth of the pattern. A shallow “tattoo” can be affected with a ruby ​​laser. But today this technology is almost outdated.

The alexandrite laser penetrates deeper but is unable to destroy warm toned paint.

Removed tattoos: photo

In these photos you can see the places where tattoos are processed with professional equipment.

How to remove a tattoo at home yourself quickly?

If the tattoo is tired, but money, time or desire to use to remove it professional ways No, you can use the "folk" methods. But, even before using them, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Any intervention in the body without professional skills and using products that are not intended for this can be fraught with negative consequences.

One of the most popular ways to get rid of tattoos at home is to use ordinary salt for this purpose. Salt scrub is often used to eliminate stretch marks and other skin imperfections. With it, you can remove the top layer of skin and remove tattoo ink.

In order to salt scrub helped it need to be used regularly for at least three months. At the same time, you need to understand that at the site of application, after using this method, the skin may become rougher and its color will become a little darker.

In order to use a salt scrub, you need to clean the place of dirt and hair, then lather laundry soap. Then the place is wiped with a dry cloth. Salt is pre-soaked (it is better to find coarse salt) in a sterile container. The resulting slurry must be applied to a sponge and rubbed into a prepared place. in a circular motion about half an hour.

After such treatment, the remaining salt should be washed off with boiled water and a sterile bandage should be applied to the application site.

Another popular home remedy for tattoo removal is celandine. This medicinal plant in its composition it has compounds that can penetrate deep into the skin and destroy the paint.

To remove the tattoo, celandine tincture is used. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is necessary to use tincture for this purpose within two months. The danger of using celandine is that this plant is poisonous.

The skin must be prepared in the manner described above. Then you need to dip a cotton swab into the tincture and burn the tattoo with it. Only areas with paint should be treated with tincture of celandine. If the drawing is large, then it needs to be “burned out” in parts.

After this procedure, you also need to hide the treatment site with a sterile bandage.

It also works in a similar way vinegar essence. But, her action is not so bright. Therefore, this method of tattoo removal is not so popular. After treatment with this agent, the place must be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

IMPORTANT: Sometimes tattoo machines are used to remove tattoos with vinegar essence filled instead of paint. They process the tattoo exactly according to the drawing.

How to remove a tattoo with potassium permanganate: before and after photos

You can also use potassium permanganate to remove a tattoo at home. Like all the methods described above, this method is fraught with various problems. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out such manipulations with your skin very carefully.

For this method, potassium permanganate powder is needed. It is applied to the "drawing" and then moisturized. In order for the powder to be precisely moistened, and not washed off with water, you can use a spray bottle.

After moistening, the area with potassium permanganate should be covered with plastic wrap and left for 2-4 hours. Potassium permanganate acts not only on a tattoo, but also on healthy skin. Therefore, this method is very dangerous.

After such a procedure, an ulcer will appear on the skin, which must be washed. warm water and lubricate with an antiseptic ointment with a healing effect. Treatment of the place of use of the ointment should be carried out regularly.

How to remove a tattoo with milk: before and after photos

Milk tattoo removal is another radical way. For this, a solution is used spoiled milk. It is injected with a syringe under the skin and causes the process of suppuration. In order to avoid sepsis, the place where milk is used must be treated with streptocide. The process of skin decay "eats away" the paint. After such a procedure, ugly scars remain on the skin. In addition, there is a high percentage of the likelihood of blood poisoning.

How to remove a tattoo with hydrogen peroxide: before and after photos

Another “barbaric” way of removing a tattoo in relation to your body is the use of hydrogen peroxide for this purpose. To do this, use a tattoo machine. Peroxide, like the vinegar essence that we talked about above, is injected under the skin at the site of the tattoo. It is very important to follow its lines correctly and not go to healthy areas of the skin.

After using peroxide at the tattoo site, you need to apply scarlet or special products.

Hydrogen peroxide, getting under the skin, brightens the paint. Although peroxide is not as dangerous to the body as most of the above products, its use can also adversely affect the body.

How to remove a tattoo with iodine: before and after photos

You can also remove a tattoo with another tool that is in every first aid kit - iodine. To carry out this procedure, you need to wash the treatment area with soap. A cotton swab is wetted in a 5% iodine solution and the tattoo site is treated with it. It is important to try not to "get out" with such treatment on healthy areas of the skin.

This procedure should be repeated three times a day for several months. After processing, the place must be left uncovered. If you apply a bandage, it can lead to a chemical burn.

After such treatment of the skin with iodine, it will begin to peel off, and a wound will form under it. It is impossible to accelerate the separation of the dead skin area. She has to get down on her own. When the skin peels off layer by layer, and the tattoo disappears, you can stop the skin treatment procedure.

If itching occurs during the iodine treatment, it can be reduced with an antibacterial cream. The skin area that has undergone such treatment should not be placed under direct Sun rays either during the procedure or long after it.

Where and how laser tattoos are removed: before and after photos

You can remove a tattoo with a laser in any cosmetology clinic that provides such a service. Most modern way the destruction of the coloring pigment under the skin is carried out using a neodymium laser. When using such equipment, the specialist must correctly select the wavelength of the laser and the type of its radiation. These parameters are selected based on the depth of the tattoo and its color. Modern equipment allows you to remove a tattoo that lies at any depth and has paint of any saturation.

Based on the size of the tattoos, the depth and amount of paint used, the number of sessions can be determined. The more professional and brighter the tattoo, the more sessions it may take to remove it.

Neodymium laser can act on any color of paint:

Contraindications to the use of such equipment may include damage to the skin and the presence of inflammatory processes in the field of laser application.

After laser treatment, the pattern will first become lighter and then darker. This indicates that the pigment is being destroyed. After that, it will be removed from under the skin in a natural way.

Video. We check folk methods for removing tattoos

Tattoos have been around for thousands of years. Mankind knows tattoos made more than five thousand years ago. The stigma associated with them seems to have faded over the past few decades. Now the skin decorated in this way becomes familiar. Almost everyone has at least one tattoo. Some people are too afraid of such decoration of themselves, because it is forever. In fact, thanks to the development of technology, removing a tattoo is no longer a problem. The available options appear. Whether you want to get rid of an image that you no longer like, or want to find a place for a new tattoo by getting rid of an old one, you may well solve the problem! But before you go to the salon, you should find out what exactly you have to deal with.

How does tattoo removal work?

The simplest explanation for how a tattoo is removed is as follows: the laser simply destroys the ink particles. Part of the ink comes to the surface of the skin, and the part that remains is destroyed into smaller and smaller parts. After a series of procedures, the particles are so small that they are simply no longer visible. A more professional explanation of the traditional laser removal tattoo sounds like this: the essence of selective photothermolysis. This is a process in which a certain wavelength of light and vibrations are directed towards the tattoo.
The target is heated until it is completely destroyed, while the skin surrounding the image is not harmed. A special laser creates a photomechanical effect by physically destroying the tattoo particles. Small particles are then processed by the body.

There are several ways to remove a tattoo

Laser tattoo removal is the most popular method. However, the tattoo can also be removed surgically. When there were no lasers, they used chemical peels and dermabrasion. These methods are accompanied by a high likelihood of scarring and other unwanted side effects. However, laser removal itself has several varieties and techniques.
For example, removal can be combined with laser treatments commonly used to treat wrinkles, pigmentation, and scars. There are also a variety of whitening treatments. During one visit to a specialist, several different tactics. During your tattoo removal consultation, your doctor will explain the options to you.

How many sessions will be required?

A traditional laser requires ten to twenty treatments to remove a tattoo, and there is always the possibility that the result will be unsatisfactory. Either way, you should be aware that there are many factors that affect how a tattoo will respond to laser removal.
Among the factors are the age of the tattoo, the method of its application, the location on the body, the color of the ink. However, in most cases it is possible to get rid of the tattoo. Eg, innovative technologies allow you to do this in six procedures. This is a real revolution in skin cleansing.

The process depends on your tattoo

A consultation with a doctor or dermatologist is necessary before tattoo removal because the procedure is individual. Just because you've heard from a friend that a tattoo can be completely removed in two treatments, don't expect it to be the same. In fact, it all depends on the color. A black tattoo is the easiest to remove even with traditional lasers. Innovative techniques do better with blue and green hues. You should also take care to minimize the risk of scarring and pigmentation. Protect the treated area from sun exposure before and after the procedure until the skin recovers.

You will feel slight discomfort

You've already had a tattoo, so the sensation won't come as a surprise to you, but in any case, you need to know: tattoo removal won't be completely painless. It's unpleasant, but there are many ways to minimize the pain. Pain relief cream and ice will reduce the discomfort of the laser if the tattoo is small enough.
You should also be aware that the location of the tattoo can determine how painful and uncomfortable it will be for you. There are more sensitive parts of the body. If you feel pain, local anesthesia may help. Sometimes the procedure does not cause pain, but after it there is discomfort, as a rule, it does not impair the quality of life.

What to expect after tattoo removal?

After the laser removal procedure, the tattooed area will be red, swollen and damaged. Sometimes there are blisters and a crust. Be sure to apply more often means to restore the skin and wear a bandage until the treated area has fully recovered. If you want to remove a tattoo in order to get a new one, you should wait a while before applying a new design. Many patients choose to lighten their tattoos in order to put a new one on top of an old one or to change the design. Once the skin has completely healed from laser exposure, it is safe to get tattooed again. Therefore, you should wait from one to four weeks, depending on the area of ​​the body where the tattoo is. You can find out more detailed information on this subject after the procedure from a specialist who performs tattoo removal.

Tattoo removal comes with risks

Like most medical procedures, tattoo removal is associated with certain risks. It is important to have the procedure done by a certified dermatologist who knows how to use the laser. Among the risks are the appearance of scars and pigmentation, that is, lightening or darkening of the skin. It is important to use the correct wavelength and specific frequency in order to laser procedure went right. In addition, there is a chance that you will be asked not to remove the tattoo at all. Many illnesses, the use of certain medications, or the effects of other procedures may be contraindications. Safe treatment skin treatment is possible for everyone, but only if the right laser with the right parameters is available. That is why it is so important to contact qualified specialists who understand the procedure you are interested in at the proper level.

Tattoo removal cost a lot

If you think that getting a tattoo is not scary, because you can remove it at any time, you are wrong. Despite the growing popularity of the procedure, tattoo removal has not yet become cheap. The price is quite impressive, so you have to pay a lot. Getting a tattoo is much cheaper. Therefore, you should think about the design as carefully as possible so that you do not have to plan to delete or change it later.

Think Before Removing a Tattoo

As before applying, all options should be considered before removal if you want to get rid of the tattoo. Do your research, chat with specialists from different salons before starting a series of procedures. Remember that tattoo removal can be expensive and time consuming. Do everything safely and correctly so as not to encounter later side effects and disappointment.

Among the frequently used means for removing unwanted tattoos are:

vinegar essence;

· milk;

· potassium permanganate.

Consider these methods separately, evaluating their effectiveness and safety.

How to remove a tattoo with iodine

Moisten a cotton swab or disk in a 5% iodine solution, depending on the size of the tattoo. Lubricate the drawing, trying not to touch the skin without tattoos. Repeat three times a day for several months until the result is achieved. Do not cover the smeared place with anything, otherwise there will be a burn.

The skin will itch and peel off, but you can not peel it off. The layer of skin should peel off on its own, after which there will be a wound under it. Until it heals, you can not continue to use iodine. Then continue until the tattoo disappears with the dying layers of the skin. Sunbathing at this time is impossible in any case. With unbearable itching, you can lubricate the skin at night with a moisturizing antibacterial cream.

If you are allergic to iodine, this method is not suitable.

How to remove a tattoo with salt

This method will require salt and a lot of patience. Action algorithm:

prepare a salt mass from two tablespoons of salt and a spoonful of water

apply gruel cotton pad on clean and shaved skin with a tattoo

Rub in circular motions for half an hour

Rinse with cool water, dry and apply a bandage

Repeat every day for one to four months

The drawing will fade after a couple of procedures, but it will take quite a long time for it to completely disappear. In principle, there are no ways to remove a tattoo at home quickly at all. It is always a long and rather painful process.

Other ways to remove a tattoo

Some try to remove tattoos with vinegar, potassium permanganate, and milk injections. These methods are very painful and are guaranteed to leave severe burns and scars after them.

If you rush and use too much "solvent" or do the procedure more often than recommended, it can result in serious burns requiring outpatient treatment or even tissue death. Therefore, if your main question is how to quickly remove a tattoo, it is better to turn to professionals and not risk your health by doing amateur activities.

Completely safe yet effective ways independent information just no tattoo. Each carries a risk of burning, scarring, or may not be effective in your particular case.