Quick hypnosis course for children. Hypnosis technique. How to learn hypnosis. Hypnosis

Surely you have heard at least once about the wonderful effects of hypnosis and wanted to learn how to put people into a trance. Then this article about hypnosis for beginners is for you. We will talk about elementary techniques that will help you master this complex science.

The technique of hypnosis may seem quite complicated to a beginner in mastering this science, which is quite logical and reasonable. What you need to start learning:

  1. Confidence in yourself and your abilities. You should not have the slightest doubt that everything will work out. If you are not confident in yourself, then it is unlikely that you will be able to put another person into a hypnotic state. Therefore, first of all, you should work on increasing your self-esteem if it is low
  2. Appearance. The hypnotist must appear personable and inspire confidence in the patient. Therefore, try to appearance corresponded to the image of a respectable and competent person
  3. Practice. It is good to know theoretical methods of immersion in hypnosis, but without practical exercises there will be no success. You will have to practice for a long time, honing and strengthening the necessary skills.
  4. Loyalty to failure. Be prepared that not everything will work out right away. It is important to be aware of your mistakes and be able to correct them. Be result-oriented and go for it, no matter what

All of the above is necessary to master the simplest methods of hypnosis.

What can interfere?

There are some factors that slow down the process of learning hypnosis:

  • Drinking alcoholic beverages. If you are used to abusing alcohol, nothing will work out. It distracts your mind and you can't concentrate enough
  • Insincerity and use of knowledge to harm someone. You must learn to use hypnosis for good. If you want to master a technique to harm someone, you will harm yourself first.
  • Smoking. A smoking person is dependent, his subconscious is not under his control. Therefore, he is not able to control the subconscious of other people.
  • Stimulant abuse nervous system. These are coffee and caffeinated drinks. If you use them often, nothing will work

Hypnosis for Beginners: A Simple Technique

If you are just starting to learn hypnotherapy techniques, you will need a hypnosis technique for beginners. It is carried out in several stages.

Removing psychomuscular clamps

This action is necessary to increase the sensitivity of the person you will be hypnotizing. The following methods are used for this:

  • Relaxing the patient with massage. Gently remember his shoulders, saying: “Relax, trust me completely.”
  • Have the person sit on a chair and gently massage their hands. Ask to relax as much as possible and not resist

Check whether the person is completely relaxed: raise your arms and lower them - they should fall like whips.

Removing the filter of consciousness

This stage is necessary in order to create maximum trust in the patient in the hypnotist. There is also an aggravation of feelings, consciousness is distracted and switches to the sphere of sensations. How to do it:

  • Ask the person to close their eyes and relax as much as possible
  • Place your hands near his ears. Keep your palms 5-10 centimeters apart. Mentally call up a flow of energy from his brain and direct it to your fingertips. You should feel warm and light showing
  • Ask the subject to focus on what he feels in the head area and ask him to talk about the sensations. He should feel the warmth
  • Tell me what's in this moment the feeling of warmth will intensify and bring your hands to the subject’s forehead

It is possible that the patient will feel a tingling sensation instead of warmth, begin to sway, or lose balance.

Correct reaction

To build trust, it is necessary to respond in a timely manner to the signals that the patient will send. For example:

  • If you see that his eyes are watering, say: “A tear will appear now.”
  • He says that he is being pulled down - say: “Now it will be pulled even stronger”
  • You see that he is being pulled to the side - say: “Now you will start swinging left/right”

All this creates in the subject the feeling that you are controlling and predicting him. further actions. This creates maximum contact and trust, which is very important.


At the final stage, we can already say that the patient begins to obey the actions of the hypnotist and is about to enter a trance. The following phrases should be used:

  • Relax
  • Trust me completely
  • The tension in your hands is growing
  • Your fingers are numb
  • Now I'll count to three and your hands will come closer
  • Hands came closer

You must speak in a commanding, confident voice. If the patient obeys the commands, then you have succeeded. You can experiment further.

Watch a video about hypnosis for beginners:


You can strengthen your skills and improve your ability to hypnotize with an exercise called “The Key.” It works like this:

  • Focus your gaze on one point
  • Give yourself a mental attitude: “When I count to ten, a state of complete relaxation will arise, my eyelids will become heavier, and warmth will spread throughout my body.”
  • Start counting. When you hear the word “ten,” you should feel a gradually increasing feeling of warmth in your body, a tingling sensation in your fingertips.

During training, you need to learn to turn off your consciousness, remove all extraneous thoughts from your head, concentrate on own feelings. When you can completely control your own consciousness and evoke the desired sensations, you can talk about success.

If you decide to learn hypnosis on your own, you will need a training program. When compiling it, keep in mind the 3 steps that always form the basis of learning hypnosis.

Step #1: Learn the suggestions.

Suggestion is the main skill of a hypnotist, so be sure to learn as much as possible. different types suggestions. Firstly, this way you will have more chances to influence your interlocutor. Secondly, you will understand which type of suggestions is most comfortable for you.

You can get examples of suggestions from the recommended ones.

To master suggestions it is important:

– understand their structure.

– learn to put suggestions into conversations with people. Set a simple goal - for example, to get a much larger discount on the market than the seller offers. And inspire. Try at least 5 situations with different people because without practice on one's own It is impossible to learn hypnosis.

Step #2: Begin to induce trance.

If there is no trance, then there is no hypnosis. After all, in a trance, suggestions work much better. A hypnotic trance can be induced:

  • telling an interesting story
  • describing the listener's feelings,
  • thinking out loud.

In general, speak in such a way that people want to listen to you and not interrupt you. Speaking fluently in the presence of the target is a critical skill for learning hypnosis. To develop it, you need to do at least 10 trance inductions per different people . Strangers to you, of course.

Pay attention to which I spent several years.

Step #3. Stay confident and calm.

  1. Practice self-hypnosis, and peace will become a part of you. Here, for example, you can relax.
  2. More communicate with strangers. Over time, this will teach you to remain calm when you start influencing them.

If your suggestions don’t work or the person doesn’t go into a trance, in general, something doesn’t work out - find someone who is already at least a little familiar with hypnosis. Let him see how you suggest and tell him what to change in your hypnosis. Suggestions, intonation, posture, own state, gaze, rhythm or something else.

And as soon as you realize that you can already tell some stories to a stranger, quietly passing on your suggestions, accept my congratulations! You managed to learn hypnosis. On one's own.

All further steps are already skill training. It is then that you can begin to develop a chest (hypnotic) voice, get acquainted with the basics of influence without words and other interesting techniques that are not written about in books.

Important! If you are interested in hypnosis to solve your problems in relationships with other people, it is much better suited for this. I came to this conclusion after 8 years of hypnosis practice.

Probably everyone has encountered hypnosis at least once in their life. After all, it happens that we don’t want to do something, but under the influence of someone’s words we commit an action. Essentially, this means that the person has subjugated you to his will; they often say “hypnotized.”

But this is, so to speak, everyday, everyday hypnosis. It has nothing to do with the real scientific approach, although the mechanism of action is similar.

The art of hypnosis has been known since ancient times. It was owned by shamans and priests. It is wrong to think that hypnosis is associated with something supernatural. This is not true at all. There is nothing magical in the phenomenon itself; it is based on basic concepts of psychology. Magicians simply use the basics of this science in their activities. This explains their impact on people.

In fact, hypnosis is a human state that arises artificially through suggestion. Basic distinctive features this state- susceptibility to the influence of the hypnotist and decreased sensitivity to all other influences. In other words, the suggestible hears and sees only the person who influences him. Other people and circumstances do not exist for him.

Hypnosis for beginners includes training in the basic techniques and methods of immersing the patient in a trance state. A person usually falls into a trance under the influence of verbal suggestion (here it is important to maintain a monotonous voice intonation) and visual or tactile stimuli (passes, swinging of a pendulum).

Currently, there are many schools and courses where you can learn hypnosis. Special trainings and practical classes are conducted for beginners.

Skeptics are wrong who consider hypnosis to be a pseudoscience that has bad influence on people. At the right approach methods for this phenomenon are even useful. After all, the ability to manage emotions and feelings brings harmony to a person’s relationship with the world and himself. It opens up hidden opportunities and reserves. There have been cases when people, having mastered hypnosis for beginners, radically changed their lives and work, as their Creative skills, which they did not even suspect before.

In addition, another advantage of hypnosis is the ability to apply psychological skills in communication. It is unlikely that any of us will be able to do without hypnotic techniques. They meet at every step. Asking for a salary increase, persuading a client to buy a product, conducting important negotiations - hypnosis teaches all this for beginners.

In the age of mass advertising and propaganda, it is important to maintain your point of view and not succumb to the psychological attack that is widely used by advertising and PR companies. This is also taught in hypnosis courses. Having studied basic concepts and methods, you will see potential manipulators, and therefore, you will be able to psychologically protect yourself from them.

Hypnosis is also good method self-improvement. It will be much easier for you to quit smoking, sign up for an apartment renovation, or buy a swimming pool membership if you have certain suggestion skills.

I would especially like to mention the treatment internal diseases, memory restoration, hypnosis coding. Such procedures must be performed by a doctor. A novice hypnotist should not even undertake this. The only thing a person who has completed the appropriate courses can do is try to give himself the necessary attitude if he suffers from any of the above.

Thus, hypnosis has beneficial effect per person. However, this statement is only true if this procedure is carried out by a specialist and is based on good intentions.

Hypnosis is a mystical manipulation that can conquer the mind of any person. It's no wonder that many people want to master it. After all, having such strength, you can achieve unprecedented heights. At the same time, it can be used for both good and evil.

But let's leave thoughts about humanity and morality behind and focus on how to master hypnosis. For beginners this is a big problem, because not everyone knows where to start. So how do you become a hypnotist?

What is hypnosis?

First, let's understand a little about what hypnosis is. After all, this is the basis of all knowledge, and without it, further studies will simply be useless. And although this concept can be interpreted in different ways, we will still focus on the most common of them.

Hypnosis is a special technique of manipulating a person’s consciousness, capable of putting him into a trance. At the same time, the hypnotist himself can give commands and instructions that must be impeccably executed.

And yet not all orders can be carried out. If a person is physically unable to follow instructions, then their effect will be zero. You also need to take into account the power of suggestion of the hypnotist, as well as psychological resistance on the part of consciousness.

How to become a hypnotist?

There are many paths that can lead to the desired result. But still the best option will attend hypnosis classes for beginners. After all, live training will help you master all the techniques much faster. In addition, classes will be supervised experienced craftsman, capable of prompting and correcting at the right time.

The trouble is that not all cities have schools teaching hypnosis for beginners. And, in fact, even knowledgeable people cannot always count on the fact that they have such an establishment nearby. The only option is to take a course in another city, temporarily renting housing there.

Hypnosis. Self-instruction manual - fact or fiction?

There is now a lot of literature devoted to this topic. It is quite natural that people have questions about how effective all these sources are.

Well, using such books it is quite possible to master hypnosis. Self-instruction manual is step by step guide, capable in some way of replacing a mentor. And if the reader follows exactly all the instructions contained in it, then his chances of becoming a hypnotist are quite high.

But, as always, there is a catch - not all books are created equal. Moreover, some of them were even written by charlatans who know nothing about what hypnosis is. For beginners, purchasing such a tutorial can be a big disappointment.

Therefore, before buying a certain product, find out everything about its author. But you need to look for information not on his official website, since most likely there are fake comments there, but on third-party resources, fortunately there are now a huge number of them. And only after all doubts have disappeared, make a purchase.

Choosing a Hypnosis Technique

One of the most important points in training is the choice of hypnosis techniques. After all, there are a huge number of techniques in the world that can put a person into a trance.

So, some use the power of the voice in order to penetrate a person’s consciousness and give him the necessary instructions. Others, on the contrary, use sign language or use foreign objects, for example, pendulums, clocks, pendants and so on. There are also behind-the-scenes hypnosis techniques that can quietly lead a person into a trance.

Having chosen a specific direction, you need to tirelessly follow it until the first results appear. And only after that start trying other methods. After all, as the famous proverb says, if you chase two hares, you won’t understand either one.

Hypnosis can be a very difficult science for beginners, and for good reason. But the learning process will be much faster and more enjoyable if you follow a few simple tips:

  • The main weapon of a hypnotist is self-confidence. Without it, it is almost impossible to put a person into a trance.
  • Appearance is very important. The more attractive the image of the master, the easier it is for him to gain the trust of the consciousness of the “victims”. It also improves contact and speed of immersion into hypnosis.
  • Practice is the basis of all learning. You can read hundreds of books and not become a hypnotist, but once you introduce practical exercises, the result will immediately appear.
  • Don't stop there, because there is no limit to perfection. For hypnosis, this statement could not be more suitable, because the hypnotist always has room to grow.

Trance is a specific mental state. Learning hypnosis at home is not so difficult if you work hard on yourself. The basics of practice are to work on your consciousness. Of secondary importance is the ability to control others through the use of special words, touches and other auxiliary elements.

Basic information about hypnosis

Any hypnosis technique involves a sustained effect on the psyche of the suggestible, which is the suppression of the will. Practice allows you to change your type of thinking, behavioral line, and reaction to certain types of irritating factors. Under the influence, a person can perform a variety of actions assigned to him by the hypnotizing person. The consciousness of the suggestible person completely ceases to function and respond to external signals for some time.

The main components of hypnosis:

  • suggestion,
  • trance.

Suggestion is verbal expressions that carry certain information. Most of these phrases are intrusive in nature, and a person perceives them as his own decisions.

There are 3 types of hypnotic influence.

  • classic,
  • hidden,
  • regressive.

Classic hypnosis is clear instructions pronounced in an authoritative tone.

The person is put into a trance. This type of effect is used to regulate sleep patterns and get rid of phobic disorders. This method is often used in the treatment of addictions.

Erickson's method - hidden form hypnosis, less aggressive. The suggestible person is gradually taken out of sleep.

Settings can be rejected by the patient at will or accepted. When it is necessary to restore certain moments in memory that the consciousness perceives painfully, the doctor suggests:

“When you feel uncomfortable, wake up immediately.”

Hidden forms of hypnosis are used in marketing, advertising and political campaigns in order to attract public attention and gain benefits.

The regression technique uses memories from the patient's life.

While he is in trance, the doctor asks many questions. Based on the answers, you can make a diagnosis and understand the real reason Problems.

Basic principles of hypnotic activity

To master hypnosis, you need to follow certain rules and do not neglect safety precautions. Using such skills without preparation can lead to disastrous consequences. If the method of inferring the suggestible is not fully developed, the person will remain in a state of sleep and will have to look for a real expert hypnologist.

Exercises that will help you learn hypnosis at home from scratch:

  • Learn to control yourself - go into and out of trance.
  • Eliminate all factors that prevent you from finding harmony of spirit and body.
  • Learn to use affirmations.
  • Analyze yourself, your actions, look for the reason for this behavior: discipline and self-control - these are 2 important factors that will lead you to success.

There are people who have mastered the art of hypnosis since childhood, but not everyone is aware of the talent they have.

On a subconscious level, when communicating with others, they pronounce attitudes and perform active actions - touching, stroking the shoulder, hand. They say about such people that they can hypnotize with their gaze.

It is impossible to learn how to manage people in 5 minutes. You need to select and fully master the technique, allocating time for training. It is important to perform exercises at strictly designated hours. Remember, alcohol is a serious obstacle to mastering hypnotic influence.

Existing techniques

A self-instruction manual for managing yourself and others suggests first learning to concentrate your attention on one subject, not paying attention to what is happening around you. Draw a circle on the big one album sheet, place a small dot in the center. Peer at it and focus all your attention on it, drive away the thoughts that will creep into your head. The exercise seems very easy to do, but learning to concentrate requires a lot of willpower and takes a lot of time.

A description of influence techniques that will help you learn on your own can be found in the hypnosis tutorial.

You can hypnotize:

  • With the help of a glance.
  • Using verbal instructions.
  • Comprehensively.

Hypnosis with gaze

Hypnosis lessons designed for beginners are conducted according to this scheme. They are based on concentration. Take any picture and look at it carefully. Pay more attention to detail. Select what you like in the drawing. Complete your details. Gradually, this process transfers the subconscious into a semi-disabled state - trance.

The technique is practiced for 1–2 months, practicing daily for 20 minutes. After this, it will be easy to master ideomotor skills. The essence of this technique is to concentrate on the suggested object and send it a certain mental message. Start with the simplest commands:

  • Correct your hair.
  • Tilt your head to the right/left.
  • Give me the newspaper.

The eye hypnosis technique for beginners is described as simplest process. In fact, this is complex work that involves interaction with a person on a subconscious level. You won't be able to hypnotize a stranger with your gaze. You need to install a durable mental connection with the suggestible. You can ask a friend to become a volunteer test subject for hypnotic sessions.

Have the patient sit opposite you. It should take as much as possible comfortable position, relax your body. Look into the eyes of the person being suggested, concentrate on the pupils, then mentally pronounce the words of the attitude. Learning to hypnotize people is difficult, and the first time you practice may not be successful. When putting a person into a trance, think in advance how you will take him out.

Verbal attitudes

Hypnosis is not difficult to learn if a person knows how to manipulate words and determine the mood of the person being suggested. The technique is most often used by sellers and advertisers. It involves not only oratory abilities, but also kinetic contact. During a conversation with the subject, the hypnotist carefully places one hand on the patient’s shoulder, the other on the palm, placing his fingers so as to feel the pulse.

Then attempts begin to speak, to convince the client that he is too tired to move during this period of time. When the suggestible person has entered a trance, the instructions about the benefits of sleep are repeated to him. They say that as soon as he opens his eyes, all problems will disappear, and he will remain cheerful and energetic throughout the day.

Maximum impact is achieved through clear wording of phrases. They are short, contain many voiced sounds, and are rich in meaning. After this, the person falls into deep sleep.

Complex impact

For experienced hypnologists using a combination of previous techniques, 2 minutes are enough to put a person into a trance. Initially, he concentrates on the client's eyes. Establishes a connection. Gradually includes verbal attitudes.

The hypnologist is located at a minimum distance from the patient. In the process of work, specialists often use additional objects that maintain concentration: silver spoon, earring in the ear, pendant, etc. With the help of these devices, once introduced into a state of trance, it will be easier to succumb to the influence of the hypnologist as soon as he sees the object of concentration.

Hypnotic techniques

If you decide to seriously learn hypnosis and use the acquired knowledge in practice, you need to master 2 categories of methods.

  1. Directives are a component of classical technique.
  2. Non-directive - elements of Erickson's technique.

The first one is an orderly one. The suggestible person is seated in a comfortable position and forced to perform certain actions.

The second method involves self-hypnosis. You can learn self-hypnosis by taking a reliable assistant: a self-instruction manual on managing yourself and others or courses from hypnologists.

Directive method

Hypnotism is based on the use of words that evoke certain images and feelings in the subconscious.

  • A truism - phrases are pronounced in a calm voice. The meaning of the phrases is publicly available. For some time, the hypnologist pronounces generally accepted facts, and then proceeds to highlight his own thoughts, which are perceived by the suggestible as personal considerations and conclusions.
  • Assumptions are words that indicate a sequence of actions. The technique allows you to manage several processes and a large number of people at one time. The main thing is to voice every step.
  • Confrontation - the technique includes facial expressions, gestures, and kinesthetic techniques. During the conversation, the hypnotist voices 2 actions that completely contradict each other. Provided a large number of examples. Each action is announced slowly.
  • Informed choice - patients are given the chance to independently choose a model of behavior and voice their attitudes. The main goal of the technique is to achieve a focus of attention not on the spoken attitudes, but on the presentation of what is said.

Non-directive method

To learn hypnosis, learn ways to concentrate on internal problems. Entry and exit from trance should not be noticeable to patients. The techniques are perfect for self-hypnosis, used in auto-training, for syndromes chronic fatigue and burnout.

Let's look at the main tools in more detail.

  • Eriksonian spiral - consists of 3 stories. The hypnotist tells the first half, pronounces the second to the end, and says the third again until the middle. Gradually finishes the first and third stories. The text of suggestion, winning to action, contains a story in the middle.
  • Chatting - attitudes are pronounced in a chaotic stream. The words are incoherent. The psyche of the suggestible person loses control and does not notice that the hypnotist has already suggested his intentions.
  • Three “yes” - the suggestible person is asked to answer 3 questions that assume an affirmative answer. Then any questions are asked, and the person subconsciously answers “yes”, even if he does not agree with the statements.


To learn hypnosis, you need to work hard on yourself, and then move on to practice with strangers. A hypnologist must be able to clearly control his thoughts and desires, and be able to quickly calm down. Just learning to concentrate takes about 2 months, and given that psychology is constantly moving forward and all sorts of techniques for influencing the subconscious are being developed, it is impossible to completely learn all the secrets. The hypnotist learns throughout his life.