Is there a connection between people? Mental connection - what it means, how it is formed, how to break it

Have you ever wondered why one person is attractive to us, but the other's eyes would not see? Why is it easy and simple to communicate and find with one mutual language, immediately there is a strong connection, even if you talk or look once? We subconsciously manage our biofields (qi, prana, orgone-energy), give and receive constantly, exchange processed energy with others.

Strong bonds are created between people related by blood: parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents. But the mechanism of the relationship of energy flows between a man and a woman differs significantly. And the formation of tight energy fields between individuals is possible only in the case of open chakras, which are attracted and form unbroken channels that turn a man and a woman into native people who can live happy life together. Energy flows can change, can be broken or strengthened, but one fact remains indisputable: the more chakras are involved in the relationship, the more channels will connect the family.

What is chakra and aura and how to distinguish between them

The chakra is a powerful energy center in the human body, combines a certain vital energy. There are 7 main chakras through which energy circulates:

  1. The root chakra Muladhara is associated with the color red, on the body is located between the spine and genitals. Forms family ties.
  2. The sacral sex chakra Svadhisthana is associated with orange, on the body is located below the navel, in the region of the sacrum. Forms a married couple.
  3. Chakra solar plexus(umbilical) Manipura is associated with yellow, on the body is located in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus (in abdominal cavity above the umbilicus). Forms relationships between employees and superiors, friends.
  4. The heart chakra Anahata is associated with in green, on the body is located near the heart. Forms love relationship.
  5. The throat chakra Vishuddha is associated with blue color and on the body is located in the throat area. Forms a bond between like-minded people and friends.
  6. The forehead chakra Ajna (third eye) is associated with the color indigo, on the body it is located between the eyebrows. Forms a telepathic connection between people.
  7. The crown chakra Sahasrara is associated with purple, white or gold, on the body is located at the top of the skull. Forms a connection in sects, religious communities, connects fans.

An aura is a halo around a person, created by energy circulation. It is the work of the channels and chakras that forms the radiance of the aura around human body. Aura protects the body from exposure negative energy and interacts with the auras of other people, forming energy flows.

How is the interaction between people and their energy

When two individuals of the opposite sex meet and clearly show interest in each other, their biofields and auras begin to interact, depending on which chakras are involved. Thus, either a simple sexual desire arises, or the libido is supplemented by the sexual and heart chakra. In the process of communication between the auras of two people, connecting channels, energy flows arise. The more communication occurs between people who like each other, the faster all the chakras are connected by channels and circulate, forming the law of energy movement. If all the chakras are connected between people by channels, then over time they become very strong and strong, they can connect people at a distance, even after a long time of separation. A mother feels her child, anticipates pain and joy. Sometimes meeting a stranger brings the feeling that you have known him all your life. In fact, the connecting channels between people's auras can persist even outside of time and space when the soul is reborn.

Sincere and trusting relationships in the family form healthy channels and energy flows between people, they glow, play with colors, are pure manifestations of love. Thus, exchanging energy equally, people remain happy together and free at the same time, no one oppresses anyone. If one person assumes the right to manage another, then the channels acquire gray shade, stagnate and grow heavy, mutual understanding comes less and less. All this will lead to anger and alienation.

If one person decides to break off the connection and leaves, and the second one does not want to part and tries in every possible way to keep the connection, the more painful it will be to reanimate his aura and try to establish a connection with another person. Sometimes it takes years to regenerate the aura. A person is bound by strong bonds during the work of the sexual chakra. When the body receives pleasure and opens up to another person during sexual intercourse, strong contact is established and a channel is formed, which is sometimes difficult to break.

Experts in the field of bioenergetics believe that the longer a couple lives together, the auras begin to interact very tightly and adjust to the work of each other's chakras, so it seems that people become very similar to each other. No matter how tightly the auras and energy fields, people cannot live without freedom and their own space, individual.

Sometimes we say “I got attached to him” without even suspecting how literally these words convey the essence. When a person is energetically dependent on something or someone, we can talk about the presence of a binding.
Binding is an energy channel that is formed during the interaction of a person with other people, objects or egregors. Let's distinguish between two concepts: energy channel and energy binding. It's not exactly the same thing.

Energy channels arise as a given during the communication of two people, through these channels there is an interchange of energy. Without energy connections with other people, a person cannot survive, they cannot be removed, this will violate human nature.

Anchoring is also a channel, but here we are dealing with an energy disturbance.

Binding is based on a person's dependence on something or someone, which means it contradicts the main Divine Law, which says: every person is free.

The danger of energy bindings lies not only in stopping development, but also in the fact that a skilled manipulator through this binding can cause negative emotions whose origin would be difficult to trace.

In the process of life, almost everyone creates for himself energy bindings, not even suspecting how much this complicates his life. These bindings do not allow a person to fully develop. A person without development degrades.

The reason for the appearance of bindings is a violation by a person of the Laws of Divine development. Negative emotions form bindings for the corresponding chakras:
Muladhara (base chakra) - fear, aggression.
Svadhisthana (sex chakra) - lust, obsession.
Manipura (navel chakra) - submission, or vice versa, the desire for power.
Anahata (heart chakra) - love and hate.
Vishuddha (throat chakra) - the desire for self-realization.
Ajna (frontal chakra) - bindings to what a person considers to be true, principles and attitudes.
Sahasrara (crown chakra) - bindings to egregors.

On the subtle plane, bindings are seen in the form of tubes of different diameters, through which energy of various colors and consistencies flows.

It's not the bindings themselves that are dangerous, it's just energy channels, and a certain energy of violation in interaction - when people are not free, and try to subjugate the other.

Attachments make communication difficult. At the same time, a person will feel a strong attraction to the one to whom he is attached. The strength of the bindings is very high, they deprive a person of freedom and hinder his spiritual development.

The binding may appear against the will. For example, when an astral attack is made, a binding is formed between the one who attacked and the one who was attacked. This is a trace of interaction.

Bindings can be created artificially. The action of love spells is based on artificial creation bindings. In this case, the binding point is visualized in the form of hooks, nuts, latches, knots and other fastening methods. Lapels destroy bindings and block energy channels. These actions belong to the rituals of black magic.

Anchors can be active or passive, depending on whether energy flows through them.

Binding examples:

Resentment. This feeling is considered one of the strongest, negatively affecting health. The fact is that when offended, a person again and again returns with thoughts to the offender, generously giving his life energy to him.

Revenge, the desire to prove one's case. It is difficult to forget and let go of a person when every now and then you scroll through an ominous plan of retribution in your head, imagine what you will say to him, what kind of face he will then have, etc. and so on.

Guilt. Here we are dealing with aggression directed at oneself. These deprive yourself of the right to make mistakes. Guilt is an unproductive emotion, because a person does not correct what he has done, but engages in self-flagellation. An individual who feels guilty before another often thinks about how to beg forgiveness from that other and what can be done to make amends. The result is a strong bond.

material losses. An unpaid debt binds two people to for a long time, moreover, than larger amount, the stronger the binding. However, the one who gives a loan still has a way out: mentally say goodbye to his money, as if they were lost, and sincerely forgive the debtor. Imagine that he gave him this money for his birthday, for example. The debtor's situation is worse, no matter how hard he tries, he will not be able to forget the one to whom he owes money. The only way get rid of the binding - pay off your debt or work it off. Robbery, theft, fraud - all this also forms the binding between the offender and the victim. Conclusion: get rid of attachment to money and things.

A sense of obligation to repay a service rendered. Here, too, there is a sense of duty, but the duty is not material. “Now I owe you,” one person says to another, thus creating a powerful attachment. Debts must be repaid, but then we forget that another person voluntarily did a good deed for us, and in this case, sincere gratitude is enough.

People live together, but in fact they are already strangers, they have already passed this stage, but they cannot move on in any way, because they bind each other. Or one of the partners has long outgrown this connection, he would have to go forward, but the other does not allow him to develop. What feeds the attachment in this case is habit, a sense of duty, duty, caring for children, attachment to jointly acquired property, pity for a partner (how could he be without me). Anything but love.

The need to possess another person, dependence, passion, jealousy, etc. A person thinks again and again about the object of his desire, dreams about it, passionately desiring to get it. A person becomes like a child who is not given a favorite toy. He demands her and sees nothing else around. Not to be confused with love. Love does not infringe on the right to freedom of another.

Unrequited love. This is such a durable thin-material structure that it can greatly spoil a person's health, squeezing all the juice out of it. Such a state exhausts both the one who loves and the one who is loved. This is a strong vampire attachment. Besides, new love cannot appear in a person if all his energy goes to the one for whom he feels unrequited love.

The strongest parental bindings. Often parents (especially mothers) strive to completely control their child, strangle his development with their attention and care. There is no need to talk about love here, it is dependence and a desire to subjugate another person. The consequences can be very unpleasant. The child will either find the strength to break the binding, which is fraught with complete cessation communication with parents, or will remain an inferior person. For example, if the mother is adolescence does not accept her son as an independent person and does not let him go, then her energy tightly blocks his main chakras, which leads to major setbacks in the man's personal life. A woman needs to pay attention to the relationship with her father. Although, in fairness, it must be said that attachments between a daughter and a father are much less common than between a mother and a son.

Hiding and repressing your true feelings for another person. You should always listen to your heart, casting aside stereotypes and hypocrisy. Sometimes people, feeling love for another, hide it, afraid of seeming stupid, funny, or being rejected, or simply because "it's not accepted" or "I'm not like that." Love must be splashed out, given away, told to another person how good he is, how you appreciate him.

Important! Bindings are sometimes very tenacious. And if negative emotions are strong, then the bindings persist for several incarnations in a row. People again and again attract each other in each new incarnation until they are freed from their attachments. Almost all karmic connections based on bindings.

There is a practice of liberation from unnecessary bindings. In esotericism, it is customary to cut, anneal, destroy them. But in order to get rid of the binding in this way, psychic abilities are needed.

What to do for those who cannot see bindings on the subtle plane, but suspect their presence and want to get rid of them? In order to remove the attachment, you need to realize what emotions you create and feed it with. It is necessary to remove your negativity, accept the other person as he is, forgive him and let him go with love. After that, you can remove the binding.

If it is difficult for you to do this, think about whether you want to experience for the rest of this life, or even the next thousand years. negative feelings towards this person? You will meet him for life until you solve this problem, again and again experiencing disappointments.

Removing an anchor does not imply removing an energy connection. Freed from attachments, we will not stop loving each other! We will gain freedom and give freedom to others, recognizing their right to control their own destiny. This is unconditional love.

It is possible to love everything that we love and be free from attachment to it.

If people like each other, then an intense energy exchange takes place between them.

At the same time, both experience the pleasure of communication. During the communication of two people, channels are formed between their auras, through which energy flows flow in both directions. The streams can be of any color and take on any shape (they can be seen with extrasensory perception abilities).

Energy channels connect the auras of partners through the corresponding chakras, depending on the type of communication:

  • Muladhara(base chakra) - relatives.
  • Svadhisthana (sex chakra) - lovers, married couple, friends in a fun pastime, relatives.
  • Manipura(navel chakra) - relatives, employees, subordinates, bosses, friends in sports and those with whom you enter into competition.
  • Anahata(heart chakra) - objects of emotional interaction, these are the people we love. For harmonious development relations between a man and a woman, it is necessary to have a channel along the sexual chakra (svadhisthana).
  • Vishuddha(throat chakra) - like-minded people, colleagues, etc.
  • Ajna(frontal chakra) - imitation and adoration of an idol, sect leader, etc. Hypnotic channels, suggestion of thoughts. telepathic communication with another person.
  • Sahasrara(crown chakra) - connection only with egregors (collectives, religious communities, sects, football clubs fans, political ideology, etc.)

The more enthusiastic partners are with each other, the stronger and more active channels are formed.. In the course of becoming close trusting relationship all chakras are gradually connected by channels.

It is in this way that strong relationships arise that are not subject to either distance or time. For example, a mother always feels her child, no matter where he is, and no matter how many years have passed since their last meeting.

It also happens that when meeting an old acquaintance after many years, a person feels as if they parted only yesterday. Channels can persist for a very long time - years, decades, and pass from incarnation to incarnation. That is, channels connect not only bodies, but also souls.

Healthy relationships form bright, clear, pulsating channels. In such relationships there is trust, intimacy, sincerity and there is enough room for personal freedom. There is an equal exchange of energy, without distortions.

If the relationship is unhealthy, that is one partner depends on the other, then the channels are heavy, stagnant, dull. Such relationships imprisoned, often come down to mutual irritation and anger. If one of the partners wants to completely control the other, the channels can wrap around the aura from all sides.

When relationships gradually die, the channels become thinner and weaker. Over time, the energy stops running through these channels, communication stops, people become strangers. . If people break up, but channels more persist, then they continue to reach out to each other.

It also happens when one partner cuts channels connection and is closed from further interaction, and the other partner is still attached to him and is trying in every possible way to break through energy protection to rebuild relationships.

Most of the channels built in everyday communication eventually disappear without a trace. In the case of close relationships, the channels remain for a very long time, even after parting, some channels remain. Particularly strong channels appear during sexual and family ties.

Each time you have sexual contact with a new partner, new channels are formed along the sex chakra, connecting people throughout for long years and even for the rest of your life. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether the sexual partners managed to find out each other's names - the channel in the case of sexual contact is formed and lasts a very long time. And if there is a channel, then there is also the circulation of energy through it. And what quality the energy comes in is already difficult to say, it depends on the characteristics of the field of another person.

In people who live nearby for a long time, energy fields (auras) adjust to each other and work in unison. intimate relationship require field synchronization. Often we notice that people who live together for a long time become similar to each other even outwardly.

If the characteristics of the auras of two individuals differ greatly, then it will be difficult for them to communicate. When energy flows alien to it invade the field, a reaction of repulsion, fear, disgust appears. "He makes me sick."

When a person does not want to communicate with someone, he closes his energy field, and all energy flows emanating from another person are reflected. In this case, the other person gets the impression that he is not heard, as if he is talking to the wall.

Each person has the right to enter into or not to enter into energy interaction with the world around him, but it is impossible to completely refuse these contacts.

Has it happened you have what you suddenly feel low energy, sharp deterioration in well-being bad luck out of the blue?

Does it happen that some kind of fragments of phrases and images from the past, inexplicable feelings roll over (something like regret or despair)?

If so, know - most likely, you have many unfinished energy connections with other people. They can form on all chakras, but most often the outflow of energy occurs through the lower centers.

In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out circumcision ethereal threads(or ropes in case of strong codependency).

This is a technique for returning your energy from those people to whom you gave it. It allows you to harmonize existing relationship, and already unnecessary - easy and safe to complete.

Breaking Energy Ties: Who Needs to Use This Technique

1. Men and women at the end of a relationship

Very often, at the end of a relationship, especially with a painful break, the partners remain emotionally dependent.

From time to time, someone "pulls the thread", causing themselves or former partner surges of sudden passion, sexual desire or anger.

Women are usually more attached to a partner, so they give more energy. They definitely need to break this connection.

2. Those who made vows and vows to each other

This could be done in a fit of love, parental or friendship, as well as out of guilt or pity. It can even be forgotten childhood vows, which, however, are still valid.

You could promise a man forever love him or protect him, not to achieve any success, so as not to hurt him, to limit himself in something else.

For example, girlfriends swear that they will only get married together, in the end, if one of them does not work out personal life, the other cannot build relationships either.

Such oaths should definitely be completed, and cut the ethereal threads.

Even if the vow looks like a "good" one - for example, to always protect someone - this is a very restrictive vow. He puts you in the eternal position of a “savior”, and supposedly “protected” by you - in the role of a “victim”, depriving a person of his own strength.

Here I would like to separately note that, perhaps, in your life there are those who reach out for you from life to life. Maybe the vows were given in one of the past lives. Today they have lost their relevance for you, but continue, as before, to influence your destiny. For any suspicion of karmic relationship in immersion, you need to remember all the circumstances of this connection and make a decision regarding your further actions (whether you want to keep this promise or cancel it). You can contact me or discuss any questions

3. Psychologists, healers, educators, doctors and people who often help others

In the process of your work or just helping people (patients, students), an energy connection with a person is formed. If you helped someone once, he subconsciously begins to consider you the source of his well-being. This is how energy threads or bindings are formed.

And later, being in difficult situation or when you feel worse, the person associated with you begins to unconsciously draw off your energy. Such links should be terminated.

4. Those who cannot forgive offenders or let go of people from the past

Unforgiven grievances, unfinished relationships pull you back all the time, forcing you to think about your “foe” again and again, in fact, energizing him.

Likewise, he can also pull the thread from his side.

Emotionally, you would like to never see this person again, but, in fact, you continue to exchange energy with him through your connection.

If you want to develop and own your power to the fullest, it's time to forgive the people from the past, and those who bind you energy connection with a man to crop.

5. Parents of modern children (Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow)

New babies are born very kind and empathetic, and tend to take on the problems and negativity of everyone they love. They act from the best of intentions, but ... Alas, this is not according to their capabilities.

Such children easily make vows to save or heal their parents and many other people. As a result, their strength is not enough, they begin to get sick, study worse, they begin to have behavioral disorders and nightmares.

Be sure to teach your children the technique of cutting the ethereal threads. And also do it yourself with your parents and children.

Perform the technique of breaking energy ties separately with each person.

Breaking Energy Ties

Read the procedure for this technique and do it in a calm environment, so that nothing distracts you.

  1. Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes
  2. Imagine the space around you, imagine yourself in this space
  3. Remember the person with whom you want to break the energy connection. Imagine it in your space. Where is he standing, how is he positioned relative to you?
  4. Notice the sensations in your body. Where did something resonate with his presence? Find that feeling in your body. Where in the body did it originate? This is the exit point of the ethereal cable.
  5. Look at the person you invited into your space. Where does the rope go into his body? It could be the same place or something else.
  6. Pay attention to the color of this rope, in which direction does the energy flow?
  7. Now imagine that you are cutting this rope.
  8. If it was a strong love or sexual connection, imagine that you are burning a severed rope with fire so that it cannot reconnect itself.
  9. Listen to your feelings. Thank this person, yourself for the invaluable experience that you have received in life. And open your eyes.

Every day people encounter other people. With someone they tie friendly relations, with someone they cannot find a common language, and someone firmly takes a place in the gallery of the closest people. Gets better with every person you know special level of understanding, which is classified by psychologists and mystics as a mental connection.

If you pay attention to how members of the same family communicate, you can notice a lot of interesting and unusual things. So, sitting in the kitchen, you can pay attention to the dialogue of the couple: “Tea?” - "Coffee" - and that's it, not a single word more was uttered. But the couple understood each other, they already at the level of feelings and sensations know exactly what the partner wants to say with this or that phrase.

In the course of their lives, they establish a connection not only physical, but also astral. Therefore, they recognize most of each other's thoughts at the subconscious level. But if we talk about relationships in a pair of lovers, then everything is somewhat different here.

If you believe tantric teaching, then when a man and a woman meet, a mutual exchange of energies takes place. A man tends to be charged with energies from above, and a woman - from below. In order to bring energy to life, a man needs to receive an appropriate charge. female power. But a woman, due to the fact that she is a kind of power bank, cannot modify it into action. Therefore, she simply gives it away, receiving in return the energy she needs after a relationship with a man.

The two sexes are constantly exchanging energies. When a boy is born, he already has a mother who inspires him to exploits and gives him her love. After a man grows up, he meets his first, second and subsequent loves. Fleeting meetings, beautiful coworkers - in all of them he is looking for the strength that help him realize himself and do what he wants.

After a love relationship is established between a man and a woman, she begins to give herself to a man. But she does this not only physically, but also mentally. She takes care of her man, helps him morally and intellectually. The man, receiving feminine energy, becomes able to create and create, to perform active actions in life, thereby realizing its destiny.

But at this stage, the flow of energies has not yet begun. So far, there is only mutual exchange. Filled with energy that helps his creative and business start, a man must return the received part of the energy. It is quite simple to do this - a man should give a woman gifts, tenderness and care. This should be done in the amount to inspire the beauty again for another return of energy. It is a constant cycle that should never stop.

When people experience mutual sympathy, the mental connection gives them pleasure. In this case, upon contact circulating the energy of their biofields. These streams differ greatly in color from each other. Only those with psychic powers can see them.

Partners communicate with each other by combining certain chakras:

  • a related connection occurs along the base chakra;
  • according to the sexual chakra, there is an association according to the type of lovers, couples or friends for a short time;
  • through the navel chakra, a connection is formed between colleagues, those people with whom one has to compete;
  • partners are connected through the heart chakra for life - but for this it is extremely important that their heart channels are well connected to each other;
  • the throat chakra connects people whose relationships develop at the level of one idea, they become like-minded;
  • through the frontal chakra, the connection occurs unconsciously, a person copies his idol, the leader of a sect or some other organization;
  • on the wedding chakra, only individual egregors that belong to the family are combined - such a connection is possible only in mother and child or strongly loving friend friend of people.

The more partners are interested in each other, the stronger the bonds between them are built. When the relationship between partners is very close and strong, then the connection between them is observed through all channels.

This is how love relationships are formed. Mom always feels her child, wherever he is. Even if a lot of time has passed between meetings.

Is it possible to see such a connection

You often hear the expression that people's thoughts converge. And in fact it is. This is not a figurative expression. Scientists have found that if there is a relationship between people mental connection, then even when examining the brain they have same centers work in it with emotional excitement.

A similar connection arises between the one who tells and the one who listens to him. It has been noticed that if the listener is too interested, his neural activity even exceeds and outstrips the narrator's narration.

Between whom the strongest bonds are formed

Astral connection between people at the subconscious level occurs only between very close people:

  • parents;
  • children;
  • in love.

Similar relationships can be observed between friends, especially if they have much in common and have experienced a lot together. Often such relationships are called mental hugs. They are extremely important in people's lives. Therefore, today research in this area is given great attention.

Attention, only TODAY!

mental connection- What is this? Mental connection symptoms?

    I think that the mental connection is a very complex interaction of some people who understand each other with half a word or no words at all, this connection is strongly developed among close people, especially among twins

    This is the ability to feel another person, feel his emotions and understand his thoughts. Knowing when he is bad or good, even if he is on the other side of the world, is not worth understanding from a mystical point of view, everything is not as strong as it is described in the films, and there is no magic here. Mental connection is a natural process, a strong emotional connection between loving, beloved, close people, people who are dear to each other. Well, if from the point of view of magic or mysticism, then mental communication is the ability to penetrate another person, control his emotions and something else.

    Mental connection is an overunderstanding between people. It can form between lovers, close friends and relatives.

    For the first time, a mental connection was discovered between twins. Many twins are able to feel their brother / sister from a distance. At the same time, not only thoughts are transmitted, but also sensations: joy, pain, fear.

    It is more difficult to establish a mental connection between lovers. This requires time and the desire of partners.

    Mentally bound lovers are able to communicate without words.

    A strong mental bond is also between a mother and her child, especially when he is still very young.

    Mental connection is reading the thoughts of a person at a distance, it is also the ability to feel a person at a distance. A person who has a mental connection will be able to feel that another person is very ill. Basically, a mental connection is found in twins, in lovers and people close to each other.

    This is a connection that is strong even at very large distances - feelings, thoughts, experiences. People who are close in spirit, not necessarily related, but who feel each other. Now this is extremely rare, human relations have passed into the stage of automatism, euphoria of gadgets, which is very sad. true feelings recede into the background.

    By the way, in twins, this connection is pronounced at the physiological (genetic) level.

    Mental connection in my understanding is mental connection, one might say, even telepathic. It is believed that it is possible between close people, between lovers. When one feels the thoughts, moods, well-being, desires of another, even if he is thousands of kilometers away.

    Just a very sensitive person can catch the same thing. One can feel both thoughts sent with love and hate.

    A mental connection is a very powerful unity of the thoughts of several people, allowing them to think almost the same about the same thing. It is also called telepathy. It happens that this is not a mental connection, but simply one person falls under the influence of another.

    Words - mental, mental, mental comes from English mental - mental.

    In general, mental connection is what is also called telepathy, that is, the transmission of thoughts between acquaintances and strangers.

    people with developed mental faculties(developed specifically in relation to telepathy, because they can be developed in different ways) can hear the voices of acquaintances or strangers in their heads, but people who see you, and also answer them, also mentally. I think that's what it is mental connection. Moreover, people whose thoughts are able to telepathize and reach others often deny if you directly ask them about it, but they are cunning, since they will be betrayed by them. strange behavior, such as muttering under their breath, as if they are talking to someone, while usually smiling slyly. And usually only the voices of inherently bad people are heard, so to speak, the voices of the matrix.

    we know))))) but you won't believe us :(

    this is when you already know that your plans will be upset, and you are already looking for other solutions to your problem (fallback), and then the call comes and you know that the plans have really changed, but for some reason no one is surprised by this and how could you foresee this ?

    or you are talking about some kind of fictional incident and exaggerating and asking a person what if the other gets into an accident, or even dies, namely that it will not be possible to use his help, and what are the next options, and I want to hear the answers so that the best option solving the problem, without anyone's help, but by one's own efforts, and here the brain begins to work and a provisional solution is found. and then it turns out that that person gave another car and he broke this car. those. in principle, nothing bad happened to anyone, well, perhaps a slight shock from the one who drove the car and the rest of the little things. you are the one to blame

    those. did I ask for independence or did our angels have a friendly conversation with the least losses for all involved?

    still related to the symptoms.