Wedding toast from the father of the bride. Wedding toasts from parents in prose and poetry

A wedding is a difficult test for parents. Firstly, they have to part with their beloved child and transfer his fate into the hands of another, albeit loving, person who loves in a different way, not like a parent.

Secondly, at a wedding you need to be at your best and not embarrass yourself in front of your new relatives.

Thirdly... You never know what worries you have before the wedding! But the most important and most terrible thing is that the parents will have to speak to the guests not with some ordinary wish for health and happiness, like a simple “advice and love,” but to pronounce a sincere parting word, coming from the fullness of the soul, to the young, which will be remembered for a long time and, if you’re lucky, will be quoted and form the basis of family legends.

Let's start with a question. When?

When will parents of young people have to keep their speech permitted?

First of all, upon departure of the bride and groom to the wedding palace. Once upon a time young people left parents' house down the aisle with maternal and paternal blessings.

Nowadays, it is quite appropriate for parents to say parting words to their children in front of the registry office, since a new, unknown family life will begin for the young people beyond the threshold of their father’s house.

The next performance is a meeting of the newlyweds with bread and salt.

The parents of the bride and groom will have to take the floor more than once at the banquet, since they need to present gifts and then congratulate the newlyweds.

What words to choose? How to express the feelings overwhelming parents on a special day?

Perhaps the examples below will give you solutions and inspire your personal creativity.


The easiest and most worthy way: bless the young icon, when they themselves ask to perform such a ritual. If there is a particularly revered image in the family, it should be blessed with this image.

If there is no icon, purchase image of the Kazan Mother of God, and, after the bride and groom ask for a blessing, sign them with an icon in the shape of a cross with the words:

“May God bless you with a long happy and godly life.”

A farewell message without an icon should also sound heartfelt and solemn.

For example:

“Dear children! You're starting new life. We wish your home to be filled with sunshine, and your hearts to be filled with joy and love, growing day by day.
We bless you on happy marriage. May your family be strong. Live long in the name of love and goodness.”

Meeting the newlyweds with bread and salt

After the wedding, you are no longer looking at the bride and groom, but the newlyweds! In your greeting, you can emphasize that now your children are not on their own, but united forever.


“Our dear Irochka and Kirill!
Now you are not afraid of the rain, because you will cover each other.
You are not afraid of the cold, because you will warm each other.
There are two of you, but you are no longer alone, and you both have one life.
So let this life be good and long.”

When giving gifts

The moment is quite delicate, since you do not know what other relatives will give. Do not talk about the value of the gift or the amount of money if you are giving money.

Wish you warmth, comfort, hospitality, beauty, prosperity and harmony in your home. Describe how the gift could be useful to a young family.

If this is dishes, then you can describe what delicious dishes the young housewife will be able to cook in it, and her husband will help her.

If this is a set, wish that the newlyweds’ home will always be full of true friends, whom it is so pleasant to treat at an elegantly set table. Emphasize the talents, taste, and worthy upbringing inherent in young people.

Point out that they will now have to make decisions on their own, and this requires patience and mutual understanding. And don’t forget to add at the end: “Bitter!”

Wedding toasts and congratulations from the parents of the bride and groom

The floor is given to the father

“First of all, I thank all my relatives, friends and acquaintances for being able to come to the wedding and share the joy of this day with us. Hope you're having a good time!

Today I am the happiest father in the world. I think you will all agree with me that my daughter looks amazing. My wife and I are glad that she grew up so sweet and found someone she loves and who will take care of her. Children grow up and fly away from the nest, but we will love them, our hearts are bound forever, and their roots remain forever in the family.

It seems to me that my daughter and your son - perfect couple, and your son probably has a lot positive qualities, he married my daughter, didn’t he?

As for the advice that I, as a father, am supposed to give to newlyweds, I don’t think they need it. I myself have lived happily in marriage for many years and I hope that everything will work out for them too the best way. Everything they need to know can be summarized in a few words:

“Marriage is the meeting of two minds, two hearts and two souls.” It is clear that our children are a wonderful illustration of this saying. I wish them joy for today, fulfillment of all their hopes and dreams for tomorrow, love and happiness forever.

Now I am pleased to propose a toast to happy couple and... my future grandchildren. Let's raise a glass to the young ones! "

The floor is given to the mother

You can say a few words to the mother about her embarrassment, about her unfamiliarity with standing with a microphone in front of such a gathering of wonderful people.

Thank those gathered for coming to share the joy of this solemn day with the young people and their families.

Then she can recall entertaining (funny, touching) incidents from the life of her child (the father can do the same in his speech), tell how her son (daughter) shared his feelings with her when he met his future bride (groom).

Admit that you are sad: her child has become old enough and independent, and she can no longer keep him close to her.

Conclusion of the speech:

“My dear children, I love you both. Try to find true happiness. Be patient, understanding, sympathize with each other.

But if it does come difficult moment, then I wish you a rainbow after a storm, a smile after tears, a meeting after parting, a kind heartfelt song after a heavy sigh.

We can't be at your wedding
But we will confirm by telegram.
Even without our participation
Happiness always accompanies you.
We wish the couple a young
To live to such an old age,
So that your grandchildren scream bitterly at you!
Golden at your wedding.

Democritus said:
“Whoever got a good son-in-law gained a son, and whoever got a bad one lost a daughter.”
Let's drink to the mother-in-law and father-in-law, who are lucky!

"The older I got, the smarter my parents became."
Why is this happening? Naturally, parents are becoming wiser and wiser. But it’s not even about the parents: children, growing up and filled with their wisdom, that is, the wisdom of the world, begin to truly understand the actions and actions of their parents.
So let's raise a glass so that we, while remaining young, but understanding the wisdom of our elders, have time to tell them about this!

Dear guests!
I am very pleased to share the hopes for a happy future of the newlyweds - my daughter and now son-in-law - with people who are close to them. The guests gave this wedding a special sparkle. Let me express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all of you for the honor bestowed upon our family. I drain my glass for our dear guests!

This may be trivial -
After all, it was clear to everyone
That your eyes are beautiful,
That your soul is crystal.
This may be inappropriate -
Let me remind you once again
That today you are the bride,
Tomorrow you are a wife and mother.
That the bride is youth,
This is tenderness and confusion.
And the wife... She needs humor,
Sacrifice, long-suffering.
Don't take poetry for flattery
But you have it all!

To the daughter-in-law from her husband's parents
We would like to wish our daughter-in-law:
May she always be beautiful,
So that you are always happy,
May I give birth to many children,
So that she gives birth to only sons.
So that the figure is chiseled
So that the palm is gilded.
So that the daughter-in-law can do everything,
And so as not to sit without work,
So that it’s no worse than tomorrow at first light,
She seemed old to her husband.
To be fulfilled and justified
Everything I wanted from my heart today.

Recently a bride, and now a wife
There are three words in the Russian language that sound especially charming and gentle. Femininity, love, self-sacrifice - all this is expressed and combined in three words: “bride”, “wife” and “mother”. How beautiful our young lady is today! A young beauty in a wonderful snow-white outfit, pure as love itself, was recently a bride, and now already a wife. Look how happy she is today, how happy her gaze is when she turns to her loved one! And if we were able to look into her heart, we would notice that it is filled to the brim with love and happiness, and there are no words to express the fullness of these feelings. And I propose to raise our glasses so that this happiness will be endless!

A good wife has no price for her husband
Folk wisdom says that the first wealth in life is health, and the second is a wife. Good wife- this is half the happiness. No better friend than a faithful friend. With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is doubly joy. A good wife has no price for her husband. Let's wish our newlywed to justify these proverbs and drink to her!

Toasts to children for a wedding from parents

Our dear children! We congratulate and bless you with all our hearts. You are now the creators of your own happiness, you can build your life together. Be each other's support, reliable back. We wish to create a strong, happy family, raise children, and wait for it have a nice day when they get married. May faith, hope and love always accompany you! For the young! Bitterly!

We, parents, congratulate and bless our children. They can build their happiness together. Let them help each other in everything, create strong family and wait for this have a good day when their children get married and start their own families. And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, let's drink to the young people, to new family and let faith, hope, love be with them all their lives! Bitterly!

The weather in nature can be anything: clear, stormy, stormy, or hurricane. Both clear and stormy weather are creative for crops. But if rain or wind crosses a certain threshold in strength, they are already destructive. We wish the newlyweds that quarrels and bad weather will never be destructive in their family climate. Let the sun shine in your family!

Connecting your lives is a great blessing at any age. Now there is someone to rejoice with, someone to cut, someone to exchange words with and someone to look after. We rejoice for your happiness. Family is an oasis in the indifferent desert of life. Let's drain the glasses for a long time and happy life ringed, for their health and happiness! God bless you! And bitter!

Our life is a rough terrain with holes, hills, forests and other obstacles. But the “young” did not leave the race, did not drop out of the competition, but courageously achieved the coveted ribbon. Today we celebrate, so to speak, we celebrate receiving the golden prize. All of us, fans, joyfully raise our glasses to your outstanding sporting achievements. Long live Prince N and Princess N - the bride and groom! Bitterly!

Marriage has different definitions. Some say that this is an obligation of spouses to themselves and society to love each other and take care of each other. Others that this one Honeymoon consisting of flowers and love and then long years colorless existence. Still others will say that marriage is a gift of fate, a kind of protection from the cruelty of our world. Fourth, it is better to shoot yourself well than to marry badly. And the most interesting thing is that everyone will be right, since everything depends on the young people themselves, their talent, mind and heart. So let us wish our newlyweds marriage in its best sense!

A famous writer said: “Happiness is when you are understood.” This is true. Each of us wants to be understood by other people, because it is always very important to feel the support and respect of others. I want to wish our young people mutual understanding and love for many, many years to come! Happiness to you, dears!

The wedding ring is a glorious and meaningful emblem. This is a symbol of fidelity: the husband’s heart belongs to his wife and vice versa. A wedding ring has neither a beginning nor an end. The wedding ring is made of pure gold, which means no dirt will stick to it. The ring is a symbol of love and eternal fidelity. Dear newlyweds! May your love be pure, tender and eternal! Let's reinforce our wish with the friendly clink of glasses!

Dear children! We sincerely congratulate you on joining legal marriage. Today, on your wedding day, the Sun gave you a piece of itself, and this piece is the family hearth. The sun is the source of life on earth, the family hearth is the source of life for the family. Keep this precious gift for the rest of your life. No matter how cold the wind blows, the flame of the hearth should burn, giving light and warmth to your family. I raise my glass to the unquenchable light and warmth of your hearth!

Dear children! Yours wedding rings is a meaningful and glorious emblem. Firstly, they are a symbol of fidelity: the rings clearly show everyone that a person’s heart belongs to his spouse. Secondly, the rings are round, that is, they have neither beginning nor end, which means they symbolize eternity. Thirdly, wedding rings are gold, and gold is a metal to which dirt does not stick. Therefore, rings symbolize love and fidelity, purity and eternity. So may your love be true and pure, and may your rings forever seal your marital agreement. Let's cross our glasses and drink!

Our dear children! May yours be happy marriage! May your love be limitless! Live in peace and harmony. We always want happiness to last as long as possible, so we wish you that it never ends and throughout for long years warmed you up! May your union be happy!

Today, on this joyful and very important day, we hasten to congratulate and bless our children on a good journey for many years to come! From this day on, they will begin to collect their happiness together bit by bit. We want to wish them peace, love, harmony and mutual assistance. Help each other, create a strong family and you will definitely wait for that happy day when your children begin to create own families. And now I will ask our dear guests to fill their glasses and drink to the new family, to the young, may they be supported throughout their lives by Faith, Hope and Love! Bitterly !

Before today we had only one son, and now we also have a daughter in our family. Our dear children, we wish you to live amicably, in harmony and mutual understanding, listen to each other more often. Try to put yourself in the shoes of others, and then you will definitely be happy. Bitterly!

Our dear children! On this wonderful day, we are your lovers parents– from pure heart We want to congratulate you on the beginning of a happy family life. Let it be bright and sunny! After all, the most beautiful thing in life is love and great human friendship. Let mutual love Warms your hearts throughout your long life! We wish you to live in happiness and love, take care and respect each other, and also not forget us - your parents. Be happy! Bitterly!

Dear son, dear (name of the bride)! On this wonderful day of your wedding, we are incredibly happy to see your happy, loving eyes! We want to wish that love, mutual support and understanding will forever settle in your home, that your children will be healthy, obedient and smart, because these are the main components of a happy family life! For your happy family we raise ours glasses! Bitterly!

Our dear children! Today we want to wish peace in your family. Peace in the soul, peace in relationships, love and harmony in the home. We wish that your still small family will always be friendly - no matter what happens, no matter what troubles you encounter - support each other. It’s not for nothing that people say: “The soul is in its place when the whole family is together.” Love and happiness to you! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds , Dear guests! The long-awaited moment has come when my beloved son has grown up. Now a new life begins for him - more conscious and responsible. Now family well-being and happiness is in his reliable hands. And I am very glad that a daughter has appeared in my family. Take care of her, son, and take care of her. After all loving wife– this is the most expensive gift of fate that a man can receive in life. Not everyone is given such happiness. From now on you are one. I wish your journey together to be joyful and I raise my glass to the fact that you will overcome the most difficult trials, the most difficult obstacles and the sharpest turns together, holding hands tightly. Advice and love to you!

Today is a beautiful and wonderful day - before our eyes two hearts in love have become legal spouses. Now the door to a long and happy life is open to you. family life. I would really like to congratulate you on the first, most important step in this new life. Although there will be many more such steps, and each of them will become no less important! The birth of a baby, his first words, his first steps - all this awaits you on the path of life. Well, today you - happiest people on the planet. My father and I wish you only happiness, so that your home will be warmed by the warmth of your hearts, affection and love. Be happy!