The size of the ring is 2 cm in diameter. How to find out the size of the ring - methods for determining, Russian, American and Chinese dimensional grid

Everything happens in life. Sometimes it happens that in the window the sight of an amazingly beautiful ring caused desire to become its owner, but the size of the finger is unknown, and the seller refuses to try on, or the ring is bought in an online store. Despite the fact that such a situation may seem fantastic to some, consider what can be done in this case.

How to find out the size of your finger

First of all, we note that the easiest way is to go to jewelry shop. There, empirically, they will immediately determine what size you need to focus on. Well, those who are used to doing everything on their own will need to learn one simple rule: “To find out the size of a finger for a ring, you should find out its diameter.” Most often, it is determined by the middle phalanx of the desired finger. Therefore, anyone who has at least one ring can simply take an ordinary ruler and measure the inner diameter of the circle of the previously purchased jewelry. For example, if the result is 1.7 cm, then you need to focus on size 17. As you can see, everything is simple. Well, how to find out the size of a finger if this method is not suitable? For example, when you want to prepare a gift for your girlfriend or make an offer? Here are some other options:

  1. With soap. This method is suitable in the case of a gift, when the decoration is chosen for a loved one. You must first stock up on a piece of soap and discreetly make an impression of the jewelry worn by the girl, and measure its size at home.
  2. With a thick candle. Its diameter should be slightly larger than the inner diameter of the ring. If you push the jewelry through the candle, then the excess paraffin will be cut off, and it will be easy to find out the desired size from it.
  3. Find out from her friends. Surely someone knows the size of the ring finger best friends or parents of the chosen one.
  4. Try on one of the girl's rings on your finger. If it fits perfectly, say, on your little finger, you can safely try on the chosen jewelry on it in the store.
  5. Use thread. You can calculate your size using ordinary thread. Wrap it around your finger ten times, tie a knot and cut anywhere. Then divide the length of the thread by 3.14 (pi) and then by 10.
  6. Using tables or formulas.

How to find out the size of your finger if you are abroad?

In Europe, the inner circumference is used instead of the inner diameter. And here the same thread can help us out. And with Japanese, English and American sizes, everything is much more complicated. In order to translate them into the sizes we are used to, the following formulas are used:

Circumference (mm)

Diameter (mm)


Have you ever thought about how to find out the size of a finger for a ring in extreme cold or heat? Indeed, with tangible fluctuations in temperature, this parameter can vary. If not, then it is correct - this is best done at room (comfortable) temperature. It is also not recommended to measure your finger during high excitement or immediately after active sports activities. Best for samples daytime days.

When measuring your finger, choose a ring with a small margin, as in the heat or after heavy drinking, the thickness of the fingers can increase. Also note that wide rings, unlike narrow ones, are better to choose a quarter or even half more than the exact size. But again, you need to be careful here, otherwise the ring may subside in the cold. The fingers of the left hand are slightly smaller, and this should also be taken into account when measuring.

Almost every man begins to puzzle before he needs to buy a ring, and for this you need to know the size of her finger. And you have to look for ways for the ring, without disturbing your beloved, so that the gift for her becomes a surprise.

Most the right way

Of course, the surest way to find out the size of a finger is to ask her herself. But then the surprise will cease to be such, and the proposal will not have the desired effect. Alternatively, you can ask her mother or a friend. But it’s better to try to find out for yourself what will fit the future bride, so that later you can tell her how much effort has been invested in this matter. But this requires skill and accuracy so that no one guesses anything.

Consider several options

There are several finger options for the ring. If she already wears some kind of ring, then this makes the task easier - you can simply, if the couple already lives together, speak to her in the morning so that she accidentally forgets him at home. Or hide it in the evening: let it look in the morning, maybe it has rolled away! And you need to take advantage of this moment - go to a jewelry store, taking a ring with you. There is a special device with which the sellers will measure the ring and tell you what size the girl's finger is. If time is short, the easiest option is to measure the diameter with a ruler - how many millimeters the ruler will show, then this is the size. For example, if the diameter is 15.5 mm, then the size of the ring will be 15.5.


But the ruler, of course, is not always at hand, so you can roll a sheet of paper into a tube, insert it into the ring, pressing it tightly against the inside, and fix it. Or try it on yourself, marking the borders with a pen. And then go to the jewelers.

Another option

It is more difficult if the girl does not take it off her hand or does not wear such jewelry at all. Then how to determine the size of a finger for a ring? In this case, you can cut several pieces of patterns out of paper in the form of rings of different diameters, for example, 15 mm, 15.5 mm, 16 mm, etc., and try them on while she sleeps. The main thing here is to make sure that it passes well through the joint of the finger. In order not to suffer from cutting and gluing the pattern, you can simply find a ready-made dimensional tape, cut it out and, following the instructions given there, measure your finger.

dense thread

And finally last method, for which you need a thread that is quite dense, about 45-50 cm long. It should be wound tightly around your finger, making 5 turns, without overlapping each other, the width should be from 3 to 6 mm. Cross both ends of the thread together (as if you are going to make a knot) and cut them off at the very base of the finger at the intersection.

Measure the resulting length, and divide its millimeter value by 15.7. The size of the finger will be equal to the number that turned out. If necessary, the result obtained must be rounded up, increasing the value upwards. For example, 16.2 means that the size will be 16.5 mm, if the result is 15.6 mm, then we take it as 16.0 mm.

Ways on how to determine the size of a finger for a ring have been considered, but they are still not always accurate, but let's hope that everything works out for you in the best possible way!

If you want to buy a ring as a gift, for your engagement or just because, and do it without trying it on in a jewelry store, then you need to solve one difficult task. What is the best way to determine the size of the ring secretly, so that your partner does not guess anything? How to determine the diameter, what methods exist? Let's figure it out.

Why is the correct ring size important?

It is possible to make the ring wider or narrower, but such an operation always contains risks. Even the most experienced jeweler may be wrong. So if you are buying a ring for yourself or even an engagement ring, take your time and measure accurately.

Because the human body not quite symmetrical, the fingers of the left and right hand often differ. Therefore, you should already know in advance on which finger the ring will be worn subsequently. For example, a wedding ring is usually on the right ring finger. Or you can take a thread or a strip of paper and wrap it around your finger so that it is not too tight or too loose. Next, mark the intersection and cut the strip.

Jewelers determine the size of the ring by its diameter. This is the line connecting opposite ends of the circle. To calculate it, you need to use one formula from mathematics. It is necessary to take a cut off strip of paper or thread (it is better to use mm for calculations) and divide by Pi (3.14). The number that results from the division is the size of the ring.

How to determine the size of the ring by diameter? There is another way, more accurate. To do this, wrap the thread around a specific finger 5 times, without sagging and excessive compression. Next, you need to cut the thread, straighten it and measure with a ruler. Then you just need to divide the resulting figure by 15.7. Thus, more Exact size. This figure should be rounded up to half a millimeter. For example, if your finger diameter is 16.3, then the ring size will be 16.5.

Dimensional stencil

The ring size stencil makes measurements easy. This is a thin sheet of plastic, cardboard or paper that has holes of various sizes. Each hole is marked with the corresponding ring size. To determine your ring size, all you have to do is try out the stencils with your fingers.

Is it possible to change the size of the finished ring?

Whether rolling or expanding procedures are applicable to your ring or not depends on how well the ring was filled with stones and the material from which it was made. Gold and usually easy to change, but the rings are big problem. Gems may lose their grip on changes made, so they may need to be re-inserted. Engravings on the ring sometimes have to be completely recreated.

Foreign systems for ring sizes

The Vienna Measurement Association is widely spread in Germany. The size corresponds to the circumference inside rings in millimetres. The French measure is a little more complicated, because in this case, another 40 millimeters are subtracted from the diameter of the ring (formula: diameter - 40 = ring size). For the English measurement, each ring circumference is assigned a letter. The appropriate size can be determined using the charts. It is similar to the American measurement system, except they assign numbers instead of letters.

Determining your finger size depends on the country in which you buy your ring. Is there a difference between men and women regarding finger sizes? No. Everything is measured on the same scale. Man's hands are simply prone to larger sizes than women's, and therefore will fall under the larger figures. The same goes for shoe size as well.

There are several systems for jewelry rings used all over the world. In the United States and Canada, ring sizes are determined using a numerical scale, with quarter and half sizes. In Ireland, the United Kingdom and Australia, ring sizes are determined using an alphabetical scale with half sizes. India, Japan and China use a numerical scale that only has all dimensions and does not have a simple linear correlation with diameter or circumference.

In Austria, Germany, Belgium, Scandinavia and France, ring size is measured by diameter using the actual inner circumference in mm. Some countries may use half sizes. In Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and Switzerland, ring sizes are given as circumference minus 40 mm. There are many different ring measuring systems depending on where you live. Fortunately, there are handy charts that allow jewelers to convert figures from one system to another.

How to find out the size of the ring by diameter?

Trying to secretly determine the size of the ring? Try the true diameter method. With it, you can find out the size of the ring by diameter. This method gives a more accurate measurement as the dimensions of the ring can also be measured using the inside diameter as this is the narrowest part of the ring. To do this, you need a flat ruler with millimeter divisions.

How to find out the ring size? detailed instructions can help with this. Lay the ring on a ruler and align the inside of one edge with the beginning of one centimeter. Then adjust the ring to the widest point covering the measurements on the ruler. Calculate how many mm between the two inner edges - this is the inner diameter.

Before measuring the size of the ring by diameter or in any other way, it is worth considering a series important points:

  • First, do not take measurements in morning time, since often the fingers will be a little swollen after sleep, which is due to purely physiological processes.
  • Secondly, it is not recommended to measure the ring immediately after physical activity, after the sport, as a rule, the fingers may also swell a little.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to take into account weather, in heat and cold, measurements may vary slightly.
  • Fourth, you need to remember that the same fingers, but on different hands can have different sizes. This is due to the fact that on the "working" hand, the fingers, as a rule, are larger by an average of 0.5-1 size.

Reliable and unusual ways of measuring

  • How to determine the size of the ring by diameter? You can use the most obvious way. To do this, you need to secretly borrow the jewel of your soul mate, bring it to a jewelry store, where the jeweler will quickly and easily and, of course, with one hundred percent probability, tell you the necessary parameters. The main thing is not to forget then to return this very ring to its place.

  • If you do not want to engage in theft, even noble, there is another option. You need to take a piece of jewelry and a sheet of paper, circle the inner circumference of the ring with a pencil or pen, then roll the paper into a tube, put it into the ring to make sure that the paper fits snugly against the metal. Then you need to fix paper tube with a paper clip, for example. You get something like a homemade measuring tube.
  • Even more in a simple way is a fitting on itself. You need to put the ring on the finger as far as possible and mark or remember the end point. And then we go to the jeweler and consult with him about further actions.

  • You can use a table with ready-made data. For example, a size 18 ring would have a diameter of 18.19 millimeters. All you have to do is simply take advantage of the labors and calculations of other people. For example, the size of a ring with a diameter of 2 cm will be 20.5.

A ring, and not necessarily an engagement ring, is the most anticipated and desired gift for girls from a loved one, husband, and even relatives. Among jewelry they are the most popular, almost everyone wears them. These jewelry can give a special look to any look: festive, business and even home outfit. In a situation where you want to present not just a gift, but a surprise, the question of size arises. How to determine the size of the ring at home, consider further.

For those who are faced with this for the first time, the question of the size of the ring and what the size of a finger is is quite complicated, and it is almost impossible to determine the exact size of the rings at home by eye. So, the size of a ring is usually understood as the diameter of a piece of jewelry - a straight line connecting two external points on its circumference in the middle. In practice, you may encounter the fact that the dimensions of identical products are indicated differently.

This is explained by the fact that in different countries different units of measurement are used to determine the dimensional values ​​of jewelry. To clarify this situation, as well as to solve the question of how to determine the size of the finger for the ring most accurately, the table of the ratio of the diameters of the circle will help.

IN different states It is customary to determine the dimension of a piece of jewelry by the diameter of the circle. In Russia, the inner diameter is designated as a size, and most European countries use a complex formula to determine it. For this reason, when purchasing or ordering a product on the Internet, you should always pay attention to the country of origin and, based on this, choose the amount of jewelry. Best helpers in this matter can be a table for determining the size of the rings. In the event that such a cheat sheet is not at hand, certain knowledge in this matter will not be superfluous.

Products of French and Italian jewelers have an identical form of calculation: the circumference of the inner -40, which gives the same result.

The formula used by European manufacturers is somewhat more complicated: the length of the inner circumference * Pi is 3.14.

Due to the popularity of buying products on the Chinese site, the question of how to determine the size of the ring on aliexpress becomes relevant. Chinese dimensional characteristics are identical to Japanese ones, and are determined by the formula: inner diameter * 3 -30.0., but even if the calculation is correct, Chinese size not always suitable for Russians. Fingers and Chinese are thinner, so it is recommended to choose half a size larger.

The choice of wedding jewelry is simplified by the fact that future spouses can do it together and have the opportunity to try it on, which is why the moment of determining the size of a finger for a ring is not significant. If you decide to purchase standard or classic models, then their dimensional indicators have the addition of "and a half". For example, 16.5,17.5 and so on, of course, in relation to the Russian size scale.

The choice of a wedding ring encrusted with stone or weaving is much more difficult, since even with the right size, the product itself may not fit. This is due to the error in diameter that the design element gives: bulges, irregularities, different thicknesses.

For these reasons, the following points should be considered when choosing rings:

In addition, on working hand the diameter of the finger for men will always be larger. And for girls, if they are worried, the volume of the finger may decrease.

Ways to determine the size of the rings at home

As already noted in the recommendations above, before going to a jewelry store, the volume around the circumference of the finger for choosing a product should be determined at home. The reason is that in home environment the person is calmer. Fingers should be measured at noon or in the afternoon. In the morning, there may be swelling on the hands.

There are several ways to determine the size of fingers. The most reliable option is to determine the size of the circumference of a finger using a thread or rope. It is quite simple and gives the most accurate indicator.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Take a sewing or silk thread;
  • Wrap it around the measured finger 5 times, so that you get a strip of 3-5 mm., For clarity, you can see the photo;
  • It should not be wrapped tightly, the resulting winding should be tried to be removed through the joint;
  • Tie the ends of the thread together and cut them as close as possible to the knot;
  • Remove the threads, untie the knot and measure the entire length of the thread with a millimeter ruler;
  • Divide the resulting length by 15.7;
  • The result obtained is the diameter of the ring.

With such a measurement, you can take only the result of calculations with you to the store, but also a sample. In the salon, he will orient the seller and help you choose the product more accurately.

In this case, the method of determining the size using a sheet of paper will come to the rescue. Attach the cut out strip of paper to the girl's finger, mark the junction with a pencil and just take it with you.

You can also measure the ring she wears regularly. This method is relevant when it is important to make a surprise. For this you need:

You can also take a sheet of paper, roll it into a tube and put it through the hole in the decoration so that the paper fits snugly against its walls. The junction of the paper should be noted, and then take the sheet with you and choose from it. These methods of measurement are relevant not only for women, but also for men.

How to use the table?

The use of a table is the most reliable and The right way determining the diameters of the circumference of jewelry. By the way, having made the calculations, the results can be recorded and put in a wallet for convenience.

Before starting measurements, you need to cut a strip of paper, 1-1.5 cm wide, also arm yourself with a simple pencil. A piece of paper is wrapped around the finger being measured, and the junction is marked with a dot. Received paper ring should be easy to remove through the joint. The length of the segment must be measured with a millimeter ruler, and the result obtained can be found in the table.

Diameter ranges and most common sizes

Typical Dimensions wedding rings for women, this range is from 15 to 19.5 sizes, and the most popular in this range are 17 and 17.5. By the way, if on the ring finger of the left hand is 17, then on the same finger of the right hand the size will be 17.5. index fingers on both hands, the girls are often the same, and the decoration from the middle finger is put on the thumb and forefinger.

Do you really like the ring, but you do not know your size? Dont be upset. To do this, it is not necessary to go to a jewelry store or acquire a ring gauge. We have prepared several practical advice, which will help you quickly and fairly accurately determine the required ring size - just print desired scheme(materials are available for download at the end of the article).

What time to measure

During the day depending on various circumstances the width of the fingers in both men and women can vary by an average of 0.5 sizes. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine the time when the measurement will give an accurate result.

The most favorable is the middle of the day, when a person is at the peak of activity. At this time, the optimal balance of fluid in the body does not allow the fingers to swell.

When not to determine the size of the ring:

    if the room is hot or, on the contrary, very cold;

    after drinking a large number water;

    at sick state;

    after physical exertion (including sports);

    early morning or late evening.

Classical size range- these are models from 15 to 23 sizes in increments of 0.5 mm. The most common women's sizes are considered from 16 to 17.5. Remember that the ring must pass through the bone between the phalanges. Don't forget this when measuring!

Method number 1: ring diameter

In our country, the size of the ring is equal to the diameter of its inner contour - that is, the line connecting opposite points on the circle. With a ruler or measuring tape measure the diameter of the inner circumference of the ring, expressed in millimeters.

Tip: if you are going to buy a narrow or medium width ring (2-6 mm), round the resulting figure to the "smaller" side, and if wide (6-8 mm) - to the "larger". For example, a diameter of 17.2 will correspond to a size 17 for a narrow ring and 17.5 for a wide one. This rule also applies to all other methods.

It is curious that the diameter of the ring of size 16 corresponds to 1 kopeck, 18 - 10 kopecks, 19 - 5 kopecks, 19.5 - 50 kopecks, and 21 - 1 ruble.

Method number 2: control ruler

Take a cotton thread and gently wrap it around your finger several times. The width of the wound "layer" should be on average 3-6 mm. You do not need to tighten it tightly, but still make sure that the thread fits snugly enough.

Cut the resulting “ring” with scissors and attach it to the control ruler. The length of the thread should correspond to the length of the colored strip.

Method number 3: dimensional tape

A dimensional tape will greatly facilitate the measurement process. This simple device will help you quickly and accurately determine the size of the ring.

Cut off the tape measure and make a cut in the indicated place. Twist the ribbon into a "ring" and tighten it around your finger. That number on the scale, to which the tape will be tightened, will be your size.

It should be noted that none of these methods is absolutely accurate and largely depends on the correct implementation of the recommendations. If you still doubt the result, contact the jewelry store, they will definitely help you.