Is white gold and platinum one and the same. Gold and platinum: which metal is more expensive and why

Gold and platinum are the most expensive precious metals. Two main factors influence the formation of value - production volumes and demand.

Platinum is much less common in nature, total world production is about 100 tons per year, approximately 80% of them belong to South Africa. In addition to South Africa, only five countries have their own reserves: Russia, the USA, China, Zimbabwe, and Canada. However, the demand for it is also very large can not be called.

The annual production of gold is approximately 3,000 tons, which is much more, but the demand for the yellow metal is much higher. Most of it is used for making jewelry, replenishing government foreign exchange reserves.

  • This is useful to know:

To the question what more expensive than gold or platinum, there is no clear answer, quotes can be described as a game of catch-up, then one goes ahead, then the other. Having studied the trends of recent years, you can see that the palm is increasingly going to gold. However, there are some nuances that should be clarified.

There is a huge difference between the value of bank bars and jewelry. Let's consider everything in order.

One of the most reliable and reliable sources of information about quotes is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Informers display the current price for today, the data is updated daily, synchronously with the country's main financial institution.

Gold rate of the Central Bank of Russia

Platinum exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia



Platinum 1727.87

(22.02.19) price in rubles per 1 gram

Comparing these two figures, you can easily determine which is more expensive. However, do not jump to conclusions. Bank bullion is a currency, a good investment tool. If we consider jewelry production, then everything will not look so clear.

cost of platinum jewelry

This is where the fun begins - only high-quality 950 alloy is used to make jewelry. Content pure metal- at least 95%, that is, there are practically no impurities, and those that are are mainly noble palladium.

To determine its real value, it is necessary to multiply the data of the Central Bank by 0.95. We get a price that differs very slightly from the purity in bank bullion. Therefore, platinum is used to produce luxury, expensive products, encrusted exclusively with diamonds and other precious stones. We can say that this is the elite of the world of jewelry.

The cost of jewelry gold

The standard values ​​of hallmarks of gold, adopted by the Assay Chamber of Russia, are 958, 750, 585, 500, 375. On the shelves of stores, items of 958 samples, with a pure metal content of 95.8%, are extremely rare. The most popular all over the world is alloy 585 (58.5% gold) or 14 K - a designation accepted abroad. If we multiply the data of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation by 0.585, we get the real price of such a metal, which will turn out to be almost two times cheaper than purity.

In this case, it turns out that platinum is more valuable than gold. If we add to this that not at all noble copper is used as impurities, then it becomes clear who is the loser in such a comparison. Alloy 585 of the standard is used for mass production of jewelry intended for a wide range of consumers, in most cases, with synthetic stones.

  • Read:

Compared to which is more expensive, Special attention should be given to the noble white gold 750. Such an alloy is 75% pure, and the same platinum or palladium is added as impurities. He gained his popularity in those days when platinum was almost twice as expensive (early 2000s), as a more affordable analogue. Visually, it is almost impossible to distinguish between these two alloys. In terms of their cost, they are also very close now, which alloy is more expensive depends on changes in quotations on world markets. Almost always, diamonds or other precious stones are used for setting.

  • This is interesting:

There is nothing to say about the cost of low-quality 375-carat gold, it is almost three times cheaper than 999.9-carat gold.

What is the difference between platinum and white gold

As already noted, in their color and appearance the two alloys are very similar. The main difference is the impression of the assay office, which differs in shape and has different numbers. Gold standards - 375, 585, 750, 958, for platinum - 850, 900, 950. Pt 950 symbols are written on imported products.

Known cases attempts to sell silver 875 as platinum. The hallmark of silver is similar in shape, it should be remembered that platinum does not have a quality standard of 875. Also, such jewelry differs in color, silver is white, platinum is gray. However, modern manufacturers everywhere use rhodium plating to cover silver products. Rhodium is a metal of the platinum group, very similar in color and luster to it.

Different shades - each of the metals is beautiful and interesting in its own way. All of them have various properties and are used in various fields. This article will help you understand the differences between platinum and white gold.

Historical information

In jewelry, platinum is the most expensive metal. However, it did not immediately become valuable. The name platinum was given by the Spanish conquistadors, who in the middle of the sixteenth century became acquainted with this previously unknown metal. From Spanish plata means "silver", "little silver". This name explains the refractoriness of the metal, because of which it was little appreciated. The original cost of platinum was half that of silver.

Platinum found its use only at the end of the eighteenth century, when jewelers learned how to process it. During this time, she gained popularity among royalty. King Louis XVI of France was the owner of a huge collection of platinum jewelry.

For a long time, platinum was considered a metal for men and was used to make link bracelets, large seals, and a little later, cufflinks and chains. Women more often preferred White gold. Now these distinctions have been erased.

Differences between white gold and platinum

These two metals differ in many ways:

  • The most important difference between platinum and white gold is the composition. Platinum is an almost pure natural metal. White gold is an alloy of gold, silver, platinum, zinc, palladium and other metals. Pure gold in the composition of jewelry is mainly 585 or 750 grams per kilogram.
  • Visually, platinum is a natural white-silver color. White gold is given its color by accompanying metals. Compared to platinum, the color of white gold is gray, grey-yellow or brown shades. Because of this, colorless diamonds look more advantageous in a setting made of platinum than white gold.
  • Gold itself is a very soft metal. That is why in jewelry industry and its alloys with harder metals are used. Platinum, on the contrary, almost does not lend itself to deformation, scratches.
  • The metals that make up white gold rarely, but can cause allergies on the skin of their owners. Platinum is considered a completely hypoallergenic metal and products made from it can be worn by people even with very sensitive skin.

To give gold a light sheen, it is covered with thin layer rhodium. It is a noble metal of natural silver- white color, outwardly similar to platinum, hard, but very brittle. The rhodium plating does not tarnish, keeps the soft gold from unnecessary scratches, but, unfortunately, it can wear off over time. Therefore, products made from such gold are coated again over time. Platinum does not need additional coloring and protection from mechanical damage. Over time, it can fade a little, so it is also sometimes plated with rhodium.

Platinum jewelry is on average 11% heavier than gold, and the maximum fineness of gold widely used by jewelers is 750. The fineness of platinum jewelry is 850, 900, 950. In addition, platinum is much stronger than white gold. Because it is she who is a symbol of longevity.

Prices for platinum jewelry are three times higher than those for white gold. This is due to the fact that the metal itself is considered more noble and its content in the finished product is higher. Platinum is less common in nature. In addition, working with it requires special skill from the jeweler. This is the most reliable material for fastening all precious stones. White gold is inferior to it in its hardness.

Jewelry made of platinum and diamonds perfectly emphasize refined taste and the status of its owner. Platinum is better than other metals to enhance the beauty of diamonds.

Which is more expensive: gold or platinum? It depends on the production technology, the metal industry and the function in the economic process. Alloys based on noble metals are used in various industries, but the main consumer is jewelry.

Gold or platinum? Depends on production technology and application

The history of the discovery and use of noble metal

During the development of alluvial gold deposits in Colombia in the 16th century, a metal was mined along with the solar metal, which in appearance resembles silver. Such gold particles could not be purified from platinum, which, translated from Spanish means "bad silver".

Platinum was known to the ancient Incas, and in Rus' coins were minted from it.

For a long time, the chemical element could not be used, since there was no technology for its processing. And only in 1780, King Louis of France called reliable and unchanging metal the only one worthy of kings.

Until the release of the first official platinum coins, the metal was added to alloys with gold and copper as an alloy with a high specific gravity. Due physical properties the weight of counterfeit coins, which were passed off as the original, increased.

The platinum of counterfeit and original coins differs in density, which is determined by hydrostatic weighing. Genuine coins in most cases have the property of a noble metal to be magnetized.

The first official issue of monetary units from platinum was carried out in Russian Empire. The coins were in circulation from 1828 to 1845, and their minting was made from Ural platinum, not purified from impurities of iridium and palladium. This choice was due to the discovery of a new chemical element in Siberia.

Along with the minting of coins at that time, wire, crucibles, medals, ingots, and bowls were made from platinum. Refractory metal products have not found their application in everyday life due to their high cost.

The main properties of jewelry platinum

The precious metal used to make jewelry is malleable and resistant to chemicals, deformation and mechanical damage.

Plastic and at the same time resistant to mechanical stress, the noble metal has found application in jewelry

A noble chemical element with a melting point of 1773.5 °C and a Mohs hardness of 4.3 is widely used in jewelry as a ligature additive to alloys. In the presence of 5% platinum in the composition of the material, gold can become white.

This composition meets the 950th test, which is distinguished by its strength and high price. During metal mining, platinoids are extracted along the way, which include the following chemical elements:

  • osmium;
  • iridium;
  • ruthenium;
  • palladium.

Today, platinum jewelry is a symbol of confidence, reliability and taste. It is the use of platinum as a setting for diamonds that allows you to create a unique play of stone.

The advantages of the noble metal are combined with the main disadvantage - the high price. The choice of platinum products, which have no alternative in terms of strength and appearance, depends on the preferences of taste and finances.

IN Lately have become fashionable Jewelry made of white metal, so platinum or white gold, consisting of a noble palladium-plated alloy, is in demand in the market.

White gold and platinum are made white by palladium plating

In any case, precious metal jewelry always remains excellent remedy capital investment. White gold is an alloy that contains silver, nickel, palladium and some other ligature components.

For some customers, alloys containing nickel may cause an allergic reaction where they come into contact with the skin. In this case, platinum is a completely safe material.

White gold can be 500, 585 and 750 carat, it is soft and color shade depending on composition. To give white gold products the maximum resemblance to platinum, they are covered with rhodium.

A thin metal film protects the product from damage and increases wear resistance. But during operation, this coating can be erased, which worsens the appearance of the product. To correct the situation, you can contact the jewelry workshops to apply a new coating ball.

Applications of platinum

Platinum has a wide range of applications, primarily in jewelry and the production of automotive catalysts.

  • Platinum and other chemical elements of its group are widely used in technology due to top performance strength. Metals are used to make acid-resistant equipment and utensils.
  • Platinum is used as a catalyst in the processes of chlorination, hydrogenation of products for the pharmaceutical industry. It is used in technological process production of high-octane gasoline, production of paints.
  • Through practical research, possible application alloys based on a noble chemical element in medicine in the manufacture of prostheses and crowns.
  • If you compare mirrors with aluminum and platinum coating, then visually there are no differences between them. But thanks to platinum, unusual mirrors are transparent, and they are used for observations in casinos and the police.
  • The areas of application of the precious metal are diverse, it has no analogues in the aviation industry, the construction of power equipment. This fact affects the increase in the demand for precious material in the world.

Formation of the value of precious metals

Why platinum is more expensive than gold depends on many factors related to economic processes. Events held in the state can also affect the course of the precious metal.

The cost of platinum depends on political and economic processes

For example, the release of platinum chervonets during the Moscow Olympiad influenced the increase in value. But the reserves of the state are formed at the expense of the solar metal, so gold is more expensive.

The position of platinum in the market is uncertain, therefore, gold acts as a traditional financial instrument. Why the price of platinum is higher depends on a number of factors:

  • in nature, it is rarely found in the composition of mineral formations; it is not found in its native form;
  • to produce an ounce of platinum, it is necessary to process 10 tons of ore material (for gold - 3 times less);
  • high production cost;
  • increasing demand from the jewelry industry for precious metal;
  • the production technology of products requires special temperature conditions;
  • high density of jewelry (jewelry of the same volume will differ in weight, which affects the price).

The platinum alloy assay has a high metal content. At the same time, compositions with ligature components of 25% and 41.5% are common for gold, which corresponds to samples 750 and 585.

Jewelry made of 950 platinum and 958 gold is not inferior to each other in terms of value. However, due to the difference in physical parameters, yellow metal with a low ligature content is rarely used in the manufacture of products.

The softness of gold, its tendency to deformation and mechanical damage are taken into account in the manufacture of products. Only in some countries is it traditionally made from pure solar metal wedding rings and other decorations.

On the market, pure noble metals have their own value, the comparison of which, due to different physical and technical parameters materials is not always appropriate.

Platinum and white gold are the two most expensive types of metals that look very similar to each other. Platinum has always been valued more than gold, but today the demand for them is equivalent in the jewelry market.

Platinum jewelry has a silvery-white hue, white gold has a silver-smoky color. The white alloy contains nickel, silver and even palladium. But which metal is better - platinum or white gold?

The cardinal differences between the two white metals

The main difference between these two precious metals this is composition. Platinum jewelry is an independent metal, they do not contain additional alloys and impurities in the amount that is present in white gold.

They are highly valued and very expensive - about 800 euros per 1 gram. Platinum has only a few samples - 850, 900 and 950; accordingly, the content of pure metal is much higher than in white gold.

A secondary difference and the main advantage of platinum is strength and hardness. If gold is called the softest metal in jewelry, then platinum is the hardest and most ductile.

By their nature, platinum products have a characteristic light shade, the color of gold depends on the amount of third-party alloys in the composition, so outwardly you can distinguish at a glance that in front of you is gold or still a platinum piece of luxury. It is also not customary to cover platinum with rhodium or sputtering - it does not darken, does not scratch, does not deteriorate, does not require additional protection.

In appearance, white gold is very similar to silver. But in terms of their properties, they clearly differ from each other. For example, since ancient times, silver has been known for its antiseptic qualities, which is why it was used in the manufacture of cutlery. In our time, interest in silverware flared up with new force. It turns out that silver strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on blood formation and rejuvenates our body. On top of that, dishes made of this noble metal look incredibly beautiful and rich, you can see this by clicking on the link

Other differences that characterize platinum and white gold:

What is the reason for such a hype for the purchase of platinum jewelry? The answer is simple - luxury and beauty. Products from the expensive metal not everyone can afford jewelry.

The high price is due to the fact that the metal is difficult to extract even when using latest technology and hardware. Processing takes a minimum of time, most of it is spent on sorting the metal for its intended purpose.

Often, platinum rings are combined with white and white diamonds. shades of pink. These stones complement the image, brighten the shine and play of the edges of the jewelry. Beautifully look small diamonds against a background of crystal color. However, sets of necklaces and earrings are not taken to be produced - the price of such a set, created not for mass consumption, is too high.

Properties and composition of white metals

If we talk about the composition of metals, then the difference is obvious - white gold and platinum are completely different metals that do not have coincidences or intersections. Today, the day when platinum jewelry is made, palladium has been added to reduce the cost of products. Thanks to this, jewelry has become more accessible and elegant, it is possible to create cast pendants and even engravings on the surface of platinum compounds.

Palladium belongs to the group of platinum metals, it is also an expensive metal. It is also used in white gold alloys, but the material only becomes more expensive. Replace nickel with palladium to avoid irritation and, as a result, dermatitis on the skin.

In the EU countries, the addition of nickel to any metals is prohibited, therefore, palladium is most often added to alloys. In terms of properties, it is not inferior to platinum, but it is easier to deform when heated.

It is worth paying attention to white gold - it is covered with rhodium. This is the latest generation metal, loved by jewelers. Thanks to him, a light shade is created, reminiscent of the platinum coating on yellow gold. The disadvantage is short-term use - rhodium blackens and tarnishes over time, so additional protection is required for jewelry.

White gold, like platinum, has its own hallmarks. Hallmarks are affixed in accordance with the regulations and quality standards. On the back of the rings, as a rule, there are 8-coal signs, inside them there is a number indicating the metal sample.

Depending on the residual "free" space in the alloys, a variety of substances are added:

  1. In metals 850 samples– 15% is divided between additives of unknown components.
  2. In the 900 sample - 10% is given to the palladium alloy. This assay is the most valuable, despite being ranked second in the list of precious platinum items.
  3. 950 test - in a ratio of 5%, gallium, silicon, rhenium can be added.

The metal deposit is important here - in many countries there is different policies connections. Tungsten is rarely added, as its presence is thought to make the piece more brittle. It is not customary to mix iridium with copper, but such a compound is found in a low sample of platinum - common in Arab countries.

Yttrium and titanium are perfectly combined with palladium, sometimes alloys of the first components are added instead of the latter. But lead as an impurity is recommended to be added only in the manufacture of custom-made parts for industrial use. Ligatures do not affect the gloss of products.

In this case, consumer demand creates supply. Today there is a wide choice various decorations and from white gold, and from platinum, the range of cost of such jewelry is also wide. The choice between white gold and platinum depends on the personal preferences of the buyer and his financial capabilities.

Since ancient times, people who possessed gold could acquire the desired things, whether it be food, clothing or other household items. Jewelry has been and remains a reliable investment and future. Precious metals, regardless of whether it is silver, platinum or gold, are easily converted into cash, and therefore into other things that have their own unique price.

Cash investments in jewelry have been relevant for many centuries and have not lost their popularity to this day.

Buying jewelry is good example attitudes towards women and the preservation of earnings for subsequent years.

Precious metals are not subject to inflation and their prime cost only increases from year to year.

The price of existing treasures, depending on the reserves, increases many times over in a few years, which cannot be offered by any deposit in banks.

The question of what is more expensive than gold did not require an answer for many millennia, everyone already knew that nothing, however, after the discovery of such a metal as platinum in the 16th century and, recognizing it unique properties, jewelers questioned this statement.

Now that they have found their buyers, and the metal itself is recognized as one of the most expensive, the question arises of what is more expensive: gold or platinum? And in the discussions on this topic, there is no single answer.

Composition of gold and platinum products

It is difficult to find gold or platinum in its pure, 100% form, in the composition of 99.9%, which corresponds to 999 fineness, only bullions of precious metals are produced, which are used for investment Money. Having invested money in them, you can, of course, admire them at home, but you cannot decorate yourself at the reception with such an acquisition.

999 gold is a very soft metal, and serve long years will not be in its original form, all scratches will be displayed on the surface, and therefore a precious metal alloy corresponding to at least 75.5 percent is used for everyday use.

However, the most widely used jewelry is 585, which has proven itself and is loved by consumers. In such an alloy, the products are durable and do not tarnish in the air.

Platinum is a very durable metal and pure form used for especially durable industrial products, in the jewelry world - 950, which is 95% of the content of the precious metal, which is considered the most expensive in the world in the 21st century. During its short existence, this metal has gained an excellent reputation and become competitive in the precious metals market, overtaking silver, taking a leading position on a par with gold and even overtaking it.

People's craving for gold is understandable and habitual, age-old and even millennial habits are solid and constant. The value of the precious yellow metal has been known for several centuries before our era, and historical examples of wealth and power are based on it.

The decorations of pharaohs, kings, kings, and court ladies are precisely descriptions of wealth made of gold. All historical chronicles, legends and various myths also describe the power of the owners of jewelry and utensils made of yellow shiny metal.

When searching for treasures, paintings with gold coins and piles of gold jewelry also appear.

In addition to historical roots, the love for gold is also transmitted from the fact that the country's foreign exchange reserves are stored precisely in the form that seems to be a guarantor of reliability.

It is hard to argue with this, the global popularity of gold will not collapse at once and will retain its value and solvency at any time. moment of crisis. Associatively, gold is a symbol of wealth, prosperity and power, but a young metal, called platinum, enters the battle.

Initially, platinum was not in demand by gold miners, and its value was determined only in the 18th and even early 19th centuries. In terms of its properties, platinum is in many ways superior to gold, which allows it to have a stable value and an increasing value. When comparing physical and chemical and platinum, the first metal is inferior to the second in many respects.

High density of platinum, more heat melting, corrosion resistance, lower thermal conductivity and other indicators allow it to pull ahead and become the most sought-after element. An important factor in the value of this breed is the fact that the extraction of this precious metal is limited.

Platinum is found in nature 30 times less often than gold, and its extraction is more labor-intensive. Three times as much ore needs to be processed to produce the same amount of platinum as it does to mine gold, so labor intensity and limited resources also play a role in driving up the price in the precious metals market.

In addition, the strength of platinum, unlike gold, makes it more in demand in the industry, its need is increasing every year, and accordingly the value is growing. This is why platinum is more valuable than gold.

What is whiter than platinum or gold?

IN last years jewelry world introduced us to. What is the difference between platinum and white gold? The answer is still the same:

  1. The very first difference is that platinum is a metal, while white gold is only an alloy of gold and other metals.
  2. Secondly, platinum is a metal that does not give an alloy, and can lead to allergic reactions, due to additional elements.
  3. have a fineness of 950, and gold - mostly a fineness of 585, which indicates almost half of the additions of other metals.
  4. The color of platinum is initially silvery white, while the color of white gold has various shades.
  5. Platinum is more valuable than gold.

Tradition and innovation in jewelry

Love for gold is traditional, and interest in platinum is at the top of popularity. Which is more expensive gold or platinum? The price of a particular product is not constant and varies depending on many factors. The estimated price of gold and platinum is approximately the same and has no significant differences however, the price of gold and platinum products will be very different.

Due to the fact that platinum has a higher density than gold, a platinum bracelet or ring will be heavier than the same gold jewelry, and hence the price. finished product there will be more.

World celebrities shine in public in such jewelry and call platinum the queen of metals. Nobility and dignity shine through in every product, and solid foundation will serve for many years and will allow you to inherit more than one generation of descendants in its original form.

Difficult choice between platinum and gold

So which metal should you choose? What will bring the most profit: platinum or gold? What to give preference? The investor must find the answer to this question himself. Before investing funds, it is necessary to study the market for buying and selling precious metals and the movement of the price set by the Central Bank for 1 gram for each type of metal.

Conduct analysis and preliminary growth forecast. In the absence of investment experience, it is necessary to get advice from a specialist working with the sale of precious metals.

The dignity of one metal does not detract from the dignity of another and makes it possible to enjoy the brilliance, beauty and nobility of each, depending on personal preferences. After all, in addition to investing, it is also the acquisition of beauty, a luxury item and a symbol that allows you to reward the owner with one status or another.

You can start creating your own treasury with centuries-old rich gold items and with modern platinum jewelry.

Gold will never lose its relevance, but platinum will not lose its position, although two centuries ago, people did not know that platinum is an irreplaceable metal and threw it away as unnecessary. Rarity and exceptional properties will allow him to stay on high level, and after a few centuries, our descendants may also discover a new application, which will also have a positive effect on prices.

Today, platinum is the queen of metals, conquering the planet, but gold is also a sign of royal greatness, with its own traditions and laws. The gold reserve is an example of luxury and wealth, but a real platinum boom began among investors a few years ago. Don't miss it, become a part of this great event. Get your share of grandeur and beauty!