Conspiracy against child theft. How to make a talisman to protect your home

Conspiracy from thieves - necessary element arsenal magical methods protection of every person. With its help, you can protect your acquired property from unkind people and return what has already been stolen.

In the article:

Theft is much easier to prevent than to later try to find the thief and return what he stole. There are strong conspiracies against thieves that will protect your belongings and your home from theft. As a rule, they are read at a time when you leave home for some business. There are also special ones from thieves who read or write on paper before the residents of the house leave for a long time.

This simple conspiracy against thieves is not at all difficult to remember. It should be read while you leave home:

I am from the hut, and the Lord is into the hut!

There are other conspiracies against thieves. This one is read with both hands on the already locked front door:

Jesus Christ, give me your keys.
Virgin Mary, help with your locks.
Lock my gates harder than a stone,
Don't let thieves into my house.

The following conspiracy against thieves is read before leaving the threshold of the house:

Jesus, let me out of the house, don’t let a dashing man into the house!

Some very powerful spells cause a thief to lose consciousness, the ability to move, and sometimes even his own life when trying to illegally break into your home. You should not be afraid of this; any thief sooner or later gets what he deserves. When you go about your business, lock the door, move away from it a little, look back at the door and say:

Take away all kinds of limbs from the villain who comes to my threshold.

Such conspiracies are tantamount to traps and traps, but they will not be able to bring you to criminal responsibility for this.

Can also be made for keys. To do this, purchase as many keys as there are doors in your house. This refers to doors, not empty doorways and arches. This takes into account balcony doors, doors to the pantry, and all the others that are available.

You can't haggle when buying keys. You can take the keys that you already have, for example, from old locks or spare ones that will not be used by anyone for their intended purpose. You will also need red ribbon or braid, or rope. Keys are put on it according to the number of doors.

So, you have made a bunch of keys on a red ribbon. Now stand near front door and start walking around the apartment or house clockwise. Each door must be touched with this bunch of keys with these words that are said three times:

Lock up the dashing thief at night.

After you finish walking around the house and touch all the doors with your key ring, hang it up with right side from the front door. This bundle will now protect your home from theft.

Prayers from thieves

Prayer John the Warrior protects the house not only from thieves, but also from other troubles. With its help, you will make your home a real fortress that the enemy cannot penetrate.

It can be read from time to time by lighting a church candle. Or you can take the candle with which you stood on Easter during the church service, and it was lit at the time when the priest blessed the Easter cakes. With her, walk around your house twelve times, make the sign of the cross at each corner and say the text of the prayer all the time while you do this:

Warrior John the Most Holy, place your angelic guard around my dwelling. On gates, windows and doors. Protect and protect everyone living in the house and the house itself from evil. Amen.

Hosts, Father, place the cross of the Lord near my house. Lock my doors with thousands of locks, like the Holy Sepulcher, let it be indestructible. May the seraphim and cherubim, angels and archangels and all the powers of heaven protect me and my home from the dashing adversary. Amen.

How to find a thief - knife plot

People who are different well developed intuition, they may try to see a thief in a dream. But what to do with this information is up to you, because you won’t be able to go to the police with it. If you know the name or at least have a good idea of ​​the person’s image, a conspiracy to make a thief return what was stolen will work much better and faster.

You will need a candle from the church and a dull knife. You can dull a knife you have, such as a kitchen knife. A conspiracy is made to find the thief in the evening, before going to bed. Make your bed and change into what you usually sleep in. Make all the preparations you usually do before going to bed.

Light a candle, take a knife in your hand. Use it to cut off a candle flame and say the following words:

Whoever took someone else's property into your hands, whoever took mine from the house, quickly return it, or with this knife, like a butcher's ax, you will be chopped up, mangled and tormented!

Chop the fire and say the spell until the candle burns out. Small church candles They burn for about half an hour, sometimes even less. Once you're done, place the knife under your pillow. If you sleep with your husband or wife, you should go to bed separately that night. Make sure that no one disturbs you that night. It is forbidden to talk until the morning, until you wake up. Try to remember the dream.

Conspiracies to make a thief return stolen property

It is not enough to know who committed the theft; if there is no evidence, then it will not be possible to return your property by legal means. There are conspiracies that force thieves to return or plant stolen items. They work even in cases where you don't know who stole and there are no suspects.

While reading this plot, they clap their hands. You need to read it from time to time until the stolen goods are returned. Time, place are not important in this case, no objects when reading of this conspiracy no need to use. The thief will suffer, be sick and experience remorse until he returns to you what he stole from you. Text:

Hey little devil brothers, evil and dashing ones,
Come to me and help me find the thief.
Avramas, Arbamas and Argamas.
In the name of the first, in the name of the second and third.
Take away the mind, twist the thoughts of the wicked man.
Take away my share and freedom until they return the loot to me.

The next plot requires you to have. This is salt from Maundy Thursday. The place where the stolen item lay is sprinkled with this salt with the following words:

Salt in the eyes of a thief,
Salt on sick bodies,
The heart is evil, the deed is wicked.
Let his heart become a test,
Until my goodness returns to its place!
And now, and forever, and forever and ever! Amen.

You cannot remove or sweep away the salt until the thief returns the stolen items to you. It is not necessary to know who stole when reading this plot; it works quite effectively even in cases where it is not known who stole.

The following plot is very simple, but can cause damage to a thief irreparable harm, if he does not return the stolen goods. It is believed that Guardian angel the thief pushes him to do such an act, after which the ward ceases to be in danger, and his conscience becomes a little clearer.

Any mirror is required for the conspiracy. Read twelve times while looking at your reflection:

If you don’t return the thing to me with goodness, it will go to the grave. ahead of schedule you'll get there. Amen.

And this conspiracy is also distinguished by its effectiveness. As soon as you discover the loss, do not waste time and immediately proceed to magical work to return something stolen by a thief. Collect all the knives you have in your house. Place the knives in a container that is large enough to hold them and fits on the stove burner. Pour enough water into the container to cover all the knives.

Place a pan, basin or other container with knives and water on the stove and read forty times, without interruption or distraction:

Damask knives, cast knives,
Cut my thief okay,
Stab him until he bleeds red,
White to the bone, mossy to the thoughts.
Let forty prayers curse the thief,
Yes, forty slander, and forty curses,
Yes, forty funeral services, and flammable ash,
Yes, the pain is boiling, and the illness is episodic!
I pull the good out of him with the mud of the swamp,
I grind all his happiness with the mill,
I curse you with mortal melancholy to the gravestone,
I return mine with a bottomless jug from small to great.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

After you read the plot, take the water away and pour it out the front door or gate if you live in a private house. All these steps must be repeated for three days, at least at approximately the same time.

The next ritual to identify, punish and return stolen goods to the thief is done at midnight. If everything is done correctly, the person who committed the theft will experience severe pain and dry hand. No treatment will help him. The thief will stop getting sick only if he gives you back or gives you what he stole. If you notice that someone you know gets sick some time after performing the ritual, and the illness is somehow connected with the hand, you can be sure that this is a thief.

Prepare thirteen coins of the same denomination in advance. When midnight comes, go to an intersection where there is no traffic, but only walking. These can be either paths in a field or alleys of a park. Stand in the center of this intersection and say three times:

Thirteen devils, thirteen brothers,
Come to me and find the dashing thief.
Let (name of thing) return,
Otherwise, happiness will never come to him.
The devils stab him, gnaw him, and drive him to the grave,
He will never know goodness or peace until he gives me back what is mine!

Throw the coins you prepared in advance over your left shoulder with your left hand and say:

After that, leave the intersection and go home without looking back or talking to anyone. At home, go immediately to the room or to the place where the stolen item was lying. Above this place four times, once on each side of the world (starting from the east), the following plot is read:

A thief came to me
(Name of thing) was stolen.
Let his hands dry out
From now on, let them not know anything that belongs to others.
The curse will go away as soon as he returns the theft.

After that, go to bed. The conspiracy begins to work very quickly, the results can be as early as the next morning.

How to punish a thief - conspiracy on the web

There are moments in our lives when we give up from powerlessness and it seems that nothing will help. A friend talked about theft at the dacha where she works every weekend. Last year " good people"They harvested strawberries instead!

Summer is a summer cottage industry for “drunks,” homeless people and greedy neighbors. And if there is a beach nearby, then the number of people who like to eat other people’s harvest increases significantly!

It’s surprising that no one really sees that theft is happening from their neighbors. Or maybe it’s the neighbors themselves who come to visit when she’s not at the dacha. Or thieves “travel” at night, with flashlights on their foreheads, but then from afar you can see that someone is walking around the dachas. Seasonal “businessmen” steal from dachas and sell other people’s harvest. After all, the seller has no time to engage in gardening and farming; it’s easier to walk around the dachas, and then stand on the street and sell.

It's sad that people aren't ashamed of taking other people's things and not respecting other people's work. This will probably go on forever, people will never change, you just have to ignore them. Either way, it's so gross!

Enchanted bushes

Having noticed the sign, thieves do not risk approaching the lawn. Photo Vostok-Media

In Khabarovsk, the enterprising administration of the House of Culture of Trade Unions decided to protect their green spaces very in a creative way. The lawn where ornamental plants are planted is decorated with a sign with the inscription: “The bushes are charmed against theft.” According to the workers of the cultural center, they have been using this method for the second year now, and it works. The idea of ​​installing the sign was born because of elderly people who often dug up plantings for their dachas.

“They are now enchanted, our shaman with a tambourine performed his ritual there.” The bushes are quite expensive, and we have planted about 40 of them,” said Evgeniy Loray, deputy director of the Trade Union Palace of Culture.

It should be noted that the inscription works. The lawn is blooming, unlike the plantings on the central square of Khabarovsk and Karl Marx Street. There, unknown hooligans uprooted petunias from decorative flower pots.

Thief protection

It's harvest time for summer residents. Anyone who has encountered theft at least once in their life knows how unpleasant it is, to put it mildly. Especially when they steal goods acquired through back-breaking labor.

You will go to great lengths to protect your dacha. A retired summer resident dug and disguised a hole in front of the threshold of his dacha, into which a thief fell and broke his leg. As the police said, this does not threaten a criminal offense: it is difficult to prove that the hole was dug on purpose. And one retired inventor, leaving for the city, hangs a stuffed hanged man in a noose from the ceiling on the veranda of her house. No one has visited her for two years now.

There are a lot of thieves today that there are lice on the Bug and they are running wild. But there are conspiracies that may help avoid such a misfortune.

In essence, a conspiracy is a magical formula expressed in verbal form and accompanied by a certain ritual.

There are many conspiracies against thieves. The words are whispered over the castle before leaving home. To enhance the effect of the spell, you can not only pronounce it out loud, but also write it on white paper and attach it to the jamb or window frame.

Here are just a few of them:

“The thief go around my house, pass by.

And if you go in, you’ll stay here.

In my words, the key and the lock. Amen"

“Lord, help me - save and preserve the house. From evil people protect and protect. Amen"

“Let the hands and feet of those who disobey God be taken away on my threshold. Amen"

If you leave the dacha from weekend to weekend, read the prayer three times:

“Go, enemy thief, not into the house, but into the ravine. Walk past the house, not my way, not my step, not my road, not to my threshold, not to my castle.

Your hand, the thief, will fail you, your guardian angel, the thief, will move away.

If you enter my house, you will find your destruction. Amen."

During and immediately after the ceremony, do not talk to anyone and leave immediately.

Before mothballing your dacha for the winter, do the following: walk in each room from corner to corner (cross-to-cross) and read: « God gave the lock, I took the key, be safe, my estate. Amen".

Amulet of protection

Prepare dried garlic flowers, a juniper branch, some aspen bark, cumin seeds and dried elderberries. Grind all these ingredients and mix in equal proportions.

Pour the resulting mixture into a blue cloth bag. Put three pins with black fasteners and the same number of nails there.

Place the amulet above the central door of the cottage, saying:

“Everyone who wishes to come,

Any trickster should be at the door,

Don't go past the house,

Don’t drag with your hands, don’t fill your pockets,

Can't take out bags and bags,

So it will be forever and ever.”

Now your home is protected from possible entry by a thief. But, as they say, trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.


We are all not very protected from theft, loss, and deprivation as long as such people live around us - thieves. Therefore, it is important to put a barrier on their actions so as not to expose them to the temptation to take someone else’s. It is especially important to protect your home during long absences and your belongings while on the road, where thefts are most common.

Conspiracies from thieves for all occasions

Conspiracies are simple, do not require special effort, it is important to do them correctly. How to do a conspiracy correctly, we have already talked about this

Security amulet against thieves, protecting the house for a whole year

Stand in front of the front door of your house or apartment. Concentrate and read the following words:

“The gates are strong, the gates are powerful, they protect our fortress, they warn us from enemies. I pray to the Almighty God for All-Merciful help! Save what you have acquired and what you have earned from the eyes of evil and sinful people. I pray that you help me and fill the walls of my family with goodness and light. My fortress is protected from the thief, forever protected from evil intentions! Amen".

Plot against theft on the road using a scarf

They take a handkerchief on the day of the week Thursday and say:

I walk with money, holding it in my hands. Not for the hands of strangers, but for our own hands. Amen.

Before going somewhere or to long journey, wipe their face with a handkerchief and take it with them.

Spell against thieves on a bag or wallet

First, the bag is closed and the plot is read three times, then it is opened and again three times.

Lead the thief past my yard, star,
so that the thief doesn’t see me and the moss doesn’t see the money.
Only when the copper castle turns golden
then my slander will become empty.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Spell against thieves on things before leaving the house

When leaving home, read three times:

The dead man lies guarding his bed. Watch out, dead legs, for me on the road. Whoever takes mine along the way will receive punishment. The key is in the sea, the tongue is in the mouth.

Conspiracy against thieves on the property of your home

Take as many old keys that you no longer use as there are locks on the door, tie them with a red thread and, saying the following words on them, put them in a secret place in your house:

“I lock it with a key, I lock it with words, I hide it from dashing people, All doors, all goods, everything is mine.”

Another simple and effective conspiracy to scare away unexpected “guests”. When leaving home, place an empty glass and a salt shaker on the kitchen table, while saying the words:

“The thief will come, I’ll give you salt, but I won’t pour you water.”.

A spell for an expensive thing that people are especially afraid of losing:

My treasure, my luggage, I lock you not with keys, but with seven words: Whoever takes this will not go far.

An ancient plot against theft in a house

This conspiracy was used by rich merchants when transporting their goods.

Take an old knife in each hand. Say the spell words three times, waving knives over the object you want to protect from thieves:

“Like on the sea, on the river, in a forged chest,

Seven damask knives, seven guards.

I open that chest, take out those knives, and direct them to work.

Come, knives to this and that

To the one who committed evil, laid hands on my good,

Chop it up and down

To stop the theft, he didn’t hide anything.

My words are true, my deeds are fast,

Everything is spoken, everything is fulfilled.”

When you're done, cross yourself.

Plot for a dacha or private house against thieves

Before closing the door of the cottage before leaving, say:

God gave the lock, I took the key, may my estate be safe. Amen.

Prayer-amulet against property thieves

An effective charm-amulet that can be used for a house, apartment, or any thing. It is valid for exactly one year, then you need to update it. Say the words loudly and clearly once:

« The Savior came out of Jerusalem, and infants, youths, young men, peasants and old men came to meet him. The Savior asks them: “Who are you and where are you going?” They answer: “We have been going to Holy Rus' for twelve months, to live our century.” The Savior answers: “I name you the months of God: January the Baptist, February the Saint, March the Faster, April the Resurrection, May the Ascension, June the Trinity, July Peter and Paul, August the Dormition, September the Exalted, October the Protector, November the Archangel, December the Nativity. Go to Baptized Rus' to protect the baptized people, their souls, bodies and homes, all the time, every minute, all twelve months, from the thief, villain, robber, villain, from the murderer and destroyer.”

It was not I who said so, the Savior ordered it, it was not I who wrote it, the Lord God controlled it with his hand. Whoever comes to my house in one of the twelve months will step on his heart, crush and break his soul, and send his soul to hell. My word is strong, my deed is moldable. Amen".

It is better to do the plot in winter, in frosts where they exist.

Plot on a thief to return the item

If theft has already occurred, you can try to return the item

All the best, may there be no thieves near you, and may your home and property be safe!

If you store valuables at home, or simply want to protect yourself from illegal entry by a thief, try the most proven method. The only thing better than a safe and a surveillance camera is a conspiracy against thieves. They all relate to the village magic of old times. Many of the conspiracies turn to Orthodox saints for help and protection.

Be sure to use these conspiracies, because this method has been saving you from robbery, theft and home attacks for hundreds of years.

Be calm, conspiracies will not harm you or your family. They protect only from those who want to profit dishonestly. Confidence in your home is the most important thing. Anyone can do these rituals - they contain the good magic of Justice. And if you notice your child committing petty theft, read the magic words over him. This will help protect him from mistakes in the future.

Your belongings are under reliable protection

Magic will protect you from many problems. Including from theft. Each of us wants to feel safe. At home, in transport, at work, we can become victims of robbery. Sometimes only a wallet containing a travel card and 100 rubles will be stolen, but how offensive and unpleasant that makes you. It is best to play it safe even in such small things.

What can I say if you have antique jewelry, expensive things and money in your house? Of course, keeping all this at home is not the wisest decision. But, dear to the heart You want to have things at hand, and not somewhere in a cold cell of the bank. If you have already decided to store your valuables at home, then protect them well.

A safe, video surveillance - you need this if there is something at home that you might want to steal. Add one more thing - good plot against thieves. Who knows, your friend, colleague or neighbor might want to take your valuables. This, unfortunately, happens often. It hurts the most if it is a relative. You won’t hide everything from your family. So, it's best to be completely protected.

The rituals are short and simple; no special items are required. Any person, even someone who is not very prepared, can make such a conspiracy. The main thing here is to perform the rituals correctly. The spell must be learned by heart, so that you can then pronounce it clearly, confidently, as many times as necessary.

Magic will protect against theft

Rituals are held at night, from 22.00 to 01.00 on any day except Tuesday. Tuesday is a thieves' day. If you cast a spell on this day, it will work exactly the opposite - it will lead a burglar to your house. You need to do it alone, because it’s true that you can never be sure who you can trust.

Church candles are used in many rituals. They must be new, purchased from the church with coins, not banknotes. You can buy no more than 10 candles at a time. They cannot be used before or after. If the candle does not have time to burn out completely, and you have already completed your ritual, just take it to the crossroads and leave it there.

Knives are often used - they cut the energy of jewelry so that the thief does not feel it. The knife must be old. The more often it was used, the better. It is advisable to take large meat knives that are often sharpened. Many robbers who are familiar with magic cast spells that help them find valuables and penetrate without obstacles. Knives in the ritual reliably protect against such magic.

Ancient conspiracies to preserve property

If you are ready, then proceed to the ritual. Remember:

  • the spell is learned by heart;
  • no more than 1 conspiracy is made in one night;
  • no one should know what you are doing.

Otherwise, it’s easy to handle, there shouldn’t be any problems. Your self-confidence will become best source energy for any of the rituals.

It's always better to play it safe and protect yourself from unnecessary stress

From thieves

This old conspiracy, which was used by wealthy merchants who often transported their goods. To prevent warehouses from being attacked and robbed on the way, this ritual is performed. Take an old knife in each hand.

You need to say three times, waving your knives over the object you want to protect from thieves:

“Like on the sea, on the river, in a forged chest,
Seven damask knives, seven guards.
I open that chest, take out those knives, and direct them to work.
Come, knives to this and that
To the one who committed evil, laid hands on my good,
Chop it up and down
To stop the theft, he didn’t hide anything.
My words are true, my deeds are fast,
Everything is spoken, everything is fulfilled.”

When you're done, cross yourself.

To prevent a child from stealing

Very common occurrence in children - petty theft. Other people's toys, coins, trinkets. This is where it all begins. Some parents do not pay attention to this, or simply demand the return of the stolen item. This can become a problem for your child - if you don’t teach him to ask, he will then steal, and on a big scale.

It’s better to talk to him right away and explain everything. Did not work out? Continues to steal? Then stop arguing and do this little ritual.
Place three church candles on the table and light them with matches. Call the child to eat. Give him what he likes most from food - let him taste it. While he eats, read the spell in a whisper as many times as the child is old.

“The gypsy stole, sold his soul. God forgave and forbade stealing. Forbid, Lord, slave (name) from stealing from this evening, from this hour, from my order. God bless. Amen."

Children respond very well to correcting this behavior.

Helps the first time. He won’t steal anymore, and he’ll thank you later for saving you from an evil fate. After this, many children dream about their Angel.

Conspiracy prayer

For those who believe in God, his faith will become better protection. Read on the night of Wednesday to Thursday for 10 candles.

“Father of hosts, place the cross of the Lord near my house. Lock my doors with thousands of locks, like the Holy Sepulcher, let it be indestructible. May the seraphim and cherubim, angels and archangels and all the powers of heaven protect me and my home from the dashing adversary. Amen."

  • Read it once if you've never had anything stolen from you.
  • If there was one theft, read it three times.
  • If you have been stolen 3 or more times, read 10 times.

This will protect your property well from thieves.

Protect your home from theft

This is one of the most powerful conspiracies from theft, which is pronounced once a year. For this you will need to place a thick church candle in each corner of your house.
Let them burn until the middle. You will need to read the plot over each candle.

“Sword, spear, knife, fire, arrow, pitchfork, chain and fork - stab, burn, chop, saw, thresh my enemy, envious and adversary, thief, hater, robber, malicious destroyer. Thief, it’s better for you not to go into my yard, not to cross the threshold, not to look at the good. If you grab a staple, you'll run into a sword, if you step on the threshold, the stove will burn you, if you cross the threshold, you'll stab yourself with a spear, if you enter a room, we'll drive a pitchfork into your side, if you take hold of my belongings, you'll be beaten with a chain, if you decide to run away, you'll be stabbed with a knife, you'll be cut up with a fork, and the devil you'll go to hell. There is no road to my threshold, it is guarded by angels, formidable angels, archangels of God, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Jehudiel. They stand on all four sides and do not let anyone in, neither the evil nor the dashing, nor the thief, nor the villain. Just as they will stand forever, not die, and glorify God, so will my house stand forever. I said, I wrote on tablets of stone, the righteous word of God. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When you're done, collect the candles and cross them. The candles should be taken to the cemetery and buried in an unmarked grave. Leave the cemetery and don't look back.

Punish the thieves

There is a simple way to punish thieves. If something was stolen from you, then stand in the middle of the room and read three times:

“Who took my goods into their hands,
Who took my property?
I wish you, villain, that you get confused,
Got lost, lost and lost,
Like a spider in its web.
He sat in one place and did not get up,
I didn’t know happiness or peace.
The cobweb spider cannot be avoided,
No fish can swim through the dam
Cattle cannot escape death and old age,
And you, dashing man, to be and to suffer.

In three days you will find out who committed the theft. This person cannot be offended, scolded, or beaten. His forces of Justice will punish him themselves, and you will forgive him, do not take sin on your soul.

Amulet against thieves

An effective charm-amulet. You can do it for an apartment, or you can do it for an item so that it doesn’t get stolen. Valid whole year, then you need to update. Say loudly and clearly once:

“The Savior came out of Jerusalem, and infants, youths, young men, peasants and old men came to meet him. The Savior asks them: “Who are you and where are you going?” They answer: “We have been going to Holy Rus' for twelve months, to live our century.” The Savior answers: “I name you the months of God: January the Baptist, February the Saint, March the Faster, April the Resurrection, May the Ascension, June the Trinity, July Peter and Paul, August the Dormition, September the Exalted, October the Protector, November the Archangel, December the Nativity. Go to Baptized Rus' to protect the baptized people, their souls, bodies and homes, all the time, every minute, all twelve months, from the thief, villain, robber, scoundrel, from the murderer and destroyer.” It was not I who said so, the Savior ordered it, it was not I who wrote it, the Lord God controlled it with his hand. Whoever comes to my house in one of the twelve months will step on his heart, crush and break his soul, and send his soul to hell. My word is strong, my deed is moldable. Amen".

It is best to do it in winter, when the frost is the most severe.

If you have something really valuable at home: money, antique jewelry, paintings, then you need to know this. Firstly, the energy of jewelry attracts thieves. This back side wealth. It so happens that gold has a very strong energy. The more gold, the more powerful it is. Gems and expensive things act the same way.

If there are people in your environment who make a living by stealing, then they will be drawn to your house like a magnet. Therefore, it is better to store things in a bank, safe deposit box, or storage unit. It’s safer this way, and if anything happens, the bank will be responsible for your deposit. Secondly, don't tempt fate. Telling everyone that you have valuables at home is stupid. Even if it is a painting or a valuable vase. Why should people be presented with unnecessary temptation?

Orthodox icons-protectors will help you. They need to be placed at home, always in a place of honor. Pray more often, ask to protect your home from thieves, robbers, and evil people. After all, your valuables are just things, and a burglar can harm people who are in the house. It's better to play it safe and keep your secrets secret.

You can protect your property from theft using not only modern security systems, but also effective rituals. Strong conspiracies will forever protect your home from unexpected guests and robberies.

Home is our fortress, but it happens that strangers encroach on it for the purpose of robbery. There are many means to protect your home from thieves, but they do not always provide desired result. Very often the alarm does not go off, and the police arrive at the moment when the crime has already been committed, and the robbers have quietly disappeared with your jewelry. To similar situations did not happen in your home, protect yourself and your home with the help of effective conspiracies proposed by site experts.

Conspiracy against theft

If you want to ensure protection for your home and its inhabitants, use effective conspiracy from theft. Strangers will not even think about stealing your things, and the thieves will face dire consequences. Red is the color of protection, so to perform the ritual you will need a red thread. Tie it to the lock or the handle of the front door, but before that say:

"My house and the things in itonly mine. No one will be able to steal from me, and whoever thinks about it will be punished forever. My words are strong, and my castle is strong.”

The result of this ritual will pleasantly surprise you. Not only will there never be robberies in your home, but no one will take your things without asking.

Ritual for protection against thieves

When we are forced to leave our home for a long time, first of all we think about its safety. Of course, you can ask friends or neighbors to periodically visit your home to check, but sometimes this is not enough, because a thief can appear unexpectedly, in the absence of other people. To avoid this, before you leave, purchase new castle. It is not necessary to install it in the door, just place it on the threshold and say:

“My lock cannot be broken, the path to my apartment is impassable. Whoever decides to rob me will be plagued by problems and misfortunes all his life.”

Perform a ritual on the day of your departure. After you return home, place the lock near the front door, and then it will become a permanent talisman for your home.

Plot to lock doors

Every day, leaving the house and returning back, we unlock and lock the apartment. This has become commonplace for us, but even with the help of these simple actions you can protect your home. When you leave, lock the door, say:

“I close the door from unexpected guests and dangerous thieves. You will not receive my goods, you will not take my things.”

Say these simple words every day when leaving home, and you won’t be afraid that someone will rob you in your absence.

A powerful spell to prevent theft

Sometimes our premonition is best assistant. If you have the feeling that burglars are targeting your home, then help will help you effective conspiracy, which will destroy their insidious plans.

Take a candle and light it. Place some wax on the threshold and at the same time say:

“I burn your evil plans. All actions against me will burn along with them.”

Repeat this ritual at least once a week to strengthen the protection of your home. It is advisable to use a candle purchased from a church. She has greater strength, which will give more effect to your plot.

A conspiracy to punish a thief

If you have ever experienced theft, then you understand how unpleasant it is to feel that a stranger has not only been in your home, but also taken things from it. In this case, they usually immediately turn to the police for help. However, sometimes it is not enough that the thief is caught, and there is a desire to punish him even more.

To do this, use strong conspiracy, which will punish the criminal forever. Take regular table salt and sprinkle it in every corner of your house. Light a candle and, looking at the flame, say:

“Unexpected guest, who took my things, who encroached on someone else’s property, you will be punished. Just as I experienced painful sensations from your actions, so you will suffer all your life. My things will not bring you joy, but only grief and disappointment. Let it be so".

After this, wait until the candle burns out and bury its remains in the cemetery. As a result, the robber will be haunted by failures all his life, and life will never be happy for him.

Conspiracy to make a thief return stolen property

There are things that are dear to us not just because of their great value, but because they are part of us. It will be a great sorrow if we lose them, but it will be more unpleasant if someone steals them and uses them for their own purposes. If such a misfortune happens to you, spend effective ritual. With its help, you will not only find out who robbed you, but also return items that are valuable to you.

Take three candles and form them into a circle, then light them. Take a piece of paper and write the names of the stolen items on it. Don't be upset if you forgot or didn't notice something. The thief will give you back everything he took from you. After you have completed all the steps, take the knife and stick it into the paper on which you wrote the stolen items. Then burn it on a candle flame, saying:

“All my unpleasant memories will burn, just as your life will burn. After your crime you will never be happy. Live the rest of your life in sorrow, but return my things. They will not bring you good luck, they will not be useful to you, but you decide to use themyou'll cause trouble. Confess your crime, cleanse your conscience and soul.”

Put away any remaining paper Matchbox and hide it from other people. After the thief himself confesses to his crime and returns the stolen things to you, the box will also need to be burned and its remains buried.

Theft is one of the most unpleasant acts committed against you and your home. However, the effect of black rituals and their impact on you and your loved ones is much worse. With the help of simple rituals you can protect yourself and your home from the evil eye and damage. We wish you happiness and health, and do not forget to press the buttons and