Shoe return policy. Everything about the return of shoes and warranty features

Returning shoes to the store is an issue that worries many buyers. How to return shoes to the store if they have not been used? In what cases is the buyer entitled to return a pair if it has been worn? What if the store refuses you? Answers will prompt the analysis of special legislation and legal practice.

The fact that the purchased model can be returned to the store within fourteen days from the date of purchase is not a secret. During the fitting, you were satisfied with the pair, you are sure that it will perfectly suit your outfits, and at home you realized that you spent money for nothing.

According to Art. 25 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", you can return shoes to the store, even if the size did not fit, you did not like it, if it is uncomfortable or does not fit the wardrobe. You are not required to explain the reasons to the seller.

IN this case It's not about returning the item. inadequate quality. A defective pair can be returned to the store for quality assurance. Now we are talking about a guaranteed right to terminate the sales contract within 14 days without explanation.

The Consumer Protection Act allows the exchange of shoes only if the following conditions are met:

  • the pair was not worn;
  • there is no violation of the presentation;
  • a receipt for the purchase of goods in a particular store has been preserved;
  • company labels available.

Important! The buyer can return the shoes to the store without a receipt, referring to the testimony of witnesses!

The 14-day shoe return policy allows not only to terminate the sale and purchase agreement, but also simply to replace the model. If a similar product is not on sale (for example, no right size), by agreement of the parties, the exchange can be postponed for a specified time. As soon as the model appears on the counter, the seller is obliged to inform the buyer about this.

What to do with low-quality used shoes

If you get money for new thing quite realistic, then the sellers are in no hurry to satisfy claims regarding a pair that was in use. Is it possible to return used shoes, what does the law say about this and what rights does the consumer have in such a situation?

Art. 18 of the Law on Consumer Protection regulates that it is possible to exchange shoes after a little wear on the street only if:

  • material delamination was found in the boot;
  • the skin of the top burst, the soles (heels) were torn, glued or peeled off;
  • the curvature of the seams of the top of the boots was noticed;
  • discolouration or other defect is found that worsens appearance footwear or precluding its normal use.

Attention! Consumers, by law, have the right to return shoes to the store if they rub the foot, the pair has uncomfortable lasts or is uncomfortable to wear, because such defects limit the use of the product.

It is noteworthy that the norm allows you to return not quality shoes to the store, only if the seller has not discussed the defects of the goods with you. If you purchased a promotional item that was on sale due to a change in upper color, for example, a return claim will not be accepted.

In addition to exchanging sneakers or boots for similar ones, you can not only return defective shoes, but also have legitimate reasons demand:

  • exchange a thing for the same, but a different model. If a woman became the owner of a low-quality set of shoes (with an uncomfortable shoe or she put them on the street and realized that the pumps were rubbing her legs, she may ask for shoes, too, but, for example, of a different style);
  • eliminate the defect of the product immediately or return the money for shoe repair by a third-party master;
  • file a claim for recalculation of the cost of a defective pair.

According to the act of the law on the observance of the rights of buyers, a person has the right to ask for compensation for losses caused by low-quality goods. For example, a woman walked on a slushy day in boots in which the skin was torn. The client got her feet wet and got pneumonia.

In addition to demanding the return of shoes of inadequate quality to the store, the injured party may also return the money spent on treatment - if he can prove in court a causal relationship between the marriage of boots and his illness.

How long can a claim be made?

You bought winter boots in July, and the broken sole was noticed only in November? “These are your problems, it is no longer subject to exchange due to the expiration of the warranty period,” this is what unscrupulous sellers will tell you.

How long can I return shoes to the store, referring to the warranty period? What are the deadlines for identifying the inadequate quality of a pair, new and worn?

The legislation stipulates that shoes are classified as seasonal goods. Speaking of standard term the 30-day warranty set by stores cannot be counted from the date of purchase, since the consumer does not need to wear boots in the summer. However, he can buy these boots in the summer.

The warranty period for sandals and boots is the time of year, not the day of purchase.

The season is defined as follows:

  • winter (from the beginning of November to the end of March);
  • spring (from the first days of March to the last of May)
  • summer (May-September);
  • autumn season (September to mid-November).

It is noteworthy that the guarantee can also be established on the terms of the product manufacturer, and not just the distributor.

If specific dates no, the return of low-quality shoes is made within 24 months from the date of purchase or the onset of a certain season.

The procedure for getting rid of defective goods

Obviously, shoe salespeople are not keen to admit that the pair you have bought is of poor quality. It will most certainly be your fault. The shoes are worn (even if you walked in them once), which means that initially the purchase suited you, but what happened to her later is your fault - you didn’t wear it that way, you decided to wear it in the wrong weather. How to return poor quality shoes on practice?

During the warranty period, you can change a pair of shoes if it is defective by contacting the store management with the following documents:

  • personal passport;
  • accompanying papers for the goods (box, receipt, warranty card).

Is it possible to return the shoes without a receipt if they did not fit (the size is incorrect, the pair rubs the legs) and cannot be used, and the warranty period has not yet expired? Certainly! To do this, it is enough to enlist the testimony of witnesses.

If the seller does not agree with the requirements of the consumer, claims that they cannot be satisfied with respect to a worn pair, write an application for the return of shoes of inadequate quality, in which you must indicate the time of purchase, the reasons why you are not satisfied with its quality. Be sure to draw up a paper in the form and refer to the articles of the law!

A sample document for returning shoes to the store after a little wear for 2017 can be obtained from any lawyer on the Internet. Also, samples of official papers are available on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor.

Does the opponent refuse to accept the application (claim)? Feel free to send it by recommended letter with acknowledgment of receipt and demand that you appoint a time to return the defective item.

Most likely, the store administration will insist on an examination to prove to you that the thing has deteriorated or changed its characteristics due to improper wearing, and not due to a manufacturing defect.

You will probably be asked to conduct a study with a "trusted" specialist. Do not agree to give a used pair to a shoe shop that serves a particular outlet. There have been cases where sneakers or boots that have been returned by consumers have been deliberately tampered with so that returning the shoes to the store after a little wear was impossible in accordance with the law. Choose an independent master and insist on the condition of conducting an examination only with him.

If the examination of the sample showed that the pair has a manufacturing defect, the seller is obliged to respond with a refund within 10 days.

Is it possible to return shoes to the store if the opponent flatly refuses to admit that his goods are defective? Threaten to go to court - some firms try to avoid possible troubles and try to resolve the conflict amicably.

Attach evidence that the shoes are returnable, the conclusions of the examination, the accompanying documents for the purchase, enlist witness statements. Surely, the court will take your side and decide that the shoes can not be used, and they must be returned.

Demand that the opponent compensate for all costs that you have incurred in connection with litigation, but remember: if you lose the court, you will be responsible for paying the costs.

Shoes can be exchanged or returned to the store within 14 days without giving reasons, according to legal act on the observance of consumer rights, if it was not used. Defective boots or shoes are successfully returned even after a little wear or if the pair has rubbed the legs, which makes it impossible to use.

Study the return rule described in the relevant law, and in a particularly problematic situation, enlist the support of a lawyer. Be brave, because the truth is yours!

Many buyers, faced with unscrupulous sellers, do not know how to return unsuitable or defective shoes to the store.

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In order to similar cases feel confident, you need to know what rights the buyer can exercise during the warranty period and after it ends.

Warranty period for shoes according to the law

Shoes must comply with specific GOSTs, which stipulate the mandatory warranty periods. This rule applies to all types of shoes.

For different types shoes, these terms are different, but for any kind of shoes, they cannot be shorter than 30 days.

The manufacturer cannot establish a warranty period shorter than the period prescribed by GOST.

The seller can set his own warranty period, but by law, the seller's warranty cannot be less than the manufacturer's warranty.

If the seller sets a warranty period shorter than the manufacturer's warranty period, and, for example, offers you after this period, send your claims to the shoe manufacturer, know that he is acting illegally.

From what date is the guarantee for winter, other seasonal shoes valid?

If you bought shoes during the season of operation, then the warranty period starts from the moment of purchase.

If you bought seasonal shoes in advance, before the start of the season, then the warranty period is calculated from the start date of the season of the corresponding shoe.

When does it start winter season for shoes? Each locality has its own date. The easiest way to find out is by calling the local Rospotrebnadzor.

In Moscow for shoes summer season starts from May 1, autumn - from September 1, winter - from November 1 and spring - from March 1.

Return within 14 days of purchase

It may happen that the purchased for some reason the shoes did not fit you, for example, you are simply not satisfied with the size or color, you can exchange it within 14 days.

If that doesn't help, Contact the Consumer Protection Society. They will advise you, provide legal support and help you develop a plan for further action.

Do not be afraid file a lawsuit.

If the warranty period has not expired, then the examination of shoes is always carried out at the expense of the seller and you will not have to pay for it.

When will the shoes not be accepted into the store?

There are, which includes, by the way, shoes. Therefore, by law, there are only a few situations in which you can't return the shoes:

  1. If the shoes are not defective, but as a result of wearing lost its merchandise;
  2. If shoes has mechanical damage caused by the fault of the buyer (cuts, burns, etc.);
  3. If the buyer repaired shoes before returning it to the seller;
  4. If the shoes have defects resulting from improper use.

In all other cases, the law is on your side. Stand up for your rights and get back.

RF legislation allows citizens to hold back the seller within 14 days of their purchase. In this regard, the laws have a number of nuances, which are very important to take into account if you want to return this or that product.

Many citizens are wondering - "Is it possible to return shoes within?". It is not difficult to answer it if we turn to the provisions of the current legislation and consider them in more detail.

In order to make it easier for all citizens who are interested in these issues to analyze it, our resource presents today's material, which details the procedure for returning shoes back to the store and all its features.

Return of shoes - the legal right of the buyer

Footwear is a non-food product, the return of which is determined by the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights". According to its provisions, shoes can be returned in two operational states: worn and unworn. In this paragraph of the article, we will pay more attention to the procedure for returning goods that have not yet been used.

First, it is important to understand that all citizens have the right to return unworn shoes within 14 days after purchase (the day of purchase is not taken into account) in the following circumstances:

  • the purchased item did not fit in size, style and other characteristics;
  • the buyer no longer needs the purchased product;
  • or in the purchased shoes were identified or properties that were not specified by the seller when selling it.

At the same time, return unworn shoes according to earlier given reasons is possible if:

  1. not used for its intended purpose;
  2. retained the presentation;
  3. has factory labels.

In addition, the buyer must have a receipt or other proof of purchase of products in a particular store. The latter can be video footage from surveillance cameras in the store, testimony of sellers or witnesses.

It is important to note that, subject to the previously specified circumstances, the buyer has the right to:

  • get the amount back, moreover, in full;
  • exchange shoes for another one corresponding to the price category of the returned product;
  • exchange shoes for another with a surcharge or, on the contrary, with the receipt of part of the funds back.

Do not forget - the above standards must be observed by all stores and organizations that officially sell shoes. Otherwise, the buyer has every right to influence the seller by contacting higher authorities: the Prosecutor's Office, the Court and the like.

Return of used shoes

Returning worn shoes is a more difficult question ...

As you can see, the return procedure unworn shoes is a simple process both from the point of view of legislation and from the point of view of an ordinary layman. But a similar event with an already used product has more nuances.

Firstly, it is worth noting that it is possible to return already worn shoes only if, during its operation, the buyer revealed defects in the purchased products or properties that were not previously specified by the seller.

In such circumstances, the preservation of the presentation, tags and similar things is not required. The presence of defects or properties identified during the operation of the shoes, which were not specified by the sellers when selling products, allows the buyer to restore his rights in one of the following ways:

  1. return all paid funds back in full;
  2. exchange shoes for a similar or similar format with an additional payment/receiving a part of the funds back;
    require the seller to eliminate existing defects in shoes at his expense;
  3. get a part of the cost of low-quality products back, while keeping it for yourself.

It is important to note that the buyer has every right to return the shoes in this way if the defects appeared through no fault of his own and were not eliminated by him before contacting the store with a return. Otherwise, the seller has every right to refuse.

An important nuance in the return of used shoes is the fact that it can only be carried out within the warranty period established by the seller. In most cases, it is from 30 to 45 days after the start of the season, which is designed for the use of purchased shoes, while the period should not be less than the guarantee established by the manufacturer of the product (if any).

So, the winter season begins on November 1 of each year, the spring season on April 1, the summer season on June 1, and the autumn season on September 1. At the same time, the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" regulates that in the absence of a guarantee established by the seller, the default warranty period becomes 2 years and is counted from the date of purchase of the product.

The procedure for filing a claim with the seller

Shoe return: under warranty

Having identified the possibility and necessity to return the shoes to the seller, the buyer may well restore his rights. For this, two main conditions must be met:

  • firstly, to determine compliance with the return norms stipulated earlier in relation to a specific situation;
  • and secondly, to present relevant claims to the seller within the time limits established by law.

The procedure for submitting claims to the store is as follows:

  • First of all, the buyer must formalize his requirements in documentary form. The claim is drawn up on A4 paper, either in writing or in printed form. The text of the document must include the following information:
  1. the name of the store where the claim is sent;
  2. buyer's contact details;
  3. the essence of the claim: the subject of the return and its reason;
  4. requirements for the seller indicating how the buyer wants to solve the problem (get the funds back, etc.);
  5. information about the evidence attached to the document (receipt, filming from a surveillance camera, etc.);
  6. date of delivery of the document to the seller.
  • It is important to issue a claim in two original copies: one of which will remain with the seller, and the other with the buyer.
  • After drawing up the document, you will have to personally visit the store and hand over the claim to authorized persons. At this stage, both copies of the paper must be signed by both parties to the dispute. It is also advisable to have with you a photocopy of the receipt or copies of other evidence of the purchase of shoes in a particular place and a warranty card (if available).

Having submitted a claim to the seller, the buyer can only wait for its consideration. The store is given 7 working days for this event, not counting the day the claim is submitted, after which the seller undertakes to either reject the return application, referring to the norms of the law, or confirm and carry out the return, or appoint an independent one.

The latter must be carried out within 20 days after the consideration of the claim and the seller is obliged to notify the buyer of its results. Do not forget that if the seller violates the procedure for returning shoes, the buyer has every right to assert his rights through higher authorities.

Quite weighty reasons for applying to Rospotrebnadzor, or the Court are:

  • violation by the seller of the terms for returning the goods or considering the claim;
  • unreasonable refusal to carry out the return procedure;
  • other actions of the seller that in one way or another violate the norms of the current legislation.

When deciding to protect rights through, for example, the court, it is advisable for the buyer to consult with a professional lawyer and act according to his advice. This is the only way to significantly increase the chances of trouble-free and quick solution of the problem.

The nuances of returning shoes

Returning shoes is easy if you have a receipt!

Summarizing today's material, it would not be superfluous to note the basic nuances of the shoe return procedure. Observing them, each buyer not only significantly increases the chances of returning the goods to the seller, but also guarantees him the legality of this event. So, the list of main features is as follows:

  • First, never try to deceive the seller and return the shoes that were damaged due to your fault. In such a situation, the buyer will not only not be able to return the goods, but also increases the risk of being attracted to some.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to submit a claim for a refund not to ordinary sellers, but to authorized persons of the store - the general manager or director. Only the latter are endowed with the rights that are necessary to review this document and make further decisions.
  • And thirdly, when contacting a store about returning shoes, never give the seller the original receipt, warranty card and other documents. It is important to understand that an unscrupulous organization can simply destroy them, after which the return of products will be impossible. It would be much more correct to provide notarized or simple photocopies and copies of the necessary papers.

In general, returning shoes to the store is not such a difficult procedure. The main thing in the process of its implementation is to act in accordance with the information provided earlier and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. We hope that today's article has answered your questions. Good luck with your rights!

Opinion of a legal expert:

The legislator gives the consumer time to exchange or return the goods - 14 days, not counting the day of purchase. Some sellers use this loophole for their own purposes. They try to refuse to exchange goods on the day of purchase, offering to come tomorrow. It means that the day of purchase in this case, as if, is excluded. This is wrong, they are breaking the law.

The fact is that the return period begins for the buyer, but not for the seller. For him, it is an obligation to take back the goods, and not the right to accept or not. The legislator does not limit this obligation in time. And the buyer has this right, which he has the right to use within the specified time frame. The substitution of concepts to the detriment of the rights of citizens is unacceptable. We recommend our readers not to succumb to various tricks that limit your rights.

Rationale: Part 1 of Art. 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 N 2300-1.

How to return or exchange goods to the store, the video will tell:

For a woman, shoes are a lot, if not all! After all, no outfit will look decent if you don’t pick the right pair of shoes for it. However, for men good shoes means a lot. And you should not save on this - a pair on the legs should be truly beautiful and of impeccable quality.

Imagine - you bought a brand new pair beautiful shoes. Of course, in the store it was hardly possible to really evaluate it in terms of quality, so you need to try to do it at home. Without peeling off labels, without removing labels and without throwing away check boxes.

You need to put on shoes, walk in them, sit without taking them off. Fasten-unfasten locks, zippers, Velcro. Check for strength and full stitching of the seams, decorative elements, sole.

Got a marriage? Do you feel uncomfortable when wearing? Do you want to return a purchased pair? Your further actions as a buyer are regulated by the Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" No. 2300-I of 02/07/1992.

Table of contents:

What should a buyer know when choosing shoes?

Article 10 of the above law obliges the seller to provide the buyer with complete and reliable information about the purchased goods. Including shoes, so that the buyer has the opportunity to choose the right one.

Such information includes:

  • the name of the goods in accordance with the technical regulations established by law in the Russian Federation;
  • price in rubles and conditions of purchase;
  • warranty period (if any);
  • rules and operating conditions;
  • best before date;
  • mandatory confirmation of the quality of the goods;
  • information about the rules of sale;
  • information about the elimination of defects / shortcomings in a particular product, if any.

Important: all of the above should be freely available to a potential buyer. Information should be contained in stickers, labels, labels, instructions.

If the buyer was refused to provide the information of interest at the time of the purchase of the goods, he may refuse to purchase and demand a refund of the amount paid and compensation for possible damage. The responsibility of the seller in this case is prescribed in Article 18 (clause 1-4) or 29 (clause 1) of the same Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights".

How do I return unworn shoes to the store?

Suppose a pair of shoes was bought, and at home it turned out that this was not exactly what the purchaser wanted, or certain shortcomings were found that the store did not pay attention to. What can an unlucky buyer expect in this case?

It turns out that in accordance with Article 25 of the same consumer-protecting law, the buyer of the goods has the right to very much. Firstly, he can exchange high-quality shoes that he doesn’t like or doesn’t fit for some other reason, for a similar one within 14 days, without explaining “why”. And the day of the actual purchase does not count. But it is mandatory to comply with a number of rules:

  • returned shoes must not show signs of wear;
  • product labels and manufacturer's labels must remain intact;
  • there must be a cash / sales receipt confirming the fact of purchase.

Important: in the absence of a check, it is permissible to refer to the testimony of witnesses.

When there is no pair in stock that is similar to the one being traded, the buyer can:

  • demand back the money for the purchase;
  • negotiate with the seller and wait for the receipt of similar shoes.

How to return shoes with defects under warranty to the store?

A completely different situation is also possible. The buyer liked the shoes, and he was not going to change / return them even after he examined and tried them on at home. However, in the process of wearing, hidden defects and marriage were discovered. How to be in this case? How long does it take to return shoes under warranty?

The terms for submitting claims from a dissatisfied buyer are also regulated by the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", in Article 19. It says that the buyer has the right to voice his claims to the seller before the expiration of the warranty period or due date product suitability.

It happens that expiration dates and guarantees are not established, then claims are voiced by the buyer within a reasonable time (this is 2 years from the date of purchase, if there are no longer legal periods).

both the service life of the shoe and the warranty period for it are counted from the moment the pair is sold. If the time of sale cannot be determined, then the production time is taken as the starting point..

For seasonal shoes, the warranty period begins with the beginning of a certain season, established for a particular subject of the Russian Federation, taking into account climatic conditions.

There are also official expiration dates for shoes. They start from the date of manufacture and are determined by the period in which a particular pair is wearable. If the buyer during this time reveals factory defects, he has the right to contact the seller or the manufacturer for their free elimination. It will only be necessary to prove that such shortcomings took place before the purchase of the goods, but were revealed only when worn. An examination at the expense of the buyer will help prove this. And reimbursement of expenses for such an examination can then be demanded from the manufacturer.

But the above requirements can only be presented:

  • 2 years later, no later;
  • within the specified period for the goods;
  • within 10 years from the date of transfer of the goods to the consumer, if the service life of the latter is not established.

According to the law, 20 calendar days. If no response is received within this period, the buyer has the right to present other requirements to the seller, as well as return the goods (shoes).

Exchange or return options for defective shoes

If defects are found in the purchased pair of shoes by the buyer, you can:

  1. Demand gratuitous elimination of deficiencies or compensation of funds for their elimination.
  2. Proportionately reduce the commodity price.
  3. Replace the product with a similar one (by brand, article, etc.).
  4. Replace the product with another one with a recalculation of the cost.

Or you can just not bother and return the money for low-quality shoes from the seller. By the way, the law provides not only for the return of paid Money, but also compensation for damages caused by low-quality goods. For example, shoes were bought, the sole of which came off on the first walk. The seller can be demanded a refund of the price of the shoes and a refund of the cost of the torn tights. However, damages must be claimed late established by law.

Important: the buyer can return the money for low-quality shoes even if the cash register and / or sales receipts are lost.

The seller is obliged to accept goods of inadequate quality from the buyer and make sure for himself that the quality really does not meet the required one. The buyer has the right to be present at such an inspection.

If a dispute arises and the seller doubts the causes of defects, he can order an examination. And the buyer has the right to challenge the results of such an examination in court. But if it is installed, and in court session it is confirmed that the defects arose through the fault of the consumer, the court will oblige him to reimburse the costs to the seller for the examination. Plus shipping and storage costs.

The seller is responsible for the defects of the shoes under warranty. If the buyer proves that the defects arose even before the transfer of the pair to him. And the seller will not be able to prove that:

  • defects arose after the sale, and the buyer violated the rules of wearing;
  • defects are the result of the actions of certain third parties or force majeure.

The law allows the seller to replace low-quality goods only 7 days from the date of the relevant request of the buyer. If verification is needed, the timeframe is extended to 20 days. And when there are no replacement shoes, the period can be further extended - up to 1 calendar month.

Important: goods of inadequate quality can only be exchanged for a new one, in no case second-hand.

The buyer may have other requirements for the seller. For example about:

  • commensurate reduction in value;
  • reimbursement of expenses for the correction of defects;
  • refund of the amount for unusable shoes;
  • compensation for losses incurred in connection with the acquisition of low-quality shoes.

According to the law, 10 days are allotted for satisfaction of these requirements. And you will need to take into account the following points:

  1. If the seller replaced the product with a similar one, the price is not recalculated.
  2. When replacing with a cheaper model, the difference in price must be returned to the buyer.
  3. If (with the consent of the buyer) the shoes were replaced with more expensive ones, the difference in cost is eliminated at the expense of the purchaser.
  4. If the price of the purchased pair has changed (became more), then the refund to the buyer for a low-quality pair is made at the price on the day of return.
  5. When shoes were purchased on credit, the seller must return to the buyer the funds already paid to him, as well as the money for the loan.

Important: if the shoes have been worn by the buyer (with the removal of labels and labels) for more than 14 days and are considered to meet the quality requirements, they cannot be returned because they do not like them. Even if the item is under warranty.

Obviously, consumer interests in Russia today are protected quite reliably. In addition, there various tools to resolve conflicts on the "quality-shoe" topic.

The sellers have a serious responsibility, the buyers are given serious rights. But many of the latter know little about this, so they do not apply for the restoration of their own rights. Including purchased shoes. But in vain, it would return them a sense of security and a sense of triumphant justice.

Returning shoes to the store is not as easy as it says in consumer protection law. Sellers often refuse, especially if you have had time to vilify them. The Moscow-Lawyer Collegium told how to competently defend your rights.

You can return shoes to the store if they just don't fit you. Return conditions:

Not later than 14 days from the date of purchase;

The buyer provided a receipt that confirms your purchase;

You did not wear shoes, the presentation and consumer properties, packaging and labels have been preserved.

If you didn't keep the receipt, don't worry. The fact of purchase can be confirmed by witness testimony.

Art. 25 federal law“On Protection of Consumer Rights” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law).

The law provides for both options. You can return the shoes and claim a refund of the entire amount you paid. If you like another pair, ask for an exchange with an additional payment or a refund of the difference in price.

Art. 25 of the Federal Law.

For example, you bought running shoes that, according to the consultant, are designed for running. We came to the stadium, ran and found out that these were not running, but regular sneakers for fitness. You have the right to return the product because you have been provided false information. The second example - the seller assures you that the boots are made of genuine leather, and over time it becomes clear that this is an ordinary leatherette.

Art. 12 of the Federal Law.

If defects are found, you have the right to demand a replacement, repair or refund. The claim can be made during the warranty period, and if it is not specified - up to 2 years. The term for eliminating defects is up to 45 days, replacement - 20, refund - 10.

Yes, it is spreading. You have the right to request a repair, replacement or refund if:

Sole peeled off

Sole worn out: leather in 50 days, foam rubber And polyurethane sole- 80 days, imitation leather rubber - 70 days;

Stitched seams are torn;

Peeled, faded paint.

It is not considered a marriage and, accordingly, cannot be repaired, exchanged or returned:

If defects arose due to inaccurate or improper wear, for example, out of season or for other purposes;

Shoes already repaired by the owner;

After the expiration of the warranty period.

Art. 18-22 of the Federal Law.

If in question about return or exchange new shoes, which was not in a sock, everything is simple - sellers rarely refuse a buyer's legitimate request. When it comes to returning a defective item, shoes with flaws, due to the provision of false information, buyers face difficulties.

We recommend that you insure yourself in case of refusal - make a claim. Make a copy of the claim to get the seller's signature on delivery on it. In the claim, clearly indicate your requirements: return the money, replace it with a new one quality item, repair. The seller must respond to the claim within 10 days. If he declares the need for an examination, he must conduct it at his own expense.

Art. 22 of the Federal Law.

File a complaint with the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor and a lawsuit in court. You can claim compensation not only for the price of the goods themselves, but also for moral damages, losses, penalties and fines.

If you decide to go to court, use the services of a lawyer. His participation in the lawsuit will significantly increase your chances of success, especially when it comes to expensive shoes. The lawyer will include the cost of legal services in the amount of the claim and they will be paid by the losing party.