Hey Africa! The final modeling lesson in the preparatory group (with parents). Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group. Modeling "Animals and birds of hot countries

Lyubov Burnasheva

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group on modeling« Animals of hot countries»

Tasks: learn to compose a plot composition from homogeneous elements. Continue to learn to correlate the elements of the composition in size and proportions. Activate the ability to vary different artistic materials, techniques and methods of work in order to create an expressive image. Develop a sense of composition (the ability to see your craft as part of the overall proportion).

The teacher invites the children to listen to the sound of the sea. Then guesses puzzles:

He has a huge growth, there is also a small tail,

Ahead is such a thing that pouring on us is not flour.

Who is this? Who is he? Well of course it is (Elephant)

He will pass with his head up,

Not because an important count,

But because a proud disposition,

After all, above all animals (Giraffe)

Look at it, bastard. Oh, and it's wicked!

Those who landed in the river are so dangerous (Crocodile)

Reports that far, far into the sea, an island has risen from under the water. (could be an earthquake or volcanic eruption). It is still uninhabited, but not much time will pass and the island "will come to life": first, birds settle, build nests and hatch chicks, then the wind will bring plant seeds; after a while, palm trees will rise on the island. As you know, different people can live on the island. animals…

Let's make such an island, and then write a story like animals live on our island.

Then the teacher invites the children to think about how best to blind animals. Specifies the way modeling from a long cylinder, notched on both sides. Discuss with the children the sequence of work. Children choose the material and begin to create their own compositions, from which, in turn, a collective composition is made "Inhabited Island"

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"Hey Africa!" Final modeling lesson in the preparatory group (with parents)
Educator of the highest qualification category MBDOU "Novotoryalsky kindergarten No. 2 "Teremok" Mokoseeva L. A.
To teach how to make a general composition of different figures, to distribute work, making collective efforts to fulfill the plan.
Develop the skills of transferring the movement of plasticine figures.
To create in children an idea of ​​the diversity of African animal species, their habits, lifestyle;
Develop the skills of sculpting plasticine figures, composing them from separate parts, which are connected by lubrication;
Learn to complement plasticine figures with details from plasticine of a different color, beads;
Develop teamwork skills that require coordination of ideas to achieve a common result.
Lesson type: thematic.
Basic didactic method: verbal, practical.
Partial methods and techniques: questions for children, individual work.
Preliminary Work: Classes
Familiarization with the outside world: "This is how Africa."
Speech development: “Why does an elephant need a trunk?”.
Fiction: “The Tale of R. Kipling “Elephant”.
Development of elementary mathematical representations: Travel to Africa. How to help a boa constrictor?
Paper construction: "Parrot".
Drawing: "Predatory cats".
Modeling: "Lion's Pride",
Didactic games to get to know Africa: "Pick a word", "Yes - no", "Come up with a proposal", "Hunters", "Radio".
N. I. Sladkov Multi-colored earth. Desert.
Sand house. Turtle. Who knows what. Sand talk.
R. Kipling. What makes a camel hump. Where does a rhino get its skin from? Where did armadillos come from.
O. A. Skorolupova. Interesting Facts about the animals of hot countries.
Material: plasticine different colors, stacks, boards, beads, drawings of animals, audio recordings of calm music.
For Africa layout: natural and waste material, branches, dried leaves, etc.
Methodical literature:

O. A. Skorolupova. Activities with older children preschool age on the topic: "Animal world of hot countries."

T. I. Grizik. The child knows the world.

Children's encyclopedias: Animal world.

1. Conversation, questions and answers, explanation, explanation.

2. Individual work children, teamwork parents.

3. Pedagogical assessment.

Lesson progress:

Children sit in a semicircle, in front of them is a map of Africa, a globe. Children find the continent of Africa on the map and globe.

Questions for children:

- What is Africa?

How many climate zones are there in Africa?

How many seasons are there in the desert?

What is the name of the great desert in Africa?

Why is the desert depicted? yellow?

Are there plants in the desert? How have they adapted to survive in hot climates?

How do plants get water?

- What are the islands with greenery called?

What animals are found in the desert?

How did the camel adapt to live in the desert?

- How does a fennec fox escape from the heat?

Why is the jungle called rainforest?

How many seasons are there in the jungle?

Is it easy to walk in the jungle?

Whose kingdom is the rainforest?

- What features did the nature endow the leopard with in order to successfully hunt?

Why do leopards have spots?

How many seasons are there in the savannah?

What trees grow in the savannah?

What tree grows only in Africa?

What animals can be found in the savannah?

- What structural features of cheetahs help them hunt?

Why does a cheetah need its spotted coloration?

How do lions hunt?

What is the name of the family of lions?

How do stripes help zebras?

Does the rhinoceros have enemies?

Why do elephants have a trunk?

- Why does the steppe fox Fenka have big ears?

That's how many interesting things we learned about Africa. Now let's invite your parents and let's go make the animals of Africa, your parents will make a model of Africa.

Recall with children the techniques of sculpting animals.

Individual work of children and parents.

What a wonderful Africa we have! Well done!

Prototype development in Ready Lessons section and published on 25th May, 2016
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"Hey Africa!" Final modeling lesson in the preparatory group (with parents)
Teacher of the highest qualification category MBDOU "Novotoryalsky Kindergarten No. 2" Teremok "Mokoseeva L.A.
To teach how to make a general composition of different figures, to distribute work, making collective efforts to fulfill the plan.
Develop the skills of transferring the movement of plasticine figures.
To create in children an idea of ​​the diversity of African animal species, their habits, lifestyle;
Develop the skills of sculpting plasticine figures, composing them from separate parts that are connected using lubrication;
Learn to complement plasticine figures with details from plasticine of a different color, beads;
Develop teamwork skills that require coordination of ideas to achieve a common result.
Lesson type: thematic.
The main didactic method: verbal, practical.
Partial methods and techniques: questions for children, individual work.
Preliminary Work: Classes
Familiarization with the outside world: "This is how Africa."
Speech development: “Why does an elephant need a trunk?”.
Fiction: “The Tale of R. Kipling “Elephant”.
Development of elementary mathematical concepts: “Journey to Africa. How to help a boa constrictor?
Paper construction: "Parrot".
Drawing: "Predatory cats".
Modeling: "Lion's Pride",
Didactic games to get to know Africa: "Pick a word", "Yes - no", "Come up with a proposal", "Hunters", "Radio".
N.I.Sladkov Multi-colored earth. Desert.
Sand house. Turtle. Who knows what. Sand talk.
R. Kipling. What makes a camel hump. Where does a rhino get its skin from? Where did armadillos come from.
O.A.Skorolupova. Interesting facts about animals of hot countries.
Material: plasticine of different colors, stacks, boards, beads, animal drawings, audio recordings of calm music.
For Africa layout: natural and waste material, branches, dried leaves, etc.
Methodical literature:

O.A.Skorolupova. Classes with children of senior preschool age on the topic: "The animal world of hot countries."

T.I.Grizik. The child knows the world.

Children's encyclopedias: Animal world.

1. Conversation, questions and answers, explanation, explanation.

2. Individual work of children, collective work of parents.

3. Pedagogical assessment.

Lesson progress:

Children sit in a semicircle, in front of them is a map of Africa, a globe. Children find the continent of Africa on the map and globe.

Questions for children:

What is Africa?

How many climate zones are there in Africa?

How many seasons are there in the desert?

What is the name of the great desert in Africa?

Why is the desert shown in yellow?

Are there plants in the desert? How have they adapted to survive in hot climates?

How do plants get water?

What are green islands called?

What animals are found in the desert?

How did the camel adapt to live in the desert?

How does a fennec fox escape from the heat?

Why is the jungle called rainforest?

How many seasons are there in the jungle?

Is it easy to walk in the jungle?

Whose kingdom is the rainforest?

What features did the nature endow the leopard with in order to successfully hunt?

Why do leopards have spots?

How many seasons are there in the savannah?

What trees grow in the savannah?

What tree grows only in Africa?

What animals can be found in the savannah?

What structural features of cheetahs help them hunt?

Why does a cheetah need its spotted coloration?

How do lions hunt?

What is the name of the lion family?

How do zebra stripes help?

Does the rhinoceros have enemies?

Why do elephants have a trunk?

Why does the steppe fox Fenka have big ears?

That's how many interesting things we learned about Africa. Now let's invite your parents and let's go make the animals of Africa, your parents will make a model of Africa.

Recall with children the techniques of sculpting animals.

Individual work of children and parents.

What a wonderful Africa we have! Well done!

To teach children to sculpt animals of hot countries, to determine the content of their work, to improve the ability to freely vary different tricks sculpting (pulling, pinching, fastening parts) to create an expressive image, conveying the characteristic shape and proportions of the body and parts.

Develop aesthetic sense, the ability to work accurately. The desire to finish what you started.



Animals of hot countries

Summary of GCD on modeling

Zoo for kids

Program content: To teach children to sculpt animals of hot countries, to determine the content of their work, to improve the ability to freely vary different modeling techniques (pulling, pinching, fastening parts) to create an expressive image, conveying the characteristic shape and proportions of the body and parts.

Develop aesthetic sense, the ability to work accurately. The desire to finish what you started.


Demo: toys baby elephant, giraffe.

Dispensing : plasticine, stacks, modeling boards, cocktail tubes yellow color, wet wipes, flower seeds.


Educator: Guys, today we will continue to sculpt animals for the Zoo for our kids. We need to guess the animals that came to visit us

He's tall and spotty

With a long, long neck.

And he eats leaves

tree leaves(giraffe)

He has a huge nose

He's strong like a locomotive

He is the most on land,

Guessed? This is an elephant)

Today our guest is a toy giraffe and a baby elephant that came from Africa. They are very important guests. Let's give them a clap, they love it very much.

Elephant and giraffe:Hello. We are very proud that you invited us to visit, but honestly, how can we be useful to you?

caregiver : Dear giraffe and baby elephant, we are very glad to see you at our place. And that's why we invited you. Toddlers go to our kindergarten, they really want to have their own small zoo in their group, in which beautiful animals live. We ask you very much to help us to make babies as beautiful as you for the zoo.

Baby elephant and giraffe: We will be happy to help. We have been given a great honor, we must try very hard to mold the same playful giraffes and elephants. Let's think about where to start?

Educator: For an elephant, you first need to mold the body, it is oval, roll up the ball, then roll it out so that you get a column. and for an elephant from a column, with the help of a stack, we cut it without reaching the middle at both ends and lower our legs down. It turned out a fused torso with legs.

Educator: The elephant has a round head, we stretch the trunk with our fingers and grease the tusks. And the giraffe has a long neck. Pull out the plasticine from the molded piece of the body with your fingers, slowly pull out the plasticine, pull it from the very sides, the neck of the giraffe is not thick and not thin (shows the way of stretching.)

And we will do the head separately. The head of a giraffe is oval, but where the nose is, it is narrower, and on the other side it is wider, it looks like a small carrot, only the end is not as sharp as that of a carrot.

Independent step-by-step examination of the subject. Identification of its characteristic features.

Children: First, we shift the ball, then roll it into a column, but so that the column is narrower on one side and wider on the other. We will make the mouth with a stack, and the eyes from flower seeds.

Educator: But still, something is missing on the giraffe's head. What?

Children: The giraffe has small pointed ears, and they are thinner at the top, and wider near the head. We will pull them out with our fingers.

caregiver : And the giraffe also has horns, they grow between his ears. Well, they blinded their heads, horns. How do we attach?

Children: We attach the head to the neck with fingers.

Educator: Right. The legs will be cocktail tubes and should all be the same length. We also have a ponytail with a tassel at the end.

Guys, our giraffe has a feature thanks to which we know that it is a giraffe, not a zebra. What is this feature?

Children : Giraffe is yellow. it has brown spots on it.

caregiver : Well, we examined our guests, and now let's blind them, but first we'll play with our fingers.

Game-exercise "Picked up plasticine"

Children take an imaginary plasticine and then follow the text along with the teacher.

Plasticine we kneadknead imaginary

Let's break it down, let's break it down. plasticine

Let's roll on the palm,

Let's ride, ride... Connect the index and

Tried, sculptedthumb in ringsSmall ball blinded balloons.

Show who got what ball?

Children show their balloons

If we take plasticine,

Let's start sculpting the animal!

Eye, paws, abdomen show

It turned out to be an animal.

Educator: Well, here we have examined our little animals, and now let's blind them.

Self-sculpting of children.

Elephant and giraffe:We really liked the animals of hot countries.

Fizkultminutka Self-massage

"At the Giraffes"

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere. everywhere 2p.

Clap hands all over the body

Forehead, ears. on the neck. on the elbows

Both index fingers touchingcorresponding parts of the body.

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere, everywhere 2

We pinch ourselves as if collecting folds

On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and legs

And the zebra has stripes, has stripes, has stripes everywhere, everywhere

Run the edge of the palms over the body (draw stripes over the body)

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows

On the legs, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.

Well done guys, it's time for us to return, say hello to your kids.

State Autonomous Professional educational institution Samara region
"Togliatti College of Service Technologies and Entrepreneurship"

Abstract educational activities
modeling in the middle group
Topic: "Animals of hot countries"


Purpose: To consolidate the ability to sculpt animals, conveying its characteristic
features, using previously learned modeling techniques;
develop fine motor skills hands when creating voluminous crafts from
salt dough;
educate the ability to properly evaluate their work and work
Material for the lesson:
Turtle illustration, illustration of the stages of turtle modeling, beach
for the turtle, salt dough turtle;
Salt dough of different colors, stacks, napkins, modeling stands.
Lesson progress:
Let's hold hands together and smile at each other.
Children stand in a circle.
- Guys, let's play.
- Catch the ball and throw it
Name the animals of hot countries!
(Children's answers: lion, elephant, tiger, giraffe, etc.).
Children sit at tables.
- Guys, what is it?
The shell is strong, like granite,
He will protect from enemies
And under it knows no fear
Slow Turtle.
- That's right, guys, well done!
Display a picture of a turtle. Examining the picture.
- Guys, look, here is such a turtle.
-Where does the turtle live?
What parts does her body consist of?
- What shape is her torso, paws, head of our turtle?
What shape is the shell?
Children's answers: oval shape etc.
Turtle story.
-The turtle lives in hot countries, loves to bask in the sun, lying on the yellow sand.
I put on the table, a pre-prepared turtle beach on which lies one salt dough turtle
- Guys, be quiet, do you hear?
I take a turtle, I put it to my ear.
- My turtle whispered to me that she was very sad alone.
- What are we going to do so that she is not lonely and sad?
Children's answers: blind her turtle friends.
Explanation of sculpting steps with showing:
-Now, children, I will tell you how to mold a turtle from salt dough.
We make the tortoise shell in the form of a gingerbread. Roll up a ball and flatten.
You need to decorate the shell with molds from flat cakes, sausages or spirals.
Blind the head by rolling out the column, bending the neck, attaching the eyes.
We cut the mouth with a stack.
We sculpt four thick sausages. These will be the legs of the turtle. Can
scratch the “fingers” with a stack.
Attach a small ponytail.
Fizminutka standing "Tree".
Finger gymnastics
A turtle wears a shell
He hides his head in fear.
Likes to run and play
Sunbathe on the sand.
Now guys, let's get to work. If you need help please tell me.
Modeling turtles for children. The music is "Baby by the Sea".
Review and evaluation of work by children.
- Guys, what good fellows you are. My turtle tells everyone Thanks a lot, now she has a lot of fun and has someone to play with.
- Look at her beautiful and different friends.
Summary of the lesson:
Met a turtle
There was something sad about her.
We thought a little
And blinded her friends.
-Guys, let's play with our turtle.
"The sea is worried"
Evaluation of children's work.
- Guys, let your turtles bask in the sun, lying on the sand. Their shell will become as strong as my turtle's. And you can play with them.
-Thank you guys. Goodbye.