Which nipple is best for baby. Your choice: all the pros and cons of using a pacifier for a newborn

The pacifier can be called a real lifesaver for those parents who have restless children. Some babies just suck on a pacifier a little, then they calm down and fall asleep. But if the pacifier fails to calm the baby, you can consult a doctor to find out the reasons for his anxiety. In any case, it is very important to choose the right nipple for your juvenile.

How to choose a pacifier so that it fits the baby, we will learn from this article.

We select correctly

Many young mothers try to buy the most expensive and fashionable things for their beloved baby, while not paying attention to their shape, giving preference to the external attractiveness of the product. They simply forget that the baby is not interested in the brand or the originality of the design. For him, ease of use is important. Baby nipples are distinguished by the shape and material from which they are made. The most comfortable pacifier for a baby will be one that is similar in shape to the mother's nipple.

There may be cases when a toddler refuses a nipple if it is large and uncomfortable for him. Therefore, when choosing a pacifier in a store or pharmacy, you should pay attention to whether the product fits in shape to the anatomical structure of the newborn’s oral cavity. Not only the role and shape of the pacifier is important, but also the material from which it will be made. And what will be the reaction of the baby, it is almost impossible to predict. Someone will not like very soft rubber, someone will not like denser silicone.

Does a baby need a pacifier at all?

Many mothers have a logical question: why does their baby need a pacifier and is it necessary to accustom a toddler to it? Usually women are interested in this, who have heard stories many times about how difficult it is to wean the baby from the pacifier over time. And yet the baby has a certain need for this little thing.

The sucking reflex is innate. While still in the womb, the little one often sucks his finger. So he calms down and feels completely safe. That is why a newborn in the first seconds of his life greedily grabs his mother's breast, trying to calm down after the stress he has just experienced, which is childbirth for him.

Little sedative

Quite often it happens that the little one needs to be calmed down quickly. The dummy will be a great help.

Which nipple to choose for a newborn, so that he is as comfortable as possible, can be decided by trial. Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that the nipple for crumbs will be a kind of “calm” and will help mom in a huge number of situations.

That is why mom needs to make an effort to try to teach the little one to the nipple so that he always takes it. But after the pacifiers are selected, the babies gradually get used to them and open their mouths themselves as soon as they see them. Sometimes they may even demand a pacifier, crying loudly. As soon as the mother gives the baby a pacifier, he instantly calms down.

Distinguish by shape

How to choose a pacifier so that the little one likes it? The round nipple (or as it is called - “classic”) is shaped like a breast nipple, which will make bottle feeding the same as natural. Orthodontic nipples help to properly develop the lower jaw and palate, prevent swallowing air while the baby sucks.

Teats with an anti-vacuum system reduce the amount of air swallowed by the baby, resulting in a decrease in the frequency of spitting up. And the valve in such a nipple does not allow it to stick together, which allows the little one not to come off the bottle with the mixture. Such bottle nipples will be very convenient for the baby.

How many holes do they have?

Nipples can also be distinguished by the number of holes in them. If up to 2-3 months the baby will need nipples with one or two holes, then babies at the age of 2-5 months will already need three holes. Those pacifiers with four holes will create a fast flow of liquid food. They are suitable for babies over the age of four months. The shape of the hole can be X-shaped (suitable for juice), Y-shaped (suitable for liquid porridge) and others.

Instructions for choosing a pacifier. Material

Mom should pay close attention to the material from which the nipple is made. The choice is recommended to stop on soft and elastic latex and 100% medical silicone. Latex pacifiers are usually matte or light beige, with a characteristic taste and smell. The only drawback is that they are short-lived, and in the sun they can darken and deform.

The latex round nipple is usually quite comfortable for babies. Products made from silicone are usually more durable. They have no smell or taste. They are not afraid of exposure to sunlight. Which nipple to choose - silicone or latex - will be decided by each mother individually, focusing on her child.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the rubber nipples, which were so popular with babies born in the Soviet Union. Of course, now there are others, more interesting options(they were mentioned above). Such products are convenient in their own way, so it is quite possible to pay attention to them at a time when the question of how to choose a nipple for feeding a toddler is on the agenda.

Unfortunately, rubber is an outdated material that can cause allergies in a baby. But on the other hand, when he is teething, it is a rubber dummy in tandem with a rubber teether that is better than others, modern ones, will help the little one remove the itching and discomfort that torments him.

Instructions for choosing a pacifier. Size

The size of the dummy should correspond to the age of the little one. If the nipple is too small, then the baby may have bite problems. If it is large, then the baby will hardly hold it in his mouth. Bottle nipples - those that were originally designed for feeding crumbs from a bottle, can be distinguished by the intensity of the jet. They are applied with numbers having the following designations: 1 - slow jet, 2 - medium intensity, 3 - fast. It is recommended to change nipples every one to two months.

Instructions for choosing a pacifier. Form

The shape of the product is also very important for the baby. Several types have been created: round, anatomical and symmetrical orthodontic shapes round shape will exactly repeat the shape of the nipple of the breast during feeding. Orthodontic nipples will encourage your baby's lower jaw to move back and forth as he suckles, which helps him develop properly.

The shape of the anatomical nipple is similar to the structure of the gums, it will have less influence on their structure. Before buying a pacifier, moms need to make sure that baby nipples have ventilation holes at the base and that the pacifier ring is firmly attached to the pacifier base. These pacifiers are quite convenient to use.

So how do you choose a pacifier for your baby? To begin with, you should study what forms of pacifiers exist, which, according to experts, are better, which material is the safest, which design should be preferred. Now mom can decide what to buy for her baby. It is better to buy pacifiers in pharmacies or specialized stores. After all, there you can get acquainted with the documentation confirming the quality of the purchased goods. Definitely, preference should be given to proven manufacturers (you should not save on the health of the child) - Canpol babies, Avent, Chicco, TIGEX. It is necessary to constantly ensure that the size of the pacifier used by the baby is appropriate for his age. It is desirable that the nipple has a monolithic design.

Necessary hygiene

Well, the necessary goods are bought. Now parents need to remember that before giving the baby a pacifier, sterilization should be carried out. This should not be forgotten during the use of the accessory, because bacteria gradually accumulate on it, which, if it enters the body of a toddler, can be sources of the development of various diseases.

Note to parents: before using the pacifier for the first time, it should be kept in boiling water for 3 minutes (but first read the instructions carefully, because not all pacifiers can withstand high temperatures). Hygiene procedures should be done daily. Three methods can be used: boiling, sterilization, or rinsing under water using baby soap. If the nipple fell on the floor, you can not lick it and give it to the child - this is a direct way to get the infection into the baby's body. Do not dip the pacifier in honey or sugar, because these products can provoke diathesis.

Storage and use

How to choose a pacifier, we have already figured out. But how to store and use it correctly? Perhaps, the best option there will be an airtight container for storing the pacifier. Thanks to him, the product is protected from microbes. But the container must be washed periodically.

The same nipple can be offered to a toddler for no more than three months, because over time the material wears out, small cracks and bites appear. The baby may accidentally bite off a piece of the nipple and swallow it. But even if there is no visible damage, pediatricians do not recommend using the same pacifier for a long time: the baby is growing, and very soon this pacifier will not fit him.

Don't miss the moment!

So, the baby got used to the nipple, which was chosen with great diligence. And over time, it is important for parents to catch the moment when to start weaning the baby from bad habit. It is better to distract the baby with your favorite games, and periodically remove the nipple itself from the field of view of the little one. You can not scold a child if he sucks on a pacifier. There is no need to shame and spank him, because adults themselves accustom him to a pacifier.

Some parents smear the nipple with bitter or stinging. This is categorically not recommended, because in addition to psychological trauma, the baby can also get physical, for example, a burn of the esophagus. It is necessary to explain to the little one: if he sucks on a pacifier for a long time, his teeth may become crooked.

If it is difficult for a child to give up his habit, you can do this: cut off a small piece from the nipple every day, starting from the very edge. You can tell a baby that his nipple was bitten by fish, mice, squirrels ... Over time, the baby will get used to the fact that his nipple is broken and every day it is more and more inconvenient to suck. In this way, he will be able to give up his habit faster and less painfully.

Having figured out how to choose a pacifier for a toddler, moms and dads will now understand what to pay attention to first. After all, sometimes, trying to keep up with a beautiful design, you can buy a thing unsuitable for a baby, which can negatively affect his health and even life. When correct option selected, mom can not worry about adverse influence pacifiers for bite formation or nipple trapping maternal breast in the process of feeding.

And yet we must not forget that even the best pacifiers will be present in the life of a toddler for only a few months, because their purpose is to satisfy his sucking reflex. Gradually, the reflex decreases, which occurs approximately when the baby reaches 7 months of age. Now we need to gradually abandon the pacifiers.

The nipple soothes the baby, he sleeps better and does not disturb the parents. It satisfies the sucking reflex of the baby. However, some mothers and doctors claim that the pacifier leads to malocclusion. In addition, it is difficult for a baby to wean off falling asleep and calming down without a pacifier. Is it really so necessary for the baby and should I give the child a dummy? Let's look at the pros and cons.

The benefits of a pacifier

A pacifier reduces sensitivity to pain, dulls pain and, of course, is more useful than medicines. Contrary to popular belief, a pacifier improves bite, but only with the right shape. This is especially important for babies on artificial and mixed feeding. Among these children, underdevelopment of the upper jaw is common.

The sucking reflex distracts from discomfort and eliminates discomfort, which soothes the baby and improves sleep. The child, when receiving a pacifier, ceases to be capricious and sleeps better. Interestingly, the pacifier prevents some bad habits. For example, a child will not suck his thumb.

It is important that the pacifier prevents the tongue from sinking, which can block Airways. In addition, it ensures the safety of the baby while sleeping on the back. Sucking will protect the baby from sudden infant death syndrome!

IN Lately there are more and more people who are categorically against pacifiers. First of all, if the shape of the nipple is chosen incorrectly, the bite of the child is disturbed. When teething, a long stay of a pacifier in the mouth leads to an excessive load on the periodontium. Periodontium is a complex of tissues that are located between the root of the tooth and the tooth socket. Subsequently, such a load becomes the cause of malocclusion.

The pacifier remains a source of infections and germs even with proper hygiene and proper use. It is quite difficult to ensure the constant sterility of the subject. Neurologists often notice that the nipple actually replaces the mother, as a result of which the baby lacks communication. He is delayed in development and starts talking later than other kids.

Studies have proven that too much pacifier sucking leads to middle ear infections and changes in the structure of the mouth. However, with limited sucking time similar diseases don't touch the baby!

Experts, including the well-known television doctor Komarovsky, do not recommend giving a pacifier to babies at full breastfeeding. Namely, Komarovsky insists on such feeding, because only breast milk contains all the necessary vitamins and useful elements for full development child. Mother's milk has the highest value for the baby. It strengthens the immune system, prevents the development various diseases and pathologies.

The pacifier and breastfeeding

Practice shows that the use of a pacifier leads to early weaning. Sucking on pacifiers reduces the number of attachments to the breast, which worsens lactation. A decrease in lactation leads to a decrease in the amount breast milk. Unfortunately, many breastfeeding mothers face a shortage of milk. Frequent use pacifier becomes one of the causes of this problem. Tips from the article "" will help to establish lactation.

Despite the negative factors, doctors, including Komarovsky, do not advise giving up pacifiers at all. Subject to the recommendations for use, the correct choice of product, rare and short-term use, nipples will not harm the baby. If you have not yet decided whether your baby needs a pacifier, let's look at all the pros and cons, pros and cons.

Behind Against
Prevents retraction of the tongue during sleep, protects against sudden infant death syndrome Prolonged sucking causes middle ear infection and defects in the structure of the mouth
Adjusts bite in children on artificial and mixed feeding Negatively affects the process of breastfeeding, worsens the stimulation of lactation, which leads to a decrease in the volume of breast milk
At correct selection form and material eliminates bite defects Wrong choice of pacifier will lead to bite problems
Dulls pain and distracts from discomfort, replaces drugs during illness Requires constant sterility, as it is a source of bacteria and infections
Calms and relieves excitability, the child stops crying and being naughty, improves sleep and helps the baby fall asleep faster It is addictive, sometimes the baby is difficult to wean from the pacifier.
Prevents the bad habit of thumb sucking Leads to early cessation of breastfeeding

  • Don't give a pacifier to your baby for every occasion. Wait until the baby really needs it. For example, with colic, stool disorders, temperature or other health problems. In addition, there are many ways to relieve the baby from discomfort. How to help a newborn with colic, read. It is important that pacifier sucking does not become a habit!;
  • Do not use the pacifier frequently or for a long time. Komarovsky does not recommend using a dummy before bed. To make the baby fall asleep, it is better to give the baby a breast and rock the baby in your arms.
  • Do not give your baby a pacifier until you have established breastfeeding;
  • Buy pacifiers in specialized stores and pharmacies, preferably after consulting a pediatrician. Remember that it is important to choose the right shape, size and material of the product. The bite and well-being of the baby depends on the choice;
  • Carefully monitor the cleanliness of the pacifier. Boil and sterilize the item regularly. Do not lick a pacifier if it has fallen on the floor! This violates hygiene standards and increases the risk of developing infectious disease in a baby;
  • Regularly check pacifiers for integrity. Cracks and holes collect germs! If there are defects, be sure to replace the product with a new one;
  • Do not dip the pacifier in sugary foods and drinks as they can cause allergies and indigestion. In addition, sweets lead to tooth decay;
  • It is better to wean the baby from the pacifier before one year. After a year it is more difficult to do.

How to choose the right pacifier

It is important that the age of the baby matches the age for which the pacifier is designed. The information is on the product packaging. Examine the nipple carefully for bubbles or cracks. The presence of defects will quickly render the product unusable, such a product will not withstand even one boiling. Check that the restrictive ring does not rest against the nose of the newborn. In addition, the product must contain an air outlet valve at the base.

Special prophylactic teats have a beveled top and are suitable for babies with an underdeveloped lower jaw. To capture such a product, you have to push the lower jaw forward, which improves the bite. For babies who have no problems with the lower jaw, you need a nipple in the form of a cherry.

Pay close attention to the material from which the product is made. Latex pacifiers are distinguished by elasticity and softness, since natural rubber is used in the manufacture. However, it can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, latex does not withstand high temperatures, and the pacifier will not withstand boiling. A latex nipple is suitable for weak and premature babies, for babies in the first 2-3 months of life. Please note that such a pacifier must be changed every month!

Rubber nipples are a thing of the past, because rubber often causes diathesis. However, it is precisely such a pacifier that is needed for babies who are starting. As a rule, this happens at 6 months from the date of birth of the baby. However, in some children, teeth begin to cut as early as 3-4 months.

The silicone pacifier is safer than the latex one. She is resistant to elevated temperatures and boiling, is characterized by elasticity and elasticity, lack of smell and color. Does not cause allergies. However, the material is harder than latex, which can deform baby teeth. Therefore, a silicone pacifier is recommended to be used before the appearance of the first teeth. The product is changed every 1.5 months.

Thus, in the first months of a child's life, latex or silicone nipples are used. And after the eruption of the first teeth, rubber is needed. But regardless of the chosen material, the product must be made from a single piece! Otherwise, the baby will be able to break the nipple and choke.

The history of modern design pacifiers began in 1900. The first pacifier made of rubber and equipped with a plastic holder was invented by Christian Meinecke. Disputes about the pros and cons of using pacifiers are ongoing among specialists and mothers. In the article, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of using pacifiers, their classification, and popular models of pacifiers.

Do I need a pacifier for a newborn - the advantages and disadvantages of using nipples

The use of pacifiers often causes controversy related to quality care for the little one. The solution to this issue must be approached reasonably and not go to extremes. If the baby gladly takes the nipple in his mouth, do not deprive him of a kind of “relaxation”, but if he resists sucking on the pacifier, do not force the child.


Benefits of using a pacifier:

  1. Satisfaction of the sucking reflex. The first reflex that appears in a baby is sucking. This reflex must be fully satisfied. When a baby is suckling on his mother's breast on demand and has no shortage of feeding, he may ignore the nipple as his needs are met.
  2. By sucking on a pacifier, the baby feels a certain security. , which is accompanied by calmness, good mood, the baby sleeps much better.
  3. Doctors noted that when a baby uses a dummy during sleep, 30% reduced risk of the syndrome sudden death(SHS) . To this day, this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery and is the biggest nightmare for parents.
  4. The use of a pacifier helps to strengthen the muscles of the oral cavity in an infant. . Especially the sucking reflex must be developed in premature babies, because it has been proven that by sucking on a pacifier, they gain weight faster.
  5. A pacifier is a "lesser evil" than a child's finger. In the end, the dummy can be thrown away and the child will get used to the idea that the nipples are no longer there, and if the baby has likened his finger, this is where the real problem lies, since such children are harder to wean from this process.

Disadvantages of using a pacifier:

  • Do not give a newborn a pacifier at least 1 month of life, otherwise can completely break the GW. Also, you should wait with a pacifier if the baby does not feel the difference between the nipple and the breast. He must understand that the breast is a source of nutrition and energy, and the pacifier is only to satisfy the sucking reflex. First you should and then apply the nipples.
  • Babies are addicted to pacifiers. In most cases, they get used to the nipple, and this often leads to the fact that parents wake up in the middle of the night from the loud crying of the crumbs, which dropped the nipple from the mouth and felt discomfort.
  • Pacifiers are dangerous if parents do not follow the rules of hygiene. Due to a microbial, unboiled nipple, a child may experience dysbacteriosis or an infection may enter his body. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor which nipple you give him and boil it regularly.
  • If a mother has chosen the wrong dummy for her baby or the nipple just doesn’t fit him, this may cause early .
  • The bite of a child is formed long before the appearance of the first teeth. A The nipple interferes with the formation of teeth and proper bite.

Each parent decides whether to give the child a pacifier or not. But if you decide to use a pacifier, do not delay this process, because the baby needs a dummy only in the first year of life. After a year, using a pacifier is not harmless to the baby.

Which pacifiers are better: types of nipples in shape, material, size

If you decide to purchase a pacifier, then you need to competently approach the purchase of this product, since nipples differ in shape, size and material. The tables below provide nipple classifications to help parents identify desired model pacifiers.

Varieties of pacifiers in shape

Types of pacifiers in shape pros Minuses
Classic- reminiscent of old-style pacifiers with a rounded nipple.

You can give the baby a pacifier in any convenient direction.

It is convenient for the child to suck, as the shape resembles the mother's nipple.

With constant use, an abnormal bite in the baby may develop.
Anatomical- have an oblong, flattened nipple.

Available in different sizes, you can choose suitable option by baby's weight.

The shape corresponds to the structure of the baby's gums, so it is convenient for him to use it.

Such a dummy evenly distributes the pressure on the palate of the child.

Develops the correct bite, does not allow swallowing excess air.

Only the child's personal dislike for the shape of the anatomical nipple.
orthodontic there are several types:

Cherry- for kids with big skies.

Butterfly For babies who love to sleep on their tummy.

heart- to form the correct bite.

Cherry pacifiers are the most popular, as their teardrop shape is the most organic for a child's mouth. The baby grabs the nipple like a mother's breast, so he is more calm long time. The heart pacifier reduces the risk of tooth deformity. Some children do not accept this type of pacifier, but in very rare cases.
Safety disc pacifiers . Designed to protect against swallowing nipples.

The protective disc protects the baby from improper sucking of the pacifier. The disc may be heavy and fall out of the baby's mouth. Sometimes the plastic is adjacent to the mouth. In this case, it is better to buy monolithic discs with a pimply “breathing” structure so that the baby does not have irritation and drool does not accumulate.

Types of nipples depending on the material

Types of pacifiers by type of material Features / pros / cons
Latex Latex pacifiers are made from rubber, which is why they are so flexible and flexible. Well suited for newborns, and is also indicated for premature or weak babies. Latex is short-lived, it cannot be boiled, it darkens in the sun, and increases in size with constant use. Sometimes latex causes allergies due to the content of protein molecules in it. You need to change a nipple made of such material every month.
Rubber This material is slowly becoming a thing of the past. It is short-lived and can cause diathesis on the cheeks of babies. But when teething, rubber pacifiers will come in handy.
Silicone Silicone pacifiers are made from synthetic material. They are more temperature resistant (boilable) than latex. They are odorless, have a transparent color, anti-allergic. However, silicone is more rigid in structure, so when teeth appear, you need to change the silicone nipple to latex or rubber, in order to avoid deformation of milk teeth. The pacifier needs to be changed every 5-6 weeks.
Categories of pacifiers by size Features / pros / cons
Category A (from 0 to 6 months) Designed for newborns and has a small shape. The downside is that you won’t use such pacifiers for a long time, since with an increase in the mass of the crumbs, you need to use a different size of the product. There is also an A category for premature babies. Some manufacturers produce a line of these pacifiers with weights less than 1,750 kg.
Category B (from 6 to 18 months) Usually the manufacturer always indicates what age the pacifier is designed for, but children develop in different ways and you can not guess with the size.
Category C (over 18 months) This category is not so in demand, as parents try to wean their children at this age. The downside is that if a mother needs a nipple of this size, it is harder to find it on store shelves.

Review of the best pacifiers for children

Popular pacifiers: price, features, pros, cons

Pacifier manufacturer price, rub. Peculiarities Advantages and disadvantages
Nuk Genios

280 German brand for the manufacture of physiologically shaped pacifiers. Patented product. Orthodontic pacifier, soft and elastic. Safe for the child's body.

150 Japanese brand of natural pacifiers for babies. Inexpensive brand of orthodontic pacifiers. Beautiful design and hypoallergenic material are the main advantages of this manufacturer's pacifiers. Of the minuses: recommended for children only up to 4 months.
Phillips Avent

260 English manufacturer of quality pacifiers for babies. The pacifiers have ventilation holes at the mouthpiece, which prevents irritation around the mouth. It has an anatomical shape for the baby's mouth.

390 High quality rubber latex pacifiers. Pros: a large assortment. There are beveled, round, orthodontic forms of pacifiers. There are ventilation holes. Cons: Expensive.

290 Silicone pacifiers. High quality teats for little ones. Minus: some children are allergic to the composition of silicone. Expensive and small holes for ventilation.
Canpol babies

120 Polish brand of inexpensive pacifiers. The manufacturer produces pacifiers of different sizes and materials. You can select the desired option. The presence of an air valve, affordable price, quality material- the advantages of pacifiers of this brand.
baby land

150 Silicone pacifiers in different sizes. The brand is famous for its cheapness and quality. The only negative is the material, which is not suitable for every baby.

270 Soft, anatomical, comfortable pacifiers. Pros: functional pacifiers, 98% suitable for the child (not rejected by him), well-made nipple, reliable design. Minus: the usual, unpretentious design, latex will not last long.
  1. To choose a good and high-quality pacifier, it is not enough to pay attention only to the brand and price. Focus on your baby's preferences and needs. Pay attention to the position in which your baby sleeps. For example, it is better to purchase a butterfly pacifier if the baby sleeps on his stomach. And if your baby has a big mouth, then buy a “cherry” without a doubt.
  2. Focus on the age and weight of the crumbs then it will be easier to find the right pacifier.
  3. Opt for hypoallergenic nipples , especially when choosing a product for a newborn.
  4. Try to buy several types of pacifiers for your baby. Let it be a budget brand, but you will be able to find suitable model and then, if desired, buy a big-name brand with bright and colorful pacifier designs.

Opinions of experts: whether to give a pacifier

Doctor Komarovsky:

Very interesting thing, allowing the child to satisfy his sucking reflex and not interfere with the mother. The thing is interesting, but not at all obligatory - he doesn’t want to, and he doesn’t need to, you can even say this: he doesn’t want to, well, very well. For any problems with the amount of mother's milk, the use of a pacifier is undesirable.

If you don’t make a cult out of a pacifier, then you can teach your baby to it, because some children want to satisfy their sucking instinct, even after a hearty dinner, when they are absolutely saturated. Children follow their instinct, so it is not good to rid them of this process.

Opinion of breastfeeding consultant G. Eltonskaya:

Someone manages to live with a dummy, someone does not. And it does not work for a much larger number of mothers! When using a pacifier, attachment definitely suffers. Those. sucking quality. For some, this translates into severe breast problems, for others, nothing. In addition, there may be problems with the health of the child - back milk contains immunoglobulins, and the child receives less of them due to poor suckling. In addition, he lacks the enzymes necessary for digestion, with all the problems that follow from this.

The use of a pacifier often results in psychological problems: it can interfere with the establishment of a deep emotional connection between the baby and his mother. Wrote about it psychoanalyst Donald Woods Winnicott :

Part of the love, affection, gratitude intended for the mother is automatically transferred to the object that replaces her breasts - to a bottle or a dummy. If they provide a sense of security when falling asleep, console in difficult times, help to survive fear and discomfort, then the mother is perceived very consumeristically - only as a food provider, and not an object of deep and trusting relationships. Offering a pacifier in response to a request to attach to the breast, the mother herself refuses the tenderness that she wants to give her long-awaited baby, thereby moving it further and further away from itself.

Y. Palchevskaya, GW consultant:

The use of a pacifier is justified only sometimes, during the absence of the mother and in the absence of another opportunity to calm the child. In addition to psychological issues, the pacifier almost always provokes improper breast capture. Sucking on a pacifier, even an orthodontic one, can cause malocclusion and, subsequently, speech defects.

W. and M. Serz in their book Your Child write:

Pacifier or finger: which is better?

We vote for the finger. It is easy to find in the middle of the night, it does not fall on the floor, it tastes better when the child wants to suck, he has something. Nipples get lost, dirty, they constantly fall to the floor. Thumb-sucking opponents might argue that by weaning a baby from a pacifier, it's easier to lose a pacifier than a finger. Indeed, intensive thumb sucking for three to four years can lead to abnormal tooth growth. Parents of tiny finger flukes, don't rush to find them an orthodontist. All children suck their thumb for a while. Most safely pass this stage, and if the instinct to suck was satisfied in infancy, the habit of sucking the thumb is forgotten. (…)

Our advice: in the first weeks, only the mother's nipple should be in the baby's mouth. If your child really needs a pacifier, use it, but do not abuse it, and try to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Even before the birth of a child, parents begin to collect a "dowry" for the crumbs. Diapers, undershirts - this is not all that the baby will need. One of the first to buy is pacifiers / nipples.

According to the outdated stereotypical opinion, the baby simply cannot grow up without this device. But meanwhile, pacifiers have their own "indications" for use, and a limited period of use. And even if it is really necessary, then how to choose the best one?

Should I give a pacifier to a newborn?

The main task of the pacifier is to satisfy the sucking reflex of the newborn. Just around this concept, a lot of rumors and conjectures will circulate. The sucking reflex is formed even before the birth of the child.

On ultrasound, you can often see how a baby in the womb sucks a finger, so the baby is preparing for independent living, and after birth, she can already suck her mother's breast on her own.

After birth, the sucking reflex will ensure the normal and proportional development of the jaw apparatus.

Optimal load on the jaws provides them optimal development- their correct spatial position, the formation of a certain size for eruption of the entire group of teeth, without crowding.

In newborns, the sucking reflex is pronounced. After feeding, when the baby seems to have already eaten, he still continues to smack his lips, making sucking movements, but after a while he relaxes and falls asleep.

Inexperienced mothers regard such a “symptom” as a lack of breast milk or formula.

Dummy: pros and cons

A pacifier for a baby is a very important component for its development and an assistant in the full satisfaction of the sucking reflex. In addition, this device will help to quickly calm the baby, the whole sucking reflex is also a kind of depressant. But even without a pacifier, you can raise a baby, without any harm to his health.

Recent studies by dentists, pediatricians have proven the need for the correct appointment of pacifiers.

There is a group of children who are not shown the appointment of nipples, pacifiers - these are children who are breastfed. And for better stimulation of all growth processes of the maxillofacial apparatus, it is necessary to feed the child at his request.

Attaching the baby to the breast at his request (about 10 - 12 times), the baby sucks out a sufficient amount of milk, spends required amount forces, completely satisfies his reflex and safely falls asleep.

In this case, the baby does not need a nipple, and it is best not to “acquaint” the baby with this device. In addition, pediatricians and lactation consultants categorically forbid combining feeding and pacifier.

When feeding from a bottle, the baby spends much less energy, and the feeding itself is shorter, i.e. the sucking reflex does not have time to be realized. Therefore, for children who are on full or partial artificial feeding, a pacifier is recommended and required.

But as soon as the baby falls asleep deeply, the pacifier should be removed from the baby's mouth.

Opinion of pediatricians and dentists

Dentists and pediatricians, especially in the person of Dr. Komarovsky. Repeatedly spoke about the purpose of the pacifier and the rules for its use, so that it is useful, not harmful.

Parents should be aware of the obvious disadvantages of using pacifiers:

  • Manufacturing material. Due to the fact that the material is artificial, the taste and smell for the child is alien. Breastfeeding is not only a process of satiating a child nutrients. But the manifestation of maternal love, unfortunately, an artificial nipple cannot give such a feeling.
  • Lack of adequate hygiene can cause the nipple to become a potential source of infection.
  • The combination of breastfeeding and pacifier nipples will encourage the baby to refuse the breast due to fatigue.

Abuse of a pacifier can provoke the development of bite pathology - protrusion of the anterior jaw and teeth forward, which disrupts the function of speech production and aesthetics of the face.

Which pacifier to choose for a newborn?

If a dummy is still necessary, then it must be chosen correctly, taking into account many factors.

First of all, it should be adapted to age, and as the child grows, the nipple should change. In a pharmacy, almost all manufacturers offer a line of nipples that are designed for babies of a certain age: from birth to six months, from six months to a year, etc.

For convenience, experienced mothers are advised to have 2 to 3 pacifiers on hand at once. Fortunately, there are no problems with their acquisition and choice.

In any pharmacy you can find nipples from various materials, with or without additional features.

Dentists and pediatricians advise before choosing to pay attention to the material of the nipples - latex or silicone. When choosing a material, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to natural material.

It is best to give preference to latex, which, in comparison with silicone, is more soft and less durable.

If the child begins to cut teeth, then it is best to refuse latex nipples. These nipples are best suited for newborns, debilitated and premature babies.

Silicone is a completely synthetic material, such a nipple will be elastic, elastic and will last longer than latex. Therefore, silicone nipples are designed for healthy, strong kids with a developed sucking reflex.

In addition to size and material, it is necessary to pay attention to the shape of the papilla. There are two options on the market today:

  1. Anatomical - with a flattened elliptical or elongated papilla.
  2. Orthodontic - the papilla is oblique. It is believed that it is the orthodontic pacifier that is more conveniently and correctly located in the oral cavity, and will resemble the process of grabbing and sucking on mother's breast.

What are the best pacifiers for newborns?

Feedback from parents and a pediatric dentist made it possible to rank the most popular models.

Dummy Nuk (Nuk)

German-made nipple of orthopedic shape, with a flattened papilla, and a recess that will not allow the pacifier to fall out of the baby's mouth.

The soft and flexible nipple exerts virtually no pressure on the mouth and teeth. The special recess on the papilla leaves more space for the tongue, making it easier to move. Special natural shape, resembles the mother's nipple, and for sucking the nipple, the ratio of the jaws is the same as for sucking the nipple.

The obvious pluses will be the presence of an air valve, correct form, which is the prevention of orthodontic pathologies, the choice of manufacturing materials.

The only downside is the pricing policy.

Pigeon pacifier

Made in Japan, best for toddlers and babies up to four months old.

It has an unusual orthodontic shape - flattened in the middle. This is just the perfect price-quality ratio.

An obvious advantage would be inexpensive price, beautiful decoration and fun design that kids will love.

Dummy Avent (Philips Avent)

Is the leader in sales among silicone specimens. This classic version pacifiers that have six holes designed for ventilation.

This is one of the most safe species nipple, because does not press on the sky. The advantages will be a huge selection by age, absolutely various designs, and the presence of a protective cap in the kit.

The disadvantages will be not quite the correct shape, which makes it difficult to hold the pacifier in the child's mouth, due to the presence of ventilation holes, moisture can get into the nipple itself.

Chicco pacifier

Soft yet resilient, durable and flexible.

Latex nipples quickly take on the baby's temperature.

The nipple belongs to the orthodontic class.

Chicco pacifiers wash well, they can be boiled and steamed.

All the disadvantages of the pacifier lie precisely in the material of manufacture, latex is far from the most durable material.

Bibi pacifier

These are nipples for creative kids, as modern parents say - a cool pacifier. It is characterized by durability and unusual design.

The pacifier is made of two-component silicone which will be durable and safe. The set includes a special holder for an open nipple and a case.

Pros: It's a cherry nipple designed for big kids(can be adjusted to size), the surface of the pacifier is equipped with cheerful and bright inscriptions that attract children's attention and are not erased. Like the Avent pacifier, there are two options - day and night (glows in the dark).

The disadvantages are the expensive price and the lack of ventilation holes.

Canpol Babies pacifiers

Polish manufacturer offering high-quality and comfortable anatomically shaped pacifiers. Nipples can be made from different materials: silicone or latex.

Among the advantages are the presence of an air valve, an affordable price and a huge selection of designs. Tommee Tippee pacifiers offer a wide variety different options. These are orthodontic nipples that can be adjusted according to age.

Special holes on the muff will promote normal air circulation and prevent skin diseases.

Baby pacifier: rules of use

The main thing is that the pacifier for newborns is safe, for this it is extremely important to follow the basic hygiene rules. The silicone pacifier should be changed every one and a half months, and the latex one at least every 3 months.

At least once a day, the nipple must be disinfected - boiling. For greater safety, the nipple should have a protective disc and a cap.

In order for the nipple not to get lost, and the baby could not swallow it, the pacifier must be attached to a special protective disk, which must be wide enough. It is impossible for a disk to consist of many parts - it must be monolithic.

The disc itself should have ventilation holes for air circulation. In addition, you must follow the basic rules for its use:

  • Change the nipple according to the terms of its operation, even a regularly sterilized nipple should be replaced with a new one no later than 6 - 8 weeks of use;
  • If the nipple is damaged (scratches, holes, abrasions), it must be thrown away;
  • It is forbidden to leave the pacifier under the influence of sunlight or near heating devices;
  • For storage of a pacifier it is necessary to use a special case.

At what age should a baby be weaned from a pacifier?

The sucking reflex is innate, but tends to fade away - to disappear. And just with the time of its extinction, the time of refusal of the pacifier should coincide.

Ideally, the pacifier should be completely abandoned by 8 months, and no later than one year.

By this age, the sucking reflex disappears completely, but the habit of sucking a finger or anything that comes to hand may remain.

If the pacifier remains in the child's mouth after a year, then the child may develop bite pathologies - a progenic bite, bulging of the front teeth forward, etc.

Weaning a baby from a pacifier is not as difficult as it might seem. Enough to choose right time and give your baby more attention.

From the point of view of psychologists, simply taking away a pacifier from a child and forbidding thumb sucking is wrong.

For the first time, he just needs a nipple replacement, for example, a Stopia nipple substitute. For children after one and a half years, plasticine or special children's clay for modeling can become a pacifier substitute.

Parents should remember that all the excesses on the nipples will be attractive not only for babies, but also for parents. This gives manufacturers the right to raise prices, sometimes unreasonably.

The main thing when choosing a nipple is to focus not on the price, according to the principle “the more expensive the better”, but on the material of manufacture, the shape of the nipple and adaptability by age.

And do not forget about when it is needed and when it is not! The only pacifier that every baby will need is a pacifier thermometer.

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