The best phrases about children. About children and childhood in quotes and aphorisms


More recently, we ourselves were children, and some lucky person, even having matured, is in no hurry to say goodbye to this carefree state of mind.

We hope that interesting, philosophical, and sometimes unexpected quotes about children from famous classics will help you plunge into the wonderful world of childhood at least for a while.

Happiness is soft, warm palms,
Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa,
What is happiness - it's easier not to answer,
Everyone who has children has happiness!

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Quotes About Children - Undeniable Truths

The best way to make a child good is to make him happy.

Oscar Wilde

Childhood is when everything is amazing and nothing is surprising.

A. Rivarol

Every child is a genius to some extent and every genius is a child to some extent.

A. Schopenhauer

Be truthful even in relation to a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie.

L. Tolstoy

Funny quotes about children

Children are the flowers of life, born with their heads down.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child.

Joe Holdsworth

Easier to educate strong child than to change a man.

Frederick Douglas

We were not lucky with our children - they grew up.

Christopher Morley

With small children, as with intellectuals: when they make noise, they get on our nerves, when they sit quietly - this is suspicious.

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Sad Quotes About Children

Cherish your children's tears so they can shed them on your grave.

Be sure to spoil the children, it is not known what trials life has prepared for them.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Never force children to buy the truth at the cost of vice, and never perfect their minds at the expense of their hearts.

J. Bernardin

All the children of the world cry in the same language.

L. Leonov

If people say bad things about your children, it means they say bad things about you.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Wise Quotes About Children

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More often than not, we rejoice more in children's pranks, games and tricks of our children than in their completely conscious actions in adulthood, as if we loved them for our entertainment, like monkeys, and not like people.

M. Montaigne

Children must - as long as they remain children - be guided by parental authority, but at the same time they must be prepared not to always remain children.

K. Wieland

Children need role models more than criticism.

Your child needs your love the most when he least deserves it.

E. Bombek

Children are holy and pure. You can not make them a toy of your mood.

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Philosophical quotes about children

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Children are one third of the population of our country, and our whole future. Children make me want to live.

Muhammad Ali

A child is love made visible.

If you don't know what your kids are like, look at their friends.

Children teach adults not to dive into a business to the end and remain free.

M. Prishvin

Children never obeyed adults, but they regularly imitated them.

D. Baldwin

You will live ten times in the world
Repeated ten times in children,
And you will have the right in your last hour
Triumph over conquered death.

W. Shakespeare

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If there is something that we want to change in a child, we must first investigate and see if this is not something that it would be better to change in ourselves.
Carl Gustav Jung.

A child surrounded by criticism learns to blame;
A child surrounded by ridicule learns to be distrustful;
A child surrounded by hostility - learns to see enemies;
A child surrounded by anger learns to hurt;
A child surrounded by incomprehension - learns not to hear others;
A child surrounded by deceit learns to lie;
A child surrounded by shame - learns;

But at the same time:

A child surrounded by support learns to protect;
A child surrounded by expectation learns to be patient;
A child surrounded by praise - learns to be confident;
A child surrounded by honesty - learns to be fair;
A child surrounded by safety - learns trust;
A child surrounded by approval learns to respect himself;
A child surrounded by love learns to love and give love;
A child surrounded by freedom of choice learns to be responsible for his decisions.

Do not raise children, they will still look like you. Educate yourself.

Our children don't listen to us. This means that our minds are polluted. If it is not defiled with us, the children will obey. They copy their parents.

The Vedas say that the mind and intelligence flee from where there is violence. When it is said simply, one accepts. When said with pressure, one cannot accept.

If the child sees that the father does not listen to anyone (he does not have a mentor) and the mother does not listen to the father. In this case, he will not listen to anyone either.

The child should always feel the manifestations parental love even when punished. These are not the words "I love you", but the feeling for the child. If you feel irritated or angry, then better than a child do not punish at this time. It is better to leave, calm down, understand the reasons for his behavior. To do this, you need to study the causes of bad behavior in children and learn how to act in each case. Very good training there are "Secrets child behavior". It is run by an organization called "GRC Relationship Centers". Runs in almost every city, find it on the Internet.

Children listen to their mother as much as she listens to her man.

God gave maternal love woman, so that a child from the cradle already knows that Love exists.

10 phrases that you should not say to a child:
1. You can't do anything - let me do it!
Psychologists say that this phrase injures the baby and programs in advance for failure. He feels stupid and awkward and is afraid to take the initiative in the future, thinking that his mother will scream again.

2. Take it, just calm down!
It is hard for some parents to endure many hours of mournful “please, give it.” But, having agreed to give the baby what he asks, the parents, unwittingly, make it clear: whining and persuasion can achieve everything, and mother's "no" should not be taken seriously.

3. If I see this again - you will get it from me!
As practice has shown, things do not go further than threats. Neither mom nor dad will carry out the punishment, and the child will only be scared. Such a phrase in children causes only resentment and bewilderment. Don't scare your little one. The child must know exactly what to expect in this or that case. And sudden breakdowns of parents will not lead to anything good.

4. I said stop it immediately!
Don't be so harsh with your baby! It's your child! If you broke down, it's best to apologize. After all, the child is offended, feeling completely powerless. And instead of "stopping" he begins to protest - the kids cry and act up, the teenagers silently leave and withdraw into themselves. In general, whatever one may say, this phrase will not help you achieve what you want.

5. You must understand that ...
Many children have defensive reaction to this phrase and its boring continuation. The kid does not understand moralizing and, not listening to you, switches to something else. Teachings are worst perceived by a child when he is agitated, upset or angry. Remember, he is also a person who has some kind of “problem”, and in this moment he is preoccupied with her, and does not accept your even the most sound and correct reasoning.

6. Boys (girls) do not behave like this!
Constantly repeating this, parents instill certain stereotypes in the child. And in adulthood, a boy who has already grown up will perceive his own emotionality as something unworthy, and a girl will experience complexes about a “non-female” profession or an insufficiently cleaned apartment.

7. Do not be upset because of the nonsense!
Perhaps for a baby this is not nonsense! Think back to your childhood! Yes, a child may be upset that they didn’t give him a car or a house made of cubes crumbled. Indeed, in his small world, it is the car and the house that are the most important! By demonstrating disregard for the problems of the child, you risk losing his trust and in the future not learning about others, not at all. nonsense problems your baby.

8. Save my health!
Often, some mothers say this to babies. But understand, sooner or later all this ceases to be taken seriously, as in a fairy tale about a shepherd and wolves. And out of habit, the child may not pay attention to the really poor health of the mother. He will think that his mother is complaining if only he would stop making noise, jumping, playing.

9. No, we won't buy it - there is no money (expensive)!
It's hard to explain to a kid why you shouldn't buy everything. But it turns out that if mom or dad has money, you can buy everything in the store! The kid just understands this phrase. Wouldn't it be better to say, moms and dads: "you already have such a toy", "a lot of chocolate is harmful." Yes, it's hard to explain! But the child must understand why the parents do not buy it for him.

10. All children are like children, and you
Lord's punishment, slob, bungler, etc. Don't put labels like that on kids! This lowers self-esteem, and the child really begins to correspond to them.

Quotes from psychologists and famous people about childhood

"Many do not want to know the history of their childhood and do not realize that it is precisely what was laid down in childhood that determines their actions. They do not realize that they are trying to avoid dangers that were really once real, but have not been so for a long time" .
Alice Miller

"Often the spiritual drama of childhood is so deeply driven inside that a person is quite capable of maintaining illusory ideas about his supposedly happy childhood."
Alice Miller

"It's better for a child to be unloved than to use pseudo-love."
Erich Fromm

"People who did not have the conditions for self-awareness and self-expression in childhood strive for this all their lives. And the first manifestation of their true nature is always accompanied by strong fear."
Alice Miller

The adaptation of the child to parental needs often leads to the transformation of the child into a "pseudo-personality". The development of the child's false self allows parents to gain a much-needed sense of self-confidence.
Alice Miller

"Most pathogenic shocks occur during childhood. Therefore, one should not be surprised when a person, trying to explain the genesis of his suffering, suddenly falls into childhood."
Sandor Ferenczi

"The child does not know any Self, he does not know any other state of existence than relationship."
Irvin Yalom

“At first the child is afraid of punishment, then he is identified with the punishing authoritative person. Then the father and mother may lose their real meaning for the child: in their inner world he created a kind of them."
Sandor Ferenczi

"A child not loved by anyone ceases to be a child: he is just a small, defenseless adult."
Gilbert Sesbron

"The internalized phenomenology of childhood forms a lens through which one wanders in a labyrinth of possibilities."
Otto Kernberg

"Children of depressed mothers, striving for unity with her and for harmony, do this not with the help of their own development, but through the production of state of mind mother."
Anna Freud.

The greatest burden that falls to the lot of children is the unlived life of their parents.
James Hollis

"Where there is no childhood, there is no maturity."
Françoise Dolto

"The impatient demand for immediate gratification of desires, complete absence responsibility and attention to the feelings of others - all these are typical properties of young children, they are quite forgivable.
Patient work, responsibility for one's actions and attentive attitude even to distant people- such is the behavior characteristic of a mature person.
Konrad Lorenz

We get irritated when something goes wrong, doesn't work. This irritation prompts us to attack. Often we don't know why we are angry or that we are angry at all.
Introduce your child to the emotion of anger. It is very difficult for a child to own an emotion if he does not understand what is happening to him. I remember my son was very surprised when one day I pointed out to him that everything annoys him, because he has not eaten for a long time. Since then, the irritability from hunger has become much easier for him to cope with.
Gordon Neufeld

Education is the acquisition of good habits.

It is difficult to raise children, because nothing human is alien to them.

We are all born sweet, pure and spontaneous; therefore, we must be educated to become full members of society.
Judith Martin

For the education of young minds, the most useful is the useless.
Georges Duhamel

The best way to make children good is to make them happy.
Oscar Wilde

Do you know which one is the most the right way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to be denied anything.
Rousseau J.-J.

If you yield to a child, he will become your master; and in order to make him obey, you will have to negotiate with him every minute.
Rousseau J.-J.

Many troubles have their roots precisely in the fact that a person from childhood is not taught to control his desires, they are not taught to correctly relate to the concepts of can, must, cannot.
Sukhomlinsky V. A.

The best school of discipline is the family.
Smiles S.

main function new family there should be a function of educating a person and a citizen.
Gramsci A.

Main meaning and purpose family life- parenting. Main school parenting is a relationship between husband and wife, father and mother.
Sukhomlinsky V. A.

Not tyranny, not anger, not shouting, not pleading, not begging, but a calm, serious, and business-like order—this is what should outwardly express the technique of family discipline. Neither you nor your children should doubt that you have the right to such an order as one of the senior authorized members of the team.
Makarenko A.S.

Willfulness should be put out sooner than a fire.

Let the first lesson of the child be obedience, then the second may be what you consider necessary.
Fuller T.

Only that in a man is firmly and reliably absorbed into his nature in his first period of life.
Comenius Ya.

The best thing we can give our children is to teach them to love themselves.
Louise Hay

Before getting married, I had six theories about parenting; Now I have six children and not a single theory.
John Wilmot

Everyone knows how to raise children, except for those who have them.
Patrick O'Rourke

The purpose of education is to teach our children to do without us.
Ernst Legowe

There was a time when nothing was expected of children but obedience; now everything is expected of them except obedience.
Anatole Breuillard

Parents no longer raise children - they finance them.

Comrades bring up much better than parents, because they are not characterized by pity.
André Maurois

The first problem of parents is to teach children how to behave in polite society; the second is to find this decent society.
Robert Orben

We demand from other people's children that they behave as we should behave.

When you talk to children, it goes in one ear and out the other. Because there is nothing between the ears.
Robert Orben

In raising children, the main thing is that they do not notice this.

To educate means to develop immunity to television.
Marshall McLuhan

There would be no problem with children if they had to cut down trees to power the TV.
Bill Vaughn

I love children, especially crying ones: they are usually taken away immediately.
Nancy Mitford

Those who do not need education lend themselves well to education.
Fazil Iskander

He who does not remember his own childhood quite clearly is a bad educator.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

To change a person, you need to start with his grandmother.
Victor Hugo

The educator himself must be educated.
Karl Marx

Self-education is the most difficult kind of self-service.
Evgeniusz Korkosh

No matter how much you educate a person, he still wants to live well.
Boris Zamyatin

Children do not need teachings, but examples.
Joseph Joubert

Children need to be pampered - then real robbers grow out of them.
Evgeny Schwartz

Do not make the children shed tears too often, otherwise they will have nothing to drop over your grave.

A child needs your love the most just when he least deserves it.
Erma Bombek

Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require sacrifices.
Pierre Buast

Be gentle with this boy: you are dealing with an extremely sensitive, easily excitable bastard.
L. & N. Store"

If the child does not feel that your house belongs to him too, he will make the street his home.
Nadine de Rothschild

Before you reproach your son for the fact that his pockets are stuffed with all sorts of rubbish, first look in your purse.
Unknown American

Your children will learn to write faster if they are allowed to write on wet cement.

If you want your children to finally grow up, try to grow up first.
Unknown American

Educate... the most difficult thing. You think: well, it's all over now! It wasn't there, it was just beginning!
Lermontov M. Yu.

At all times, parents with special trepidation took care of own child. The wisdom accumulated over the centuries has gradually formed aphorisms about growing up and raising children that can help their environment. The statements of great people about children make it possible today to recognize the problems in upbringing in time and eliminate them with the help of constructive methods of interaction. These aphorisms are of extraordinary value in themselves. In this article are given which may seem interesting and meaningful to their parents.

"He who neglects the sacred" (Cato the Elder)

Since ancient times, it has been believed that inflicting pain on a little man is tantamount to a serious offense. Children by nature are pure and open, like angels. Just as it is unacceptable to blaspheme an icon, so it is absolutely impossible to offend a child. It doesn't matter if he's big or just a baby.

Sayings of great people about children like this teach us humility, kindness, responsiveness, ability If an adult allows himself to be harmed little child humiliates his personality, then he plays with fire. According to legend, every child in childhood is looked after by angels who will definitely take care of restoring justice.

“Every child is a genius to some extent, and talented people always remain children” (Arthur Schopenhauer)

It is known that little man tries everything to the best of his ability. He does not doubt for a moment that he will have a grand success in the future. If he draws, he does it with the greatest self-forgetfulness and ease, enjoying the process itself, and is not attached to a momentary result. Children do not need to go to work and earn money every day, so they can do what they want, but at the same time feel completely free and happy.

It must be admitted that every child is a great master, in whose hands is the harmony of the whole world. He is a creator and an artist, nothing is impossible for him. How often do we, adults, suppress in children cognitive activity We do not allow them to express their own individuality. And then the kid learns to be cunning in order to avoid our parental displeasure. Statements about children are always accurate and wise.

"Watching children is seeing yourself" (Ian McEwen)

Many parents are sincerely surprised and wonder why their kids grow up capricious and naughty. It seems that they are surrounded by everything necessary: ​​warmth, attention, care, affection. But in fact, in addition to the above, great importance has the feeling with which all these actions are carried out: with a kind (sensitive) heart or simply out of necessity. Children feel very good true attitude to themselves, they easily recognize slyness. When we look at our own children, we always see ourselves in them and what our formed personality lacks. The sayings of the great ones about children are worth listening to.

“If you don’t love children, they grow up to be adults who don’t know how to show kindness.” (Pearl Buck)

The essence of the statement is that only the love of a parent forms a child's confidence in tomorrow And general well-being. Whatever events take place in the world, it is always important for a baby to know that he is loved and protected from any misfortunes. The attachment of mother and father to their child forms in last feeling subjective perception of reality, openness towards the world.

This state affects the development of his own personality, helps the child overcome difficulties and move in a given direction. In the case when parents do not pamper the baby with their care, they do not tell him, he develops alienation and distrust of everything around him. Statements about children help adults realize the enormous degree of responsibility and their role in raising a little person.

"The first child is the last doll, and the grandson is your child" (folk wisdom)

In youth, we most often cannot appreciate all the true charms of motherhood and fatherhood. At this time, each of us sets ourselves certain tasks that need to be solved, and the child is sometimes inadvertently perceived as an obstacle to the realization of the desired.

Only by becoming mature enough can a person truly appreciate the immense joy of being a parent and the very principle of the father-son relationship. Statements about this are always true. Often only with the advent of grandchildren comes a special understanding of the essence and meaning of life.

Thus, statements about children contain age-old wisdom that cannot be comprehended only by the mind, but it is necessary to learn to perceive with an open heart. How we raise our children determines our future and theirs.

About education, about children and parents.

Victor Hugo" href="/text/category/viktor_gyugo/" rel="bookmark">Victor Hugo

Pay your attention not so much to the extermination of shortcomings and vices in children, but to filling them with life-giving love: if there is love, there will be no vices. The extermination of the bad without filling it with the good is fruitless: it produces emptiness, and the emptiness is constantly filled with emptiness; cast out one, another will appear.

Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing- this is our happy old age, bad Education- this is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our fault before other people, before the whole country.

Sweets, cookies and candies cannot be raised from children healthy people. Like bodily food, spiritual food should also be simple and nutritious.
Schumann R.

A child needs your love the most just when he least deserves it.
Erma Bombek

Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require sacrifices.
Pierre Buast

He who does not instill anything useful in his son feeds a thief.
Fuller T.

If the child does not feel that your house belongs to him too, he will make the street his home.
Nadine de Rothschild

Before you reproach your son for the fact that his pockets are stuffed with all sorts of rubbish, first look in your purse.

The best school of discipline is the family.
Smiles S.

Family education for parents is, first of all, self-education.
Krupskaya N. K

Don't think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You are nurturing it in every moment of your life. The child sees or feels the slightest changes in tone, all turns of your thought reach him in invisible ways, you do not notice them.

Sow an act and you reap a habit, sow a habit and you reap a character, sow a character and you reap a destiny.
Thackeray W.

It is necessary to instill in children love for people, and not for themselves. And for this, parents themselves need to love people.

The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers.
Balzac O.

The concentration of parental love on one child is a terrible delusion.

You can't scare away children with severity, they can't stand only lies.

Where abilities do not lead, do not push there.
Comenius I

Never promise a child what cannot be kept, and never deceive him.

That educator of children who does not remember his childhood is bad.
Ebner-Eschenbach M.

The greatest mistake in education is excessive haste.
Rousseau J.-J.

Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should this not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do.
Comenius Ya.

Being mindlessly kind is just as stupid as being insanely strict.

Parents least of all forgive their children for the vices that they themselves instilled in them.
Schiller I.

An example is always more powerful than a sermon.
Johnson S.

Do not make the children shed tears too often, otherwise they will have nothing to drop over your grave.

Children do not need teachings, but examples.
Joseph Joubert