Game show "April Fool's Day". Scenario for April Fool's Day for youth

April 1 - this Day is not included in any calendars significant dates and national holidays, but it is celebrated with equal success in Russia, Germany, France and even in the East. In some countries, April 1 is called April Fool's Day, in others - April Fool's Day. How to play a prank on your friends, work colleagues and just passers-by on April 1? In Russia, April Fools' jokes became fashionable under Peter I. Everyone jokes on April Fools' Day. So be on your guard, and, of course, stock up on a selection of fresh jokes and surprises! In general, have fun, because a minute of laughter is as healthy as a kilogram of carrots.

Game "April Jokes"
The company announces that now everyone will play one very funny game. Everyone should stand in a circle, squat down, put their hands on the floor and hook their little fingers with their neighbors on the right and left. Then the presenter affectionately addresses the neighbor on the right, “Vasenka, you know how to play the game “April jokes.” To which the neighbor on the right should answer: “No, Andryushenka, I don’t know how to play the game “April jokes,” and then turn to his neighbor on the right with a similar question: “Masha, do you know how to play the game “April jokes”? The answer follows, and so on in a circle. When everything goes around in a circle and reaches the leader again, the leader gets up, (shaves himself off), looks at everyone from top to bottom and says: “I know how to play the game “April jokes, why are you sitting here like fools?!”

Draw for April 1st "Guess the fairy tale"
In the company, a victim is selected and sent out the door (in the sense, out of the room). Next, the rules are explained to everyone. The victim must guess a very famous Russian fairy tale that friends allegedly wished for. The victim is obliged to ask leading questions that can be answered unequivocally “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”. The rest answer “yes” if the question ends with a vowel, “no” - if it ends with a consonant, “I don’t know” - for “Ъ”, “b”, “Y”, “Y”. Thus, the victim, asking questions in turn to each of the players, completely comes to a dead end in his logical guesses, it is then that one can have mercy (if everyone has already laughed enough) and inform the victim about the rules.

Funny for April 1st "My neighbor"
The driver comes in and begins to ask everyone present one by one about who they all wished for from those present. You can only answer yes or no. The funny thing is that everyone answers about their neighbor on the right.

Raffle "Motorcycle"
The victim is chosen. She is forced to pick up a box of matches from the floor using two matches. After he manages to do this, make him stomp on the floor with his right foot. If everything works out, the presenter loudly announces that this is how a motorcycle is started in a madhouse.

Game "Pharaoh"
A girl is selected and she is blindfolded. Bring her to a table on which someone is lying. Take her hands and apply them to different parts lying body. At the same time, each time you say: “Here is the leg of the pharaoh, here is the belly of the pharaoh, here ...”, and at the end your hands are lowered into some salad, and you say: “And here are the brains of the pharaoh.” The result is unpredictable.

Game "Zoo"
Each participant in the game is named an animal (very quietly, so that others do not hear). Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. It is explained to everyone that as soon as the name of his animal is pronounced, he must squat down very quickly. And his neighbors in a circle should not allow him to do this. The presenter begins to talk about his trip to the zoo. First he pronounces any animal, then another and another, and gradually comes to the name of the desired animal. The point of the prank is that everyone is given the same animal. And the whole circle flops down to the floor.

Game "Labyrinth"
It is necessary that the majority of those gathered have not previously participated in this. In an empty room, a long rope is taken and a labyrinth is stretched so that a person, as he passes, crouches somewhere and steps somewhere. A man is wound up, it is explained to him that he must go through this labyrinth blindfolded, he must remember the labyrinth and he will be
suggest. When the blindfold begins, the rope is removed….

in my pants
Everyone sits in a circle, and everyone tells their neighbor (clockwise) the name of any movie. He remembers what he was told, but tells his neighbor a different name, etc. (it is desirable that as few people as possible are aware of the matter) When everyone has spoken, the presenter says that it is necessary to say the following phrase: “In my pants ...”, and then the name of the film that you were told. It's quite funny if it's “Battleship Potemkin” or “Pinocchio”.

One two Three!
Game, for failure to follow the rules - some kind of fine, for example, a bottle of champagne. The Widdler pronounces the conditions to the Player: The Witcher: “I say one, two, three. You repeat “three” and remain silent for exactly a minute.” After this, as a rule, there follows a question like, but you won’t make me laugh, you won’t tickle me, they honestly say “no.” Riddler: “One, two, three”; Player: “Three” Guesser: “Well, you lost, you didn’t have to repeat it.” Player: “You said it yourself (or something like that).” As a result, if the player is not completely slow, the minute of silence is interrupted. The Player is immediately informed about this.

Cheerful little tailor
To play, you need to assemble two teams with an equal number of men and women. They all stand in a line (man - woman - man - woman). Two tailors are chosen. Each of them receives a small wooden stick, into which a long woolen thread is threaded (it is better if it is twisted into a ball). At the leader’s signal, “sewing” begins. The tailor threads the threads through the legs of men's trousers, and through the sleeves of women. The tailor who “sews” his team faster wins.

Game "Fat-cheeked lip slap"
You need a bag of sucking candies (like “Barberries”). 2 people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the leader), putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed), and after each candy they say loudly and clearly, looking into the opponent’s eyes: “Fat-cheeked lip slap.” Whoever stuffs the most candy into his mouth and says the “magic phrase” at the same time wins. It must be said that the game takes place under the cheerful shouts and whoops of the spectators, and the sounds made by the participants in the game lead the audience to complete delight!

Draw "The most dexterous"
The game involves from 3 to 5 people. It is better if these are men after a certain consumption of alcoholic beverages. They come out and face the audience. The leader gives each one plastic bottle(1.5 -2 liters), which each of them stuffs into their pants. But not entirely, the main thing is that the bottle holds. The bottles are prepared in advance, their bottoms are pierced into a small, most importantly, inconspicuous hole. Next, the presenter gives each of them a mug of water and a spoon, with which they need to scoop the water from the mug into their bottle. This operation is going at speed. Men do not immediately notice the catch. At first it seems that they are spilling past the neck. But when someone the most spirited scoops up the last spoon, and the host asks to get the containers, then, looking at the empty bottle, they realize that they poured the whole glass into their pants. It has been verified that the drunker a person is, the faster he scoops water into his bottle.

Jokes for April 1st "The Strongest"
Male participants in the game are asked to do push-ups several times on a strip of wallpaper. Afterwards they are asked to repeat this, but blindfolded they need to feel for a sheet of wallpaper, take a position and see who can do the most push-ups. In the meantime, the men are blindfolded - the wallpaper is turned over, and on the other side, life-size nude silhouettes of women are depicted. Fans count the number of push-ups, cheering them up with jokes and advice.

Let's have a drink
Everyone can take part in the game. The number of simultaneously participating depends on the number of props. Props: gymnastic hoops (preferably plastic), beer (Cola, Sprite, etc.), preferably in glasses (this will be more original), but cans or bottles are also possible. You need to spin the hoop on your belt (arm, leg, neck) and at the same time drink (try to drink) beer (Cola, Sprite, etc.). The winner can be determined by several parameters: who will drink faster, who will not get drunk, who will be able to drink at all. And so on.

A cap
All participants stand in two circles - internal and external. One player has a hat on his head; he needs to pass it around in his circle. There is only one condition - to pass the hat from head to head without touching it with your hands. The team with the number one player back in the cap wins.

The game involves two people. Everyone holds a spoon with an orange or potato in their teeth. Hands behind your back. The task is to drop your opponent's orange with your spoon and not let him drop yours. For the brave ones, use an egg instead of an orange.

Hedgehog Gauntlets
Male players are given thick winter mittens. Their task is to fasten as quickly as possible the largest number of buttons on a shirt or robe, which is worn over the clothes of their playing partner.

Burn, burn, my candle
The players have ropes tied to their belts, to the ends of which are attached or matchboxes, or soaked cotton wool. A lit candle is placed in front of the players. Contestants need to put out the candle as quickly as possible without using their hands.

Eh, apple!
To play you need a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and remove it from the water.
The players have belts around their waists, from which an apple is suspended on a rope. A board with nails is placed in front of the players. It is necessary to “prick” the apple onto a nail (plant it) as quickly as possible.

Games for April 1 Erotic
A woman and a man, preferably little acquaintances, have a medium-sized frying pan tied to her belt, and a ladle for him. Then they need to make as many hits as possible with the ladle on the pan (or vice versa) in a minute. Spectators also make their assessments on the technique of execution and the volume of the hit.
As a change, you can tie a fork to both of them, from behind and so that each person has a fork hanging at the level of their (!) knees. The task is to hook the forks while standing face to face. It is especially interesting if the participating couples are of different heights.

Competition for April 1st "Ha-ha-ha"
The players sit in a circle and one of them says “Ha” as seriously as possible. The next one says “Ha-ha”, the third “Ha-ha-ha”, etc. Whoever says the wrong number of “Has” or laughs is out of the game.

Game "One, two, three"
The Riddler pronounces the terms of the game to the Player. Riddler: “I say one, two, three. You repeat “three” and remain silent for exactly a minute.” After this, as a rule, there follows a question like, but you won’t make me laugh, you won’t tickle me, they honestly say no. Riddler: “One, two, three”; Player: “Three” Guesser: “Well, you lost, you shouldn’t have repeated it”; Player: "You said it yourself (or something like that)." As a result, if the player is not completely slow, the minute of silence is interrupted. The Player is immediately informed about this.

  • Developed by Demerzheeva T.V.,
  • teacher MAOU secondary school No. 3 Anapa
The song "We came to you for an hour" from the cartoon "Bremen Town Musicians"
Computer genius Cat Basilio
  • Today, thanks to the Internet, cats will get in touch with us, and we will learn a lot about how April Fool's Day is celebrated in different countries.
Reporter Lisa Alice
  • I will be conducting a comic report from April Fools' lessons and presenting smiley coins to students. These are the ones
Pappy's dream
  • All my life I dreamed of being a teacher - teaching someone something! And today I had this opportunity, and it’s thanks to have a wonderful day– April 1st! Today I will conduct humorous lessons to increase smiling and laughter.
Russian language lesson. Correct the bug and earn a reward!
  • The forester and the hare ran out of the forest and collapsed on the shore.
  • Birds, crows, and jackdaws sing in the forest.
  • A man walked in the fresh air.
  • The girl had loose hair.
  • Everywhere there was autumn impassability.
  • Fear ran down the boy's spine.
  • It was a clear, gloomy day.
  • He is so pretty, very pretty, just like scary.
  • The kitten was playing on the road with white paws.
Where did the tradition of celebrating the first of April come from?
  • First opinion. Once upon a time in France New Year celebrated at the end of March. From March 25 to April 1, people visited, gave gifts, and had as much fun as they could. But in 1562, Pope Gregory XIII introduced new calendar- Gregorian, and the New Year was moved to January 1. However, the French were sorry to part with the “Old New Year,” so they continued to celebrate it on April 1, for which they were nicknamed “April Fools.”
  • Second opinion. The holiday originated in Ancient Rome, where the “Festival of Stupid People” was celebrated. True, this holiday was celebrated not on April 1, but on February 17.
  • Third opinion. The tradition originated in Eastern India, whose residents still celebrate “Joke Day”, but not on April 1, but on March 31.
  • Fourth opinion.“The Day of Jokers” arose at the behest of the Neapolitan king of Monterey, for whom a fish dish was prepared on one of the holidays. He liked the treat and asked to make it again. There was no such fish, and the cook “slipped” something similar to the king. However, it turned out to be impossible to deceive the king - the prank failed, and the king did not get angry, but laughed.
Math lesson
  • What is three times two?
Message from Germany
  • In Germany, the Germans consider April 1 an unlucky day, since, according to legend, Judas was born on this day. Adults and children also play pranks on each other: they send them to stores and pharmacies with impossible tasks, to buy, for example, a file for sharpening molars or to buy a jar of mosquito oil.
Physical education lesson “Archery”
  • What is an onion? This is a weapon of Indians and medieval warriors. Today, modern plastic bows are used by athletes in the Olympic Games.
  • Everything will be different for us.
  • The target is ordinary buckets;
  • Onion – ordinary onion;
  • We place the target bucket 5 m from the finish line;
  • Each participant is given an onion which he throws into a bucket. Each hit is a smiley coin;
Message from England
  • In England, April 1 is called “All Fools' Day.” In London in 1860, several hundred people received printed invitations containing the following words: “ come to the annual solemn ceremony washing of the white lions, which will take place in the Tower at 11 a.m. on April 1.” At the appointed hour, crowds of invitees besieged the gates of the Tower, and only after some time, not seeing what was promised, they realized that they had been played. Since then, in England, April 1 is called “All Fools' Day.” From midnight to 12 noon, everyone can make fun of their friends and acquaintances. Anyone who falls for an April Fool's joke is greeted with cheerful laughter and shouts of "April Fool!"
And now everyone to the dining room!!!
  • Competition "Feed me"
  • A bib is tied to the person who will eat the porridge. Feeding players are blindfolded. A plate of porridge is placed in front of them. Objective: Feed everything you have prepared to your friend as quickly as possible.
Message from Australia
  • Australians are a cheerful people. And April 1 begins with the laughter of the kookaburra mockingbird. Having woken up, everyone immediately begins to play pranks on each other and give unusual funny gifts. You just need to have time to do all this before lunch, otherwise the joker himself will be considered not very smart.
  • Even newspapers, radio and television take part in the draws. Agree, fooling a friend or colleague is not too difficult, but playing a prank on the whole country is no joke!
  • One day, one of the main metropolitan newspapers published a “true” story that employees of Chinese restaurants delivering food carts around the halls would now have to obtain a special driver’s license. Restaurant owners grabbed their heads - they would have to pay for the training of their subordinates! And another newspaper reported that drought had forced many freshwater crocodiles into southern rivers. Of course, no one swam in the rivers that day...
In the medical office
  • Competition "Thermometer"
  • Two teams are created. Without using their hands, both teams quickly pass the fake thermometer so that it is always under their left hand. Smiley coins are awarded to each member of the winning team.
Message from Armenia
  • Armenians, as you know, have always been famous for their sparkling humor. And for some time now in Armenia, April 1 is celebrated as the Day of Satire and Humor quite officially. They say that the reason for this was the vagaries of the spring weather - Armenians try to appease nature with jokes and practical jokes.
Music lesson“Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed!”
  • Two teams are created. Students are asked to sing a song "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree" as if they:
  • - Kindergarten Choir, - Hungry Cat Choir, - Seminary Choir, - Army Choir.
  • Perform a song “There was a birch tree in the field” as if you:
  • - African aborigines, - Indian yogis, - Reindeer herders of Chukotka, - Apache Indians.
Big change
  • "Bumblebee Competition"
  • Who can buzz the longest in one breath? The competitors begin to buzz at the same time. The one who buzzes the longest wins.
Message from Bulgaria
  • In Bulgaria, April Fool's Day is held in special esteem. Residents of our country are very fond of jokes and practical jokes. Children especially enjoy the holiday. Newspapers and radio are also happy to play tricks on the population, presenting simply stunning news!
  • There is a city called Gabrovo in Bulgaria. Residents of this city are famous for their unsurpassed sense of humor. There are constantly exhibitions of caricatures and humorous shows. The residents of Gabrov have a reputation for being terrible misers, and they make fun of themselves because of this.
Drawing lesson
  • Two teams are created.
  • Draw a cow with the whole team eyes closed. Whoever comes up with the most believability will win smiley coins.
Message from Romania
  • In Romania, April Fool's Day is not official holiday, but Romanians love this day very much and find a reason to make fun of someone. Romania in general is often called the country of laughter and humor, its inhabitants are so witty. They always have an anecdote, a joke or a funny story ready.
  • The main characters of jokes in Romania are Pecale and Tindale, who most often make fun of themselves. Pekale is small, cunning, but kind and honest. Tyndale is tall, rustic and roguish. Romanians' jokes are very kind and not at all offensive.
Physics lesson"Newton's Apple"
  • If an apple fell on Newton's head, the challenge for the participants is to keep it on his head! At the signal, players place the apple on their heads and then walk to the finish line.
Laboratory work. Experience 1.
  • Place the glass on the paper between the glasses.
  • Fold the sheet like an accordion; it will hold the glass between two.
Laboratory work. Experience 2.
  • Climb through the postcard.
The conclusion is:
  • Fold the card in four and cut with a snake.
Message from America
  • In America, April 1st is a very harmless joke. Something like this: “Oh, your shoelace is untied!” or “What are you wearing?” Schoolchildren tirelessly play pranks on each other, and the one who “gets caught” is called the April Fool.
  • But on TV on this day they may announce a list of the stupidest people, and usually the most famous people. But at the same time, the announcer must first warn that an April Fool's joke will now be made.
Labor training lesson “Feel”
  • IN closed box are various items, which differ to the touch. Each player receives a pencil and paper.
  • Participants must put their hand into the box - without moving the lid - and feel the objects without looking at them (1-1.5 minutes). After this, the player must make a list of the items in the basket. The winner is the one who makes the most complete and correct list.
Message from Finland
  • In Finland, April 1 is considered the Day of Jokes and Deceptions. And the Finns know how to joke! For example, long ago during big holidays Parents gave their children funny tasks - they sent them to the neighbor's yard to get something non-existent, for example, glass scissors.
Dance lesson"Musical Touches"
  • All students play. The players choose their partners, after which they form 2 circles - one partner stands in the outer circle, and the other in the inner circle. The driver stands in the center, and someone plays music.
  • When the music starts, the circles begin to move in opposite directions. When the music stops, the circles also stop moving and the leader shouts a command, for example: “Head to head!” After this, the partners must quickly find each other and touch their foreheads. If the driver manages to press his forehead to the forehead of a player who has not yet been found by his partner, then when the music starts again, the driver becomes the partner of this player. The player left without a partner becomes the driver and gives the next command.
Message from France
  • In France, on April 1, you can meet people with paper fish on their backs. They are called "April fish". Everyone is trying to be vigilant, “not to remain a fish,” that is, a fool.
  • The French also joke like this: they add salt to their friends’ sugar bowl, sweet pie put pepper. They also like to give each other meaningless tasks, such as finding and bringing sweet vinegar.
Competition results
  • 1st place – candy necklace.
  • 2nd place – bagel necklace.
  • 3rd place – necklace made of laurel leaves.
  • 4th place – medallion with a paper fish.
  • 5th place, etc. – medallion with a smiley face.
See you later, friends!
  • So the game is over
  • It's time for everyone to hurry home!
  • It's time to say goodbye
  • And on April 1st we will meet again!
Used Books:
  • Literature:
  • L.N. Yarovaya, O.E. Zhirenko. Extracurricular activities– M.: VAKO, 2007
  • Sources:

Natalia Chernikova

Tomorrow April 1st is a holiday of laughter, smiles and Have a good mood. On this day it is customary to play pranks on each other and joke.

The proposed games can be used during an event dedicated to April Fool's Day in order to create a joyful mood and a fun pastime. You can involve characters in the event, for example, clowns, Dunno or Carlson.

Target: Creation cheerful mood for children and guests of the event

Game “Let's say hello like this!”

Children stand in a circle, cheerful music sounds. When the music ends, the host (the hero of the event) invites the children to greet each other with smiles. To do this, children turn to face each other and smile. And then greet first with your palms, then with your noses, shoulders, heels, tummies, etc. Between the options for children greeting each other, music sounds.

Game “Princess Nesmeyana” (“Tsar Nesmeyan”)

Children sit in a circle on chairs. Each player takes turns speaking with a different intonation: “Ha,” “Ha-ha,” “Ha-ha-ha.” The task of each player is to make the other participants laugh. Anyone who laughs is eliminated from the game and becomes an observer. The last player remaining in the game wins. He can be awarded the title, if it is a girl, Princess Nesmeyan, if it is a boy, Tsar Nesmeyan.

Competition "Kangaroo"

The competition is held between two players. Each participant presses between their knees balloon and jumps, for example, from the starting line to the pin or post, goes around it and comes back. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner.

The competition continues.

Game "Laughter in moderation"

Children stand in a circle, in the center stands the driver (the hero of the event) with a scarf in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up. While the handkerchief falls, the players must laugh. As soon as the handkerchief touches the floor, participants must stop laughing. Players who violate the rule are eliminated from the game.

Game "Magic Hat"

The participants of the game stand in a circle, in the center is the presenter (hero of the event) wearing a hat. Cheerful music plays, the presenter shows the movements, the participants repeat, everyone dances together. As soon as the music ends, the host takes off his hat and puts it on any player. He becomes the leader and stands in a circle.

The game repeats itself.

Game "Funny Snakes"

The leader helps the children break into groups. Children stand one after another. These are snakes. The first participants put on hats with images of snakes on their heads. And the last participants have their ponytails secured at the back (these can be ropes or ribbons). The task of the snakes is to move in a circle to the music. The first participant must grab the last one by the tail. The team that completes the task first wins.

Publications on the topic:

The proposed games will help in organizing holidays and leisure activities dedicated to Mother's Day, which will be celebrated in many places in November.

The material will be useful to educators, music directors, instructors physical culture for the purpose of organizing winter leisure activities.

The proposed games and competitions can be used at a matinee dedicated to the holiday of March 8th. Participants can be children and mothers. Contest.

When organizing a holiday, you can use games, competitions and fun to create a cheerful mood. A holiday can be organized.

January 18 is Snowman Day. Games, competitions, and relay races are perfect for leisure activities. They will help create emotional mood u.

To sport's event, dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day, was interesting, it is necessary to think through competitive program. During.

Physical education of preschoolers represents a system of health-improving activities, among which the main place is occupied by outdoor games.

What is a holiday, especially a day of laughter, without merry drawings, games and competitions. We offer you funny Games for an adult company.


Game "Fairy Tales for Adults"

It is necessary to choose a victim who will have to guess some famous Russian fairy tale, supposedly told by the others. The player leaves the room. Next, the rules are explained to everyone. The player is required to ask leading questions that can be answered unequivocally “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”. The rest answer “yes” if the question ends with a vowel, “no” - if it ends with a consonant, “I don’t know” - for “b”, “Y”, “I”. Thus, the victim, asking questions in turn to each of the players, is completely at a dead end in his logical guesses. It is then that you can have mercy (if everyone has already laughed enough) and inform the victim about the rules.

Game "Let's go to the zoo"

Each participant in the game is named an animal (very quietly, so that others do not hear). Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. It is explained to everyone that as soon as the name of his animal is pronounced, he must squat down very quickly. And his neighbors in a circle should not allow him to do this. The presenter begins to talk about his trip to the zoo. First he names any animal, then another, a third, and gradually pronounces the name of the desired animal. The point of the game is that everyone is given the same animal. And the whole circle flops down to the floor.

Game "Help the Kangaroo!"

A person who does not know this prank is selected and taken to another room, where the presenter asks to show the “kangaroo”. Then the leader returns to the others under the pretext of giving the last instructions and in a whisper informs everyone that the wish was “kangaroo”. So, the person being played returns and begins to portray a kangaroo. Everyone pretends that they don’t understand him and calls all sorts of “grasshoppers,” “dogs,” “bear cubs,” in a word, just the other animal. This way you can torment the person being played for about 20 minutes, asking him to jump, demonstrate his habits and, most importantly, not to guess all the time. You can do this until he gets tired.

Game "Rope"

It is necessary that the majority of players have not previously participated in such a competition. In an empty room, a long rope is stretched in the form of a labyrinth. It must be tightened so that a person, while passing, crouches somewhere and steps somewhere. A person is introduced and it is explained that he must go through this labyrinth blindfolded, so he needs to remember the labyrinth, but he will be given hints. When the blindfold begins, the rope is removed...

Game “For your favorite lips”

Several couples stand opposite the audience. Next they take plastic bottle from a gas water bottle or any other two-liter bottle, close the lid tightly and squeeze it between each guy’s leg. Then the girls, without using their hands, must unscrew the cap of the bottle, that is, they must do it with their mouth. The winner is the couple in which the girl completes the task the fastest. When she does this, she immediately runs forward with the lid raised up.

Game "Dress me!"

Two teams of 3 people each (1 girl and 2 guys) are recruited. The girl stands between the guys, and in a minute they have to dress the girl in their own clothes(watches and rings count too). Accordingly, the team whose girl has the most clothes wins.

Game "Kitchen showdown"

3 couples are invited (a girl and a guy). They must be unfamiliar or unfamiliar. The presenter is recommended to connect them himself. It will be more fun this way. So, the girl has a frying pan tied to her belt in front, and the guy has a ladle. The couple is placed facing each other at a close distance. It is necessary to hit the pan accurately with the ladle. Now the presenter needs to count the number of blows per certain time, for example in a minute. The one who hits the most wins.

Game show "April Fool's Day"

Goals: organizing leisure time for pupils Children's home.

    Enrich and develop children's knowledge about folk traditions and holidays.

    Foster feelings of respect, teach how to play and act in a team.

    Spend your free time in an organized manner.


Leading:“Everyone, everyone, everyone!

We greet you!

IN good hour!

Welcome! Come in!

Everything here is ready for fun!

Dance, sing, have fun

And let laughter reign everywhere.”


Today guys, we won't be bored.

Why do you think?

What is so special about this day?

Who knows why this holiday is named like that?

Leading:“This tradition comes from the ancient folk festival of welcoming spring. On this day, people buried an effigy representing the evil spirit of winter. And so that he would not know who was to blame for his death, all participants put on masks and deceived the spirit. Since then, the custom of deceiving April 1 began. This day became a day of humor, laughter, fun. April Fool's Pranks known in Russia since the time of Peter the Great, when peasants and boyars made fun of each other. This day is celebrated not only in Russia. In England, on this day it is customary to send each other comic packages. In France, it was customary to discreetly attach a paper fish to someone's clothing; this meant being fooled on this day. In Australia, this day begins with loud laughter.


I want to start our holiday with happy song. Will you help me?

How do people express their feelings when they see something funny?

That's right, using the words: “Hee-hee-hee”, “Ha-ha-ha”, “Ho-ho-ho”, “Hee-hee-hee”. So today let our laughter “take off” with a cheerful joke, subtle humor, and a funny song. It’s really not a sin to laugh at what seems funny!

So, we will sing like this:

Group 1 – HO-HO-HO!

Group 2 – HI-HI-HI!

Group 3 – HA-HA-HA!

Group 4 – HY-HY-HY!

And we will sing the well-known melody “Smile”. Ready? Begin!

A song is being performed.


What is a holiday without people?

What is a holiday without guests?

Anyone come and try it

Make your friends laugh!

“Abstractive” runs in (an adult dressed as an absentminded person with a suitcase with various things sticking out of it. The suitcase contains a pair of adult felt boots, boxing gloves, two halves of a globe); he runs around the hall, fussing, acting anxious. His actions are accompanied by any cheerful music.

Scattered: What is this, what kind of joke?

I'm going for the second day!

But I didn’t end up in Leningrad,

And I got to the laughter parade!

And then the guest’s suitcase unzips and all his things fall out.

Leading: How absent-minded you really are, why did you take such strange things on the road?

Scattered: Anything can come in handy on the road. Do you want me to play with you? (Guys' answer).


Held relay game “Merry preparations for the road”.

2 teams of 6-7 people are recruited. Each person in turn puts on 1 felt boot, 1 boxing glove and half a globe on his head, runs to a chair, undresses there, returns, pats the next participant on the shoulder, etc. Whichever team runs all the way forward is the winner.

Scattered: It's fun and interesting here.


Absent-minded: I still want to play with you! I will recruit 2 teams of 6 people. Each of you will perform a specific task. (basket with numbers)

1 person – draws sponges on the ball;

2 people – draws a nose;

3 people - draws cheeks;

4 people – eyes;

5 people - eyebrows;

6 people - ties a scarf. Ready? Let's start!

The game takes place to cheerful music.

Leading: If you laugh in your mouth

What if it accidentally hits

Don't be angry, don't grumble

Laugh, laugh!

Leading: It's time for us kids to play again!


game “Feed each other”.

2 pairs of guys are called, they are seated opposite each other, they are blindfolded, and they feed each other bananas.

Leading: Do you want to play again? Do you like games? Now we'll find out!

I ask those who love games and jokes to say loudly - “I!”

    Who loves games?

    Who loves cartoons?

    Chewing gum?




    Ice cream?

  • Marmalade?

    What about the slaps?

    Who loves sunbathing?

    Who likes to yell?

    Swimming in a muddy puddle?

    Who doesn't wash their ears?

    Sing and dance?

    What about playing?


Leading: And now I propose to conduct a fun game-competition “Jumping Artist”.

3 people are called. Participants must draw a picture of a smiling person, but the poster they will draw on is hung high up. You have to jump for every stroke.

Leading: Humor has come to us

Brought us fun!

We ask everyone to sing along

And dance a little

And then for sure

We won't be sad yet.

Smile: Sasha, Masha, Kolya, Nina and Natasha

From every corner let it be heard: ha-ha!

Laughter and humor, fun - replace vitamins!

Join us! Let's get moving.



Good joke

Start your day, friends!

A wise joke, a sensitive joke,

You can't live without it!

Laughter more useful to a person,

How good drug.

He who laughs goes to the pharmacy

He walks less often, they say.

A joke is appreciated for good reason,

And doubly good.

More, more every year

Laughter, jokes every day.

Competition "Humorous Quiz"

    Which of the Russian heroes folk tale was bakery product. (gingerbread man)

    What a hero literary fairy tale was an agricultural product. (Cippollino)

    Which fairy-tale hero loves the saying “One head is good, but two is better” (Snake Gorynych)

    Which of the heroes loves shoes for the autumn-winter season? (Puss in Boots)

    Which of the fairy-tale heroes was born thanks to the destruction of a tree. (Pinocchio)

    Which poultry once brought its owners an item made of precious metals. (Chicken Ryaba)


    The farmer grew a record harvest. But he can’t cope with the cleaning and invites 5 more helpers. Who are they? (Tale “Turnip”: grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse.)

    Simple worker Agriculture creates products from precious metal. Its owners, elderly spouses, begin to test the product's strength. Suddenly someone appears and breaks a valuable work. What kind of fairy tale is this? (“Chicken Ryaba”).

    Which fairy tale hero can't you cut off your head? (Kolobok).

    A lonely dreamer, 12 meters tall, weighing 4 tons, will give fiery love to his tender three-headed friend. (Dragon).

Leading: Now let's play again.


Held game "Rope"

Leading: Look what I have! (Takes out 2 ropes). Now I will measure these ropes with you. Want to know how? I need 2 people, I give them each a rope, their task is to thread this rope through some hole on a person, the more people he gathers, the longer the rope will be, which means he wins.


Held game "Crocodile".

Leading: Guys, I suggest you play the game “Crocodile”. Do you know how to play it? I'll teach you. I need one person. I will say a word in his ear, and he must explain to you without words what kind of word it is. The one who first names the hidden word will be the leader.


Leading: And now we offer you unusual competition“Feel and count.” It requires 4 people.

There are chairs for each player. The players are blindfolded. Bags of candy are placed on the chairs. Without using their hands, players must sit on a chair and count how many candies are in the bag.

Leading: So, Dear friends! During our holiday, we saw dazzling smiles and heard laughter: cheerful, infectious, joyful.

Leading: The holiday is over, the hour of parting has come,

They joked, played and kept us warm

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

Remember this merry April Fool's Day,

And we won't forget about you.

Look for a smile, appreciate a smile,

Give a smile to your friends.

Love a smile, keep a smile -

We cannot live without a smile!

Cheerful music is playing. End of the program.