Folk ways to conceive a boy. From grandma's chest

Of course, the birth of a child in any case is a joy, but very often parents want to conceive a child of a strictly defined gender. In our patriarchal society, and historically it is still patriarchal, a boy is almost always preferred. It was the boy in ancient times, and in some places, to this day, who can be the heir to property and title.

Folk signs and methods to conceive a boy

From time immemorial, our ancestors sought to pre-determine the sex of the unborn child. At first it was signs appearance and the behavior of the pregnant woman, indicating one or another gender, or special ceremonies carried out even at the time of birth new family or building a new house.

For example, when a house was being built for a new family, even before the construction was completed, a rope was tied to the matitsa - the main beam, on which the roof subsequently rests, and rags with bread wrapped in them were knitted to the second end. Then the rope is cut, the rags are untangled, and people look at which side the bread fell on. If the top is up, then more boys should be born in the family that will live in this house.

Then our ancestors started trying programming the gender of the unborn child. Under the matrimonial bed they put a spinning wheel or a sword, depending on who they wanted to conceive. Later, the understanding came that the sex of the child directly depends on the man. Then the way programming changed. So from the belief that in different testicles there is a seed that conceives children of different sexes, the custom was born to bandage one of the testicles. Then went into action ethnoscience: decoctions, herbs, ointments.

Now there are ways to answer the question "How to conceive a boy?". However, most of them, oddly enough, are not far removed from the methods used by our great-grandmothers. However, some of them are still based on certain scientific research.

Y chromosome

As already mentioned, the fact that the sex of the child depends only on the man, people have guessed for a long time. But what is the reason for this pattern, scientists understood only when they discovered DNA and chromosomes. The child receives DNA from both parents. Both men and women have 2 chromosomes. But for a woman they are the same - XX, and for men they are different - XY. Accordingly, the sex of the child will depend on which chromosome the sperm will have, which will fertilize the egg. To conceive a boy, the sperm must have a Y chromosome.

Is there a way to conceive a boy with 100% probability?

All the ways to conceive a boy known today do not give an absolute guarantee. They can only increase the chance of conceiving a boy. So if someone tells you they know 100 percent how to conceive a boy, don't take it too seriously. What helped one may not help another. Too many factors to consider.

How to conceive a boy 100%? Unfortunately, there is only one way - artificial insemination. With IVF, it is possible to leave only the embryo of the desired gender in the uterus. This is usually practiced in specific circumstances, for example, in the family of one of the parents there is a disease that is transmitted through a particular line: female or male, and the couple wants to avoid the disease in their child.

In other cases, solely in order to conceive a boy's child, it is not worth signing up for IVF, as it is expensive and impractical.

How to conceive a boy knowing the day of ovulation

The most reliable and scientific method can be considered the so-called calendar method, based on the date of ovulation. How to conceive a boy by ovulation? The method is quite simple, although a little troublesome. It is based on the fact that Y-spermatozoa are more active, but less tenacious than X-spermatozoa. This means that you are most likely to conceive a boy by having sex directly. on the day of ovulation and 10-20 hours before it.

There are other conditions that should be observed for the conception of a boy. So, even the position in which conception occurs matters. In what position to conceive a boy? The main thing here is the depth of penetration: the deeper, the better. Therefore, the most suitable postures are "woman on top" or "man behind". It is highly desirable that a woman experience an orgasm during sex. The fact is that during an orgasm an alkaline environment is formed in the vagina, which is not very favorable for X-spermatozoa.

How to determine the day of ovulation? This can be done in several ways. The simplest and most unpretentious, but at the same time the most unreliable is ovulation calculator to conceive a boy. This is a special program that calculates the estimated day of ovulation based on the average cycle length and the start date of the last cycle. You understand that the accuracy of such calculations is very approximate, because the cycle can go astray due to stress, acclimatization, and so on.

A more reliable, albeit more troublesome, method is measurement basal body temperature . Basal temperature is measured in the rectum in the morning and recorded on a special chart. It is necessary to take measurements within 2-3 months, only after that it is possible to more or less accurately determine the date of ovulation.

How to conceive a boy according to the table?

There are a number of tables by which you can calculate the conception of a boy. However, we will focus only on the Japanese table.

How to conceive a boy? Japanese table pretty accurate and simple. Depending on the month in which the mother and father of the planned child were born, the table suggests in which month to conceive a boy. Japanese method consists of two tables. In the first, the months of birth of a woman are indicated vertically, and men are horizontally indicated. A number will be indicated at the intersection. Remember it and go to the second table, where you find the right number. Months are listed below it, and opposite them in the columns "Boy" and "Girl" are crosses. You need to choose the month opposite which in the "Boy" column there are the most crosses.

Blood renewal

IN Lately the theory becomes fashionable that the time when a boy can be conceived is determined by the strength or renewal of the blood. According to this theory, it is believed that in women, blood is renewed every 3 years, and in men - every 4.

How to conceive a boy for blood renewal? It is necessary to determine who currently has younger blood. The countdown is either from birth or from the last major blood loss, for example, after operations or injuries.

It is believed that at the beginning of the cycle, the blood is strong, young, powerful. If at the time of conception the blood of the father is younger, then the conception of a boy is almost guaranteed. There are also special programs for calculating blood strength. There you need to enter the date of birth of the parents and the expected date of conception, and at the output we get information about what gender the child is most likely to be. We remind you that if there was serious blood loss, then instead of the date of birth, you need to enter the date of blood loss.

Diet for conceiving a boy

How to conceive a boy? Many suggest sticking to a specific menu just before conception. It is recommended to eat the following foods:

  • all types of meat, sausages, smoked meats and so on;
  • any fish is also welcome. But it is better to refuse other seafood;
  • from eggs you can eat only protein;
  • drinks: mineral water with soda, tea, coffee or beer. And here is the milk mineral water with calcium it is better not to use;
  • cereals and pastries: rice, semolina, various biscuits and cookies. Refuse bread and pastries with milk;
  • vegetables: potatoes, peas, lentils, beans, mushrooms. It is not recommended to use dill, lettuce, green beans;
  • any fruit;
  • dried fruits and nuts: prunes, dried apricots, dates. Give up all nuts.


Many systems offer to determine in which month to conceive a boy, according to various calendars.

Moon calendar

You can calculate the conception of a boy using the lunar calendar for 2013. To plan the sex of the child, it is very important to know in which sign the moon is at the time of conception. To conceive a boy moon calendar advises choosing days when the moon is in Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra or Leo. In addition, experts on the lunar calendar believe that the sex of the child depends on the number full years woman and the ordinal number of the month. If the number of years is even, then in even months she can conceive a girl, and in odd months - a boy, and vice versa.

Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child

The Chinese calendar will also tell you how to conceive a boy. He proposes to determine when it is better to conceive a boy, focusing on the age of the mother. The table includes women aged 18 to 35 years. Age is indicated vertically in the table, and month columns are indicated horizontally. At the intersection, you can find information about what month a boy can be born in, and then count 9 months from this moment to determine the month of conception.

There is only one question left to consider: how to conceive twins or twins - boys. Twins are the result of the division of one fertilized egg, resulting in the birth of almost identical same-sex children. Twins are two eggs and two different sperm. Therefore, children are not similar, often heterogeneous.

It is very difficult, even almost impossible, to program the birth of twins, and even more so twins. 100% chance of twins only with the same artificial insemination procedure. For the rest, it remains only to perform general recommendations to conceive a boy and hope that you are the lucky one for the twins.


What needs to be done to conceive a boy? What methods are effective in planning the sex of the child? Is it realistic to plan the conception of a boy according to the ovulation cycle? You can find answers to these and many other questions in our article.

How to get pregnant with a boy

Many families want to plan for the conception of a boy. If you have such a desire, then today there are many ways that will help you fulfill your dream. What needs to be done to conceive a boy? There is no single answer here and first you need to choose the most acceptable option for you. Conceive a boy naturally can be, using the data of scientific research or listening to folk traditions. Whichever method you choose, it will be absolutely safe, since they are all based on observations and calculations. To learn how to conceive a boy, we offer you a short digression.

How to conceive a boy by ovulation?

The most popular way today is to conceive a boy according to the ovulation cycle. This is a physiological method that is based on the difference between spermatozoa carrying female (XX) and male chromosomes(XY). Spermatozoa carrying male chromosomes are more mobile and active, but less tenacious than "female".

If you wondered how you can get pregnant with a boy after ovulation, then you will need to use the ovulation calendar and calculate the day when a mature egg leaves the ovary. This happens in the middle of your menstrual cycle.

You can conceive a male child on the day of ovulation or a couple of days after it.

This is facilitated by the alkaline environment of the vagina during the peak of ovulation, and the activity of "male" spermatozoa. Of course, no one will definitely answer how to conceive a boy by 100 percent by ovulation. But for greater probability, it is better to take into account the importance of having an orgasm during intercourse with a partner. Indeed, during an orgasm, the uterine mucosa produces a secret with an alkaline reaction. Now you know how to conceive a boy by ovulation.

How to calculate the conception of a boy by blood renewal?

The method is based on the theory of blood youth. According to its principles, male blood is renewed every four years, and female - once every three years. The calculator for conceiving a boy by blood is kept from the birth of the spouses (or from the last operation). Which of the parents will have newer blood, of this gender will be the child.

If you are wondering how to conceive a boy by blood type, then use the observations in this area. This method is indicative and does not give accurate predictions.

How to conceive a boy by blood group if the parents have different Rh factors? The Rh factor also affects the likelihood of having a child of a certain gender. What is the chance of conceiving a boy with Rh negative, as well as how to conceive a boy by blood type, you can see in the table below:

How exactly to conceive a boy the first time?

How to conceive a boy the first time? This is possible if you keep an ovulation calendar or use special test. By calculating the day of ovulation, you will get a chance to get pregnant with a boy from the first time. A high probability of such an event will be in the first two days after ovulation. How to conceive a boy 100 percent? The process of fertilization itself depends on many factors - ranging from general condition your health until the egg is ready.

A high probability (98%) of how to get pregnant with a boy the first time can only be guaranteed modern technologies- preimplantation genetic diagnosis and artificial insemination. In one case, doctors select a suitable sperm for fertilization, and in the other, a male embryo is left in the uterus.

Poses for conceiving a boy

An important point is the position in sex for conceiving a boy. The main goal in their choice is deep penetration. When choosing which position is best for conceiving a boy, it is better to give preference to those that provide maximum contact of sperm with the cervix. This is necessary so that fast "male" spermatozoa penetrate the uterus and fertilize the egg before the "female" ones. So, in what positions can you get pregnant with a boy?

Knee-elbow posture Positions for conceiving a boy, involving the presence of a man from behind, will be the most preferable. You are on your knees and elbows, arching your back.
Pose "take me away" This is probably best pose to conceive a boy. You first get on all fours, resting your forehead on folded hands. Your partner is behind, after inserting the penis, he lifts your legs and you wrap them around his waist. Your head and hands are on the floor.
Varieties of the "missionary" position To improve the contact of the head of the penis with the cervix, you can use the features of the traditional "missionary" position. You can put a pillow under your buttocks, press your leg or both legs to your stomach. Your task is to feel in what position to conceive a boy so that the sperm gets as close as possible to the opening of the cervical os.

You now know how to have sex to conceive a boy. Another important point- immediately after sexual intercourse, it is advisable to lie down for 20 minutes on your back. How often to have sex to conceive a boy? It doesn't really matter. The main thing is to do it with pleasure and at the peak of ovulation.

Planning the sex of an unborn child, especially a male, is not an easy task, but if you spend time and effort on examinations, regular temperature measurements, and ovulation calculation, then the conception of a boy will be real. According to statistics, for every 100 girls born, there are 102 boys, and as a rule, men are the first to appear in the family. There are several methods for calculating the sex of a future baby, and tables and scientific discoveries will help you understand how to conceive a boy 100 percent.

There are ways to conceive by ovulation, and they are the most reliable. The method is simple, but requires calculation, and is based on the pattern that the spermatozoon Y ( necessary condition the birth of a boy) is more active, but less tenacious than sperm X. This suggests that the conception of a male child should be carried out immediately before or on the day of ovulation.

ancient representations

Given the modern progress of genetics and reproductive medicine, it is possible to deduce new ways of giving birth to a child whose sex is pre-planned, but all of them will have an error, like the ancient methods that are used to this day. Our ancestors were also tormented by the question of how to conceive a boy more likely and know the sex of the child even before his birth. To do this, they monitored the behavior of a pregnant woman and took into account "signs from above" in the form of weather and other external influences.

One of the methods of our ancestors was the method of prophecy during the construction of the house. When the main beam holding the roof was installed, bread wrapped in rags was tied to it with a rope. The rope was cut off, and depending on which side the bread fell, they calculated it for the future baby. So, if the crust was at the top, there will be a boy.

It was only a prediction method, and then began to try and program. Under the matrimonial bed, what they just didn’t put in anticipation of a man, and justified every good luck, proclaiming the "successful" method as a discovery and passed down from generation to generation.

Now this approach seems at least strange and unlikely, but in desperation modern parents I use everything that can help give birth to the desired child.

The probability of conceiving a boy

If something happens in a random order - this is a pattern, but is not available to the human eye. The birth of a child of a certain gender just confirms this, and if you collect the facts and compare these accidents, there is a high probability of seeing this “accident” as a set of actions.

At first glance, this seems vague and difficult to understand, but the combination of the time of ovulation, the quality and quantity of the man's sperm, the time of conception, and the genetics of the parents makes up this "action".

There is a theory that the posture, the phase of the moon, the mood of the parents affect the sex of the child. Even a calendar for the conception of a boy and girls has been created, and there is also a Japanese table that is easy to understand.

According to the Japanese calendar, the months of birth of the parents are taken into account, and thus the probability of having a child of a particular gender is calculated. Another table shows the dependence on the age of the mother and the month of conception of the baby.

Gender of the child depending on the age of the mother and the month of conception

The probability of having a boy depends on the age of the mother and the month of conception (the calendar for conception of a boy from 18 to 25 years is shown, the full table is up to 45 years):

  1. 18 years - February, April, May, June, July, September, November, December.
  2. 19 years - January, March, May, June, July, September, November.
  3. 20 years - February, April, May, June, July, November, December.
  4. 21 years - January.
  5. 22 years - February, March, May, August.
  6. 23 years - January, February, April, May, July, September, October, November.
  7. 24 years - January. March, April, June, July.
  8. 25 years - February, March, June, August, September, October, November, December.

The blood of a younger man - a boy will be born

Gaining popularity methods of conception in certain days, depending on the renewal of the blood. This theory shows that the sex of a child is determined by whose blood is younger at the time of conception. In a woman, blood renewal occurs every three years, in men - four. The calculation starts from the moment of birth, but if, during life, there were moments associated with blood loss (surgery, trauma), then the calculation starts from this year.

This theory is based on the fact of young, active, strong blood at the time of renewal, and if at the time of conception this is characteristic of the father's blood, there is a high probability of having a male child.

In addition to the annual count, there are programs that calculate the strength and youth of blood, which works with the date of birth and parents and displays the result - the estimated gender of the unborn baby.

Conception calendars

The calculation can be carried out according to the lunar or Chinese calendar. For the birth of a boy, the lunar calendar recommends choosing days when the moon is in Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius or Aries. This calendar also assumes the dependence of sex on the age of the mother, which has already been presented above. In a simpler way, this calculation can be represented as follows - an even number of mother's years and an odd month give the expected birth of a boy.

The Chinese calendar suggests that it is possible to accurately determine the sex of the unborn child only by the age of the mother. According to the Chinese table, a woman from 18 to 35 years old can become a mother. Looking at such a table, you can see that the combination of age and a certain month gives the desired result.

Does it all depend on the man?

Scientists on this subject have their own opinion, which can be trusted or simply ignored. The child is initially given DNA from the father and mother, but women have a set of identical chromosomes - XX, men - XY, which proves the dependence of the child's sex exclusively on the father (according to one theory). This suggests that if the sperm that fertilized the egg will have a Y chromosome, then the birth of a boy is obvious.

Modern parents try to look at all the methods in a complex, combining something and personal experience cutting off. They resort to special diets, abstinence, study " correct postures”, follow the moon and turn to numerology. The probability of having a child of the desired gender is equal for everyone, but it is almost impossible to understand whether this is an accident or a programmed system.

Numerology and gender of the child

To calculate the gender of the child (not programming, since numerology excludes such a possibility between two specific individuals), the following calculations are carried out:

  1. The first method: if the mother's date of birth falls on an odd day, the time of conception is an even day.
  2. The numbers of the date of birth of the father and mother are summed up first separately, then added up, and the ideal date for creating a boy is obtained.

For a long time, newlyweds planned the sex of the baby in advance: the husband wants a heroic son, and the wife, in anticipation of a cute daughter. It is important to understand that no method is guaranteed to work. However, we will tell you how to conceive a boy 100 percent?

The reviews on the forum are very diverse: women share their ways of calculating the sex of a newborn, since there are several methods. Moreover, some of them have come to us since ancient times, and many have already been more improved.

Previously, for the birth of a child of a certain gender, followed folk omens. People believed that in order to conceive a boy, before making love, they put a stone, an ax or a knife in the bed. Items symbolize masculinity. And making love is better during the day.

It has long been believed that in order to conceive a boy, the best way fit summer period. Before going to bed, for a whole week, future mother should use 250 ml. cranberry jelly. If a man is a virgin, he will have a male baby first. These beliefs used to go before, but now no one uses them. Nowadays there are many effective methods. In fact, it doesn’t matter who is born as robber boys or princess girls. The main thing is that the child is healthy. For this future mommy should lead healthy lifestyle life, eat right and give up bad habits.

How to conceive a boy 100 percent?

It has long been proven that a man is responsible for the sex of a newborn. It is he who is the carrier of the "y" and "x" chromosomes, and in women, two "x" chromosomes are the same. The male sex cell "x" will allow you to conceive a girl, "y" - a boy. IN male body these chromosomes are produced in the same amount, which means that the chances of giving birth to a girl or a boy are 50/50.

Now rarely anyone uses the procedure of in vitro fertilization. It is she who can promise the sex of the baby with full guarantee. An embryo is chosen according to the indications, since it is necessary to insure and exclude a hereditary disease transmitted through any line of parents.

For a long time in China, for the first time, they began to purposefully give birth to some boys. Expectant mothers followed a special technology. The method of conception through the developed Chinese table has become closer to people. The technique has existed for more than a century, and it is very simple to use it. There is no need to calculate anything here, everything is ready. It remains only to find the total number, and determine what gender of the newborn will turn out.

Reviews about the table, how to conceive a boy 100 percent, the most positive. Little needs to be done. You just need to find your age in the table and determine the month of birth of the little one. Then you need to take due date gestation, namely 9 months. The received month will be the day of conception. This method does not give any guarantees, but many people use it and are satisfied.

The Japanese also came up with a table similar to the Chinese method, but a little more complicated. There is a specific schedule that determines the gender of the child. The first step is to determine the total number. The Japanese table, how to conceive a boy 100 percent, has reviews, in most cases, of a positive nature. First, find the month of your birth and your soulmate. At their intersection is a number. Look for it in the tablet and specify the time for conception. After the intersection of the two indicators, determine the sex of the baby.

How to conceive a boy by blood?

There is another method that is gaining popularity, but does not provide any guarantees - fertilization by blood. After all, the Internet has a large number of sites where there are reviews on how to conceive a boy 100 percent by blood. Having read positive feedback, people decide to try the technique on themselves. It has long been known that blood can be regenerated in human body. In the female half, this process occurs every four years, and in the male half, once every three years. For this technique, it will be necessary to establish the maturity of the blood of the parents. That is, the father's blood should be fresher than that of the mother. It is very easy to calculate this. It is necessary to divide the woman's age by the number of blood renewal intervals - 4. For a man, the same should be done, but with 3. To the resulting number, add the number of months after the birthday until the moment of fertilization.

The sex of the first child is determined very simply by blood type:

  • dad with 1 group cr. - mother with 1 gr. cr. = wives;
  • father with group 2 cr. - mother with 1 gr. cr. = husband;
  • dad with 3 group cr. - mother with 1 gr. cr. = wives;
  • father with 4 group cr. - mother with 1 gr. cr. = husband;
  • dad with 1 group cr. - mother with 2 gr. cr. = husband;
  • father with group 2 cr. - mother with 2 gr. cr. = wives;
  • dad with 3 group cr. - mother with 2 gr. cr. = husband;
  • father with 4 group cr. - mother with 2 gr. cr. = wives;
  • dad with 1 group cr. - mother with 3 gr. cr. = wives;
  • father with group 2 cr. - mother with 3 gr. cr. = husband;
  • dad with 3 group cr. - mother with 3 gr. cr. = husband;
  • father with 4 group cr. - mother with 3 gr. cr. = husband;
  • dad with 1 group cr. - mother with 4 gr. cr. = husband;
  • father with group 2 cr. - mother with 4 gr. cr. = wives;
  • dad with 3 group cr. - mother with 4 gr. cr. = husband;
  • father with 4 group cr. - mother with 4 gr. cr. = husband

How to conceive a boy by ovulation?

To conceive a future baby, you will need to fertilize an egg on the first day of ovulation. At this point, an alkaline environment is formed in the vagina, which allows the spermatozoa to hold on.

During ovulation, male sex cells feel great. This method is more accurate than tabular indicators: it takes into account absolutely everything, including the rapid movement of spermatozoa, because it is during ovulation that they pick up speed.

For this technique, in order to find out how to conceive a boy 100 percent (the reviews are worth reading), you will need to calculate and calculate the onset of ovulation. They do this in several ways. Women keep a chart of fluctuations in basal temperature. It is very easy to determine ovulation by vaginal discharge. They are usually white and viscous.

An important role is played by the posture of conception. For the birth of a boy, it will be necessary to ensure strong contact of the uterus with sperm. Two poses are best suited: when the man is behind the woman or the woman is on top. After fertilization, the woman should lie on her back, which will help the male germ cells "do their job."

Calendar - how to conceive a boy?

It is possible to calculate the sex of the child simply using the calendar. It contains two components. In the first part, you will need to indicate the date of birth of both parents. A number will appear at the intersection of dates - it will come in handy for us. Now, on another chart, we look at the movement of the curve in relation to the black line. On the day of conception, the graph is higher than the straight line, then a boy will be born, below - a girl. The higher the amplitude of the oscillation, the greater the chances.

To conceive a boy, the lunar calendar will help. The planned fertilization day is calculated when the moon is in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius. And you can use the most the easy way and calculate the boy's fertilization day online.

We have considered all the methods of how to conceive a boy 100 percent (reviews are worth reading on the net). Whatever method you choose, remember that the health of the child, and not his gender, comes first.

For most modern couples, pregnancy is one of the most joyful events in life. Probably the most common thought that visits future parents is, what gender will the child be? Boy? Girl? And who do mom and dad want?

The expectant mother is trying to listen to her heart and guess who will be born. Meanwhile, dad and all relatives are trying to pick up a folk sign that will most accurately indicate the sex of the child.

Most often, for a man, the birth of a boy is more desirable - an heir, such an attitude of a man to the sex of a child has remained since the Middle Ages, when only boys could inherit the title and family business. In the same way, a woman, dreaming of pleasing her husband, wants to give birth to an heir.

So, what can increase the chances of future parents to fulfill their dream of conceiving a boy?

Science has proven that the sex of the child is programmed directly at the moment of conception. Every male and female carry one pair of sex chromosomes. A woman has two X chromosomes, while a man has a Y chromosome and an X chromosome. Fortunately, the times have passed when it was the woman who was accused of being unable to give birth to a male heir, now we know for certain that it is the man who is responsible for the sex of the unborn child. Spermatozoa carry different chromosomes: a sperm with an X chromosome allows you to conceive a girl, and with a Y chromosome - a boy. Scientists have determined that a man's body produces sperm with the X and Y chromosomes in absolutely equal quantities, respectively, and the couple's chances of conceiving a girl or a boy are equal.

There are no guaranteed methods to conceive a girl or a boy in science. Only with artificial insemination, leaving only the embryo of the desired sex in the uterus, can a 100% guarantee be given that a child of the desired sex will be born. This method is sometimes inevitable, for example, when there are severe hereditary diseases in the same sex in the family. But be that as it may, couples who want to have a child of a certain gender prefer to use any available methods just to get what you want.

And although the effectiveness of various folk methods remains in question, future parents, I really want to believe that thanks to this or that method they managed to conceive the desired boy. It is thanks to this belief that there are many tips on how to conceive a child of the desired sex and methods of conception. If it turned out that for you a boy is preferable to a girl, then here are some tips that may help you.

So, a method based on the youthfulness of the blood of the parents.
It is believed that it is the youth of the blood that determines the sex of the child. Science has proven that women's blood is renewed every 3 years, and men's blood every 4. Blood renewal is counted from the last blood loss, operation, abortion or birth. If at the time of conception the mother's blood was younger, then a girl will be born and vice versa.

There are also special diets that, according to folk signs, can affect the sex of the baby. If you dream of a boy, then expectant mother it is necessary to adhere to a diet consisting of meat, fish and any salty food. Such a diet should be started about a month before conception.

Except special diet, taking into account the youthfulness of the blood, some couples prefer to use Japanese and Chinese calendar, which take into account the age of the mother and the month of her birth and indicate in which month it will be possible to conceive a boy, and in which girl.

Compared to the Chinese and Japanese calendars, ovulation timing is based on a more scientific basis. The birth of a boy will lead to sexual intercourse either at the time of ovulation, or 2 to 24 hours before it. The scientific basis for this method is the fact that Y spermatozoa are more mobile and reach the egg faster than spermatozoa with an X chromosome. However, Y-sperms do not live as long as X-sperms, which, according to scientific data, can wait for an egg for several days while in the body of a woman, while Y-sperms die without waiting for an egg. However, despite the scientific basis, the data scientific centers show that during artificial insemination on the day of ovulation, the number of boys and girls was almost the same.

First you need to accurately find out the day of your ovulation and then nothing will stop you from using this method.

Even though some of the methods described above have a scientific basis, all of them do not give a 100% guarantee. And as future parents, you must understand that the birth of a child is the greatest miracle that we have ever seen. Of course, all parents dream of a child of one sex a little more, and a child of the other sex seems less preferable to them. But do not forget that if a girl was born, and you dreamed of a boy, then in no case should the newborn baby be considered less desirable, because children are very sensitive and such feelings on the part of parents can adversely affect the psyche and health of the baby. The love of parents for a child must be unconditional and it must be loved regardless of gender, because then you will be lucky enough to become the parents of a happy little man.

Good luck to you and your kids!