Dress like a real man! The secret of women's success. How to dress to please a girl

Good appearance does not guarantee you success with women. Nevertheless, good first first impressions can work wonders. We will tell you how to dress properly in order to please girls and attract their attention.

If you want to please a woman - take care of yourself

Good appearance is not only a wardrobe, but also Full time job above oneself. Here are a few things you should definitely pay attention to.

Posture and physique

The figure and posture is the first thing that catches the eye when meeting. Women like athletic men with a straight back and broad chest. If the figure is far from ideal - it's time to think about buying a subscription to the nearest fitness club, where you can pump up your back muscles, lose excess weight and get in shape.

You should also consider taking up sports. If there are problems with the muscles of the back and chest, then swimming is perfect. In addition, all types of martial arts are good, as they increase testosterone levels and self-confidence.


A beautiful smile is incompatible with bad teeth, so it is necessary not only to brush your teeth regularly 2 times a day, but also to visit the dentist once every six months for a preventive examination and cleaning.


Do not forget to wash your hair every day in the morning and go to the hairdresser more often.

As for hairstyles, there are no restrictions - you can choose what you like best. One should only avoid too pretentious and complex styling and give preference to simpler and more natural.

Don't forget cleanliness and tidiness

Good appearance is also cleanliness and neatness. Here are a few guidelines that you must follow:

  • Sloppiness. It doesn't matter which store you buy clothes from. The main thing is that the clothes are clean, and shirts and T-shirts. Girls don't like sluts.
  • Shoes. I also pay attention to women's shoes close attention therefore, it is essential to keep them clean.
  • Size. You need to learn how to choose the right size clothes. Tight or baggy clothes will instantly spoil the first impression of the meeting.

We select clothes for dating and dating a girl

There is no single style that will appeal to all girls without exception. Each has its own preferences. One will pay attention to a man in a strict business suit, the other to a guy in sneakers and jeans.

Here are a few things that must be present in the men's wardrobe:


Shirts always look better than T-shirts. Preference should be given to fitted shirts that are calm, pastel colors with patterns and prints.

Do not forget that different shirts they are worn differently: some are tucked into trousers, some can be worn for graduation. You can read more about this in our article:.


Can be worn over shirts, T-shirts and polo shirts in the cold season. Perfectly emphasizes all the advantages of the male figure.


This is a fitted jacket with a sporty cut that can be worn over shirts or T-shirts along with jeans or trousers.


For the cold season, you need to purchase a coat in black, gray or Brown.



Fashionable men's shoes without laces and fasteners, which are ideal for casual style.

Varieties men's shoes so many. .


The only required accessory is the belt. It is better to choose a belt from real leather black or brown to match the color of the shoes without a massive buckle.

It is highly recommended to buy a watch. If finances allow, it is better to buy a watch of some famous brand. If they don’t allow it, then it’s better to abandon them altogether or look for a high-quality inexpensive replica.

For the warm season, you can buy yourself Sunglasses. How right.

It is better not to put various small things: a phone, keys, a wallet into your pockets and collect them in a leather or knitted bag.

Another accessory that will come in handy is a tie. Narrow and knitted models look very fashionable.

Here are a few more useful tips selection of clothes:

What not to wear under any circumstances

Here are a few things that you should not wear if you want to please a girl:

  • T-shirts with funny inscriptions. These shirts are good for boys. They don't suit a real man. The same applies to t-shirts with different brands. You are a person, not a walking billboard.
  • Hawaiian shirts. These loose shirts are very bright colors already gone. The same goes for any other clothing in bright, acidic and flashy colors.
  • Sandals with socks. Classic mistake. Sandals, like any other shoes with holes, are worn barefoot.
  • Mesh shirts. Cause an extremely negative reaction in women. Especially if you can not boast of an excellent physique.
  • Duck cap. These caps in our country are already strongly associated with gopniks and taxi drivers. They should be avoided.

And finally, the opinion of the girls themselves about that male appearance:

As you can see, the ability to take care of yourself and choose the right clothes really plays a big role for women.

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In order to please a woman, you should carefully monitor yourself and wisely select things in your wardrobe, adhering to a single style.

It's time to learn how to dress properly to please the girls. Maybe you have to get rid of half of the things, or maybe you are quite a stylish person. We will talk about this…

There is no single formula

This is the main rule that you have to learn. To the question "What to wear to please a girl" - there is no single answer. Women's views on this can be radically different. One considers a man sexy in a strict suit, the other considers him a jerk if he comes on a date like that. Some people like boys sports trousers, someone sees this as the height of bad taste. This is already a very subjective matter.

But still there are rules about which almost all ladies agree in their views. And you have to do them:

  1. Girls don't like sluts, so always wear ironed and clean clothes. Oddly enough, but the smell of your socks from the day before yesterday and a week-old T-shirt will not disguise even the most fashion jacket dressed on top.
  2. If you are not a supporter of strict outfits, still get at least one classic trousers(it can even be fashionable strict brown trousers).
  3. Dark tones in clothes can evoke a feeling of reliability.
  4. Light colors show you off light romantic sides.
  5. Always take care of the cleanliness of your shoes.
  6. Wear clothes that fit.
  7. Consider the features of your physique.
  8. Don't wear baggy clothes (unless you're a hip-hoper, of course).

Secret: If you want to impress a girl with your appearance, first determine what style she prefers. For example, adults elegant ladies like stylish guys in more strict outfits (shirt, expensive shoes, stylish trousers), girls who stubbornly follow fashion will like a young man in skinny trousers, with a beard, in a blazer, etc. It all depends on who you want to meet.

Throw it out of the closet....

It's much easier to say what not to wear. In this, almost all the ladies agree unanimously. There are, of course, some disagreements, but I tried to choose for you what disgusts every female without exception. So:

If you want to be personable and gallant, conquering a proud and impregnable lady, you can use business suit. But today it is a little tapered trousers and a cropped fitted jacket. In combination with good hours and shoes he will have an impeccable look.

  1. shirts

Now they are more popular than ever. But it only plays into your hands, because women are just crazy about beautiful body in a tight shirt. Look very cool denim shirts. The main thing is to distinguish which shirt can be tucked into trousers, and which one cannot.

Choose clothes according to your figure

This is probably even more important than the choice of fashionable things. After all, a lack of understanding of what suits you and what does not can completely ruin your appearance.

What to wear for skinny guys

If you have a thin physique - do not drift, many girls like just such guys. And if you dress correctly, you will become a real handsome man.

  1. U-neck T-shirts

You need to buy a loose T-shirt with this neckline. It is she who can divert attention from thin legs and draw him to your chest. And the freedom of fitting will allow you to hide your true thinness. But don't let the T-shirt hang on you.

  1. horizontal stripes

They are able to visually expand your torso, so buy sweaters and T-shirts with this pattern. Fortunately, now it is fashionable and there are enough such clothes in stores.

  1. Chinos

Light cotton trousers should be worn by everyone thin and tall. This is a very stylish piece of clothing that everyone will appreciate. fashion girls. You can roll them up, especially if you are very tall.

  1. Blazers

I already mentioned this jacket. It suits skinny guys very well.

Also, you prefer to choose things light colors- they visually increase the volume. Also try not to buy things that are tight or too big. The wrong decision would be to buy baggy things. It is better to look for the golden mean between loose and tight things.

What to wear for fat guys

For you, there are a few tips that will make the figure less baggy and add harmony:

  1. Give preference dark shades It is not necessary to wear black clothes - use olive, brown, green colors.
  2. It is better to choose clothes from thin expensive fabrics.
  3. The fewer pockets on your clothes, the better. In addition, most women do not like jeans with many pockets.
  4. Choose a shirt with a stiff collar of medium width.
  5. Better wear classic shoes dark colors.

That's it, now you know how to dress for a date respectable man. Just follow fashion trends, buy stylish clothes and follow the above rules, and the right girl will definitely like you.

Almost all women with special trepidation they relate to the choice of clothes, because this is how you can show your taste and stand out from the crowd. Clothing helps us keep warm in severe frosts and hide from the summer heat. But women use some wardrobe items to attract the attention of a male.

In fact men also pay attention to the clothes of the fair sex and know perfectly well what they like and what they don’t. With the help of a certain style and cut, you can attract the attention of a man and arouse his interest. And if you add a few buttons in the most piquant places, you can even evoke sexual fantasies in him.

Surely many women it would be interesting to know exactly how this can be done. Your attention is offered basic recommendations on how to choose the right wardrobe to please the representatives of the stronger sex. Following the following recommendations, you can arouse the interest of a man and please him.

They are greeted by clothes, and escorted by mind. Have you heard this proverb? It is very relevant when it comes to a date with a guy. So how do you dress to please him? We have studied opinions different men and last fashion trends You can see the results of our work in this article. You will find out what length, style, color, fabric are acceptable, get acquainted with the mistakes of many girls when compiling a wardrobe, and you will be able to fill the wardrobe with really necessary things.

To pick up perfect outfit in which you will feel comfortable and attract the eyes of men, you need to pay attention to your individual characteristics and some nuances. Here are the ones:

  • Length of outfits. Short women to visually appear taller, it is recommended to wear Long Dresses in the "floor" and shoes on high heels. They are not recommended to come on a date in miniskirts, optimal length- to the knee. For ladies with “appetizing forms”, the silhouette should be slightly semi-fitted. Girls with wide hips it is recommended to wear a skirt flared from the hips or a pencil style. In no case should you choose hoodies, because spacious clothes are even more fat!
  • Cutout shape. Evening dress is selected according to the rules of etiquette. If you plan to go to a meeting before 22.00, you can bare your shoulders, and if later, a deep neckline would be more appropriate.
  • Fabric and color. To please a man, you do not need to wear clothes made of dense, fleecy, coarse fabrics. Contrasting patterns on dresses should be avoided. Solid pastel colors are preferred.
  • Accessories and decorations. They are chosen in such a way that they are in harmony with the style. They should be few, no more than 2-5. You don't have to show everything you have. In order not to look like a parrot, you need to skillfully combine them in color - earrings, necklaces, rings should be about the same shade.

Women's accessories: glasses, handbag, earrings, bracelets, etc.

What things to include in the wardrobe to attract a man

When choosing evening dresses pay attention to the style and color. The dress should sit beautifully on you, emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws. On slender ladies, a tight black mini model will look luxurious. You can wear it to a party. The outfit should not be "covered" with folds and rise when walking.

From business clothes you can choose a black pencil skirt and a white translucent blouse without any frills. Dressing this way is best for important meetings, but for dates you need something simpler (jeans or a casual dress).

Men like simple, tight-fitting jeans, discreet T-shirts and regular t-shirts. Bell skirts deserve special attention, especially with a high waist and in combination with a cropped top. They show slender legs and waist.

Girls chose casual style

You should also pay attention to the color of the wardrobe item. Young men like bright colors: turquoise, pink, orange, older generation - darker.

We must not forget about underwear . Under a thin and translucent dress, all flaws will be visible. The best option there will be shapewear.

Concerning tights, then you should avoid the mesh, especially the large one, which looks vulgar. They can dress like this girls lung behavior. Small floral patterns on the sides are allowed.

Before you go shopping, you need. We offer 3 of the most convenient methods and some helpful tips.

Men love dresses, but ? Read this article if you don't want a guy to think you have no taste.

No matter how beautiful you look, if a girl does not know how to keep up a conversation, then there is nothing to do with her. To learn this art, you do not have to read "War and Peace", ours will be enough. You will learn where to start, how to lead and how to finish.

Would you like? Use female tricks and NLP techniques. On the topic of how to do this, we have already discussed earlier.

When going to a meeting, do not forget to put your skin in order. Do it economically and efficiently. Here we answered the questions: what are they, why are they needed, to whom which ones are suitable and how to cook them yourself.

Here are the clothes that any man should definitely like. She gives the girl femininity, sexuality, emphasizes the beauty of the legs. Stylish and tasteful! Although you can choose the top and brighter.

Important Points

Agree, every man is pleased to be in the company of a lady who takes care of her appearance. It is unacceptable to come on a date with war paint and unstyled hair.

Remember the great classic Tolstoy, who said that everything in a woman should be perfect: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts ... Therefore, do a pleasant and discreet make-up, beautiful hairstyle, neat manicure, choose stylish clothes, shine with your mind and win men's hearts!

Do not forget, on a date, the guy pays attention to all the little things, examining the girl from head to toe. Therefore, choose neat pumps, no sneakers and sneakers!

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You'll get step by step plan of 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

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What women's clothing styles do men like

The concept of style is purely individual, but the opposite sex enthusiastically accepts not all women's toilets.

Afghani trousers

Here are the top 11 things that annoy men:

  1. Afghani trousers
  2. Tuxedos
  3. overalls
  4. Wide hoodies
  5. Long skirts "to the floor", like gypsy
  6. Fishnet tights
  7. Jeans with a very low or high waist
  8. Ultra short skirts
  9. Barbie clothes
  10. Leggings
  11. Ripped jeans.

Such wardrobe items are incomprehensible to the stronger sex. In order not to embarrass your chosen one, you should not go on a date to him in too bright, shapeless clothes.

Here is a video with short but good advice, the key to success is clothing that emphasizes the beauty of the legs and waist.

Getting your wardrobe right is a lot of work. important task, but behind its implementation, one should not forget about deeper things. Learn, Grow, Become interesting interlocutor, only in this combination can get into your networks worthy man capitalized!

The pungent smell of sweat is not evidence of brutality, but a sign of ordinary laziness and disrespect for others. The same applies to dirty clothes and shoes, unwashed hair, untidy nails and rotten teeth. If you are trying to please a girl, first make sure that she can be around without a gas mask and the desire to gouge her eyes out.

2. Be confident

Women (and people in general) like confidence, but not bloated self-importance. No one wants to listen to a story about your virtues all evening. Nobody wants to see you being rude to a waiter because you think you're better than him. And certainly no one wants to feel like breathing the same air with you is already a privilege.

3. Learn to live

Another mistake, implicated in excessive self-confidence. And often - on. If even out of the best of intentions you want to tell this unintelligent girl what to wear, where, by whom and how to work, or what goals to achieve, stop and think: did they ask you?

Women are constantly confronted with men who strive to give expert assessment their lives and operating arguments like "You future mother". To say that it infuriates is to say nothing.

Another form of truly masculine care is called mansplaining. It consists in a condescending manner of conversation in which a man gives a woman a discount on her gender. In fact, these are special "explanations for girls." Thus, the man questions both the interlocutor's awareness of the topic and her intellectual abilities.

4. Be inconspicuous

Everything is simple here: it is impossible to please someone until he knows about your existence. Therefore, get out of the shadows and make an acquaintance - necessary step. If you find it difficult to do it because of shyness, use the tips from these articles:

The next step is to indicate your sympathy. Compliment, ask questions, flirt, ask for a date - in general, let the girl know that the purpose of your acquaintance was not just small talk.

5. Being too pushy

There are many strange stereotypes associated with courtship. For example, that a woman needs to be pursued - as if anyone would be inflamed with passion if all the circles of hell go through for her sake. Another ridiculous belief is that a woman's "no" means "yes", that is, your blind insistence supposedly guarantees consent.

What's wrong here? The fact that a girl is initially perceived either as a manipulator or as a person whose opinion can be easily influenced. In addition to the fact that this position is clearly disrespectful, it is not at all clear why you should mess with such a girl.

Of course, if you like someone, you should not give in to difficulties. But sympathy must be shown delicately. Strong pressure will be perceived as a violation of personal boundaries.

6. Chase

Stalking is an extreme form of persistence that borders on obsession. It can cause nothing but fear and rejection.

7. Be cold and unapproachable

Formula "What less woman we love, the easier she likes us” works only in the case of girls with low self-esteem and a victim complex. The rest of the underlined indifference does not cause sympathy.

8. Deceive

Relationships are built on trust, so any lie instantly puts an end to them. But here you need to understand the difference: in the desire to show yourself with better side there is nothing wrong, but the desire to embellish your social status or to hide such important information as the presence of a wife and children is already doubtful - and in the end it will come out sideways.

9. Compare

Including a girl in the hit parade of your exes or female relatives is a bad idea. Comparison in any direction devalues ​​its uniqueness.

And in general, it’s better to wait a little with stories about past relationships: you want to enter into new ones, why drag the baggage of the old into them?

10. Being irresponsible

If you constantly postpone meetings or are systematically late for them, promise something and do not fulfill, the girl sees only one thing - neglect. What desire does it evoke? That's right, have nothing to do with you.

So what do you need to do to get a girl to like you?

1. Be yourself

This is especially important if you are aiming for . No need to cheat, try on someone else's image and play games. Even if it helps the seduction at first, the truth will come out quickly.

2. Show respect

Treat the girl as an equal person to you, do not put pressure on her, try not only to show how irresistible you are, but also to learn about her. And yes, keeping your word and keeping a neat appearance is also a sign of respect.

3. Don't be afraid of rejection

Fear is not the best ally in business. In any case, it is better to try to start a relationship than to suffer from doubts. So even in case of failure, you will have a new experience in communicating with the opposite sex.