The style of the dress if there is a belly. How to hide skinny legs. The basics of choosing a dress for a full woman

Problem pick up dress style that hides the belly, for obese women the most relevant, although this task often has to be solved by more slender ladies. A protruding belly is one of the most common flaws that spoils the impression of a luxurious figure of women with a corpulent physique.

There are several win-win options dresses in which the silhouette will look most harmonious, and one of them is a model with a high waist. This style perfectly masks not only a protruding belly, but also wide hips (see photo).

No less popular dress cut for ladies who want to hide big belly- Empire, in which the hem begins under the chest line. Forming light waves and folds, it perfectly masks this flaw, visually adding height and making the silhouette more slender and graceful.

Dresses of this style are typical for summer fashion And evening style- they look especially good if they are made of light flowing fabric. Another advantage of the models of this cut is that they emphasize the beauty of a luxurious chest, focusing on its sexuality and attractiveness.

The undoubted favorite among the styles of dresses that allow you to hide a protruding belly is a free-cut model. These include such popular models as tunic dresses, balloons, a-line.

All of them do not have a waist and diverge freely to the bottom, due to which full belly becomes almost invisible. This style is one of the most comfortable, suitable for work, as casual wear and evening dress.

Free-cut dresses are most often sewn from fine knitwear, forming charming waves and beautifully fitting the body. As an alternative to such a dress, a skirt for obese women with a belly can serve.

Great option style of a dress that hides the belly for full - models with drapery. The fabric gathered in beautiful frills, focusing attention on itself, perfectly masks the protruding belly, makes the silhouette more harmonious and slender.

Very often in order to make imperfections less noticeable full figure layering is used - light layers of fabric perfectly mask ugly irregularities, add lightness and elegance to the silhouette.

A big role in choosing a dress in which the stomach will be almost invisible is given to the texture of the fabric and its colors. Opt for smooth fabrics matte surface, which do not focus on the irregularities of the figure. It is not necessary to stick to a dark palette, although it is best to visually reduce the volume and smooth out the imperfections of the silhouette.

They well mask the extra volumes of the dress in a small pattern, as well as models that use a combination of contrasting shades - darker in the center if you want to hide a full belly, and on the sides if you are disturbed too much big hips. A great addition to such dresses will be

An ideal figure and a flat tummy is the dream of every woman, but not all of the fair sex have ideal parameters, and the main "provocateur" of a woman's dissatisfaction with herself is her stomach.

If this is due to pregnancy, then there is no problem - after the birth of a child, you can quickly get in shape by doing exercise. And what if the bulging belly is a feature of the figure or evidence overweight Do you want to look beautiful and attractive? On this occasion, do not be upset, designers and fashion designers have long solved the problem and created dresses that hide the stomach.

A well-chosen style will make every woman attractive, hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of the figure.

Empire style

It suggests the silhouette of a dress with a high waistline. This is a very successful find of fashion designers, which allows you to successfully hide round shape abdomen and lateral folds. To disguise the flaws of the figure will help the free cut of the dress and the fabric, which is easily draped. In such a dress, a woman will feel confident and comfortable.

Greek style

The style of the dress in the Greek style echoes the Empire style. Both styles share a loose silhouette that accentuates seductive proportions. female body, but at the same time Greek style eliminates tightness of the body, but implies the creation of flowing light air folds.

A feature of this style is the ability to sew a dress not only with a high waist, but also with a classic fit, which also successfully hides the belly with a small slouch and draperies.

A-line dresses

Dresses with a silhouette extended to the bottom (A) were hits of the 60s. They have not lost their relevance today. The tight bodice of the dress and the short hem that gradually expands to the bottom do not disguise the belly large sizes, but with the correction of minor flaws, the creation correct proportions the figures fit perfectly.

Many brides choosing Wedding Dress, prefer a floor-length A-line silhouette. This solution is very successful in order to hide figure flaws or a rounded tummy.

Wrap dress silhouette

This style is based on the contrast of the hips with the waist, which is created visually, thanks to the cut. This decision gives the figure femininity, emphasizes its shape.

Robe dress

The main distracting and slimming element of this style is the button closure, which is located in the center of the dress along its entire length. This visually slims the figure, distracts attention from the stomach, making the proportions more correct.
For the silhouette to look perfect, the dress should fit well, but not tight.


A tunic can be attributed to the type of clothing that can be worn "both in a feast, and in the world, and in good people. Such dresses that hide the belly are universal.
The free cut skillfully disguises the "non-wasp" waist and the presence of a tummy, focusing on the neckline. This trick allows the owners of a chic neckline to shine in all its glory.

Dresses - bustier

The style of the dress, which has fluffy skirt, is suitable for lovely ladies who are expecting a baby, but at the same time do not refuse to attend social events and do not want to focus on their "interesting" position. This outfit is a win-win.

To make any style of a dress that hides the belly look as advantageous as possible, you need to choose the right fabric and colors, as well as additional accessories. For example, a belt in the form of a ribbon or a wide belt at the waist are in a good way switch attention from the stomach to other charms of the figure.

Take your eyes off the bulging tummy you can use the overlap of the fabric of the dress above the waist or drapery, which is from the top and bottom of the outfit and converges at one point on the waist line. The perfect solution is a dress with a contrasting dark-colored insert located in the abdomen.

You can emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide the stomach, the main thing is to choose the right outfit. When buying a dress, contact experienced consultants shopping center, and they will be happy to select for you a model that will make your figure flawless!

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Far from being given to all women by nature ideal figure, but this is not at all a reason to be upset or complex about your own appearance. Unfortunately, in order to bring the body into shape, it takes a lot of time and effort, but you want to look spectacular right now. In such a situation, a properly selected wardrobe comes to the rescue, which allows you to successfully hide some of the shortcomings of the physique, as well as emphasize the benefits.

In this article:

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What style of dress to choose to hide the belly and sides

In order to remove overweight, you can use certain styles of dresses that modern designers present in great variety. Models that hide the sides and stomach do not have to be shapeless. To be confident in your own attractiveness, you need to focus on femininity and sophistication, which is present in any woman, regardless of complexion.

Models with a free cut, high or low waist will help not to attract the attention of others to excessive fullness or pregnancy. It is better to give preference to clothes in medium-light and dark colors, sewn from soft flowing fabrics, gently emphasizing the curves of the body, without being too tight. Let's look at the styles of dresses that will help us hide those extra pounds on the stomach and sides.

A universal style for overweight women is considered a shirt dress. It harmoniously combines festivity and everyday life, practicality and femininity. Often the product has a lowered shoulder line, so it visually makes the upper part of the figure narrower. A through placket adds slenderness and grace to the silhouette, and with the help of a belt of the same shade as the shirt dress itself, you can make a slight emphasis on the waist.

Products that allow you to visually hide the sides and stomach cannot be too narrow at the waist. On women with curvaceous figure Models made in the form of a trapezoid look great. They may have different length and the degree of flare of the hem. If you are petite, choose a-line dresses with a slight flare at the bottom.

Sheath dress is considered an unchanging classic. It is ideal for work, business meetings or even romantic dates depending on the shoes and accessories that complement it. It is better to give preference to not very tight knee-length products that create a neat silhouette and do not emphasize its shortcomings.

If you need to hide extra pounds on the sides or cover your stomach during pregnancy, pay attention to the peplum dress sewn at the waist. Basque will create a beautiful drapery, diverting attention from problem areas. The width of this detail should be selected depending on the type of figure, since a wider peplum suits fuller ladies.

Balloon dress - a model with a fluffy, rounded skirt, slightly fitted and narrowing down. It resembles a barrel in its shape, so it successfully hides such figure flaws as extra pounds on the hips or a protruding belly. Such light model and comfortable, so it makes the silhouette airy.

Models with such an extraordinary cut allow you to balance the figure and make it visually lighter and more proportionate. The best place to place asymmetrical elements is the waist line and hem. Models are often decorated with a wide belt, voluminous bows, draperies and other decorative elements.

Versatile and very feminine style, suitable any figure of any complexion. This style, thanks to the V-shaped neckline, visually lengthens the neck, emphasizes the chest line, and also successfully hides extra pounds on the stomach.

Empire style dresses

A feature of the models created in the Empire style is a high waist, as well as a seductive neckline. This gentle and romantic style will transform any woman, making her fragile and sophisticated. Dresses with a high waist visually slim the figure, their pleated folds correct the line of the abdomen, and if necessary, imperfect shoulders can be covered with a light lace cape or stole.

Clothing not only paints a person, but also helps to competently disguise some of the existing flaws, for example, such as a bulging belly and sides. Next, you will find out which models of dresses perfectly cope with this task.

To begin with, we will immediately stipulate that a figure with no matter what flaws is not at all a reason to refuse such elegant feminine and beautiful outfits like a dress.

What dresses hide the belly and sides?

Irregular waist. It's about about dresses with high and low waistline. In general, high-waisted dresses perfectly hide any flaws in the figure, while not losing the slender curve of the female body. will perfectly emphasize the chest and neck, but if your pride is slender legs, be sure to look at the model with short length or high cutout.

The lowered waist line on the dress also breaks off excess volumes well, but in the event that the top of the outfit straight cut or loose with draperies. Usually such dresses come with a low wide belt, which will allow you to slightly lift the top, giving it airiness.

Case. Truly the most versatile and practical dress model and it goes to all girls and women with different type figures. Only if you want to hide some imperfections, choose a sheath model that is not too narrow, but not too dressy either.

Shirt. Traditionally, a shirt dress is sewn from cotton and has a straight cut, in a word, this plain shirt but with a very long bottom. I think it’s so clear here that absolutely everything is hidden behind a free cut.

Trapeze. The A-line silhouette is perfect for women with an apple body shape. It perfectly masks any volumes in the waist area and gives the image lightness and grace. To hide the stomach, look for models with a flowing cut or draperies at the waist.

Asymmetry. To balance the figure, asymmetrical details should be located in the waist area, wrap dresses look great. Don't ignore different decorative elements at the waist - a wide belt, voluminous bow, drapery, etc.

Kimono. A dress of an exotic oriental style perfectly smooths out all the flaws and gives the figure sophistication and grace.

Bat. The top of the dress is shaped like wings. bat, hence the name. It creates an interesting playful image, and numerous folds and draperies on the stomach do their job!

Dresses that hide the belly and sides

Any woman wants to be beautiful, even if she has flaws in her figure. look great with non-standard figure The right clothes will help.

Each lady has at least one "problem place" in her figure. Women try to fight overweight with the help of diets. But few people know that diets can be dangerous.

Often after a diet, a girl gains even more weight, and new health and figure problems appear. It is much safer and more interesting to hide your flaws with the right clothes.

Hide figure flaws correctly

With the help of clothes you can hide from four to eight kilograms excess weight. Harmony should be in everything. The legs should appear to be the same length as the torso or slightly longer.

It looks ugly when the hips are wider than the shoulders, and top part the torso is shorter than the lower one. It is necessary to hide the flaws of the figure correctly, and then you can create a proportionately folded and visually beautiful body.

What clothes to wear full girls?

  • it is contraindicated to fasten all the buttons on a dress or jacket
  • clothes with wide and even vertical stripes
  • tight dresses
  • contrasting clothing
  • small scarves
  • large jewelry
  • stand collar

So what clothes to wear fat girls? IN outerwear the contours of the body should be outlined softly. Suitable oblique lines of seams, on pockets and fasteners. Fits an elongated collar and V-neck lengthening the neck. Will look great matte shades material, and cool tones make the figure more slender.

Tip: Wear wide scarves, voluminous shawls and small Jewelry. This will give the image accuracy and visually remove extra pounds.

How to hide the sides and stomach with clothes?

By applying some tricks, you can achieve incredible success in the selection proper clothes for myself. How to hide the sides and stomach with clothes?

  • Put on your dresses dark tones and ditch the white, pink and blue
  • Be careful with printed clothes. If the drawing is located in the abdomen, then it will focus on this area
  • Give preference to dresses and skirts made of heavy fabrics. Light material emphasizes all the flaws of the figure
  • Do not emphasize the waist, especially with a wide belt. Dresses should be with slanting and other interesting lines that add chic to the image and divert attention from the stomach and sides.
  • If you have beautiful breasts, wear dresses and blouses with deep necklines.
  • Gathering on the stomach, large vertical frills from the neck to the bottom of the dress, loose fit - these are the main commandments in order to successfully hide figure flaws in the abdomen and sides

Models of dresses that hide figure flaws

Every woman wants to wear dresses, even if she has extra pounds. After all, in a dress, the lady looks feminine and spectacular. There are several models of dresses that hide figure flaws:

  • Empire dress. Distinctive features This model consists of a high waist, a seam under the bust and a flared bottom

  • Trapeze. Tight top and loose bottom. The fabric should be light and flowy.

  • Bustier. A lady with a beautiful neckline and breasts is suitable. High bodice with or without straps. Knee length

  • Dress in the style of "Shirt". Straight fit, buttons. You can add a thin belt

  • Greek style. Loose fit, drape and slight slouching at the belly

  • Kimono. The dress of this model repeats the cut of a kimono - loose style

How to hide the imperfections of the legs?

In this case, color, print, style and fabric matter.

1. When choosing tights, give preference to beige and white tones. This technique is suitable for thin legs

2. uneven legs will be invisible if you wear loose trousers. Skirt-year, flared down, suitable for owners of U-shaped legs

3. Short legs will become visually longer if the girl wears a mini, shoes with heels and tights to match the shoes

These tricks will help hide the imperfections of the legs. Most importantly, don't be afraid to experiment.

Clothing that hides figure flaws. Photo

TIP: Throw away dresses with wide belts, jeans and leggings.

Clothing that hides figure flaws includes the following models:

  • Tulip dresses
  • Dresses with oblique lines
  • Dresses with a seam under the bust
  • Trousers with arrows in combination with dark-colored shirts
  • Loose cardigans
  • Clothes with patch pockets, gathers and pleats at the skirts
  • Asymmetry

Photos will allow you to choose a wardrobe for any occasion in life.

How to hide crooked legs

Hide crooked legs long skirts different styles and wide trousers - classic, flared down.

How to hide full legs

Long skirts and dresses wide pants- this is clothing that needs to be worn to hide full legs.

Important: If you have massive hips, then wide trousers are not for you. They can only emphasize this shortcoming. Opt for classics made of good, dense fabrics that hold their shape.

How to hide skinny legs

Young girls can wear light or white tights with a large pattern.

Thin ankles are a virtue worth showing. You can hide thin legs with cropped trousers.

IMPORTANT: You will open the ankles, diverting attention from the thin top of the legs.

How to hide the sides with clothes

Wear tight underwear. It is easy to hide the sides with this garment. Bra, panties, bodysuit or corset must be good quality. Good slimming underwear will help drive away complexes and disguise a big belly and excess on the sides. Good posture adds beauty and confidence. No one will think of a woman that she is plump if she walks in heels and with a beaming smile!

How to hide big hands

Graceful lines of hands can be created using perfect wardrobe. Hide big hands Clothing with 3/4 sleeves will help. In this case, attention will be riveted to the wrists, which are the thinnest area of ​​​​the arm. An extended sleeve, natural fabrics, massive bracelets - all this will create an excellent contrast with a wide top of the arms.

Dresses that hide full arms

Sleeves on dresses should cover the arms. A woman with such shortcomings should give up strapless, lush frills and folds. Dresses that hide full arms are a sleeve to the elbow or 3/4.

How to hide a long neck

Hide long neck help voluminous scarves and big scarves round neckline on clothes, bows and ruffles at the top of blouses and dresses.

How to hide a short neck

Clothing with an open neck will help to visually lengthen the neck. Hide short neck A V-neck on a dress, sweater or blouse will help.

What clothes hide the stomach. Photo

Place the right accents in your figure:

  • Highlight the virtues
  • Wear clothes with an original neckline
  • Simple and concise cut

Such clothes hide the belly and create accents on the décolleté, legs and other areas of the figure where there are no problems.

How to hide wide shoulders with clothes - photo

Broad shoulders for a woman is a disadvantage. After all, a lady should be sophisticated and feminine. But you can hide with clothes broad shoulders. Photos will help you see how to do it right.

Hiding full shoulders

An openwork cape in the form of a summer jacket will help hide full shoulders. Loose fit blouse with flowing oblique lines, asymmetrical cardigan, suits and dresses with emphasis on the hips, ponchos and different game flowers will help to make a wardrobe for a woman with with full hands perfect.

How to hide big breasts

Large breasts are not a disadvantage, but women believe that with such volumes, the figure becomes disproportionate. Hide big breasts help correct and comfortable bra, beautiful colors of the top and light bottom. Elongated jewelry - chains, beads, thin and light scarves.

How to hide small breasts

Lace, buttons, pockets, blouses with frills. Details of clothing located in this area will help hide small breasts.

How to hide a big butt

Great to hide a big ass will help fitted dresses, coats, flared skirts, high-waisted trousers.

Tip: Avoid mid-thigh straps, folds and frills around the product.

How to hide wide hips with clothes

The low waist on the trousers will help to visually reduce the hips. The combination of colors is perfect - a bright top and dark pants or skirts. Hiding wide hips with clothes is easy and every girl can do it.

Tip: Don't wear sports trousers and pants in bright colors. Under the ban and narrowed down trousers.

Dresses that hide wide hips

A wide dress of a free cut will cover full hips. Add vertical lines in the form of a belt that hangs from the waist. Dresses that hide wide hips always have vertical seams, colored stripes and a wide bottom. All this will divert attention from the problem area.

Skirts that hide wide hips

The skirt is one of the most feminine details of the wardrobe. Skirts are for all women, you just need to wear them correctly. Skirts that hide wide hips:

  • pencil skirt. Suitable for office. Can be straight or flared down
  • Skirt with Basques. The peplum should have a loose hem, visually reducing the hips
  • flounces at the bottom of the skirt. This cut helps visually balance the hips and remove volume in this area.
  • tulip skirt. Makes the hips less visible, diverting attention to the knees and waist

What to wear with a pear body shape

Full hips, buttocks, plump legs - this type of figure is called a pear. Women often have a question, what clothes to wear with a pear figure? It is worth giving preference to such clothes:

  • flared trousers
  • high waisted dresses
  • pencil skirt, A-line skirt
  • A-line coat with chunky shoulder straps to help balance the silhouette

Swimwear that hides figure flaws

There are many models of clothes for the beach, allowing you to focus on dignity. Swimsuits that hide figure flaws are one-piece models that cover problem areas. These include:

  • bando
  • halter
  • high neck
  • halter
  • monokini
  • swimdress

Dress styles that hide figure flaws

Peplum dresses will help hide an ugly figure. Baska is original item, which distracts attention and emphasizes elegance.

Dress styles that hide figure flaws will help remove the emphasis from problematic hips and excess in the abdomen. These dresses should not restrict movement and should be made from good fabrics with a small print and slanting stripes along the silhouette.

Fabric that hides figure flaws

Use good quality for tailoring natural fabric. Avoid synthetics that treacherously fit problem areas. The fabric that hides figure flaws should be pleasant to the body.

Pants and skirts should be made of heavy fabric that will smooth out silhouette imperfections. For a dress, do not choose light knitwear, as this fabric will not be able to hide a large belly or wide hips. Suede and velveteen will make the figure more massive.

  • Choose clothes following the above tips
  • Do not forget about accessories that will balance the top and bottom of the silhouette.
  • Choose shoes with heels, and use corrective underwear for solemn occasions putting on under luxury dresses and costumes.
  • Despite your shortcomings in the figure, do not go in cycles only in trousers and hoodies
  • Let your image beautify beautiful dresses, skirts and trendy blouses

Video: Fashion for obese women. Body shaping with clothes