Birthday celebration ahead of time. Why You Shouldn't Celebrate Your Birthday

Astrologers are often asked whether it is possible to celebrate a birthday in advance or later? In this article I will try to give a clear answer.

I recently received an email from a reader:

FORECAST FOR 2019 - now available on our website. Compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. Also you will receive individual calendar good and bad days of 2019.

Olesya, Tomsk

This year my birthday falls on Monday 27 February. According to tradition, they do not celebrate ahead of time, and it is impossible to celebrate on weekdays. Even if I take time off from work, my friends won't be able to come. There is no way after work either: some work late, others pick up children from kindergarten. So it turns out that the nearest date is March 4th. I don't want to put it off for so long. Do you think it would be very bad to celebrate a day earlier, February 26? Thanks in advance.

Good question, thanks Olesya. Let's talk about whether it is possible to celebrate a birthday a day earlier. From the point of view of astrology, this option is considered unfavorable, and here's why.

  • The annual cycle of the Sun is not over yet. Why celebrate its end and the beginning of a new cycle ahead of time? After all, you won’t celebrate the New Year on the night of December 30-31, even if it’s more convenient for you? This is illogical, besides it is harmful, cosmic rhythms enter into an imbalance with such actions. But a birthday is the same New Year, only your individual one.
  • In the last days before the holiday, you need to have time to prepare, to complete unfinished business. This is the time to finish something, but not to start a new stage.

Incidentally, many people last week before the birthday experience weakness, apathy, painful conditions. This is not accidental either.

What if it's later than your date?

What to do if you can’t celebrate on the right date - work, study, business trip, etc.? Is it possible to celebrate a birthday later?

The answer is yes. Certainly, perfect option This is a just-in-time celebration. But it's not scary if you have to reschedule for a couple of days. The latest date suitable for a holiday is the 12th day after the birthday. The closer to the exact date, the better.

So, we take your date of birth as the 1st day and start counting. by the most better days will be the following:

  • 2nd day (emphasis on money and talents in the coming year);
  • 4th (well suited for a holiday with the family or just at home);
  • 5th (emphasis on your children and creativity);
  • 9th (associated with travel and study next year);
  • 10th (your career and place in society).

not particularly favorable will be like this:

  • 6th day (associated with health care, prevention and treatment);
  • 8th (tense situations);
  • 12th (everything secret comes to light).

Thus, if it is not possible to celebrate a birthday on time, it is better to celebrate later, even if it means waiting a whole week.

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Records found: 31

Hello. My daughter is 1 year old on Easter. Please tell me, is it possible to celebrate this day, or should it be postponed to a more suitable day?


Allah! Light Christ Sunday is the Feast of Feasts. It would be more correct to move the birthday to the days after Easter.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father, is it possible to celebrate a birthday earlier? My husband's brother did the birthday earlier, we didn't go, my husband's sister did her son's birthday earlier, we didn't go, he is 3 years old. As far as I know, a birthday cannot be done earlier.


In general, there are no church prescriptions in this regard, so you should not upset your loved ones because of such trifles.

Deacon Ilya Kokin


Galina, there will still be a strict fast on January 6 - this is Christmas Eve, and of course, there can be no talk of any birthday. Celebrate a birthday after Christmas on any day.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, please tell me how to celebrate my daughter's birthday, 5 years old, which will be on December 12? 1. Celebrate and make a Lenten table, but alcohol really confuses me, will guests still drink? 2. Reschedule for Christmas, I'm embarrassed too, it's big celebration and I will celebrate my birthday. Tell me, please, how can I do it better?


Zhenya, you can move it to Christmas, and there is nothing wrong with that, or even better - the day after the Holiday, January 8, it will be the time of the Holy Days (Christmas Day), there is no fasting, and it would be very appropriate to celebrate a birthday.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! Please answer whether we are doing the right thing: 11 years ago, on our son’s birthday, on August 14, our daughter dies (at the age of 2 years and 7 months), and on August 13 we always commemorate our daughter, and on August 14 we congratulate our son (modestly).


Lyudmila, you are not violating anything, but, in my opinion, it could be done differently, change the dates. Assumption fast begins on August 14, it is strict. Therefore, in order not to break the fast, you can celebrate your son’s birthday on August 13, and you can celebrate it fully, and it’s okay that you celebrate before. It is advisable to do a commemoration on the day of memory, i.e. August 14th. Thus, you will not infringe on anyone - and you will also bring joy to your son. However, if you do not agree with me, then you can do as before.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, father. Is it possible to celebrate 1 year for a child not on the day he was born, but on the next?


Tanya, you can celebrate a child's birthday any day - it doesn't "affect" anything.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! Please tell me what to do, my grandmother died on January 7, 2013, on Christmas Day, on the same day my husband's birthday. Is it possible to celebrate a birthday or not?


Alexandra, first of all we must celebrate Great Holiday Christmas. On this day, according to the church charter, the commemoration of the dead is not supposed (only the funeral service). The annual commemoration can be transferred. Therefore, on the Holiday itself, of course, you can celebrate a birthday. And make a wake for the deceased grandmother a few days later.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! I want to celebrate my son's birthday, he turns one year old, we want to celebrate in a cafe, but we will have a commemoration on this day. Could you please explain whether it is possible to celebrate our holiday in the same hall after the commemoration? Thank you in advance.


Svetlana, you can. We have a funeral service in the church, and then we baptize, and we crown - and vice versa. The main thing is to live like a Christian. So it's all right. Birthday can be celebrated.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello. Tell me, please, my grandmother died the day before, and in a month it's my birthday. Tell me, can I celebrate or not?


Alexander, there are no special rules on this issue. But personally, I think that memorial days are more important than birthdays. The deceased cannot pray for themselves, and therefore they rely on our and church prayer. So my advice is that until 40 days have passed, there is no need to celebrate a birthday. During this period, it is better to pray intensely for your grandmother, to order her commemoration in the Church. And celebrate your birthday later - a little late, but that's okay.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Is it possible to celebrate a birthday if this day marks 40 days after the death of my mother?


Natalia, what can be a birthday on this day? It's your mom! You must pray hard for her on this day. On the 40th day it is determined where will he go soul, to hell or heaven. Therefore, on the 40th day, you definitely need to go to church and pray for your mother, and at the end of the service, ask the priest to serve a memorial service.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello. Please tell me how to proceed in the following situation. My grandmother died on September 21, I mourn her very much ... And on October 5, my daughter's birthday is 5 years old. Is it possible to celebrate a birthday, and how? Before this event, they wanted to go to the children's room, now I just think modestly at home with my family to celebrate. Thank you.


Mary, yes, of course, you are right. It is possible and even necessary to celebrate a child’s birthday, but more modestly, and without visiting entertainment programs. As 40 days pass, take the child to the nursery. Now you need to purely pray for your grandmother.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello. September 27th is my birthday - my 40th birthday. Please tell me can I celebrate? I'm afraid, because it's 40 years old, and most importantly - September 27 is a big church holiday. Colleagues at work are waiting, getting ready. How to do it right? Thank you.


Elena, September 27 - Great church holiday, the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. Although this is a holiday, the church does not encourage entertainment on this particular day. On this day, a strict fast is laid, you can not eat meat, dairy products, eggs and, of course, alcohol. 40 years is a good date, and you can celebrate it, but not on September 27th. If you are going to celebrate your birthday, then do it on any other day. For example, September 28 - it will be Sunday, and you can eat everything - and you will not be embarrassed, and your birthday guests will be happy.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon, tell me, is it possible to get married on your birthday?


Liana, of course, you can get married on your birthday, you just need to remember that according to the church charter, the sacrament of the wedding can not always be performed. You can’t get married on fasts, on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, as well as on great church holidays. You need to first check with the priest at the church the date of the wedding, and he will tell you whether it is possible to get married on that day.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, is it possible to celebrate your birthday if you recently died Native sister, 40 days have not passed yet. Thank you.


Ksenia, certain rules on this issue in the Church is not. But in the first 40 days, you need to pray purely for the soul of the deceased, this is very necessary for the deceased. And I think, for ethical reasons, you'd better wait and reschedule your birthday for more late deadline, Nothing wrong with that. By doing this, you will show respect for the deceased, and your soul will be calm. Celebrate a birthday after 40 days.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Good afternoon June 22, on Trinity parental Saturday, is my father's birthday (and my employee's mother too). Is it possible to celebrate them modestly, in a family way, or is it impossible on this day? Thank you.


Svetlana, why not? parent saturday- This is a general commemoration of the dead. This is not mourning, but commemoration, that is, a church prayer for all the departed Orthodox Christians. You need to go to church on June 22 for a service, and together with everyone to pray for your deceased relatives, and then, after the service, you can safely celebrate the birthday of your father and mother of your employee.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Good evening! Can I celebrate my birthday not on June 1, as it should be, but on May 31? Or that Bad sign? Thank you!


Alena, there is no sign here. A birthday is an event that can be easily transferred to any other day, and there is nothing wrong with that. By the way, a birthday should not be limited only to a feast, it’s good to go to church that day, confess and take communion, and thank God for letting us see this world.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! I was born on August 28th. Once in the church, an employee told me that I should not celebrate my birthday on this day, since it is the day of the Assumption Holy Mother of God. Is she right? And can I embroider the icon "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary" and where to hang this icon in the house? Thank you.

Sometimes a celebration anniversaries have to be transferred to more convenient time. But why is it possible to celebrate anything in advance, except for a birthday, which cannot be postponed to an earlier date? They say that this is a bad omen, but what exactly do the folks promise to those who wish to celebrate early - read on.

Why can't you celebrate your birthday in advance?

There are several explanations for this superstition. The first is connected with the perception of life as a period for which you need to do something. And trying to celebrate his next growing up a little earlier, a person seems to declare his fear of not living up to certain period. That is why they say that one should not celebrate a birthday in advance because of the possibility of an early death. Of course, this reason can only matter to those who believe that with each of their actions they give some kind of signal to the Universe.

Another explanation for why birthdays are not celebrated in advance is even more mystical. There is a belief that the spirits of ancestors look after each of their descendants, and mark each of them. New Year life. Therefore, if the holiday is scheduled earlier, they will not have time to drink the intoxicating cup and will be greatly offended. And what to expect from offended spirits? Of course, all kinds of misfortunes next year. By the way, this is true even if the holiday is celebrated later.

Do not believe in ghosts and world laws can explain why they do not celebrate birthdays in advance, special meaning this date. The beginning of a new year of life becomes a certain milestone, which allows you to think about the passed stage. So if you postpone the holiday, the attention will switch only to the celebration, and the feeling of necessity will fall into reflection. it won't come. Well, when you change the date of the celebration, its very meaning will be lost, the day is timed to nothing, subconsciously it will be perceived as an ordinary gathering of guests.

It turns out that all the dangers that are promised to those who have celebrated their growing up in advance have only a mystical explanation. And if you are a rational person, then this has nothing to do with you, and all unpleasant incidents after such actions can be attributed to ordinary coincidences. True, it is worth remembering that there is not a single one that would say that you can celebrate a birthday in advance. But to take into account these superstitions or not, it's up to you to choose.

It becomes curious why it is impossible to celebrate a birthday in advance? The holiday falls on Monday, but do you want to gather guests at the weekend? What is better - call everyone in advance, reschedule for the next weekend or celebrate on time even on a working day?

The question is so exciting that it's time to deal with it better. It is important for the birthday person to maintain a high mood during this day, so you should initially think over the time and place of the celebration.

Origins of the ban

Why name days are not celebrated earlier:

You may not live to see the cherished date.

Each year of life inexorably brings a person closer to his death. No one knows how many years are measured ahead. But behind the tinsel of the festive bustle, the thought may arise that there is one year less to live ... If you celebrate your birthday earlier, then this sends a message to the Universe: "I will not be able to celebrate on time." It's like a "wish list" to complete before you die.

What awaits the one who manages to complete each item on his list? Lie down and die in peace? Or just compose new list? There are many examples of those who from year to year celebrate on a different day and remain alive. But people tend to focus on the negative, which is why the stories from the series “he died because he celebrated his birthday in advance!” excite the imagination so much.

Do you believe in such superstition? No one will tell you the exact statistics of how often people who celebrate in advance die ... Therefore, the future birthday boy has to act on inner conviction.

The spirits of the ancestors will be offended.

In the old days, the concept of “soul” was taken quite seriously. It was believed that after the death of the body, his spirit moves to another world, occasionally visiting his living heirs. A birthday was just one of those moments when one should expect the spirits of deceased relatives to visit. They could rejoice for the birthday man, convey his requests with wishes to a higher authority (God). This is where the whole point of celebrating a birthday on the same date lies.

After all, why not reduce the degree of alcohol? - Will backfire in the form of nausea. Exactly the same here. Retreat from usual date will entail the wrath of the spirits, who at the appointed time could not participate in the celebration. But even if they maintain a positive attitude towards the birthday man, his wishes will remain unknown.

So the spirits will not be able to favorably influence the world to contribute to the fulfillment of dreams. Such a warning applies not only to celebrating in advance, but also to postponing name days to a later date.

It will be difficult for guests to pick up congratulations.

Usually close people gather for a birthday to congratulate on such significant event. Given the increasing number of abortions and infertile couples, the opportunity to be born was truly unique. But what about the event, the anniversary of which actually comes a little later? It will be embarrassing for guests to say: “Happy FUTURE birthday!

It's such a wonderful event when everyone's favorite person was born. And if you rewind many years ago, you were still in your mother's stomach. So let's celebrate the moment the contractions started." Strange congratulations come out, right? It is much more customary to celebrate the holiday on the same day. Then the words you need will find themselves ...

The whole meaning of the holiday will be lost.

By its significance, a birthday is much higher than the New Year, March 8th, September 1st, wedding anniversary and any other event. On a certain date, the soul passes from one state to another. Until that day there was life in the womb, then - in the world. Yesterday there was one age, and today - already another.

You can rethink life, find new goals, become wiser at any other moment. But on this particular day, all this is of the greatest importance. If you move the celebration to another date, all attention will be directed to the celebration itself, instead of studying your own life.

To celebrate or not to celebrate?

Decisions of such a plan can only be made by the birthday man himself. None of the above reasons have been proven by facts. If indeed the number of deaths increased among those who decided to celebrate their name days in advance, then the ban would be brought to the state level. And it is possible to carry out an analysis of what has been accomplished in a year and exactly under the New Year tree.

So whether to believe the old beliefs? Everyone determines for himself. But there is nothing overly dangerous about celebrating a birthday a day or two earlier or later. Too superstitious should be recommended to celebrate the event with the closest people in the exact date, and arrange a more massive festivities later. This may be exactly the "golden mean", in which "both ours and yours" will receive.

Remember how each of us in childhood waited for the onset of his birthday? We were worried, we were looking forward to seeing the long-awaited gifts. Sometimes, we rejoiced at the gifts, sometimes we were upset that they gave us not what we ordered. But, despite all the gifts and all the joys of this exciting day, for each of us it remained the most mysterious why it is impossible to celebrate a birthday earlier? However, these questions were most often answered in simple words- it is forbidden. Many and in adulthood this issue remains.

So, what is the matter - superstitions, traditions or something else? In fact, the “ban” on celebrating a birthday earlier than the due day lies in our deep history.

In the old days, it was believed that on the birthday, the birthday person is visited not only by people living today, but also by the spirits of deceased relatives, as well as dark spirits/force. Based on this, it was believed that if you celebrate your birthday earlier, then the spirits of relatives will not be able to get to your holiday. They will not be able to have fun and be happy for you. But dark spirits, on the contrary, can harm you. They will bring bad luck.

If we look at some of the old writings, we can see a more radical result of the early celebration. If a person celebrated his birthday earlier, then he may not live to see real day birth.

And more importantly, all these beliefs work even if a person decides to celebrate his birthday later. The reasoning is exactly the same. But why, today, a belated celebration is considered the norm, it is difficult to say. Everyone knows that it is impossible to celebrate earlier, but most have forgotten that it is also impossible to celebrate later. Here is such a metamorphosis, which, however, can be explained from happiness. In our age, when a birthday falls in the middle working week, the temptation to postpone the celebration for the weekend is too great.

Whether to postpone the celebration is a purely personal matter. But is it worth the time to anger the lines Higher power? According to all the same beliefs, on his birthday a person is most weakened, prone to illness and troubles such as accidents.

Concerning ancient traditions and beliefs, I would like to recall one more. Today, also under the pressure of modern times, this belief has undergone a change. For hundreds of years, it was believed that as you meet your birthday, you will live the whole next year. Therefore, during the celebration, a person should be surrounded only by loving and dear to my heart People. It was the birthday, and not the new year, that was considered the transition to a new life stage. It was the birthday that was considered the beginning of the countdown of the new year.

The only really conflicting moment in this whole story is leap year. There are far too many people like me who were born on February 29th. And here, you are faced with the choice of either celebrating it like a new year, violating the old beliefs "to the fullest", or follow these signs and celebrate only once every 4 years.

By the way, one more sign: wishes should not be with “no”: not to get sick, but to be healthy. That is, the wishes should sound only affirmation, not denial. Otherwise, you do not wish the birthday man all the best, but you are inflating dark forces on him, who will try to harm the birthday man as much as possible during the year.