Valentine's Day is the true story behind the origin of the holiday. Traditions and signs of Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day Customs

Where and how did Valentine's Day come about? Being the most beloved holiday of young people, it has a centuries-old tradition and interesting story. However, lovers are usually not even interested in where and when the tradition associated with valentines originated.

Valentine's Day, whose history and traditions go back to ancient times, 18 centuries ago, dates back to Rome, more precisely, to the Lupercalia holiday. On this day, everyone left their affairs aside and indulged in fun and love. But not entirely erotic, but simply people tried to find a life partner or soul mate, which often succeeded. Usually, after this festival of eroticism, a huge number of new families appeared in Rome.

Which originates from ancient Rome, is associated with many legends and traditions. It was during the celebration in Rome that the arrival of spring came, which marked the arrival. In addition, the holiday was associated with fortune-telling, and not only young people and girls believed in mystical predictions, but also serious politicians and business people. The range of divination was quite wide - from trade to amorous affairs. And it is noteworthy that until today is considered the very day of St. Valentine. The story also tells that around the same period of time in Greece, neighboring Rome, Panurgy was celebrated, that is, celebrations in honor of the forests and fields of Pan, who was always in love with some kind of nymph. Just before the arrival of spring, the Roman venerable matrons made many sacrifices to the goddess of motherhood and marriage, Juno, who, by the way, in legends and myths was often associated with the Faun, the Roman prototype of Pan. And where is St. Valentine, the history of the holiday? It's just that all the ancient holidays had some roots associated with paganism. And now let's move on to Christian legends about the origin of Valentine's Day.

So, around the 3rd century, St. Valentine lived in the city of Ternia, located in the Roman state. The history associated with his personality is covered, in general, with darkness, but some points leave no doubt. So, his profession was one of the most noble, Valentine was a Christian priest. Endowed with all the qualities of virtue, the hero of Valentine's Day was reputed to be kind and honest man. The time in which Valentine lived is connected with the reign of Claudius II, who persecuted Christians and honored only his legionnaires, soldiers. According to his decree, none of them had the right to start a family and marry, so as not to stop thinking about military glory and valor, as well as the good of the Roman Empire. And a young Christian good priest, whose name was Valentine, secretly married the soldiers from everyone, not paying attention to the decree of the emperor. And yet, according to legend, a noble young man reconciled quarreling lovers, helped win the hearts of girls and wrote letters for those who did not know the letter. However, this could not continue for a long time, and soon Valentine was arrested and executed.

Valentine's Day, the history of the holiday does not end there. According to other legends, the priest fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer and managed to heal his beloved thanks to his knowledge of medicine. According to another version, the girl herself fell in love with Valentine, but the one who gave her failed to reciprocate, and only on the night or morning before the execution did our hero write her the first and last love letter. The touching story of the poor heroic priest was not forgotten, and soon he was called a saint and dedicated a holiday to him.

And what about valentines? Despite the fact that they are probably so called after a letter from Valentine, written to his beloved. Initially, valentines were written secretly, with the left hand, so that the recipient would not guess who they were from. And always in the shape of a heart, a symbol of love. So Valentine's Day has sad story. However, thanks to the Roman priest, all lovers in the world have a day of love and happiness.

Strange things are happening in the world, progress is growing stronger. For centuries people lived, loved each other, and loved each other much stronger than now. And they did not know any "Valentine's Day" as a day of lovers. And now they have forgotten how to love, only 10% of the created families remain, but they have learned to celebrate Valentine's Day en masse. Oh, how cute he is in the pictures, this “valentine's day” is “Valentine's day”, he is all so plush-floral, heart-chocolate! Just a little girl's bedroom, not a holiday...

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There is no sadder story in the world ... than the story of a kind Catholic priest who gave his life for the reunion of couples in love. Yes, yes, the name of this priest was Valentine, and the story is very, very old. Long ago, in the 3rd century, the cruel emperor Claudius II, warlike and evil person. Wanting to strengthen his army and make it even more numerous, Claudius issued a decree forbidding the Romans to marry. The strict ruler believed that family ties make a man sentimental and soft, which prevents him from being a good, merciless warrior.

The only hope of passionate lovers was a young priest named Valentine. Having a sensitive heart and kind soul, he, ignoring the imperial decree, secretly married lovers. Using the inviolability of the church, Valentine arranged meetings for lovers, helped them exchange passionate letters. Upon learning of such illegal activities of the priest, Claudius issued a cruel decree, sentencing Valentine to imprisonment and death. Being imprisoned, Valentine saw young daughter jailer and was struck by her beauty and tenderness. The girl, having learned who Valentine is and why he was sentenced to death, decided to meet him and ... fell in love. Every day, lovers exchanged tender letters in which they declared their love to each other, made compliments and vowed to be together forever.

The execution of the criminal priest was scheduled for February 14, 270. On this day, Valentine wrote the last letter to his beloved, in which there were no confessions, no compliments, no promises. The note included only two words: "Your Valentine." No other words were needed to say goodbye to the lovers. So this short note became a famous symbol eternal love, devotion and fidelity, which became known as Valentine.

The day of the execution of the Christian priest, who helped loving hearts to find happiness, became the day of the holiday of all lovers. On this day, all people talked to each other about their feelings, wrote Love letters and gave flowers. Later, when a Roman priest named Valentine was canonized by the church, February 14 became known as Valentine's Day. It is said that the ashes of the priest were buried in the Roman church of Saint Praxidis. Believers began to call the gates of this church the gates of Valentine. Having passed through them, the couple in love, as it were, received the blessing of Valentine.

Valentine's Day- the patron saint of all lovers - catholic holiday. He came to us quite recently, but for this short term managed to fall in love with many. Despite the fact that this holiday is celebrated on a frosty winter day - February 14, when real winter weather is in our country, frost is cracking and snowstorms are sweeping, the atmosphere on this day is very hot. As if at the behest of a romantic Valentine, on this day even the most serious and busy people find time to smile, remember their soulmate and remind them of their love. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone around is congratulated, because not a single person can live without love, regardless of his gender, age, sexual orientation and social status.

Catholics have a lot of legends, beliefs, rituals associated with this day. It is believed that on this day, Valentine descends from heaven and connects all the halves that roam the world in search of each other. Traditionally, February 14 is considered the day romantic dating, declarations of love and, of course, weddings. A couple who get married or married on this day will be under the patronage of St. Valentine all their lives. Their relationship will be reliably protected from quarrels, conflicts and misunderstandings, and love will always reign in their house!

Also on this day, not a single declaration of love remains unanswered.. Lovers on this day are especially eloquent, passionate and attractive. If on Valentine's Day you give the object of your adoration a Valentine card with an ardent declaration of love, he will definitely respond to your feelings. And if your relationship has already been verified, then romantic postcard in the form of a heart will become a talisman against parting.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that on February 14, despite the frost, the approach of spring is already felt, especially since this Catholic holiday falls just on the Orthodox Shrovetide week. B this day according to popular belief birds begin to look for a mate for breeding future offspring. In order to find out what your betrothed will be, you need to look at the sky.

To see a sparrow on this day is a sign of a poor, but kind and affectionate spouse.

A crow is a sign of a fisted spouse, with a complex character, but very wealthy.

Magpie, on the contrary, portends a generous and loving spouse.

The bullfinch denotes a romantic but not serious admirer.

The happiest sign on Valentine's Day is the goldfinch - this is the symbol of a millionaire spouse!

In Europe and America, many rituals are associated with Valentine's Day. On this day, you can guess at your betrothed, as well as engage in Eorozhba. One of the most simple ways find your one and only. On the night of February 13-14, you need to wash cold water, comb your hair and, falling asleep, cast a spell: "On Valentine's Day, I'm waiting for the second half!" You can also make a romantic wish by putting a Valentine card under your pillow, and in the morning give it to your lover or lover.

How is Valentine's Day celebrated? All day on February 14, people write valentines and secretly give them to each other. There are many ways to do this! For example, in Italy, valentines are mailed in a kiss-sealed pink romantic envelope with no return address; the height of romance and passion in Spain is considered to be a message sent with the help of a carrier pigeon; in America, a mailbox decorated with foil is hung on every house, pink paper and velvet hearts, into which everyone who wishes puts his love message. In our country, in most cases, valentines are given in person, violating traditions and rituals.

In the evening, lovers all over the world try to be alone. In this mysterious and magical evening can arrange romantic dinner by candlelight in a cozy little cafe away from prying eyes or at home. There must be red wine on the table - a symbol of passion, a lot of candles - a symbol of romance and, of course, a variety of hearts (on napkins, on a tablecloth, on cutlery, etc.).

Married couples spend the evening of Valentine's Day with family, reminiscing about the romantic moments of their relationship. Single people who have not yet found their love celebrate Valentine's Day in big company hoping to meet your soul mate that very evening.

Valentine's Day beautiful, romantic and very touching holiday. On this day, I want everyone around to be in love and happy!

Festive interior for Valentine's Day

Designers say that the interior is an important component of the state of the human soul. It is with the help of a competent, symbolic and sensual design of the room that everything can be achieved: attention, location and even reciprocal feelings. In order for Valentine's Day to be unforgettable and interesting, for your soulmate to feel your emotions and, if she is still far away, to find Right way On this day, everything should be perfect!

Pink color - the color of sincerity, tenderness and love - is traditional for interior decoration and gifts on Valentine's Day. Also, the colors of Valentine's Day are red - the color of sensuality and passion, and white - the color of innocence and purity. All the decorative elements with which you will decorate the room, whether kindergarten, school, office, apartment, bedroom, must be designed in these colors. In order to create a firework of feelings and emotions, you can use various shades these colors range from orange to maroon.

The history of Valentine's Day - who came up with celebrating Valentine's Day - the history of the holiday

The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day, aka Valentine's Day, came to us from the West. Lovers on this day give each other gifts, tender postcards- valentines, and, of course, confess their love. The history of this holiday is interesting.

History of Valentine's Day

First version

There is a beautiful legend about the origin of Valentine's Day. According to this legend, Claudius II - the Roman emperor, ruling in the third century AD, was an ardent opponent of marriage alliances, because they prevented his legionnaires from conquering countries. Therefore, the emperor issued a decree that forbade marriage. The priest Valentine, contrary to the decree, nevertheless continued to secretly marry lovers. For this, he was thrown into prison, after which he was sentenced to death. The young daughter of the jailer, seeing the priest and learning his story, fell in love with him. Valentine reciprocated her. But since it was not possible to see each other, the lovers communicated through correspondence. On February 14, 270, the day of the execution, the priest sent his last love note to his beloved, signed "From Valentine."

Second version

According to another version of the legend of the origin of the holiday of all lovers, the head of the prison where Valentine was imprisoned for his "criminal" deeds, accidentally found out about the healing abilities of the prisoner, after which he brought his blind daughter Julia to Valentine. On the terrible day of the execution, Valentine wrote a farewell love note to Julia. Having received it, the girl found yellow saffron inside, and an unprecedented miracle happened - she received her sight.

Several early Christian holy martyrs are known under the name Valentine. One of them is Valentine, a Roman priest who was executed around 269 AD. Another famous Saint Valentine was the Bishop of Interamna. This saint was famous for his miraculous healings. He was executed for converting the mayor's son to Christianity. Perhaps the legend refers to this particular saint. romantic holiday February 14 was established in memory of the saints by Pope Gelasius I in 496.

Already in 1969, after the introduction of the reform of worship, St. Valentine was removed from the liturgical calendar. catholic church(along with other Roman saints, information about whose life is contradictory and unreliable). On February 14, the Catholic Church honors the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius. A Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the presbyter of Rome Valentine on July 6 (19).

Feast of the Lupercalia

According to one legend, the roots of Valentine's Day go back to pagan times. Many believe that the "predecessor" of this holiday was the so-called Lupercalia - a festival of abundance and eroticism, which was held in Ancient Rome in honor of the patron god of the flocks Faun (Luperka) and the goddess of "feverish" love Juno Februata on February 15.

Young girls wrote love notes guys and put them in a special bowl for drawing lots. The man who took out this note was supposed to look after the one who wrote it. Interestingly, on this day, men whipped women on the street with whips made from the skin of a sacrificial goat. It was believed that this should have contributed to the greater fertility of women, so they were loyally exposed to cruel blows.

In 494 AD Pope Gelasius I "moved" the celebration of the Lupercalia from February 15 to February 14. Thus, it coincided with the day of veneration of St. Valentine. However, the celebration of the Lupercalia soon faded away.

Mating season for birds

The celebration of Valentine's Day in February is also associated with the beginning mating season birds. It has long been believed that the conclusion marriage union at this time will make him long and happy.

Pagan holiday "Ivan Kupala"

It is traditionally believed that the holiday of all lovers came to our country from the West. However, celebrations, somewhat similar to the Roman Lupercalia, have been in Rus' since ancient times. So, since ancient times, we have celebrated the famous Kupala Day, which falls on July 7, or rather, on the night of the sixth to the seventh of July, or according to the old calendar, on the night of the twenty-third to twenty-fourth of June. The holiday was dedicated to the day summer solstice, as well as the pagan Slavic sun god Kupala. People honored the Sun, the maturity of summer, the green mowing. Young people girded themselves with bandages of flowers, and put wreaths on their heads. They danced and sang songs. Then, in connection with the adoption of Christianity in Rus', this pagan holiday was replaced by the veneration of the memory of John the Baptist, since the day of the Nativity of John the Baptist coincided with pagan holiday Kupala. This holiday was given the name "Ivan Kupala", as we know it today.

Commemoration of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

On July 8 (June 25 according to the old calendar), the Orthodox Church commemorates Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, the glorious patrons of love and family happiness.

However, massively on February 14 as a celebration of Valentine's Day in the Old World, that is, in Europe, it has been celebrated since the 13th century, while in America since 1777. Valentine's Day is secular (not religious).

We congratulate you on St. Valentine's Day and wish you simple human happiness, whose name is love! Always give your loved ones charming smiles, and then life will be even brighter!

Or Valentine's Day - a holiday that is celebrated on February 14 all over the world. There are several versions about the origin of this holiday, according to one of which Valentine's Day was once called the "Bird's Wedding", since it was believed that on this day, February 14, birds choose their mate. According to another version, many years ago, a Christian priest named Valentine performed a wedding ceremony forbidden by the Roman emperor, for which he was executed on February 14 and since then he has been considered the patron saint of lovers.

Another legend refers to the time when Rome was pagan. It tells how the Christian preacher Valentine was imprisoned for his faith and in front of everyone healed the jailer's daughter and gave her sight. He was sentenced to death, and on February 13, on the eve of his execution, he sent her a tender farewell letter.

The next legend combines the previous two. They say that Valentine, being the bishop of Terni, showed a special disposition to young lovers, helped write letters with declarations of love, reconciled those who quarreled, gave flowers to young spouses. His arrest was allegedly caused by the fact that the Roman emperor Julius Claudius II did not allow the soldiers of the imperial legions to fall in love and marry, and Valentine secretly married legionnaires. When Valentine was in prison, he, as legend has it, fell in love with the blind daughter of his executioner and healed her. Before his execution, he left her farewell note signed "Your Valentine".

Subsequently, as a Christian martyr who suffered for his faith, Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church. And in 496, Pope Gelasius declared February 14th St. Valentine's Day. Since then, lovers have revered St. Valentine and consider him their intercessor. In memory of the letter written by Valentine to his beloved, on this day it is customary to give each other Greeting Cards Valentines in the shape of hearts Best wishes, declarations of love, marriage proposals or just jokes.

Later, in the Catholic Church, Valentine's Day began to be considered an optional holiday. Since 1969, as a result of the reform of worship, Saint Valentine was removed from the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church (along with other Roman saints, information about whose life is contradictory and unreliable).

Despite this, Valentine's Day, the patron saint of all lovers, has received truly worldwide recognition, it has become popular in many countries, among believers and non-believers, regardless of nationality and religious denominations. In addition, in many countries there were analogues of Valentine's Day, and often the inhabitants of these countries celebrate the holiday twice - in February, on Valentine's Day, and on their traditional day.

In Russia, this holiday has been celebrated most massively and openly since the early 1990s. A kind of domestic analogue of St. Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day in Soviet time was International Women's Day on March 8, and now - All-Russian Day conjugal love and family happiness, celebrated on July 8. On this day, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who since ancient times were considered in Rus' as the patrons of the family and marriage.

The love story of Peter and Fevronia is described in detail and colorfully in the famous old Russian "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia". According to the Lives of the Saints, Prince Peter ascended the throne of Murom in 1203. A few years earlier, he had contracted leprosy, from which no one could cure him. In a dream, it was revealed to the prince that the pious peasant girl Fevronia could do this. The prince fell in love with Fevronia for her piety, wisdom and kindness and vowed to marry her after the healing. Fevronia cured the prince and married him. The holy spouses carried love and fidelity to each other through many trials. They became famous for their righteous life and mercy.

Saints Peter and Fevronia died on the same day and hour on July 8, 1228, having previously taken monastic vows with the names David and Euphrosyne. The bodies of the saints were placed in one coffin. The Russian Orthodox Church canonized Peter and Fevronia as saints. Today their relics rest in the Holy Trinity Convent in Murom.

At the initiative of the inhabitants of the city of Murom (Vladimir region), where the relics of the holy spouses are buried, the pre-revolutionary traditions of celebrating the day of Sts. Peter and Fevronia. This idea was supported by the deputies of the State Duma Russian Federation and in 2008 the holiday received official government status.

On March 26, 2008, in the Federation Council at a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, the initiative to establish a new public holiday was unanimously approved - All-Russian day marital love and family happiness. In 2008, Russia for the first time celebrated July 8 as a national Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

However, unlike its Western counterpart, Russian holiday several patron saints at once. patron saints family well-being a pious couple is considered - Joachim and Anna, in whose family the Mother of God was born, on August 29, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the miraculous Fedorov Icon of the Mother of God, which is revered as the patroness of brides, family well-being, the birth of children in childless couples, helping in difficult childbirth. In Russia, there is another holiday during which the Orthodox pray for the gift of a prosperous family life, is the Cover Holy Mother of God. From Intercession Day - October 14 - they began to celebrate weddings, and the girls went to church that day to pray that the Lord would send them good grooms .

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources