What is Palm Sunday. Holiday without a date. Catholic Palm Sunday

If you ask yourself what holiday spring is associated with, probably one of the most common answers will be Easter. And Easter is not only eggs and Easter cakes, but also willow branches. They tend to be purchased exactly a week before the celebration. After all last sunday before Easter is called palm. It is known that on this day Jesus Christ solemnly rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and all joyful people spread palm branches right in his path. But why then we are talking about willows?

And what does a holiday mean? Palm Sunday What is its essence, what is it connected with? Let's talk about it right now.

Christ is risen: where does the willow

You may think: "In the southern countries it is possible to get palm branches, but in our northern latitudes they are replaced by willows." And you will be absolutely right, but not completely. It is interesting that this plant in Rus' from time immemorial symbolized spring revival, new life favorable change for the better. Initially, it was a purely folk symbol, but from some point (now it is difficult to say from what point) the willow also acquired a religious meaning.

But that's not all. Do you know which tree buds first in our latitudes? Yes, it is willow - the same tree from the willow family.

One circumstance is interesting here: whether spring will come soon, how long, whether the celebration of Easter will fall in April or May (after all, it happens in different ways), and the willow still gives its fluffy buds. It will be many centuries later that science will prove that trees react not so much to warming as to an increase in daylight hours. But the people could not and did not know such features, which did not prevent them from recognizing spring update this is the tree.

What happened 2000 years ago: the meaning of the holiday

We have long been accustomed to the fact that each holiday has one common name, for example, New Year or March 8th. However, in the case of Palm Sunday, the situation is different. It is also called Palm Sunday, and also Flower-bearing Week (less often - Week of Vay).

What happened 2 thousand years ago, where did the holiday and the traditions associated with them come from? In short, the Savior, to the enthusiastic rejoicing of the people, enters Jerusalem on a donkey, but what is really behind this? In ancient times, people gave great attention certain characters. For the sake of fairness, it must be said that even today we are not indifferent to trifles. Agree that the color of the tie, fashionable accessories and even the brand of a car - all this can be called the language of the new time.

Now let's imagine for a second the psychology of people who lived two thousand years ago. After all, Jesus was perceived as the Savior, the same Messiah who was supposed to come and protect the Israeli people from the oppression of the Roman invaders who seized their historical land in those days. Moreover, very many believed that he was the Son of the living God. But God is the King, and the place of the king is certainly in the capital.

And so Christ performs his ministry, heals the sick and even raises them from the dead. By the way, Lazarus Saturday is celebrated exactly one day before Palm Sunday (the day before, according to legend, Jesus resurrected the deceased Lazarus). After that, the Messiah enters the holy city and capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem. This story is preceded by a whole series of interesting, truly significant events.

But here's what's amazing. The Savior entered not on a horse, but on a donkey. And this event gives special significance to the holiday of Palm Sunday. The donkey is a symbol of peace, while if Christ rode on a horse, this would mean his warlike plans - to take the city by force, coercion. And it is not at all necessary even to believe in God in order to understand the true meaning of the event. Yes, we can almost always achieve what we want by coercion, by order. Another thing is how long the situation will remain as we “ordered”?

On the contrary, good will and peaceful dialogue is a more difficult path. But his results are impressive, from the category of those about which they say "seriously and for a long time." That is why this amazing story means more than the Lord's entry into the city of Jerusalem. In fact, Palm Sunday is a symbol of the victory of the world over war, good will over coercion, the power of the mind over the power of the hand and arms. And the entire ministry of Christ was called to serve this idea as well.

What's Happening Today: The Meaning and Symbols of Palm Sunday

Of course, geniuses and great people are ahead of their time by several centuries. And in the case of Christ - perhaps for 2 millennia. What, however, we are seeing today: the idea of ​​freedom and inviolability of the individual, the value of each person began to cover the consciousness of mankind only in the 21st century. But everything does not happen all at once, right?

And how is Palm Sunday celebrated today in different denominations and among ordinary people?

  1. Orthodox Christians try to get willows as soon as possible and rush to worship in the Church. Visiting the temple is generally a pleasant duty, especially since the consecration of the willow is possible in the church. Believers stand with twigs and lighted candles in joyful silence. They seem to meet the Savior, anticipating the approach of Easter. But at the same time it is also a worrying expectation. After all, the Great Week begins: exactly in a week the Savior will be executed, and then he will rise from the dead.
  2. Catholics and Lutherans call Palm Sunday, which does not change the meaning and symbols of the holiday at all. In southern countries (for example, in Italy, France), believers just walk with palm branches - nature allows it! And the rest of the tradition of celebrating is about the same as that of the Orthodox. The Finns and some other peoples still have a tradition of making bouquets of willows and giving each other wishes for good changes.
  3. Protestants are also in a hurry to purchase willow branches and go to worship. However, most often representatives of this denomination do not use candles, which, however, does not overshadow their mood and does not violate the atmosphere of the holiday. Believers especially pay much attention to prayer and joyful chants.

Well, it is also customary for ordinary people to decorate the house with willows - they are put in a vase so that the branches will please family and guests. By the way, you can lightly hit with a twig on close person It will at least cheer you up. And most importantly, it's quite ancient tradition: It is believed that such a ceremony improves health. You can even sincerely wish: "Be healthy, like a willow." It is better to keep the branches in the house as long as possible - at least until the day when everyone joyfully says "Christ is risen!"


In 2018 we will celebrate Palm Sunday on April 1, and in 2019 we will celebrate on April 21.

In the old days, there were many traditions that both Orthodox and pagan roots. For example, after drying, willow branches were fed to livestock so that they would give good offspring. And women who could not get pregnant ate willow buds. Nowadays, we can just bless the branches in the church, or we can just put them in beautiful vase in a conspicuous place, to look and admire. Looking at them, you can tune in to a positive wave of good changes.

It is no secret that an object in itself does not give anything, unless a person believes in it. Or rather, in yourself. Faith in your inner reserves, physical and mental strength at least cheers up and guarantees a surge of real inspiration. And here it doesn't of great importance whose holiday we celebrate, what meaning we put into it. This can only be explained by the action of some internal forces that are still unknown to science. But intuitively everyone understands that they live in it.

It’s just much easier to tune in to the general wave of good and bright when many people around us smile and joyfully sort out the willows. They go with them to church, to their home or to visit. It's like New Year's fuss - you can hardly pass by the Christmas tree bazaar, when these trees are happily sorted out and New Year's gifts are bought.

Palm Sunday was and remains one of the main church and folk holidays, it symbolizes the expectation of Easter and, in general, the brightest events, small and big miracles in our lives. The meaning of the holiday is closely connected with the onset of spring, which in itself is a symbol of positive changes.


For some reason, the opinion has spread that Palm Sunday and Forgiveness are one and the same. In fact, the day when it is customary to ask for forgiveness from all your relatives and friends is celebrated exactly 7 weeks before Easter. Although, of course, nothing prevents us from getting rid of unnecessary cargo emotional problems and to establish contacts with everyone who is dear to the heart on such a bright day as Palm Sunday.

That is why the holiday means good changes, symbolizes spring.

A thaw, before it happens around, must occur within us. The right attitude, small efforts on oneself - this is the key to good success. This means that you do not need everything at once - it is enough to take even a small step, which, in turn, will lead to a new one, and he - to even more important consequence. How great it would be to take this step on Palm Sunday!

On April 1, 2018, all Orthodox believers will celebrate big celebration- Palm Sunday. This holiday has no fixed date. Every year it will different number, and according to the church calendar - the sixth Sunday of Great Lent. On this day, according to biblical legends, Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem. This type The holiday belongs to the twelfth. Verbny Orthodox people This holiday is called because it is the most common and affordable plant in Rus'.

According to the biblical story, when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, the inhabitants strewed his path with palm branches. Since palm trees do not grow in Russian latitudes, they were replaced with a more symbolic willow. The first mention in historical literature occurred in the 4th century.

What is the meaning of Palm Sunday?

This holiday is celebrated by the Orthodox, Catholics, as well as some Protestants, that is, it covers several faiths. On this day, a night service takes place, at this time people pray and glorify the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Then in the morning a prayer service takes place in order to bless the willow branches. Those people who want twigs to get magical power, hold them in their hands, and sprinkle with holy water.

These branches are very symbolic, in addition to the fact that people keep them in the house near the icons, if a person dies, they also put willow branches in his hands. It is believed that after a person enters the Kingdom of the Lord, he will show these branches to Jesus, thereby showing him his worship.

Traditions and customs of the holiday

The customs of the Slavs on this day are also very interesting. Parents went to sanctify willow branches in church, the children at that moment were sleeping sweetly at home. Mom and dad, upon arrival, lightly beat the children with a willow, believing that they would not get sick. By keeping the branches in the house, the owners hoped that this attribute would help protect not only children and all family members, but also livestock, birds, and animals that are in the yard. You could pick a willow yourself, but traditionally the whole family went to the so-called "willow market".

Children got very beautiful toys, delicious sweets, also on the territory of such a bazaar one could find very beautifully decorated bouquets with willow, tied with a ribbon, unusually decorated. It was symbolic to attach a paper angel to the bouquet, which was popularly called the "palm Cherub". Now on Sunday, according to tradition, mothers-in-law come to visit their sons-in-law, hand them a bunch of willow, so that everything is fine in their house. The unofficial version of this holiday is the onset of spring, awakening, because willow is one of the first plants that opens its buds, which signals the beginning of a new cycle of nature.

Categorical bans on this day

What cannot be categorically done on this holiday is to try to consecrate an artificial willow. If you didn't find suitable tree or have not purchased branches, it is better to just listen to the service and come home full of strength and energy than to consecrate plastic. It is also desirable not to comb on this day, although, of course, in our time this is almost unrealistic. Formerly women They tried to leave their hair alone on this holiday. On this day, it is also impossible to indulge in gluttony, since fasting is still going on, and in no case should we forget about it.

Collect twigs, go to church, and remember - willow is one of the strongest amulets.

Congratulations on Palm Sunday, video

Palm Sunday is one of the most joyful and bright Orthodox holidays. Orthodox holiday Palm Sunday is always celebrated the week before Easter, so there is no fixed date.

In 2018, Palm Sunday is celebrated on April 1, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (date, date). It marks the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It is from this moment that his entry on his "cross" path begins.

Jesus went to this voluntarily, with love for people and with faith in his almighty father.

  • The meaning of the holiday and history
    • Palm Sunday: when we celebrate in 2018
    • How to celebrate Palm Sunday
    • What to eat on Palm Sunday
    • Holiday Palm Sunday tradition, willow twig
    • What does the consecrated willow branch symbolize on a holiday
    • How to properly bless the willow in the church and what to do with last year's consecrated willow
  • Folk omens for Palm Sunday
  • Beliefs on Palm Sunday

This holiday is called in different ways: Vay Week, Palm Sunday, Palm Sunday and anticipates Holy Week, the sixth week of Great Lent, the week before Easter.

In Russian theological books, this week is also called Flower-bearing. But all Orthodox have long been accustomed to the name Palm Sunday.

What kind of holiday is this, and why is the Lord's entry into Jerusalem so important? Jerusalem at that time was under the rule of the Romans. The Jews believed that the Messiah would appear at Easter and free them from slavery. Before coming to Jerusalem, Jesus revived Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary, who had died two days ago and was already buried in the rock. For this, Jesus did not engage in any rituals, only looked at the sky and said:

“Father! Thank you for listening to me. I knew that You would always hear Me, but I said this for the people standing here, so that they would believe that You sent Me ”(John, ch. 11)

News about it miraculous return from the kingdom of the dead quickly spread among people, and when Jesus entered Jerusalem, people met him as a messenger of God and firmly believed that he was the Messiah.

Once upon a time there was a custom - if the winner enters the city on a donkey, then with peace, and if on a horse, then with bad intentions, with war. Knowing this, Jesus decided to keep the tradition and show everyone that he only wants peace.

Not far from Jerusalem was the village of Bethphage. Having reached it, Jesus asked his disciples to get him a young donkey. The disciples soon brought him both a donkey and a donkey. They put their clothes on the donkey, Jesus sat on the donkey, picked up a palm branch - a symbol of peace and went to the city.

All the people came out to meet him. People spread their clothes under his feet, threw palm branches and flowers. Therefore, Palm Sunday is also called Palm Sunday or Flower Week.

In Jerusalem, Jesus drove the money changers and merchants out of the temple of God, throwing their tables. He said that the temple was created for prayer, not for making deals, not for deceit and not for evil. After that, he told people about the almighty God, and about what awaits him.

A lot of sick, blind, lame and wretched reached out to Jesus, and he healed all of them, strengthening the faith among the people that he is the Messiah. Having finished all the affairs in this city, Jesus left it. But not everyone praised him and recognized him as a messenger of God.
The high priests of Jerusalem hated Jesus for the love of the people for him and planned to destroy him.

Jesus knew about this, but did not want to change anything, since he voluntarily fulfilled the will of God for the benefit of all of us, all future generations.

In Rus', the day of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem has been celebrated since the 10th century. Palm trees do not grow here, and the willow is one of the first plants to come to life after winter.

Therefore, we call this Sunday Palm Sunday.

The willow must be cut in advance and consecrated in the church on Saturday before Palm Sunday. Earlier in Rus', solemn processions were organized imitating the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. In the absence of a donkey, a horse was dressed up in it. The priest rode on her. Under the bridle it was led by the mayor, governor, and in the capital the king himself. These marches were later cancelled.

Palm Sunday is a transitory religious holiday, which depends on the date of Easter. The last Holy Week of Lent preceding Easter begins on Palm Sunday. Since Easter falls on April 8 this year, Palm Sunday in 2018 falls on April 1.

used to exist interesting rite associated with willow. IN Sunday morning it was necessary to lightly hit all the inhabitants of the house with a willow. They especially tried to touch the children and young people in the house with the consecrated branches. It was believed that after this, evil spirits could not touch the children, and young girls would give birth easily and the babies would be healthy.

Such an attitude towards willow is easily explained, since in Rus' it was rightfully considered the strongest, strongest and most tenacious tree that could grow in any soil.

To evil forces could not enter the house, it is customary to take branches only from healthy and young trees without damage. You can not cut branches from a willow that stands near the cemetery, or which has a hollow. You should also avoid those trees whose branches bend over the water. Signs say that mermaids and mermen could swing on them at night.

To improve health, it is customary to swallow 3 buds from a willow. The ritual also helps to attract good luck. In the sowing season, before going out into the field, stick a few willow branches into the ground for a future rich harvest.

To wealth they planted on a holiday any indoor plant with fleshy and large leaves. But not everyone decides on such an experiment: if the flower fades, the whole life will pass in poverty and deprivation. Not everyone is ready to know a negative prophecy in advance, so this sign is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Signs suggest how to recover faster. You need to bake a pie with willow buds or add them to tea - and the disease will recede. If you suffer from a migraine, comb your hair with the words: "Go away, water, into the ground, take the pain with you." Then put the comb into the water and water the willow tree with it.

In Rus', working on Palm Sunday was considered a sin. It was also believed that the violation of this prohibition could bring all sorts of misfortunes to the "disobedient" and his family.

Women were strictly forbidden to clean the house, do laundry, and too active chores in the kitchen were not welcomed. Also on this day, women's needlework was banned: sewing, embroidery, knitting, spinning. It was believed that needles and knitting needles bring special misfortune to those who pick them up on a holiday.

Our grandmothers also believed that a few branches of willow would have a miraculous effect on livestock and crops. They tried to make the first pasture of cattle on the field after a long winter with willow branches. And yet, perhaps, such a custom is still alive today: they drove lightning away from the house with a willow, decorating window sills with it.

Palm Sunday was the day when sick children were washed in willow broth, and willow buds were added to the festive porridge. Traditionally, such porridge is boiled from barley groats in milk and, according to popular beliefs, brings health and longevity. With the help of willow on Palm Sunday, it was possible to solve the most difficult tasks and even fulfill a cherished desire.

To do this, believers ate three buds of the plant, washed them down with consecrated water and thought about their business, wishing it to be resolved as soon as possible. It was possible to read prayers at this moment.

True, it was not encouraged to do this often and for nothing: there was no point in abusing Divine help on such an important day. It is not known whether Divine power really helps people on this day or is it just proof of the materiality of thought, but wishes made on Palm Sunday come true more often.

It is also believed that willow buds help overcome infertility, so many desperate women who dream of a child eat them and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Palm Sunday is a holiday rich in omens, customs and traditions. A huge stream of believers on this day rushes to the church.

The holiday falls on Great Lent. However, on this day, believers can indulge themselves in a strict fasting diet: you can even eat fish and drink some wine.

In the old days in Rus', to celebrate Palm Sunday, they baked buckwheat pancakes, boiled mash and prepared fish pies.

In addition to this, there was interesting custom bake holiday bread - as many pieces as there are people in the family. A coin was hidden in one of the loaves, and the one who got this treat with a surprise was literally doomed to happiness, health and good luck for 12 months.

But the lighting of the willow in the church remained. When people stand with willow branches and lit candles in their hands, they imagine that they, too, meet Jesus entering Jerusalem.

It is possible at this moment to ask the Lord for healing yourself and your loved ones, for help during childbirth, for the opportunity to conceive a child for those who cannot do this. Those who truly believe in Jesus can feel the signs sent to him from above and will certainly receive the fulfillment of their requests.

The consecrated willow has long been attributed miraculous properties. It is believed that it helps to heal from ailments. To do this, you need to eat 9 fluffy buds. The same must be done for those who wish to conceive a child.

With willow buds they bake cakes, which they themselves eat, and they give to cattle so that they do not get sick. There was also a custom to whip (not painfully) children, cattle and each other with a consecrated willow, so that health would be added, and ailments could not cling.

Palm Sunday is so significant that on this day it is allowed to eat fish dishes and drink wine, despite the fact that Great Lent continues.

There is a belief that a woman who dreams of having a child, but cannot get pregnant, after eating willow buds consecrated in the church, will definitely give birth.

And with these consecrated bouquets they “whipped” livestock - for health. And children! Slightly, but with great benefit. It is unlikely that anyone will condemn parents for this even today. The main thing is to say: "Willow whip, beat to tears." Well, in fact, of course, it’s not necessary to tears, but older children, who understand that this is a rite, can pretend that they are crying and hurting. This ceremony was carried out as a protective against diseases.

IN in social networks various actions are now unfolding, calling not to throw away willow branches after Palm Sunday, to hold them in water until roots appear and plant them in the ground. On the one hand - a wonderful action, on the other - superstitious people have concerns.

It is said that the one who plants a willow dies when a shovel can be made from it. That is, there is nothing special to be afraid of, since the willow grows slowly, and it turns out that the omen, rather, is for longevity than for something bad.

But at the same time, it is believed that young willow branches are a source life force, like the tree itself, but the old tree - on the contrary, pumps out forces, attracts negativity. A young tree heals, it is a donor positive energy, and the old one is a vampire. Here is the dilemma - to plant or not to plant, for example, on your site?

It turns out what to plant, let it grow for some time, and then cut it down? But how to determine this limit? And how to determine from which tree we bought branches in the city and brought them into the house. From old or young?

However, many Russians do not believe in omens and do not ask these questions. For those who feel sorry for the branches with the roots that have appeared, they plant them in the yard or in the country. Planting a tree is always good. Well, if you are not sure of yourself, do not put the branches in the water, there will be no roots. Each nation has its own signs and traditions.

There is one. Like, after the consecration of the willow, all the evil spirits that warmed up on it in winter and spring fall under the willow and go into the water. And you can’t drink such water for a whole week before Easter. It is clear that no one intends to sip from the vessel where the branches stand, but if a tree was consecrated above the river or next to the well, people were afraid. This is in Belarus.

And it is customary for Catholics to burn holiday twigs after Easter and leave the ashes for a special ceremony on Ash Wednesday. Sprinkling the head with such ashes was considered a symbol of humility and repentance.

It is on this day that Lent begins for Catholics. And for the Orthodox, this happens on Monday, Clean Monday.

Here we often, without hesitation, mention the expression “no need to sprinkle ashes on your head” when we urge someone not to despair, but we don’t always think about where it came from.

Be that as it may, willow is considered a magical tree and must be treated with respect.

By tradition, branches can be consecrated on Saturday after the evening service or after the morning service. sunday. But often the priests, going to meet the parishioners, bless the willow throughout the day. After reading the prayers, the branches are irrigated with special holy water.

Often, parishioners needlessly get upset because, in their opinion, not enough water got on their branches or not at all. These worries in vain willow tufts are sanctified not by water, but by the grace of the Holy Spirit. All the branches that are brought from the temple after the service become your amulet for the whole year.

In no case should you throw away a bunch of willow with garbage when it dries.

Willow should be left in the house for a year. After this time, you can let it into a stream or river, or dig it in the four corners of the land. consecrated twigs save from the violence of the elements and thunderstorms. They must be placed in front of the holy image.

Previously, the branches were decorated with ribbons, but now this is not at all necessary. Beekeepers sometimes stick twigs around the perimeter of the apiary to collect a lot of honey and make the bees swarm better.

  • Knock on the body with a willow branch - there will be health whole year.

Perhaps this is the only sign that people know about today. First, a willow twig is consecrated on this day in the church, and after that they tap on the body with a twig and say:

"Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as its roots, and as rich as the earth." This preference is given to willow because it is perhaps the most tenacious tree that exists in nature.

It is believed that even if a willow stick is stuck into the ground upside down, it will still be accepted and will grow. It is for this reason that willow will be able to give health to a person, because she herself is very strong.

  • Eat a willow bud - an important matter will be decided.

It was customary to keep consecrated willow branches for a whole year near the icon. If you have to go to important negotiations, or you are going to start a very important business for you, and you are not sure of the result, then the willow will help you here too. But only the willow that was consecrated in the church on Palm Sunday will help.

Going on an important matter, you need to tear off three buds from a branch and eat them, drinking holy water, while thinking about your business. True, you can use this property of a branch only in the very last resort. Constantly, it is not necessary, it is better not to disturb the willow, it can go sideways.

  • On Palm Sunday, think about your loved one, he will come.

Superstition? More likely. But before, a young girl, if she liked some guy, but he did not pay any attention to her, she was waiting for this particular day. Starting in the morning, she began to think about who is dear to her heart. Her thoughts in some incomprehensible way were transmitted to this guy.

And in the evening he came to her to invite her for a walk. In principle, it has long been proven that human thought is material. Everything that we think about, sooner or later necessarily happens in real life. Perhaps Palm Sunday has such an energy that allows us to bring our thoughts to life much faster than on any other day.

  • Plant a houseplant on Palm Sunday - you will be rich.

It used to be thought that if it was on that day to plant indoor flower, then he will attract money into your life. In the cities, of course, houseplants were kept, but in the villages it was not up to that. But those who knew about this sign, and planted indoor plants, very quickly got to their feet.

But this sign has several features that few people know about. Firstly, if the flower wilts within a month, then you have to live your whole life in poverty.

And secondly, you need to plant only plants with large and fleshy leaves. By the way, one of these plants is now called the money tree. In order for it not to wither and grow well, you need to know special rules its planting and care.

By the way, it was noticed that in the house where Money Tree grows well, there is always prosperity and there is no lack of money.

  • Poultry is not allowed outside - the witch will spoil it.

Perhaps, earlier in this sign they were sure, but not now. It was believed that a week before Great Easter the witches began to run amok. After all, starting from Easter and all holidays, their strength temporarily decreased. So they tried to play a dirty trick, so to speak, for future use. It was believed that it was on the poultry that the witches recouped.

That's just to believe this sign or not, it is not known. But in the villages, to this day, those who keep the bird on Palm Sunday try not to let it out into the street.

There are holidays that we have heard about, we know, but we do not know about the signs associated with this day. We do not worry much because we do not know what customs to observe. But when troubles happen in our life, problems appear, then we begin to think where all this comes from, and why all this is on our heads.

On Palm Sunday, headaches speak. To do this, after combing your hair, remove the hairs from the comb and put them in water. Pour this water over a willow on Palm Sunday and say: "Water, go into the ground with a headache."

On Palm Sunday, they make a love spell on a willow. To do this, break a branch and say: “As long as the willow lies behind the icon, Until then, my husband will not stop loving me, will not forget. Amen". Put the willow behind the icon.

Just do not throw away the charmed branch!

Remember that branches from Palm Sunday must be preserved. They help in the treatment of many diseases!

It is customary, according to legend, on Palm Sunday to lash with a willow on the back of the one to whom you wish health.

But know that the one who lashed you on the back wishes you bad.

Since, whipping willow into this great holiday, you may wish evil, and it will come true.

Holy willow. And then they keep it in the house all year in a vase or behind icons. old willow, who has stood for a year, sweep all corners, windows, thresholds, thank her for her service and burn.

It is necessary to whip with a new sacred willow on the back of all domestic and animal animals, say out loud: “Willow whip, beat to tears,” this adds health.

Kidneys, pussies from holy willow help with female infertility and enuresis.

Today you can bake fluffy willows in bread and give sick pets - they will be healed. Anyone who helps their loved ones with castings or other methods to remove damage or heal, this amulet from interception will come in handy: today on an empty stomach you need to eat 3 willow buds and drink holy water. Then say: “St. Paul waved the willow, he drove away other people’s diseases from me.

Just as it is true that Palm Sunday is honored, it is true that other people's illnesses do not bother me. Amen". If you Orthodox person, then before that you need to take communion.

Many sayings are associated with willow and will accept: “On the eve of Palm Sunday, Saint Lazarus climbed for willow”, “Cattle are driven out into the field for the first time with willow since Palm Sunday”, “If palm week is bucketful, with matinees, then yari will be good”, “On palm frost - spring bread will be good”, “Willow leads the mud, drives the last ice from the river”, “ It’s not the willow that beats, but the old sin.”

On the eve of Easter holidays church calendar just full of different important events and majestic celebrations.

Most of them are well known even to people who are far from faith. Palm Sunday was no exception. But what about this important holiday know people who rush to pick armfuls of willow and consecrate them in the church.

According to the gospel scriptures, a week before Easter, the solemn entry of Christ into the city of Jerusalem is celebrated.

In the church calendar, the name of the holiday sounds like the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. All four evangelists describe this solemn event.

The Savior turns to his disciples with a request to find a donkey for Him. It is on this animal that Jesus plans to enter the city.

The request is fulfilled by two Apostles, who find the animal in a neighboring village and, covering it with clothes, give it to their Teacher.

Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey. He is greeted with majestic jubilation by the crowd of the city's inhabitants. The road to the Savior is covered with palm branches.

It was palm branches or vayami that later formed the basis of the name of the holiday.

Sunday Vay is the original name of the celebration. It is still preserved today in Christian countries where palm trees grow.

The "Slavic" version associated with willow appeared much later. And the willow itself has become the northern symbol of the holiday.

When they meet Jesus, the inhabitants of the city shout out salutations in praise of him. Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest! The word "hosanna" literally translates from Hebrew as "help, save."

The Greek scripture mentions a word in this case which means "glory".

So they met Jesus in Jerusalem with words of greatness, glorification.

But this was not connected with faith in the salvation that Christ carried as the Son of God, but with the hope that the Coming One would bring relief in the difficult life of the Jews in the expanses of the Roman Empire.

Christ was perceived by those who met him as the king of the earth, possessing the outstanding abilities of a prophet.

Lazarus Saturday as a great miracle of resurrection

But what is the reason for such a celebrity of Jesus Christ? Why was he greeted with such honors and hopes? After all, the meeting in its solemnity was even more majestic than the holding of the biggest holidays.

Everything is explained by the event immediately preceding the entry into Jerusalem.

On the eve, that is, on Saturday, the Son of God created one of the most great miracles- He revived Lazarus, who had been dead for four days already.

Even his disciples did not believe in such a miracle. But faith was able to do the unthinkable, and Lazarus rose from the dead.

This event will be celebrated in the future as another great celebration in the church calendar. And in ancient times, rumors quickly spread around the outskirts, and reached the Roman city located nearby.

The Mournful Side of Faithful Sunday

Jesus, according to the prophecy, enters the city not on a beautiful white horse surrounded by retinue, as many rulers would do, but on a young colt. And there are several explanations for this.

According to Eastern beliefs, the rider on a donkey brought peace, but the one riding on a horse symbolized war. And the whole behavior of the Mission speaks not of exaltation, but of meekness. Indeed, already at that moment He knew what the scribes and Pharisees were planning.

Christ perfectly understands that betrayal and unearthly torments await Him ahead. But his mission is precisely to bring this sacrifice for the salvation of sinners. Therefore, Christ goes towards his death through the crowds of the jubilant crowd.

Within a few days, cries of glory will be replaced by curses, and majestic honors by humiliation.

These people, filled with malice, will take up stones instead of palm branches, and their minds will be eclipsed by hatred.

Therefore, Palm Sunday is perceived not only as merry celebration, but also as a first step towards sad events, as a confirmation of human sinfulness, betrayal.

When is Palm Sunday celebrated in Russia?

Almost everyone knows when Easter and Palm Sunday are this year.

After all, it is enough to open the church calendar, and there you can find out all the festive dates for a decade ahead.

As for the date when Palm Sunday is celebrated, you need to know that the date is unstable and falls just on Sunday a week before Holy Easter.

Therefore, it is not difficult to calculate what date Palm Sunday is - you just need to subtract 7 days from the date of Easter.

In the coming years, the date of celebration of Palm Sunday falls on:

  • in 2017 on April 9;
  • in 2018 on April 1;
  • in 2019 on April 21;
  • April 12, 2020.

As you can see, the holiday always takes place in the spring, and most often in April.

Palm Sunday: the history of the holiday

Celebrating Palm or Flower-bearing, Vay Sunday began in the 4th-5th centuries. and very quickly the holiday won fans in the Christian world.

The most magnificent events, of course, are held in the Jerusalem Church.

The texts of divine services, which have remained unchanged to this day, appeared in the 7th century.

Palm branches became the symbol of the holiday, and Slavic peoples- willows. These attributes must be consecrated in the church.

Therefore, in Rus', Christians come to the temple with bouquets of willow, which usually manages to release its fluffy buds by this time.

It is regrettable, the laity, not knowing true value holiday, they rush to the nearest temple only to consecrate the willow.

Often at the church on Palm Sunday you can see crowds of parishioners with bunches of willow.

They wait for the clergyman to come out and sprinkle their branches, and completely forget about prayer.

Remember that the tradition of willow blessing today is only an addition to pious rites.

However, solely performing this ritual is completely meaningless if the believers ignore the main traditions.

They come to the temple, first of all, to meet the Savior, and they take the twigs with them as a symbol of greeting.

And only with a prayer in the church can you bless the willow and bring it home to keep it, like a shrine, next to the icons.

Palm Sunday: Traditions and Prohibitions

The holiday has been around for centuries. Therefore, it is not surprising that many folk rites, rituals and signs have joined the main church canons.

Many of them are viewed negatively by the Church. A Christian must, first of all, observe those traditions that are provided for by church recommendations. And there are not so many of them.

First of all, it should be remembered that the holiday always falls on great post. Therefore, the ban applies to any entertainment events.

It is forbidden to sing, walk weddings, celebrate birthdays and indulge in carnal pleasures. But on the Lenten table there are indulgences.

For those who fast, Palm Sunday is still a long-awaited day, since it is today that dishes with fish are allowed.

You can also add vegetable oil to dishes and taste some red wine.

But this does not mean that magnificent tables are laid on this day. It is forbidden to do any housework.

Therefore, it is better for the hostess to take care of cooking in advance.

For a festive meal, buckwheat pancakes are baked in the evening and lean bread, symbolic cookies, are prepared. It is also forbidden to work on the land, sew, knit, manage livestock.

The special prohibition applies to any magical actions. Therefore fortune-telling, fulfillment magical rituals considered a great sin.

How to counter superstitions on Palm Sunday?

You can find a wide variety of folk customs associated with Palm Sunday, which are far from church canons.

According to these superstitions:

  • they beat relatives with rods so that they do not get sick over the next year;
  • they try to stop the hail by throwing willow branches into the street during the elements;
  • put a willow at the head of the seriously ill in the hope of recovery.

Of course, behind such rituals is a person's faith in a miracle.

But it is hard to say whether these rituals will be useful when, in addition to observing ritual actions, true faith, prayer and repentance are not present.

As Palm Sunday approaches, signs become especially important and significant. At this time, it is customary to make forecasts almost a year ahead about the weather and the future harvest.

Lazarus Saturday

Another holiday celebrated on Saturday palm week, - Resurrection of Lazarus.

Word was sent to Jesus that his friend and companion Lazarus of Bethany was seriously ill, and they asked him to hurry. It was not clear why Christ was in no hurry. And only after the news that Lazarus had died, he set off.

When he arrived in Bethany, four days had passed since his death. The relatives and friends of the deceased were in deep sorrow. Jesus prayed earnestly near the cave where Lazarus was buried.

He appealed to God with requests to perform a miracle. After the prayer, the stone blocking the entrance was moved away, and those present saw the miracle of the resurrection. 4 days ago, Lazar turned out to be alive.

Christians have been celebrating Lazarus Saturday since the 4th century. Three and a half centuries later, a certain canon for holding services on this day was developed. The hymns during the service do not point to an accidental miracle, but to an important symbol of the strengthening of faith.

After sunset, during the evening service, willow branches begin to be blessed. This is the beginning of the celebration of Palm Sunday.

Holiday Palm Sunday

As mentioned above, according to church canons, Palm Sunday begins on Saturday evening. But the main services and the consecration of the willow are held on Sunday.

Among other things, in Rus' this holiday personifies the awakening of nature after a long winter. No wonder the northern Slavs chose willow as a symbol of this day. The tree is a harbinger of spring. As soon as the sun warms the air, fluffy lumps hatch into the light. It is they who give faith in the coming warm days.

Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday with joy. How is this day celebrated in Russia? People of all ages go on Sunday morning to the nearest church to bless willow branches. The churched parishioners stand the service, praying and participating in hymns. Upon returning home, it is customary to slightly unfasten the home with willow with wishes of health and grace.

The consecrated branches are placed next to the icons, braided into braids, made into amulets, nailed to outbuildings. A year later, on the eve of a new holiday, the willow is burned.

If you know the exact date celebrations, you can prepare in advance. How to calculate what date Palm Sunday will be celebrated in a given year? To determine the date, you need to know what day Easter will be. Exactly one week before the Resurrection of the Lord, the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem is celebrated.

What not to do

Palm Sunday is a significant holiday for Christians. Any work on this day is undesirable. Some don't even recommend cooking. IN modern world everything is much easier. There are such services and professions that involve the daily performance of work, regardless of calendar dates. But if there is no special need for any business, then it is better, of course, to postpone it.

In the old days, women were forbidden to comb their hair on this day, just like on the Annunciation. It is clear that now this is hardly possible. Although the owners long curls you can comply with the ban. Braided hair, covered with a scarf on top, may well do without combing for a day.

What other prohibitions exist on Palm Sunday? What is completely unacceptable is to indulge in gluttony. The end of the sixth week of fasting does not imply a plentiful feast. A little wine, lenten dishes prepared with vegetable oil, fish - this is the basis of the festive table.

Holiday traditions

The main and main tradition of the holiday is the consecration of willow branches. It is believed that there should be exactly as many as there are people in the family. Some peoples from these branches weave family amulets. Their power is great. They protect the house from unkind people and fire, save from hurricanes and floods, from poverty, despondency and disease.

On Palm Sunday, weather and harvest signs are especially reliable. They have been supported by families for generations. This is especially important for residents involved in agriculture.

The tradition of putting coins in bread comes from Belarus. Thus, it is possible to determine who will be accompanied by good luck and prosperity throughout the year.

In some areas, it is customary to put consecrated branches into the coffin of the deceased. This tradition goes back to the very beginning of Christianity. It is believed that thanks to the willow, one can enter the gates of paradise and greet the Savior there. Among other things, the willow tree is a symbol of life and awakening.

Traditional willow bazaars. Children especially love this entertainment, as the main product is sweets. In addition, they offer pleasant trifles for the household and all the same willow, collected in bouquets and decorated with ribbons and paper angels.

A tree grown from a consecrated branch increases wealth in the house. Therefore, the bouquets brought from the church are placed in water and carefully watched for roots to appear.

Rites and customs

Many folk omens on Palm Sunday have long grown into rituals, customs and rituals.

If you live near a river, try dropping a willow twig into the water. If she floats away from you, then in the near future, prosperity is expected to be added to the house.

Branches attached to the roof will protect the inhabitants of the house from illness and mental anguish.

Whipping children with branches on a holiday is the most common ritual. With each blow, a wish for health is also spoken.

And here is another custom for increasing wealth. With a complete ban on doing anything on this day, it is still recommended to plant a houseplant with thick round leaves. If the flower is accepted and grows rapidly, you can be sure that wealth will come to the house.

Rites on Palm Sunday are traditions dating back to the depths of centuries. To believe them, to observe whether - everyone decides for himself. For some, this is the principle of life, while for others it is just a beautiful addition to the day off.

The use of consecrated willow in folk medicine

It has long been believed that willow contains a huge healing power. Sprinkling with holy water multiplies it several times. How can you use the twigs brought from the church on Palm Sunday? What to do with them to improve health? Here are some examples of the use of willow for medicinal purposes:

  • Taking a decoction of the branches, you can get rid of headaches, fever, fever, insomnia.
  • Rubbing the decoction on sore spots relieves rheumatic pains.
  • Willow infusion on vodka will help to cope with intestinal infections and disorders.
  • The leaves are able to heal wounds.
  • Swallowing consecrated open buds helps with infertility.
  • Babies sleep more peacefully after bathing in water infused with willow branches.

Willow in folk medicine used wherever it grows and enjoys well-deserved respect.

Folk omens

Folk omens for Palm Sunday have long come into use. They are passed from elders to younger and become part of our lives.

Calm sunny weather promises a warm windless summer and a rich harvest. Strong wind promised chilly weather.

A cold but clear day gave hope for the productivity of spring crops.

Palm Sunday without frost increases the chance for an abundance of fruit.

The number of blooming earrings also served as an indicator of the future harvest.

And on this day, it is customary to mentally call on a loved one, and the meeting will definitely take place.

Every year for many centuries the church opens its doors to everyone who believes in salvation. Palm Sunday is a holiday that symbolizes the power of faith, its rebirth. Willow branches and bouquets bring peace and protection to the house. Following the first sunbeams hope for the best is born in the hearts. And even if this day is fraught with a lot of sadness, it is still a harbinger of the Light Sunday of Christ and the salvation of all mankind.