A strong conspiracy for a child to study well. For a good education for the child. Rituals that reveal talent

Modern society dictates the rules by which successful man different from "loser". First of all, a successful person is a person who managed to learn a profession in demand.

And to finish this usually requires far more than one institution, but the question arises - what if the study is not given too well and successfully?

It happens that the head works very slowly. In this case, you can try all sorts of newfangled biological additives. Or you can turn to the good old folk remedies - read the conspiracy for a good study. It really helps to sort out difficult-to-digest information.

The essence of the conspiracy is that you minimal losses nerve cells could more thoroughly and successfully study subjects, pass exams, and as a result, achieve results.

A spell that helps increase luck in your learning process should be read the day before this very process begins. You will need to pick up a glass of water, a saucer, and also any thing that will constantly be near the student throughout the study. It is on it that you will need to read the words.

The water should be poured into a saucer (if there is liquid left in the glass, pour it down the sink). Wait for the night - as soon as the stars appear in the sky, proceed to the ritual. It is necessary to look directly at the water, properly concentrating, and read the text of the plot.

Conspiracy "To study"

“Let (name) know no problems in the matter of education. From beginning to end, success will be nearby, and every adversity will leave with someone else's eyes.
spiritual will. It does not spoil you, hair, neither cold water, nor a sick head, nor a heavy, thoughtful thought.
Let my hair grow faster. Let them fall from my shoulders like young colossi, let the sun strengthen them, let the fresh wind cleanse them, and I, the servant of God (name), will protect you.
Hair, you, hair, like a young ear, you did not grow for people, but for me, not for an hour, not for one moment, not an hour, but for a whole century.
Blessed Mother Theotokos, circle me with your holy spirit, protect my hair and myself, save me from the evil eye, envious, rumbling at someone else's joy, only looking from behind.
My words are strong, my will is pure, everything will come true, what I said. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Repeat the text three times. After that, the water should be poured back into the glass, and over it you need to hold right hand.

Energy will pass through it and charge the water. In the morning, before going to school, you need to wash yourself with this water and wipe the cooked item with a few drops.

For an item that will help you fight against underachievement, you can pick up a pin or button, a hairpin, or something equally small. It is important that the student has this item with him at all times. If the conspiracy really succeeds, then the study itself will also be given without unnecessary difficulties.

Conspiracy for those who are already studying

Sometimes it happens that a person during the whole school year, or even several years of failures occur. They follow, as they say "jamb", one after another, and this may mean that someone voluntarily or unwittingly imposed damage. What should be done in this case? Of course, use the conspiracy to study, which will help you simultaneously get rid of such damage and gain confidence in your abilities during training.

The easiest way to carry out such a conspiracy is to “hook” it for some jewel. It can be, for example, a ring or a bracelet. Keep in mind that it is no longer possible to lose such a thing, since the charmed item is, in fact, a talisman that carries part of the owner's personal power. But it can be used against him.

The conditions of the conspiracy are as follows: after midnight, you should take white paper and put the chosen piece of jewelry on its sheet.

It is especially important that this ring or bracelet has no other owner before you. Draw a circle around the decoration with a pen to create a closed path. Then you need to fold the paper, tie it with a black cloth and read the text of the plot.

Conspiracy "For good luck in studies"

“My talisman is mine (product name). Save me from dark looks, bring success. If the talisman is on me, then the dark forces will be on the sidelines.
maiden, you do not grow old, you do not turn gray, you wash away old age - the twist. Rinse, rinse, take everything into the abyss. Wash off the color from the face of a white ruddy wax, take old age into the swamps, under old snags, under oak doors, under pood locks. Silver water, I am your sister, wash away old age, bring back youth. Wash away, rinse all the commotion evil tongues flashes. Amen."

The paper with decoration remains until the morning, after which it can be unfolded and put on a ring / bracelet. And the paper must be burned. The ashes left after burning are scattered. As long as you wear a piece of jewelry spelled in this way, you will be affected strong conspiracy for a good education. And as soon as you remove the charmed item, the power of the plot will leave you immediately.

Button conspiracy

There is a less powerful, albeit more amusing ritual in terms of performance: you need to cut off a button from a thing you often wear. For example, with outerwear, trousers or skirt. This button should be for a short time - three to four seconds - placed in the flame of a burning candle. Then it should be quickly thrown into a stream of running water. Then you can take out the prepared button and read the plot.

Conspiracy "To study" on a button

“Bring, button, good luck to the servant of God (name),
Yes, not just luck, but real luck,
To be lucky in her studies,
In thinking and speaking.
I'm holding you tight
I strongly urge you.
So that all troubles pass by,
And joys came to visit every day,
So that everyone loves the servant of God (name) and praises,
Yes, they set an example for everyone.
How many buttons sewn to sit,
So many servants of God (name) to succeed in school!
My word is strong, there is no other!
the sea cannot drain everything, so my words cannot be changed, not destroyed, not directed in another direction.
I close this conspiracy with the key, I bake it in myself. Amen".

Then folk methods it is prescribed to complete the ceremony: the button should be sprinkled with sugar, which must be shaken off.

And then the button is sewn back - on the thing from where it was torn. Use as strong thread as you can find for sewing, use the sharpest possible needle, sew on so tightly that it is impossible to tear off.

If you are talking a button not for yourself personally, but for another person, he should know about it. The reason is that a person should not wear a thing for a whole week before the conspiracy, with which the button will then be borrowed for the ritual. He is also instructed to eat honey, sugar and jam every day.

It is believed that the more sugar is eaten, the more "sweet" his studies will be.

A week later, the thing should be washed, ironed properly, so that it looks more like new than worn. It should be worn every day for another week, and then the conspiracy will show its full force.

The results of the conspiracy to study: will it work?

If you did everything right, then the consequences should not be long in coming, they will appear immediately, or after a short time. It is noteworthy that if you read a conspiracy where there is an appeal to Christian saints or the word “servant of God” or “servant of God” is simply mentioned, then the person must necessarily be baptized, because otherwise Christian prayer will not work on him.

However, the non-Christian world of conspiracies is also quite effective - after all, long before this religion came to Rus', our ancestors invented their own conspiracies that worked great and helped the then “students” learn.

The learning process is a very important foundation for success in life. And it does not matter how old you are, whether you are young or old, poor or rich, healthy or have health problems. Everyone needs to learn and gain knowledge, but not everyone succeeds. And that is why prayers for successful study are so necessary for us.

A conspiracy to study helps to achieve success in any direction. With the help of prayer, it will be easier for your child to study at school, he will strive for knowledge and get good grades. Such conspiracies are especially useful for children who do not want to learn, who do not have a craving for knowledge.

It happens that a child is drawn to new knowledge, but for some invisible reason it is given to him with great difficulty. There are invisible forces that hinder us, hold us back and prevent us from achieving good results. Conspiracies for good study allow you to achieve excellent results, they speed up the process of learning and mastering new materials. With them there will be more free time, exams and tests will be given with ease and there will be no problems with memory.

How the conspiracy works

  1. The digestibility of the material is improved many times over.
  2. Due to digestibility, there is much more free time.
  3. Improved performance in all subjects.
  4. There is an opportunity to study subjects and disciplines deeper and more thoroughly.
  5. Self-esteem rises.

Prayers can be used independently for your own needs. They can also be used by parents for their children - schoolchildren.

Prayer "First of September"

It is very strong, effective and effective conspiracy. It is recommended to perform it at the very beginning of training or the day before the first of September. To action magic conspiracy was more effective, you need to perform it on the growing moon. It will help enhance the effect and give energy to the entire learning process.

If at the time of the prayer, another lunar phase- it is recommended to read the plot in advance or later. The main thing is that you read it to the growing moon.

Waxing Crescent

  • Small plate or saucer.
  • Glass with clean drinking water.
  • The object on which the magic spell will be cast.

The choice of the spoken subject must be taken with all seriousness. This little thing should always be with the student. You will always need to carry it with you. It could be anyone stationery, hairpin, cufflink or pendant. She can be anything. The main thing is that she could easily fit in a backpack or pocket of a student.

Pour all the water from the glass into the saucer. If the water does not fit in it completely, its remnants can be poured into the sink. When the first star appears in the sky, look in a saucer of water and say a magic spell three times:

“Let (name) know no problems in the matter of education. From beginning to end, success will be nearby, and every adversity will leave with someone else's eyes.

The spell must be pronounced clearly and without stammering. Then pour the water back into the glass. Hold your right hand over it, charge the water with your energy. In the morning, let your student wash with charmed water and drop a few drops on the charmed object.

Now you can not worry about your child. The conspiracy will affect him from the first days, and the charmed little thing will help him study well at school.

Prayer for excellent studies

This prayer is very well suited for use in the learning process, if you need to improve academic performance in a particular subject. It also helps to get rid of the evil eye or damage that was brought on the student.

The ceremony is performed after midnight. Put the thing you are talking about on a clean piece of paper. Say the magic spell three times:

“My talisman is mine (product name). Save me from dark looks, bring success. If the talisman is on me, then the dark forces will be on the sidelines.

Speak it slowly, thoughtfully and clearly. Then wrap the charmed object in paper to preserve magical energy and leave it like that all night.

In the morning, unfold the paper and put the decoration on yourself. Burn the paper and scatter all the ashes in the wind. Himself best effect can only be achieved by constantly wearing the spoken thing. Taking it off is not recommended. Otherwise, the effect of magic weakens and it is necessary to repeat the spell again.

"The Spelled Button"

This magical ritual quite simple, but at the same time very strong and effective. It needs to be cut from school clothes button. The main thing is that this thing is worn to study constantly.

The button must be held over the flame from the candle white color, and then lower it into the water and cast a spell:

“Button-protector, Illuminated by bright fire, Tempered by pure water! Find mighty strength, Protect me from failure! So that the exam does not have to be hard, So that the necessary knowledge is always found. So that the professors do not find fault, So that unnecessary questions are not asked. I will carry you with me. All exams are easy to transfer.

The next step is to sew the button in its original place. Try to make it as good as possible. Otherwise, the button may come off and you will not be able to reach desired result.

Prayer for the "unlucky" student

If your child refuses to learn lessons and is not drawn to new knowledge, this prayer is for him. It is also used for children who find new knowledge very difficult and it is difficult for him to study at school.

The conspiracy to study is performed as follows. You need to pour pure spring water into a glass and speak it with this magic spell:

“The water is clear, the water is clean! Quick streams brought you! Inside ... (child's name) penetrate, Saturate him with good knowledge! His mind will be fast like you, his mind will be clear, like you, his mind will be beautiful, like you! Everything will be easy for him. It will be easy for him to cope with everything.

You need to give the charmed water to your child so that he drinks it. Make sure he drinks every drop. Very soon you will notice that your child has noticeably improved school performance, he will have a desire to learn and learn everything new.

A conspiracy for good luck in learning is necessary not only for children - schoolchildren and students. It can also be used by adults who have a craving for knowledge, receive additional education or undergo vocational training. Conspiracies allow you to better understand the material being studied, better understand the meaning of the subject, study foreign languages, culture, as well as achieve the intended goals.

I wonder if there will be at least a thousand people on the planet who love the learning process? For most, tedious duties evoke boredom.

I want to throw everything into the far corner, no matter how the mind insists on new workouts. Reading books is boring when there are more interesting things to do. Magic comes to the rescue here too. And both the students themselves and their caring parents.

It turns out that there are spells for a good study. Most often, they are used by those who want to get a result. The formulas for close students are somewhat more complicated. After all, they contain a certain element of enslavement, turning off the will of the individual.

It is clear that this is almost black magic. Therefore, they are not recommended for use. If the parents of the students are so worried, then. Don't practice spells.

They will force you to study, but in life they will create many additional difficulties for you. young man. Do parents want this?

Good study spell

No one should give the charmed thing. Don't even let me touch it. Otherwise, luck will leave you forever.

Spell for good grades in school

Do you know that before negligent youths were flogged with rods? Do you think, as a punishment, that the thought of the upcoming pain, in which case, would add zeal to them?

And this, of course, cannot be denied either. But there is a magical meaning in that ritual. Do you want the grades in the diary to be only excellent and good? Check it yourself.

By the way, this ritual can be performed by one of the parents. This does not apply to black magic; it does not deprive the will of the child.

You need to go to the forest and cut rods from living willows and willows there. Just do not take dry branches in any case. Bring the rods home. Remove leaves and hang in a conspicuous place.

On Saturday, before going to bed, the student should be whipped (symbolically, of course). In the process, you need to say the following words:

“I beat the slave (name) not out of boredom, but so that science climbs. I hit on the body to argue the case. I beat on the hands, I will teach science, I beat on the legs, so that the ignoramuses do not know the shame. So that everyone around is not praised in vain, so that the answers are always simple and clear. To have enough strength for learning. So that there were few bad marks! Amen!"

Symbolic execution is carried out for at least fifteen minutes. If the student himself becomes involved in the ritual, then it is imperative to touch every piece of skin, on the back too. And yet, many people forget about the heels. Then they complain about deuces. Sit down and pass the rods on the feet, beat on the heels. The whole body must be covered.

spell for good luck in studies

Sometimes a person knows a lot, and learns and does everything, but something prevents a good result from showing. Luck turned away from him, they say in such cases. The following spell will help fix the matter. It is read under full moon, on the street. The words are:

“The face of the moon appeared above me. Give me back my luck! Give joy without crying. Let the strict teacher, the tormentor of the students, not praise me. Let the flow of fives fall into my report card! Amen"

The spell is cast seven times in a row. If the clouds do not close the moon during this time, then all the troubles will go away. Your studies will improve and the results will be excellent. And the moon will hide from sight, to know there are envious people in your team. Before from them, therefore read the spell for good luck.

A conspiracy for a child to study well is a strong, effective and effective magic trick that can start a normal learning process and significantly increase the authority of children at school or any other educational institution. These rituals are used not only by the parents of the children, but also by the students themselves, if they feel the need for it.

These can be situations such as an important test, a dictation, or an exam. The fact is that even the one who did all the homework and diligently studied the lessons can get confused at the last moment. We will learn how to conduct such light rituals and what is their peculiarity, how to increase the student's success.

What rituals exist

Depending on the specific situation, a variety of conspiracies are used for study. If you need to return interest in the educational process, use some rituals and conspiracies for a good study. If your goal is to help attract good luck and prevent the child from getting confused, you should use other prayer conspiracies for study.

Rites can also be classified according to the principles of the additional items used in them. It can be:

  • Buttons
  • Horseshoe
  • Textbook
  • Candle and so on

They are used in order to continue to play the role of a kind of amulets - talismans, which subsequently need to be constantly carried with you so that they fulfill their role and make their studies more successful. We will learn in more detail about how he conducts certain conspiracies for a good study.

We speak a horseshoe

The ideal option would be a horseshoe that was found by chance, that is, not bought. This ceremony was named after Vanga, that is, Vanga's whisper. However, at present, it is almost impossible to find such a find, especially if you live in big city and not the village. In this case, there is only one thing left - to buy a real horseshoe for horses, which will later be used in a conspiracy for the child to study. If this is not possible, then use a decorative horseshoe, which can be bought at any souvenir shop.

When the desired item is in your hands, the horseshoe must be thoroughly washed with a magical item in a clean spring water, then wipe the new one with a white towel. After that, wrap the horseshoe in it and leave it in this state for three nights under the moonlight. It is necessary to comply with the condition that the fourth day falls on Sunday (ideally Easter). On the appointed day of the week, you need to unfold the towel and, looking at it, read the text of the prayer - a conspiracy for good luck in your studies:

“The horse worked to carry, the horse walked, moving the hooves, worked tirelessly. I will connect this horseshoe with work so that my studies are successful. Let laziness recede forever, and good luck will come and never recede. Faith is unshakable, luck will be on my side.

Then, when the plot for excellent study is read, put the horseshoe in a backpack or study bag. The student can know about the performed ritual, he should not remain a secret.

Button conspiracy

This ritual was developed by the famous clairvoyant - Natalya Stepanova. This conspiracy is much easier to perform, since every housewife has buttons in every house, it is this item that will be the key in this ritual. It is important that the button belongs to the one on whom the conspiracy is being made. Often a button is cut off from some clothing that is most often worn at school or university, and then, after the ritual, sewn back on. It is worth saying that it does not matter what type of clothing will be used - top or not, skirt or jacket, and so on.

Let's start the ceremony. Take a button, put it in a tablespoon and hold it over the candle flame for a few seconds. After that, put the button in the palm of your left hand, hold it tightly and say these words in a whisper:

“I will help myself with a button, I will sew this protector for myself. She was on fire, and then in the water, now she will come in handy for me. With her, everything will work out and study will succumb, all books and all notebooks will be in my head. I call for good luck, I sew a button.

Next, when the last word will be said, sew the button to the place where you cut it. It is important to sew it only with white threads and make sure that it does not come off during wear. If this happens, luck may turn away for a long time.

Helps the child at school

If a child studying at school needs help, then, of course, his parents - mom and dad - will come to the rescue. It often happens that the child finds it difficult to cope with the school load or school program V currently too tense and full. To deal with all this, you can apply a conspiracy to water. Take water in a transparent glass and read, looking at it, these words:

“Clean water, clear water, I look at you, I will help my son (daughter). She (he) needs help from above, I look at you, I ask for help. Make the mind bright and clear, help in learning red.

After that, you need to give the child this water to drink. It is important that not a single drop remains in the glass, this is the only way the conspiracy will work.

How to deal with inattention in a child

Often, parents are faced with a situation where intelligent children cannot cope with the school load. What is the reason? Often this is absent-mindedness and inattention, because the school requires maximum concentration and attention to detail. The new environment, teachers, routine, a large list of activities, and so on, work against a small student, depriving him of the opportunity to study well. In this case, parents often turn to magic by reading a study plot for three candles, which adds perseverance and returns interest in learning. In this version of the ritual, one thing must be observed important rule- read the text of the prayer strictly on the growing moon, this will bring additional success to the ritual.

As soon as the sun goes down, close yourself in a room so that no one can see or hear you, sit down at the table and light candles in front of you. You need to think about the child, looking at the fire of three candles. After the image of a son or daughter is clearly represented in the mind, read the following words of the conspiracy to study at school:

“Burn, burn, fire, candles, do not go out. Let the magic come and fulfill the desire. As I breathe, so I help the child. Let him (her) succeed and develop, let there be harmony in studies. Let him (she) notice everything and be attentive (th) always.

This text of the prayer is pronounced at least five times. After that, the candles are extinguished, the wax is cut into small pieces and hidden in different zones apartments or houses. The very next day you will notice that the baby has become more attentive.

How to relieve stress before a test or exam

excitement and nervous tension- these are not allies before passing an important exam or on the eve of the test. It happens that children who knew the material they have studied perfectly, suddenly break down and the slice of knowledge shows a completely different assessment. To prevent such a development of events, you can use a special magical conspiracy.

Like all previous rituals, you can easily do it yourself at home. It is better if the student himself (schoolchild or student) participates in the ritual, this will only enhance the effect of the rite. For the ceremony, you will need a textbook or notebook with notes that contains information on the subject. Take it in your hands before going to bed and say these words:

“Let everything be right in your head, sorted out on the shelves. May all that I know be with me. Do it so as not to lose everything, may God help me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to say the text of the prayer three times, after that go to bed. Under the pillow should be a spelled summary or textbook.

How to please a teacher

Unfortunately, it happens that teachers openly dislike one of their students. Of course, this is insulting and unfair, and moreover, it is often reflected in grades in a diary or grade book. Is it possible to in a magical way affect the attitude of teachers? It turns out, yes, it is possible. There is a special conspiracy to study, but you can only speak for yourself. Say these words to make the relationship great.

A conspiracy to study well contributes to success in school or university. Often such conspiracies help when children feel insecure in knowledge or their own abilities. They are also necessary when a student has to take a difficult exam. Parents can also perform rituals, asking for the favor of teachers for their children.

Rites help those who lack perseverance or attentiveness, who still cannot understand the subject. Some rituals are aimed at the favor of the teacher. Often, studies do not go well due to the fact that the child is offended by classmates. Regardless of the reason and the desired result, conspiracies are read according to the same rules. All of them belong to white magic, and they definitely won’t do harm.

Each word from the text must be pronounced clearly, but slowly. It is best to perform the rites in the evening before the exam, or in the evening of any day if the school has constant problems and teachers give bad grades. When reading the plot, it is important to discard all extraneous thoughts, and focus on solving the problem with academic performance.

Video "Prayers for help in studies"

From this video you will learn strong prayers to help you study.

For parents

For the good performance of the child, conspiracies are often carried out by parents. Communication with parents and their support is extremely important for children, therefore, assistance in learning is an important component in the relationship between children and parents. In addition to love spells, it is necessary to devote enough time to perform homework for excellent grades: explain the rules of addition, multiplication, etc.

The words below should be read while the son or daughter is doing their homework:

“I appeal to you, O Great Rodomysl, I ask not for myself, I ask for my own child. Put reason in his little head, give diligence in teaching, put wise words in his mouth. Point your almighty finger at him, protect him with your shield from enemies leading to an empty road.

The conspiracy belongs to the category of strong ones, so it is better to carry it out once a year. perfect time for holding - the beginning of the school year, that is, the first days of September.

For myself

Students are encouraged to turn to the sage Solomon to improve their schoolwork and activate their minds. If a student often does not have time and wants to make learning easier and easier, you need to say the following words three times a day:

“As Solomon was wise, so I shine with wisdom. As the wise men are omniscient, so I possess knowledge. How everyone sees from above heavenly bodies, so I know everything. I do not shy away from studying, I try my best, I enjoy the admiration of mentors.

Students will need to bring a bracelet or ring. Decoration speak and use in the future as a talisman. It is important to follow these rules:

  • use a new thing;
  • do not lose and never leave her;
  • remember that the power of the talisman acts when the thing is put on.

After midnight, you must take your jewelry and one Blank sheet. On paper, draw a circle, placing a ring or bracelet there. Make a bundle by tying it with black fabric braid. Say:

“My talisman is mine (product name). Save me from dark looks, bring success. If the talisman is on me, then the dark forces will be on the sidelines.

Leave everything as it is until the morning. The next day, be sure to put the decoration on your hand, and burn the leaf and spread the ashes.

From anxiety before the exam

Often, due to excitement, it is not possible to show their knowledge. It often happens that a knowledgeable student cannot show his skills and gets bad grade. To avoid this, there is a special ritual. It is carried out independently. The effectiveness of the rite is reduced if it is performed by another person.

Before the exam, you need to hide from prying eyes, preferably in private room. Take the notes you used to prepare for the upcoming exam and read:

“Knowledge, all received firmly, firmly gain a foothold in the head of the servant (s) of God (s) ( given name). So that he successfully uses everything he knows in tomorrow's exam. And let the examiner be benevolent and help him in everything. He will understand everything, approve and give a good assessment. May the servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) draw a good ticket and understand good luck. It will be so and not otherwise. Amen".

The text is read three times. At the end of the abstract, you need to put it under the pillow and go to bed.

Talisman spell

There is another spell that helps improve the situation in the school. It is read the day before the start of school. The student needs to take a saucer, a glass of water and a thing that will be with him all the time in the classroom. On it, the words of the spell are read.

Water is poured into a saucer. You can start the ritual only after the appearance of the first star. Read the words carefully and slowly:

“Let (name) know no problems in the matter of education. From beginning to end, success will be nearby, and every adversity will leave with someone else's eyes.

In the morning before studying, wash yourself with this water. Wipe the object that the student will wear to school all the time with drops of water. It is recommended to use a pin.

For lentils

Blockage in studies? Not only efforts will help to pull up school affairs, but also white magic. So the student will gain confidence in his abilities, because the educational process will be getting better.

For the ritual, you need to buy black lentils. Count 33 grains from the whole mass and read the following text:

“I will boldly continue the work of Christ! I will work, not knowing care, I will work, but not have fun. I will be success for everyone for fun, there will be joy from knowledge, there will be light from tasks! Amen".

Spelled grains should be spread around the room in different places. A few grains can also be put in a school bag. In order not to get tired anymore, not to be lazy, and to understand new material, say:

“Christ created the world for us, his children. For us to study, his plan was implemented! I fulfill Christ's covenant, I don't know laziness! Amen".

The grains need to be sorted into different places one by one. Do not forget the bag with which you go to school. Just don't take them out of the house.

On a horseshoe

For such a spell, a randomly found horseshoe is suitable. If the student lives in a metropolis, it is simply impossible to fulfill these conditions. And then it remains only to buy a horseshoe for a horse and start talking. It is also good to use decorative horseshoes, which are sold in souvenir shops.

The first step is washing the horseshoe in spring water. After that, it must be wiped with a white towel that has not yet been used. Fill it up and leave it in a towel for three nights. It is important that the bundle lies in a place where the light of the moon will fall on it. You also need to make sure that the fourth day is Sunday. On this day, unfold the bundle, and looking at the horseshoe, read:

“The horse worked to carry, the horse walked, moving the hooves, worked tirelessly. I will connect this horseshoe with work so that my studies are successful. Let laziness recede forever, and good luck will come and never recede. Faith is unshakable, luck will be on my side.

At the end of the plot, put the horseshoe in the briefcase. It is not recommended to tell school friends about the conspiracy.

On a button

You need to pick up a thing that should undo the button. This should be the clothes in which the student will go to the exam.

Place the button in the fire of the candle, then in the water. Get and enchant while reading:

“Bring, button, luck to the servant of God (name), and not just luck, but real luck, so that she is lucky in teaching, in thinking and speaking. Strongly I sew you, firmly I conjure you. So that all troubles pass by, and joys come to visit every day, so that the servant of God (name) is loved by everyone, praised, and set as an example to everyone. How many buttons sewn to sit, so much the servant of God (name) to succeed in school! My word is strong, there is no other! Amen".

Sew on a button, and put on clothes on important days at school.

For good grades

Do you want to study well? Place a five-kopeck coin under the left heel. Stomp five times saying:

“Five by five, all the time by five, but fives will stick to me at all control work. My words do not bend, do not break, do not rust, do not become cheaper!

To the favor of the teacher

If there is a feeling that the teacher is unfriendly, read the following spell:

“The seasons on earth go in circles one after another, so my academic success will follow me. But only the bright sun and the bright moon will never converge, and I and my teachers will always find mutual language. Because they will understand that I absorb all knowledge like a sponge, and there is no limit to my diligence. Amen".

In conclusion, it is worth adding that the words of conspiracies can be read by both students and their parents. They are also suitable for students.

Regardless of the spell chosen, beneficial effects and changes in studies will occur in the near future. Do not forget that magic will help get things done, but educational material You still have to study to become an excellent student.