A man behaves like a woman, the story of a woman. My boyfriend acts like a woman

The story of one small life...

We met on the Internet, through an agent. Usually I don’t add anyone, but here I accidentally accepted him as a friend. The conversation began to spin, calls went through the agent and on the cell phone ... As a result, He pulled me to a meeting. I so suddenly agreed to it. Though how sudden. I really liked him!! Both by communication and by photo! And so we met. He was really late for 15 minutes, I already wanted to leave, because it was already evening and while I was waiting, I was frozen through and through ... My heart immediately began to beat faster - what a handsome man he was! The truth is too high. My sprout is 157, and he already has 190 ... But this did not become a hindrance to us. We called each other almost every day, hung out in an agent. And now it's time for the second meeting. On it, I already dreamed that he would finally kiss me .. But no .. not destined ... Yes, and we also walked with his friends. To be honest, it pissed me off right away! I don’t really know him, why did he drag his friends?! (a couple), who are also psychologists by education ... Well, nothing. I seem to have endured these hours...

The next day we met with him again, and he again went to see me off ... That's when it all happened .. I finally waited for his kiss ... God, how my heart was beating. How stupid I looked with a satisfied smile when I went up to my apartment ...

The first weeks 1.5 everything was just great. I crossed paths with his mother when I came to him (they say his mother wanted to meet me). Well, there was no dating. We only said hello to each other when she opened the door for us and that's it. Since that day, I spent almost every meeting with him. There were intimate caresses, and passionate kisses.. Into one beautiful evening it came down to sex. And I've never had one before! Yes, at 19 I was still a virgin. I was afraid, and when I tried, it hurt so much that I screamed like a cut. And didn't let him continue. He seemed to stop, understood everything, reassured me ... And for several days we did not stutter at all about this topic .. but almost a week later, when I was with him again, he wanted to try again .. yes, my fault is that at first I allowed him to caress, but when I refused the first time, he suddenly burst out so much that I was really scared. From my sweet and gentle Vlad, he turned into some kind of beast ... I was frightened and even burst into tears. He didn’t really try to console me ... Literally after 2 hours, when everything seemed to calm down and both calmed down, he again tried to take me, but by force, and when I started to break out, he pulled me hard that I flew into the wall with my head. It hurts and I started crying again. He didn't even bother to apologize. It’s as if everything is going as it should .. While he was leaving to smoke, I quickly dialed an SMS to my classmate and said that she would call, saying that they urgently call me. After half an hour she did everything as I read. I left .. girls .. I walked in such a state as if I had been raped ... Half an hour after my departure, he sent a text message: forgive me, you fool, if I DID SOMETHING WRONG, I love you ... Since then, everything has rolled with us. All my friends were shocked (well, the closest ones to whom I told about what had happened), they said leave him ... As a result, after a couple of days, he screwed up again - he called at night and began to annoy me with the question: what kind of guy do you need: what would pay for you everywhere and drive everywhere or the one with whom you will have sex. I answered honestly. What I think. What normal guy should be both with that, and with that variant. And they don’t have to, they say, make a mercantile bitch out of me. He yelled and sent me to 3 Russian letters ... The next day he came to apologize with flowers. The flowers are not the first freshness, already withered and dragged to the cafe. We went into one, immediately into another, and then into 3. I didn’t understand what was happening .. And he still asks so sarcastically: well, what do you like, yes, how do we spend time? As a result, when they left the 3rd cafe, he, as it were, casually voiced: we spent 800 rubles today.

In short, like this. Then I heard from him that they say he goes to see me off for three pi .... dy, and I’m so ungrateful I don’t like him and all that, they say he sees me off, and then fight in my district to go to the stop. In general, I’m guilty of everything again, I don’t give him, I don’t give him a blowjob, I finally don’t want anything, I just need to walk by the hand, kiss, hug, eat in a cafe and all that ..

When my friends found out that he told me about money, they were shocked. A friend said: he is not logical. Considering that you won't let my friend pay for you. Even for a cup of coffee 30 rubles, it's just a brake ... And really, twos, I don't feel comfortable when they pay for me.

Eventually. Now we seem to be together, but yesterday he again made me hysterical: you don’t share my opinion, you’re a little girl in general (I’m 19, he’s 23), you have youthful maximalism, here you are kind words you don’t say and all that .. You know, we parted three times, he begged to forgive him, said to correct himself, that he loves me. And like a fool I believed. In the last separation, I already understood that I didn’t feel for him everything that I had in the first two weeks ... but to leave him ... it’s a pity or something .. maybe he really loves ... I’m so confused. That I want to run away to another city, away from problems (((

I really feel like I'm acting like a normal adult. And he's hysterical like a toddler...

Manipulation "You act like a woman";

This manipulation can also be interpreted differently “hysterical like a woman”, “whiner” ;.

This manipulation has three goals:

Cause a guilt complex in a man.

The public for the most part imposes on men certain type behavior, many men, based on this, will want to be rehabilitated in the eyes of society, and in particular in the eyes of women, in order to throw off the burden of guilt from themselves. Women can remind the victim of manipulation, for a long time, about the incident that has occurred in order to keep the victim depressed.

justifying women's behavior.

When, in the opinion of a woman, a man performs some unacceptable action, then the phrase “you behave like a woman” has the task of laying in the man’s subconscious that the same behavior is the norm on the part of a young lady.

For example:

If a man writes a statement to his wife. You can instantly hear the phrase "it's so feminine."

In the case when a man begins to carefully monitor himself. A woman says "what are you, like a woman, crazy about your appearance."

If a man expresses dissatisfaction. The lady declares "that you are constantly hysterical and whine like a woman."

When a woman behaves inappropriately towards a man, the stronger sex most often responds with stereotyped phrases “these are women, they can”, “women are fools”, “what to take from these women”, and so on. The lady understands everything perfectly, and continues to act further in this way. That is, permissiveness in women is generated due to the inaction of men in this situation.

Aim a man in the right “channel” for a woman so that he performs the action she needs.

The signal for many men is the following phrase from the lips of a woman, “you act like a woman.” After uttering this phrase by a woman, men will in every possible way atone for their guilt, and they will perform those actions that, in the opinion of men, will cause women positive emotions. As a result, a man falls into exploitative slavery, and it is possible that for a very long time.
Possible methods of struggle.
In fact, there can only be one way out. Get away from this woman. Since pronouncing this phrase, a woman simply does not respect a man.

If the man will go to reconciliation, this will be perceived as a weakness that will create a new springboard for the woman to manipulate.
Temporary punishment may help. But then a woman can get the opportunity, with the help of society, to put pressure on a man, because of which many men will be forced to make excuses. As a result, we again return to the first goal of manipulation.

In the form of an infinity sign, you can graphically depict the situation when a man is hooked. In the picture inside the sign you can see two circles, pink - a woman, green - a man. Therefore, everything will be repeated if the man is next to the woman who performs this manipulation. The arrows in the image indicate exactly that departure from the female.

The funny thing is that women believe that. Therefore, “you behave like a woman” is nothing but praise, a compliment. However, they use this phrase only to humiliate a man. As always, the logic in the women's vysery is completely absent.

The best medicine, if any woman blurts out “You act like a woman,” is to ask: “So it’s shameful to be a woman? Aren't you shy yourself?"

"Fucked up like a woman!" or "General in a skirt!" - such disapproving statements are not uncommon. Why do they even occur? Let's figure it out together in this article.

Inner man and inner woman
In the source of ancient Indian wisdom, the Vedah, there is an absolutely direct and detailed indication that an inner woman lives in every man, and an inner man lives in every woman. The task of a woman is to know her inner man (that is, her men's parties), merge with him, thus becoming a full-fledged woman. And then later in outside world a woman must meet a man who was also able to accept in himself inner woman and thus become a real, whole man. It is for such a couple that the psychology of relations will be harmonious.

It turns out that a man, showing female capriciousness, weakness, can become whole, or can degrade, and really become a woman. What does it depend on?
If a man consciously passes the test of weakness, does not reject his inner woman, he becomes stronger. And if he denies that he can also be weak and considers himself infallible, then, alas, he stops developing.

The same applies to women. If a woman consciously goes through a test of strength, rigidity, independence, realizing that this is a temporary lesson, she becomes much more feminine. If he ceases to understand that this is a game, then he can become a “man”, and far from the best.

Male and female energy centers
Let's take a closer look at what exactly a man and a woman should develop in order to progress, realizing their inner opposite, and not being annoyed by this. As you know, in every person there are seven main energy centers - seven chakras. In this article, I will not go into the details of the teachings about the chakras - I will simply tell you which qualities a man should develop and which ones a woman should develop.

The main chakras of women
If you are a woman, then your main, active chakras are: the genital chakra (sexuality), the heart chakra (kindness, care, compassion), the third eye chakra (intuition).

That is, every woman who wants to strengthen her femininity must increase the return of sexuality, kindness, intuition.

What about the other 4 chakras? You also have them (in the form inner man). But they are passive. And they work not for bestowal, like the previous three, but for reception. Let's read about male chakras in the next section, and then recap...

The main chakras of men
If you are a man, then the main ones for you are: the chakra of physical strength and material well-being(located at the base of the coccyx), the chakra of power ( solar plexus), the “third ear” chakra (near the throat) and the chakra of direct connection with the Creator (near the top of the head).

That is a real man necessarily moves a lot, tends to career growth, develops strength and earns money, manages his family and subordinates (if any), accepts all circumstances and people as fair and necessary exactly as they are (third ear chakra), always remembers the Higher Power.

A man also has female chakras, but they are passive. And it is men's chakras that need to be developed.

Rules of conduct for a woman
So, the energy of a woman develops from top to bottom. That is, she must learn to listen to her intuition, become calmer, imagine herself as a kind of blooming oasis, and create it in her home. Then favorable opportunities will begin to flow by themselves. They will not have to be mined like a man, snatched out with teeth. And only in this way you can create your own truly cozy and comfortable home.

Next, a woman should develop kindness and heart wisdom. Do not condemn the people you meet, do not “worry” about them, but send them warmth, care and support. To make you understand the difference, let me explain. When I'm worried about loved one, then surrounded by vibrations of fear, I imagine all sorts of horrors that can happen to him. That is, at this moment it does not look like an oasis at all, but something directly opposite. And now I “shoot” all these “excitements” in the direction of a loved one, who at this moment, and so, may not be easy. Is it good for him from my "care"? Or I can concentrate, create a fruitful, flourishing state of Power, and send positive energy to my loved one from this flower garden. This will be the real concern. If you cannot cope with anxieties and fears on your own, then you may need to consult a psychologist.

And finally, sexuality. It will form itself correctly if you “adjust” the two previous chakras. Real female sexuality allows you to feel beautiful, just the way you are. A real woman does not constantly try to change something in herself. Not trying to gain power, approval or anything else through sex ...

And, of course, a woman should learn to accept what a man can give.

Rules of conduct for a man
And a real man should in no case “squeeze” and spare money, strength, power, the desire to accept this world as fair. But just giving is not enough. We must also be able to accept - care, sexuality, a woman's intuition.

Let's imagine that a man is lying on a couch (having blocked the first chakra). What kind of power is there. No matter how much he talks about male authority, his family will not take him seriously. Then there will be violations of the throat chakra - the world will seem unfair to him (for example, he will scold the government all day long, instead of getting up and changing something at least in the life of his family). And, of course, the connection with the Creator will also eventually be broken. Because the energy of a man goes from bottom to top.

Of course, in this state, a man will not be able to accept what a woman gives him. He will see everything in a distorted light.

So, dear women! Having fallen in love with your external man, you will love and domestic. And, perhaps, on the contrary, having fallen in love with the inner, you will attract the outer. The same applies to men. Treat your women with trepidation and you will achieve inner harmony!


A female person, although the word “man” is male, it would be more tolerant to use the word “human”, or “people”, but girls are offended by this, so they are called women and girls, women have a lot of names.


Human male, everything seems to be in order here, A man is sometimes called a "young man", " old man or some other person, girls are not addressed that way.

Similarities between a woman and a man.
Both people, both have a torso, two legs, two arms, one ass, one head.

Both those and those others have eyes, hair and nipples, but women have nipples for business, why a peasant does not understand why nipples ...

They both have mouths too.
Two ears, twenty fingers.

Both may or may not work, both may be parents and children, as well as grandparents.

A woman can act like a man, and a man can act like a woman.

Boys are drafted into the army, women are also drafted in some countries.

Officially and naturally, it is done in such a way that a man mates with a woman, but some do not care and they mate with whoever they want.

A woman can work as a prostitute... a man can also be a prostitute.

A woman may or may not have boobs. A man has no boobs, but sometimes a man's boobs are so big that a woman is jealous of him.

Both acquaintances or relatives may ask, “Well, haven’t you married / haven’t married yet?” Both of them may or may not be annoyed.

It is believed that men do not cry, they only cry on the way, worse than women. But some girls can be like iron, not a tear.

It is believed that women are gossips, yes it is, because men are not gossips, but gossips.

Differences between men and women.
The main difference, speaking in official language, is that a man and a woman differ in primary sexual characteristics. Speaking childishly, men and women differ in pussy. Speaking in motherly language, then women have a vagina, and men have a penis with eggs. First of all, when a person is born, they check what it actually got out and look between the legs of a person, if in doubt, they can look through a magnifying glass and even feel it, the newborn doesn’t care anyway, and at that moment they decide what he will wear all his life and how he will behave all his life.

Girls grow and develop faster than boys. Classmates can wave from the Kolomna verst, and their classmates remain suckers. But then everything returns to normal, the guys grow up and outgrow their classmates.

Men are called the stronger sex, and women the weaker sex, sometimes it is debatable, but in most cases it is exactly that.

In wars, as a rule, men take part, in ancient times, those men who won, got more women. Although there were still Amazons, apparently when they won, they got more men.

A woman, if desired, can become a lesbian, a man cannot become a lesbian, but a normal man has the same tastes as a lesbian.

A woman can't be a homo, uh modern medicine can make a homo become a woman. But from the fact that he became a woman, he will still be called a homo, not a woman. Cases when a woman born a girl, would be called a homosexual, somehow it has not yet been observed.

A man should be healthy, powerful, smelly and hairy, but most often this rule is not respected and there is such a combination of “stinky and hairy”, or just hairy, or not powerful at all, not healthy, not smelly, and not hairy, chaos in general.

If a man had many women, then this is normal, the key that can open many locks is good key. But if a woman had many men, then this is not normal, because the lock to which all the keys fit is not a lock, but a key simulator.

A man seems to be supposed to take care of and protect a woman, a woman can also take care of a man, but this is less common.
This is what a marriage should look like:

For some reason, it is accepted that you cannot argue with a woman, ....... Well accepted and accepted.
A woman can breastfeed, a man cannot breastfeed, but he can try, although it is unlikely that he will succeed.

A woman needs everything, and more, a lot of dresses, a lot of fur coats, a lot of shoes, a lot of everything. The man seems to be able to get by.

It is accepted that the man is the earner, and the woman is the squanderer. In most cases, it is.

In order to mate, a man must persuade, treat, insist and care. In order to mate, a woman needs to break down and dynamize.

women live longer than men because men are really morons, and morons don't live long.

If a man bleeds non-stop, he will die...

If a girl has a husband older than her, then this is normal. If a girl has a husband younger than her, then those around her go nuts, but they don’t show it.

In general, the result is this, the main difference is the genitals, if they notice at birth that they are male, they will raise them as a boy. If they see that the sexual organ is female, they will be brought up as a girl. There are differences in the body, but they are secondary.

Tell me, girls, do you like it when a man starts talking in a high voice? Or when he pretends to be gay as a joke? Or when it takes a passive position, transferring the initiative and responsibility into your hands? Or when he doesn't mind you nailing a shelf or fixing a faucet yourself while he's on the couch? Or when he is waiting for you to pay for him at a restaurant?

Don't like it, no? Then why do so many of you think the opposite is possible?

Why do so many of you look like men? Why do so many of you laugh like men? Why do so many of you sit like men? Cursing like men? The first to seize the initiative, like men? Demonstrate physical strength like men? Move like men?

Why do many of you forget that we are not just people, but women, the fair sex, and allow yourself male behavior? Or do you think we don't like men female behavior, but they don’t give a damn that the masculine slips through us?

In fact, the situation is that the more masculine a woman is, the more the man relaxes (takes female role), and the more feminine there is in a man, the more tense a woman gets used to taking on the role of a man.

They are men and we are women! Let's not change this in places, so as not to whine later that there are only weaklings around!

Why do you run to take over men's duties like carrying bags and moving furniture? Who needs this “I can do it myself!”? Of course you can, we are not armless and not headless, to whom are you proving this? To yourself or others?

Yes, we are able to take on the role of a man, and often cope with it as well, if not better, than many men (than many weak men). But they, after all, can easily take on the role of a woman, but who needs it?

Why forget that the difference between a man and a woman is not only "between the legs"? The difference is also in the constitution of bodies, in biochemical processes, and most importantly, in the brains. And when a woman takes on the role of a man, she goes across nature.

Do you want to know what female happiness is? It is a happiness that is not possible if you act like a man, not allowing yourself to be a woman and not allowing the men around you to be men.

Someone here says that women's happiness is when they have children, a husband and their own home ... But even if there are children, a husband and their own home, it will not female happiness if you are a woman-man, and your husband is a man-woman.

Feminism is feminism, but we continue to blur the differences between a man and a woman, we are with you. In the article, I said that even if we are degrading, then together - both men and women, but still more depends on women in gender relations.

Why don't men respect women? Why don't women respect men? Why do women humiliate men and vice versa? Why do men become lazy and look worse? Why did women become masculine and look worse? Where is the harmony? Why so many betrayals, quarrels, problems, misunderstandings between us? Yes, because we ourselves have almost turned everything upside down, and we continue to do so!

The more we act like men, the more they act like women and it's hard to stop.

Then it starts to seem to you that there are only goats and weaklings around, you become even stronger, even more courageous, do masculine things, show masculine behavior (because “who else can do this if the men can no longer do this?”), And men become even weaker. Because there must be a balance in nature.

Men see around strong women, meet them, sleep with them, they were even brought up by such women, well, why, tell me, should they be strong, for whose sake, if they are used to the fact that every first one strives to show off masculine features, and every second “I can do it myself”?

If you want real men around, be real woman. Not the one that stops a galloping horse and enters a burning hut (leave masculine deeds to men), but the one that is feminine. Feminine.

Let men carry weights. Let them open doors for you. Let them serve you coats and stand in line for you at the cloakroom. Let them invite you to restaurants and give you gifts. And you - be at this time beautiful women, feminine women, which this world lacks so much, and appreciate real men, and not what is left of them.

I know that many of us were brought up in such a way that “we are ashamed to be weak.” But at the same time, for some reason, weakness is understood as our very feminine essence, given to us by nature, and strength does not mean the strength of the individual, but the ability to drag a family on oneself, plow like a horse, and ring iron bells louder than one’s own man.

You need it? Do you really want this? I'm sure not.

If you understand that the time has come to change something and return to your feminine essence to be around you worthy men, not sloths, rags and gigolos, I recommend:

  • Stop doing everything yourself!

Yes, relearning is not always easy. For example, I can fix computers as a hobby. And before, when some problem happened, I was the first to rush into battle, I myself changed the power supply or reinstalled Windows, or poked around in the drive or connected a video card ... Then - pride in myself, a victorious look: "I can do everything myself!". Were the guys surprised by my skill? Yes, definitely. Did they see me as a woman? No. Because otherwise I behaved in much the same way. Youth, what to take from it ...

Even now I sometimes want to poke my nose when my husband fixes the computer. But I don't. Let the victorious look and pride in himself go to him, let him feel even stronger. And I will at this time stand next to the beautiful and admire him. Yes, I know I could fix it too, but I don't have to prove it to anyone. And believe it or not, it’s really better for me, for him, for our relationship, for our happiness, because he likes being a man, and he will never allow me to carry packages from the store or open the door of the car or not the car myself or pay in a restaurant, etc. Not to mention the fact that he will not shift the responsibility to me, as many men do.

You need to relearn, you need to become again real women . Pride in yourself and the surprised looks of men will not replace your female happiness. And these most surprised looks will eventually turn into the views of "what's wrong, all women do this ...". Or have already changed.