Inner emotionality of men. How to understand and understand? Woman's emotion = man's behavior

anna base

Women and men seem to live in different dimensions. We do not understand the actions, goals, feelings of each other.

A man, no matter what feelings a woman evokes in him, behaves with restraint. Temperament, upbringing and past relationships with the opposite sex also play a role.

Once in a relationship, a man works even harder to secure decent life to his chosen one. He does not stop meeting with old friends, does not throw favorite hobby(fishing or computer games). A man simply introduces another item into his routine - his beloved woman and her problems.

The woman is completely given to a new feeling. Work, friends, household chores fade into the background.

In addition, a man in love is characterized by shyness and confusion. He ceases to recognize the environment. If earlier a self-confident man behaved boldly and demonstrated pressure and determination in all endeavors, then during meetings with his beloved woman he feels uncertainty and even fear.

Men are stingy with the expression of emotions. They do not strive for a serious relationship until they earn enough capital to live on, make a career.

How do you know how a restrained man feels?

Should a woman "extort the secret"? Constant questions “Do you love me?” or “How do you feel about me?” bored, and cause nothing but discomfort and embarrassment.

It is important for a woman not to rush a man. A man's love is expressed in a hundred other nuances, and words are not so important. If a man is not yet confident in his chosen one, and has not established the same emotional wave with her, constant questions will scare away and break relationships that are just being born.

Time is an incomparable assistant if it is used wisely.

Women freely express resentment, anger or joy. They constantly want attention, care, they need a strong male shoulder.

Why are men different?

Reason #1. Social stereotypes

Society is merciless to expansive men. Since childhood, the boy understands: having broken his knee, one should not give vent to tears, because "men never cry." mature man is ashamed to tell his friends that he is not going to a football match or fishing because the woman he loves has asked for help shopping.

For many centuries, the opinion has reigned that a man must be strong, silently endure pain (emotionally and physically). Love is a vulnerability that has no place in the life of a representative of the strong half of humanity. Society treats too expansive men rather negatively.

A man from childhood comes to the conclusion that sentimentality is the lot weak woman. If a man admires the flowers in the meadow or admires the kittens that frolic on the doorstep, society will misunderstand and condemn.

A man is a synonym for strength, rationality, firm character and perseverance. He is not forgiven whims, complaints or tears.

Strong feelings, such as love, passion, they "mask" and hide with the help of:

1. Indifference. Men do not respond to women's tears, discontent or tantrums. During scandals, they declare that the opinion of the chosen one is indifferent to them, and the beloved herself too.

2. Aggression. Is a boy at school pulling a classmate's pigtails or pushing? He likes her! Behind rudeness lies tenderness, interest, a feeling of love.

Reason number 2. Education

If the parents did not hug their son, did not say words of love and tenderness to him, then, as an adult, the man will copy the line of behavior "inherited" in childhood. A man does not know how to give compliments, show emotions. He believes that this is unworthy of a representative of the strong half of humanity, or he does not even realize that the woman he loves is eager to hear the "cherished three words."

For some reason, parents believe that affection, tenderness and affection are not so important for the boy. good word like a girl. The son must grow up as a man - strong and reliable, a man who will endure all hardships. He has with early childhood form a sense of self-esteem and responsibility for the lives of loved ones, willpower. As a result, becoming an adult, a man does not know how to freely express his feelings and emotions.

Reason #3: Fear of Addiction

A man hates addiction, it's not built into male character. A man realizes that addiction is the first step towards manipulation and control, and this threatens with the loss of personal freedom.

Men are proud to be called "representatives of the strong half of humanity." They, like women, are afraid of pain. the best way to impress the woman you like is a show of force.

They take much longer (compared to a woman) to establish emotional intimacy.

Reason number 4. A man is a mystery

Men want to maintain interest in their irresistible person. They hide feelings, rarely call or ask to meet because they want women to be curious.

Women reading romance novels, they want to see a strong-willed, strong, even rude man in front of them. turns into a "henpecked" and quickly loses credibility.

Reason #5. Painful experience

If a man's past relationships ended in a fantastic fiasco, in the future he is careful in showing emotions.

Female betrayal, betrayal and deception give birth to male head 2 thoughts:

"I loved, but they hurt me, what a fool I was."
“In order not to get a knife in the back, you can’t show feelings.”

His new darling will need a lot of patience and love for a man to open up to her. Over time, these categorical arguments disappear, and a man plunges into a new relationship with all his passion.

How is male interest manifested?

Avoids communication directly, learns information about a woman through mutual friends.
In a general company, he is cold, behaves differently from others.
He glances furtively, showing indifference.

Or is it indifference?

It is difficult for a woman (if she does not have the appropriate education) to determine the line between emotional coldness and indifference. External manifestation these parameters are the same - the absence of tender words.

An unmistakable indicator of male love of an emotionally cold man is actions. It is real help and support that is important, not promises and unsuccessful attempts.

How to react if a man does not show his feelings?

What should a woman do if her man is emotionally cold? He never says three magic words"I love you", does not write romantic notes, does not kiss before leaving for work.

A woman should be sympathetic if a man does not want to demonstratively express his feelings. For a man, love and care for a woman is expressed in concrete actions. He earns money, solves problems, protects, and this shows his feelings. Why words?

This position is in place. You can say anything, but not everyone can do a truly masculine act.

How is emotional coldness manifested?

“Tender and romantic impulses” are not characteristic of him: a man never offers to take a walk under the stars, does not give flowers, does not sing serenades under the balcony;
he never (or extremely rarely) talks about feelings;
no matter what happens, the man calmly solves the problem;
any joyful event (buying a car, having a child or career growth) evokes the same emotions in him;
he reacts with restraint and dryness to your romantic words and suggestions.

What can not be done with an emotionally restrained man?

Answer the same. A man already knows that you are different - tender, vulnerable, and often cry while watching a Brazilian series. Changes in your behavior will not bear fruit.
Do not say (and better not think) how cold, insensitive and narcissistic he is.
Do not focus on rare manifestations of feelings. Never mention how he cried when he saw the consequences of your own going out into the world in a new car.

What to do with an emotionally restrained man?

If you decide that this man is your man, and you will have a family,.

Be an example. Give love freely, without demanding a response.
Ask questions, don't assert. Trouble at work? Why don't you want to go to the theatre? When are we going to rest?
Generalize feelings (“I know that we love each other, so we can handle it”).

He hid them under reliable armor.

7 indicators of love of an emotionally cold man

He solves your problems, gives you the right advice.
A man wants to be around.
He likes to touch you.
He rarely arranges quarrels first, goes to reconciliation without any problems.
He is there when you really need help.
He listens to your opinion.
He welcomes your meetings and calls.

It is rare when you meet a man who freely expresses love, joy or tenderness. It's easier for him to "give" negative feelings- anger, jealousy and hatred.

A smart woman realizes that male love expressed not in words, but in deeds. A man loves when he acts, and does not rant, and composes poems in honor of his beloved.

December 30, 2013, 11:11

A small number of men at the very beginning of communication want Serious relationships. Many men just want to have a good time and get new emotions and impressions. And then just walk away. It is impossible to keep a man by force, well, not to fasten him with handcuffs to the bed. But to make a man drawn to you, and his thoughts were focused only on you, is quite possible.

And you need to start “binding” him to yourself from the very beginning of communication. For example, you just met, started talking, and he will most likely invite you to a cafe "for a cup of coffee." As a result, you can spend several non-hours (maybe pleasant, or maybe quite painful), coming up with questions and topics for conversation and answering his questions in the spirit: “It was rainy for some summer, the weather is still not good today.” happy, isn't it?"

Emotions in relationships

Emotions play a major role in relationships. When there are emotions, a person is interested, and when there is interest, then something more may well appear. Without emotions, there is no interest, and, accordingly, there are no feelings.

Imagine two situations.

Situation one. You sit in a cafe with a man for three hours, chat with him, tell him about yourself, listen to him, try to keep the conversation going and find new topics.

Situation two. You are sitting on an airplane next to a completely by a stranger. Suddenly the plane starts shaking, an order to fasten your seat belts is displayed, and from above they fall on your head oxygen masks. You get frightened, panic seizes you, you grab your neighbor's hand and hold it tightly, in response he squeezes your hand too. After some time, the situation in the plane is normalized.

What do you think, which of the men will you become closer to? And which one will be closer to you? The one to whom you talked about your life for three hours or the one with whom you experienced strong emotions without saying a single word? Naturally, strong emotions bring together more.

But not everyone knows how to communicate correctly, you need to learn this, and it is desirable to evoke strong emotions in a man from the very first date. Of course, you can give yourself to him on this date and he will certainly get strong emotions, but at the same time, he will lose interest in you, getting everything he wanted. A man certainly does not want to marry on a first date, but he is unlikely to refuse a free pleasant pastime. If you want to lose him, then you can go this way. After all, maybe you don't have a goal of getting married either, and you just want to have a good time too.

But, for the most part, this is not the case. Women still strive to create strong and serious relationships. Therefore, do not turn yours into an endless conversation, turn it into a storm of emotions. Connect your imagination, see what is interesting in your city. Invite him to go to the panic room, to the circus, to an exciting excursion, to a concert, to go skating or rollerblading.

In general, invite him to a place where you both will have a great time and firmly consolidate your acquaintance not with words, but with emotions. Or you can puzzle this man and tell him that you do not want your first date with him to take place at a table in a cafe, that you want to have an interesting and pleasant time. And let him think about this topic, or you can think together.

In the life of every person there must have been a considerable number of dates at a table in a cafe. And very few (or maybe even none at all) memorable, vivid and emotional meeting.

If you give a man emotions, he will want to meet you again and again. And after your meetings, he will often remember and think about you. And there and before serious feelings not far, because the more he thinks about you, the more he will become attached and fall in love. A serious talk or leave conversations “about nothing” for other people, for example, for girlfriends or mom. Men need a game, read the article for more details on this topic.

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Even though all women and men are completely different, there are several general areas in which you can work in order to arouse passion and feelings in men. What kind? Our article is devoted to the answer to this question.

How to cause passion: types of feelings

It is important to remember that for any man, passion and love are completely different things, and the first does not always imply the second. Let's try to identify several types of passion:

Passion is fantasy

A feeling, no matter how deep it is, is likely not to be expressed. It could be a passion for a wife best friend, to the boss. Then a woman arouses passion in a man and appears as something like a goddess, and any hint of possible development relations, and even more so, for love, is rejected by him immediately and in the bud.

concrete passion

This time the man is drawn to the woman bodily, at the level of instincts. It causes animal passion in a man. He can analyze it mental capacity, and maybe not spend at all on this, as it certainly seems to him, nonsense. Her presence causes a man's hormones to react violently, and the blood to boil, which is often expressed in a change in the color of the skin of the face - pallor and redness, twitching of the eyelids and a nervous tick of the jaw.

true passion

It is expressed in the fact that the presence of a woman nearby provokes in a man vigorous activity not only sex glands and organs, but also brain cells. A man is active not only in bed, but also far from her.

All the passions mentioned here (except, perhaps, the very first one) are finite and can end as soon as they begin, although the opposite is also possible - they can last for months and years. True passion can develop into something much more over time, but if it is superficial, and is due only to carnal feelings, then you can almost always forget about it - after its satisfaction, passion can fade away, and interest can weaken, or even completely abyss.

Which of these three types suits you best, only you yourself can say - we do not know your "victim". Accordingly, there are a lot of ways to arouse passion in a man. If you are not deprived of beauty, intelligence, or both.

Passion is a quivering feeling, impulse or desire that plays a huge role in the life of every person. Although many experts believe this feeling Very important element any relationship between a man and a woman, it has nothing to do with love, since it is aimed solely at achieving desired result.

Despite this, women who have the ability to evoke a feeling of passion in a man remain in their memory for a long time, it is they who incinerate and excite the male soul.

That is why many women around the world are interested in the question: how to arouse passion in a man in order to win his heart?

Many have heard that “women love with their ears”, but at the same time, not everyone knows that for men, the voice is also of great importance.

In the event that you regularly hone your skill in controlling your voice, you can easily learn to cling to a man to the quick.

One of the main conditions that will help to arouse passion in any man is the appropriate wardrobe. Men go crazy with heels, stockings, short skirts, blouse with deep neckline, which involuntarily attract male gazes.

At the same time, one should carefully select a wardrobe and not overdo it, since excessive frankness can cause the opposite effect - in the subconscious of a man it is defiantly dressed girls associated with lung girls behavior.

IN without fail any woman who wants to please a man, and even more so to arouse a feeling of passion in him, should take good care of herself. The fact is that men are intrigued by women who manage to do everything around the house, and at the same time look great. Moreover, many men say that they respect such women.

In order to conquer male heart and awaken passion in him, you can use various aromas. The reason is that many men are very sensitive to smells, and given the fact that some scents can be arousing, using them can be the key to your success in seduction. desired man.

Among other things, one should also not forget that the way to the heart of any man lies primarily through the stomach. That is why, in order to conquer a man, you need to feed him well and tasty, after which he will be completely yours.

Of course, it is clear that we did not give instructions “from A to Z” in this article on how to arouse passion in a man, but we sincerely hope that this material can help you achieve your goal as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How to make a man feel


To begin with, in order to evoke feelings and passion in a man, you need to determine how dear a young man is to you. For what purpose are you seeking it? For a short flirtation or for a strong and serious relationship. You also need to understand whether the guy is worthy of you wasting your precious time on him.

If you have decided on the candidacy and goals, then the time has come to look at yourself from the outside. How can you attract your chosen one? In any girl there should be something that will make her stand out from everyone else, the so-called "zest", which will give you beauty and irresistibility.

You must take good care of yourself, remain fashionable and stylish under any circumstances, if you decide to evoke feelings and passion in a man. You need to be sweet, cheerful, cheerful, smile more often and not be shy about attention from a man. A smile is very attractive to men.

If the stage of acquaintance, in your opinion, has already passed, and both of you were satisfied with the conversation, then the time has come for you to take the initiative in communication and arouse passion. Let the chosen one become attached to you. Try to write small messages to him every day for several days, then stop writing and tell him that something is wrong with your phone. Look - his reaction to such actions on your part will not go unnoticed.

Finally, you managed to tie him to yourself a little. But do not go too far, do not impose yourself and do not bother him. Give a man the opportunity to conquer himself, because only in this way can you evoke feelings and passion in a man. Since by nature all men are hunters, and they are not at all interested in “easy prey”. Let him take care of you: give flowers, invite you to restaurants or somewhere else.

In case you are experiencing quite strong feelings to your chosen one, do not show them to him, since he himself should fall in love with you, and not you with him. Let him know that you strong girl, love from which you need to seek. But only worthy man will be next to you.

If you want to arouse passion so that your boyfriend is head over heels in love with you, then you need to find sexuality in yourself. And the more you reveal yourself, the more beautiful you will look from the outside. And a pretty woman can leave an imprint in the soul of a man. We hope that our advice has helped you answer the question: "how to evoke feelings and passion in a man."

How to evoke a feeling of love in a man?

Love is such a feeling that it is simply impossible to force to experience, while increasing the likelihood that men will begin to experience for your person increased attention and strong feelings, quite possibly.

In order to evoke feelings and passion in a man, it is enough to master a number of pretty simple techniques, which will not require you a lot of time and high costs. It should be noted that not everyone knows the principles of this technique, and, therefore, for many women it remains a mystery how to evoke feelings in a man.

In order to arouse passion in a man, it is necessary to have a number of joint vivid memories with him. For these purposes, joint rides on a roller coaster or going to the cinema for a screening of creepy horror films that make the blood run cold may well be suitable.

The fact is that during such an adventure, there is a high probability that in the most critical moments you will hold hands, which is an indicator of trust and some closeness.

At such moments, a woman becomes more attractive to a man, because he has a feeling that he can protect you. The main advice is that in order to evoke a feeling in a man, first of all, you need to show a fantasy that will enable you to get a little closer.

Very important point, which arouses in men interest and feelings for a woman, is emotional dependence. In order to evoke feelings and passion in a man, you need to be an interesting man.

It is desirable to be in good mood and also entertain your partner interesting conversations on topics of interest to him. Thus, you must make a man constantly seek your company, and also by all means think about you.

Enough in an efficient way to evoke passion and feelings in a man is to create a situation in which a man would feel like a significant person or a hero - a savior.

To do this, you can ask a man to perform simple services, and after that exalt his real virtues to the skies, especially in front of outsiders. At the same time, a very important point is the praising of his merits in public, since for most men, the opinion of others, especially males, is of key importance.

In the event that you follow these rules, you will not only be able to evoke strong feelings in a man, but it is quite possible that you will find happiness with him for many years to come.

In childhood, boys are constantly faced with the question: express emotions or suppress them? Almost every man can remember cases when at an early age he somehow tried to prove himself, and in response he faced ridicule from peers and rejection by adults. Each time, this caused shame and an inner decision that it was safer to remain silent. “Boys don’t cry”, “Stop complaining like a girl” - such restrictions and attitudes do not go unnoticed and leave an imprint on life. Hence the isolation of most men. They remain silent in order to suppress their true emotions. They don't seem to have any feelings at all. They give this impression because they are unable to express emotions, not because of their absence. The point is not that there are no feelings, but that they cannot, firstly, understand them, and secondly, express them in words. It seems that they do not have a key to understanding their emotions. Society predetermined them ready male role- a serious, reserved man - and most resign themselves to this role. Although everyone dreams of meeting a person with whom one could open up and talk heart to heart.

Consider the features of the emotionality of men:

1. Men believe that talking about their feelings, experiences and emotions means not behaving like a man.
Since childhood, they are forbidden to show emotions, and they learn to ignore their feelings. So, defensive structures are built inside. Over time, it is easier for men not to feel anything than to come into contact with unpleasant feelings of shame and guilt. Therefore, they are more prone to conditions such as alcoholism, drug addiction and antisocial behavior. This is a kind of way out of emotional isolation. In this state, they satiate their emotional hunger, openly express their emotions and share their pain with each other. In this state, it becomes obvious that behind the dull outer shell lies the whole world exciting and conflicting emotions. An unspoken prescription says that a man should not show his emotions, so he is forced to accept the blows of fate with a smile on his face. Outwardly, everything seems to be normal, but this inflicts deep wounds, and the inability to show their emotions brings even more stress.

2. Men are afraid of feelings and their manifestations.
When someone forces them to express their emotions, they feel pressured to get angry, because this is an unfamiliar side of life for them. A man thinks: “Who knows what will happen if I stop controlling and holding myself in my hands?” And remembering the emotionality of women, he thinks: “If tantrums happen to women, then what can things come to me if I stop restraining myself?”
Men use equanimity as a psychological defense to keep themselves from mental anguish. For many, feelings and desires remain unspoken and turn into eternal fantasies and unrealized ideas. Some are so preoccupied with eradicating all emotions from their lives that they cause boredom and even fear in other people. For them, the less emotion, the better. They doubt everything and treat everyone with distrust. With such people it is very difficult for others, because it is very difficult to get through to them.

3. Most men are completely illiterate in the field of emotions.
They do not have skills in this area, elementary for women. Men most often do not understand emotions at all. They do not know what exactly they feel, they have difficulty describing feelings, both their own and the feelings of other people. To the question: “What feelings does this make you feel?” - many men can not clearly articulate the answer. They usually say, "I don't know how I feel."
Over time, many men experience a death of emotions. At first, a man cannot give himself an account of what exactly he feels. He is confused in his emotions. Tired of uncertainty, he comes to the conclusion that it is better not to be led by feelings at all, you need to live by reason, avoiding feelings. Thus, the lack of emotions gives men trouble not only because others are dissatisfied with their insensitivity, but also because they themselves are not able to foresee and understand the feelings of other people.
For example, a father who is afraid to experience fear or sadness will yell at the child to stop crying instead of listening. Own unresolved problems in emotional sphere every time will lead to wrong behavior and attitude towards other people.

4. They don't have enough words to express their feelings.
“Brevity is the sister of talent” is the way most men talk. Somewhere at the subconscious level, they consider conversations to be something unworthy, calling them empty chatter, and value deeds more than words. "What to talk about?" they ask. “About work - of course, about the army - too, about sports and politics - you can. And what about feelings? Men do not even suspect that they can talk about their experiences. They just can't put their feelings into words. They have emotional lexicon limited. Their inner emotional life remains closed.
Men disguise their incompetence in the emotional sphere with a businesslike look, confident behavior, hiding under the guise of restraint and strength. It's a kind of self-defense. It seems to them that this is masculinity, that a real man is manifested in this. Such men suppress women with their logic, as if punishing them for being too emotional. And often behind the image of ostentatious courage lies a deeply hidden desire to be understood, open and sincere. But imaginary, imaginary male virtues do not allow a man to understand himself and solve these internal problems.

5. They have difficulty sorting their feelings.
Men find it difficult to distinguish between emotions and physical sensations. For example, before some important event at work, they may feel weak and be convinced that something is wrong on the physical level, but in fact the reason is that they are experiencing anxiety. Confusion with feelings causes them to complain about vague problems. In practice, this manifests itself as follows: to the wife’s question “what’s wrong with you?” The husband says: “I feel bad. Let me be alone. I must have been sick."

6. Express their emotions in action.
Parents and educators guide men to the result, so they tend to express their emotions in action, and not experience them inside. In the family, men often express love not in affectionate words and tenderness, but in providing for the household. “I bring money to the house - it means I love, I care” - this is their logic. The wife asks: "Do you love me?" The husband replies: "Well, I live with you." Men will agree that love is more of an action than a feeling. They will seek to change external circumstances, and not change their attitude towards them within themselves. This way of solving problems is more acceptable for them.

7. Avoid situations that require the display of emotions.
In general, men tend not to solve problems, but to postpone or forget about them. They do not want to experience the feelings that come out when dealing with situations or discussing problems. Therefore, they avoid it in the hope that everything will be decided by itself and there will be no need to talk about anything.
Escape from decisions often leads to complications of the circumstances that have arisen. And then there is no escape from feelings and emotions. We have to decide. But sometimes everything resolves itself, and then the men proudly say: "I told you not to worry." According to women, this is indifference. But fencing off for men is a way to alleviate their physical and mental anguish. For example, in family conflicts men faster than women feel the deterioration of their physical condition and do their best to get away from the flare-up of a quarrel. Men's nerves can not stand it, while a woman is still quite capable of continuing a heated discussion. So avoiding difficult conversations and sorting out relationships is a defense mechanism for men.

Based on the book by Vitaly Arkhipov "Masculinity"

So, what is it that you need to give a man so that he falls in love with you?

I often ask this seemingly simple question on various relationship forums. To my surprise, among the numerous answers, I do not find a single one that would even be partly true. Where women make such conclusions is completely incomprehensible to me.

Here are some of them:

The most common explanation for the cause of love is external types. Here, they say, if you outwardly fell into the type of a man, then everything is a scribe, he is yours forever! If he rushes on sharp knees, then the owners of knees of a different shape - with this man there is absolutely no chance, some say.

To this I will say the following. Do not confuse baits and hooks. Lures help us attract a man when he appears somewhere in the distance, but no lure, no matter how delicious it is, can keep this same man! Let's really look at things: already after six months, as you live together, you no longer notice the external advantages and disadvantages of your partner. It doesn’t even always seem to you that your spouse is beautiful, and you are sometimes in drunk company you can ask your friends a question: “Listen, tell me honestly, well, this is ... mine ... how is she in general? Pretty?" Well, you must admit, it happened!)) Let's discard the issue of appearance right away. I ask how to fall in love with that man who is already next to you.

Another common misconception is the assertion that you need to give a man everything he needs, and then he is at your feet. Will lie and whimper. And often such women also add on their own: “And if he didn’t do this, then he’s just an asshole and a goat, he didn’t notice that I tried so hard for him and gave him everything he needs.” By "Everything that he needs" women usually mean serving a man faithfully in the kitchen, in business, and at home, pleasing him in bed, and running to him at his first call. And where, then, did these millions of “good” wives come from, from whom their husbands left for another woman? And it’s not a fact that a woman cooks or looks better. More often, quite the opposite happens.

By the way, I don’t even want to touch on the topic of the kitchen. The expression about the way to the heart of a man was invented by the men themselves, moreover, opportunists who are simply comfortable that a woman, obsessed with the idea that someday they will love her, begins to try. I also like to go to restaurants with good food, but, nevertheless, the items on the menu do not force me to live in this institution, love its waiters and double the bill. And by the way, how to explain the large crowds of people in establishments with poor service and terrible food? As a rule, fights, breaking dishes and dancing on the table often occur in such establishments. Do not know? Guess! The reason is the same!

Another opinion: "You need to be yourself." Well, well ... When a man studies your inner world, views on life, he will like it all so much that he will lose his head forever. Well, wait, wait.

The previous statement can also be attributed: “Love sincerely and prove it to him!”

I immediately remember one of my bespectacled admirers, who carried my briefcase for two years and accompanied me home after school. And in the evening I ran on a date to a local robber who taught me to smoke and swear.

Sex. This version is also found quite often, so often that sometimes it seems to me that women are more concerned about men themselves. There is an opinion that if you allegedly show him in sex such that he will get goosebumps even on his heels, then for you he will be ready for anything, even attach x% to the battery and jump out of the window. Sex is just mucus rubbing. Yes, it can be pleasant and even very pleasant, but this cannot make a man love you and pull you into the registry office. And by the way, you know cases when they fall in love with those with whom the man had no sex at all. Personally, I know of many such cases. They even gave it a name platonic love. But what about the passionate love for rock stars? Remember the Beatles. What happened because of love at their concerts!

Be smart, intellectually developed and be able to keep up the conversation. “What a great friend and companion I have found for myself!” the man will say and pat you on the shoulder. “We need to meet with you more often, you have something to talk about!” - does not remind you of anything? Is it true? You have already had such situations when, having read tabloid manuals, you take a man to intellectual conversations, delve into his past, make him open his soul to you, and after all this he takes a vase for a friend in a skirt. Not surprising.)

All sorts of love spells, conspiracies and more. Well, it's actually mystical!

There were opinions that all men are different, and in accordance with this, he needs absolutely different things. And now attention! All men want the same! Just what exactly, women do not even guess.

Now I have a question for you. Tell me, please, dear young ladies, what, in your opinion, makes an inveterate bachelor, who until the age of 40 claimed that he would never marry, pull his girlfriend by the hand to the registry office? What makes an adult wealthy man leave his wife, who was with him from the student's bench, shared grief and joy, helped to achieve success; what makes him divorce for the sake of an eighteen-year-old saleswoman? What makes men love calculating and cold bitches. What do they all give them???

And I will answer you.

Once upon a time, the same woman who shared grief and joy was also a girl. Her eyes burned, she was bright and cheerful, sometimes eccentric and quick-tempered, and because of this, it was fun and interesting to be with her. And he fell in love with that girl. And now she has become an aunt. Tormented, tired and overweight. And the eighteen-year-old saleswoman helped him remember both that girl and that carefree time when he was young and stupid.

So, a man needs to be given a completely banal thing - bright emotions! It is precisely thanks to emotions that you can easily fall in love with yourself and absolutely anyone. I'm talking about the feeling that knocks off the brain, which makes a person mentally ill, blind and inadequate. I'm talking about the feeling that makes you sell your own apartment and give your beloved a pink convertible, because once, while leafing through a magazine, she accidentally mentioned that this was her only childhood dream that did not come true.

To make a man fall in love with you, you need to bring him to various vivid emotions as often as possible, which will be associated with you: joy, anger, resentment, jealousy. We need to get him hooked on these emotions, and only when he misses us (the emotions that we give), he will understand that he loves us. I'm not talking about the fact that it is necessary to dance around him and have fun, and be the most emotional (although I do not exclude this, such things are contagious), sometimes emotions can give a person his own thoughts and fantasies. Remember the film "Basic Instinct-2" Quite calmly and coldly, she pissed off the forensic PSYCHIATRIST !!! And she knew what she was doing and why. Surely, many of you guessed this when you specially took out your young man to jealousy.) So, I won’t talk much on this topic, therefore I give this opportunity to you. If my article helps you personal life, I'll be glad. You can then send one word to my profile: “Works”, and I will understand what you mean. Happy hunting, girls!

Your Lolita Vinogradova.