Weaving braids in a circle. Braid around the head - a fashionable hairstyle with your own hands

"Spikelet" is one of the best technicians weaving for everyday and holiday hairstyle. This type of braid can be braided on short, medium and long hair. Options for weaving techniques a large number of. They are perfect for small children and teenagers. How to braid a spikelet for a child (step by step instructions) is described in this article. In principle, nothing complicated.

Varieties of "spikelets"

There are such main types:

Standard "spikelet" of three curls, where all the hair is connected.

Not tight, where the strands are casually pulled out.

Reverse or, as it is also called, "spikelet on the contrary."

Braids of two and four curls, the so-called "fishtail".

- "Dragon" with the addition of ribbons.

Several "spikelets", smoothly turning into Afro-braids.

A braid that imitates a hoop, and much more.

Braid weaving conditions

Some main features:

You need to know the technique of weaving ordinary braids.

The hair must be washed.

All strands are carefully combed so that there is no tangling.

Start from the top of the head.

For more original hairstyle gently pull out the strands to create a volume effect.

Unruly hair is lubricated with gel or water.

Tight weaving is needed only on short hair.

How to braid a spikelet for a child (step by step instructions)

1) Select the top (at the base of the forehead) part of the hair. At the same time, the curls at the temples are not touched.

2) Divide this bundle into three equal curls.

3) First, they begin to throw curls as in a regular braid. Literally three weaves.

4) Connect two strands. Take alternately from the sides thin curl and woven into a braid (the right one is crossed with the left one).

5) All hair should go into the braid. When they run out, they are braided like an ordinary braid, or collected in a ponytail.

6) The pigtail is very similar to the spikelet. The hairstyle looks very attractive.

Now you know how to braid a spikelet for a child. Step-by-step instructions (photos are presented above) clearly and clearly make it clear how to do this. Nothing complicated.

How to braid two "spikelets" for a child (step by step instructions)

You can simply divide the hair in half with an even parting and weave according to the description at the beginning of the article. But you can try original scheme weaving, which every mother can do on her own.

Standard scheme:

1) clean hair divided in half with an even parting.

2) One part of the hair, so as not to interfere, is fixed with an elastic band.

3) Braid in the same way as a regular spikelet. First on one side, then on the other.

A special zest in this technique will add satin ribbon(any color). How to braid 2 spikelets for a child (step by step instructions, an unusual option):

1) Washed hair is evenly parted in half.

2) One part is fixed with an elastic band, in the second a strand is separated at the top.

3) Attach the tape with invisibility so that it has 2 equal halves (is the basis for weaving the braid). It should turn out: on the sides - a ribbon, in the middle - a curl.

5) This action is also performed on the second side.

For short hair

On short curls, such weaving brings some inconvenience. For beginners, experts recommend training on a tail that is tied with an elastic band. How to braid a “spikelet” for a child - step by step instructions (for short hair):

1) Start from the top. Collect all the hair and secure with an elastic band in the tail.

2) Divide into two uniform strands.

3) Separate from two parts along a thin curl.

4) They begin to shift the strands (from the right side to the left and vice versa).

5) Such manipulations are done to the end (along the entire length).

For long hair

If the owner has a hair length of 20 cm, there is room for fantasy to roam. For example, an openwork braid looks very original and festive.

How to braid a "spikelet" for a child? Step by step instructions (for long hair):

1) The braid itself is created by the technique of pulling strands.

2) They braid a standard "spikelet" of 3 strands, do not tighten it much.

3) At the same time, the strands are pulled out a little.

4) Preliminarily think over the place of the base of the braid, as it will be intended for fixing the flower.

5) Weave to the end and twist the braid into a flower, secure with hairpins.

It will look original with interwoven ribbons of different colors. Or jewelry in the form of studs with beads.

Circular "spikelet"

After mastering the usual weaving, it will not be difficult for you to make such a braid. Everything is very simple. So, how to braid a circular spikelet for a child (step by step instructions):

1) What are the features? To hide the base of the braid, it is recommended to start weaving behind the ear.

2) On washed hair do strictly even parting. With a comb near the ear, draw a vertical line and separate the curls.

3) The separated strand behind the ear is divided into three even parts.

4) Begin to braid a regular braid. Literally a few spans. Then fold the two curls together.

5) Alternately add hair from the side parts. WITH right side choose a thin curl and lay on the left strand.

6) On the left side, stack on the right.

7) With such movements, weave in a circle to the second ear.

8) When all the hair is over, weave a regular braid and fix it with an elastic band.

9) Slightly pull the hair out of the braid (give volume). Then it is wrapped around the head and secured with invisibility.

French "spikelet" on the contrary

Extraordinary elongated braids come into fashion. The scheme of this weaving at first glance may seem heavy. But in practice, everything is very easy.

How to braid such a spikelet for a child? Step-by-step instruction:

1) Gently comb washed hair.

2) A curl is separated from above and divided into 3 parts.

3) They grab the left curl and bring it down (under the two remaining ones).

4) The third curl is brought under the first and second (weaving takes place inside).

5) Do this step by step, adding the remaining hair.

6) Large and small strands are taken.

7) To give volume, lightly stretch the strands.

This type of braid can be done in zigzags. Or braid two braids.

"Spikelet" on the side

1) With the help of a side parting, the hair is divided into two uneven parts. One must be much larger than the other.

2) Most of the hair is separated by a horizontal parting.

3) A curl is chosen from above and divided into three parts. Braid the braid, alternately add side hair.

4) The center of the braid should not be even, but shifted to the side.

5) When weaving has reached the ear, change direction, do the manipulation obliquely.

6) Fix with an elastic band.

"Fish tail"

"Fishtail" is a simple and at the same time not quite ordinary weaving. You can decorate your hair with such a hairstyle not only long, but also short.

How to braid such a "spikelet" for a child? Step-by-step instruction:

1) You will need: water (to make hair obedient), an accessory (hairpin or elastic band, hairpins, ribbon if desired).

2) Carefully comb the hair so as not to fluff, sprinkle with water.

3) The entire hair is combed back, and small curls are isolated at the temples. These strands are combined with each other (the right one is on top of the left one). Hold crossed strands in one hand.

4) In turn, with the other hand, on the left side, another curl is selected. It should be the same size, and combined with the right (which remained in the hand). Do it so that it is on top right.

5) Finished weaves are pressed by hand.

6) On the other hand, they do the same manipulations (a new strand is already crossed with braided curls).

7) Continue to the end of the braid, alternately adding hair from opposite sides.

Double voluminous braid

1) Pre-comb the entire hair. In the parietal zone, a strand is separated and divided into three curls.

2) Start weaving like a fishtail.

3) Small strands are added to the main weaves.

4) When a little braid is already braided (fixed to the crown with a hairpin), curls are isolated from the remaining hair for the second layer.

5) They make a pickup and weave under the bottom. Continue to weave without picking up to the end. Loose hair should remain.

6) Return to the top. They are freed from the hairpin and braided using the technique of an ordinary braid, gradually adding free strands.

7) Once the two braids are ready, connect them with an elastic band.

"Spikelet" in a zigzag

Weaving scheme, like a standard spikelet. For example, they start on the right side, and finish weaving the opposite (left). There can be two or more turns in the form of a zigzag.

Over time, the standard braid "spikelet" was not forgotten, but changed beyond recognition. Weaving options and techniques, following fashion, have become diverse. Such a hairstyle is able, with its originality and eccentricity, to decorate a child's hair for both everyday and festive events.

Basket, crown, wreath - all mothers of little girls know this hairstyle. Adult women do not shy away from it either - a tight braid around the head will decorate business image, and disheveled strands -.

Basket - simple weaving based around the head. A crown, a wreath, a Greek crown - with what names they bestow this hairstyle. A basket is a universal hairstyle, with it both in a feast and in the world. It can be woven every day, and for a banquet, for a wedding and for the New Year. She fits perfectly young girls and middle-aged women. How to weave a basket yourself?

Varieties of baskets

There are several options for baskets. The basket can be evenly laid over the entire head, representing only a rim. And if the braid goes along the rim, gathering in a wicker bundle at the back, then it will look like a wicker basket.

Exists Alternative option weaving - from knots, which is also very similar to a basket.

A tightly woven basket will decorate a business look, and more free option suitable for romantic dates. Effective combination tight and half-loose strands will create a bohemian and feminine image. A slightly sloppy result will help create a trendy free style hairstyle that will blend perfectly with the natural one.

Traditional basket weaving

This is the most common basket, which may not work the first time, but if you fill your hand with two or three weaves, you can achieve perfection. How to weave a basket:

  1. Moisturize hair easy.
  2. In the center of the head, part of the hair must be separated with an even circular parting.
  3. Collect this hair in a ponytail - about half of all hair should fit in it.
  4. Try to keep the tail symmetrical.
  5. Wrap the elastic band with a thin strand so that it is not noticeable, and fix the tip with an invisible one.
  6. Weave start from the ear area.
  7. Pick up a thin strand from the head and cross with a strand from the tail. Add a third strand from the head and so continue weaving in a circle, collecting curls from one side and the other. Weave to the other ear.
  8. Braid the remaining hair in the usual way and simply style it, fastening it with invisibility.
  9. Leave it taut or fluff it up a bit, depending on your styling goals.

If you do not have the longest hair, you can make a wicker basket with. Just carefully comb your hair, make a central parting, separating the strands into 2 parts. Then separate strands on each side. Collect the rest of the hair in a bun, then braid the separated strands, twist them around the head, fixing the strands on the bun.

Weaving from very long hair

A very beautiful basket can be obtained by the owners very. Moreover, you can braid it and, and older women. The only condition is that the hair must be in good condition.

It may also be difficult for owners curly hair, but fixing it is easy - just walk through the strands with an iron.

The hair before weaving should be smooth and silky. You yourself need to start weaving a basket on the left side, so that a thick braid lies over your forehead.

How to braid a basket of very long hair

Take a strand in the center and start weaving a classic pigtail, adding loose strands on the second or third binding. The braid must be braided tight, moving in a circle, getting a spiral braid all over the head. Curls need to be added only with outside circle. After collecting all the hair, the tip can be weaved the classic way and fasten with a hairpin or collect with an elastic band. In general, when weaving a basket, you do not need to avoid accessories.- all kinds of hairpins and crabs fully decorate the hairstyle and add originality to it.

Harness basket

Not everyone can cope with long hair the first time, so weaving a basket can be made easier if weaving is not with pigtails, but with bundles. That is, weaving begins the same way: the strand is separated, divided into 2 parts, and then the weaving is carried out by intertwined strands, forming a tourniquet between them. With subsequent bindings, new curls are added to the tourniquet. So the tourniquet passes in circles all over the head, as in upper version. The tip is collected with an elastic band and seized with an invisibility. This option looks more free and weaves much faster. You can even say that this is an express basket.

If you master the art of the basket, you will spend no more than 15 minutes every morning on it. This is a wonderful hairstyle, perfect for a roast. summer day- she will not be hot, and she will never look bored. Try to braid it, and it will become one of your favorites.

For girls with long hair, there are many options for fashionable hairstyles. Among them, in one of the first places are braids, which are extremely popular this season.

French braid in a circle - beautiful, modern and comfortable hairstyle, which will always be appropriate.

This braid works especially well with long, thick hair. At first, you can ask someone else to braid it, but after training, it will not be so difficult to make this hairstyle yourself.

How to do a French braid in a circle?

First hairstyle. Moisturize your hair with a spray to avoid excess frizz and comb well. Then comb them back and distribute them evenly over the head. start weaving french braid from the center, gradually leading it in a circle. The weaving technique is the same as the usual French, but the hair is captured only from the outside. The captured strands should be the same width, this will make the hairstyle beautiful and neat.

Braid until there is free hair and finish with a simple braid. Secure with an elastic band and hide the end under the French. If you have Thick hair maybe a few circles.

Second option. Divide your hair into two sections at the top of your head. Begin to French braid the other way around above your forehead. Weave it in a circle and finish near the ear, secure with an elastic band. Then start weaving in a circle on the other side and fasten at the other ear. Each of the braids is attached to the base of the opposite braid.

It turns out a French braid in a circle of two braids, as a variant of a basket hairstyle. You can come up with many varieties of hairstyles. Try, for example, weaving ribbons, flowers and other decorations into braids. Or divide the hair obliquely, getting braids of unequal width, and then collect their ends into another braid by weaving or trendy bun. It all depends on your imagination.

The French braid in a circle is one of the unusual and beautiful views weaving. With this hairstyle you will look neat and attractive all day long.

As you know, everything new is a well-forgotten old. Fashion again turns to the grandmother's chest to extract the next trend of the season - weaving braids with a spikelet.

Weaving braids with a spikelet gives grace and grace to the female head, lengthening the neck and making the woman a Goddess.

Today we will look at how to braid a spikelet in a circle. . In order to properly perform this weaving, accuracy and thoroughness must be observed.

Comb your washed and combed hair back. Separate three strands, smeared with foam, at the temple. They must be the same for the rim effect to appear.

We weave a braid - a rim, capturing new strands in turn. We take the strands from the side of the forehead, otherwise the bezel will not work. The first strand lies on the second, we separate them with our fingers.

Weave the second side strand into the middle from the side of the forehead. We grab and weave each time a new strand of hair. You can take large strands or small ones - there are many variations and everything will look original.

We reached the second temple, now we weave strands on both sides. We've got a braid. You can stab it in any direction of the head, or you can leave it hanging down.

Be sure to fix the “design” with an elastic band so that it does not crumble.

Weaving a spikelet in a circle is a flight of fancy that is inherent in stylish women.

How proud ladies are of their long hair, especially if it is thick and lush. It is good to wear such hair flowing and be the center of attention. But this hairstyle is not suitable for every day. For this, there are different kinds braid weaving. The most interesting variety is the "basket". Hair styled in such a hairstyle looks neat and stylish. Let's figure out how to weave a basket and what it takes. Attention to the photo:


The first step is to wash your hair. If the hair is initially naughty, then you should apply various masks and air conditioners. So we will tame the hair, the hair will be easy to comb and styling will not be difficult. On washed and lightly wet hair apply mousse or fixing wax. So our braid will lie neatly on top of the head, and we will be able to avoid sticking out in different sides hairs.

french braid

If you have learned how to weave a standard spikelet, then you can begin to perform circular braid. We select three thin strands in the temporal part. The strands must be the same. We form a braid in the form of a rim using the spikelet weaving technique. That is, we add small strands to weaving. Be sure to add strands from the side of the forehead, otherwise the hairstyle will not evenly frame the head. Strand number 1 on the back of the head overlap on the second. With each stage we weave new hair. According to this tactic, we weave to the opposite temple. It is not necessary to tighten the strands strongly. Weave more airy to make a small openwork in the course of weaving. Weaving from the second temple falls below, while strands are added from 2 sides. In the end, all hair is obtained in one pigtail. Weave the braid to the end and secure with an elastic band. The rest of the pigtail is best laid on the back of the head in the form of a pattern and decorated with accessories. Spray your hair with hairspray and you're done.

How to braid around your head: step by step instructions with photos

Greek variant

How to make a hairstyle Greek goddess with braids around the head? Easier if you follow simple instructions. We make a parting obliquely and separate three equal strands from the right temple. We braid a braid based on a spikelet, with the gradual addition of hair on both sides. We weave to the back of the head and then a flight of fancy. You can make a bundle with a one-sided oblique. You can start weaving from another temple and connect two braids at the back of the head. You can also continue to weave in a circle. Fix the hairstyle with varnish, and it will delight you all day.


Spiral braids are not uncommon. Surely you wondered: how to weave such beauty. Read instructions.

It is necessary to separate three strands of hair equal in size at the crown. We start weaving in a circle and add new curls only from the right side of the hair. Continue braiding as you go down and twist the braid into a spiral. We braid to the end and fix the pigtail. The ponytail can be hidden under the hair. This option can be weaved using the spikelet, French braid or fishtail technique. In any of these cases, it turns out beautifully and effectively.

How to braid around a child's head

Does your daughter have long hair? Put them in a lovely basket. This hairstyle is perfect for a child. The hairs do not climb into the eyes, and lie beautifully on the head.

Watch the video.

Here's another video. The basket is woven using the fishtail technique.

Beautiful basket with a flower on the side.

And such weaving is very similar to a real basket.

The hairstyle, in which the braid is laid in the form of a halo around the head, is called Halo, and it is woven in several ways. There is an opinion that a voluminous braid around the head is obtained only if the hair is long and thick. However, there is tricky way create such a hairstyle, even if they barely reach the shoulders.

Weaving a traditional braid around the head

To begin with, consider an option that is suitable for ladies with thick and long curls(below shoulder blades). The Halo braid in this case is braided very simply: first, like a regular braid at the base of the nape, and then it wraps around the head and is fixed. The length of the hair should be enough for the braid to make a full circle, and its tip hid on the back of the head in the place where weaving began.

In order for the thickness of the braid to be the same, in its lower part it is worth loosening the tension of the strands.

For owners sparse hair such a hairstyle is not suitable, and now we will consider a tricky scheme for weaving braids around the head. True, first you need to practice on the usual.

How to make a braid around the head?

Hair should be combed and parted in half, fixing one part with an elastic band. If the head is washed before creating the hair, Halo will be fluffy. To create a more rigorous look with smoothed strands, you should use the gel.

How else to braid a braid around the head?

Enough interesting option weaving is still the same spikelet in which the strands are hidden inside the hairstyle. Then Halo turns into a kind of basket.

If you collect the tail on the crown, leaving about the same number of strands around it (around the entire circumference of the head), you can weave the actual basket - the left strands are taken from the tail, the right ones from loose hair. The pattern of weaving a braid around the head can be both French and Dutch.

braid decoration

The ribbons woven into the braid look very elegant: they are fixed at the base and added to one or two strands. In addition, they give the hairstyle strength.

A romantic image will help to create injected into voluminous braid around the head are flowers or hairpins with beautiful tips.

Halo or basket - perfect foundations For wedding hairstyles, which can be supplemented with the most original decorations.