Congratulations to your beloved on the day of family, love of fidelity. Congratulations on the day of family, love and fidelity to your beloved girl

Congratulations on Family Day.
I wish you love and fidelity.
May a glorious holiday bring
Wonderful days cycle.
Let the family grow stronger every day,
You be happy always.

Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day
I hasten to congratulate you
Wish warmth and tenderness
In the festive fun hour!

May fate smile on you
Peace reigns in the family, peace.
Let everything in life work out
Happiness flows into the house like a river!

On this beautiful day, the Day of Family and Fidelity, I would like to congratulate you on the holiday. I wish you to keep your hearth and not let it go out. Love and mutual understanding, patience and good luck, happiness and prosperity, kindness and smiles! Keep family comfort and warmth, love each other and give tenderness.

I wish you love - real, huge.
Prosperity in the family and harmony in the house.
Joy, loyalty and understanding,
From the "half" - more attention.

Always look in the same direction
To draw inspiration at home,
And the house to be just a full bowl.
Good luck to all your undertakings!

It's good to have a home
Warmth, comfort, love, care.
And we can hide in it
When tired of work.

Relatives are waiting and protecting,
And they create a reliable rear for us.
Always, no matter what, they will understand
Support us in difficult decisions.

We all want to congratulate you
Happy All-Russian Family Day.
And wish you at this hour,
Loyalty, happiness and love.

I wish you on Family Day,
In the soul, so that the nightingales sang,
Heart beat joyfully
Love doesn't leave you!

Live long, peacefully, together.
Cry together if you need to
But only from happiness, not from grief.
Even though it happens, I do not argue ...

Always appreciate your family
Keep devotion to each other.
Respect your union
Protect from the eyes of evil!

Happy day of love and fidelity,
Happy family holiday
Today you accept.

I wish that in the family
There were peace and harmony
Happiness and love
So that there are no barriers.

I wish each other
You kept the loyalty
So that beautiful children
Happy you raised.

On the day of the family in love,
To be recognized
Beloved and loving
Stayed all their lives.

Happy family day to you, dear ones,
Happiness, joy, love,
Be faithful, love
And take care of each other.

Live happily in the family
Keep faithfulness sincerely,
You enjoy each other
And you don't need anything!

On the day of family, love and fidelity -
Strong family ties to you,
More warmth and tenderness for you,
May your union be strong.

Be sincere, faithful
Share goodness with loved ones
Love, hope and patience
And happiness - they will not leave the house.

Family is our fortress, support, comfort,
May love and happiness live there.
May your family flourish and grow stronger,
And tenderness with warmth does not leave you.

A wonderful holiday - the day of family, love and fidelity,
We are inspired to do good deeds
Give loved ones - joy and tenderness,
Attention, heartfelt warmth.

Let sincere feelings won't fade away
Let there be no discord and resentment,
Works in the family will not be wasted in vain,
Love will reward us with reciprocity.

In 2008, it was included beautiful holiday- Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This day is celebrated every year on July 8th. The chamomile flower has become a symbol of the holiday, and apparently not in vain, because it has long been used for fortune-telling “love or not love”. You will find the history of the holiday and congratulations in prose, poems on the day of family, love and fidelity on this page.

Legend of Peter and Fevronia

The story that gave rise to the holiday took place in the city of Murom in the 13th century. The main characters of this story are Peter and Fevronia of Murom, spouses for whom the wealth of the world was worth nothing compared to the true wealth of love, fidelity and holiness. The story of their love has not been forgotten for many centuries and laid the foundation for bright holiday- Day of Peter and Fevronia (Day of family, love and fidelity).

The young prince of Murom, David Yurievich, fell ill with a serious illness, various doctors tried to treat him, but nothing helped. He once had a dream that healing would come to him from a simple peasant woman named Efrosinya, who knew how to heal with herbs. The prince promised to marry the girl for his healing. But the disease left and he forgot about his promise.

After some time, the disease began to return to him again, David Yuryevich again turned to Efrosinya for help and remembered his promise. But this time he fulfilled it and married a simple peasant woman. They lived soul to soul.

The elder brother of David Yurievich died and he was supposed to come to power. But the noble boyars did not want to be ruled by a peasant woman and insisted on the dissolution of the marriage. But the prince loved his wife and renounced power. He and his wife left Murom and lived like ordinary people in the village.

Anarchy gave rise to unrest in the city, the people asked the prince to return to the city. He agreed, the couple returned to the city and received legal power. The intelligent, pious princess helped her husband with advice and charitable deeds, and soon won love and respect as ordinary people and urban nobility.

In their declining years, the prince and princess decided to take monastic vows and received the names Peter and Fevronia. They prayed that death would come to them one day. Their prayer was heard, and on July 8, 1228, they each died in their cell.

Peter and Fevronia really wanted to be buried in the same coffin, but it seemed to the monastery authorities that a monk and a nun should not be buried together, as ordinary spouses. They were placed in different monasteries. And the next day they were found lying together in the same tomb. So they were buried.

The Orthodox Church canonized Peter and Fevronia as saints. Their relics are currently in the Murom Holy Trinity Monastery. Many come here to venerate these relics.

A good strong family is love, support, stability, the joy of communication. Family is important for raising children, so the popularity of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is growing every year. In honor of this holiday, a commemorative medal "For Love and Loyalty" was created, it is awarded to spouses who have been married for at least 25 years.

Spend this day with your family, give daisies and do not skimp on warm and kind words and congratulations.

Congratulations on the family day of love and fidelity in prose

I wholeheartedly congratulate you on wonderful holiday, Happy family, love and fidelity. I want to wish that there are no quarrels and insults in your house, peace and harmony always reigned. Love each other, pity each other. Happiness, abundance and prosperity to your family.

The most important thing in a person's life is family. May today, on the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, every house be filled with love and happiness. May prosperity, prosperity, mutual understanding, peace, harmony and good luck always live in your home.

On a beautiful and warm holiday for every family, I would like to wish that you are always surrounded by the love and care of loved ones. Let happiness, joy, peace and kindness reign in your home, children's laughter sounds!

This happiness is to love and be loved, to know that you will always be supported and understood. And it's all about the family. Take care of your family hearth, take care of your loved ones. Happiness, mutual understanding, prosperity, comfort - let them always be in your home. Happy holiday, Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day!

I congratulate you. I wish from the bottom of my heart that your family be filled with grace. Warm each other with love kind word and happiness will forever settle in your home. Joy to you, health and kindness!

The beautiful summer holiday I wish you harmony, mutual understanding, mutual gratitude, love. May your family flourish, grow stronger and multiply. Let every day of your life become a day of family, love and fidelity, where happiness, fun and pleasure will be present.

Short congratulations for sms

Congratulations on the Family Day!
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!
May Loyalty and Love be with you!
Take care of each other - you are one whole!

Day of family, love and fidelity today
And let all this be for years!
I wish human happiness
And sadness and bad weather never come!

I want to wish you on Family Day
Always protect your home!
So that misfortunes and sorrows
Your family was not pestered!

On the day of Saints Fevronya and Peter
I wish you health and wellness
Take care of each other
And give love every day!

Holiday tremulous and joyful -
Day of Family, Love and Fidelity!
Accept congratulations,
Love and appreciate family
Cherish love, take care
And be sincerely faithful.

Poems for the Day of family, love and fidelity

Let's family values honor,
Let's always appreciate our loved ones,
After all, only in the family we will find support,
May your house always be a full bowl!
Let children and adults always remember -
Family is the most important! Years later
Be able to carry your love
Let only the best lies ahead!

Family is the world, family is home.
It must be a cozy nest!
Happiness, comfort, laughter of your children
More expensive than any of the most delicious sweets!
Keep the family, take care, appreciate,
Surround her with your love,
And let loyalty be an impregnable wall
Family and love guards peace.

If you take love and loyalty,
Add to them affection, tenderness,
Multiply everything by years and you get a family!
Congratulations on Family Day today,
I send you my warm greetings,
I wish you only the best in life
Loyalty, love and long years!
Walk hand in hand
Avoid problems,
Let love give strength to live
Dream, work and create!

On the Day of Peter and Fevronia, we send congratulations
After all, they are the patrons of marriage, family!
What could be more precious than a family?
Where they always wait and love from the heart!
Let there be peace and harmony in the family,
So that everyone is healthy, rich,
So that happiness slurps with a spoon
And don't forget about the others.
In love and fidelity you live,
Plant gardens, raise children,
Don't forget about old people and protect your hearth.

Today we celebrate the holiday of the family,
And fidelity holiday, and family holiday!
I wish you health and all the best,
I wish you a strong and long marriage,
So that quarrels and strife do not concern him
And the feelings only grew stronger over the years
May the wife be infinitely wise
And let her husband honor, like Fevronya Petra!

Happy Holidays for Wife

My beloved wife, I congratulate you on family day. You are my kindest, sweetest, most beautiful and cheerful. I want you to always be like this. May our love be stronger every day, in our house there will always be happiness, understanding and prosperity. May all your desires become a reality, and I will always help you with this.

My dear wife, I congratulate you on the holiday. You are an amazing woman, an excellent hostess, and thanks to you, our house is always warm and cozy. I wish you health, youth and beauty from the bottom of my heart. May peace and comfort always reign in our family, there will be many joyful events, and together we will do everything for this.

Today daisies are given to loved ones,
After all, a big holiday has come to us -
Day of love, family and fidelity,
I congratulate you with all my heart!
I promise you my dear
That I will always love you!
You are my most beautiful
With you we are together forever!

We have been with you for many years,
And in our eyes we still have the same gentle light.
And hearts are filled with warmth
Our family is growing stronger every day.
Happy family holiday, my love, I congratulate you.
I wish you happiness and health from the bottom of my heart.
I promise you my dear
That I will always love you!

My dear husband! I congratulate you on the Day of family, love and fidelity. You are very caring and loving, I appreciate that. I wish you good health and success in all your endeavors. Let love, fidelity, tenderness, care, warmth and romance fill our family nest. Always remember that you have a strong rear - your family!

My dear, today, on the day of family, love and fidelity, I want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. May our family never know sadness, may our love live long, long years May all our dreams come true. I love you, I'm happy that I have such an amazing husband.

Which wonderful holiday- family day!
Accept, husband, all my congratulations!
Don't look at my hair
Covered in silver
We are still young at heart.
For every day and moment together - thank you,
For a quiet evening at the table, for a clear dawn,
For not passing by and becoming my destiny,
For the fact that we share joy and sorrow with you.

My darling is my support
Unique and native
I enjoy talking with you
And it's good to be silent with you.
And on this holiday, kind, bright
I wish you with all my heart
To win in everything,
In love, happy to be with me.

Postcards Happy Family, Love and Fidelity

Congratulations on Family Day in pictures

Congratulations on the phone

Make your loved ones a pleasant surprise by sending a congratulations to the phone.

Happy holiday, dear readers. I wish that in your families there will always be love, peace and comfort.

Elena Kastova. See you by the fireplace.

Love, family, and loyalty - let them shine with a special light today and shine with valor in the heart! Let these cherished three keys to harmony, happy sparks in your eyes not be lost by you among the hustle and bustle of life. Meet the holiday hand in hand!

Specially for the site

Love warms us, warms our hearts and souls. Loyalty empowers later life gives us hope for all good things. A family is what happens when two people are united by love and loyalty. Today is the most magical day, because today is the day of family, love and fidelity. I sincerely congratulate you on this day and wish you all the best. May you always have love, and loyalty, and a loving family.

Family is what gives us strength. Love is what warms our hearts. Loyalty is what makes you believe in miracles and completely trust your loved one and close person. If you have a family full of love and loyalty, then you are the happiest and richest person on earth, because family, love and loyalty cannot be bought for any money in the world. Both the rich and the poor can afford a family. And it is in this issue the poor man can turn out to be much richer, because he can be loved much more sincerely than the one who rules the world and has mountains of untold material wealth. Appreciate loved ones, love relatives and never betray those from whom you would never want to know betrayal. Happy family day, love and fidelity - the most precious human values!

Loyalty, love, family - three "pillars" on which this world rests. They are the first and decisive argument in favor of goodness, humanity and procreation. Without Loyalty, there would be no strong heart ties between people, mutual understanding and trust in each other. Without Love, the world would seem dull, gray, hopeless, and the whole meaning of our existence on Earth would be lost. Without the Family, we would be lonely and destitute individuals wandering aimlessly around the planet. Everything has its meaning and price. Even the smallest concept can have a very capacious content. May none of them disappear from your life, and you will live it fully and happily! Welfare to you, fidelity, love! strong family, obedient children and a bright future!

Dear friends! Congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity! On this day, one of the brightest and most sincere holidays, let me admire your beautiful family from the bottom of my heart. No matter what they say about the cell of society and the unit of sociological research, the family is, first of all, a fragile and at the same time majestic value of the world, the basis of the well-being of society and the main condition for universal stability. Let the family values ​​you cultivate be enduring, and your children and grandchildren continue not only your glorious family, but also the wonderful traditions that you took over from your parents. Happiness to you, kindness and eternal reciprocity!

I hasten to congratulate you on the most important and such magical holiday as the Day of family, love and fidelity! May love always and everywhere illuminate your path, and may loyalty never allow you to commit sometimes stupid and unnecessary acts! I wish that mutual understanding, happiness, faith always reigned in your family, and that you always, no matter what, support each other! May there always be time in your house for lovely evening conversations and pleasant revelations! I wish you that your family hearth is always filled with warmth, comfort and real love! And let only incredible worries await you in life, but only very pleasant and long-awaited! Happiness to you and love!

The All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is a holiday that directly concerns each of us, because on family happiness building personal well-being. And this holiday is especially close to you, because you tremblingly carry the fire of your love through life and warm those around you with it.
Like Saints Peter and Fevronia, who remained inseparable even after death, everything is real loving spouses stay close to each other even at a distance. And you, of course, are familiar with this feeling of empathy for the life of your soulmate.
I would like to wish that your bright feelings never fade, that fidelity is given to you effortlessly, that you find your reflection in each other and rejoice that you are a family.

I congratulate you on the Day of family, love and fidelity. I wish that you are always together. What a simple word - together, but how much meaning it has. For you, being together means living on a breath. It means to appreciate and respect each other and cherish your happiness. Happy to be together. Family is your responsibility loving people is constant care and support.
Symbol today chamomile is considered simple and modest, if you decide to tell fortunes on it, then there will be only one answer - loves. He loves and cherishes, you can't do otherwise.
I am sure that the Murom saints Peter and Fevronia, in whose honor this day appeared, will always keep your love and protect your family happiness.

Love, loyalty and family are inseparable concepts,
They are necessary for everyone, like air,
It's good that there is such a holiday on earth,
On this bright day, I send congratulations, beloved to you.
May your family give you strength
May your fate be the happiest.
I wish you all the best, joy, warmth,
So that the family hearth always pleases you.©


Family is a union of fidelity, love,
We always admire a wonderful family,
Family happiness is immeasurable,
It is necessary for each of us.
Beloved, I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
Be loved and desired, I wish
Let the family we created.
It will be strong like granite.©


Everything has a meaning and a price
But the most important thing in the world is the family,
This gift we receive from fate,
The bonds of the family are united by love and fidelity.
I congratulate you on a magical holiday,
Create your own family, my love, I propose,
I promise to make you the happiest.
And our life is amazing, beautiful.©


Love inspires loyalty and trust
Trust creates a family
It's been proven for a long time
Two hearts turn a dream into reality.
Happy day of love, fidelity, family to you,
I wish you all the best, prosperity and kindness,
Let, beloved, always warm your heart,
The warmth of the home.©


The family rewards us with strength in full,
Love covers us
Loyalty makes you believe in miracles
The Lord blesses everyone who is happy.
Beloved, I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
I wish you all the best with all my heart,
May your family always be strong
May love and loyalty always be with you.©


Loyalty, love, family - three whales,
On which the family rests,
Trust in each other is essential
Only in the family we are happy.
Beloved, accept congratulations on the holiday,
May all your dreams come true
May luck always smile on you.
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil.©


The main wealth of the family is love,
She warms our hearts and souls.
Loyalty of strength gives us again and again,
To live with a family - there is no better happiness in the world.
Congratulations on the holiday of love, family and fidelity,
I sincerely wish to be the happiest
Always be desired and loved.
May fate always be favorable to you.©

Let luck choose only you
And faith in goodness, let the end not come,
Have your family, live lovingly,
Do not forget that there is fidelity in the world.
I wish you, my love, on family day
On this long, difficult journey of life,
Let your days pass in love
And with faith in the heart, go this way.

I want your life to be bright
So that we become one family,
I will give you a particle of heart and warmth,
I want, my love, to be happy with you.
Let family day open the door for you
To your magical world that burns with fire,
I want to be with you always, you believe me,
That the faithful heart sparkles with silver.

My love, you shine like a star
Today is family day, on this wonderful holiday
I wish that happiness be sunny,
Fate will be filled with love, bright light.
Let there be a right path in life
There will be no resentment, doubt and loss in it,
You be, beloved, always kept by God,
Live in joy for many years and believe in happiness.

You know, my love, that I'm always there,
And on family day, I want to congratulate you,
May our loyalty never change.
To you alone, as to the stars, I fly.
Love will take us to an unknown distance,
I even blow off dust particles from you, dear,
Let the wind carry away tears and sadness
I wish you happiness, dear.

The most sacred family on earth
Soon we will create it, my love,
In love and fidelity we will live happily,
And our children are happy to raise.

I promise to love you all my life
Let our feelings burn like a torch
Let the years slowly walk, do not rush.

I give you a bouquet of yellow-eyed daisies,
You can not guess, I still love
Congratulations on the holiday of family, love and fidelity,
I sincerely wish you a sweet, fabulous life.
May all your wishes come true
Let all sorrows go away, be forgotten,
Let the road be bright and straight
Let us be lucky in everything with you.

Folk Orthodox holiday we note
Day of family, love and fidelity we magnify him,
For you, my love, I will fulfill all desires,
After all, you, a real treasure, I have.
Let our love be mutual
Let happiness knock on the house again and again,
Let luck not pass by
I will make you, my love, the happiest.

The symbol of today's holiday is chamomile,
There should be no slip in our relationship,
Fate bound us with a thread of gold,
We will be one with you, under the name - family.
Beloved, accept congratulations on the holiday,
May all days be sunny
May luck open doors for you
Let good angel protects from troubles.

Chamomile, chamomile - field flower,
You are so beautiful and simple
No wonder they called you a symbol of the family,
Marital fidelity and mutual love.
I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
All the best, I sincerely wish prosperity,
Always be happy, my love
So that we are always together.

Today is the day of loyalty, family and love,
Best wishes from me, love, accept,
May our happiness always be colorful,
May the family be strong in the future.
Be always so beautiful, gentle, sweet,
Be desired, affectionate, loved,
Let the sparks of love in the heart flare up brighter,
May all good things happen to you.

Day of family, love and fidelity on the threshold,
Luckily, you and I are on the same path.
Soon we will have a strong family,
I am looking forward to this.
Beloved, accept congratulations on the holiday,
May all your dreams come true,
May my love be your guardian
May fate be kind to you.

On the day of the holiday of love, fidelity, family,
From me, my love, accept congratulations,
Know that I breathe you, I adore you,
And I love you more than anything in the world.
May every day give you happiness
Let all bad weather fly by
Let the world around you dance and sing
May luck find you.