A plot for a guy to love is easy to read. Conspiracy to reconcile spouses. For a husband to love

These love conspiracies are very effective, since the slander goes to smoke, to ashes or to a needle - which contributes to a faster transfer of information to the object of your love. Also, these conspiracies are absolutely universal - they can be used for both men and women - you just need to change the words corresponding to your gender in the conspiracy. However desired conspiracy you have to learn by heart - the result is worth it.

Love plot on smoke

Write to clean slate paper with my own hand the words of a love conspiracy: “I will get up early, wash my white face, go out of the door and into a clean field and turn my gaze to the east. And there are three furnaces: copper, iron and brick. And just as those furnaces flare up and blaze with heat from heaven to earth, so the heart, soul and body of the servant of God (the name of the beloved) would flare up about me, the servant of God (her name). And my words are strong - stronger than iron, denser than copper and harder than brick. Then roll the paper into a tube and put a dry sprig of wormwood into it. Next, set fire to one end and whisper the conspiracy written on it into the smoke.

Love plot for ashes

Write the following words on a blank piece of paper: “I will get up before sunrise, leave the house and go into dark forests, and into rotten swamps. And in those swamps there is a black bathhouse, but the grandmother-procuress lives in it. And she has a stone stove, and in that stove there is a copper bowl, and in the bowl everything boils and burns, burns and dries up. So would the servant of God (the name of the beloved) about me with her heart, soul and body boiled, burned, and dried up. My word is strong and firm. Amen". Light a church candle. Then set fire to a note with a conspiracy from her and throw it into some container (bowl, bowl). When the paper is completely burned, move the bowl towards you and rub the ashes between your palms, while you should whisper the words of the conspiracy previously written on paper.

Love plot on the needle

Speak the words of a love conspiracy on a new purchased needle: “I will get up at dawn and go out into a clean field and look at the clear sky - and a sharp arrow flies across the sky. So fly you, a sharp arrow in a zealous heart, into hot blood, into the eyes of a clear servant of God (the name of the beloved). So that she would dry up for me, the servant of God (her name), and yearn always and everywhere. My will is firm, my word will be fulfilled. Hide this needle inconspicuously in the house or in your beloved's things.

A strong conspiracy to love a husband

Conspiracies for the love of a husband are used if it seems to you that the husband has cooled off towards you. Such conspiracies work especially well if the couple is married in a church. A strong conspiracy to love a husband will work even if you are not married!

This strong conspiracy the love of her husband is read three times, looking at the growing moon: “I will stand on the threshold of the church and create a talisman for my family. My dear husband (husband's name), give me your peace. I am standing in front of you, and behind my back is a holy protective icon. I will bow to her and stand at the altar. I gave the slave (husband's name) my heart, my soul. So now he would be jealous of me, he would not let me go anywhere. Would love me, shore and caress. As a mother suffers for her children, so you will suffer for me, love and wait for me, and never change. My word is strong, true. Amen.

Another strong conspiracy to love a husband should be done like this. In the morning, when you wash yourself, look in the mirror and slander a piece of soap: “As people look in the mirror, so the husband would look at his wife and see how quickly the soap washes off, so quickly the husband will love his wife, what is the shirt on the body white so that the husband would be clean and bright. Next, you need to take your husband’s shirt (you can use an unnecessary, old one, but always the one that he wore at least a few times) and completely burn the shirt collar. While you are burning, say three times: "What was the shirt on the body, such was the husband to his wife." Thus, the dislike and indifference of the husband to his wife should go along with the old piece of clothing. The shirt should then be thrown away.

Conspiracy to love a guy on your own

This one is very simple and effective conspiracy on the love of a guy you can do it yourself! It is recommended for use by young girls in the following cases: 1. To attract the guy you like, if he does not pay attention to you at all; 2. If it seems to you that your relationship is on the verge of breaking; 3. If your lover began to pay attention to another girl. Just first think about whether you need it - after all, sometimes it's better to end a complicated complicated relationship than to suffer further. Decided? Still needed? Then read on!

Performing this conspiracy to love a guy on her own, the girl should slightly bite her tongue and then, looking at the growing moon, say the following words: “I bite my own tongue, attach a slave (the name of a loved one) to myself, bite, fasten. So that the slave (the name of the beloved) is bored, from the anguish of love rest he did not know either a bright day or a black night. All to think only of me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". At the same time, you should mentally keep the image of a loved one in your head.

You can also say this conspiracy to yourself, looking the guy in the eyes, or simply looking at the object of your desire. Of course, you will get the greatest effect from this conspiracy if you pronounce it yourself for the first time on the growing moon, the second - looking from the side at your loved one, and the third - looking straight into his eyes (you can talk any nonsense, the main thing is to mentally scroll in your head the right words).

A strong conspiracy to love a guy, a man

A strong conspiracy to love a guy, men are recommended to use only if other conspiracies for love have not helped you, that is, only in the very last resort! A strong love conspiracy must be taken extremely responsibly - it is advisable to seek help from a professional, but if this is not possible, try to complete the conspiracy yourself.

Strong conspiracy to love a guy

To perform this strong conspiracy to love a guy, you will need to get three hairs from the head of a loved one. Then it is done like this: put together three hairs of a loved one and five hairs from your head. It is necessary to sharply throw your hair into the fire (it can be diluted at home in some old dish), while you need to say three times: "Lord, burn our hearts with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" After this, relations with a loved one should normalize - their former passion will return to them.

A strong conspiracy to love a man

There is another strong conspiracy to love a man that you can do yourself. To complete it, you need to get a white tablecloth and lay it on the table. Then you will need three thin church candles. They should be put on the table, for this melt lower part each candle and secure them in three small saucers or candlesticks. After that, light the candles. You will need to read the conspiracy to love a man three times - after each reading, put out one candle. When all the candles are extinguished, twist them together and secure in a saucer. Then light it again and wait until they burn out completely, until the very end. Burnt smoke should be released out the window and the room thoroughly ventilated.

The words of the conspiracy: “O Almighty Lord, I beg You for a deep request. Create a high wall, create a deep pit and a barbed fence, create a lingering mortal longing. Close there, Lord, the servant (the name of the beloved), so that he does not leave me and does not find another woman for himself. Lock it with a key, and take that key for yourself. Help me Lord, God's faithful servant (your name). And until that lock is opened, the slave (the name of the beloved) cannot stop loving me. Amen!

A strong conspiracy to love a girl

This strong conspiracy to love a girl is quite effective! It is recommended to use it for guys to attract the girl they like, or if the relationship with the girl is not going well.

A strong conspiracy to love a girl is pronounced at midnight on a waning moon. You need to turn your face in the direction where your beloved is (lives) and pronounce the words of the conspiracy: “The evening dawn came through the dark gates, and led me to the bank of a deep and wide river. In the middle of that river there is a white stone, a faithful servant of God sits on it (name of the beloved) and sheds tears. A father walks along the river bank - yes, he does not see his own daughter. A mother walks along the shore, but does not see a dear child. As the month-moon wanes, so let the love of the faithful servant of God (beloved name) to parents decreases, and to me, the servant of God (your name), let her love come and grow. As I take the girl off the stone and caress, comfort, so let her heart turn to me. Amen."

There is another good conspiracy to love a woman. It is pronounced on the growing moon: “On the sea in Okiya, on the island of Buyan lies longing. Longing beats, longing suffers and kills and shouts: “Dear paw, run faster, blow God’s servant (beloved’s name) into the lips and into the teeth, into the body her white, zealous in her heart. So that the slave (the name of the beloved) yearns for me every hour and every minute, so that I am better than another young man for her, better than father native and mother. My word is true, I close the conspiracy. Amen."

A conspiracy to love a man on his own

This effective conspiracy to love a man is recommended for women and girls to maintain a relationship with their beloved man. If it seems to you that your man has begun to pay less attention to you, or, God forbid, you have a rival, try the following two conspiracies for a man's love!

To fulfill this conspiracy, you need to get a photograph of a loved one and put it on the floor. Next, stand with the heel of your right foot directly on the photo and say three times: “As my body presses on you, so your love presses on me. As your body is heavy from my heel, so is your heart heavy without me.

There is another good way to conspire to love a man. This is done during intercourse. You need to whisper the following words to yourself three times: “I am the most a beautiful woman in the world. You love me and melt from my caresses. Other women are nothing compared to me and fade in your eyes. Love me more than yourself. Amen". The fact is that when making love, not only bodies, but also thoughts merge together - a man will consider your words as his own.

Remember that these conspiracies apply if you are already in some kind of relationship with a man, for example, you are dating him, or you are married to him. That is, they are great for improving the chilled relationship with her husband.

A conspiracy to love from a photo

A conspiracy to love from a photograph works better than without a photo, since a photograph is a visual image of a loved one, through which it is much easier to convey information, that is, the words of a conspiracy, to the object of your love. If your favorite is not alone in the photo, cut it out. And if you are depicted together, together - you don’t need to cut anything off - such a photo is quite suitable for a conspiracy to love from a photo!

A conspiracy to love from a photo is read in a whisper, early in the morning - at sunrise. It is advisable to write the words of the conspiracy by hand on reverse side photographs, but at the same time also learn them by heart (although you can just read them out): "As the sun rises in the morning, so the love in the heart of God's servant (the name of the beloved) flares up. As the sun shines, so let your love for me (your name) shines brighter than him in your heart. As the sun dries the earth, so you wither and yearn without me. As people reach for the red sun, so you reach for me, and you won’t have life without me, just like people don’t life without the sun. My word is firm and strong. Amen." Then in the evening before sunset, you should wrap the photo in black cloth and hide it under the mattress or under the bed - it should lie there until the plot works.

Love magic - conspiracies for free

The rituals and conspiracies of love magic presented below are not common, and therefore are very valuable! However, we decided to give our readers the opportunity to use love magic for free! A big plus of this method is the absence of the need to memorize long texts conspiracies - in these rituals of love magic, the main role is given to your actions, concentration, psycho-energetic background, that is, it is even somewhat similar to meditation. When performing these rituals, a person relaxes, calms the nerves - and this is in addition to a good practical result!

Love magic - a conspiracy on three knots

To carry out this free conspiracy love magic you need a thick red wool thread(or rope), red candle and aromatic oils of rose, lavender and jasmine. If you cannot find oils, use your best perfume, but then the result will be less strong.

Light a candle, relax. Then take a rope and tie an ordinary knot on it. When you do this, imagine that you are concentrating your desires and will at the point of tying. At this moment, say the words of a magical conspiracy: “This knot will be filled with the power of my desire!” Dip your fingertips in rose oil and saturate the knot you have tied with it. At this moment, you should imagine how a small flame of your desires and hopes flared up in its place.

Next, tie a second knot over the first and continue love plot: "The secret union will be illuminated with the light of my love!" This time, imagine that you are compressing all your feelings into a knot. Moisten it with a few drops of lavender oil.

The third node will represent all your secret dreams. Say a love spell: "How strong these knots are, so our love will be strong!" Soak it in jasmine oil. Having finished the love magic conspiracy, hide the rope with a triple knot tied on it near the home of your loved one or bury it in the place where your chosen one usually passes. You need to do this on the night from Thursday to Friday - and soon all your love wishes will come true.

Love magic - ritual with candles

To perform this ritual of love magic for free, you need to purchase two thin church pieces on Friday morning. wax candles. The ritual must be done on the same day, before the start of Saturday. Take a needle and scratch your name on one candle, and the name of a loved one on the second. Then twist them together, light both wicks and let the candles burn to the very end.

While the candles are burning, look at them and imagine how your feelings, hearts and bodies are combined and intertwined into a single whole. Imagine that you see and feel all this not with your eyes and heart, but with the eyes and soul of your beloved.

When the candles go out - collect the remaining wax and make a heart out of it - this will be your personal love talisman.

A conspiracy to attract love. Ritual to attract love

If you have in life this moment there is no love, a special conspiracy to attract love will help you! It is used if you have not had a man for a long time, and relations with the opposite sex are in Lately somehow they don’t add up - and it’s so nice to feel love, harmony and joy in relationships with a partner! And so, in order to attract this feeling into your life and start building new, wonderful relationships, there is a special ritual for attracting love!

First you need to get a rose, preferably red or pink. For this ritual, a flower cut from the garden by you personally is best suited. In extreme cases, you can buy it, but in this case, approach this very carefully: choose the most beautiful and freshest rose, and buy without haggling.

The love conspiracy itself must be carried out all alone, so that no one bothers you - turn off the phone ringer. Sit in front of a mirror, relax, think of love, oh wonderful feeling, inhale the fragrance of the rose, enjoy it. Swipe the flower over your hair, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, chin... Speak the words: "I feel love, I see love, I breathe love." At the same time, try to feel how the energy of love penetrates you along with the scent of the flower. Then, looking into your eyes in the mirror, say three times: “Love around me, inside me, comes from me. She walks towards me. I am loved!" For the next three days after the ritual to attract love, carry the flower with you as a talisman.

What a wonderful feeling.... Love! What a pity that it is not given to all women at once. Those who meet love can safely consider themselves "darlings of fate." Those who wait, hope already cease .... What to do with this category of women? Waiting any longer is not an option. You need to act on your own, then - the unknown. You can try the spell of white magic .... They won't do any harm. They will only entertain by showing and proving that they "work" (or do not work). Well, let's see who got into the list of owners of the "gift" from white magic ....

White magic: a conspiracy for the appearance of love:

There is a land under a clear sky. There is a city on that land. There is a beautiful house in the city. In the house - a girl (like a finger). She is so sad, sad... Sadness dissipates. She believes in a quiet accident: In it she will meet a sweetheart. Heavenly doves, you will fly up into the sky, Find the betrothed girl (name) soon! What you need to do to get at least eighty percent success from the conspiracy:

  • Choose a quiet place from the window of which the pigeons will be visible.
  • Repeat the plot three times, looking at the pigeons.
  • Make sure that there are no extraneous noises.

The girl fell out of love with the guy. Loved another. He really wants love to reciprocate blazed .... White magic will help here too.

Conspiracy to love "new":

Grandfather Kulechek was looking for his knot. He searched diligently, as best he could, but could not find him. Let him fall out of love with me, whom I fell out of love with. Let me meet that other one who will be dear to my heart! May that lost bundle bind us, which Kulyok could not find! What you need to do to get at least eighty percent success from the conspiracy:

  • Take photos of your loved one (about ten pieces).
  • Patch (red) take.
  • Go out somewhere to a spacious and deserted place (at night).
  • Sit in a squat position, choosing any place for yourself.
  • Lay out all the photos around you.
  • most best photo choose.
  • Put the selected photo in the red patch.
  • Speak the conspiracy.
  • Hide the photo in a patch.
  • Find a place where it can be securely stored (patch photo).
  • Return home, trying not to think about what you did.
  • Drink three small glasses of water.
  • Close all windows in the house.
  • Drink half a glass of water.

There was love... Went to another... It can be returned using white magic.

Conspiracy for a love return:

I do not light a candle, but the heart of a slave (name)! Do you hear? These words are for you. You come to me incense! Do not need anything else…. Let the heart melt and burn. Your love for me flies back! What you need to do to get at least eighty percent success from the conspiracy:

  • Take two wax candles.
  • Screw them together.
  • Buy a small lock (without trading).
  • Put it on the threshold (open). The threshold must be "crossed" by the person you magical powers spend.
  • Keep the key for yourself.
  • Wait until the guy crosses the threshold.
  • Throw the key into the water, leaving the padlock.
  • Burn incense on the coals of burning incense.
  • Speak the plot (three times).

Do you want him to come to your house?

At least to just come in as a friend, as an interlocutor .... White magic has spread its wings and is already flying to help you! Come to me, my clear falcon! I've been waiting for you for a long time. I hope I'm not waiting in vain! Come to me (name), do not call trouble! Go not along the only path, But go along all at once. Hear my dear order! Do you see my threshold? It is only for you to be, only for you to live on it. Slave (name) come to me! I stand before you in reality, and not in a dream. What you need to do to get at least eighty percent success from the conspiracy:

  • Close the curtains in the apartment.
  • Find a handkerchief you haven't worn yet.
  • Spread a handkerchief on a clean table.
  • Light the candle.
  • Let your hair down.
  • Take a seat at the table.
  • Open the window.
  • Candle in left hand take.
  • Read the plot once.

Love is mutual, and everything seems to be fine. But you feel that the forces of love are beginning to fade. You dream of returning them soon. White magic will try to help.

The return of the forces of love:

I will get up very early to go to the blue ponds from violent people. I will ask you, Father, Father, for every - all sorts of unprecedented luck. When it's cold, I'll ask for warmth; when it's very dry, I'll ask for rain. And now I will ask very little: return to me what belonged! What you need to do to get at least eighty percent success from the conspiracy:

  • Sprinkle salt on the table.
  • Scatter it all over the table.
  • Put two photos (yours and your loved one) in the very center of the table.
  • Say the plot twice.

Lost the attraction of love? And you can return it if you know how to use white magic. Here's what she suggests for this case.

Return of attraction:

Come back, come back, love! Come back! Slave (name) touch your heart. Feel the heat bypassing the chill! Let the slave (name) crash into the attraction pillar! What you need to do to get at least eighty percent success from the conspiracy:

  • Get off at any intersection at four in the morning.
  • Repeat a hundred times a declaration of love.
  • Stand and circle for three minutes in one place.
  • Read the plot five times.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Read three times a love spell - a conspiracy.
  • Open your eyes.
  • Smile.

Why is it said only about eighty percent of success? Because another twenty do not depend on magic. And they depend only on you. Try to believe in yourself. Combine your own powers and the powers of magic. White magic is magic without evil. She cannot "jinx it", cause harm. With her, you will be safe. There is nothing to be afraid of. But you shouldn't "tackle" it if you don't have faith in it. White magic is energy flow something that seeks to become an assistant to almost broken destinies. How does it affect those who do not believe in its power? No! She does not “splash out” revenge on unbelievers. She simply bypasses them, as if pretending that these people are not there.

Continuation. . .

Find out if you need to.

about light and sincere love every person on the planet dreams of a lifetime. This is so natural that hardly anyone dares to object. But at the same time, women are more likely to turn to magic to attract love into their own lives.

White magic offers a large number of conspiracies that can be used to attract love life. The main thing is to choose a rite in accordance with the prevailing life situation. It is very important to read a conspiracy to love a man in accordance with the rules of a particular rite.

Most rites of this type held during the waxing moon. Great importance for the effectiveness of the impact, a ceremony takes place. Read a conspiracy to love a man white magic offers in various conditions. But this is precisely what must be observed without any deviations; the success of the ceremony depends on this factor.

Attracting Fans

Very often in life there are situations when a girl dreams of having a loved one next to her, but fans for some unknown reason bypass her. Moreover, this does not depend on appearance or the ability to present oneself in society. Usually in this case they say that they are unlucky in personal life. The rite, which is held every night for a month, will help correct the situation.

A special rite is always read at midnight:

“Around me, Servants of God (their name), all women have bad manners, their faces are ugly, and their figures are awkward. Only I am one beauty and men cannot take their eyes off me. Everyone will love me, and I will choose only those who please me. Words are powerful, so it will happen. Amen".

Each time the plot is spoken three times. Within a month, the situation around you will change and you will only need to choose a worthy person.

During any ritual, you must stay in positive attitude. Negative emotions will make any conspiracy simply useless. In addition, it is necessary to keep plans for the use of magic secret.

There are also frequent situations related to the fact that, like, there is a loved one nearby and feelings for him are strong, but for some reason he is in no hurry to offer his hand and heart. In order to speed up this fact, you need to conduct a ceremony with food. To do this, you need to invite a loved one and cook on your own all the dishes that he loves.

Before serving dishes, they should be spoken with these words:

“I, the Servant of God (my name), speak food and drink for my beloved, the Servant of God, (name of the man) cooked. He will taste the magic food, prepared by my hands, and will immediately marry me. That's all you'll want, and that's all you'll dream about. You and I will live happily ever after, raise children and grandchildren. You will understand that there will be neither joy nor peace without me. Amen".

This is very strong rite and you should expect that soon your loved one will propose to you.

If you like a man

If you like a man, but you can’t attract his attention to yourself, then you can change the situation in your favor by performing a special magical rite.

The following attributes will need to be used in the ritual:

  • Red wax candle;
  • handkerchief from natural fabric white;
  • Pencil or pen;
  • New needle.

The process of the ceremony involves the following actions in a secluded place:

  • A white handkerchief is spread on the table;
  • A candle is lit;
  • With melted wax in the middle of the scarf, a figure of a person is accumulated, which will symbolize your loved one, while the contour must be completely filled with wax from a candle. ;
  • The name of your beloved is written on the figurine;
  • A needle is stuck into the figurine in the region of the heart;
  • Such an installation is wrapped in a scarf and hidden in a safe place so that no one will ever find it.

In the process of carrying out all the actions, the following conspiracy is repeatedly read:

"I, the Servant of God ( given name) did not kindle the flame of a candle, but the heart of her beloved, the Servant of God (proper name) inflamed with sincere love. I do not pour out his figure with wax, but I question him alive. With a sharp needle I do not pierce his heart, but I fill his heart with love and call him together with her into my life. Amen".

The rite is very strong, but the main condition for its success is that it is necessary, as often as possible after the ritual, to catch the eye of a loved one.

Ritual with photography

In magic, it is believed that a photograph reflects the aura of a living person. That is why rituals using photos have great strength. Having a fresh picture of a loved one, you can easily attract his love with the help of magic. Moreover, with the help of such a rite, you can eliminate a rival from your life. After all, after such a magical effect, your chosen one will simply choose you.

Since the rite with a photo is very powerful, before performing it, you need to visit the temple and ask for protection from higher powers from all unforeseen consequences of using magic. In addition, immediately before the ceremony, the prayer “Our Father” should be read several times.

In the ritual, it is necessary to use a photo, which has special requirements:

  • The eyes must be clearly visible in the picture;
  • The photograph must be taken recently, not earlier than six months before the ceremony;
  • The chosen one must be alone in the picture, otherwise magical effect may affect another person.

During the growth of the moon, you need to choose a convenient day and read magical conspiracy three times: in the morning at dawn, at daytime and in the evening after sunset.

Looking directly into the eyes of the image in the picture, the following magic phrases are pronounced:

“Any person on the planet cannot be without his own shadow, so let, my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of the man) cannot live in this world without me, the Servant of God (his name). He will always yearn and be sad for me. He will walk, stammer, and from unbearable sadness away from me, suffocate for me. The sun walks its way through the sky, so the path will lead my beloved to me, it will not turn anywhere and my house will not go around. My words are filled with sincere love and will come true. Amen".

It is very important when pronouncing a conspiracy to imagine that a loved one is next to you. After the magic words are spoken, you should always keep the charmed photo next to you. At the same time, it is important that none of their outsiders see it.

Love spells are strong and most of them are white magic tools. Carried out at the base sincere feelings they can't hurt. After all, without love, the life of every person on earth loses its meaning.

It is very important to believe in magic and in your love. After all, the combination of such feelings can work wonders. Any spell can be modified. The main thing is that the spoken words sound sincere and come from the depths of the soul.

You can strengthen the effect of any rite, the action of which is aimed at attracting a loved one to life, by reading prayers. This can be done not only in the temple, but also at home. They can be pronounced, both before the start of the ritual, and after it many times. It is important to be in positive mood, after all negative emotions always scare away love.

Every man dreams of a love that will last all life. But in reality, such feelings are usually very rare.

But sometimes you see a couple in love, and you are amazed - it seems that people do not suit each other, but for years, decades they have been living together, and their feelings are as strong as in the first weeks of acquaintance and relationship.

Magic, you say? Yes, This is magic. Love magic can work wonders, and create such strong bonds that only a stronger magician and no one else can destroy them, keep this in mind.

But if the plot reads sincerely loving person, then the magician will not be able to break formed connection. Because the love conspiracy ceases to work only when the love of the caster who read it cools down.

Rules for reading spells at home

If you have decided to forever connect your life with your loved one, you need to know Basic Rules used in love magic. There are not many of them, but they are very important.

  1. The most powerful love spells read for blood- either on the blood of the caster, or on the blood of the one they are going to speak, "bind" to themselves. It is extremely difficult to remove such a conspiracy.
  2. Most right time to create a love spell - Waxing Crescent, and the period of the full moon. On the waning moon, such rituals are not performed, as they lead to the opposite effect. The lapels, and the removal of bindings, are carried out just on the waning moon.
  3. Most love spells do not require direct physical contact with the victim. Personal items or photographs of the conjured are suitable for them. Some strong conspiracies read on church candles .
  4. After the binding is done, need to fast– from 3 to 7 days. After that, it is very desirable to go to church, and take communion, as well as give alms. So you take off yourself love spell sin, and you will be able to avoid the magic rollback.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult. Now let's move on to the collection. the best conspiracies, which no one can remove except yourself.

In order to read such a plot, you need to prepare meat dish , which the conjured person will later have to taste. The main ingredient of this treat, in addition to the actual meat, will be a couple of drops of your blood.

Ideal for such a conspiracy female menstrual blood, but this rule will work only if a woman will tell fortunes on her beloved.

Prepare the dish, and at the very end, shortly before serving, add to it a couple of drops of blood. Read the following spell over them:

“Blood runs through the veins, my love guards. Prophetic blood, charmed ore, draw your beloved (name) to me forever. Our love can not be destroyed, not broken, a stranger to my beloved cannot be tied to himself, not bewitched. My blood, turn my heart (name) to me (name), kindle and ignite love!

Let his soul yearn for me, find peace in my arms, let his feet carry me to me, if he goes to the left, he will find only melancholy and pain there. My word is strong, my spell cannot be removed! Let it be so!"

After that, the “seasoned” dish is fed to the desired and expensive one. In a few days the conspiracy starts and gain strength. The faster, the more the heart of the chosen one is located towards you.

Only a priest in the church can remove such a conspiracy, and even then with a small degree of probability. It is best to read this love spell on the days of the growing moon or the full moon.

For such a conspiracy, a sheet is best suited, on which between lovers there was sexual intercourse. It will be the most valuable thing energetically. If there is none, then fit following items:

  • handkerchief;
  • t-shirt;
  • shirt;
  • underwear;
  • a ring or other piece of jewelry that is often worn;
  • scrunchy;
  • watch.

The main condition is that the thing must be not new, to be dressed as a conspirator more than once, and before reading the conspiracy, it cannot be washed (applies to clothes or underwear).

The plot is read in the evening, after 9 pm. The most suitable time for a conspiracy is from midnight to three in the morning. Read it on growing moon.

Pick up an object, focus on the image of your beloved. You can light candles for concentration. Preferably the room should be dark. Start reading:

“From body to body, love affair, my blood, my love. Love me like yourself (name). The rod bends in the forest - I know where it will stick. follow me like faithful dog, eyes look, from other watchmen.

Our love will be strong and eternal, to the envy of others, to people for blessing. You will always be with me until the thing (name the object) decays, turns into dust.

She will keep our peace while she is - you are forever mine. My word is strong, I lock my conspiracy with two sacred names, whoever recognizes these names will open my conspiracy and take away my love. Let it be so!"

It is advisable to store the spoken thing for the first week close to you- for example, under the pillow. The conspiracy will be fueled by your energy. Then put it away as far away as possible so that no one but you knows where it is stored.

This conspiracy does not require special preparation. For it you will need an ordinary candle and photograph of a loved one person. It is read at night.

Put out the light, light a candle and, burning the photo, start reading the plot:

“I will burn your heart (name) and your soul with this fire. I will turn your heart to myself, slave (name), and carefully keep it. Our union crowns the sacred fire, holds the blood and spirit together.

My name and my spirit enter into your flesh and bones (the name of the beloved).

May you be with me forever and ever, until the first gray hairs and the last breath, and until then my conspiracy will have power, until my blood cools down, my heart does not let you go. My word is strong, my conspiracy cannot be interrupted! Let it be so!"

Mix the ashes left from the photograph with wine and drink. It is very strong, which no stranger can remove. So think before you read it.

Ideal if a loved one lives far from you. Take a candle, go to the window at night, and light it. The window must be open.

Whisper a conspiracy into a candle flame, imagining that the wind brings his words to your loved one:

“The candle light will show you the way, the wind will carry my name, the board in your heart (name) will settle, it will tie (name) to me, and return it. As I love you, so you will love me, the wind will marry us, the earth will forever betroth.

I conjure you with fire and my blood, life and breath, I bind you to me for life, until the last breath! My conspiracy is strong, no one can remove it, your love cannot be taken away from me! My name is the protection of my word! Amen!"

Blow out the candle. Such a conspiracy is read three times with a break of three days. Soon a loved one will start terribly over you yearn and look for a meeting.

This conspiracy to meet your love and meet your betrothed will help speed up the meeting with your future husband. This is a rite of white magic and is completely safe, it will only help you speed up the time of meeting with your soul mate, and it’s up to you two to get married right away or wait a little. This rite - love spell for a meeting true love already helped my friend meet a guy and in 2 weeks they will have a wedding. As soon as you do this love spell yourself and read the plot, fate will send you your betrothed, who is destined to become your husband. For the ceremony, take any small roadside stone that fits in your hand and take it home. At home, rinse this stone seven times under running water while reading a special conspiracy for love:

This is the most strong love spell a conspiracy to remove which is impossible and it is done in a cemetery and is called a black wedding love spell. Deciding to carry out rite of black magic for love And read love spell at the cemetery, know that you forever bewitch a person to yourself. This should be done only if you yourself are ready to live the rest of your life with him and accept him with all his shortcomings, which can be recognized only by knowing the person well. You need to do the ritual not out of love at first sight, but clearly knowing your intentions to be with your loved one.

Having decided on a cemetery love spell, buy a red church candle in advance. A love spell on cemetery land is performed both during the day and at night in the time interval from 18 o'clock to 6 in the morning under any moon. Arriving at the cemetery, light a candle and walking along the cemetery ground between the graves with a burning candle, read the plot - a love spell. You need to read so many times until the candle burns out to the end, so take the smallest one. After the love spell on the way home, do not talk to anyone, this also applies to phone calls! Also, for three days, do not meet with your loved one on whom a love spell was made in a cemetery. The rite is considered completed after two of its repetitions: nine and forty days after the first time. Conspiracy - a love spell in the cemetery to be read:

Good way to return a loved one home after a quarrel and awaken a feeling of love in him will help this strong conspiracy - a prayer for a return. This conspiracy is also customary to read if your husband left you, or the guy left you. I have read this several times conspiracy - a prayer for the return of love and feelings from the one who left me young man while studying at the institute and always the conspiracy worked on the 2nd - 4th day forcing the sweetheart to come to me. What needs to be done to return a person after a quarrel. In the church, buy any candle, put it near the icon Mother of God and be sure to light it (in some churches, candles are not lit, but are burned only during the service, such a church is not suitable). Looking at the fire of the candle, say words of a conspiracy to return a person and return to him love feelings:

Today I will tell you about some of the most severe dryness which can be used without harm to both of you. Prisushi (prisushki - whispers of love) about which we will tell the Magin have been tested by me more than once and always allowed me to quickly dry a guy or not married man . But proven whisper - dry on a beloved man or a guy you like will allow you to dry it to yourself for up to 1 month, and dry will begin to act the next day. This is very convenient to to dry a person and get to know him better. If you are suitable for each other, you can use a strong love spell and, after reading the plot, bewitch your loved one to yourself. If you are too different, in a month you will part as friends and, if you wish, you will simply support a good relationship. Read prisushki and whispers of love Maginya started at school so that the boy I liked drew attention to me. Now the relevance of using the strongest dryness has not lost its attractiveness due to the very fast action and always the expected result. The next day after drying, the beloved himself shows interest in me, showing me clear and not ambiguous signs of attention.

If your husband likes to walk away from you or you have doubts about his fidelity, develop them with the help of magic. Every time a loved one leaves the house, tell him after a whisper on her husband's fidelity that will allow him to speak from betrayal:

Go where you went, you'll always come back.

From me you go like a gelding,
In my house you will be a stallion.
As I say, so be it.


Be sure, after these magic words, the husband will be faithful to you like a dog and will always return home to your family.

How to quickly and profitably marry a rich groom? A conspiracy to create a family, read as a prayer in the church at the icon of the Virgin, is the most powerful and fastest love spell in terms of effectiveness so that a guy or a man gets married. If you already have a beloved boyfriend or adult man, make this easy but very effective love spell at home that will help you marry your loved one. For marriage, use this recommended spell Siberian healer and be sure you will not miss the wedding this year. open front door in a house or apartment and read the marriage plot, it helps even a girl with a child get married. Words love spell to speed up the wedding and quick marriage forcing a loved one to quickly marry you:

We decided to bewitch a person on our own, so it’s best to use a strong love spell that will work instantly and which cannot be removed. The action of the Siberian love spell instantly and acting through the subconscious of a person will very quickly make him feel love attraction and a strong craving for you. With the help of magic and the action of a love spell, his consciousness will constantly think only about his beloved, and not finding peace from the action of a love spell, a person will be forced to turn to you himself. You will immediately notice the manifestations of his love for you, which will be expressed by constant signs of attention, he will constantly call you on the phone and leave messages.

Before embarking on this really strong love spell, once again answer yourself the question: are you ready for such long relationship with this person. Having done Siberian love spell that can not be removed, you will instantly and forever connect the fate of a person with your life, and the bewitched will never be able to leave you and make a lapel. Remember: "you are responsible for those whom you have tamed." It is easy to leave a bewitched man or woman, but the person on whom the love spell is made will only suffer and eternal loneliness and the desire to see his soul mate who bewitched him to herself. If you are ready for such an act, the magician will tell how to make an instant love spell.

There are moments in people's lives when love ends and feelings between loving hearts cool down. At such moments, the other is very sad and hurt, because his feelings are still "attached to his soulmate", his heart is "torn to pieces", and the soul does not find peace. At such a moment, there is a feeling as if "the earth diverges under your feet" and it seems that life is over ... But in fact, this is only the beginning of a new path! How to fall out of love ex love and forget a loved one after parting continuing happy life? There are several options and all methods are successful, the main thing is not to sit with a pillow in an armful, mourning unhappy love, but to act! How? You can visit a psychologist and start brainwashing new life, and he "goes through the forest" along a different road. Maginya, in such a situation, and there were several of them, uses the help of white magic by reading a conspiracy that helps to permanently erase a person from your memory and forgetting the former to live on and enjoy life.

Yes, I independently made a strong love spell on my husband and forever bewitched him to me. I was able to force the beloved man with the help of magic to return from his mistress to the family. Now my husband and I are together again and everything is fine with us. So my story of how I bewitched my husband. Husband left the family after more than 9 years family life when my son started first grade. Once, after work, he came home and said that he had found another and he would have nothing more with me ... He packed his things that very evening and went to her ... For a week I lived like in a dream, did not know how to live without him, how could he do this ... At work, one woman said that with what to "kill" like that, you need to bewitch your husband to yourself or order a love spell from sorcerers. The thought firmly stuck in my head and all day at work I only thought about my husband’s love spell:

A simple fortune-telling "when I get married" told me exactly at what age I will meet my love and successfully marry, revealing the wedding date to me. True online divination by the date of my birth did not disappoint my expectations by indicating the year of my marriage, like those girls who, like me, guessed in this way when they found out the date of their marriage. Understanding on your own simple divination I managed to tell fortunes using numerology and get the answer I so desired. Only after two years did I believe in fortune-telling that could tell about the future and predict the date of meeting my future husband, because it really happened.

Years passed, but I never met the “prince on a white horse,” they told me, I began to look for a way to find out what year I would get married and found several ways to tell fortunes. I was interested in one question: what kind of fortune-telling is able to correctly answer my curiosity and open a happy year for me of my marriage. I tried several methods and, as expected, wrote down the results of divination in my Magini diary. Strange as it may seem, but in two predictions, the date of my marriage - the wedding fell on the same year, which made me very happy, because it was next year.

Conspiracy for the general and mutual love women which needs to be returned and strongly fall in love with yourself is done independently with the help of a simple white love spell and reading a conspiracy for love. To fall in love with a woman, girl or girlfriend and to make her obedient and submissive, her photograph is needed. The photo must be on paper in order to hold love spell for love her photo from the phone taken secretly and printed on a printer will do. More conspiracy to love a beloved woman so that she falls in love strongly, she demands to purchase a church candle in the church yellow color. How the ceremony is done: Put a photo of a woman on the windowsill and light a church candle, start read a conspiracy to kindle love from a loved one :

This strong love spell read by the wife will be able to quarrel with her husband and his mistress and make the husband quarrel with his rival and return to his wife, and this will help to make a love spell on the castle. Simple spell cast on lock and key from memory and easy rite with reading a conspiracy to love a husband will affect the beloved man as soon as you finish rite of magic and close the lock. After this conspiracy, the husband will never be able to cheat on his wife in his life and will remain faithful to her, loving her deeply until last day own life. For this rite, you guessed it, you need new castle with keys, the lock must be with a darling (barn), but not necessarily big size, quite suitable and small as for a mailbox. Generally in white and black magic, conspiracies and love spells on the castle are very common, but this love plot - a love spell on a beloved husband is considered the fastest and strongest. If needed urgently bewitch a man or return a husband from a rival (lover) this ardent conspiracy to strong love read on the lock and key is the most powerful and true in a magical way get what you want quickly . Open the lock with the key and read words of a magic spell - a conspiracy to love :

How to bewitch a loved one forever: a man or a guy at a distance from him if there is a photograph of him. Make a strong love spell on your own from a photo very simple and you can easily make a love spell right at home being at any distance from a loved one. A love spell for a man based on a photograph for life can bind a man to her. From the moment the love spell takes effect, a man will forever remain faithful to his chosen one and will never be able to change, this desire will not even arise in his head! Remember love spell on photo which is described below is very strong and cannot be removed! If you are not at least a little unsure of your feelings, choose another love spell whose effect is superimposed on certain period. This strongest love spell is done for a loved one to seduce a husband And using magic to fall in love and marry a person whom you love but he does not marry.

For a love spell, take a new needle, a red thread and a photo of the person on whom eternal love spell . A pictogram ( five pointed star in a circle), the photo is twisted into a tube with the image inside and fixed with a red thread for 3 circles around the photo and tied with 7 knots. Having completed the preparatory rite of passage on a scroll is read strong conspiracy - love spell on eternal love :

How to bewitch a husband to yourself and fall in love with him forever with the help of magic and to make a love spell at home, I will now teach you. This strong conspiracy - love spell on husband's love must self read wife who wants to make her husband love her more life. The love spell is so strong that even after the divorce of the spouses, it will make the ex-husband himself return to his wife as soon as the ceremony is completed. Love spell for love and a husband's respect for his wife should be read in a glass of water. The following are 2 options for the action of the ceremony from which you choose the one that suits your situation:

  1. If you want to seduce a husband who has cooled down with feelings for his wife or began to walk, you need to make sure that the husband drinks the charmed water.
  2. If needed return ex-husband with the help of a love spell and fall in love with yourself again , a glass of charmed water is placed in your bedroom on a saucer and covered with a white piece of cloth or a scarf without a pattern.

The consequences of a love spell made on her husband come the very next day. The husband every day will be strongly drawn to his family, awakening in him the desire to be close to his wife.

A conspiracy to restore the love feelings of a husband and wife will help restore love to spouses and make the feelings between husband and wife resume and flare up with renewed vigor. This conspiracy - a prayer that returns love to the husband and wife can be read by both the husband and the wife, if one of the spouses has cooled off in a relationship or has begun to cheat and meet with a rival (lover) or rival (lover). This white sinless magic harmless and harmless for both spouses takes place in the church doesn't harm anyone . For restoration of love feelings need wedding photography which depicts a husband and wife. Photos of spouses whose feelings have cooled must be brought to church (in a bag, side pocket or daddy, it doesn’t matter). The photo will not be harmed unless you rumple it yourself. Immediately after reading the prayer conspiracy, which helps to return and restore relations between spouses, the photo can be returned to its place in a frame or photo album. Conspiracy - return prayer past feelings between husband and wife for the love of spouses as I said earlier, it is read in the church and you must have a wedding photo with you. Buy 2 candles (price and color are not important) and put the candles near the Matrona icon and read magic words for the renewal of love and the restoration of feelings between husband and wife :

Conspiracies and prayers for reconciliation allow you to return the relationship of another person with the help of white magic and even reconcile the lovers of the spouses who are after a divorce and improve relations in the family with the help of white magic. How to make peace with a person? This helps effective and powerful conspiracy to reconcile warring triggered even after parting and breaking off all relationships. When it seems that there is no way back and the relationship between people is already completely broken after reading in front of the icon conspiracy to reconcile can be done very quickly and easily return love and build relationships . Also conspiracy to reconcile helps to reconcile after strong quarrel with a friend (girlfriend) with whom you became an enemy. For a person to forgive and work magic to reconcile evil hearts needs an icon of St. Irina who helps people make peace . It can be a small icon bought in an icon shop or an icon in a church. Rite to help reconcile simple and you can do it yourself without special training. Rewrite the text of the prayer - a conspiracy to persuade a person to reconciliation on a piece of paper or memorize it and start the ceremony. Light any church candle and say conspiracy words - prayers for reconciliation :

Semik or Green Christmas time(Trinity) is the most favorable day for a love spell and a love spell that is read independently. In the old days, on this day, girls and unmarried women read love plot to strongly and forever to bewitch your beloved boyfriend or man and with the help of magic force him to marry himself. Made rite of love for green Christmas time helped to quickly marry the one you love and fall in love with your husband so much so that he could not live without a wife, and even more so he never cheated. It's very easy to do love spell does not require special skills and magic items. If you don’t know when Green Christmas time is celebrated, I answer, green holidays are celebrated on (spirit day) and therefore a love spell made on this day has simply tremendous power. So, how to make a love spell on Green Christmas time . On the day of the holiday, you need to cut a branch from a birch on which there are green leaves, the size of the branch does not matter, the very fact of the plant and the birch itself is important. Bringing birch branch home you need to drop a few of your tears on her, for this, think about something sad. As soon as the tears drip onto the birch leaves, quickly read over the branch love spell words :

Few people know how to bewitch a loved one with prayer meanwhile love prayers very common in white magic. White love spell prayer for love is the fastest and strong way receive mutual love from a person and establish relationships with him. White prayer love spell which you need to read on your own at home while sitting in bed before going to bed and in the morning while you still do not get out of bed. This Old Slavonic love spell - a prayer for love and early marriage very quickly affect the feelings of a beloved guy or man to whom you have love feelings and he will reciprocate. text strong love spell prayers you can also read on your husband whose feelings have cooled off for you or you suspect him of strong treason love prayer for love will render needed help without side effects. This rite of magic without candles, holy water and photos, just read during the week love spell words - prayers :

The strongest love spell contains magic for love - this is a rite for church candles twisted together in which you need to read a love plot. This one is called the strongest love spell - "black wedding" , and the ceremony is independently performed on twisted candles bought in the church - this binary love spell instant action . It is almost impossible to remove such a love spell, only real strong magicians and sorcerers who know secrets of black magic and black love spells , and there are only a few of them. Not recommended do love binding to yourself loved one with the help of black magic, if your feelings for him are not so strong and you have at least a little doubt answering your question: "Are you ready to live with him all your life." a conspiracy for ardent love is done on twisted church candles . Almost all witches and sorcerers are called love spell on twisted (twisted together) candles - "black wedding" . On Friday, you need to buy 2 church candles of the same color and size in the church, it is best to take the cheapest and thinnest ones, it is easier to work with them during the love spell. Love spell on church candles can be read on any day of the week and on any phase of the moon. Strong love spell equally effective and full moon and waning or waxing moon . To twist candles together, you need to warm them up a little by holding them in your hands and feeding them with your energy. At the moment when you start twisting the candles together, say spell text :

This a strong conspiracy on the husband’s love for his wife should be read by the wife on her own so that the husband loves her more than life, obeys her advice and respects his wife more than his mother. The plot is done on a glass drinking water, and you need to drink your husband with charmed water. After the wife reads a conspiracy that causes love in a husband, respect and obedience to his wife , a beloved man who has drunk the charmed water "takes his head" will stop drinking and walking with friends, but will always rush to his wife, stop listening to the opinion of friends and relatives (mother-in-law and father-in-law) and begin to seek advice from his wife and respect her opinion more than others . The consequences of this love spellto the love and obedience of a husband to his wife expressed as follows, the husband will be very strongly drawn to home to his family and every day his love for his wife will become stronger and stronger. You will notice a change in your husband's behavior instantly as soon as he drinks the charmed water. Want to using magic to make the husband obey his wife, read the conspiracy to subjugate the husband to the will of his wife . For the ceremony, pour into a glass of drinking water and say over it words of a conspiracy for the love and respect of a husband :

How to make a demonic love spell on a needle and through demons forever bewitch your loved one Maginya knew from childhood, but she recently used this love spell with the help of black power. I did not randomly choose demonic love spell - NDB , after all the consequences of this love spell made through demons come instantly and bewitched having lost his head strongly and forever falls in love with the object of his passion, having fallen in love with him for life. After a demonic love spell, a bewitched man will never be able to cheat on his wife, will love only her, forgive her everything that she does, never saying a word against the will of his wife. Many people say about such men “henpecked”, but a woman next to such a husband is very comfortable, because he doesn’t need anyone else except his wife, even the mother-in-law (his mother) immediately fades into the background, having lost all her power of influencing her son (bewitched man ). Strong demonic love spells through a black matchmaker can do to any moon, but a prerequisite for do a demon spell on your own you need to wait until midnight, after midnight the demons, having received the power, will make a strong love spell in one night and immediately with the onset of the morning, the bewitched man will feel a strong attraction to his beloved. To demonic love spell turned out, in the room where it will be held ritual for love with the help of demons there should be no church attributes (icons, lamps, crosses ...), church attributes are also removed from oneself (cross, palm, icon ...), if there are mirrors in the room, close them thick cloth. The nbd love spell has tremendous power, and its power lies in the words of the conspiracy to hell. So, read a love spell - a spell of devils is needed 13 times . Insert a needle into a church candle from the side opposite to the wick and light it from the side of the needle. How the fire of a candle flares up read 13 times strong demonic love spell on a loved one :

All strong prayers for the return of her husband to the family they will make the husband understand that he loves his wife and quickly return home to his wife and children. Prayers for the return of a husband women also read in the case when the husband left for his mistress or if the husband filed for divorce. Orthodox prayer for reconciliation and return of husband in Russian, he will quickly reason with his beloved and force him to return to his wife again, loving her with former strength. How to quickly return a husband to the family with prayers quickly and without consequences ask me in the letters of a woman whose husbands left the family and went to another woman - a rival, forgetting about their children. Prayer is like a conspiracy to return a loved one very quickly gives the expected effect, and if the ritual of white magic is performed correctly, then in 3 days you can return your husband with a prayer and make it so that he will forever love only his wife and will never cheat on her with another woman, much less leave the family.