Suggestion: methods and techniques. Hidden Suggestions

In religious cults, the method of suggestion is often used with the help of hypnotic influence or by introducing a person into a trance state. Initially, hypnosis was used in medicine and had an inextricable connection with religious practices in ancient times. The ancient Greeks had a God healer Asclepius. After complex cleansing rites, it was possible to get into a special room for sleeping, where a healing effect was to be performed. The ancient Druids believed in the special properties of plants. They made contact with them, bringing themselves into altered states of consciousness through prolonged intense listening to the sounds of nature. Druids believed that they could exchange energy with their trees, receiving healing. Miraculous healing also plays an important role in the Christian religion. You can give examples of the healing of people by Jesus Christ: "And immediately he was cleansed of leprosy." (Matt., 8:2-3) "And his servant recovered that very hour." (Matthew 8:13) "And he touched her hand, and the fever left her; and she rose up and ministered to them." (Matthew 8:14-15). Also in religious practices, there was a loss of sensitivity to pain, which was achieved with the help of special states of consciousness. The dervishes whirled in place, bringing themselves to states in which they no longer felt pain. In some Muslim sects, there was also a loss of sensitivity to pain. Sleep, according to some scientists, can be a state of trance. Isis - the goddess of Ancient Egypt, was supposed to have healing effects only in a dream. One of the very first memories that a dream may not be of an entirely ordinary origin is found in the Old Testament: "And the Lord God brought a sound sleep to a man ...", after which Adam did not feel pain. The similarity between sleep and hypnosis is studied by psychiatrist and psychoneurologist K.I. Platonov (1878-1969). He discovers that in hypnosis, as in natural sleep, the pulse, breathing slows down, falls arterial pressure. That is, the physiological processes that occur during hypnosis resemble the changes characteristic of sleep.

A variety of techniques leading to altered states of consciousness were the main method of treatment and pain relief in prehistoric people. There were and continue to exist shamanic, witchcraft and healer methods, among different nationalities, which have therapeutic effects. For example, shiny objects were used, on which it was necessary to focus the gaze. It is now known that fixing the gaze on shiny surfaces easily induces a trance state. Healers, sorcerers and today quickly find a way to the client's subconscious. Their methods are based mainly on self-hypnosis. Because many people are resistant to suggestion from the outside, but easily amenable to self-hypnosis.

As an example, one can cite the miracle effectiveness of conspiracies, as well as the experiments of dummy pills with a placebo effect.

The most famous researcher of hypnosis is Franz Anton Mesmer (1734 - 1815) a Jewish Austrian physician. He studied theology, philosophy, medicine, was fond of astrology and alchemy. In his opinion, there was a certain force of magnetism, belonging only to hypnotists.

Abbé J. Faria put an end to this opinion. His main work is "On the Cause of Lucid Sleep", in which the author proves that magnetism does not exist, there is a so-called trance - a special type of sleep to which people have a physiological inclination, up to immersion during dreams. For J. Faria, the trance into which one person could introduce another depends on two factors: on the charm of the person suggested by the hypnotist and the power of conviction emanating from him. He himself introduced people into a trance, looking into their eyes and firmly ordering them to sleep.

The action of hypnosis is real and proven by medical practice. T. I. Akhmedov, a scientist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the department of medical rehabilitation and psychotherapy and Zhidko M. E. - psychologist, psychotherapist, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, in his book "Psychotherapy in Special States of Consciousness" describe a practice that originated with ancient times, with which you can influence human health and reduce physical and spiritual suffering. In 1819, the dentist Mantorel was extracting teeth and performing other painful procedures on people hypnotized by Baron du Pote. After that, the baron, who was not a doctor, worked in hospitals, helping to carry out painlessly dozens of surgical operations, one of which was the amputation of a lower limb. Modern psychotherapy may include elements of techniques that were previously considered exclusively occult. But apart from medicine, trance is used in religious and spiritual practices. T.I. Akhmedov and Zhidko M.E. in their work describe the main regions with a developed trance culture: East Africa, Arabia, the Balkan Peninsula, Southeast Asia, China, India, Tibet, Central America. In some religions, there has always been the use of trance as a favorable factor for concentration and meditation. Meditation (from Latin meditatio - reflection) is a type of attention concentration training exercise used to develop control over the course of one's thoughts and emotions or to enter a special religious-psychic state of "remembering". Meditation according to the book by T. I. Akhmedov and M. E. Zhidko "Psychotherapy in special states of consciousness" is a system of spiritual practice with the achievement of extreme mental concentration of consciousness or extreme dispersion of consciousness. Meditation implies increased concentration on some object - this object can be anything - a lotus flower, a geometric figure or concentration on one's own physiological processes - muscle relaxation, breathing, heartbeat. It is also possible to meditate on the deity, while the concentration takes place on it.

The country with the most widespread meditative religions is India. The practice of yoga consists almost entirely of meditation and preparation for it. Buddhism also developed its own system of meditation. Under the influence of India, Taoism and Chan Buddhism were formed in China, which also use meditation. There are meditative practices in Indian and Chinese Tantrism, in Muslim Sufism. During meditation, a person, as in hypnosis, falls into a trance state, while the processes characteristic of the waking state are turned off. Meditation is also used in psychotherapeutic treatments. Some psychotherapists do not distinguish between states of consciousness such as hypnosis and meditation, considering hypnosis to be just a special case of meditation. T. I. Akhmedov and M. E. Zhidko do not share this point of view. They see meditation as a less structured process than hypnosis. In his opinion, he relies on the medical research of L.P. Grimaka - the physiological state during hypnosis is very close to the state of natural sleep, while the state of a person during meditation is closer to intense wakefulness. Unlike hypnotic practices, which can affect a person not only openly, but also in a hidden way, a person plunges himself into a state of meditative trance exclusively voluntarily. Therefore, in meditation there can be a very strong self-suggestion.

There are different ways to meditate. There are special breathing techniques that achieve a meditative state. For example, a person takes a certain posture and does not move, concentrating on breathing and trying to follow it, while not changing the rhythm. Sometimes breathing is accompanied by various mental meditative phrases, such as "inhale ... exhale ... inhale ... exhale." A similar technique described by T. I. Akhmedov and M. E. Zhidko in the book "Psychotherapy in Special Instructions" is similar to a modified Buddhist meditative technique. It is possible to concentrate on the movement of the nostrils during inhalation and exhalation. At the same time, a person should not be distracted by pauses between inhalations and exhalations, by the movement of the abdomen. Thoughts also need to be put aside. There are other varieties of this method, where you need to observe your breathing in the area chest or in the abdomen. The yogic technique of rhythmic breathing is a different comparison of breathing with the rhythm of the pulse.

Usually meditation is accompanied by a mantra - meditative speech. "A mantra is a syllable, word or verse that has the ability to influence a person's consciousness and helps in spiritual development if they are repeated, listened to or meditated on." A mantra can be a direct self-suggestion, for example, with repeated daily repetition of the name of a deity. It is not surprising that it begins to occupy a central place in a person's thoughts. In the Society for Krishna Consciousness, the main mantra is just a repetition of the name of God "Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna."

With meditative concentration, there is an effect of the form on a person. T. I. Akhmedov and Zhidko M. E. write "... an image of various shapes and colors has a different effect on the mental state of a person." A zigzag line makes a person feel tense and anxious. The smooth curve creates a sense of harmony and calm. The square is associated with completeness, the circle with comic infinity and harmony. Also, symmetrical and non-symmetrical figures can have a different effect on the psyche. Therefore, many geometric figures were considered sacred in ancient Egypt, in ancient and modern Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions. "... Concentration of attention on a figure with a balanced center (balanced figure) causes a feeling of calm in a person, and concentration on an unbalanced figure - a feeling of discomfort, tension." Laya yoga uses concentration on real or imaginary figures - yantras.

Another meditative technique is the “mindfulness” technique, where a person alone is invited to slowly do household chores such as gardening, cleaning, cooking, washing. You can take a bath, have a meal or go for a walk. At the same time, one must be aware and note every step, every movement, every thought. The goal is to achieve an altered state of consciousness and master the art of unusual self-observation. The awareness technique formed the basis of Naikan therapy, a psychotherapy developed in Japan by the priest Ishim Yoshimoto. In this case, the patient concentrated on the mother, father, spouse, children. The psychotherapist revealed the feeling of guilt inherent in a person and helped to realize possible love surrounding, despite individual shortcomings. Despite the possible benefits of meditation in psychiatry, there are also harms from such practices. Regardless of the different techniques and schools, there are side effects to meditation. These include a special vulnerability to any suggestion from the outside. In relation to a person who is in an altered state of consciousness, multiple methods of influencing the subconscious level can be used. That is why gypsies, fortune-tellers, sectarians and other scammers try to force a person into a trance. During meditation, a person deliberately immerses himself in a special state, automatically falling into the risk zone of suggestion. If a person meditates alone, then there are still negative sides at the physiological level. During meditation, there is an increased production of endorphins - chemical compounds that are formed in the cerebral cortex. "Endorphin brings a person into a state of euphoria, it is sometimes called a "natural drug" or "hormone of joy." Love, creativity, fame, power - any experience associated with these and many other categories of human existence, increases the level of endorphin in the blood. " Endorphin is also a natural pain reliever. The narcotic "high" in drug addicts is associated with receiving large doses of endorphins, and the subsequent "withdrawal" occurs after the withdrawal of artificial endorphins, the body stops producing, having adapted to receive them from the outside. During meditation, the "happiness hormone" endorphin also enters the bloodstream, after which headaches, depression, nervousness and anxiety are sure to follow.

In his article "Harm from Meditation and from Transcendental Meditation (tm) in particular" A. G. Ivakin vividly describes the possible harm from meditation. Natural drugs produced by the cerebral cortex are 100-200 times stronger than any external drugs, even heroin. Normally, the content of endorphins in the blood is not high. Its production in large quantities is required by a person in special situations - pregnancy, childbirth and various stresses. During meditation, the brain is in a very stressful unnatural state: the blood supply is cut off because there are no thoughts, and as a result, the brain is protected, while producing a large amount of endorphin, leading to an induced feeling of "happiness". Ultimately, meditation leads to exhaustion and destruction of the brain. A person becomes more suggestible and manageable, which is the goal of destructive totalitarian organizations.

Hidden manipulations and hypnotic suggestions can be aimed at various purposes, but, as a rule, are always undesirable for the addressee. In destructive religious cults, such an impact can be the most dangerous for the individual.

To lure people into a sect, the techniques of hypnotic suggestion and manipulation of consciousness are often used. The psyche of many people is easily affected by hypnosis and mind manipulation. Suggestibility depends on the individual characteristics of each individual person. M. M. Bublichenko in his book "Hypnotic Techniques in Communication" cites the following data from sociological surveys: "The necessary ideas can be instilled in a fairly high percentage of people - from 40% to 75%." Experienced sectarians know how to create the right emotional background. It seems to a person that he is in open confidential communication, but in fact he is being suggested. In the book "Hypnotic Techniques in Communication" hypnosis refers to concepts confirmed by science, although it has not yet been fully explained. Hypnosis is one of the cult's tools for recruiting and then retaining members. Hypnosis can also be used in communication between two people, for example, for the purpose of extracting material gain. The action depends on the experience and ability of the inspiring person and the protection of the object of suggestion. Modern sectarians often use the old gypsy tricks of beggars and fortune-tellers described by M. M. Bublichenko. They are based on the fact that grief should be predicted to the sad, joy should be predicted to the cheerful. There are also methods of group work. Two or three scammers start talking to a person at the same time, standing up from several sides at once. There is a dispersion of attention. At the same time, their speech is very fast, and a person cannot perceive such a flow of information, and falls into a state close to a trance.

The fashionable term "zombie" vividly describes the hypnotic effect, there is a lot about it interesting information. By Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language T. F. Efremova: zombification is the transformation of a person into a zombie: soulless, unquestioning, obedient to someone else's - usually evil - will. Today, zombie characters are often found in cinema, science fiction and fantasy literature, computer games, where zombie creatures are a manifestation of dark forces, deprived of their own will and, as a rule, dead. If you delve into the interpretation of the word, then you can perceive death not only as physical, but also as spiritual, "... you bear a name, as if you are alive, but you are dead." T. A. Chernetskaya, a modern therapist who successfully deals with magic and extrasensory perception using hypnotic techniques, in her article classifies the types of zombies and describes the possible origins of this concept using myths as an example.

Haitian myth. On the island of Haiti, a zombie is a person who has fallen into a coma due to poisoning by a sorcerer. Life processes in the body slow down so much that a person is mistaken for a dead person and buried. At night, the sorcerer opens the coffin, revives the man, and he becomes his zombie. The NSS (National Social Security) medical journal The Guardian describes the state of coma and the necessary medical intervention to save subsequent brain activity. "In a coma, the patient most often breathes normally. But the function of the brain is so affected that the normal amount of oxygen in the blood is not enough for him. A larger amount is provided only artificial ventilation lungs". Since, in the Haitian myth, a person in a coma, of course, did not receive modern special medical care, then due to lack of oxygen, irreversible death of brain cells occurred, and the person became easily susceptible to suggestion. However, stories about Haitian sorcerers are not a proven fact, they can only be attributed to myths.

American myth. Horror films with zombies, filmed in Hollywood cinema, are based on ancient legends, and therefore can be called myths. Zombies, as a rule, are dead Americans attacking houses, shops for entertainment purposes, or for food. Often in films there is an insatiable hunger of zombies, a thirst for the consumption of living human flesh, an easy opportunity to infect a healthy person with a normal bite, and also a person killed by a zombie can become one of them.

Soviet myth. In the USSR, there is a myth about zombies, otherwise called psychotropic weapons, but there is practically nothing about zombies. This may be due to the fact that the authorities needed strict control of the people, and the idea of ​​the walking dead in itself was dissent and was not suitable for the Soviet consciousness.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the USSR, China, Germany had a method of mass zombification of their population. It consisted in the fact that in people everything was destroyed positive sides personality. Spiritual zombies appeared, who obeyed the leaders unconditionally. In the Soviet Union there was an active study of hypnosis and suggestion. This was largely due to the fact that the government of the state was based on a dictatorship, and the government needed effective methods impact on people. Their works were devoted to the control of consciousness: the Soviet psychologist and psychotherapist, researcher of the problems of human abilities and relationships V. N. Myasishchev; psychotherapist involved in the development of bibliotherapy, a treatment method that used fiction containing special words with an impact on the subconscious I. Z. Velvovsky; psychiatrist, professor of psychiatry at Turkestan University Yu. V. Kannabikh and many others.

Rev. Lei Zhenyuan's book Enemies Within describes how children in China were forced to watch the execution of thirteen youths and even sing patriotic hymns. Under the songs of children, dancing artists appeared on the stage, and an executioner who committed murders. After thirteen heads had been cut off, the soldiers cut open the stomachs of the victims and ate their hearts. In those years, there were other bloody scenes taking place in front of children. The goal of the party was to have assassins devoid of human features, and a crowd that calmly looks at the death of people. The consequences of zombification do not disappear immediately - the approval of the actions of the leaders of communism and admiration for them has come down to our days.

In relation to sects, A.L. Dvorkin was the first to use the term "zombie" in his book "Sect Studies. Totalitarian Sects. The Experience of Systematic Research". Among the individual methods of zombification, Bublichenko describes such methods as removing a person from a familiar environment; complete interruption of old connections and acquaintances; discrediting personal values; change of the daily routine to an unusual one; the use of potent drugs that turn off consciousness; and special diet with no proteins. A person plunges into a state of indifference, there is a partial loss of memory, a loss of interest in the past and future. This is followed by active suggestion and hypnosis.

The French doctor, researcher of hypnosis A. Liebeault, the head of the Department of Physiology at the University of Nancy, Professor A. Bonn, professor at the Nancy Clinic of Internal Medicine Bernheim, the Austrian psychiatrist of mental and nervous diseases Kraft-Ebing, and many others wrote about the possibility of post-hypnotic suggestion, which will act very long time maybe even up to a year. Also, these authors reported that in very deep special states of consciousness it is possible to achieve a pathological splitting of the personality, after which hypnotized people live a double programmed life - not only for themselves, but also for the suggested image. The opponent of hypnosis, J. Charcot (1825-1893), considering the very nature of hypnosis to be pathological, found undoubted harm in it. Defending hypnosis, A.A. Tokarsky (1859-1901) in his work "On the Harmful Influence of Hypnotization" wrote that a medically correct procedure should not cause harm, thereby recognizing that hypnosis used without medical supervision can be dangerous to the health of the individual. Like a surgical operation performed without indications or in the wrong way, it carries only harm. However, now hypnotic suggestion techniques are available to everyone and can be used both covertly and openly in religious organizations for the purpose of suggestion. Hypnosis used in sects causes significant harm to the human psyche. Guided by considerations of profit, with the help of hypnosis, sects can deliberately have a destructive effect on a person in order to make a person more manageable and obedient.

In addition to verbal and non-verbal communication in the modern world, there are wide technical possibilities of suggestion with the help of video and audio - a series through all the media. In 1957, advertising businessman James Vickery, who was a social psychologist, had his famous experience in a New Jersey movie theater. During the film, the words "Coca-Cola" and "Eat the popcorn" were shown for 1/300 of a second. Even those people who were warned about it could not notice this inscription. As a result of the experiment, the sale of Coca-Cola increased by 17%, and the sale of popcorn by 50%. This method with a unique ability to influence the subconscious is prohibited in the field of commercial and political advertising. MM. Bublichenko points to the fact that with a certain selection of frequency and color, computer graphics can affect the human psyche. Distributed in in social networks the mantras of destructive sects are euphonious. People enjoy listening to them under the guise of harmless pleasant music. Sounds can affect the emotional background. Relaxation programs are also created and developed, which should evoke a pleasant feeling of relaxation and comfort. These programs, which are calm rhythmic music and colored moving patterns, are aimed at psycho-correction and are another proof of the possibility of unconscious suggestion of the necessary settings to a person, "... the color scheme and music can really" hypnotize ", introducing a person into a trance." There is a possibility of spreading programs whose action is similar to viruses - these programs can control the user's mind. The Society for Krishna Consciousness plans "spiritually or by electronic means ... to wipe the enemy off the face of the earth with weapons and devices", they call dissidents enemies.

And yet, "the main tool of suggestion is words. Any visual techniques are, in fact, only auxiliary, facilitating the achievement of the goal." Although the main purpose of speech in the first place is the transmission of information, "the influence of sounds and speech on the mental state of a person is undeniable." The influence is exerted not only by the meaning of the spoken words, but also by the intonation, expressiveness, tempo, loudness and even melodiousness of speech. Such a modern science as psycholinguistics considers not only the meaning and intonation of speech, but also a certain sound combination of words. Some words sound soft, for example - affection, tenderness, flag. Other words may sound harsh - grass, dawn, rose. The words "orders" usually sound harsh, they often contain the sound "p", for example - I wake up. Such words stimulate to action. Speech sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. Consonants are hard and soft. Therefore, "...when influenced by a word, not only its semantic content is important, but also the sound structure." The experiments conducted by T. I. Akhmedov and M. E. Zhidko show how people react to various vowel sounds and sound combinations, what associations arise. The highest consonant tone has the sound "and", the lowest "y". The presence in the sound "and" usually creates associations associated with something small. The presence in the sound "u" on the contrary causes a feeling of large, wide, large. Also T.I. Akhmedov describes color associative thinking. The sounds "a", "e", "and" - cause a feeling of white, light, yellow and red; sounds "s", "o", "y" - a feeling of gloomy, dark. Such methods of not semantic transmission of information are often used by many people unconsciously, but with some skills, planned special use the necessary intonations, rates of speech, sounds in order to influence a person purposefully. Meditative speeches or mantras used in different religious beliefs are often a good example of using the right combinations of words and sounds.

Also in meditation, dances using whirling and jumping can be used, which leads the dancers to an ecstatic state and sometimes to loss of consciousness.

Effective hypnotic communication relies on suggestion. Think about what various forms of suggestion present in your Everyday life. You get up in the morning and stumble over your son's sneakers left in the hallway. When he appears himself, you look from shoes to him. What do you suggest with this look? Your shoes are out of place. Take away. On your way to work, you pass a billboard. In the picture, a group of people are listening to the radio in delight. Suggestion: You will be happier if you listen to the same radio. The boss walks into your office, sits down and says, “We're looking for a project director and would like to make a decision by the end of the month. We really liked the way you organized and implemented the training program. You did a great job, you are respected by the employees. What do you think of the new project? This is a double suggestion - you are considered as a project director. How do you convince your boss that you are the best candidate? You stop at an ATM on your way home. There is a queue, and the person behind you is smoking a cigar. Smoke hits your face. You turn around, look at the cigar in his hand and then into his eyes. Suggestion: stop smoking. You are having dinner at a restaurant. After your meal, the waiter comes to your table and asks, "Show you the dessert menu?" Suggestion: He will be happy if you order dessert. You come home and your 15-year-old daughter rushes out of the room asking, “Would you like to hear me talk about seal nutrition?” Suggestion: You want to sit down and listen to her report right now.

You will notice that these types of suggestion vary in their degree of directiveness. Moreover, some of them are verbal (expressed in words), others are not. In hypnotic communication, you will use both direct and indirect suggestion.

hypnotic suggestion

Technically, suggestion is the suggestion of beliefs or actions that are taken in the absence of intermediate or critical thought . In other words, when you are hypnotized and in a relaxed state, your subconscious mind is more sensitive to suggestion than when you are in complete control of yourself. Suggestion acts directly on the subconscious, easily becomes a belief, changes behavior, stimulates effort or action.
Here are a few goals that can be achieved using suggestion:

Basic types of suggestions

The six main types of suggestions are described below: relaxing, deepening, direct, imaginative, indirect, and post-hypnotic.

Relaxing Suggestion

1. Relaxing Suggestion soothes, increases your susceptibility, focusing your attention on internal sensations, thereby fencing off the external environment. Thus, the basis for the further procedure is laid.

Start relaxing, feel how this state grows, how you sink deeper with each breath and become more receptive to positive suggestion.

Feel how your muscles, neck and shoulders relax, and your consciousness becomes liberated along with them. Your consciousness is freed up, helping to relax your whole body, and you are less and less less attention pay attention to the world around you.

Deepening Suggestion

2. Deepening Suggestion puts you into a deeper hypnotic trance. It involves concentration on a specific action, which greatly enhances the trance state. Deepening suggestion can be compared to an elevator that goes down - you just need to press the appropriate button and it goes down to the next floor. Three ways to deepen suggestion are illustrated below:

Now I will start the countdown from ten to one, and you can imagine that you are going down the stairs, with each step lower and lower, your body relaxes more and more, feel how you descend, step by step; relax... ten... relax... nine... eight... seven... six... five... four... three... two... one... deeper, deeper, relax.
Your eyelids are down, they are so heavy that you cannot lift them. They seem to be glued together and you can't open them. Your eyelids are drooping, they are so tightly closed that they cannot be opened. Now you will slowly count to three, thinking about your glued eyelids, and with each uttered number, your eyelids will stick together more tightly. Try to open them... One... they won't open... two... they are tightly adjacent. .. glued, fully glued... three... your eyelids won't open.

You are sitting in the chair so relaxed that your body merges with the chair, you cannot get up from the chair, you cannot walk, you are immobile in the chair like a statue. You are a statue sitting on a chair. You are so relaxed that you cannot move. So relaxed that when you try to move you can't. When you try to move, you fail, your body is too relaxed.

direct suggestion

3. Direct suggestion is used to guide you and teach you to respond in a certain way. Direct suggestion is usually simple and specific. It is often used as an introduction and does not require a rich imagination, unlike indirect suggestion, of which images are an integral part.

With this suggestion, you respond to words, not images. The suggestion may consist of a single word or several sentences that initiate an immediate response. The following are examples of the most typical direct suggestions:

Now you will return to the past, to the moment from which your problems began.
You want to sleep, let this slumber take over you, release the images from the past.
When I count to three, you will be able to speak, and then describe the day your grandmother was in trouble.

figurative suggestion

4. Figurative suggestion complements other types of suggestion. It creates mental images, setting the stage for relaxation or encouraging a new self-image, serving as a "rehearsal" for a different behavior, or creating an imaginary environment that should help reprogram the patient's behavior. For example, the image of a staircase helps with the countdown during a deepening suggestion. Images from the past help to revive an important event, the memory of which is caused by direct suggestion. Using indirect suggestion, you can use any image or metaphor: for example, the image of a stormy river is completely identified with the circulatory system, and the image of a singing bird with hope.

Post-hypnotic suggestion is enriched by the use of imagery and helps you successfully settle into your new role.
You feel strong, as in your youth, when the ball you hit flew across the entire field. You feel the bat in your palms, the joyful excitement of being ready to serve. You hit the ball hard and see the ball fly over the field fence as you lightly rush from base to base. You are just as energetic now, just as happy, just as confident.

You are going to that special place in the Arizona desert, where at this time of the year there are amazing sunrises that creep over the horizon, where the air is dry and clean, and all around is silence. Everything froze. So quiet that you can hear your own thoughts.

You are on the beach, where your stress literally melts and flows off your body, carried away by the waves; it just melts and disappears, and you stand and no longer feel its weight. You are embraced by lightness and happiness, peace and tranquility.

indirect suggestion

5. Indirect suggestion there are two types. Suggestion of the first type operates with a positive emotional state, such as happiness. The hypnotized person is asked about his past, revealing an event that had a positive connotation. During the induction, the person is encouraged to re-experience it and the positive emotions associated with it. A simple cue is then associated with such an event, which can be used later to evoke a similar emotional state post-hypnotically. For example, the patient recalled an episode from childhood when he and his father were sailing on a boat. Together with the memory, he is overwhelmed by a feeling of carelessness, peace and joy. A person re-experiences everything that happened under hypnosis. He feels that carefree, effortless happiness again. The keyword associated with this state is entered. In this case, it is the word " sail". Now, in order to experience the desired emotional state, a person only needs to mentally pronounce the word " sail».

The second type of indirect suggestion often associated with the work of Milton Erickson. And although he was not the first to use this technique, without a doubt, his ideas had the greatest impact in this area. He often used lengthy dialogues to hypnotize the client, telling stories and using analogies that elicited a response from the client that was built into their next course of action. The result was a significant change in the patient's being: for example, the disappearance of chronic pain or the modification of problematic behavior. In particular, when Erickson was working with a couple who were not having a sexual relationship, he approached the problem metaphorically and narrated about an elegantly arranged dinner, at which food is not consumed immediately, but leisurely enjoy the process.

Indirect suggestion is very individual. Every analogy, every metaphor must correspond as closely as possible to the patient's life experience and disposition. For example, if an elderly person who has worked as a carpenter all his life comes to a hypnotherapist to get rid of pain in his arm, then induction should be built in such a way that the metaphor is meaningful for this particular person. For example, induction may develop the image of an "iron" tree to emphasize distinctive features strength and integrity that are associated with tree species, with hard, heavy wood. Guidance might sound like this:

You are driving a car through the desert. The road is long and the winds blow over its surface. Suddenly, around the corner, you see an "iron" tree on a hill. One of the branches is swaying in the wind ...

Then the metaphor should be worked deeper to achieve a specific goal. In this case, it is the deliverance of a person from pain in the hand.

Post-hypnotic suggestion

6. Post-hypnotic suggestion administered during and after completion of induction during the post-hypnotic phase. This type of suggestion serves to get rid of bad habits such as smoking, and for behavior modification, such as improving interpersonal communication at work or boosting self-confidence. You hear a post-hypnotic suggestion, take it on a subconscious level, then come into full consciousness, and later respond to the suggestion received on a subconscious level.

Here are examples of a common post-hypnotic suggestion:

The next time you sit down at the table, you will realize that a smaller portion of food will be enough for you. You are full and satisfied with a smaller portion.

At the beginning of a new working day, you will feel an unprecedented increase in motivation. It will become easier for you to make phone calls and sell because you will be confident and calm. You will believe wholeheartedly in the product you are selling.

After completing this induction, you will completely lose the craving for smoking.

Tomorrow you will enter the exam room, sit down, take a deep breath and answer all the questions calmly and confidently, remembering all the necessary information easily and quickly.

2.4 Method of suggestion

2.4.1 General characteristics of the concept of suggestion

Suggestion (suggestion) is a form of direct mental influence associated with a weakening of conscious control; acts as a spontaneous component of everyday communication or as a specially organized form of communication, designed for non-critical perception of information. Suggestion is one of the mechanisms of influence on the mass and individual consciousness, widely used in mass communication, advertising, fashion distribution and political manipulation; autosuggestion (self-suggestion) is a means of mental self-regulation.

Suggestion is an impact on the behavior and psyche of a person, involving an uncritical perception of the features of information. Suggestion is carried out through verbal and non-verbal means. Communicating, people constantly influence each other, suggesting or imposing their opinions, assessments, moods on each other. The power of suggestion increases during natural disasters (earthquakes, floods), as well as under the influence of targeted advertising, the significance of the information transmitted, the authority of the speaker.

A feature of suggestion is its addressing not to the logic and reason of the individual, not to her readiness to think and reason, but to the readiness to internally accept the transmitted information, the indicated information. Suggestion, Bekhterev noted, operates by direct instillation of mental states, that is, ideas, feelings and sensations, without requiring any evidence at all and without needing logic.

According to V. M. Bekhterev, suggestion is nothing more than an invasion of consciousness (or inoculation of ideas into it), which occurs without the participation and attention of the perceiving person and often without a clear consciousness on his part (religion, hypnosis).

For some time in domestic psychology, pedagogy, suggestion was ignored as a method of education. It was believed that suggestion suppresses the will, reduces the criticality of thinking to blind faith, and only by persuasion can one educate conscious ideological fighters. At the same time, in psychotherapy, the use of suggestion in the waking state and in hypnosis has a long history, and has shown significant effectiveness.

According to the concept of A.M. determining its validity. Of the significant amount of information that collapses, the more complex is subjected to logical processing and evaluation. Most of it is subjected to automatic unconscious assessment in terms of reliability and significance. Due to this, the body, without loading consciousness, is protected from inadequate response to signals that either have nothing to do with it, or carry insignificant or false information.

The influence of suggestion consists in organizing and bringing information to the object in such a way that it does not raise doubts about its value, significance and is assimilated without analysis.

In the process of communication, suggestion always takes place, when the effect of the first impression is observed, stereotypes, prejudices are actualized; there are affects and an unstable mental state of the participants in communication; there is an external similarity of the situation, appearance and behavior of people with past communication experience and state.

When suggesting a person who is being suggested, certain barriers may arise. The Bulgarian psychotherapist G. Lozanov claims that with age, a person develops three barriers: critical-logical, intuitive-effective and ethical. Everything that does not contain the impression of well-intentioned logical consistency, trust and a sense of confidence, everything that is contrary to the ethical principles of the individual, as a rule, is discarded.

In this regard, G. Lozanov suggests such overcoming of these barriers:

2. infantilization (creation of an atmosphere of emancipation, adjusting, playfulness, similar to the one that reigns in children's games),

3. two-dimensionality (connection of additional stimuli: facial expressions, pantomimics, scenery),

4. intonation,

6.pseudopassivity (establishment of a calm attitude, trust in the source of information, removal of fear of a possible failure).

2.4.2 Types of suggestion

Suggestion is divided into direct and indirect. Immediate - direct impact on people.

Direct suggestion - is achieved by direct verbal influence in an emotionally rich, imperative tone. The verbal formula in this case has the form of direct speech addressed to the object of influence. It expresses the required behavior or a state that should occur immediately after the spoken words. Phrases should be sharp (but not offensive) and easy to remember. The most important phrases should be repeated several times. The speech of the inspirer may be accompanied by means that enhance the effect of the influence (gestures, facial expressions, intonation and rhythm). The volume of speech varies depending on individual states and the importance of a particular phrase in the formula.

Indirect suggestion is carried out outside of personal contacts, through the system of media, cinema, radio, television, press, visual aids. In this case, the effect of suggestion depends on the credibility of the source and the vitality of the information, which can inspire confidence and reduce resistance to suggested influence. Suggestion of this type is quite effectively used in practice. Unlike direct suggestion, with indirect suggestion, they always resort to the help of an additional stimulus. There may be no verbal formula at all. At the same time, the strength of the influence of the boss lies not in words, but in his appearance, in authority, in the atmosphere of the office and objects on his desk, in how he behaves in various situations. In view of this, the leader should take care of his appearance and create an environment in his office that emphasizes the significance of what he does and what he achieves from subordinates. The character and authority of the leader - he does not throw words into the wind, not a single violation goes unpunished - shows a good example to subordinates in his behavior: he is diligent, accurate, does not intersect with subordinates and higher authorities.

It should be noted that there is a classification of suggestion into the following two types of influence on the psyche of the controlled. The first type of suggestion is based on relations of authority and trust, purposeful or unintentional emotionally colored influence of the leader by the power of confidence, knowledge of the characteristics of the personnel, taking into account his readiness to uncritically, without change, perceive the information offered, follow the example in behavior, views, mood of a voluntarily recognized authoritative leader - leader. With such suggestion, the will of the subordinates is not suppressed, the conscious attitude is also limited, but the mental activity, its criticality, the completeness of the reflection of all relationships, connections, situations of interaction are limited.

The second type of suggestion is associated with coercion, dependence. It is based on the forced recognition of the leader's superiority in power, not on trust, but on the fear of punishment or the threat of deprivation of any value, the fear of becoming a victim of aggression by the boss, a group of people, being isolated, rejected. In this case, the will is paralyzed, there is a desire for blind obedience, repetition, following the instructions, copying and implementing them punctually. Consciousness is inhibited, emotions are limited by a sense of fear. Suppressed personal inclinations, initiative, activity.

The first type of suggestion has an inspiring effect, the second has a suppressive effect. An inspiring suggestion can be a prerequisite for a persuasive impact, as it inspires self-confidence, mobilizes mental activity in a given direction, focusing on conscious submission.

Suppressive suggestion contributes to the formation of skills, habits, which may later become motives for the corresponding behavior, conscious or unconscious. When the suggestion of values, attitudes, forms of behavior are recognized and accepted by a person, they take the form of conviction, i.e., they are protected, justified and implemented according to internal motives, the needs of people who were the object of inspiring influence. In this case, conviction itself is limited and conditioned by the nature, content, direction of suggestion, the degree of independence of thinking, orientation and choice of the type of behavior, attitude, attitude.

2.4.3 Suggestion techniques

The most successful classification of methods of suggestion seems to us to be the classification of Poteryahin A.L. which we present below. The techniques listed below are an illustration of the implementation of some of the above principles. Therefore, a kind of workshop for the leader in the use of suggestion is the mastery of suggestion techniques, which can be divided into three groups:

1. Techniques of direct suggestion - advice, suggestion, inspiring instruction, command, order.

2. Methods of indirect suggestion - a hint, approval, condemnation, "deceived expectation", etc.

3. Techniques of hidden suggestion - truism, the illusion of choice, the provision of all options, linking the real and the desired.

Methods of direct suggestion.

Advice and suggestion - these techniques are most effective if the object has gained confidence in the inspirer. Techniques of direct suggestion require different staging of the voice, intonation of sentences, gestures. So, when using advice for suggestion, the tone should be soft, friendly. At the same time, research by psychologists shows that many people do not know their intonation features. As a result of this, advice is very often given in a mentoring tone, which naturally provokes an inner protest in the suggested person. To get rid of this shortcoming, it is necessary to purposefully train speech intonation using video recording, voice recording.

Inspiring instruction is characterized by the fact that the manager's appeal, expressed in an imperative form, without argumentation, determines the performance behavior of the subordinate. The verbal forms of suggestive instruction are a command, an instruction, an order, a prohibition. Inspiring instruction is supported by more emotional intonation and reassuring gestures. The construction of the phrase and intonation should not allow critical perception. The text is pronounced with a feeling of unshakable confidence that the subordinate will carry out the order. Unlike commands and orders, which are designed to trigger an already existing skill, inspiring instruction creates a holistic set of activities. Most often, inspiring instruction is used as individual remedy, in order to develop self-confidence in subordinates, adjust the level of claims, weaken negative habits, change the way of behavior. The conditions for the effectiveness of inspiring instruction in managerial communication are, first of all, the authority of the leader, as well as the absence of conflict in his relations with his subordinates, a favorable microclimate in the company's team, the style and form of verbal expression of this suggestive technique.

Commands and orders, as a kind of direct inspiring influence, require precise and fast execution. They are designed for the automaticity of behavior and represent a special kind of verbal influence, expressed in a short form, precisely defined by existing regulations or traditions. Commands are given in a firm, calm voice and commanding tone. It is important that the instructions penetrate the subconscious of employees, as deeply and unambiguously as possible. Then a deep complex perception is formed.

Repetition should probably be included in the group of methods of direct suggestion. Most researchers agree that a stimulus repeatedly sent to the recipient gives an effect that cannot be achieved with a single use. To achieve suggestion, it is often not enough to give the suggestible once. To achieve a result, it must be repeated. But repeating the impact, one should strive to ensure that the suggestible enters the minds of listeners or readers each time in a new way, with the help of different factors, so that the way the content is presented changes. The power of suggestion in such cases increases, firstly, due to the repetition of the influence of the suggested thought.

Secondly, changing the mode of influence of the suggested idea guarantees against passive and hidden opposition from listeners. Repetition has no effect if the listener is not interested in the information. It also fails if the message is too easy to digest or provokes strong resistance. Repetition should not be mechanical. Stereotypical reproduction of information turns out to be of little use for suggestive influence.

Repetition, as a method of suggestion, must be carried out taking into account the fact that the repeated perception of ideas, images invariably causes an associative effect of the psyche. With the repetition of information messages, primary associations are supplemented with new ones based on spatial, temporal, quantitative, causal relationships, sequence relationships, etc. that arise in the minds of individuals of a particular audience. Ultimately, the formed associative series and chains fix the information received in the psyche. The more such associations, the more likely it is that the messages will be accepted by the consciousness of the recipients.

Methods of indirect suggestion.

Indirect suggestion is given not in an imperative, but rather in a descriptive form: in the form of a story, a description of a case, a commentary, a hint, etc. The purpose of the influence is not expressed here directly, but indirectly. The strength of the inspiring influence here is determined by the level of technique of the leader's speech, his ability to control his voice, facial expressions, gestures, and intonation to convey feelings. For the situation of managerial communication, indirect suggestion is more acceptable, since it does not damage the personal dignity of the subordinate, does not provoke the launch of psychological defense mechanisms for the individual, which can be observed when using some methods of direct suggestion, for example, an order or command. Indirect suggestion is used in conditions that require the most subtle approach to a partner, in situations that exclude, on the one hand, the possibility of persuasion, and on the other hand, direct suggestion.

The main methods of indirect suggestion are a hint that inspires indirect approval, indirect condemnation, and others.

On the use of the mechanism of indirect suggestion, such an educational technique as a hint is built. It consists in the fact that the leader, wanting to slow down the development of an undesirable quality, does not directly indicate the required behavior, does not criticize, but goes to the goal in a roundabout way. When hinted, the leader's words or expressions are constructed in such a way that an incompletely expressed thought can only be understood by conjecture.

A hint is a way, of course, sparing pride. They use it in situations of minor violations that are not subject to open discussion and punishment. It is advisable to apply it in relation to subordinates who show selfishness, vanity, snobbery, complacency, resentment, jealousy, deceit, self-interest, boasting and irritability, as well as often resorting to the help of others. The willingness to use this technique for subordinates who evoke sympathy among managers is low, but it increases with a negative attitude towards the object of influence. The technique is used to exert a corrective influence on people who easily take on the execution of instructions and do not complete them. Initiative is a useful trait, but when it is fruitless and only distracts people, you have to make a soft correction.

A hint can be in the form of a joke, irony, advice, analogy. The inner essence of the hint is in its focus not on consciousness, not on the logic of the object, but on emotions and internal attitudes.

At the same time, a joke, irony, analogy, being an effective tool of suggestion, can hurt the personal dignity of the object, which may be the reason for the appearance of counter-suggestive barriers. In this regard, the inspirer must sensitively capture the relationship of the object to the subject of communication. Great importance acquires emotional and background situation of communication. Here it is desirable to create a "concert mood", the formation of a strong interest in the problem under discussion.

Inspiring indirect approval is used to form in the subordinate a sense of self-confidence, a positive attitude towards the task being performed. Approval is pronounced with a bright emotional coloring, warmth is heard in the voice, a soft tone prevails. As a result of indirect approval, a sense of self-esteem is generated in the object, an attitude is formed aimed at activity in a similar way. Inspiring indirect condemnation in form should be laconic, concise. The intonation coloring of the leader's speech should cause an adequate emotional state of the partner. It directs the suggestible to correct his own behavior.

"Placebo" - the technique of suggestion was first used in medical practice. It lies in the fact that the doctor, prescribing a neutral remedy to the patient, claims that it has a great therapeutic effect. Taking such a medicine, the patient feels relief and even recovers.

In managerial communication, there may be situations in which the use of the "placebo" technique is possible, in particular, in pedagogical purposes. However, it must be used with extreme caution, since the disclosure of the fact of its use is perceived by the suggestible as deception.

"A detour maneuver" is the essence of this technique, writes I.D. Ladanov, - lies in the fact that any thought or idea is presented to the object as its own.

A deceived expectation can be used in managerial communication as in friendly attitude object to the suggestor, and with a clearly hostile one. A prerequisite for successful application, according to I.D. Ladanov, - this technique is to create a tense situation of waiting from the opponent certain actions. Preceding events should form a strictly directed train of thought in the object. When the inconsistency of this orientation is discovered, the object of suggestion is at a loss and accepts the suggested idea without resistance.

Socrates' technique consists in not letting the interlocutor say "no" during communication, but forcing him to say "yes" all the time, i.e. to agree with the opinion of the suggestor.

The "free" commentary was based on the rationality theory of suggestion. The task of such a comment is to create a certain context for information about facts. Suggestion here is carried out, in particular, through the substitution of the object of judgment.

Illustrating the fact, it is believed that imitation of a visible image is easier, and ideas and faith, as an object of imitation, are assimilated on the basis of various associations with these visible images.

Yu.A. Sherkovin cites suggestion techniques developed by American psychologists, the Lee spouses:

"Sticking labels" to the name of the main idea or phenomenon, an epithet or metaphor is "glued", most often offensive, causing a negative attitude. Thus, emotional coloring of words or phrases that were previously neutral is deliberately created. This technique is most often used to discredit a phenomenon or object in the eyes of the recipient. At the same time, this technique can also be used to exalt a phenomenon, create the authority of a person, etc. That is, labels can also carry a positive connotation.

"Shining generalization" is the designation of a specific thing, idea or person with a generalized generic name that has a positive emotional connotation. The purpose of this technique is to encourage the communication partner to accept and approve the presented concept. The technique of "radiant generalization" hides the negative aspects of a particular thing, idea or person and, thus, does not cause unwanted associations in the recipient. An example of a shining generalization from modern life: "democratic transformations" (transformations take place, but not necessarily all of them are democratic).

The technique of "transfer" or "transfer": its essence is to encourage the partner to associate the presented concept with some other one that has undeniable prestigious value in order to make the concept acceptable. A negative transference is also possible through an inducement to associate with a clearly negative concepts. This option, notes Yu.A. Sherkovin, - is widely used to discredit ideas, personalities, situations that cannot be discredited by logical proof.

"Evidence" consists in bringing the statement of a person who is respected or, conversely, hated by the partner. Such a statement contains an assessment of the presented phenomenon. This assessment should prompt the recipient to a certain, positive or negative attitude towards the phenomenon under discussion. Here statements of politicians can be used, famous artists and so on. .

"The game of common people": when using this technique, the message is deliberately presented in a simplified way, using everyday vocabulary (sometimes even obscene), jargon familiar to this environment. The purpose of this technique is to encourage the listener to associate the personality of the communicator and the concepts presented by him with positive values ​​because of the "nationality" of these concepts or the belonging of their source to " ordinary people". At the same time, "common people" can be demonstrated by appearance, behavior, lifestyle.

The technique of "shuffling" consists in the selection and biased presentation of only positive or only negative facts of reality to the audience in order to inspire the partner with the justice of any idea. This is where the inspiration of facts takes place that leads the partner to the necessary conclusions. Outwardly, the appearance of conviction is preserved.

"Ban with the band": this technique consists in encouraging the partner to accept the value presented in the message, since everything in this social group share it. Appeal to "everyone", notes Yu.A. Sherkovin, - takes into account that people, as a rule, believe in the winning power of the majority, and therefore want to be with those who make it up. This technique is widely used in advertising goods and services. In managerial communication, the use of this technique is to appeal to the opinion of the team.

Techniques of hidden suggestion.

Hidden suggestion techniques are currently widely used in medical practice, advertising, and are partially used in pedagogical activity. After appropriate adaptation, they can be successfully applied in certain forms of managerial communication.

A truism is an obvious truth, a banality. However, the statement of such an obvious truth in the course of a conversation with a subordinate has an inspiring effect, because people tend to perceive events taking place in the world around them “at their own expense”, as if everything is aimed at them. The value of this technique lies also in the fact that , perceiving the banality as addressed to himself, the subordinate does not have the opportunity to object. However, in a specific situation, it automatically provides an opportunity for a specific leader to give a very specific task to a given executor.

A very effective method of suggestion is to give the illusion of choice. The essence of this technique is the statement of something by providing the illusion of choice. It is advisable to use the illusion of choice to prevent conflicts, optimize the psychological climate in communication between the leader and the subordinate.

More complex is the method of providing all options, when the leader lists or provides all possible options for action to the subordinate, but with facial expressions, expressive characteristics of the voice, highlights the most desirable course of events. This method, as well as the previous one, firstly states or assumes that the subordinate is taking some action. And secondly, at the subconscious level, the most expedient variant of these actions is suggested.

It is not difficult to use such a method of suggestion as linking the actual and the desired. The name itself contains a scheme for its use.

It is clear that these hidden methods Suggestions, like everyone else, do not work automatically, but they significantly expand the manager's communicative arsenal and, therefore, increase the effectiveness of managerial communication.

Other sources offer the following classification of suggestion techniques.

Something that is difficult to access or rarely found, in other words, an imaginary ban, has great attractiveness and value. Wanting to draw the attention of employees to something ordinary, the manager can deliberately dramatize the situation, emphasize the difficulty and riskiness of achieving the goal, limited opportunities to satisfy requests, etc.

Retreat is a method of suggestion that provides, during a conflict, the opportunity for the accusing side to express dissatisfaction, publicly express their complaints, it is useful to give some relief, especially if the work regime was really stressful, as well as admitting the guilt of the leader and punishing those responsible. In a situation of a neglected conflict, in the presence of a negative leader who is interested in destabilizing the situation in the team, it is necessary to resort to more subtle measures. It is necessary to neutralize the negative leader and undermine the unity of the negative group. This can be done by opposing him with another leader and another group that correctly reflects the line of leadership. The same employees should debunk the actions of the leader.

Waiting is a technique that is also used in situations of conflict, disobedience, confrontation of forces, when there is no necessary information about the state of the opposite side and it is desirable to obtain additional information about the subordinate. Expectation, lack of visible actions on the part of the leader create a situation of uncertainty. The subordinate, being in tension associated with any violation, conflict with the leadership, waits for a denouement with an unfavorable outcome for himself and in this situation performs some action. The latter provides management with information about the real state of the subordinate, about his motives and goals. If the waiting becomes too long, then the boss himself can become the initiator of action, make aggravation or make some minor concessions, in order to thereby cause the action of the opposite side.

In another case, waiting may be appropriate for another reason. Seeing, for example, that the employee who committed the act has prepared a version of the justification that is acceptable to him, the boss is in no hurry with conversation and proceedings, but gives him the opportunity to be disappointed in his version and make sure that his defense system is useless.

Demonstration of resource amplification - a technique in which the leader informs the subordinate that he has the opportunity to increase his own resources to such an extent that they will far exceed the resources of the subordinate. This may be the presentation of facts of growing power or simply violent activity. Such tactics can cause a number of actions of the subordinate: from additional mobilization of their resources to the recognition of their defeat and the consent to make concessions, to submit. This technique is used in situations of conflict, disobedience and low performance.

Disguise of responsibility - a technique applicable for educational purposes is to shift responsibility for the results of work to a subordinate. This stimulates activity, cultivates independence, relieves excessive anxiety. The boss, as it were, leaves the leadership under some noble pretext: he refers to employment, incompetence, fatigue, excitement, or a painful condition. The subordinate has no choice but to take responsibility for himself. It should, however, be distinguished from this technique by the leader's attempt to blame the subordinate for poor results labor. The employee, as a rule, is able to distinguish where, whose responsibility, and the threat of the boss will only cause a defensive reaction.

Labor efficiency, i.e. safety. A person in modern working conditions uses machines. Psychological problems of human-machine interaction is the subject of engineering psychology. Engineering psychology is a scientific discipline that studies the objective laws of the processes of information interaction between a person and technology in order to use them in the practice of designing, creating and ...

Their labor. However, at all levels of management, they to a certain extent use and perform all four management functions: planning, organization, motivation and control. 1.2. Organization management methods. The implementation of the functions and principles of management is carried out by applying various methods. Management methods are a set of techniques and methods of influencing ...


Suggestion is a direct influence on a person, because of which he commits acts, feels something that does not apply to his principles and moral standards. There are 2 types of suggestions: verbal and non-verbal.

verbal suggestion

Verbal suggestion is divided into explicit, indirect and direct. The latter variety is distinguished by the clarity of manipulator operations, when it is clear what the goal is behind it. A similar variety is popular in medicine when it is required to turn off pain. Direct suggestion can be covert if it is not told what will happen, but given a hint that the result depends on the person.

Post-hypnotic suggestion is useful for self-hypnosis if you want to erase memories so that the person forgets the negative points. The subconscious is being programmed, with it the patient performs actions.

Indirect suggestion is a possibility of choice, when a person himself determines what he needs to inspire. This variety is used to guide the patient on a path that he himself is not capable of becoming. Indirect suggestion has the following subspecies:

consistent. There is a sounding of different formulations with which the person agrees. As a result, a statement is made, it must be accepted;
implication. The psychologist talks about the result of events, and the patient tunes in ahead of time for the event;
double link. A person is offered a choice of 2 options that are identical. There is a description of a serious situation where the main element is eliminated. This allows the patient to focus on it.

Explicit suggestion includes several subspecies. Each of them has something in common: a person is given a choice of actions. During the reception, the use of vague boundaries is allowed, which a person is able to fill at will.

Non-verbal suggestion

Non-verbal suggestion is based. It is based on the subconscious, the influence occurs in the course of communication. The types of non-verbal communication are:

catalepsy. The person is required to assume the position of the body that she is told about. Catalepsy is for the whole body or some parts. It is not recommended to use this method all the time;
pauses. The pause helps to highlight key thoughts;
levitation. There is no direct influence here, everything happens in the imagination. The moment for this is chosen by the patient. With the use of this method, it is easier to enter a trance. A popular way of self-hypnosis.

suggestion and persuasion

Persuasion and suggestion are methods of influencing human actions.

Persuasion is a type of directional that is produced through argumentation. Persuasion uses human consciousness, therefore it is worth putting forward arguments to explain the essence of phenomena. In the process, the cause and significance of the issue is clarified.

Persuasion techniques include storytelling, argumentation, and demonstration. So persuasion is available not only with the use of words, but also with examples of behavior. There is a suggestion that is based on opposition, which makes a person want to try out the inaccessible. Belief affects the behavior of the individual, but not directly, because. acts as an internal motivation, as well as coercion to activity through an appeal to the mind of the individual. The quality of persuasion is affected by the following elements:

prejudice. In this situation, the main work is carried out with the formulation of the problem and its resolution, which the person already has. The manipulator needs to change the settings of the person being convinced;
faith in the source. It is important that the object trusts you, authority;
message. It must be persuasive. Not only arguments are used, but also images that should focus on the necessary emphasis;

emotions. Even though persuasion calls to reason, emotions cannot be bypassed. installations, exciting a person, are capable of exerting a more effective influence on him than facts.

The difference between persuasion and suggestion is that suggestion appeals to the subconscious, it bypasses the conscious. And persuasion affects the mind, while it is important to comprehend the data critically, correlate them with existing experience, and build chains.

Methods of suggestion

Experts distinguish several ways of suggestion:

during a person's wakefulness, when his consciousness is active;
during relaxation, when the psyche and muscles are not tense;
hypnosis. In this case, the person enters an altered state.

There is another classification of suggestion methods:

words. In this case, the influence is produced by speech, i.e. verbally;
mental. Here the influence goes without direct contact, on distance;
metaphysical. It is a combination of talking about the reality of "I" and unity with the universe with mental suggestion. A similar method is used to heal the body and soul;
spiritual influence. Used for personal wellness. A person is under the influence of the flow of healing power from the Universe. In the course of healing, the superconscious is used.

In addition, there are 3 forms of suggestion:

persistent conviction;
influence on the will and emotions.

hypnotic suggestion

Hypnotic suggestion is a type of influence that requires the use of an altered state, i.e. hypnosis. During the session, the client, with the assistance of a psychologist, is placed in a hypnotic sleep. In such a state, a person reacts vividly to the words of the hypnotist. But there is no critical awareness of the situation, and the commands penetrate directly into the subconscious without analysis by the mind. They subsequently affect the state of health and the psyche of the individual.

Methods of this type of persuasion are divided into:

mechanical. The personality is influenced by the use of monotonous means;
mental - verbal influence;
magnetic. Based on the use of healing magnetism.

mental suggestion

Mental suggestion is applied if the object is not in the availability zone. Such an action is in absentia. It is done like this: you need to imagine that the object of suggestion is nearby. You can imagine a person at a distance, but be aware that he is nearby. Now you need to imagine that the thoughts come from the hypnotist and enter the brain of the suggested person. In addition, the variant is allowed if the hypnotist presents a conversation with the suggestible.

One of the key conditions of this technique is the required state of the individual. When broadcasting thoughts at a distance, a lot of energy is not required. It is important to imagine that there is a transition of thoughts from the hypnotist to the object of suggestion.

suggestion technique

The key suggestion technique contains the following steps:

establishing contact with the object and building trust on a subconscious level. This requires a system of non-verbal and verbal adjustment. Non-verbal is manifested in implicit imitation, and verbal is produced by agreeing with the opinion of the object;

introduction to a light trance to reduce the activity of consciousness. This is done by fixing attention on an object from the outside, by manipulating objects. Next, you need to draw the attention of the object to a certain part of his body, to focus on the sensations. Now it is important to keep the focus of the object on a certain emotion;
decreased activity of consciousness;

an unconscious search for parallels at the subconscious level is launched. This is done by using questions, metaphors;
direct suggestion. At this stage, the introduction of commands into the subconscious is used.

Neurophysiology explains the mechanism of suggestion as follows: through the use of speech, the hypnotist affects the cerebral cortex, which acts as an irritant. Orders become that arise due to stimulation of the subcortical zones in the brain. Negative induction, which occurs due to low resistance of consciousness, is transmitted to the entire brain. For this reason, the team is limited from, and the person is suggestible.

March 29, 2014

The suggestion of thoughts is an influence during which a person changes his own attitudes, beliefs, intellectual attitude regarding any event, action or object. Also, the suggestion of thoughts includes the acquisition by a person of new attitudes, for example, the emergence of desires and aspirations that he did not have before.

In order for the suggestion of thoughts to always have a positive result, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • The object of suggestion must be in a state in which critical comprehension and logical processing of information are disabled. This can happen in a light trance, under the influence of hypnosis and alcohol.
  • The person exercising the influence must sincerely believe in what he inspires his ward. If this does not happen, the result of the suggestion will be doubtful.
  • You can not feel dissatisfied with yourself and your actions during a suggestion session. Otherwise, the result will not be achieved.
  • It is necessary to fulfill all those promises that were given to the suggestible, otherwise the result of the suggestion will be leveled.
  • You need to constantly train and improve your skills, as this affects the quality of the result.

suggestion and persuasion

Suggestion and persuasion are ways of influencing the human psyche.

Persuasion is one of the types of directed psychological influence, which is carried out through arguments. Persuasion operates with human consciousness. Therefore, it is important to use argumentation to explain the essence of the phenomenon, causal relationships and relationships in the course of it, the essence of the phenomenon is explained, the explanation of the significance of any issue.

The means of persuasion include showing, telling and justifying (argumentation). Therefore, you can convince not only with the help of words, but also by action, by a personal example of behavior. A suggestion effect is possible, which is based on opposition, which, for example, makes the object of persuasion want to try something that is considered inaccessible to it.

A belief influences a person's behavior, but not directly. Since it is an internal motivation or compulsion to act through an appeal to the human mind.

The following factors influence the strength and quality of persuasion:

  1. Prejudice. In this case, the main work is done with the formulation of the problem itself and the solution that the client already has. For the manipulator, it is necessary to change with his message those attitudes in which the object of persuasion believes.
  2. Trust in the source. It is very important to inspire confidence with your appearance and behavior, inspire sympathy and look authoritative.
  3. Message. The message itself must be compelling. For this, not only arguments are used, but also vivid images, designed to focus the attention of the audience on the emphasis of the problem that the manipulator needs.
  4. Emotions. Despite the fact that persuasion appeals to the mind of people, it is impossible to bypass emotions with this impact on a person. For example, messages that “take to the soul” of a client have a much greater impact on him than dry arguments and facts.

The difference between persuasion and suggestion lies in the fact that suggestion refers to the subconscious, bypassing the conscious aspect of information control. And persuasion affects the consciousness of a person, in which it is very important to critically comprehend the information received, correlate it with previous experience and build logical chains. Although persuasion has an emotional component, suggestion only operates on a person's emotions and other subconscious factors when the persuasion refers specifically to the person's mind.

Methods of suggestion

Experts distinguish the following methods of suggestion:

  1. Suggestion while the client is awake, when he is in an active state of consciousness.
  2. Suggestion during relaxation, when psychological and muscular relaxation occurs.
  3. Suggestion through hypnosis, when the client enters a highly altered psycho-physiological state.

There is another classification of methods of suggestion:

  1. Verbal suggestion, in which the impact is carried out with the help of speech, is verbal.
  2. Mental suggestion, which is made without direct contact with the client, through a long distance.
  3. Metaphysical suggestion, which is a connection of a conversation about the reality of the human "I" and the unity of the Universe with the mental process of suggestion. This method is used for the physical and mental healing of the client.
  4. Spiritual impact, which is used for the physical, mental and spiritual healing of a person. The healer is in the flow healing powers Universe that directs to the client. In the process of healing, the supraconscious mind is involved, which has good contact with the subconscious of a person and helps to heal from ailments, as well as bring the psyche into a state of harmony.

There are also three forms of suggestion:

  1. Strong persuasion.
  2. Pressure.
  3. Emotional and volitional influence.

indirect suggestions

Indirect suggestions are a type of influence on a person in which he has a choice: to accept or reject the suggested suggestion. This type of suggestion is necessary in order to direct the behavior, emotions or thoughts of the client in the direction that he is avoiding.

Indirect suggestions are divided into several subspecies:

  1. An acceptance sequence in which the suggestor lists statements that the client agrees with. And at the end he pronounces the installation that a person needs to accept.
  2. An implication in which the suggestor affirmatively says what might happen, and the client pre-sets himself for the predicted outcome.
  3. Double bind is a commonly used technique in which the client is offered a choice of two similar options.
  4. Suggestion by lack of mention, in which the suggestor lists a list of possible situations, missing a significant event. Subsequently, the attention of the client is attracted to it, and as a result, the person focuses his consciousness precisely on this factor.

hypnotic suggestion

Hypnotic suggestion is a type of influence on a person that requires the client to be immersed in an altered state called hypnosis. During the suggestion session, the client, with the help of a suggestor, falls into a hypnotic sleep. In this state, the object of influence actively reacts to what the hypnotist says. At the same time, there is no critical comprehension of information, and the commands go directly to the subconscious, bypassing conscious analysis and comprehension. And then they influence the behavior and health of a person, his psycho-emotional state.

Hypnotic suggestion methods are divided into:

  1. Mechanical, during which the client is influenced by objects and phenomena that have a monotonous character (light, sound, and so on).
  2. Psychic, when verbal influence is used.
  3. Magnetic, based on the use of therapeutic magnetism.

It is believed that the combination of psychic and magnetic approach gives the greatest effect.

Psychological suggestion

Due to the fact that there is everyday suggestion, it is necessary to specifically highlight the psychological suggestion. This is a form of suggestion, in which a special psychological influence of one person (suggestor) on another person (suggestor) is carried out. The above influence is carried out through verbal and non-verbal communication. At the same time, the quality of the suggestor's arguments is low, and the criticality of the suggestor's thinking is at a low level.

The suggestor is imbued with the arguments of the suggestor, as if they were his own, and often without requiring any evidence of the statements being made. In such cases, the suggestor is influenced not so much by the source, content and form of suggestion, but by the personality of the suggestor, which inspires unquestioning trust in the client.

Suggested attitudes, embedded in the suggestor by the suggestor, become an integral part of the client's personality. And in the future, a person who has been exposed to suggestion changes his behavior in accordance with the received settings.

mental suggestion

Mental suggestion is carried out in the case when the object of influence is absent in the range of the suggestor. Such an impact is considered to be in absentia. Mental suggestion is carried out as follows - you need to imagine that the recipient of the influence is next to the person carrying out the suggestion. You can imagine a client from a distance, but it is important to see him nearby. Then you need to turn on the idea that thoughts leave the suggestor and reach the brain and consciousness of the suggested. It is also allowed that the person making the suggestion imagines that he and his client are having a conversation.

One of the main conditions for this technique is the ability of the suggestor to imagine the desired state of the client. When transmitting thoughts over a distance, much energy is not consumed. You just need to imagine that there is a movement of thoughts from the suggestor to the suggested person.

Mental suggestion has several stages:

  1. Tracking and tuning to the object of suggestion.
  2. Focusing on the object and forming contact.
  3. Providing the necessary information.

Suggestion at a distance

Suggestion at a distance is an ability that not every person possesses. Most people are sure that their thoughts and desires are completely independent. However, there is such a phenomenon as suggestion at a distance, which can change the beliefs and behavior of people. This phenomenon is associated with telepathy and hypnosis. Classical hypnosis methods require direct contact with the client. However, hypnotic telepathy is possible without eye contact with the suggestor, or even without the need for the presence of the object of suggestion.

Suggestion at a distance occurs through the transmission of impulses emanating from the cerebral cortex of the person exercising the influence. The receiver of signals does not even suspect that he has involuntarily become a receiver of other people's thoughts. Therefore, the thoughts and feelings that arise in oneself, a person perceives as his own.

It has long been known that the human brain is like a kind of "radio receiver" that can both receive and emit different impulses. Under certain circumstances, the brain begins to perceive other people's thoughts at a distance, as well as transmit its own thoughts to people.

suggestion technique

The basic technique of suggestion includes the following steps:

  1. Establish contact (rapport) with the client and form subconscious trust. For this, the mechanism of verbal and non-verbal adjustment (implicit imitation) is used. Verbal adjustment occurs with the help of agreement with the statements of the object of influence. Non-verbal adjustment uses the pace of speech, intonation and timbre of the client's voice; posture and gestures; the rhythm of breathing and pauses in speech, and so on.
  2. Leading the client into a light trance in order to reduce the activity of consciousness. This happens with:
    • fixing the client's attention on some external object, manipulating objects;
    • drawing attention to any part of the suggested body and focusing on the sensations in it;
    • keeping the attention of the object of suggestion on any experience, emotion.
  3. The activity of consciousness also decreases in situations of mild shock, surprise, confusion, overload with excessive information.
  4. The launch of an unconscious search for analogies in the subconscious of the client is carried out with the help of metaphors, questions, stories told by the suggestor.
  5. Direct suggestion. At this stage, the suggestor uses the introduction of commands into the subconscious of the object of influence.

suggestion mechanism

In order for the suggestion to achieve a result, it is necessary to influence the subconscious of a person. For this, conscious processes responsible for the critical understanding of information and the logical analysis of the received data are turned off in various ways. And the emotional component of a person's personality, on the contrary, becomes actively involved in the process of suggestion.

The subconscious perceives as truth any command that is repeated many times, and in a convincing form. The suggestible attitude penetrates the subconscious and remains there forever, even if the object of influence has forgotten about the very act of suggestion. Within a certain period of time, there is a change in the state and behavior of the client, in accordance with the received commands.

Neurophysiologists explain the mechanism of suggestion as follows. With the help of speech, the suggestor affects the client's cerebral cortex, thereby irritating it. The orders of the suggestor cause certain emotions that arise due to the stimulation of the subcortical areas of the brain. Negative induction, which appears due to low resistance of consciousness, is transmitted throughout the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the command becomes limited from all other influences and the client submits to suggestion. A new excitation dominant appears in the cerebral cortex, which is quite stable and strongly influences the client's further behavior.

Suggestion and hypnosis

Hypnosis is a special altered state of a person's psychophysiology, which is called for the purpose of suggestion. With the help of this state, it is possible to achieve a change in the attitudes and beliefs of the client, to achieve an improvement in his psycho-emotional state and well-being. Since the subconscious of the object of suggestion is configured to carry out those commands that were received under hypnotic influence.

There are four phases of hypnosis:

  1. There is a slight drowsiness and muscle relaxation, while consciousness and memory remain clear.
  2. There is a waxy flexibility in the muscles, which allows the client to maintain a particular position for a long time. Consciousness becomes clouded.
  3. Actually hypnosis, when the impressions and emotions of the client are limited directly to the information that is given to the client by the hypnotist verbally. In this phase, the client can be put into a state of catalepsy, in which his body seems to become wooden.
  4. It is characterized by the client entering a somnambulistic state, in which the manifestation of such phenomena as telepathy and clairvoyance becomes possible.

Suggestion and hypnosis different types influence, since hypnosis takes place in a strong altered state of consciousness, and suggestion is carried out either in a light trance or in the full consciousness of the client. The relationship between suggestion and hypnosis is that any hypnotic effect is carried out in order to produce a session of suggestion to the client.

Types of suggestion

Types of suggestion are divided into verbal and non-verbal, intentional and unintentional influence.

  1. Verbal is a type of suggestion that is carried out with the help of words. There are three subspecies of verbal suggestion:
    • direct;
    • indirect;
    • open;
    • hidden.
  2. Non-verbal is a type of suggestion that is carried out wordlessly, with the help of gestures, looks and intonations. There are three forms of non-verbal suggestion that specialists use:
    • catalepsy;
    • pauses;
    • levitation.
  3. Intentional is a form of suggestion when the suggestor has a specific goal of influence; he clearly understands what and to whom he is going to impress and makes every effort to achieve his goal.
  4. Unintentional is a form of suggestion, when the suggestor does not have explicit goals to suggest anything to the object of influence and does not use any intentional efforts for this. This form of suggestion is effective if the object of influence is internally predisposed to the suggested information.
  • Positive - allows you to achieve positive changes in the state of the client, his qualities, emotions and behavior.
  • Negative - has a negative psychological impact on a person, after which he has negative states, properties, feelings and actions.

Strict suggestion

Strict suggestion is a censure of certain actions of a person expressed in a harsh form. Strict suggestion is made in a negative form and predicts the most deplorable measures to the object of influence if the suggester does not fulfill the conditions that were set for him.

Strict suggestion is usually made after a misconduct committed by a person. Usually such an impact is more influential, authoritative person, the highest in rank, rank or position. With strict suggestion, they can use elements of intimidation or threats, emotional pressure and blackmail, as well as a forecast of negative consequences for a person.

suggestive suggestion

Suggestion is a mental suggestion that is used to change the thinking processes of the object of influence. Also, during the process of suggestion, feelings and emotions, reactions and other aspects of the client's behavior change. The act of influence is usually not noticed by the person on whom the suggestive suggestion is carried out. The method of suggestive influence is usually used in psychotherapy in order to cure the mental and physical ailments of the patient.

Distinguish suggestion, which is carried out from the side (another's suggestive suggestion) and one's own suggestive suggestion (autosuggestion, self-suggestion).

verbal suggestion

Verbal (or verbal) suggestion is a type of influence on a person that is produced with the help of words.

Consider the subspecies of verbal suggestion:

  • Direct suggestion. With this type of suggestion, the intentions and goals of the suggestor are clear, which are clearly pronounced and implemented. They cannot be interpreted in any other way than the one that was offered to the object of influence. This type of suggestion is used, for example, during operations to anesthetize the process.
  • Indirect suggestion. In this case, the intentions of the suggestor are not clear to the object of suggestion, so it may not be influenced. Since the goals and intentions of the person carrying out the suggestion are incomprehensible to the client, the latter has a choice - to succumb to suggestion or not. Usually, indirect suggestion is used when they want to direct a person in a direction that he ignores.
  • Open suggestion, which differs in that it provides a person with a choice of various options for action. There are several forms of open suggestion:
    • Mobilizing, when the object of suggestion is offered a fairly wide framework, which the client fills with content to his liking.
    • Limited, when the client is offered a list of answers from which he can choose the one that suits him.
    • A therapeutic metaphor that uses the replacement of the name of one object, phenomenon or event with another. This method is used to connect different aspects of reality in suggestion.
  • Hidden suggestion is the arrangement of the suggestor's speech with the help of various kinds of hidden commands. Such forms of influence are inserted into the wider context of the text that the inspirer pronounces.

Non-verbal suggestion

Non-verbal suggestion is an impact carried out without the help of words through the use of non-verbal methods - intonation, gestures, glances, manipulation of objects, voice timbre and others. It is possible to use this type of suggestion not only with a conscious specific purpose, but also exclusively unconsciously.

Consider the types of non-verbal suggestion:

  1. Catalepsy, during which the client assumes a certain imposed position for the success of the suggestion being made. Allocate catalepsy of the whole body or its individual parts. It is not worth constantly resorting to this type of suggestion.
  2. Pauses that are inserted into right places. The gap (emptiness) in the spoken text is filled by the client with his own solutions, so the use of pauses can take the form of an open suggestion. In addition, with the help of pauses, you can highlight the main idea of ​​a phrase or the entire text.
  3. Levitation, during which no physical influence of the suggestor is required. Produced suggestion is carried out with the help of the client himself, namely, thanks to his imagination. In this case, the object of suggestion itself determines the moment of entering the trance state, which makes levitation suitable for self-suggestion sessions. Since after the suggestor has taught the client to enter the state of levitation, the object of suggestion can use it independently.

Hidden suggestion

Hidden suggestion is a form of non-verbal influence. There are several forms of covert suggestion:

  1. Suggestion through speech strategies. This is a method of hidden suggestion, when the instruction given to the client is dissolved in the structure of the sentence. Such verbal tricks are achieved through the techniques of assumption, choice restriction, abstract sentence, negation, causal opposition, truisms, and so on.
  2. Suggestion using hidden quotes. This method of suggestion involves the impact by expressing the thoughts of strangers or creating artificial situation, which can be used as an occasion for psychological influence. The story is carried out on behalf of another person, but the object of influence understands that the appeal is directed personally to him.
  3. Suggestion through marking. The essence of this technique lies in the non-verbal selection of that part of the statement, which is a command for the object of suggestion. This can be achieved, for example, by raising the voice on the desired phrase, changing the rate of speech, inserting small pauses before and after the command, changing the timbre of the voice. You can gesticulate with your hands or manipulate objects - a mobile phone, a lighter, a pen.
  4. Creation of a thoughtform. Suggestion occurs due to the introduction of thoughts to the client, which begin to guide his actions. Such statements, which are uttered in a convincing way, begin their independent life in the head of the object of suggestion and direct his reasoning in the right direction.

Suggestion in a dream

The result of this method of influence is similar to the effect of hypnotic suggestion. In a dream, the influence of speech is not conscious. The object of influence is not aware that he is listening to someone's speech; clients refer to the words they perceive as thoughts that appeared in their dreams.

Suggestion in a dream occurs by whispering special phrases to a sleeping person. The technique of suggestion to a sleeping person is simple and is divided into several stages:

  1. Adjustment to the sleeper. It is necessary to sit at the head of the object of influence. You need to touch the client's finger and hold it in such a way as not to wake him up. You can also gently place your palm on your forehead. Within 2-3 minutes, you need to say in a quiet voice, to the rhythm of the sleeping person's breathing: "The dream is getting deeper and deeper."
  2. Checking the conduct of the sleeper. Speech should be quiet and calm, while pronouncing words, you need to either slow down or speed up the pace of speech. If the sleeper's breathing rhythm also changes, then contact with the client is established.
  3. Suggestion. At this stage, phrases are spoken that need to be conveyed to the client.
  4. The suggestion of forgetting. You can tell the client that after waking up he will forget everything that happened during sleep. But, at the same time, the sleeper will remember that he was inspired.

The suggestion session is carried out at night in the first 15-45 minutes of sleep or in the morning 1-2 hours before waking up.

waking suggestion

Suggestion in reality occurs in several varieties:

  1. During active wakefulness of the client.
  2. At rest and light relaxation.

There are several rules that help to achieve success during suggestion:

  1. You must be absolutely confident in your abilities and in what is pronounced.
  2. It is required to speak loudly, clearly and distinctly pronounce the words.
  3. You need to look into the eyes of your ward.
  4. Before starting work with a client, you need to relax as much as possible and relieve yourself of psychological stress.
  5. At the beginning of the session, it is necessary to establish contact with the client.
  6. The best results are obtained when the object of influence is in a state of light trance.
  7. It is necessary to set the required expectation; say what should be the result and why.
  8. The suggestor must be at rest.

direct suggestion

Direct suggestion is a type of suggestion in which the intentions of the influence are open and cannot be interpreted in any other way. Direct suggestion is divided into the following subspecies:

  1. Explicit suggestion - the suggestor transparently and in detail explains to the client what goal is being pursued and what result is expected.
  2. Camouflaged suggestion - the suggestor does not declare the intentions of the influence, but at the same time makes it clear that the effect of influence also depends on the client himself.
  3. Post-hypnotic suggestion - is used to provoke a state of self-hypnosis in the client or in cases where the object of influence needs to be erased from memory of any events that traumatize his psyche. Thanks to post-hypnotic suggestion, you can program the client to perform some action after the end of the hypnotic session.

Suggestion of thoughts from a photograph

Suggestion of thoughts from a photograph is a type of mental suggestion that is carried out at a great distance from the client. With mental suggestion, you need to establish contact with the object of influence. To do this, the suggestor in his mind calls up the image of the client and keeps it for a long time.

To facilitate the transmission of thoughts over a distance, a photograph of the object of suggestion is used. Since it is not required to direct efforts to retain the image of the client in the mind, the mental impact on him is more successful.

The technique of suggesting thoughts from a photograph is simple. The suggestor needs to sit down, relax and put himself into a state of light trance. Then you need to focus your eyes on the photo of the client and begin to mentally say any command repeatedly. This must be done confidently, discarding any doubts. A constant concentration of consciousness is required on the desired installation, as well as on the image of the client.

Suggestion in business communication

Suggestion in business communication occurs under the influence of the authority of the person from whom the information received comes. This happens in emotionally charged business negotiations, as well as in stressful situations. At this time, the criticality of consciousness decreases and one can succumb to provocative suggestion.

The lack of time when it is impossible to take a break and critically rethink the information received is also a factor contributing to suggestion.

The suggestion is made in a categorical form, with elements of psychological pressure. Therefore, the suggested person does not weigh the information and does not lend it to logical analysis, but simply automatically reacts to it by performing certain actions.

A person who falls under a suggestive influence is able to impulsively make a decision only under the influence of emotions, without thinking about his behavior.

The quality of suggestion depends on the person's age, gender, personality characteristics and type of thinking. Also, the suggestor's knowledge of the personality traits of the individual to whom the suggestion is made is the key to the success of the impact.

Treatment by suggestion

The word is considered healing no less than other medical techniques - medication, surgery, physiotherapy, folk. With the help of suggestion techniques, you can cure:

  1. Neurosis, stuttering, aggressive behavior and other psycho-emotional disorders.
  2. Many internal diseases, especially of a psychosomatic nature.
  3. Early stages of cancer.
  4. Alcohol, drug, food and other types of addictions, as well as smoking.
  5. Bad habits, for example, the desire to constantly bite your nails and so on.
  6. Correct unwanted behavior, for example, get rid of laziness, improve school performance, lack of desire to eat, and so on.

Healing of the body and psyche comes through the use of huge hidden reserves of the central nervous system person. Treatment by suggestion is carried out by means of managing psychophysiological processes during the introduction of a patient into a hypnotic state and pronouncing a command to him that changes the attitudes, beliefs and mood of the client.

Suggestion of disease

The suggestion of illness refers to the negative form of suggestion. The object of influence, previously distinguished by health, has manifestations of the disease for which it was programmed. Very often, the suggestion of diseases occurs at the everyday level, for example, by overly caring parents or grandmothers who constantly suggest to their child that he will get sick from some external factors.

Suggestion diseases most often occur in hypochondriacs, who are subject to both external suggestion and self-hypnosis. Hypochondria is a condition that is manifested by the presence of fears or excessive anxiety about one's own health. Hypochondriacs are often afraid of contracting some dangerous, deadly disease.

Usually, the suggestion of a disease is effective when a person internally agrees with the speaker or suspects something like that.

instill fear

The suggestion of fear is the impact of a negative nature, designed to provide a person with a state of anxiety, anxiety or panic fear. Actualization of depressive states or apathy is also possible. The danger can be real or imagined. Fear can cause a particular object, phenomenon, or simply hold on to an inexplicable state of anxiety or panic. Feelings of fear can also arise in front of the unknown.

Characteristically, until the moment of suggestion, the object of influence had no negative reactions to the above stimuli. After the suggestion has been made, the suggesters exhibit stable behavior, in which they begin to avoid any places, objects or phenomena that they were previously indifferent to. Moreover, this fear is unmotivated: if a person is asked why he is afraid of something specific, then he will not even be able to give a reasoned answer to this question.

When faced with an object or phenomenon that causes fear, a person changes all psychophysiological characteristics, he easily gets out of control of his consciousness and falls into a panic. The suggestion of fear can be removed only by a reciprocal session (or sessions) of influence of the opposite direction. Rational methods, persuasion and other methods do not remove the inspired fear.

Suggestion of health

Health suggestion refers to a type of therapeutic suggestion that is carried out during a patient's illness. Such suggestion sessions can be carried out in a state of relaxation, light trance or under hypnosis. With autosuggestion, it is also possible and necessary to apply settings to improve health.

Many cases are known when complex somatic ailments disappeared only due to sessions of suggestion or self-hypnosis.

Experts recommend conducting self-hypnosis sessions aimed at improving health immediately after waking up or before falling asleep. The fact is that at these moments the line between consciousness and the unconscious is erased, a person finds himself in the so-called sleepy state. In this state, access to the unconscious is facilitated, which more easily assimilates commands for restoring health and healing.

Suggestion to lose weight

Since the subconscious perceives commands or images well when the control of the cerebral cortex is turned off, suggestion methods can be used for weight loss sessions.

To do this, the suggestor conducting the session must use verbal commands that encourage the client's psyche to stimulate the processes of fat burning in the body. Very good results are achieved through suggestion in a state of hypnosis. It is also good to use images and verbal commands in self-hypnosis sessions.

The suggestion to lose weight is used to restore the optimal state of the psyche and metabolism; the lost skills of self-regulation of the protective functions of the body are restored.

Instilling self-confidence

Self-confidence is a feeling of one's own inner strength, rightness, supported by a calm state of mind, in which a person feels comfortable in any situation.

There are several ways to create a state of self-confidence:

  1. You need to play self-confidence, direct the activity of the body to copy confident behavior.
  2. It is necessary to use affirmations or self-hypnosis phrases that should be used in situations of stress or loss of confidence.
  3. Resort to self-hypnosis and relaxation sessions, while using images of success and self-hypnosis phrases aimed at strengthening the psyche.

The suggestion of self-confidence can also occur in psychotherapeutic sessions through trance or hypnotic influence.

Suggestion training

Training in suggestion begins with the ability to establish contact or rapport with a person. These skills are well practiced in a psychological course called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Training to introduce the client into a state of light trance and the effective use of speech constructions and special commands takes place at trainings and seminars on Ericksonian hypnosis.

Training in hypnotic suggestion can be done at special training courses on hypnosis, but for this you need to have a medical education that allows you to use hypnotic influence for therapeutic and psychotherapeutic purposes.

Suggestion Protection

Defense against suggestion is a necessary skill, not only in a critical situation, but also in everyday communication.

To protect yourself from suggestion, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Always keep your goals in mind when communicating and get the conversation back on track.
  2. In a conversation, change your posture, tempo of speech, voice timbre and intonation, rhythm and frequency of breathing more often, gesticulate differently.
  3. Do not look into the eyes of the interlocutor, do not follow the things that he manipulates. It is best to focus on an object that you have chosen yourself or move your gaze from object to object.
  4. Go into an internal trance - immerse yourself in some memories, reflections, imagine any events.
  5. Turn on the internal monologue: start to mentally say a prayer, read a poem, sing a song.
  6. If you cannot get out of the suggestive influence, it is best to immediately break off contact and leave the meeting place.

How not to be tempted?

There are rules of conduct for those people who care about the problem, how not to succumb to suggestion:

  1. Avoid contact with suspicious people strangers, gypsies, beggars and so on.
  2. You should not take information from strangers without critical reflection, no matter how frightening or attractive it may be. Any information received must be questioned.
  3. Do not look into the eyes of unfamiliar interlocutors and avoid touching your body.
  4. You have to learn to say no, to say no. Each person is free to act and no one is obligated to help anyone, enter into someone's position, know the answers to all questions, fulfill rash promises, or communicate with anyone.
  5. You should never make quick decisions under pressure from outside.
  6. You do not need to tell strangers any confidential information about yourself, "open your soul" to strangers.
  7. It is necessary to engage in autogenic training in order to resist extraneous influences in a critical situation.
  8. Dark glasses, listening to the player, a simple rush are in a good way ward off suggestion.
  9. In critical situations, it is necessary to remain calm and composure, to avoid emotional response to various circumstances.
  10. Collective suggestion has a greater effect than individual suggestion. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid mass gatherings in which there is a possibility of becoming an object of influence.

Suggestion is a serious tool of psychological influence on a person. And therefore, using it, you need to be professional and very careful. Because with the help of suggestion, you can both harm a person and heal him.