Methods of hidden control of people. Basic methods of persuasion and suggestion

In religious cults, the method of suggestion is often used with the help of hypnotic influence or by introducing a person into a trance state. Initially, hypnosis was used in medicine and had an inextricable connection with religious practices in ancient times. The ancient Greeks had a God healer Asclepius. After complex cleansing rites, it was possible to get into a special room for sleeping, where a healing effect was to be performed. The ancient Druids believed in the special properties of plants. They made contact with them, bringing themselves into altered states of consciousness through prolonged intense listening to the sounds of nature. Druids believed that they could exchange energy with their trees, receiving healing. Miraculous Healing also plays important role in the Christian religion. You can give examples of the healing of people by Jesus Christ: "And immediately he was cleansed of leprosy." (Matt., 8:2-3) "And his servant recovered that very hour." (Matthew 8:13) "And he touched her hand, and the fever left her; and she rose up and ministered to them." (Matthew 8:14-15). Also in religious practices, there was a loss of sensitivity to pain, which was achieved with the help of special states of consciousness. The dervishes whirled in place, bringing themselves to states in which they no longer felt pain. In some Muslim sects, there was also a loss of sensitivity to pain. Sleep, according to some scientists, can be a state of trance. Isis - the goddess of Ancient Egypt, was supposed to have healing effects only in a dream. One of the very first memories that a dream may not be of an entirely ordinary origin is found in the Old Testament: "And the Lord God brought upon the man deep sleep... ", after which Adam did not feel pain. The similarity between sleep and hypnosis is studied by psychiatrist and neuropsychiatrist K.I. Platonov (1878-1969). He discovers that in hypnosis, as in natural sleep, the pulse, breathing slows down, drops arterial pressure. That is, the physiological processes that occur during hypnosis resemble the changes characteristic of sleep.

A variety of techniques leading to altered states of consciousness were the main method of treatment and pain relief in prehistoric people. There were and continue to exist shamanic, witchcraft and healer methods, among different nationalities, which have therapeutic effects. For example, shiny objects were used, on which it was necessary to focus the gaze. It is now known that fixing the gaze on shiny surfaces easily induces a trance state. Healers, sorcerers and today quickly find a way to the client's subconscious. Their methods are based mainly on self-hypnosis. Because many people are resistant to suggestion from the outside, but easily amenable to self-hypnosis.

As an example, one can cite the miracle effectiveness of conspiracies, as well as the experiments of dummy pills with a placebo effect.

The most famous researcher of hypnosis is Franz Anton Mesmer (1734 - 1815) a Jewish Austrian physician. He studied theology, philosophy, medicine, was fond of astrology and alchemy. In his opinion, there was a certain force of magnetism, belonging only to hypnotists.

Abbé J. Faria put an end to this opinion. His main work is "On the Cause of Lucid Sleep", in which the author proves that magnetism does not exist, there is a so-called trance - a special type of sleep to which people have a physiological inclination, up to immersion during dreams. For J. Faria, the trance into which one person could introduce another depends on two factors: on the charm of the person suggested by the hypnotist and the power of conviction emanating from him. He himself introduced people into a trance, looking into their eyes and firmly ordering them to sleep.

The action of hypnosis is real and proven by medical practice. T. I. Akhmedov, a scientist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the department of medical rehabilitation and psychotherapy and Zhidko M. E. - psychologist, psychotherapist, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, in his book "Psychotherapy in Special States of Consciousness" describe a practice that originated with ancient times, with which you can influence human health and reduce physical and spiritual suffering. In 1819, the dentist Mantorel was extracting teeth and performing other painful procedures on people hypnotized by Baron du Pote. After that, the baron, who was not a doctor, worked in hospitals, helping to carry out painlessly dozens of surgical operations, one of which was the amputation of a lower limb. Modern psychotherapy may include elements of techniques that were previously considered exclusively occult. But apart from medicine, trance is used in religious and spiritual practices. T.I. Akhmedov and Zhidko M.E. in their work describe the main regions with a developed trance culture: East Africa, Arabia, the Balkan Peninsula, Southeast Asia, China, India, Tibet, Central America. In some religions, there has always been the use of trance as a favorable factor for concentration and meditation. Meditation (from Latin meditatio - reflection) is a type of attention concentration training exercise used to develop control over the course of one's thoughts and emotions or to enter a special religious-psychic state of "remembering". Meditation according to the book by T. I. Akhmedov and M. E. Zhidko "Psychotherapy in special states of consciousness" is a system of spiritual practice with the achievement of extreme mental concentration of consciousness or extreme dispersion of consciousness. Meditation implies increased concentration on some object - this object can be anything - a lotus flower, a geometric figure or concentration on one's own physiological processes - muscle relaxation, breathing, heartbeat. It is also possible to meditate on the deity, while the concentration takes place on it.

The country with the most widespread meditative religions is India. The practice of yoga consists almost entirely of meditation and preparation for it. Buddhism also developed its own system of meditation. Under the influence of India, Taoism and Chan Buddhism were formed in China, which also use meditation. There are meditative practices in Indian and Chinese Tantrism, in Muslim Sufism. During meditation, a person, as in hypnosis, falls into a trance state, while the processes characteristic of the waking state are turned off. Meditation is also used in psychotherapeutic treatments. Some psychotherapists do not distinguish between states of consciousness such as hypnosis and meditation, considering hypnosis to be just a special case of meditation. T. I. Akhmedov and M. E. Zhidko do not share this point of view. They see meditation as a less structured process than hypnosis. In his opinion, he relies on the medical research of L.P. Grimaka - the physiological state during hypnosis is very close to the state of natural sleep, while the state of a person during meditation is closer to intense wakefulness. Unlike hypnotic practices, which can affect a person not only openly, but also in a hidden way, a person plunges himself into a state of meditative trance exclusively voluntarily. Therefore, in meditation there can be a very strong self-suggestion.

There are different ways to meditate. There are special breathing techniques that achieve a meditative state. For example, a person takes a certain posture and does not move, concentrating on breathing and trying to follow it, while not changing the rhythm. Sometimes breathing is accompanied by various mental meditative phrases, such as "inhale ... exhale ... inhale ... exhale." A similar technique described by T. I. Akhmedov and M. E. Zhidko in the book "Psychotherapy in special instructions"is similar to a modified Buddhist meditative technique. It is possible to concentrate on the movement of the nostrils during inhalation and exhalation. In this case, the person should not be distracted by pauses between inhalations and exhalations, by the movement of the abdomen. Thoughts also need to be postponed. There are other varieties of this method where it is necessary to observe behind your breath in the chest or in the abdomen.The yogic technique of rhythmic breathing is a different comparison of breathing with the rhythm of the pulse.

Usually meditation is accompanied by a mantra - meditative speech. "A mantra is a syllable, word or verse that has the ability to influence a person's consciousness and helps in spiritual development if they are repeated, listened to or meditated on." A mantra can be a direct self-suggestion, for example, with repeated daily repetition of the name of a deity. It is not surprising that it begins to occupy a central place in a person's thoughts. In the Society for Krishna Consciousness, the main mantra is just a repetition of the name of God "Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna."

With meditative concentration, there is an effect of the form on a person. T. I. Akhmedov and Zhidko M. E. write "... an image of various shapes and colors has a different effect on the mental state of a person." A zigzag line makes a person feel tense and anxious. The smooth curve creates a sense of harmony and calm. The square is associated with completeness, the circle with comic infinity and harmony. Also, symmetrical and non-symmetrical figures can have a different effect on the psyche. Therefore, many geometric figures were considered sacred in Ancient Egypt, in ancient and modern Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions. "... Concentration of attention on a figure with a balanced center (balanced figure) causes a feeling of calm in a person, and concentration on an unbalanced figure - a feeling of discomfort, tension." Laya yoga uses concentration on real or imaginary figures - yantras.

Another meditative technique is the “mindfulness” technique, where a person alone is invited to slowly do household chores such as gardening, cleaning, cooking, washing. You can take a bath, have a meal or go for a walk. At the same time, one must be aware and note every step, every movement, every thought. The goal is to achieve an altered state of consciousness and master the art of unusual self-observation. The awareness technique formed the basis of Naikan therapy, a psychotherapy developed in Japan by the priest Ishim Yoshimoto. In this case, the patient concentrated on the mother, father, spouse, children. The psychotherapist revealed the feeling of guilt inherent in a person and helped to realize the possible love of others, despite individual shortcomings. Despite possible benefit from meditation in psychiatry, there is harm from such practices. Regardless of the different techniques and schools, there are side effects to meditation. These include a special vulnerability to any suggestion from the outside. In relation to a person who is in an altered state of consciousness, multiple methods of influencing the subconscious level can be used. That is why gypsies, fortune-tellers, sectarians and other scammers try to force a person into a trance. During meditation, a person deliberately immerses himself in a special state, automatically falling into the risk zone of suggestion. If a person meditates alone, then there are still negative sides at the physiological level. During meditation, there is an increased production of endorphins - chemical compounds that are formed in the cerebral cortex. "Endorphin brings a person into a state of euphoria, it is sometimes called a "natural drug" or "hormone of joy." Love, creativity, fame, power - any experience associated with these and many other categories of human existence, increases the level of endorphin in the blood. " Endorphin is also a natural pain reliever. The narcotic "high" in drug addicts is associated with receiving large doses of endorphins, and the subsequent "withdrawal" occurs after the withdrawal of artificial endorphins, the body stops producing, having adapted to receive them from the outside. During meditation, the "happiness hormone" endorphin also enters the bloodstream, after which headaches, depression, nervousness and anxiety are sure to follow.

In his article "Harm from Meditation and from Transcendental Meditation (tm) in particular" A. G. Ivakin vividly describes the possible harm from meditation. Natural drugs produced by the cerebral cortex are 100-200 times stronger than any external drugs, even heroin. Normally, the content of endorphins in the blood is not high. Its production in large quantities is required by a person in special situations - pregnancy, childbirth and various stresses. During meditation, the brain is in a very tense unnatural state: the blood supply stops because there are no thoughts, and, as a result, the brain is protected, while the production a large number endorphin, leading to an induced feeling of "happiness". Ultimately, meditation leads to exhaustion and destruction of the brain. A person becomes more suggestible and manageable, which is the goal of destructive totalitarian organizations.

Hidden manipulations and hypnotic suggestions can be aimed at various purposes, but, as a rule, are always undesirable for the addressee. In destructive religious cults, such an impact can be the most dangerous for the individual.

To lure people into a sect, the techniques of hypnotic suggestion and manipulation of consciousness are often used. The psyche of many people is easily affected by hypnosis and mind manipulation. Suggestibility depends on the individual characteristics of each individual person. M. M. Bublichenko in his book "Hypnotic Techniques in Communication" cites the following data from sociological surveys: "The necessary ideas can be instilled in a fairly high percentage of people - from 40% to 75%." Experienced sectarians know how to create the right emotional background. It seems to a person that he is in open confidential communication, but in fact he is being suggested. In the book "Hypnotic Techniques in Communication" hypnosis refers to concepts confirmed by science, although it has not yet been fully explained. Hypnosis is one of the cult's tools for recruiting and then retaining members. Hypnosis can also be used in communication between two people, for example, for the purpose of extracting material gain. The action depends on the experience and ability of the inspiring person and the protection of the object of suggestion. Modern sectarians often use the old gypsy tricks of beggars and fortune-tellers described by M. M. Bublichenko. They are based on the fact that grief should be predicted to the sad, joy should be predicted to the cheerful. There are also methods of group work. Two or three scammers start talking to a person at the same time, standing up from several sides at once. There is a dispersion of attention. At the same time, their speech is very fast, and a person cannot perceive such a flow of information, and falls into a state close to a trance.

The fashionable term "zombie" vividly describes the hypnotic effect, there is a lot of interesting information about it. By Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language T. F. Efremova: zombification is the transformation of a person into a zombie: soulless, unquestioning, obedient to someone else's - usually evil - will. Today, zombie characters are often found in cinema, science fiction and fantasy literature, computer games, where zombie creatures are a manifestation of dark forces, deprived of their own will and, as a rule, dead. If you delve into the interpretation of the word, then you can perceive death not only as physical, but also as spiritual, "... you bear a name, as if you are alive, but you are dead." T. A. Chernetskaya, a modern therapist who successfully deals with magic and extrasensory perception using hypnotic techniques, in her article classifies the types of zombies and describes the possible origins of this concept using myths as an example.

Haitian myth. On the island of Haiti, a zombie is a person who has fallen into a coma due to poisoning by a sorcerer. Life processes in the body slow down so much that a person is mistaken for a dead person and buried. At night, the sorcerer opens the coffin, revives the man, and he becomes his zombie. The NSS (National Social Security) medical journal The Guardian describes the state of coma and the necessary medical intervention to save subsequent brain activity. "In a coma, the patient most often breathes normally. But the function of the brain is so affected that the normal amount of oxygen in the blood is not enough for him. A larger amount is provided only artificial ventilation lungs". Since, in the Haitian myth, a person in a coma, of course, did not receive modern special medical care, then due to lack of oxygen, irreversible death of brain cells occurred, and the person became easily susceptible to suggestion. However, stories about Haitian sorcerers are not a proven fact, they can only be attributed to myths.

American myth. Horror films with zombies, filmed in Hollywood cinema, are based on ancient legends, and therefore can be called myths. Zombies, as a rule, are dead Americans attacking houses, shops for entertainment purposes, or for food. Often in films there is an insatiable hunger of zombies, a thirst for the consumption of living human flesh, an easy opportunity to infect a healthy person with a normal bite, and also a person killed by a zombie can become one of them.

Soviet myth. In the USSR, there is a myth about zombies, otherwise called psychotropic weapons, but there is practically nothing about zombies. This may be due to the fact that the authorities needed strict control of the people, and the idea of ​​the walking dead in itself was dissent and was not suitable for the Soviet consciousness.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the USSR, China, Germany had a method of mass zombification of their population. It consisted in the fact that all the positive aspects of personality were destroyed in people. Spiritual zombies appeared, who obeyed the leaders unconditionally. In the Soviet Union there was an active study of hypnosis and suggestion. This was largely due to the fact that the government of the state was based on a dictatorship, and the government needed effective methods of influencing people. Their works were devoted to the control of consciousness: the Soviet psychologist and psychotherapist, researcher of the problems of human abilities and relationships V. N. Myasishchev; a psychotherapist involved in the development of bibliotherapy - a treatment method that used fiction containing special words with an impact on the subconscious I. Z. Velvovsky; psychiatrist, professor of psychiatry at Turkestan University Yu. V. Kannabikh and many others.

Rev. Lei Zhenyuan's book Enemies Within describes how children in China were forced to watch the execution of thirteen youths and even sing patriotic hymns. Under the songs of children, dancing artists appeared on the stage, and an executioner who committed murders. After thirteen heads had been cut off, the soldiers cut open the stomachs of the victims and ate their hearts. In those years, there were other bloody scenes taking place in front of children. The goal of the party was to have assassins devoid of human features, and a crowd that calmly looks at the death of people. The consequences of zombification do not disappear immediately - the approval of the actions of the leaders of communism and admiration for them has come down to our days.

In relation to sects, A.L. Dvorkin was the first to use the term "zombie" in his book "Sect Studies. Totalitarian Sects. The Experience of Systematic Research". Among the individual methods of zombification, Bublichenko describes such methods as removing a person from a familiar environment; complete interruption of old connections and acquaintances; discrediting personal values; change of the daily routine to an unusual one; use of potent medications that turn off consciousness; as well as a special diet with no protein. A person plunges into a state of indifference, there is a partial loss of memory, a loss of interest in the past and future. This is followed by active suggestion and hypnosis.

The French doctor, researcher of hypnosis A. Liebeault, the head of the Department of Physiology at the University of Nancy, Professor A. Bonn, professor at the Nancy Clinic of Internal Medicine Bernheim, the Austrian psychiatrist of mental and nervous diseases Kraft-Ebing, and many others wrote about the possibility of post-hypnotic suggestion, which will act very long time maybe even up to a year. Also, these authors reported that in very deep special states of consciousness it is possible to achieve a pathological splitting of the personality, after which hypnotized people live a double programmed life - not only for themselves, but also for the suggested image. The opponent of hypnosis, J. Charcot (1825-1893), considering the very nature of hypnosis to be pathological, found undoubted harm in it. Defending hypnosis, A.A. Tokarsky (1859-1901) in his work "On the Harmful Influence of Hypnotization" wrote that a medically correct procedure should not cause harm, thereby recognizing that hypnosis used without medical supervision can be dangerous to the health of the individual. As well as a surgical operation performed without indications or in the wrong way, carries only harm. However, now hypnotic suggestion techniques are available to everyone and can be used both covertly and openly in religious organizations for the purpose of suggestion. Hypnosis used in sects causes significant harm to the human psyche. Guided by considerations of profit, with the help of hypnosis, sects can deliberately have a destructive effect on a person in order to make a person more manageable and obedient.

In addition to verbal and non-verbal communication in the modern world, there are wide technical possibilities of suggestion with the help of video and audio - a series through all the media. In 1957, advertising businessman James Vickery, who was a social psychologist, had his famous experience in a New Jersey movie theater. During the film, the words "Coca-Cola" and "Eat the popcorn" were shown for 1/300 of a second. Even those people who were warned about it could not notice this inscription. As a result of the experiment, the sale of Coca-Cola increased by 17%, and the sale of popcorn by 50%. This method with a unique ability to influence the subconscious is prohibited in the field of commercial and political advertising. MM. Bublichenko points to the fact that with a certain selection of frequency and color, computer graphics can affect the human psyche. The mantras of destructive sects spread on social networks have a euphonious sound. People enjoy listening to them under the guise of harmless pleasant music. Sounds can affect the emotional background. Relaxation programs are also created and developed, which should evoke a pleasant feeling of relaxation and comfort. These programs, which are calm rhythmic music and colored moving patterns, are aimed at psycho-correction and are another proof of the possibility of unconscious suggestion of the necessary settings to a person, "... the color scheme and music can really" hypnotize ", introducing a person into a trance." There is a possibility of spreading programs whose action is similar to viruses - these programs can control the user's mind. The Society for Krishna Consciousness plans "spiritually or by electronic means ... to wipe the enemy off the face of the earth with weapons and devices", they call dissidents enemies.

And yet, "the main tool of suggestion is words. Any visual techniques are, in fact, only auxiliary, facilitating the achievement of the goal." Although the main purpose of speech in the first place is the transmission of information, "the influence of sounds and speech on the mental state of a person is undeniable." The influence is exerted not only by the meaning of the spoken words, but also by the intonation, expressiveness, tempo, loudness and even melodiousness of speech. Such modern science how psycholinguistics considers not only the meaning and intonation of speech, but also a certain sound combination of words. Some words sound soft, for example - affection, tenderness, flag. Other words may sound harsh - grass, dawn, rose. The words "orders" usually sound harsh, they often contain the sound "p", for example - I wake up. Such words stimulate to action. Speech sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. Consonants are hard and soft. Therefore, "...when influenced by a word, not only its semantic content is important, but also the sound structure." The experiments conducted by T. I. Akhmedov and M. E. Zhidko show how people react to various vowel sounds and sound combinations, what associations arise. The highest consonant tone has the sound "and", the lowest "y". The presence in the sound "and" usually creates associations associated with something small. The presence in the sound "u" on the contrary causes a feeling of large, wide, large. Also T.I. Akhmedov describes color associative thinking. The sounds "a", "e", "and" - cause a feeling of white, light, yellow and red; sounds "s", "o", "y" - a feeling of gloomy, dark. Such methods of not semantic transmission of information are often used by many people unconsciously, but with some skills, it is also possible to use the planned special use of the necessary intonations, speech rates, and sounds in order to influence a person purposefully. Meditative speeches or mantras used in different religious beliefs are often good example use the right combinations of words and sounds.

Also in meditation, dances using whirling and jumping can be used, which leads the dancers to an ecstatic state and sometimes to loss of consciousness.

The power of the gaze

American tourists John Gelfreich and Otto Buteshude traveled through the jungles of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso. Having spent the night somehow on the bank of the Xingu River, in the morning they began to prepare breakfast. Buteshude went for water. He did not appear for a long time, and Gelfreich went to look for a comrade. He found him near the water. Otto walked slowly towards the thick bushes, his movements were like those of a robot, his head motionlessly directed towards the thickets. Following the direction of his gaze, Gelfreich saw the head of a snake sticking out of the bush. John's reaction was lightning fast: with a shot from a pistol, he killed a reptile. Otto suddenly started and laughed nervously. Later he said: by the water he felt someone’s eyes on him, but he doesn’t remember what happened next.

One picture comes to mind, seen by the author in childhood: in the zoo, a boa constrictor is feeding. A mouse was released into the terrarium. The boa constrictor stared at her without blinking. The mouse became numb, and then slowly began to move straight into the mouth of the boa constrictor. At the same time, the hind legs pushed it forward, and the front legs rested. Unforgettable in its drama spectacle!

Both cases described show that one's own gaze can subjugate both a person and an animal, impose certain actions on them.


In the business world, a closer look has practical applications. The president of McDonald's fast food chain said: “Our restaurants in Moscow feed fifty thousand people every day. And we give individual attention to each visitor. We tell him, looking into his eyes: "Come to us again."

The story told earlier about how Senator Robert Kennedy greeted shows that politicians also skillfully use gaze to suggest attraction to oneself.

Magic look

Around direct gaze a mystical halo has long been formed. It is even called the "magic look". Naturally, there are learning recipes. Igor Vostokov tells about one of them in his book "Secrets of Healers of the East".

“Take a typewritten sheet and in the center of it draw in ink or black ink a circle the size of a two-kopeck coin (1.5 cm).

Hang this sheet at a distance of 2-2.5 m from you and for 15 minutes continuously and without blinking look at this black circle (the circle must be shaded in black).

By doing this daily, you will develop a "magic eye" in yourself. If a woman, for example, looks at a man with such a look in order to bewitch him to herself, then he will forever become hers.

Another way is with a mirror. Slightly relaxing the muscles of the face, look at your reflection. Look into your eyes or the bridge of your nose. Avoiding frequent mania, look at the point for 20-25 seconds.

At home stare should not be abused, because people under it start to get nervous. Usually, during a conversation, it is customary to periodically look away so as not to embarrass.

If you want to unbalance the interlocutor, choose a weak spot on his body or clothes (for example, crooked legs, bad teeth, dirty nails, uncleaned shoes, a stain, fly, etc.) and stare intently there. Your interlocutor will immediately become nervous. Well, if you, in addition, portray a barely noticeable caustic smile and arrogantly throw your head back, then only a very reserved person will be able to maintain composure. A distracted or directed past the eyes of the interlocutor (at the ear, forehead, chin, lips) will do the same, but in a more delicate and gentle form.

word suggestion

Words are the main tool of suggestion. Visual techniques are auxiliary, facilitating the achievement of the goal. The crushing power of the tongue is reflected in the Epistle of James (3:5, 6, 8):

So the tongue is a small member, but it does a lot ...

Language is fire, embellishment of untruth...

It is an unstoppable evil: it is full of deadly poison.

Since ancient times, it has been known that the treatment of the body and soul of a person rests on three foundations: a knife, grass and a word. The knife is used in surgery; the use of herbs led to the emergence of medicines; the word is the main "tool of labor" of the psychologist and psychotherapist. But not only them. A good doctor is one whose one visit already alleviates the patient's condition.

Elderly people complain that doctors now have no time even to listen to the patient properly. Doctors, who find the opportunity to patiently listen to complaints, encourage, inspire hope for improvement, enjoy the greatest respect among this contingent.

"The word kills" - quite rightly stated in the proverb. This is exactly what often happened when a sorcerer cast a spell on a particular person, piercing his image with a sharp object, and by the appointed time the person really fell ill and died. Some mothers still believe that the evil eye can harm their child. In such cases, we are dealing with mechanisms of direct or indirect suggestion.

direct suggestion

It is directly related to the speech of the influencing person. As an example of direct suggestion, let us recall the case of the patient's death, which we described earlier, immediately after the death of the specialist who treated her, who "calmed" her with the words: "You will die after me."

indirect suggestion

With indirect suggestion, some intermediate action or stimulus is used to enhance its effect (for example, pierce with a nail or burn the image of a person on whom a spell has been cast). Often, indirect suggestion is more effective than direct suggestion, because it does not act "on the forehead" and therefore does not cause internal resistance in the suggested.

Let us illustrate the power of indirect suggestion with the data of three experiments. In one of them, conducted in a psychiatric clinic in the United States, patients were divided into two groups: the first underwent psychotherapy for six months, while the second was awaiting treatment at that time. When the results were compared, it turned out that the percentage of improvement was the same in both groups. The hope of a cure was equal to the cure itself.

In another experiment, patients with neurosis were given sugar pills (completely useless in terms of treatment) instead of drugs, with the assurance that they would "help in the same way as other drugs." A group of fourteen people took sugar pills three times a day for a week, after which thirteen patients improved on all criteria ...

A similar effect is widely known in medicine under the name "placebo effect" (that is, pacifiers).

In the third experiment, two groups of students with psychological problems were formed. Professional psychologists and psychiatrists worked on one, and on the other, college professors who were popular with students. These teachers had to say everything that came to mind in the process of work, with the aim of "helping". Similar sessions were held 2-3 times a week for three months. The percentage of improvement was the same in both groups.


It is purely individual for each person. To determine the level of suggestibility, you can use special tests, they are called "samples". These tests are necessarily carried out by hypnotists, selecting for themselves the appropriate "material" for the session.

But before giving a description of these trials, let us express some information about suggestibility as such. When suggesting, they appeal mainly to the feelings of the listener and count on an uncritical perception of information. Therefore, children are the most suggestible. Since women are usually more emotional than men, then they are more amenable to suggestion.

Less educated people are easier to suggest, as well as those who are accustomed to do what the boss orders in the service.

In general, activities related to the fulfillment of orders and requirements (soldiers, athletes, party functionaries) develop suggestibility.

Fatigue and stress also increase it.

Alcoholics and drug addicts are even more suggestible. Easily suggestible crowd. She has "many heads, but few brains."

The more massive the audience of listeners, the more weak-willed and suggestible it is. It is difficult to say to the first: "But the king is naked!" And, since everyone is silent, the illusion is created that everyone is in favor. The ideologists of totalitarian political systems used this phenomenon to simulate "support" for their decisions. So it turned out: each individually - "against", and all together - "for".

"Fight fire with fire"

One poorly educated woman inspired herself that a real toad settled in her stomach: as if, after drinking water from a pond, she swallowed its embryo, which grew and now does not allow the poor woman to breathe.

No arguments could convince her of the absurdity of these statements. And she went to a well-known doctor, who practiced privately, with a request to “drive out” the toad: after talking with her, he understood what was the matter, and did not argue, but appointed the next day an “operation to extract” the damned creature. He told the woman to eat more all this time. He himself asked the neighbor boys to catch a toad for him for a decent reward. Soon the captured creature was already languishing in the bank.

The "operation" consisted in the fact that the doctor gave the patient a strong emetic and sat down over large pelvis. A long exhausting vomiting dulled the sufferer's vigilance, and a toad was placed in her pelvis, unnoticed by her.

Seeing her, the patient exclaimed: “Here! I told you! Doctor, you saved me. I feel so relieved now!”

suggestion mechanism

When suggesting, the effect on a person is built in such a way that first a strong excitation is caused in a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain with simultaneous inhibition in the rest of it, and then a purposeful discharge is performed, which fixes the suggestible thought in the mind.

Tests for suggestibility

Braid's welcome. The subject focuses his gaze on a shiny object presented to him (a metal ball, the tip of a medical hammer, etc.), fixed opposite and slightly above his bridge of the nose (for stronger eye muscle tension). After a long concentration of attention, fatigue of the visual analyzer and sleep may occur.

Receptions of Coué and Baudouin.

First experience: a standing person is offered to stay straight so that his heels are his main support; you can also ask to throw back your head. This is a position of unstable equilibrium in which any push will lead to a fall. At the same time, it is calmly but firmly suggested: “You are falling back, you are being pulled back, you are already falling, falling ...” Most people do fall, so the hypnotist must stand behind the person in order to catch him in time. To enhance the effect of the test with the palm located opposite the forehead, you can slightly push the patient or, touching the back of his head with the palm of your hand, gradually move your hand back, which also causes an imbalance in the body. If the test worked, then the person begins to experience much more "respect" and trust in relation to the hypnotist, which will subsequently have a positive effect on the results of the session itself.

Second experience: the subject is placed in front of the hypnotist; the center of gravity of the body this time is shifted to the toes. Both look at each other, into the eyes (experienced specialists, in order to less tire their eyesight, look at the bridge of the nose). Then the person conducting the test stretches his palms forward so as to reach the temples of the ward, and says: “You are already falling, falling ...” this technique you can touch the temples of the subject (the fingers should be cold).

Carrying out such techniques requires compliance with certain rules that ensure the physical safety of the subject: he must be without glasses; you need to remove nearby objects with sharp corners; the hypnotist must have sufficient strength to hold the person in the event of a fall.

Third experience: the subject is given a thread with a heavy object at the end, they are offered to close their eyes and persistently think about the circle. Very soon the pendulum begins to describe circular motions. If the patient is told to think about an oval, then the pendulum begins to rotate along an oval trajectory. So the “device” by which “negative energy” is determined has its predecessor, but in a completely different field of application.

"Healing" accessories

Belief in the healing properties of magnetic (and other) bracelets, plates, earrings, amulets, and talismans is widely spread. Remember "Keep me, my talisman"?

Impressive results in the 18th century were achieved by the Viennese doctor F. Mesmer. At first, he was sure that the magnet helped to cure various ailments, and achieved excellent results by applying a horseshoe-shaped magnet to the diseased organ of the patient. Later, Mesmer magnetized various items with whom the patients subsequently came into contact. He "charged" the water in which the patients bathed, the dishes they used, the beds in which they slept. "Magnetic energy" was even collected in special batteries, from which sufferers subsequently "scooped" it during wellness procedures.

Subsequently, F. Mesmer came to the conclusion about the absence of a certain healing force in the magnet - "fluid". Frankly admitting his delusions, he focused his attention on the study of "nerve currents" in the human body itself, which can be strengthened through suggestion.

The doctor repented of his past delusions, which cannot be said about many modern "magicians" who continue to allegedly "charge" creams, ointments, newspapers, magazines and mislead millions of people (this issue will be discussed in more detail below). There seems to be an outward resemblance to some psychotherapeutic procedures (recall the “placebo effect”), however, the mass character, lack of spirituality and the pronounced commercial background of all these procedures do not allow treating the authors with respect.

traditional healers

Believing in something better really leads to something better happening. Experienced healers are characterized by skillful observance and subtle use of these psychological patterns. Well-written folk conspiracies for various diseases have much in common with the suggestions adopted in modern psychotherapy. They begin, as a rule, with the psychological setting of the patient to "receive" the impact, then the main part follows - the actual suggestion with the requirement to "drive the disease out" from the human body. The use of various figurative representations in this part of the conspiracy (“I drive out the disease of such and such into a rotten swamp, in loose sands...") allows you to more fully involve various systems perception (visual, kinesthetic, etc.), to strengthen and consolidate the suggestion. In the final part, phrases can be pronounced with the aim of prolonging the conspiracy in the future, thereby contributing to the deployment of healing processes in the patient's body.

Religious beliefs

The positive influence that faith in God has on people is based on similar principles. Believers see in the image of God an inexhaustible source of love and kindness and, as it were, draw energy from this well. In fact, energy is replenished by each of its own reserves. Simply with the help of faith in God, it is easier to get “access keys”, since God, in the view of believers, is an ideal, omnipotent and “energetically inexhaustible” being (in contrast to religious ideas about a person as a being often sinful and weak).

This is the ingenious find of the founding fathers of the doctrines of God (Christ, Mohammed, Buddha) - to create the opportunity to draw from one's own source, thinking that they are taking from the divine. How not to remember: God is within us.

Another find - the suggestion about the insignificance of man - allows the holy fathers to lead the flock on behalf of God.

Suggestibility natural and situational

We have seen that suggestibility is an individual trait and varies widely. It is given to each by nature, upbringing, education, life experience. Let's call it natural suggestibility for brevity.

Suggestibility is not a constant. It is influenced by the environment and the momentary state of the person.
It is known that in a crowd a person is more suggestible. The same is true of stress. Panic (that is, hypertrophied feelings of fear) often flares up precisely in the crowd: firstly, due to the effect of mental infection, and secondly, under the influence of stress, which often occurs due to minor danger. Under the pressure of group opinion, participants are more likely to agree with the judgment suggested to them.

Thus, it is possible to create an environment in which suggestibility as a reaction to the situation (that is, situational suggestibility) will increase dramatically.

Suggestion (and any other control action) largely depends on "background support", that is, from the psychological state of the interlocutors and the surrounding background. In this regard, a number of background states can be distinguished.


The simplest and most reliable background for a conversation is muscular relaxation(relaxation). Its essence lies in the fact that during relaxation, the human cerebral cortex is to a certain extent freed from side effects and prepared for speech perception. This happens best when the interviewers are in a comfortable environment and sit in a relaxed position facing each other (on the couch, at the coffee table). This is facilitated by soft and dim light, comfortable furniture, the absence of strong sounds and the availability of sufficient time. The poses of the interlocutors should be natural. A special case of relaxation is a state of trance in the addressee of the impact.


The figure bent over the table, bent legs, wandering eyes, wrinkles on the forehead and vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose indicate tense state. Emotional tension also enhances the perception of the speaker's ideas. In this case, of course, the methods of suggestion for these two states will be different.

An outstanding master of creating tense expectation among the audience was the American film director A. Hitchcock. He proceeded from the rule: it is not the shot itself that is terrible, but the expectation of it. In the "horror films" staged by this master, there are very few crimes (compared especially with current action films), but the director kept the audience in a state of intense expectation for so long that it shocked them more than bloody murders.


In psychology, this technique is known as an instant personality restructuring under the influence of strong emotional experiences. The phenomenon of "explosion" is described in detail in fiction(re-education of Jean Valjean, the hero of the novel by V. Hugo "Les Misérables"). The scientific substantiation of the “explosion” technique was given by the outstanding teacher A. S. Makarenko.

The use of an "explosion" requires the creation of a special environment in which feelings would arise that could amaze a person with their unexpectedness and unusualness. In such an environment, a collision of nervous processes occurs in a person. An unexpected stimulus (spectacle, information, etc.) causes confusion in him. This leads to a radical change in views on events, individuals and even the world as a whole. For example, information about the infidelity of one of the spouses in "prosperous" families can lead the other to the brink of disaster. In families where infidelity is regarded as a prank, this does not happen.

Says the master of vocational school. He had a student in his group who, with his antics, exhausted the soul of the teachers.

Of course, the master was especially hard hit - both from the administration, and from fellow teachers, and from the parents of the affected students.

There was no control over this fool. And then one day, after some especially vile trick of his, the master found him in the boiler room. Blood rushed to his head, his rage was so great that, having lost all self-control, the master grabbed the teenager and dragged him to the firebox, shouting: “That's it, bastard, say goodbye to life. I have no more strength! I’ll go to court, but I’ll save everyone from such a reptile!!”

The teenager turned white, broke out in a cold sweat and screamed: “Don't! No need! I won't do it again! Sorry! A-ah-ah!"

Throwing him to the ground, the master ran out.

Since the teenager was replaced, he no longer did dirty tricks.


In contrast to the spontaneous "explosion" "scene" can be produced intentionally. André Maurois stated: "The best scenes come about deliberately and with great skill." As an example, let us cite one story from the time of the Napoleonic campaigns. Lyonne, one of the marshals of Napoleon's army, had a certain "strangeness". Being a very even and self-possessed man, he sometimes lost his temper in front of his subordinates, tore off his cocked hat, threw it on the ground and trampled it in a rage.

These outbursts of anger always happened at moments when it was necessary to move subordinates to a difficult decision.

And only the batman noticed such a pattern - every time the day before, the marshal said to him: "Jacques, bring my old cocked hat." The marshal was from the common people and could not trample on an expensive headdress. No wonder they say: "The best impromptu is the one that is well prepared."

These plots demonstrate the effectiveness of persuasive actions that combine the techniques of "suspense" and "explosion".


If the interlocutor does not show any obvious signs relaxation, no tension, then mutual understanding with him can be achieved against the background identification, that is, on the idea of ​​mutual experience of some circumstances.

It is known that people who have a certain commonality among themselves are more likely to like each other. Thus, a doctor with a doctor, a merchant with a merchant, an engineer with an engineer, and so on. find common ground faster. And if they also have a certain common destiny, then the achievement of attraction will be even more accelerated. For most people, a fellow sufferer (the same illness, common grief, etc.) becomes closer. One of the reasons for the resounding success of Anatoly Kashpirovsky's television shows was the identification of those who wanted to get rid of their illnesses with those lucky ones who were already lucky: "If they are, then why not me"?

Telesessions of A. M. Kashpirovsky

The name of Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky in the recent past was on the lips of many. And almost everyone watched his TV shows.

The success of this talented psychotherapist, which caused controversy in medical circles, was the result of a combination of several factors.

The main role was played by his chosen method of influencing the audience, which is very similar to the one that in psychotherapy is named after two scientists - Kretschmer and Erickson. The technology of the method lies in the absence of "direct" pressure on the participants in the session. The therapist "knits a mesh of words" and only intermittently inserts a phrase whose content is a direct suggestion. Against the background of “indifferent” stimuli, such a phrase works with particular force, since the listeners get the impression of being involved in the treatment process together with the psychotherapist. Here is a good example of one of the variants of hypnotic influence according to this method (sentences representing direct suggestion are in bold in the text).

“You can do what you want: sit or move, you can listen to me or not, you can keep your eyes closed or open. Sit comfortably in a chair and relax. You can think of something pleasant, remember pleasant events from your life. You can ignore me at all. Treatment has already begun. you can sleep; if you don't want to, don't sleep but your eyelids are heavy. The reserves of your body are endless. It is not the doctor's power that works, but your own abilities. You are now relaxed, your breathing is even, your heart is beating evenly and calmly. I do not impose anything on you, I do not inspire anything. You yourself will choose from my words everything that you need. But the environment does not bother you anymore; it faded into the background, dissolved. You can take a break from my words for a while, imagine yourself on the seashore. The sun pleasantly warms you, your body is warm and heavy. You don't have to sleep, but it's so nice. You just want to relax and sleep."

This method, suitable external data and competent construction of the session helped many viewers to activate the internal reserves of the body, which we have already talked about. First of all, it was able to do easily suggestible and emotional people. The bulk of the "healing" falls on their share.

During the televised sessions, high numbers of cures for various diseases were cited. Although in relation to the total number of possible viewers, this percentage is small, but the figure strengthened faith in Anatoly Mikhailovich. First, he confidently held himself in front of the TV cameras, while managing to retain the external accessories of the hypnotist: the appropriate look, posture, gestures, voice timbre, intonation. Secondly, the vast majority of the population did not know anything at all about the work of psychotherapists, so many telesessions were perceived as a "magical action", which, of course, increased their effect. Thirdly, the unusual behavior of some people in the hall had a considerable indirect effect on the perception of the audience. As the cameramen showed, some turned their heads, others waved their arms, others slowly, as if dancing, moved around the hall. Such actions of easily suggestible spectators due to their boundless faith in the possibilities of A. Kashpirovsky caused the so-called induction among those present, infecting them with the same feelings.

Sessions by A. Chumak

In the light of the foregoing, the effects that A. Chumak achieved by “charging” water, cream, ointments, newspapers and magazines are easily explained. Of course, it was not the objects that were "charged" but the minds of the viewers were "charged". Those who had increased suggestibility and ardently believed in A. Chumak received positive changes in their state of health, since “charged” objects brought a pronounced “placebo effect”.

Those who had a sharply negative attitude to the “recharging” procedure (or to A. Chumak himself), received evidence of the harm of such sessions through self-hypnosis. In both cases, the mechanism of influence was the same and was inside the people themselves, and their fierce disputes only created good publicity for A. Chumak.


The influx of sorcerers, magicians and psychics that followed the speeches of A. Kashpirovsky was, in fact, a perversion of the foundations of scientific psychology and psychotherapy, since it was based on the elementary illiteracy of people and their habit of creating another idol.

Minsk psychologist Leonid Levit gives the following advice to overly gullible people: “When meeting with another psychic, ask him a specific question (for example, what tooth do you have a crown on or what did you hurt in childhood) and carefully observe the reaction of the interlocutor. Much will become clear to you in the first few seconds. If you are embarrassed by the situation of exposing such a “healer” more than he himself, then at least do not trust him with your personality and your health - the most precious thing you have.

About the dangers and benefits of swearing

From time to time one has to come across statements that plants “feel” when they are going to “do something bad”, “understand” the words that portend danger for them.

Does the word have a similar physical force? Linguists from the Moscow Research Institute of Linguistics, together with biologists, finally decided to answer this question and conducted an experiment on plants. Arabidopsis, which acts as a guinea pig in botany, was cursed. The Evil Fury was replaced by a wave generator, which increased the emotional intensity of ordinary words to the stage of white heat. It turned out that in terms of the strength of the impact, swearing was compared with powerful radiation: DNA chains broke, chromosomes broke up and genes got mixed up. Most of the seeds died, and those that survived mutated. The most interesting thing is that the result did not depend on the sound volume at all. I immediately remembered the sorcerers who whisper their conspiracies.

There has long been a belief among the people: an envious, evil person with a bad word can cause harm. For such, they even composed a saying: “Pip on your tongue!”.

If swearing has such a power that even unconscious plants can catch it, then the question arises: what role do swearing have on human health?

The fact that they bring harm to the one they fall upon is clear. It is no coincidence that we react painfully to abuse addressed to us. And for the health of the cursing themselves?

Not so long ago, linguists found an “ideal” society - these are the Himalayan Sherpas: they have forbidden fights, murders, violence, swearing. However, as it turned out, this seemingly prosperous people is the most uncomfortable in the world. Sherpas are like a bomb ready to explode. Once a year, they are allowed to cross the line of what is permitted in the language in competitions in rhetoric, and this turns into many days of bloody brawls.

It turns out that swear words are a valve through which the body gets rid of destructive energy.

We need obscene and swear words like milk to a growing organism. Without profanity, our energy would burn us from the inside. The Institute of Linguistics advised: if you want to swear, then it’s better not to hold back, but to bury yourself in a corner or fence so as not to spray harmful waves, and swear hard. And for the offenders, you need to keep the formula at the ready: "I wish you the same." Harmless to others, but in fact - "tit for tat". But we must remember that curses have feedback: the one who pronounces them brings trouble on his own head.


It represents nothing more than a kind of directive suggestion, a command. If a person does not want to stop drinking, and his will resists the doctor's will, then there will be no effect from coding. Such a procedure helps, first of all, those people who really decide to “tie up”. In order to increase the level of suggestibility of patients before and during coding, various frightening "rituals" can be used. (Recall that in a state of nervous stress, a person's criticality to incoming information decreases and, accordingly, suggestibility increases.)

So, one resourceful psychotherapist put two hefty guys dressed in white coats at the door of the office in which coding took place. "Protection" drilled with the eyes of each visitor entering the office, creating a stressful state in him. At the end of the coding, the doctor "for medical purposes" irrigated the patient's mouth with a solution that formed blisters. When such a person with "foam at the mouth" left the office, it made a strong impression on those who were still waiting for their turn. Needless to say, the effect of coding was very great!

In developed countries, such directive methods in psychology and psychotherapy are now fading into the background, giving way to group psychotherapy and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming; read about it below). The reason is that in democratic states human freedom is one of the main values. In our country, entire generations have been brought up in such a way that they are ready (and even willing) to obey orders.

Suggestion via computer

In 1998, Japan was rocked by a scandal over showing cartoons for children. The alternation of bright red flashes led to the fact that the children lost their appetite, became withdrawn, irritable, some even ended up in the hospital with a diagnosis of "nervous exhaustion". This cartoon was made on a computer.

"Bewitching" programs on computers appeared in the late 80s, when the first color monitors went on sale. One of the most popular programs of the time was written in the US, called "Dazzle" and was installed on tens of thousands of computers. It is doubtful that its creators pursued any malicious goals. It was a beautiful screensaver that could decorate the interior while the computer was not working. Colored streaks ran across the screen, forming intricate patterns that never repeat. However, Dazzle's experts on psychophysical influence quickly improved it by streamlining the change of pictures, choosing the right color scheme and special music for them. The program began to hypnotize the viewer, put him into a trance.

“A friend gave me a floppy disk with this program, he only warned me not to turn it on at full capacity,” said Igor Serov, one of those who study the “side” effects of new computer programs. - I remember well my state when I sat down in a chair in front of the monitor and clicked on the "mouse". At first, I didn’t seem to notice anything, and then it began to seem to me that a funnel appeared in the middle of the screen, the walls in the room began to bend, the floor began to sway, and there was a wild pain in my eyes. I found the strength in myself to reach the “Power” button with the toe of my boot and cut off the current.

Such programs achieve the desired result by combining video and audio effects, causing resonance at the alpha frequency of the brain. Such screensavers are called psionic. However, there is no evidence that such programs have caused anything more than temporary health problems.

How do psionic programs get into a computer? You can buy it on a tray that sells "left", that is, pirated discs. Now there are a lot of programs offering to turn them on and relax, rest, "know yourself." What is really written on them and what effect can be when running these programs is unknown. But most likely, such programs can get onto your computer along with a virus. And it is this technology of transferring destructive software that will develop at a fantastic pace in the near future.

“I have not yet come across viruses that affect the psyche of someone who sits at a computer,” said Kirill Zhuchkov, manager of Kaspersky Lab. “However, lately, in the new generation of viruses, there has been a noticeable tendency not to destroy your programs, but to take control of what you do on your computer. For example, one of the most common viruses over the past month, Back Orifice, is engaged in removing passwords, addresses, technical specifications. And then those who sent the virus to you get full access to your computer and are able to immediately monitor what commands you are executing, what texts you are typing.

Quite naturally, following the desire to control your computer, secret programmers may also want to control you. The development of technology provides truly unlimited possibilities for this. Already in the first years of the new millennium, computers should appear that are not inferior to humans in terms of data processing speed and intelligence. Further building up of such abilities will go exponentially.

There are great prospects for zombifying those who work on a computer, especially those connected to the Internet.

G hypnosis and crime detection

One of the first Russian criminologists who used hypnosis to solve crimes was the famous detective Nikolai Petrovich Arkharov, who headed the Moscow police at the end of the 18th century. As contemporaries recalled, “It was enough for Arkharov to look into the eyes of the person convicted of the crime for him to admit his guilt or swear innocence.” In a calm conversation, Arkharov even managed to talk to the prisoner Emelyan Pugachev, who until now had been silent in the dungeons of the secret political police.

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, the metropolitan police often turned to the famous Russian psychiatrist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev for advice. Using hypnosis and other techniques, Bekhterev gave conclusions about the sanity and character of the most dangerous murderers, rapists, swindlers and other criminals. Bekhterev collaborated with the "organs" under the Soviet regime.

One of best students Bekhterev and part-time employee of the Special Department at the OGPU, engaged in secret developments in the field of secret sciences, was Alexander Vasilyevich Barchenko. In the 1920s, he made several secret trips to Siberia and Altai to get acquainted with the psychic abilities of shamans and Buddhist monks. Bit by bit, Barchenko also collected the secret knowledge of the Russian sects eunuchs, runners, whips, etc., who widely practiced hypnosis. He developed for the OGPU methods of psychological influence on the arrested, which were then used to prepare the trials of "enemies of the people" - with their public repentance. In 1937, Barchenko was arrested and shot, along with the head of the Special Department, Gleb Bokiy. And his archive was confiscated by the secret services and, according to information leaked to the press, was used for practical purposes until the 1990s.

Hypnosis crimes

There are many legends about hypnotist criminals. But few people know that all these stories are not just stories. A few years ago, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation created a unit at its research institute, which one would like to call "the department for combating hypnotism." It includes several major hypnotist specialists who help operatives solve crimes related to the use of suggestion. Professor, Colonel of the Medical Service, Doctor of Medical Sciences Leonid Grimak works in this department as the chief researcher. And based on the materials of criminal cases, he wrote the book "Hypnosis and Crime."

— Leonid Pavlovich, where did the idea of ​​creating your department come from?

- In the early 90s, many psychics appeared who claimed that they could find missing people, cars, solve murders. The Ministry of Internal Affairs instructed us to deal with them in order to understand whether it is possible to work with them seriously. And we gradually noticed amazing things. For example, in February 1993, one of the psychics (by the way, a senior police sergeant) managed to solve 16 crimes in a row. He came to the Yekaterinburg pre-trial detention center, and people under investigation were called to him. He looked at everyone and almost immediately began to describe in detail the circumstances of the crime. These were mostly burglaries - and he described in detail the situation and the interior of the robbed houses. This case is documented, there is even filming. But when, three months later, we brought the psychic to Moscow to involve him in solving more complicated crimes, he could no longer do anything. Apparently, from time to time he fell into some borderline states. It was no longer possible to repeat the success, moreover, he went crazy ... Then a couple of times we came across similar phenomena, but it turned out to be impossible to streamline the process of solving crimes with the help of psychics, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs stopped working with them.

- Have you encountered criminal psychics?

“We have seen crimes committed with the help of hypnosis, but not only psychics have used it. These were school teachers, pop hypnotists, doctors. And most often they committed rape. For example, several years ago, not without our help, we managed to successfully complete the criminal case of a district doctor who practiced in a city in Central Russia. He hypnotized two schoolgirls who came to see him. He inspired them with complete obedience, ordered them to come to the clinic. And raped them on every visit. Now serving time.

In our production, there were several cases when pop hypnotists fished out especially suggestible girls from the hall where they performed and then simply sculpted from them, like their clay, whatever they wanted. Everything was revealed when one of the girls suddenly became pregnant. In general, it is very difficult to prove such a crime, since the victim does not remember anything. For example, there is a case when one boy, who accidentally noticed hypnotic abilities in himself, put his cousin into a trance for several years and seduced him. And everything was discovered by chance: someone caught him doing this.

Therefore, when Kashpirovsky's television bacchanalia took place in our country, I was very afraid that schoolchildren would massively use hypnosis to seduce classmates.

Fortunately, this did not happen. Although, perhaps, some cases are simply unknown to us.

“And banks weren’t robbed with the help of hypnosis?”

- I don’t remember, although such cases are described in special literature. The criminals put the cashier into a trance, he himself gave them the money, and then he could not remember anything. We saw other crimes, for example, how some kind of camp urka subjugates inmates with the help of hypnosis.

- And how do criminals know hypnosis?

- They do not use scientific hypnosis, but the so-called "folk", which has long been used in magic, divination. When some village old woman "removes damage" from a neighbor, she tries to neutralize one hypnotic suggestion with another. Thieves in law operate in similar ways. But they give other installations - for complete submission. By the way, I noticed that modern political image makers use similar techniques.

- Can a hypnotist completely establish power over another person?

- Usually, even in a deep trance, a person will not carry out the suggestion of a hypnotist if it goes against his moral principles. But there are groups of people who are ready to succumb to any foreign influence - criminals, homeless people, drug addicts.

- There is an opinion that neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), a newfangled psychotechnology, allows you to do something similar with a person.

- This is a very serious technique, I use it to treat patients. A competent NLP master can put a person into hypnosis in any situation.

- Have you met with crimes committed with the help of NLP?

- I think no one can solve such crimes yet. They won't even notice. So I meet you, greet you, and while shaking hands, squeezing it in a special way, I put you into a trance. Then I clean your pockets. Then I give the command to you to forget all this and wake up. And you only remember that you said hello to someone, went on and suddenly found that the wallet had disappeared ...

- Do investigators use hypnosis to force a criminal to confess?

- From the point of view of the Criminal Code, this is illegal. However, there is an order from the Minister of the Interior that allows the use of hypnosis when interrogating witnesses or victims. Very often, the victims forget the signs of the offender, and we help them remember them. The accused can also fall under hypnosis, but only at a personal request. And testimony made under hypnosis has no legal force.

- Is it possible to turn a criminal into a normal person with the help of hypnosis?

- I think that a person commits crimes in a state of self-hypnosis. It is authentically known that it was with the help of hypnosis that primitive people were controlled. There is an element of hypnosis in any mass action - remember the Nazi marches or parades on Red Square. There are more hypnotic programs in human society than is commonly thought.

Have you practiced hypnosis yourself?

This is how I started my medical career. Before working at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I used hypnosis to conduct research with astronauts and test pilots.

- I heard that you treated Shchelokov, the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

- He had neuritis of the brachial nerve, I relieved his pain by suggestion. And look at this portrait - it was my most important patient.

— Kozhedub?!
- Fifteen years treated - a severe disease of the cerebral vessels. Until the end of his life from time to time spent with him sessions of hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis and memory

In 1993, like thunder, America was rocked by the case of a certain Meryl A. The unfortunate old maid, who spent her young years caring for her adored father, suddenly went to court demanding that he be found guilty of violence against her while she was a child and pay a multi-million dollar lawsuit. . A few days earlier, in a psychiatric center, under hypnosis, they helped her to bring to light the memories of her childhood. And Meryl remembered how, in the summer, in a clearing near the old garage, her father had committed indecent acts with her.

“Do you really have a villa in that place?” Mr. A. was asked in the courtroom.

- She was until Meryl was 4 years old.

“Is there a garage in the clearing?”

- Probably, yes, it was.

The court found the father guilty.

An avalanche of such lawsuits swept over not only America, but also the countries of Western Europe. “Modern psychoanalysts can lift the deepest layers of memory,” the newspapers wrote. And as a result - snowball Claims against parents from children offended in childhood began to grow. It was enough for the courts to have one confirmation of the doctors in order to initiate criminal cases on the claims of those who went through hypnosis. On the resurrection of memories, tens of thousands of psychoanalysts have made their careers. Sobering up came only after a book called “Victims of Memory” was published, in which the accused father wrote: “I was found guilty of something that never happened. I have never hurt my daughters." Hundreds of stories about slandered parents were also collected there ... The society immediately asked the question: how could this happen?

Canadian neurosurgeon Walter Penfield was the first to notice that if a scalpel touches certain areas in the temporal part of the brain during an operation, patients suddenly begin to remember the smallest details of long-standing events. As soon as the scalpel was removed, the visions stopped from the same moment. “We don’t forget anything at all!” - this sensation in the late 80s blew up the scientific community.

The case of a 62-year-old man was the first to thunder. The former bricklayer recalled that as a boy, helping to restore a church in one town, he laid the sixth brick with a crack in the fifth row. A meticulous psychiatrist went to this church and made sure that this brick is still split in two today. The next sensational report was that a certain Sibyl N., under hypnosis, remembered that her father, when she was a child, had killed an unfamiliar woman in front of her eyes. The police brigade that went to the indicated place found a buried corpse under an apple tree. Sibylla's father was condemned.

“Sometimes children manage to instruct the brain to forget information,” comments Konstantin Anokhin, head of the joint Russian-British laboratory for the neuroscience of memory. - This can happen when the opposite concepts of "father" and "rapist" or "father" and "murderer" do not fit in the children's imagination. This defense mechanism diverts information to the subconscious so that the child can become a normal person. But the reverse process can also occur: the brain, as a result of an unknown failure, produces pseudo-memories.

... The idea of ​​the experiment, the results of which again turned all ideas about memory, was born on a day when all of America was in shock from the Challenger disaster. A group of American psychologists asked university students to describe in detail the moment they heard about the catastrophe. Four years later, the same group was given the task of repeating their memories. And it turned out that each of the students confidently described ... a completely different situation.

Hypnosis: tutorial. Manage yourself and others Zaretsky Alexander Vladimirovich

Methods of suggestion and self-hypnosis

Suggestion as effective method effects on humans have been used for thousands of years. During this time, vast experience has been accumulated, hundreds of effective methods have been developed. Since it is impossible to consider everything within the framework of the book, let's turn to the most curious and simple to implement.

Suggestion can be direct and indirect, carried out in a state of wakefulness (awake), in hypnotic and natural sleep, in a state caused by the action of special pharmacological preparations. To achieve hypnotic trance, classical methods of suggestion are still widely used. In this case, strong sudden stimuli or a long monotonous effect on visual, auditory, and skin analyzers are used.

Mass hypnosis

In recent decades, Ericksonian hypnosis has become widespread, greatly expanding the possibilities of psychotherapy. Suggestions imperceptibly for a person penetrate into his consciousness and provide impressive results.

A combination of different methods allows you to choose the best option in each specific case. In general, the opposition between classical and Ericksonian hypnosis is artificial, they are two sides of the same coin. As a rule, their joint use only increases the effectiveness of the impact.

For successful treatment, a combination of hypnosis with reflexology, physiotherapy, manual therapy, diet, and exercise therapy is practiced.

Modern technologies have enriched the methods of psychotherapy. Musical accompaniment, audio and video recordings of sessions of hypnotic influence, the possibilities of radio and television make it possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment and expand the audience.

In addition to heterosuggestion, that is, suggestion conducted by another person, autosuggestion (self-suggestion) is used. Coue method and Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training and its numerous modifications, oriental meditative practices, incantations and prayers, healing attitudes and the method of Hasai Aliyev - this is not a complete list of methods for self-regulation (some will be discussed in the relevant sections of the book).

Sometimes hypnosis is combined with acupressure and manual therapy.

What is hypnosis for in everyday life? It is hard to believe, but also for solving health problems, difficulties in communication, understanding, to help achieve goals (education, business, creativity).

However, such effective methods can also be used by criminal structures, representatives of various religious movements and sects, commercial organizations to achieve very dubious goals.

Knowing the methods of protecting your own consciousness will not allow you to turn into an obedient executor of someone else's will.

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(not a day without self-hypnosis) Self-hypnosis is not something extraordinary, but a permanent and therefore almost imperceptible mechanism of the psyche. Suggestion from outside works only when it becomes self-hypnosis. This is a redistribution of internal values. Hidden reserves

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Direct and symbolic self-suggestion Sometimes it is much more convenient to influence your state indirectly, symbolically, associatively than to try to influence direct self-suggestion. And instead of stupidly imagining the relaxation of the body and mind, you can try

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SELF-SUGGEMENT METHOD Start by setting your alarm clock 20 minutes before your usual wake up time. After the signal, without opening your eyes and maintaining a half-asleep state, mentally repeat 2 times: "My brain has not yet woken up and is ready for verbal self-hypnosis." Then

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Autosuggestion Technique 1. Relax completely While lying in bed, close your eyes and relax your head, neck, shoulders, back, arms and legs. Eliminate all tension, breathe slowly and calmly. Enjoy relaxation, free yourself from all thoughts, worries and plans.

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Chapter 5 Mechanisms of auto-suggestion The main mechanisms of action of auto-suggestion. Until relatively recently, it was believed that the basis of calm nervous system, and even more sleep, is the process of inhibition, covering the cells of the brain. This idea was born in

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The Power of Autosuggestion The main indications for the use of hypnosis and autosuggestion have been discussed in previous chapters. The effectiveness of suggestion in a trance state with the right approach is very high. Hypnosis is a powerful weapon in the fight against any ailment and bad habit, a means

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The power of self-hypnosis is as old as the world. There have always been people on earth who craved power. But the skillful, well-thought-out practice of mastering human consciousness, controlling it, the practice of turning this consciousness into clay from which anything can be fashioned, is a contribution,

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The power of autosuggestion According to the definition of the American hypnotist Ormond McGill, "hypnotic suggestion is the subconscious realization of an idea." We are talking about the ability to directly place a thought in the subconscious of another person and bring it to realization. Suggestion

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From the author's book

From the author's book

6.1. Technology of self-hypnosis Conventionally, four stages can be distinguished in the process of self-hypnosis: First. Installation;Second. Entry into altered consciousness. We add that many names have been invented for such a state of mind. Someone calls it "a state of emptiness, someone -

From the author's book

6.2. The Basic Method of Autosuggestion Affirmation is the simplest method of autosuggestion and is very easy to use in everyday life. Its essence lies in the repetition of settings. To achieve a specific result, special phrases are selected,

From the author's book

6.3. Self-Suggestion Techniques The self-hypnosis technique does not require a yoga posture or memorization of a mantra. Man is a unique creation. The speed of passage of nerve impulses in the human body is equal to the speed of light. Man is much stronger and faster than tigers, leopards,

Effective hypnotic communication relies on suggestion. Think about what various forms of suggestion present in your daily life. You get up in the morning and stumble over your son's sneakers left in the hallway. When he appears himself, you look from shoes to him. What do you suggest with this look? Your shoes are out of place. Take away. On your way to work, you pass a billboard. In the picture, a group of people are listening to the radio in delight. Suggestion: You will be happier if you listen to the same radio. The boss walks into your office, sits down and says, “We're looking for a project director and would like to make a decision by the end of the month. We really liked the way you organized and implemented the training program. You did a great job, you are respected by the employees. What do you think of the new project? This is a double suggestion - you are considered as a project director. How do you convince your boss that you are the best candidate? You stop at an ATM on your way home. There is a queue, and the person behind you is smoking a cigar. Smoke hits your face. You turn around, look at the cigar in his hand and then into his eyes. Suggestion: stop smoking. You are having dinner at a restaurant. After your meal, the waiter comes to your table and asks, "Show you the dessert menu?" Suggestion: He will be happy if you order dessert. You come home and your 15-year-old daughter rushes out of the room asking, “Would you like to hear me talk about seal nutrition?” Suggestion: You want to sit down and listen to her report right now.

You will notice that these types of suggestion vary in their degree of directiveness. Moreover, some of them are verbal (expressed in words), others are not. In hypnotic communication, you will use both direct and indirect suggestion.

hypnotic suggestion

Technically, suggestion is the suggestion of beliefs or actions that are taken in the absence of intermediate or critical thought . In other words, when you are hypnotized and in a relaxed state, your subconscious mind is more sensitive to suggestion than when you are in complete control of yourself. Suggestion acts directly on the subconscious, easily becomes a belief, changes behavior, stimulates effort or action.
Here are a few goals that can be achieved using suggestion:

Basic types of suggestions

The six main types of suggestions are described below: relaxing, deepening, direct, imaginative, indirect, and post-hypnotic.

Relaxing Suggestion

1. Relaxing Suggestion soothes, increases your susceptibility, focusing your attention on internal sensations, thereby fencing off the external environment. Thus, the basis for the further procedure is laid.

Start relaxing, feel how this state grows, how you sink deeper with each breath and become more receptive to positive suggestion.

Feel how your muscles, neck and shoulders relax, and your consciousness becomes liberated along with them. Your consciousness is freed up, helping to relax your whole body, and you are less and less less attention pay attention to the world around you.

Deepening Suggestion

2. Deepening Suggestion puts you into a deeper hypnotic trance. It involves concentration on a specific action, which greatly enhances the trance state. Deepening suggestion can be compared to an elevator that goes down - you just need to press the appropriate button and it goes down to the next floor. Three ways to deepen suggestion are illustrated below:

Now I will start the countdown from ten to one, and you can imagine that you are going down the stairs, with each step lower and lower, your body relaxes more and more, feel how you descend, step by step; relax... ten... relax... nine... eight... seven... six... five... four... three... two... one... deeper, deeper, relax.
Your eyelids are down, they are so heavy that you cannot lift them. They seem to be glued together and you can't open them. Your eyelids are drooping, they are so tightly closed that they cannot be opened. Now you will slowly count to three, thinking about your glued eyelids, and with each uttered number, your eyelids will stick together more tightly. Try to open them... One... they won't open... two... they are tightly adjacent. .. glued, fully glued... three... your eyelids won't open.

You are sitting in the chair so relaxed that your body merges with the chair, you cannot get up from the chair, you cannot walk, you are immobile in the chair like a statue. You are a statue sitting on a chair. You are so relaxed that you cannot move. So relaxed that when you try to move you can't. When you try to move, you fail, your body is too relaxed.

direct suggestion

3. Direct suggestion is used to guide you and teach you to respond in a certain way. Direct suggestion is usually simple and specific. It is often used as an introduction and does not require a rich imagination, unlike indirect suggestion, of which images are an integral part.

With this suggestion, you respond to words, not images. The suggestion may consist of a single word or several sentences that initiate an immediate response. The following are examples of the most typical direct suggestions:

Now you will return to the past, to the moment from which your problems began.
You want to sleep, let this slumber take over you, release the images from the past.
When I count to three, you will be able to speak, and then describe the day your grandmother was in trouble.

figurative suggestion

4. Figurative suggestion complements other types of suggestion. It creates mental images, setting the stage for relaxation or encouraging a new self-image, serving as a "rehearsal" for a different behavior, or creating an imaginary environment that should help reprogram the patient's behavior. For example, the image of a staircase helps with the countdown during a deepening suggestion. Images from the past help to revive an important event, the memory of which is caused by direct suggestion. Using indirect suggestion, you can use any image or metaphor: for example, the image of a stormy river is completely identified with the circulatory system, and the image of a singing bird with hope.

Post-hypnotic suggestion is enriched by the use of imagery and helps you successfully settle into your new role.
You feel strong, as in your youth, when the ball you hit flew across the entire field. You feel the bat in your palms, the joyful excitement of being ready to serve. You hit the ball hard and see the ball fly over the field fence as you lightly rush from base to base. You are just as energetic now, just as happy, just as confident.

You are going to that special place in the Arizona desert, where at this time of the year there are amazing sunrises that creep over the horizon, where the air is dry and clean, and all around is silence. Everything froze. So quiet that you can hear your own thoughts.

You are on the beach, where your stress literally melts and flows off your body, carried away by the waves; it just melts and disappears, and you stand and no longer feel its weight. You are embraced by lightness and happiness, peace and tranquility.

indirect suggestion

5. Indirect suggestion there are two types. Suggestion of the first type operates with a positive emotional state, such as happiness. The hypnotized person is asked about his past, revealing an event that had a positive connotation. During the induction, the person is encouraged to re-experience him and the positive emotions. A simple cue is then associated with such an event, which can be used later to evoke a similar emotional state post-hypnotically. For example, the patient recalled an episode from childhood when he and his father were sailing on a boat. Together with the memory, he is overwhelmed by a feeling of carelessness, peace and joy. A person re-experiences everything that happened under hypnosis. He feels that carefree, effortless happiness again. The keyword associated with this state is entered. In this case, it is the word " sail". Now, in order to experience the desired emotional state, a person only needs to mentally pronounce the word " sail».

The second type of indirect suggestion often associated with the work of Milton Erickson. And although he was not the first to use this technique, without a doubt, his ideas had the greatest impact in this area. He often used lengthy dialogues to hypnotize the client, telling stories and using analogies that elicited a response from the client that was built into their next course of action. The result was a significant change in the patient's being: for example, the disappearance of chronic pain or the modification of problematic behavior. In particular, when Erickson was working with a couple who were not having a sexual relationship, he approached the problem metaphorically and narrated about an elegantly arranged dinner, at which food is not consumed immediately, but leisurely enjoy the process.

Indirect suggestion is very individual. Every analogy, every metaphor must correspond as closely as possible to the patient's life experience and disposition. For example, if old man, who has worked as a carpenter all his life, came to a hypnotherapist to get rid of pain in his arm, then induction should be built in such a way that the metaphor is meaningful for this particular person. For example, induction may develop the image of an "iron" tree to emphasize distinctive features strength and integrity that are associated with tree species, with hard, heavy wood. Guidance might sound like this:

You are driving a car through the desert. The road is long and the winds blow over its surface. Suddenly, around the corner, you see an "iron" tree on a hill. One of the branches is swaying in the wind ...

Then the metaphor should be worked deeper to achieve a specific goal. In this case, it is the deliverance of a person from pain in the hand.

Post-hypnotic suggestion

6. Post-hypnotic suggestion administered during and after completion of induction during the post-hypnotic phase. This type of suggestion serves to stop bad habits, such as smoking, and to modify behavior, for example, to improve interpersonal communication at work or to increase self-confidence. You hear a post-hypnotic suggestion, take it on a subconscious level, then come into full consciousness, and later respond to the suggestion received on a subconscious level.

Here are examples of a common post-hypnotic suggestion:

The next time you sit down at the table, you will realize that a smaller portion of food will be enough for you. You are full and satisfied with a smaller portion.

At the beginning of a new working day, you will feel an unprecedented increase in motivation. It will become easier for you to make phone calls and sell because you will be confident and calm. You will believe wholeheartedly in the product you are selling.

After completing this induction, you will completely lose the craving for smoking.

Tomorrow you will enter the exam room, sit down, take a deep breath and answer all the questions calmly and confidently, remembering all the necessary information easily and quickly.


How little we need to believe in the truth of impossible things. The dramatic setting, the hypnotic voice of the interlocutor, the trust in his skillful manipulations, and now, we are ready to accept any suggestions on faith. However, it is absolutely not necessary to take part in a hypnosis session in order to become a victim of suggestion. In fact, this happens to us in everyday life as well. Psychologists assure us that our minds are constantly being manipulated. We say words and do deeds, most of which were simply imposed on us.

Suggestion surrounds us constantly and everywhere. The life of any of us is a clash of suggestions from different sides. Suggestions from our relatives and friends, suggestions from the books we read, suggestions from new historical events. But why do we so easily become puppets in someone else's hands? Is there a weapon that can control people's minds? What you need to know in order not to turn into an obedient zombie?

Every day people do this absolutely everything without exception, skillfully manipulate each other. Smiling, flattery, tearful petition, blackmail, intimidation - these are just the smallest tricks that we use to influence people. For the first time, each of us begins to manipulate others in early childhood. It all starts with a small, banal desire to just get yours. This is how we learn to achieve our goals. Psychologists have long found out that it is the one who can easily inspire another person with his point of view that becomes successful manipulators. Suggestion occupies a central position in our life. The ability to inspire determines almost everything, that is, if a person can inspire some of his ideas, then accordingly he becomes more effective.
Throughout our lives, we are under the influence of various suggestions, but they do not always carry a negative message.
"Learn to share and make friends" we hear in childhood. “Study well and get a well-paid job”, convince us in adolescence. Suggestion is also an effective way of learning, according to scientists. Most pedagogical and psychological methods are built on it.
Suggestion is not only useful, but also selfish. In principle, any method of manipulation is based on the desire of people for profit, for example, the desire to get something, or the desire to surpass others in some way.

Critical perception of information "Method of absolute evidence"

You can manipulate both an individual and a group of people. To do this, it is enough to present the idea that you want to inspire as something obvious, an opinion that the majority supposedly already shares. Psychologists say that this technique, called the method of absolute evidence, is incredibly effective. With its help, it is possible to build almost any, even absurd, belief into the human value system.
A person will easily believe that white is black if there is no critical perception of information. That is why it is very important for the manipulator to remove this very critical perception of information. But why does the critical perception of information disappear, and the method itself, despite its simplicity, becomes so effective. It turns out that the human psyche automatically responds to the opinion of the majority, we involuntarily try to join it - this is called conformism or.


Hypnosis and trance

Hypnosis, the ancient technique of suggestion known to man. For thousands of years it has been regarded as supernatural ability inherent only to the elect; Priestesses, shamans, sorcerers. Hypnosis was feared, condemned, avoided. Today, immersion in a special state of consciousness (trance) is used by doctors to treat a wide variety of diseases, phobias and addictions.

How exactly does hypnosis work, what is trance? We constantly fall into a state of trance, but we do not notice it. Immersion in a light trance occurs naturally. At some point, the focus of attention shifts, and the person is immersed in his thoughts. In this state, you can forget where and why you were going, drive past your stop and not notice a friend walking towards you. The brain simply switches to a different mode of operation. Thanks to trance states, we learned to write and count. Actually, everything that we have learned happened with the help of entering special states of consciousness (other modes of brain operation). That is, in order to form new knowledge, new understanding, form new behavior, the brain enters other modes of operation, or altered states of consciousness. Trance can also be deep, being in a deep trance, a person disconnects from reality, plunging into an illusory world, this state is similar to sleep, and is considered ideal for suggestion. Under the influence of hypnosis, a person will do everything that the hypnotist tells him, without asking unnecessary questions. This happens because the logical perception of information is removed, and a person perceives any information with the help of feelings. And feelings work a little differently, the mechanism of generalization, that is, information is perceived all at once. When a person begins to perceive all the information at once, his criticality is absent, because the consciousness does not work. Scientists say that non-hypnotizable people simply do not exist, but not everyone quickly plunges into a trance state ...

Everyone wants to quickly and effectively achieve their goals, become a respected boss, or take place in their personal lives. But how to achieve this for a person whom no one takes seriously. Some experts believe that all these problems can be solved with the help of NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming. was invented in America in the late 70s by business coach Frank Pucelik, psychologist Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder. However, they came up with too big a word. In fact, these people did not invent anything from scratch, but simply correctly systematized all the best that had been developed by that time in psychology. They combined the techniques used in; psychotherapy, behaviorism, cognitive psychology, Gestalt psychotherapy, Ericksonian hypnosis.
One of the most famous NLP techniques is the so-called anchoring. This technique allows you to debug the work of control mechanisms, the management of thoughts and feelings. The anchoring system works on the same principle as Pavlov's stimulus-response. To drop anchor means to work out conditioned reflex to reproduce some particular emotion; joy, sorrow, humility.

For example:
You heard a melody associated with first love, and immediately plunged into romantic experiences. The melody is the anchor that caused this state. Anchor can be a word, aroma, and even the emotions of the interlocutor.

Many scientists accuse neurolinguistic programming of being unethical and therefore consider it the most discredited therapeutic practice. In fact, effective methods of psychology, collected under the slogan of NLP, can also be turned into a manual for manipulating a person's consciousness. By creating by own will notorious anchors, turning them on and off at your own discretion, you can successfully pull the strings and play on people's feelings, and do it in secret, because only the one who owns NLP techniques can expose you.

Psychotronic weapons

The idea of ​​total control over society is as old as the world. Many rulers dreamed of getting power over the minds of people. But only at the end of the 19th century, humanity approached the invention of brain, or psychotronic weapons. According to many historians, throughout the 20th century, scientists have been working on creating a device capable of controlling people's minds. It is almost impossible to find open information about the existence of such weapons, if research in this area has been carried out, then they probably remain classified. No country officially confirms that it owns psychotronic weapons. The debate about whether it exists or not does not subside to this day. But still, if such a weapon exists, then what does it look like, what is the principle of its operation?
Psychotronic weapons are directed wave vibrations. They can be very different, but always directed to the desired object; person or crowd. Psychotronic weapons can cause panic, stop, or make you run.


Everyone wants to protect themselves from a possible psychological attack; zombies and total brainwashing, hidden suggestion, after all, from gypsy hypnosis. But how to do it, how in general?
The more a person consciously defends himself and resists manipulation, the easier it is to manipulate him. A person can resist unpleasant uncomfortable manipulations, knowing exactly what he wants. It is known that excitement and panic make a person vulnerable to even the smallest manipulations. If you maintain a critical mind and are able to control your words and actions, scammers simply will not waste their time on you. Experts advise if you do not want someone to inspire you with something against your will, take a little time and familiarize yourself with hypnosis techniques, or NLP techniques. Once you understand how it works, it will become much easier for you to recognize the tricks of the manipulators.

Video: Suggestion, manipulation of consciousness. Methods of brainwashing and brainwashing.