Rhesus negative in a pregnant woman. The negative impact of the Rh factor on the planning of the child: how to prevent. Negative Rh during pregnancy: the concept of the Rh factor

The blood type, like nothing else, affects the period of pregnancy in women. It is also very important to know your plasma type when planning a pregnancy, because there are quite a few cases when a married couple comes to the doctor with the problem of group incompatibility. There are also cases when the question of abortion arises. IN this case it concerns the occurrence of incompatibility between mother and child in the womb. Then in question either about an abortion, or about a special vaccine that will give hope for bearing a child.

The article will discuss how exactly the negative Rh factor affects pregnancy and, in general, all subsequent health predictions after childbirth. First of all, this applies to women who gave birth for the first time, because it is during the first pregnancy that the so-called “immunity” is built to possible incompatibility or other curiosities.

Plasma features

In addition to the fact that blood groups are known in medicine, there are many importance plays the definition of the Rh factor. Rhesus is a special protein located on the surface of red blood cells, or rather on their membrane. Their presence in the plasma indicates the presence of a positive Rh in a person, and the absence of a negative one.

The presence or absence of such a protein in the blood of women does not indicate any pathology. This is a natural assignment of the type of plasma that a certain group of people have. They are called negative in medicine, that is, the blood type is minus. Therefore, in ordinary life rhesus does not carry any danger. The main thing is to observe this concept during transfusion or any other interventions.

One of the most important of these interventions is pregnancy. That's just the Rh factor and is important for pregnancy, or rather, its conception or the entire period. In order not to have to have an abortion, you need to take the birth of a baby seriously.

Is there a connection between sex and blood types of partners:

A child can inherit any Rh, since such a feature of the blood group cannot be calculated on its own with a high probability. But there is one single exception, when the Rh factor will be accurate in a single case. This can be then if the mother and father have a negative Rh factor. Then the future child will definitely be the same. This phenomenon can only be explained by the fact that in the absence of protein on erythrocytes, it cannot appear in any case. The ratio of 50% - e exists only if the mother or father has one or another Rh factor, that is, either positive or negative.

Rhesus conflict

Such a concept as Rhesus conflict can arise in several cases. Most often this concerns a certain Rh factor. This is a characteristic incompatibility between mother and fetus, when one of them is positive and the other is negative.

So that the question of abortion does not arise in the future, it is necessary to take a break for three years after the first birth. This will not only allow the body to recover, but also minimize the threat of re-incompatibility. It is better to prevent the development of such threats, so that everything goes well in the future.

Cases of conflict

Conflict and premature unwanted abortion may occur in the following cases.

If you are Rh negative and your husband (child's father) is Rh positive, we recommend that you read this article carefully.

Rh factor

Most people have proteins on the surface of their red blood cells called the Rh factor (or Rh antigen). These people are Rh positive. But 15% of men and women do not have these proteins on their red blood cells - that is, they have a negative Rh.

Rh factor is inherited as more strong sign and never changes throughout life. Rh-affiliation is determined simultaneously with the blood group, although they are completely independent. The Rh-affiliation of the blood cannot speak of any health, immune or metabolic disorders. It's just a genetic trait, an individual trait, like eye or skin color.

So, the Rh factor is an immunological property of the blood, which depends on the presence of a special type of protein.

Rhesus conflict

At the 7-8th week of pregnancy, the formation of hematopoiesis in the embryo begins. A few red blood cells of a Rh-positive baby, overcoming placental barrier enter the circulatory system of an Rh-negative mother. And then the mother's body understands that it is being attacked by a foreign protein, and reacts to this by producing antibodies that seek to destroy it. In the "heat of battle" from mother's blood through the placenta, "defenders" penetrate into the body of the unborn baby and there they continue to fight with his blood, destroying and sticking together red blood cells. If there are a lot of such uninvited fighters, without timely help, the fetus may die. This is the Rh conflict, otherwise this phenomenon is called Rh sensitization.

Note that in 70% of cases, the Rh-negative mother practically does not react in any way to the presence of the Rh factor in the fetus. And in 30% of pregnant women, the body, having perceived the fetus as something alien, begins to produce protective antibodies against the red blood cells of its own child.

In most cases, at the first meeting with the Rh antigen, for example, during the first pregnancy (regardless of its outcome), antibodies are not produced so much. But after the first birth (or miscarriage), as well as at any meeting with Rh-positive blood (for example, when transfusing incompatible blood), “memory cells” remain in the woman’s body, which, when next pregnancies(again, when a Rh-negative mother has a child - Rh-positive) organize a rapid and powerful production of antibodies against the Rh factor of the fetus. Moreover, the reaction of the female immune system to the Rh antigen of the unborn child during the second and third pregnancies will be much faster than during the first. Accordingly, the risk is higher.

The first pregnancy of a woman with a negative Rh factor

If previously a woman with a negative Rh factor did not meet with Rh-positive blood, then she does not have antibodies, therefore, the risk of Rh-conflict with the fetus. During the first pregnancy, antibodies are not produced so much. If the number of fetal erythrocytes that entered the mother's blood was significant, "memory cells" remain in the woman's body, which during subsequent pregnancies organize the rapid production of antibodies against the Rh factor.

According to the medical literature, after the first pregnancy, immunization occurs in 10% of women. If a woman with Rh negative blood avoided Rh immunization after the first pregnancy, the next pregnancy with an Rh-positive fetus has a 10% chance of being immunized again.

Monitoring a woman with a negative Rh factor during pregnancy

Often such a pregnancy is no more difficult than in women with a positive Rh. Just do not forget about the most careful and regular monitoring of your health. An expectant mother with a negative Rh factor will have to donate blood from a vein quite often for the presence of antibodies. Up to thirty-two weeks of pregnancy, this analysis is carried out once a month, from 32 to 35 weeks - twice a month, and then until childbirth weekly.

According to the level of antibodies in the blood of a pregnant woman, the doctor can draw conclusions about the alleged Rh factor in the child and determine the beginning of the Rh conflict.

Rh conflict prevention

At the risk of a Rh conflict, a woman is repeatedly examined for the presence of Rh antibodies during pregnancy. If they are not there, then the woman is not sensitized and there will be no Rh conflict in this pregnancy. Immediately after birth, the Rh factor in the baby is determined. If Rh is positive, then no later than 72 hours after birth, the mother is injected anti-rhesus immunoglobulin, which will prevent the development of the Rh conflict in a subsequent pregnancy.

Anti-Rh immunoglobulin breaks the immunological chain and prevents the production of anti-Rh antibodies. Also, this drug binds aggressive antibodies formed in the mother's blood and removes them from the body. Timely Introduction anti-rhesus globulin a high degree probability prevents the development of Rh-conflict during subsequent pregnancy.

You will do the right thing if you find out in advance at the hospital where you plan to give birth, if they have anti-D-immunoglobulin (of course, if you have a negative Rh factor), if they do not, buy in advance and take it with you!

IN Lately the same vaccine is administered for prophylaxis during pregnancy (between the 28th and 32nd weeks), provided that the pregnancy is proceeding well and antibodies in the blood future mother are not found. After the administration of the drug, the blood for antibodies is no longer examined.

The same immunoglobulin prophylaxis for women with a negative Rh factor should be carried out within 72 hours after:

ectopic pregnancy;
- abortion;
- placental abruption;
– amniocetosis (an examination performed by inserting a long thin needle through the abdominal wall into the uterus);
- spontaneous miscarriage;
- blood transfusions.

If the woman does have Rh antibodies and the fetus is Rh positive

If a woman has Rh antibodies in her blood and their titer increases, then this indicates the presence of a Rh conflict.

The mother's antibodies cross the placenta and "pounce" on the baby's red blood cells. At the same time, it appears in his blood a large number of a substance called bilirubin. Bilirubin stains the baby's skin in yellow("jaundice") and can damage his brain. As the fetus's red blood cells are continually being destroyed, the liver and spleen try to speed up the production of new red blood cells while growing in size. In the end, they can not cope with the replenishment of red blood cells. Strong is coming oxygen starvation(anemia) - the content of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood becomes dangerously low, which can lead to a number of serious disorders in the fetus. This state is called hemolytic disease.

In case of Rh conflict, treatment in a specialized perinatal center where both the woman and the child will be under constant supervision.

If it is possible to bring the pregnancy to 38 weeks, a planned caesarean section is performed. If not, they resort to intrauterine blood transfusion: they penetrate the umbilical cord vein through the anterior abdominal wall of the mother and transfuse 20-50 ml of erythrocyte mass to the fetus. The procedure is carried out under ultrasound guidance.

In emergency cases, within 36 hours after the birth of the baby, an exchange transfusion is performed, he is injected with Rh-negative blood of the same group as his mother, and resuscitation is carried out. The mother of such a child is not allowed to breastfeed him in the first days. This is due to the fact that with the mother's milk, the newborn gets anti-Rhesus antibodies that she formed during pregnancy. And these antibodies tend to destroy the baby's red blood cells.


As soon as you decide to have a baby, take a blood test to determine the Rh factor. And this should be done not only by you, but also by your partner. If the future father has a positive Rh factor, and the mother has a negative one, then the probable Rh factor of the fetus is determined as 50% to 50%. In this case, a couple planning to become parents should consult a doctor: he will tell the expectant mother what preventive measures can prevent the development of the Rhesus conflict. Do not neglect the advice of your gynecologist, listen to him and follow all the instructions that he appoints. If the doctor, looking at the results of the tests, said: "Rhesus negative", do not be discouraged! If you are a vigilant and responsible mother, everything will be fine with your child.

Greetings, my dear readers! My sister is dreaming of a second child. She is also Rh negative. Naturally, she is very afraid, because on the Internet you can find horror stories from people who have experienced this problem. Can a second child with a negative Rh factor really be born painful?

How it all started

You probably had an “A” in anatomy at school, and you can remember that the blood of any person contains red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen to all cells of the body.

If a special protein, an antigen, is present on their membrane, then such people are positive. This is about 85% of the world's population. The rest, which do not have such a protein, are negative. It got its name thanks to the experimental monkeys of the Rhesus subspecies.

In medical science, a negative Rh factor is considered a genetic trait that does not affect a person's health. However, he becomes a cause of concern for many mothers who plan to give birth to more than one heir.

blood conflict

Mommy's pregnancy will proceed without problems if both parents have a negative Rh factor or when both parents have a positive one. Conversely, when the mother has a minus Rh factor, and the father has a plus sign, incompatibility occurs, the risks of miscarriage and fetal pathology increase.

The reason is that at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, at 7-8 weeks, the fetus begins to produce red blood cells that can enter the mother's bloodstream. Two situations are possible here:

  • The baby has the same small proteins, his Rh is with a plus sign;
  • They simply do not exist, Rh with a minus sign, there is nothing to react to.

If the red blood cells of a “positive” child enter the body of a “negative” mother, then the immune system mother begins to defend herself and produce antibodies (“memory cells”). This situation is big. Antibodies begin to kill the baby's red blood cells, they become less and less, fetal hypoxia occurs. There is an accumulation of fluid in the tissues and organs of the crumbs.

In addition, the corrosive substance bilirubin accumulates in the body of a small body. It slows down the development of the baby. All of these signs are called hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN).

Optionally, an Rhesus conflict may develop with different rhesus in mother and child. After all, it is quite tightly protected by the placenta. If doctors carefully monitored the course of pregnancy, took compensatory measures in time and prevented incest during childbirth, such an unfavorable situation does not happen.

Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question, does the risk of Rh factor conflict increase during the second pregnancy? Yes, if the first baby had positive blood, then with the second the risk of a Rh conflict increases very much (in my case there were two babies with positive blood). This is because the mother's body already "remembers" the past struggle.

With repeated exposure, the immune system begins to produce antibodies in an enhanced mode, and they easily penetrate the placenta. Their formation can be provoked by a blood transfusion with an incorrect Rh factor or entering the mother's bloodstream through any contact (placental abruption, childbirth).

What do I advise such "negative" women? You need to register with your obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible. It is desirable to be observed in parallel with paid doctor. Do not skip a blood test for the presence of antibodies and their titers. With the help of ultrasound, the first signs of malfunctions in the development of the fetus can be detected in time. Mommy should understand why a negative Rh factor is dangerous, and be very careful about this feature of hers.

Rescue Injection

On the first day after childbirth, doctors determine the Rh factor of the fetus. If it is positive, an anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is administered to the woman. This measure will help to significantly reduce the risk of incompatibility during pregnancy in the future. Therefore, a woman must independently control this moment, otherwise it will affect her ability to conceive and give birth to more children.

Recently, an injection of immunoglobulin is administered even during pregnancy for a period of 28-32 weeks, provided that there is no the slightest amount antibodies. Such prophylaxis does not allow the formation of antibodies in the mother.

If the relative amount of antibodies increases, then the woman in labor must be urgently hospitalized. In emergency cases, specialists perform a transfusion of fetal blood, controlled by ultrasound.

As a rule, in case of a conflict between the rhesus of a woman in labor and a child, doctors discuss the decision on the method of delivery, giving preference in favor of " caesarean section". This reduces the chance of the baby's blood getting into the mother's blood.

Do not be afraid that the baby will spend the first days in the intensive care unit. With Rhesus incompatibility, a child may have three stages of hemolytic disease:

  • anemic - the mildest form;
  • icteric - the baby may have to stay under a dropper;
  • edematous - requires a blood transfusion.

Breastfeeding may be contraindicated for the baby in the first days after birth. It depends on his condition and the level of bilirubin. If doctors do not recommend breastfeeding the baby for the first time, express, save milk. It still contains antibodies that can destroy the baby's red blood cells. But that's no reason to give up. breastfeeding at all.

Rhesus conflict during the second and subsequent pregnancies does not always develop. It is important that such a woman treats her very responsibly, and competent prevention will help to minimize all risks.

For example, my neighbor is a "happy" owner of Rh-negative blood, her husband is Rh-positive, and this did not stop them from giving birth to three healthy children. And this is such happiness.

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See you soon!

Always yours, Anna Tikhomirova

The Rh factor is one of the many antigenic systems of human blood, which ensures the formation of specific proteins on the surface of erythrocytes. They determine the body's tolerance to its own red blood cells - antibodies cannot bind to them without causing an immune response. But thousands of years ago, a mutation occurred that caused the appearance of people without a similar factor on the surface of red blood cells.

The concept of Rh-negative blood implies the absence of a specific D protein, which is the main antigen of the system. At the same time, one's own body lives quietly without it - tolerance is quietly developed by other factors. Problems can only arise if Rh-positive red blood cells enter the bloodstream of such a person.

The immune system recognizes antigen D as a foreign protein with the help of antibodies, after which it launches a cascade of reactions to destroy all cells that have such a “beacon”. Quite often, this situation can be encountered during the pregnancy of an Rh-negative woman with a fetus that is positive in this system. In the absence of timely preventive measures (introduction of immunoglobulin), repeated gestation can result in dangerous complications.

First pregnancy

If both spouses have a negative Rh factor, then nothing threatens pregnancy and the health of the child. The baby inherits it simultaneously from mom and dad, so the woman's body maintains tolerance towards its blood cells. The situation is different if the father is positive for the D antigen - the probability of its transmission to the child is up to 100% in some cases.

Normally, the blood flow of mother and baby is separated throughout pregnancy due to the fetal membranes. Therefore, the immune response, accompanied by the release of antibodies, is not always observed:

  • Contact between the blood of a woman and the fetus usually occurs at the end of the gestation period, when certain conditions that increase the permeability of the placenta.
  • The entry of a small number of Rh-positive erythrocytes of the child into the mother's blood leads to their detection by the immune system by the protein D that is foreign to it.
  • In response, a large amount of immunoglobulin M, an immediate response antibody, begins to be released. They are large enough that they cannot cross the placenta and contact the fetal erythrocytes.
  • Therefore, immunoglobulins M circulate in the woman's blood for some time, finding the fetal red blood cells remaining after penetration. Having completed their work, they are destroyed, but information about this contact is stored in the memory cells of the immune system.

Often, a woman's second pregnancy also ends normally, which is due to the absence of an Rhesus conflict during the bearing of the first child.

Risk factors

Certain situations and manipulations dramatically increase the likelihood of the formation of antibodies to the Rh factor in the mother's blood. Moreover, their formation may not necessarily be associated with a previous pregnancy:

  • The first stage of the immunological reaction, accompanied by the formation of immunoglobulin M, can occur when such a woman has previously received a single transfusion of Rh components. positive blood.
  • Artificial or spontaneous (miscarriage) abortion is also a direct factor in contact with blood, as it is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the membranes.
  • In an ectopic pregnancy, due to the introduction of the chorion in an atypical place, normal isolation of the child's blood flow does not occur.
  • Complicated course of pregnancy - gestosis, the threat of interruption, premature detachment placenta - creates conditions for the entry of fetal erythrocytes into the blood of a woman in the later stages.
  • Caesarean section, as well as invasive manipulations (manual separation of the placenta, amniocentesis, cordocentesis, villous biopsy) are also accompanied by direct or indirect contact between the blood of the mother and the child.

It is extremely rare to prevent the listed situations, but the conflict on the Rh factor can be avoided by the prophylactic administration of immunoglobulin (anti-D antibodies).

Repeated pregnancies

If before the onset of the next conception in the woman's body the first period of the immune reaction has passed, accompanied by the release of group M antibodies, then the second stage will be much more active. Moreover, a negative Rh during pregnancy in a woman is dangerous only for a fetus positive for this factor:

  • The second entry of the child's red blood cells containing the D antigen into the woman's bloodstream is accompanied by a violent immune response.
  • Instead of large IgM to fight, small and fast G antibodies start to form.
  • Their immediate selection is due to the preservation of memory cells, which already contain all the information about the previous contact.
  • Since immunoglobulin G normally crosses the placenta, it begins to attach not only to foreign erythrocytes in the mother's bloodstream, but also suddenly detects them in the fetus.
  • Recognition of a large number of antigens leads to massive destruction of red blood cells in a child, which leads to various complications.

The severity of the baby's condition is primarily determined by hypoxia - a lack of oxygen associated with a sharp decrease in the number of its carriers - red blood cells.

Possible Complications

The defeat of the blood system in the fetus does not always occur rapidly - most often the destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis) is detected after the birth of the child. The main form of damage is currently congenital hemolytic anemia. The disease can be stopped at this stage thanks to modern methods diagnosis, as well as timely preventive measures.

Severe forms of complications are less commonly observed - hemolytic anemia in combination with jaundice and dropsy. If uncontrolled, they can cause irreversible brain damage and internal organs at the fetus. All this in the near future affects the processes of growth and development of the child.


The defeat of red blood cells occurs according to the standard immunological mechanism that occurs normally. But in case of a conflict according to the Rh factor, its development occurs during a completely physiological process - pregnancy:

  • A large number of class G antibodies produced by the mother's body begin to penetrate through membranes into the baby's bloodstream.
  • There, they literally stick around red blood cells, which they consider foreign due to the specific protein D.
  • After such contact, a standard cascade of reactions is triggered in the baby's body, which occurs after the contact of the antigen with the antibody.
  • All "labeled" red blood cells begin to break down - the speed of this process is influenced by many factors. First of all, it depends on the degree of immunization of the mother - the volume of blood of the fetus that has entered the vascular bed of the woman.
  • The course of pathological mechanisms leads to sharp deterioration gas exchange between mother and child. Moreover, it is caused by two reasons at once - the destruction of the red blood cells of the fetus, as well as the simultaneous development of chronic inflammation in the placenta.

Constant hemolysis leads to maximum stimulation of hematopoiesis in a baby - red blood cells begin to form not only in the bone marrow, but also in most internal organs (liver, spleen, kidneys), which leads to their increase.


Hemolytic anemia is accompanied by the formation of a large amount of free hemoglobin, which is normally sufficiently converted in the metabolic process. With the continuous destruction of a large number of red blood cells, its excess is observed, leading to the accumulation of toxic products in the child's blood:

  • As a result of the action of certain enzymes, hemoglobin is split into two main fragments - the protein part (globin) is separated from it.
  • The remaining center - heme - is not in a free state for long, quickly transforming into another pigment - bilirubin.
  • During hemolysis, it accumulates in such a large amount that the liver tissue simply does not have time to utilize it.
  • And this pigment is distinguished by good solubility in fats, therefore it quickly enough penetrates from the vascular bed into organs with good blood supply.
  • The accumulation of bilirubin in the skin is accompanied by a change in its color - jaundice.
  • But pathological significance has a different way of pigment deposition - in the brain. It has a toxic effect, causing severe damage to the main nerve centers.

Therefore, with the development of hemolytic anemia in a child, bilirubin levels are carefully monitored, preventing its critical increase with timely treatment.


With advanced cases of the disease, the formation of massive edema in the fetus is observed. Their formation is associated with abrupt change pressure in the bloodstream of the baby:

  • First of all, continuous hemolysis leads to a decrease in the number of circulating erythrocytes, which are one of the factors for fluid retention in the vascular cavity.
  • Due to the continuous load of bilirubin on the liver, the amount of blood plasma proteins decreases, which also maintain normal pressure.
  • The lack of oxygen in the tissues leads to a change in the acid-base balance, which dramatically increases the overall permeability of small vessels.
  • All these factors contribute to the movement of the bulk of the fluid into the tissue space, where it begins to gradually accumulate.

Formation of edema in the chest and abdominal cavity, as well as the membranes of the child's brain becomes the cause of further deterioration of his condition.


Knowing your Rh affiliation, as well as planning for pregnancy, are the main preventive measures preventing possible complications. They usually consist of the following activities:

  • Transfusion of positive blood to such women is excluded, since the immunological reaction then persists for the rest of their lives.
  • It is recommended that the first pregnancy be retained so as not to increase the risk of conflict due to induced abortion.
  • Conducting passive immunization with the help of prophylactic administration of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin. Now it is for everyone Rh negative women at 28 weeks pregnant.
  • Additional administration of serum is carried out within 72 hours after childbirth, as well as any interventions - caesarean section, abortion, manual separation of the placenta.

Specific immunoglobulin provides artificial binding and destruction of fetal red blood cells that accidentally enter the mother's bloodstream. And her own immune system does not have time to react to them, as a result of which the listed pathological mechanisms do not develop.

The topic of the negative Rh factor worries not only the expectant mother, but also many who are preparing to become parents. There is an opinion according to which a negative Rh is considered almost a sentence to infertility.

To what extent this is true, let's try to figure it out. And let's start with the main thing - we will define the concept of the Rh factor.

What is the Rh factor

The Rh factor is detected through a blood test. In fact, it is a protein in the blood - it is present on the surface of blood cells. If this protein is not present in the blood, a person is diagnosed with a negative Rh factor.

It's quite normal phenomenon. According to statistics, every fifth woman has such a Rh factor and is a happy mother.

Experts say that a negative Rh factor is considered individual sign person, such as the color of the eyes and hair, and not at all a pathology, and even more so not a diagnosis of "infertility". Why, then, do many pregnant women make a problem out of a negative Rh factor? And the problem can only be in the presence of a Rhesus conflict.

When does Rhesus conflict occur?

Rhesus conflict is called the incompatibility of the blood of mother and child. If the pregnancy test is confirmed, the woman should immediately register with the gynecologist. The first analysis that a pregnant woman undergoes will be an analysis of the compatibility of the Rh factors of the mother and her baby. And the result of this analysis will significantly affect the course of pregnancy, the outcome of childbirth and the health of the child.

When the rhesus of the mother and baby do not match, there is an rhesus conflict. What happens in such cases?

Suppose the child has inherited positive rh factor father. Then the body of a pregnant woman with a negative Rh begins to react to the blood of the child, as to a foreign substance. As a result, antibodies are produced that begin to attack the baby's blood, destroying the red blood cells of the unborn child.

Advice. To avoid unnecessary worries, at the first visit to the gynecologist, both parents should donate blood. If a problem of Rh factors is found between partners, it is necessary to consult experienced specialists.

The consequences of the Rhesus conflict

Without medical intervention Rhesus conflict can cause serious consequences. In the blood of the child, an excessive amount of bilirubin begins to be produced. This substance turns the baby's skin yellow, and the newborn can develop jaundice. In addition, bilirubin can damage the fetal brain, provoke hearing and speech disorders.

With the constant destruction of red blood cells in the blood of an infant, his liver and spleen are forced to accelerate the production of red blood cells, while they increase in size. A low red blood cell count can also cause anemia. There are cases of congenital dropsy (swelling) of the fetus, and sometimes even its death. This is why Rh-negative women often miscarry.

It is important to know that a negative Rh during pregnancy has a similar outcome in only 30% of cases. All other expectant mothers with Rh-negative blood are not in danger.

Second birth with negative Rh

Doctors have determined that the Rh conflict at the birth of the first child is much less common, since the blood of the mother and fetus at the first contact contributes to the production of IgM antibodies, which have quite large sizes. They rarely enter the blood of the fetus, so they do not cause problems.

However, any contact with incompatible blood (miscarriage, abortion, first birth or blood transfusion) gives a woman immunity to the Rh protein. That is, in the future, she will form even more antibodies tuned against the Rh fetus.

Therefore, with a negative Rh, the second pregnancy is much more likely to have adverse consequences. To avoid a negative development of events, after the birth of the first child, a woman is injected with anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin.

Thanks to this drug, the production of aggressive antibodies is suppressed, respectively, the risk of an Rhesus conflict is minimized.

Introduction of immunoglobulin

Antirhesus immunoglobulin- This is a drug that prevents the production of anti-Rhesus antibodies, which promotes the binding and removal of already formed antibodies from the body. The introduction of this drug prevents the development of Rh conflict during pregnancy.

In addition, immunoglobulin is administered to prevent the occurrence of immune conflict in subsequent pregnancies. Prophylaxis with immunoglobulin is done after:

ectopic pregnancy;
in the first days after childbirth;
spontaneous miscarriage;
analysis of amniotic fluid;
blood transfusions;
detachment of the placenta.

Remember, a different Rh blood of mother and baby is not a disaster. The reaction of the body is successfully controlled with the help of drugs. The main thing is to do everything on time.

How to plan a pregnancy with a negative Rh

As already mentioned, a negative Rh factor does not significantly affect the first pregnancy, since the woman still has a low level of antibodies. However, their number will increase with each subsequent pregnancy. Therefore, doctors do not recommend terminating the first pregnancy with a negative Rh.

The probability of Rhesus conflict with each new pregnancy increases by 10%. Without immunoglobulization for Rh negative, doctors usually recommend interrupting a second or third pregnancy, since the constant destruction of red blood cells will have a detrimental effect on the central nervous system baby.

In such cases, the chance of giving birth healthy child reduces to zero. Often there are complications such as missed pregnancy. Most often, fetal death occurs in the first three months or in last trimester pregnancy.

Prevention and treatment of Rhesus conflict

When planning a family, the husband and wife should know not only their Rh factor, but also their blood type.
If the Rh of the parents matches, there will be no reason to worry.

If the father is Rh positive and the expectant mother is Rh negative, she should periodically do a blood test. This will help doctors keep the level of antibodies in the blood under control and not miss the moment of the occurrence of the Rhesus conflict. During the first 32 weeks of pregnancy, blood is given once a month, and then until the very end of pregnancy - every week.
In the event of a Rh conflict, doctors will use various measures to save the child. It can be premature birth, baby blood transfusion. Such an operation is performed in the first 36 hours after the birth of the baby.

To reduce the risk of Rh conflict in subsequent pregnancies, vaccination with immunoglobulin is carried out. If for some reason immunoglobulin was not administered prophylactically, it is administered during pregnancy.

Summing up all that has been said, we highlight the main thing - Rh negative during pregnancy- this is not a sentence. If you pass the tests on time and follow all the established recommendations of the doctor, pregnancy will pass easily and soon the desired, healthy baby will be born.