Fun programs for September 1st. Games and competitions for the Day of Knowledge

Games, competitions and entertainment for schoolchildren on Knowledge Day.


This game has several options. All of them can be used independently. Let the presenter choose what suits him.

Option 1. All participants stand in a circle. In the center is the leader with the ball in his hands. He throws the ball to any player and says one of four words: “earth”, “water”, “air”, “fire”. The one to whom the ball is thrown must catch it and, if it says “earth,” respond with the name of some animal living on earth, to the word “water” with the name of a fish, and to the word “air” with the name of a bird. When you hear the word “fire,” you need to raise the ball above your head, turn around, respond with the same word “fire” and throw the ball to the leader. Whoever gets the answer wrong becomes the leader.

Option 2. This game is also called “Half the words are yours.” The leader stands inside the circle. Several times in a row he says loudly as he walks: “Fishes, animals, birds.” Suddenly he stops in front of one or another player and says one of these three words. Before the leader counts out loud to three, the player must name the fish, animal or bird, depending on what word is said. The one who fails to give the correct answer within this time becomes the leader.


All participants stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle. They choose the third wheel. He goes out of the circle. At a signal (ringing the bell, clapping your hands, the words “One, two, three - start!”), the leader goes out of the circle and tries to catch up with the player who is running along outside circle. While running, a player can change places with anyone standing in the circle, then the one with whom the player changed becomes the third wheel, and the driver catches him. If the leader catches the player, then the player becomes the leader, and the leader becomes the player, and the game continues until it gets boring or until the time allotted for it runs out.


For this game you need to draw two circles on the ground (the small circle must be inside the large one). Participants are divided into two groups. The first group, holding hands, stands around a large circle drawn on the ground (outside it), the second group - inside the small one. The task of each participant is to force others to step into the forbidden territory located between the two circles, while holding his own. The participant who steps into the forbidden territory is eliminated from the game. The game continues until there is not a single player left on one of the teams.


For this relay race, all participants need to be lined up in several columns, with a row of pins built in front of each column. The first participant closes his eyes and tries to loop around all the pins. At the same time, the remaining group tells him the direction of movement. The difficulty is that when all groups start shouting at the same time, it is extremely problematic to isolate the voices of your group from the general noise of the team. When the first participant has reached the last pin, the group shouts to him: “That’s it!” With these words, the participant opens his eyes and runs back to his group, passing the baton to the next participant and standing behind the last one. If the participant heard the word “That’s it!” not his group and opened his eyes ahead of time, then he returns and does everything from the very beginning. The group that runs out of players faster than others wins.


This relay race involves as many participants as can fit in a gymnastics hoop. All participants are lined up in two columns. The first participant is placed in the hoop. His task is to run with the hoop to some end point (this could be a chair, table, pin, stump), go back, take the next participant and go the same way with him. The relay race should continue until there are no more participants on the team. The team that does everything faster than the other wins.


This competition develops attention and logical thinking. The leader prepares two sticks in advance, which he breaks into several pieces. The pieces from these sticks should be poured onto the floor (ground) and mixed. Two participants are invited to restore the sticks in original form. The participant who collects his stick first wins.

There may be more participants, but at the same time a larger number of sticks are prepared in advance, which also need to be broken in advance.


This competition is best held on fresh air(possible at school yard), since there is more space there. Participants are divided into two identical teams, which line up one behind the other. On the ground (floor, asphalt) you need to draw a line from which the start will be given. The first participant makes a standing jump with both legs. The next participant jumps from the place where the first one jumped (a mark is placed where the jumper’s heels were). This is how all participants perform their jumps in turn. The winner will be the team whose last mark is further away than the other.


For this game, you need to choose two captains from all the participants. These captains approach any participant and invite him to become a “tail,” while saying the following words:

- I am a snake, a snake, a snake, do you want to become my “tail”?

If the participant agrees, then he must crawl between the captain’s legs and stand behind him, taking him by the waist. Then the captain with the “tail” approaches the other player and offers the same thing. If the player does not agree, then the captain must convince him in another way (make him laugh by telling a joke or funny story, read a poem, sing a song). After this, the convinced participant crawls under the captain’s feet and stands in the “tail”. The winner will be the “snake” whose captain is more convincing than the other and gathers a larger “tail.”


Everyone present takes part in this game. This game develops attention. All players must stand in a circle and hold hands. All together they run in a circle. The presenter stands in the center of the circle and says: “Apple, wormy apple. The wind blows, it falls." After the presenter finishes saying this phrase, all participants should quickly squat down. The participant who cannot do all this quickly, i.e. takes at least one step, does not sit down or falls, leaves the game.

The game continues until one participant remains. He will be the winner. If all participants are attentive (which is rare), then the game can continue as long as necessary, or until the children get tired of playing it.


This game is played by two people. They are given an empty basket. At some distance from the participants, you need to place two buckets in which carrots and potatoes are mixed. An empty bucket should be placed next to the participants. The participants’ task is that, upon a signal (ring a bell, whistle, clap their hands), they must run with their basket to the bucket, choose either carrots or potatoes from the vegetables, put them in their basket, go back and put the vegetable in the empty one. bucket. The participant who completes the task faster than the other will win.

This competition can be held as a team relay race. In this case, the basket will serve as a relay baton, which will be passed on to the next participant. The team that fills its team bucket faster than the other will win.


This game is best played in the schoolyard. In it, children get acquainted with the names of cities. The names of cities will be useful to them later in geography lessons and in life. So, you need to draw a large circle on the ground. All participants stand inside this circle. Everyone chooses the name of the city. If the participants do not yet know the names of the cities, then their older comrades will tell them.

One leader is selected from all participants. He throws the ball up and names a city. The player whose city the host named must catch the ball. If he managed to catch the ball, then he, in turn, can throw the ball up and name any city. And if he doesn’t catch, then all the players scatter in different sides while he is catching up with the ball. When the player grabs the ball, the leader shouts: “Stop!” And then all the “cities” freeze in place.

The player with the ball chooses any “city” and determines by eye how many kilometers it is. Every kilometer is a step. He goes to the “city” and counts his steps. If, after the specified number of steps, he can, without leaving his place, reach the participant (“city”) with his hand (and the participant should not move away), he becomes the “city”, and the player who was touched becomes the leader. The game starts again from the circle.

Competition "My Profession"

Requisites: blackboard, crayons. Several players take part in the competition. Each player tries to portray his profession. The winner is the one who portrayed his profession in the most interesting way.

Competition "Guess the saying"

Details: sets of consonant letters printed on sheets of paper with which sayings are encrypted. 4-5 people take part in the competition. Each player is given his own list of encryptions. The winner is the player who guesses correctly within the allotted time (1 minute) greatest number encryption

Examples of encryption:
NPLIVKLDTSSPTPRDTS (Don't spit in the well, you'll have to drink)
KRSNZBPRGM (Red hut with pies)
BRGCHSTSMLD (Take care of your honor from a young age)
CHNSVTNCHTHM (Learning is light, ignorance is darkness)
BZTRDNVNSHRBKZPRD (You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty)

Competition "By touch"

Props: blindfold. Everyone can take part in the competition (one at a time). The player is blindfolded and 3-5 people sit in front of him. The player's task is to unravel all of his classmates. The winner is the player who can guess the most of his classmates based on their hairstyle.

Bowling competition

Props: balls, bottles of sparkling water. 2 players take part in the competition. The bottles are placed in a row and each player is given a ball. The player's task is to knock down as many bottles as possible by throwing the ball like a bowling ball.

Competition "With puzzles"

Details: sheets of paper with puzzles printed on them (4-6 puzzles on each sheet). 1-2 players from each team take part in the competition. Players must solve as many puzzles as possible within the allotted time.

Competition "Pyramid"

Props: candies or cookies in equal quantities for each player. A team of boys and a team of girls (can be divided according to any principle) take part in the game. At the signal from the leader, you need to lay out the pyramid within the allotted time. The team whose pyramid is higher wins. The winning team is awarded a sweet prize.

Competition "Curl"

Requisites: plastic pencil, ruler, sharpener. Everyone is welcome to take part in the competition. Within the allotted time, players must grind out the shavings longest length. The winner is the player whose chips contain the largest number of turns. The winner can be given a sharpener as a prize.

Competition "Gourmet"

Requisites: fruits and vegetables, cut into 1x1 cm cubes, blindfolds, napkins, disposable plates, toothpicks. Everyone can take part in the game. Various vegetable and fruit cubes are placed on plates in equal quantities. The duration of the competition is usually not limited. Players must have time to try all the cubes and guess the fruit or vegetable. The winner is given, for example, an exotic fruit as a prize.



"AY, yes WE"

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys. We are glad to see you in our hall for the traditional game program dedicated to September 1st.

Our hot holidays are over, they flew by like one day. You rested, got better, and someone else, perhaps, lost weight and gained new strength. And there’s such an endlessly long road ahead, academic year. But you and I will not be sad, we will have fun and play. And in order for the games to be fun, we will now greet each other.

I will now read a line to you, and you will continue it:

1. Game "Hello"

When we meet the dawn,

We tell him... (Hello)

With a smile the sun gives light,

Sending us your... (hello)

When we meet after many years

You will shout to your friends... (hello)

And they will smile back at you

From a kind word... (hello)

And you will remember the advice

Give to all your friends... (hello)

Let's all answer together

We will say to each other... Hello!

2. Game "Don't laugh"

Presenter: the next game is “Don’t Laugh.” I invite everyone to stand in a circle. I warn you, you can't laugh. Whoever laughs is out of the game. So, listen to the task.

Take the neighbor on the right by the nose.

Grab each other's hair.

Put your arms around each other's shoulders.

Pull back your neighbor's cheeks.

Pull back your neighbors' ears.

Stroke the knees of those standing next to you.

Twist at the temple on the left side of the person standing.

Well done!

3. Game “Move the book”

Presenter: As you know in eastern countries women carrying things not in their hands, but on their heads. And now I suggest you try carrying the book on your head.

4. Game "Grapes"

Presenter: Those interested are invited to the hall, the materials at hand are ready for you - plasticine and a board. On my command you must blind bunch of grapes. 3 minutes to complete the task.

5. Playing with the audience. Quiz “Believe it or not”

In Japan, students write on the board with brushes filled with colored ink. (Yes)

Is the turkey originally from India? (No)

Is elk a type of deer? (No)

The marmoset is usually the size of a kitten. (Yes)

Was Duremar selling frogs? (No, he sold leeches)

Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz? (No)

Rhinoceros horn has magical power(No)

Penguins fly north for the winter. (No, penguins don't fly)

The Romans wore pants (No, they wore togas and tunics)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs (Yes)

Do mice grow up and become rats? (No)

At night, using echoes, do giraffes find the leaves they feed on? (No)

6. Game "Lapta"

4 participants are invited to the hall. The first throws a tennis ball, the second hits it with a tennis racket. The pair with the most successful throws wins.

7. Game “Mixed Up Newspaper”.

Two groups of participants must fold a multi-page newspaper in the correct order in 1 minute.

8. "Ruler"

Presenter: School days are approaching, and I want to check how ready you are for school. You see broken lines on the sheets, your task is to measure its length using a ruler, who is faster.

9. Quick Eraser

Host: Answer me, just honestly, have you ever erased two marks in your diary? Didn't wash it. Well done. But since our game is a joke, I suggest you play the role of an inveterate loser. In front of you are sheets with huge twos. They need to be erased. Who will complete the task faster?

September 1st is just around the corner, which means it's time to think about fun competitions and entertainment that can keep schoolchildren busy after the ceremony, giving them a great festive mood and a boost of energy for the whole day.
We bring to your attention 18 options for such easy-to-prepare, but very exciting games:

1. "Fishing"
Required details:
A long jump rope (you can use a rope or cord instead, with a soft ball attached to the end).
Rules of the game:
In this fun game Several people can take part at the same time. They should form a circle in the center with the leader. He should take the rope and start spinning it, trying to get the end under the players’ feet, saying: “Catch, fish, catch!” Participants, in turn, try to avoid touching the “fishing rod” by jumping up as it approaches. When one of the participants touches the rope, he is considered to have been “caught” and must change the leader. The game stops when all the children have played the role of “fisherman”.

2. “Catch the bird!”
All the guys should stand in a circle and hold hands. One of the children is appointed “sparrow”, the other – “cat”. “Sparrow” becomes the center of the circle, while “cat” remains outside it. The task of the “cat” is to catch the “sparrow”, “breaking” the plexus of arms and thus getting into the circle. Players must thwart this goal. The fun continues until the “sparrow” is caught.

3. “Pull-push”
Required details:
Rules of the game:
Participants are divided into pairs and line up along a line drawn by the leader. 3 m from the first line, another one is drawn. Players must stand back to back, grabbing their partner with their arms bent at the elbows. When the bell sounds, the couples begin to walk to the second line. It is assumed that first one participant moves facing forward, and then they change direction. Having reached the mark, they must return to their place. The couple that does this before the rest will win.

4. “It seems like the rain is coming…”
Required details:
Rules of the game:
To participate in the relay race, children are divided into 2 teams with an equal number of players and line up one after the other. In front of each of the teams, a chair is placed at some distance, on which lie an umbrella, a hat and a raincoat. Hearing the leader’s exclamation, the first student runs to the chair, puts on all the “protective equipment” and, opening the umbrella, says: “It seems like the rain is coming!” He then quickly takes off his coat and hat and returns to his partners. The rest of the children should do similar actions. The team that finishes the relay earlier will win.

5. "Molecules"
All children present participate in the game, who must move in a chaotic order, hearing the words of the leader: “Atoms - molecules, atoms - molecules.” Then the “ringleader” suddenly shouts out a number (for example, 5). The guys must quickly group (hold hands, hug each other, etc.) with as many people as the number sounded (in in this case– 5 players each). If someone does not have enough space in the improvised “molecule”, he replaces the leader. The game lasts for a predetermined time.

6. “Volleyball with words”
All first graders stand in a wide circle. One player throws the ball while simultaneously naming an object. The one to whom the ball is thrown must quickly name what is being done with this object. For example: “bird - flies”, “grass - grows”, etc. Anyone who says nonsense leaves the game. The one who remains last wins.

8. "Hen and Chicks"
The guys (“chickens”) line up in 2 chains, standing parallel to each other. At the head of each of them is a “chicken”. By conventional sign The leading “chicken” must catch the “chicken” from the neighboring link. The one who is stained joins another chain. The winner is the “chicken” who has the most “chickens” after the agreed time.

9. “Young gardeners”
Required details:
hoop – 8 pcs.;
bucket – 2 pcs.;
potatoes – 5 pcs.;
watering can – 2 pcs.
Rules of the game:
2 teams of 4 students are formed. Each participant is assigned a specific role: the first one “plows the ground” (lays out hoops), the second one “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in the hoop). The third one is “watering” (runs around each hoop, holding a watering can in his hands), the last one is “harvesting” (putting potatoes in a bucket). Then the participants take turns replacing each other. The winner will be the four that will be the first to complete the “garden” relay race.

10. "Confusion"
This simple fun Helps lift children's spirits. The selected leader must turn away from the players. At this time, they try to “get confused” by holding hands and not separating them. The task of the presenter is still to “unravel” the participants without breaking hands.

11. "Discoverer"
Required details:
Balloons– (by number of participants);
Rules of the game:
The game is perfect for students junior classes. Participants must first "open" new land, inflating your balloon. Then they need to just as quickly “populate” this land with inhabitants, drawing little figures of men on the ball with a felt-tip pen. The winner will be the one whose “planet” turns out to be the most “populated”.

12. “Sing a song!”
A leader is selected from the guys and invites all the players to sing some familiar song, for example: “Let the pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles...”. At the first clap, the children begin to sing a short passage out loud, then the second clap sounds - and the singing should continue, but only mentally, to themselves. With another clap, the loud singing resumes again. This is repeated until one of the students gets lost. Then he replaces the leader and becomes the lead singer.

13. "Sharp Shooter"
Required details:
walnuts- 5 pieces.
Rules of the game:
Having stood at a certain distance (at least 40-50 cm) from the hat, children must throw nuts into it, trying to hit the “target”. The winner is the one whose 5 nuts fall into the hat.

14. "Sleight of Hand"
1 person from each team comes out and stands nearby. They hold hands in such a way that one child has a free right hand, and the other has the left one. With these free hands they must pack the offered item into a bundle, tying it with ribbon and making beautiful bow. The pair of players who completes such a difficult task the fastest wins a prize.

15. "Chain"
Required details:
paper clips – 1-2 packs.
Rules of the game:
In the allotted time (say, 2 minutes), participants must assemble a chain of paper clips. The team whose chain is longer will win.

16. "Don't let the ball fall"
Required details:
balloon (inflated).
Rules of the game:
Children stand in a circle and one of the participants throws a balloon up. Other players must ensure that it does not touch the floor by lightly bouncing it away. Such fun will become even more interesting if the task is complicated: schoolchildren are prohibited from using their hands to hit the ball.

17. "Guessing Game"
The teacher asks the presenter to depict with gestures any creature, object or action. For example:
a person who eats a lemon;
a tourist who finds himself in an unfamiliar city, etc.
The participants’ task is to guess what exactly the presenter is showing.

18. “Edible – inedible”
This everyone's favorite early childhood The game is perfect for entertaining younger schoolchildren on September 1st.
Required details:
Rules of the game:
From all the participating children, you need to choose a leader. He picks up the ball, and the other players sit opposite him. Naming an edible object (“apple”, “pasta”, etc.), the presenter throws the ball to one of the participants, who must catch it. As soon as the name of the inedible object is announced, the student to whom the ball is thrown must return it. The one who makes a mistake leaves the game. The remaining participant wins.

If after the September 1st line you take your children to study. Then your students may be offended by you. We invite you to spend September 1 in a new way. We have come up with competitions for you on September 1st. Competitions will help you warm up after the summer, shake up your students and have fun. And believe me, after this September 1, your students will love you even more.

Competition 1: understand me.

This competition will be very interesting and funny. Participants are divided into two teams and guess objects without saying a word. One by one, one of the team comes out and is given a card with a picture. And he must explain what is drawn there with the help of arms, legs, you can jump, run, do whatever you want, but not talk. Team players can ask questions, and the one who shows the drawing can answer yes or no and that’s it. Whichever team can tell what is drawn faster and more accurately wins. Cards with pictures can be: globe, pen, library and others school supplies and words.

Competition 2: guess the word.

We also divide into two teams and take turns guessing the word. When the leader asks a question, the first team answers first, if not correctly, then the second answers. And so on until they find the answer. After the answer is found, it sounds next question and the first to answer it is the team that answered incorrectly before. And whoever guesses the most words in the end is the winner.
Examples of questions:
1) Leading actor; can be five- or six-pointed; shines in the sky (star).
2) They lie with their heads on it; the stamp is painted with it; it is made from sand under the foundation pillar (pillow).
3) Musical instrument; sometimes a spy; oil is pumped through it (pipe).
4) The investigator turns him on; someone's enterprise; it can be important, urgent, urgent (matter).
5) Elected head of state; head of a public institution; higher executive company (president).
6) Intended for purchase and sale; has its price; lies on the store counter (product).
You can also complicate the competition with the following questions:
- What shape do bouillon cubes have? (Parallelepiped.)
- When is a person a tree? (In a dream.)
- Which clock shows the exact time twice a day? (Those that are standing.)
- What can you see from eyes closed? (Dream.)
- Without what can you bake bread? (No crust.)
- What will a crow do after living for three years? (The fourth one will live.)
- In what year do people eat more than usual? (On leap days.)
- What is warmer than a fur coat? (Two fur coats.)
- How many apples are there on a birch tree if there are eight branches on it, with five apples on each branch? (Apples do not grow on birch trees.)
-What does half an orange look like? (To the other half.)
- What stones are not in the sea? (Dry.)
- Why does the rooster close its eyes when it sings? (He wants to show that he sings by heart.)