How dolls are made. A simple doll - a motanka for fun for kids

Made by hand, the motanka doll has magic power. She not only keeps the family hearth but also has the ability to grant wishes. The mother gave such a doll to her daughter, giving her in marriage, and she, in turn, gave the amulet to her child.

Our ancestors considered motanka symbol of female wisdom, a reliable amulet on the way, the guardian of the family, the mediator between the living and the unborn. A motanka doll was wound with a cross on its face. They did it for various needs - on happy fate so that the disease recedes, so that it rains, or vice versa - the downpour subsides.

Each item of clothing of the motanka doll had a symbolic meaning for our ancestors: the skirt symbolized the earth, the shirt symbolized the three times: past, present and future, and the scarf or ribbon symbolized the connection with the sky.

Make and you the favorite amulet of our ancestors - a motanka doll, put it on the table in the corner of the room, or attach it above front door and may it bring happiness to your home.

To make a motanka doll, please prepare:

  • a piece of white cloth (15x15cm) for the head,
  • colored scraps of fabric (9x9 cm for pens, 8x15 cm for a skirt and 4x7 cm for an apron),
  • a piece of synthetic winterizer or cotton wool,
  • threads (linen, woolen),
  • floss threads or a triangle of colorful fabric (for hair or a scarf).

1. Wrap the synthetic winterizer in white fabric, wrap it with red threads.

2. Using linen thread, or satin ribbon make a sacred cross on the face of the motanka - first a vertical strip, fastening the thread around the neck, then horizontal, tying a knot behind the head.

3. Gather the fabric for the skirt from one side into folds and attach to the doll. Don't cut the thread!

4. Wrapping the doll with red thread from the neck to the waist, wrap the apron.

5. Fold the fabric for hands with an accordion, wrap it with threads.

6. Tape the handles of the doll crosswise with threads.

7. Use floss threads to make hair for the doll. Tie a thread at the parting site, and cut the skein with scissors on the opposite side.

8. Attach hair to the head of the winder, smooth it and fasten it by tying it with a thread around the neck.

9. Braid Beregina braids.

10. Tie a ribbon on the doll's head, or put on a wreath. The neck can be decorated with beads.

The ancient Ukrainian talisman, warmed by the warmth of your small hands, is ready to fulfill your cherished desires and protect your home from evil forces.

It is not surprising that the motanka doll is still considered a reliable amulet, because since ancient times Bereginya, made with my own hands, sung by songs, caressed by fairy tales, dressed in everything homely, dear, contained the powerful positive energy of the dearest person - the mother, who, putting her whole soul into the toy, lovingly made it for her child.

Recently I noticed this strange thing: sometimes expensive toys children are not as cute as unpretentious tiny kinders, fluffies donated by someone or an ordinary doll, which my mother wound up in 5-10 minutes from the remnants of the fabric. That's how it happened to us. Quite by chance, I got to a mini master class on making traditional rag dolls. She brought the result of her labors home and - lo and behold! The kids are busy all evening! I was surprised and decided to make three more dolls.

What did you need for the doll?

Rectangular fabrics, ribbons, threads, synthetic winterizer, cotton wool or gauze.

How to make a motanka doll?

I’ll make a reservation right away that I did not follow the tradition and cut the fabric with scissors, although I was told that the fabric for the winder should be torn by hand.

1. Prepare 5 rectangles of fabric and 1 square. You can cut out the necessary patches in the course of work on the doll.

2. The first rectangle should be a neutral color. It will be dolls. In its center we put a synthetic winterizer, cotton wool (in my case - gauze).

From this rectangle we will make the head and body of the doll

Fold the fabric in half and gather it around the filler to make a ball for the head.

3. We wind the threads well at the base of the head, make a knot.

4. We take a new rectangular piece of fabric and twist it into a roller. These will be the hands of our motanka doll.

5. When the roller is ready, we tightly tie its edges with threads.

It should turn out like this:

6. We take the body of our pupa and put our hands between two layers of fabric.

7. Grab the fabric under the handles and start winding.

8. We make a beautiful blouse for the doll. To do this, take the ribbon and wrap it several times crosswise around the arms and waist.

We tie the ribbon into a knot and lower the edges down. There will be a skirt on top.

9. Take another rectangle of fabric and fold it in half front side out. We put the doll on top, as shown in the photo below.

Raise one layer of fabric and wrap your hand around the doll's waist.

We begin to tightly wind the thread, at the end we make a knot.

10. You can make a lot of such layers of a skirt. I had 3 layers. Only now the second one should be applied not to the back of the doll, but to the tummy. Then Lyalya will come out smart and no bodily tissue will be visible.

11. I made a handkerchief for a doll from a triangle, but you can make it from a square folded in half. Everything is simple here - we tie the head of the doll in the same way as ourselves, only behind it is worth tying the ponytails into a knot.

12. So our traditional motanka doll is ready, you can start the game!

Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised how spoiled beautiful toys children reacted to simple rag dolls. Ksyusha went with the doll to the kindergarten, Sima carried her to classes in kids club, and then she asked me to take the doll with me to the store. And for several days they slept with motanks in an embrace, it’s a pity there was no photo left.

If you like this simple rag doll, share the master class with your friends in in social networks. Maybe they want to make their own too. a pleasant surprise kids;)

Want to always get fresh ideas, materials and a variety of coloring for activities with kids? Then feel free to “Grow smart”!

We wish you more sweet children's smiles!

Motanka doll - do-it-yourself amulet

From time immemorial, people have been in search of special symbols and all kinds of amulets that helped protect them from filth and evil in the sublunar world. The pagan people believed that by creating certain objects, the gods endowed them with special power, providing protection higher powers. A valuable amulet, made by human hands, could protect not only himself, but also his home, relatives and people close to him. One of the most strong talismans or amulets since ancient times and to this day is considered a talisman Slavic people- motanka doll. In addition to their powerful protective properties, such a talisman in folk style handmade is an important part folk culture Slavs.

The origins of the talisman of the ancient Slavs

The Slavic motanka doll has transferred all its strength and protective purpose through time to the present day.

A do-it-yourself motanka doll is considered one of the oldest symbols of Slavic culture.

Since ancient times, a rag doll has been an integral attribute not only of every family in Rus', but of every single person. Even for babies, mommy lovingly shook the amulet, which endowed the baby with strength, health and protected from the evil eye.

Motanka doll - herbalist

When a man went to war, a doll was made in his family, which was seated at the head of the table while he defended his homeland. Thus, it was believed that the life of a warrior was out of danger.

The motanka doll contains many sacred cosmogonic meanings that were formed back in the Trypillia era

The tradition of creating such amulets has been preserved to this day. This is not just a tribute to the ancestors, but also an unshakable faith in the highest protective forces. Rag dolls began to be made more than five thousand years ago. The first amulet of thread and fabric was created by pagan Slavs.

The skill of creating dolls is rooted in ancient times.

In ancient times, it was customary to sacrifice women to the gods, but once a living beauty was replaced with a rag dummy. The gods accepted the tribute and gave a generous harvest. Since then, they began to create all kinds of Slavic dolls, any of which was a family talisman, saved marriage, endowed with health and wealth, even fulfilled the most cherished dreams and desires.

Charm features

A hand-made talisman or amulet is endowed with powerful protective power. Since ancient times, our ancestors believed that it can protect against all evil.

Motanka doll is a strong amulet

The main rule of creation is to wind the threads with your own hands and strictly in one direction, according to the movement of the sun. This symbolizes Life itself and positively charges the amulet.

The motanka doll got its name due to the specific manufacturing technique.

Each rag doll had its own look, but the following points are required:

  • the amulet should not have any knots, except for one (near the navel), as a symbol of the birth of a new life;
  • the doll is devoid of eyes in order to avoid the penetration of someone else's energy;
  • a cross is wound on the face, like powerful protection against any evil and evil spirits.

The creation of a motanka doll is an action of a new birth

There may be several options for the face, but all of them should resemble a cross in shape, ancient symbol Lada is the goddess of all Slavic gods. In addition, our ancestors considered such a symbol a sign of fire, cutting off everything hostile, evil and alien to the human soul. The longer the thread, the more positive energy is laid down.

Winding rules

The creation of a rag talisman is symbolic: each movement is endowed with a special meaning, as it should be when an amulet is created.

The process of winding a Slavic amulet doll

At the heart of the head of Svarga is the movement of good deeds, development and ascent. The coil is carried out only in a spiral, which, like a whirlwind, charges strong energy. Such a spiral action is identified with growth, rebirth and multiplication.

We make amulets - motanka dolls

It was the principle of winding with one's own hands and in a spiral that gave the name to the ancient strongest amulet of the Slavs.

We make a motanka doll with our own hands

But besides the main rule, there are several important nuances in the manufacture of amulets:

  • The corresponding mood of the needlewoman. This is the most important point work, as the creator of the talisman shakes his fate.
  • Choosing the best time and day for winding. For example, if a charm is created on good harvest, wind on the growing moon, a talisman for family well-being created in the full moon, and protection from ailments is done during the waning moon.
  • Materials. Only natural fabrics and no synthetics! Since ancient times, colored threads or pieces from the “happy” clothes of mothers, grandmothers or other close people have been used.
  • The creation of the amulet must be completed on the same day when the work is started and always before sunset. Otherwise, the protection is interrupted and the creator runs the risk of receiving not a charm, but an object charged with negative energy.
  • In the process of creating a talisman, sharp and cutting objects cannot be used, so all outfits for dolls are prepared in advance.

Motanka doll Bereginya

The most important rule is to create a talisman with your own hands, while there must be pure thoughts and good intentions in the head.

Do you want to perform cherished dream? Make a motanka doll

Types of rag amulets

All kinds of cloth dolls have a very different symbolic purpose. Since ancient times, a rag doll could be a game, ritual or protective.

Amulets, as a magical protection from everything dark and negative, are inherent in many peoples of the world

The games did not carry any protective power, being an ordinary children's toy. A ritual doll made of threads was made for calendar saints, each carried special meaning. So, Kolyada, Vesnyanka and many others are known.

Shrovetide doll

But the coastline dangled when it was necessary to protect from all evil and bring good.

There were a great many charm dolls at all times, but the most famous today are the following:

  • Slavic doll desire. This kind of amulet, created by one's own hands, helped the Slavs in fulfilling their desires.

Slavic doll

When creating it, the craftswoman thought about her most cherished and innermost desire, reading prayers and asking the gods for help. At the end of the work, she stood in front of a large mirror with a doll in her hands and said her dream aloud, repeating the words three times.

Doll Zhelannitsa is one of the ingenious folk tools for working with human desires

After that, the wishful doll took pride of place in the house, remaining in plain sight all the time. When the wish was fulfilled, the wishing doll was solemnly burned.

  • Cleansing doll. Such a doll helped the patient to recover from bodily ailments. The peculiarity was that a sick person had to make it with his own hands. So, in the process of winding, the rag doll absorbed the disease, and the person recovered, after which it was burned.

Cleansing doll eliminates "bad" energy in the house
  • Slavic doll berehynia. This is an ancient symbol of the goddess Rod and a powerful protective amulet for the whole family.

Traditional Slavic doll-beregina

The coaster doll had to remember everything that should always be in the family. Therefore, when the craftswoman shook it, millet, a coin and generous wishes were put in her head at the discretion of the representative of the family.

Traditional Slavic doll berehynia - the strongest amulet against evil forces

This doll has been passed down from generation to generation. female line. Each rag doll personified the wishes of the person who shook it, but only his sincere and kind thoughts were necessary.

Bereginya - the keeper of the hearth
  • Swaddle. These cloth dolls dangled when a woman learned the good news about her pregnancy. They looked like a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. Such amulets were placed in the cradle, where they were until the very birth of the child, and also until the rite of baptism had passed. So the baby was protected from filth and an unkind eye.

Swaddle Dolls
  • Lovebirds. This kind of Slavic dolls were given to young people for weddings. The doll was made of threads and fabric in a special way: two products were connected with each other with one hand, as a symbol of birth new family and mutual assistance throughout life together. Today, such a charm for newlyweds has not lost its relevance.

Today, ethnic dolls in the Russian folk style are not only a powerful amulet and a valuable heritage of the Slavic ancestors. Do-it-yourself fabric dolls are able to decorate the interior, giving it original and original notes. The process of winding is fraught with some mysticism and magic. Therefore, applied folk art, which are Slavic dolls, are out of fashion or time and will live forever.

Today I want to talk about how to make a doll with your own hands. I'll tell you about soft dolls from fabric - even a child is able to cope with the manufacture of such a toy, and the result looks simply charming.

What are dolls and how do they differ

What are textile dolls? There are cloth dolls for a long time, at first they were of a ritual nature, then they became amulets, and finally they moved into the category of interior decorations and children's toys.

You can divide the pupae according to the style of manufacture:

  • sewn dolls;
  • motanki.
You can also divide the pupae according to the shape of the body:
  • sedentary;
  • standing;
  • recumbent (they have a soft body, it is difficult to seat them).
And of course, the pupae can be divided according to their appearance - I will talk about this later, so as not to write one by one.

Different variants

How to do rag doll with your own hands? There are a variety of DIY rag dolls, but in general you need to stock up:
  • fabric for making the body, face and limbs of the pupa - it can be fabric, yarn, nylon and even paper (some make the head of the doll from papier-mâché, and the body from fabric);
  • stuffing material(cereals, foam rubber, cotton wool, fabric scraps, polystyrene foam in balls or holofiber);
  • yarn or thread for making hairstyles;
  • beads, special eyes;
  • needles and threads;
  • knitting supplies (you will need doll clothes, and it is very easy to knit them);
  • cardboard, artificial and Genuine Leather, various elements for making accessories for dolls.

Tilda and varieties

Tilda is the most famous soft doll, and most often they are made by beginners. These dolls were designed by a girl from Norway, Tone Finnanger. These are long simple dolls, they have simple faces - pink cheeks, beady eyes. A whole industry has developed around this doll, making animals and accessories. There are many books and master classes on how to sew a doll with your own hands. See how beautiful Tildas are, and how you can make bunnies and cubs in this style.

By the way, if you need a pattern for a doll in this style, then there is nothing easier - here are a few patterns that are suitable for creating from fabric.


And how to make a doll out of fabric so that it is standing? For this, Snowballs were invented, snow dolls - they have large legs, and due to the special stuffing scheme, such a doll turns out to be very stable. When making a Snowball, you will need correct pattern dolls, because otherwise the doll simply will not “get up”. By the way, visually Snowballs are similar to Tild - they have similar facial features, and the chrysalis is simplified to the point of impossibility.


Pumpkinhead toys are somewhat reminiscent of Pumpkinhead Jack from the popular cartoon for adults. They were invented by Lena Kogan, and Pumpkins differ from all other dolls in the original construction of the head - it is sewn from several wedges, and a seam passes through the face of the doll. By the way, these dolls have original persons- they have wide-set eyes, but in general, facial features are more accurately worked out compared to Tilds and Snowballs.

Look how craftswomen make dolls with their own hands in the photo:

Attic toys

Simple dolls in the manner of the Scarecrow from the fairy tale about the Wizard of Oz - they are made literally from everything that was lying around in the closet or in the attic. Modern attic toys are made with the effect of aging, many even use vintage fabrics and buttons. Distinctive feature such a toy author's pattern dolls.

There is no single standard - these toys were sewn by the first settlers in America, and they made them, we admit honestly, as God puts on our souls. Lost pattern textile doll? Estimate by eye, and make an attic toy - they are cute and charming, and giving them a twist is easy - use tinting and do not process the edges.

Charms and motanki

Slavic dolls are now very, very popular. Firstly, people are pleased to have their own concept as an answer to fashionable Western Tildas (which, of course, are very beautiful, but it's hard to imagine Tilda in a kokoshnik, isn't it?). Secondly, the cultural code is also included here. A Russian person may not digest Khokhloma and Zhostovo painting, deny Pushkin and not know how a motanka is made, but at the sight of an ordinary nesting doll, his heart skips a beat. Because everyone in childhood had a matryoshka or motanka.

Slavic dolls served as talismans for the home and women in different stages her life, and they were also used as symbols. Cabbage - a beauty that symbolized the presence of a marriageable girl in the house, Rozhanitsa - usually a buxom beauty - promised a young mother a lot of milk.

Want to figure out how to make a doll out of thread? Watch a fascinating master class on this topic just below, and a magic doll made of threads with your own hands will develop by itself!

Interested in a do-it-yourself motanka doll? step by step lesson photos will help you.

And also here is another master class on making yarn dolls.

Waldorf toys stand on a separate step in all this splendor of the puppet industry. This is not just a toy, but a kind of teaching aid. The main differences between this toy and others:

  • natural proportions (naturally, the size of the doll will be small, but it will be made in proportion so that the child can understand how a person will look like in different ages V life size);
  • the face is simplified, but without exaggeration;
  • natural materials are used, and colors are close to natural.

Interesting analogues of fashionable at all times Barbie and Cindy - but from textiles! Trypiens came to us from Korea, and I can say that making dolls with your own hands using this technology requires a lot of perseverance, but the result is a chic interior toy that has its own style and character.

Author's doll

Do you know how to make a paper and fabric doll? First you need to sculpt the head - according to your own sketch, then glue it with strips of paper and remove the papier-mâché form. After that, you make a body and arms out of fabric, do not forget to pay attention to clothes and accessories, and in the end you will get your own designer doll. Interesting, right? And even more interesting if you imagine how many of these products can be made!

Let's start manufacturing

Well, am I interested in you? Let's try to make dolls with our own hands?

The easiest way is to make a toy from a sock. You don’t need a doll pattern, just cut the sock into two parts - you can cut out arms and legs from the bootleg, and from the part that you put on the foot you will get a body and a head. Stuff the main part with padding polyester or cotton wool, and wrap it with threads so that you get a head, and then stuff and sew up the body. From the remaining part, you need to cut out the legs and handles, and then sew up the parts and turn them out. For volume, you can add a little synthetic winterizer (it is convenient to put a synthetic winterizer inside a narrow handle or leg reverse side pencil). Draw a face and make her hair from a bunch of threads - your beginner toy is ready!

DIY sock doll:

How to make a doll from a sock in the form of a baby? Watch a short master class, which explains the principle of creation step by step.

Want a little harder? Let's try to make a doll from kapron.

We make dolls from tights with our own hands step-by-step instruction

What you need in order to get a kapron doll:

  • sewing accessories - needles, strong threads of several colors, scissors;
  • nylon - socks, stockings or tights are suitable (instead of tights, the master can also use stockings);
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer for stuffing;
  • fabric for making clothes;
  • glue;
  • frame, glass or plastic bottle as a basis (if you are interested in a standing doll);
  • ribbons and beads, buttons and jewelry.
A stocking doll can be both simple and complex. I'll tell you how to do simple doll from nylon tights. My guide is designed for beginners, so if you have already been involved in the manufacture of such dolls, then you better watch more complex workshops.
  1. First you need to form all parts of the body from nylon with your own hands. There is no pattern here, so we just sew approximately the same hands, make legs, head and torso.
  2. Then we start stuffing. You made your own from pantyhose individual elements, and now they need to be filled with padding polyester. Make sure that the capron is evenly stretched so that the chrysalis looks homogeneous.
  3. Connect the head to the body and work on the face - the easiest way is to make through stitches from the corner of the mouth to the eye - dimples will appear in the place where the thread comes to the surface. Repeat this operation on both sides, and then sew on the eyes. Form the nose.
  4. Make fingers - a few stitches are enough for this. By the way, do not repeat my mistake - the doll should have a right and a left handle, and not two left ones with the thought "no one will notice anyway."
  5. Collect the wig - for this you need to collect the yarn and sew it in the middle. Loose ends can be laid in pigtails or ponytails. The seam should fall on the top of the doll, it will play the role of a parting.
  6. Paint your face.
  7. Make clothes for new toy, use glue and pins if necessary, but try to make the doll as safe and durable as possible.
  8. Dress up your product and give a name. So you breathe life into the toy.

Of course, each needlewoman will sew her own doll, even if all of them will be made according to one drawing - we use different materials and pay attention to miscellaneous details. But why do we still need schemes? For example, in the case of Pumpkinhead pupae - in order to comply with the technology.

Don't know what to do on Saturday night? DIY textile doll: master class.

By the way, the pattern of a textile doll can also be author's - develop your own shape and you will become famous (at least in the needlework community).

To get a rag doll of the category you need, proceed in stages - first paper pattern, if it is needed, then the assembly of parts made on its basis, and only then decoration and decor. you can decorate endlessly, but it is better to start with the study of the form.

To make dolls with your own hands, patterns are not so necessary - it only takes a little courage, inspiration and a few scraps of fabric!

Several Yet interesting patterns toys that you can make with your child:

The world of dolls is so diverse that it is impossible to describe it in a few words. Every day, hundreds of factories and workshops produce thousands of beautiful toys. However, all mass-produced goods have one drawback - they are not unique.
Real connoisseurs of dolls try to find and purchase copies self made. Such a thing is unique, keeps the warmth of the hands of the master and is not cheap. In order for the toy to appear in the house, it is not necessary to buy it: you can make a doll yourself.

Such different and unique dolls

There are many varieties of handmade dolls and techniques for making them. It is not easy to choose how to make a doll with your own hands and from what materials.

It can be sewn, glued, knitted, woven and the like. For the manufacture of dolls use different materials, for example:

  • textile;
  • socks, gloves and stockings;
  • ribbons and ropes;
  • straw and sticks;
  • paper and cardboard.

You can independently figure out how the doll will look, or take ready idea. There are no barriers to creativity: everything depends only on the imagination of the craftswoman.

Most often, dolls are made from fabric. Below are short descriptions of the most popular toys.

Doll name Photo Description
spin doll This doll is one of the oldest. She was especially popular in Rus'. Such toys were in every house. The doll was made from pieces of cloth (rarely straw or rope) by twisting, without a needle or scissors. Sometimes threads or ribbons were used. The face was not painted. Today, many varieties of spinning dolls are known: a column (on a rod-column), an herbalist (with herbs), a grain (with grain), a coaster (amulet), Vepsskaya (for babies) and others.
Primitive dollThe second name of this doll is attic. She is a symbol of old forgotten toys. This doll is characterized by a shabby and dusty appearance, deliberately rough features, and a disproportionate body. The eyes are drawn or made from buttons. The arms and legs are also sewn on with buttons. Often, to give the toy an "unkempt" look, it is soaked in a coffee solution. Due to this, the doll acquires Brown color and pleasant aroma
waldorf doll
The doll appeared in medieval Europe. Her appearance and the proportions are close to human. The doll "grows" with the baby: they make their own toy for each age. How older child the older the doll looks. It is made from natural materials. The clothes of the toy are wholly or partially knitted. The doll is soft and pretty, so that the child would be pleased to touch and hug her.
Tilda doll
A modern doll that appeared in Norway in 1999. She owes her birth to Toni Finnager. The doll looks elongated, with disproportionately long and thin hands and feet. Facial features are drawn conditionally, a blush is necessarily applied. The body usually has a tan shade. To do this, the fabric is dyed with tea or coffee.
Nylon dollThese dolls are made from nylon stockings and socks. Nylon is an ideal material for making toys. It allows you to create a realistic doll, with its help you can show the facial expressions and age of the character, any folds and features of his face and body. In order to give the doll the desired shape, use a wire frame
glove dollStory puppet theater is several centuries old. His actors are puppets. Every country has favorite puppet characters: Pulcinella in Italy, Polichinelle in France, Petrushka in Russia, and so on. Today, in the puppet theater, you can most often find puppets on gloves (parsley) and on threads (puppets). The sizes of the "actors" are different: from small, the size of a finger, to huge - in human height

At first it may seem that making a rag doll with your own hands is difficult. But that's not the case at all.


The easiest way is to make a twist doll. The photo shows a diagram of its manufacture. Often, a column twisted from fabric or cardboard is placed at the base of the doll to give rigidity to the toy. The doll can be decorated according to the taste of the craftswoman, "give" her hair and an original costume.

More complex and painstaking is the work of making a primitive doll and Tilda. The photo shows a pattern for a primitive pumpkin-headed doll. If the craftswoman has a desire to change the shape of the head of the toy, then you can add wedges (you get a ball) or cut out 2 ovals (you get a flat head).

The pattern is easy to redo for Tilda. In this case, the head in the figure should be one with the neck and torso, and the arms and legs should end in semicircles.

Many questions are raised by the stage of making and attaching hair. A master class on this topic can be viewed on the video:

Children love puppet theater, you can sew several gloves for them. Simple circuits patterns show how to make a doll for a puppet theater with your own hands.

Sewing dolls on your own is simple and interesting. Unique handmade toys will please adults and children.