Designer doll made from fabric pattern. Pattern for a textile doll. Sewing a Tilda doll with your own hands

Many people have probably looked at the beautiful interior dolls in different clothes, with scanty accessories and even their pets under their arms. How I would like to have one like this at home, so that it can decorate the dressing table in the bedroom or sit on a shelf with your favorite books. The prices of designer interior dolls are usually steep, but what a beauty they are! I won’t say that if you decide to sew an interior doll with your own hands, it will cost you pennies. If you have already sewed dolls, tried yourself in this matter and you still have different fabrics, including doll jersey, then yes, you will only have to spend money on a wig, brooches, buttons, bows. If you don’t have scraps at home, all the materials will need to be purchased from scratch, but they will be enough for several dolls. That is, in general, it is cheaper to buy one doll than to make it if you are not going to make it your hobby. And for those who are still inspired and ready to create, here is a pattern and instructions for how to sew a doll.

Step-by-step master class on how to sew an interior doll

For the doll you will need:

knitwear for the doll’s body (possibly “white angel”),
foam ball,
holofiber (sintepon or synthetic padding) for stuffing,
threads, scissors, sewing machine, and other tools.

For clothes:

knitwear or cotton for pants or knickers,
cotton for dress,
ready-made shoes for the doll,
wig (or tresses) and various accessories.

We print the pattern on A4 sheet. The height of the doll according to this pattern will be 23 cm. The ball for the head is 5-6 cm.

If you need a larger or smaller doll, you can enlarge/reduce the pattern on the monitor (by pressing ctrl+roll the mouse wheel), and then carefully transfer it to a sheet of paper, placing it directly on the monitor. To get a doll with a height of 27 cm, we will enlarge it on the monitor so that the body with head is 22 cm. A foam ball for such a doll will be needed with a diameter of 9 cm.

Transfer the pattern to fabric with a seam allowance of 0.3-0.5 cm. Cut it out. In the folds of the seam allowance, we make shallow cuts so that the seam does not pull later.

We sew all the parts of the body, leaving holes in the arms and legs (where there is shading on the pattern). We leave a hole in the head for the ball, as well as a hole in the bottom of the body, through which we will fill the body with holofiber.

Turn the parts right side out.

We wrap the foam ball with padding polyester and insert it into the head. When pulling the fabric foam ball Naturally, folds form. You can remove them as follows: glue the fabric at the point of tightening and press it to the ball, then the folds will turn out flat and they will not be noticeable under a wig or cap. Anyone will do super glue that dries quickly and leaves no odor.

We stuff the arms, legs and torso with holofiber very tightly.

We sew up all the holes in the arms, legs and body with a hidden seam.

Handles are usually sewn to the body along with clothing. The legs are tucked into the pants, then attached to the buttons, which means that you also need to think about the clothes first. If you put shoes on this doll, she will stand steadily on her feet without support.

How to sew clothes for a doll

We cut pants from knitwear. Sew it together.

We put pants on the doll. Sew the legs to the body. We put on our boots.

The dress is a wide strip of colored material, gathered in folds at the top (at the neck). The width of the stripe depends on the desired length of the dress. The sleeves are also just strips of fabric.

The same thing with tulle (petticoat).

We cut out a scarf and a hat from a knitted strip. Sew on the pompom.

We attach tresses, put on a hat and scarf.

We paint the eyes with acrylic paint or sew them French knot. Lightly powder your cheeks with regular powder or dry pastel.

Girls at all times love to play with dolls most of all, and their mothers have no choice but to learn how to make DIY fabric dolls to give your child a little piece of a fairy tale. The difference between the dolls that you make yourself and those plastic products, sold in the store, is that homemade products are endowed with individuality, you yourself can choose a theme for them, choose the desired image so that the toy becomes an indispensable companion for children's games. However, no less common are the main task which - to decorate the space around you. They are sewn not only for children, but even for adults, as wonderful gift comes from childhood.

Make a doll with your own hands from fabric

To make a doll with your own hands from fabric, you, in fact, don’t need that much - this correct pattern, which will create the contours of the doll’s body, is a fabric suitable in texture and shade, as well as a filler, by adjusting the amount of which, we can achieve either stability of the body, or, conversely, its pleasant softness and plasticity. The remaining details will be classified as auxiliary: woolen threads for hair, threads for embroidering facial features or paints for the same purpose, as well as numerous pieces different fabrics to create clothes.

Creating a fabric girl is an entire art that has been around for many thousands of years, because at all times little ones love to play with them as daughters and mothers, this is an integral part of growing up and forming future woman. When we grow up, our love for these toys does not seem to go away, but transforms into a desire to provide our children with the most beautiful dolls, which are only possible. And, since this is a very beautiful and atmospheric thing, their own fashion trends and their legislators of this very fashion.

The pillars of modern decor fashion include Tilda dolls, which have already won the whole world. They are found in people's homes in the most different countries, and sewing them allows you to get a fashionable and very beautiful decor do it yourself, since Tilda patterns and patterns are sold or posted for free everywhere. It is very difficult to describe what exactly makes Tild so incredibly attractive; these are toys with an amazingly kind appearance, they seem to personify home comfort. Among them there are also recognizable images, such as the one in which the girl’s pattern is complemented by wings and a halo above her head, but the most popular are simple girls, which have small wings behind their backs. They are all sewn from thin flesh-colored fabric (at hobby centers you can easily buy everything you need for work), and special attention is paid to clothes and hairstyles, since they always look like miniature copies of real things.

We can say that Tildas are perfect option for those looking for tutorials on how to create DIY fabric dolls step by step, because the toy is very popular and there are simply plenty of master classes with photographs, diagrams, and videos. In the picture you can see the most common pattern options, as well as a diagram for assembling the finished toy. They are usually cut from two types of fabric, flesh thin cloth is used to create arms, legs and head, and the body, which, according to Tilda canons, remains covered with clothing, is made from another material, denser and softer; natural cotton or similar options are suitable. The arms and legs are sewn together and stuffed with filler through the seams that are not completely sewn, which are then closed. But creating a frame is only the very first and simplest stage of the process. You need to pay special attention to embroidering hair and creating hairstyles, as well as sewing clothes and accessories. However, having successfully completed your first similar toy, you will probably want to repeat this creative process again and again.

Maybe it was the popularity of Tilda, which made such a splash several years ago, that contributed to the fact that needlewomen forgot about it and rushed into a creative search for the ideal doll. Therefore, modern fashion trends are inspired and developed specific people, now their patterns and ideas are repeated by thousands of admirers. We will show you the two most popular types of fashionable DIY dolls made of fabric, master class which you can easily find: these are Snowballs and Pumpkin Heads.

Pumpkinheads are usually called unique DIY dolls made of fabric, photo which you see above. Their body proportions are quite ordinary, but the head is made using a special technology - several sectors are sewn together, which makes it look like a pumpkin, hence the name. It is the head that can be called the main detail for the entire craft, so maximum attention is paid to it. Unlike Tilda, for whom face painting is very symbolic, he special attention is not given, then for pumpkin heads it is important that the face not only has large, beautiful features, but also expressed the given emotions. They paint the face with a thin brush and acrylic paints, literally endowing their creation with history, character, and habits. The remaining parts of the pumpkin head's body are made according to the doll standard, complemented by clothes, shoes, and accessories.

No less beautiful are Snowballs, which are also a designer toy that everyone has been repeating with ecstasy for several years now. Even in the photograph you can see how Snowballs differ from others - these are wide, well-padded legs that make the figure stable, while the faces are not just made schematically, they are generally practically clean, with small dots instead of eyes and the obligatory blush on the cheeks. Many people do it in the Snowball style, when toys are intended for New Year's compositions, decorating shelves and coffee tables.

DIY fabric doll for beginners

The beauty of many varieties of children's toys allows them to compete with the most expensive ones, but if you remember that the initial goal should be for children to play, then the simplest varieties will come in handy. No wonder DIY fabric doll for beginners in many ways it will be so similar to those dolls that our great-grandmothers had the opportunity to play with.

But before we talk about the so-called primitives or attic dolls, let's look at another variety, which can also be classified as simple. However, another reason was that this is a toy, and not an interior decoration, and a useful, educational toy. It's about about the so-called Waldorf doll, which is used in educational gardens and schools using the Waldorf technique. Such a doll for a child will be an ideal playmate, because the proportions of its body will perfectly replicate real human proportions, both for adults and for doll children. Therefore, to sew Waldorf toys, you need to correctly adhere to the proportions, make the doll’s body itself correct and beautiful. The second aspect of the toy is schematic illustration faces, it is believed that the child himself will endow his toy with character, he will “think out” and imagine, without any imposed stereotypes. That is why we can say that sewing just such a doll is both an exciting creative process and an important point in the pedagogical program. And if you already know how to make fabric ones, then you will probably be able to make such a product, especially since this is indeed a very useful thing for a child’s development.

For beginners who have no experience working with complex patterns and specific materials, so-called primitives are suitable, which can also often be recognized under the name of attic dolls. These are toys that absolutely anyone can sew; one might say that pillows are even more difficult to make than them. Primitives are distinguished not only by their schematic faces, but also by their clothes. Their bodies have the most elementary form, they are not overly stuffed, so that it is convenient to pick them up even small child, and absolutely all the scraps that you can find in your home will be useful for sewing.

Children all over the world adore primitives, as they are very convenient to play with, sleep with, and carry with them everywhere, and mom can sew so many of them that with their help you can tell the biggest fairy tale with many characters. Standing apart among them is the Raggedy Ann doll, with a face made of patches. This doll has its own history, it has become a real symbol of America, but is loved by girls all over the world.

DIY dolls made from fabric with patterns

Sewing primitives, as we have already said, is quite simple and so that you can verify this, we will show you several methods of making DIY dolls made from fabric with patterns.

The good thing about this variety is that you are not at all limited in the choice of fabric, materials, degree of padding, you have a huge field for experimenting in search of perfect toy for the baby.

Do-it-yourself amulet doll made of fabric

Popular even in modern interiors the so-called DIY amulet doll made of fabric. The ancients come to mind folk traditions, when it was believed that by creating a small likeness of a person, one could endow it with magical qualities, not only using it as a toy for a child, but also as an amulet that protects against evil forces, giving goodness and fulfillment of desires.

You can find many master classes on this folk toy, moreover, they can differ significantly depending on the region where they were once invented. Modern amulets except some of their own mystical significance, are also very decorative, they are complemented by skillful embroidery in folk style, they do the most beautiful dresses, braids are woven from wool threads. But the face is not made for them at all, and this fact is very important for those who believe in the miraculous power of amulets. Here's for DIY Maslenitsa dolls made of fabric a slightly different approach is used - this is an image of the embodiment of winter, so her facial features can be painted, but her eyelids do not last long, since the effigy of Maslenitsa was usually burned at the end of Maslenitsa week.

Do-it-yourself motanka dolls made of fabric

Different toy amulets have regional characteristics, but the most popular is the motanka - a piece of ribbon rolled around hay or sticks, decorated with fabric imitating clothing. The face for the motanka is decorated with a ribbon with the image of a cross and in general they are considered a very powerful amulet for the well-being of the home, hearth and household.

History shows the appearance of dolls more than 4,000 years ago. Today, even for beginning needlewomen, making a doll with your own hands helps you realize your talents and use them in the development of your child.

The idea of ​​the doll: preparation of materials, tools

Modern techniques similar hand made products are presented in different types: gaming for children, amulets, ritual, theatrical, interior. Making dolls with your own hands, both for beginners and experienced craftsmen, is preceded by the preparation of the necessary materials/tools.


We sew a textile doll with our own hands

It is important to consider that a do-it-yourself doll created for beginners must necessarily consist of the following actions:

Fabrics for designer dolls

The experience of skilled craftsmen shows that for those who are just starting to create dolls with their own hands, it is best to use previously used clothing. Experienced needlewomen do not neglect such second-hand goods, along with remnants from new fabrics.

In all cases, it should be fabrics made of cotton, wool, knitwear, leatherette, natural silk, and leather.

It is very important to combine materials different types, texture, plasticity and color palette. The main requirement is their naturalness and attractiveness appearance, no artificial colors.

Tilda and its varieties

The first Tilda doll was created with her own hands by a young Norwegian designer, Toni Finager, in 1999. This is one of the toys that, even for novice needlewomen, creates rich manufacturing possibilities. various products.

Distinctive feature man-made style of tildomania is the use of environmentally safe materials, the unusual smooth lines of the “body” and the sizes of its parts. These are elongated torso and limbs; small head, pastel complexion with miniature beady eyes, nose, mouth; bright rosy cheeks.

The desired colors can be achieved using natural dyes(tea, coffee, powder, pencil lead, etc.).

The fillings are padding polyester, padding polyester, holofiber and even calcined cereal. Attaching the arms/legs is done by sewing/buttoning them. For hair, pure wool yarn, floss and other natural materials are used. Colored prints are definitely used in outfits, various accessories, ruffles, lace.

Tildomania has found application in the manufacture of dolls in different images(blonde, brunette, country, romantic, etc.). Along with dolls, there are various toys of this stylistic trend in the form of fairies, angels, a variety of animals, as well as soldiers, airplanes, etc.

Such products can be used not only as children's toys, but also as interior decorative elements and creative gifts.

Making the doll's hair and hairstyle

The hair extension process consists of the following stages:

Right choice material, length, hair fastening allows you to vary hairstyles: shortening, braiding, creating “tails”, etc. Mixing multi-colored strands helps to achieve original combinations when creating harmonious image any doll.

How to make a doll face

Exist different variants creating volume, reliefs, facial expressions using stocking techniques, overlays on the forehead, chin, cheeks, nose, sculptural textiles. The first step in creating a doll's face is to paint it with paints. For this the best way Moisture-resistant acrylic dyes are suitable, which form a rubberized film on the fabric.

In addition, they have a large color palette. First, you need to draw on the head filled with padding polyester/holofiber, eyes, nose, contours of the lips with a clear indication of their corners, and chin. After checking the symmetry of the arrangement of these parts, using a long needle and strong thread, “tightening” is carried out to form the necessary depressions/bulges of the face.

This unique analogue of stitching thick blankets allows you to create the necessary size and shape of the nose, eye shape, and the roundness of the face as a whole. After this, the face is toned using a brush. oil paint or pastel in different halftones for the pupils and whites of the eyes, eyebrows, wings of the nose, lips, cheeks.

Master class: Waldorf doll

A properly made Waldorf doll with your own hands for beginners and experienced needlewomen– this is a chance to take advantage of the achievements of the most widespread alternative pedagogy in the world.

Its popularity is due to its focus on the systematic development of the child’s personality, the creation of a natural gaming environment, favorable conditions for introduction to creativity, culture, spiritual development. A distinctive feature of this simple-shaped doll is its solid head, soft body, clear design of movable limbs, and roundness of all outlines.

The proportions of the model are determined by the correspondence of the anatomical and physiological structure of the baby’s body in different periods development.

The “face” of a baby doll can change from a dispassionate, neutral expression to a pronounced one in “maturing” products. This allows you to give the toy different feelings, stimulating his imagination. Together with her, the baby seems to get an adequate idea of ​​his real body.

It is important to know that a Waldorf doll can be made exclusively by hand and using only natural materials!

When creating a pattern, the doll's dimensions must correspond to the age proportions of the child's body. For children under 2 years old, the head is from 1/3 to ¼ relative to its length, respectively: from 2.5 to 4.5 years - 1/5, and for 5-year-olds and older - 1/6. For one-year-old children, it is recommended to sew butterfly dolls, corners in bags, and diapers.

They lack hair, clear facial features and limbs, while “growing up” dolls already have them. The overall dimensions of the pattern increase independently.

Then you need to select necessary materials for sewing the body, clothing, stuffing, hair (threads, trimmings of white and flesh-colored knitwear, sheep's wool, sliver, straw, yarn). It is not recommended to use heavy, dense, although natural, cotton wool as a filler.

One of the most popular options for making a doll for the smallest with a size of up to 15 cm consists of the following steps:

Features of a doll for a teapot

More than 200 years ago, a unique detail of the tea ceremony appeared in Rus' - hot water bottles with porcelain painted faces and insulated fluffy skirts. Today, hand-made teapot dolls are used as a colorful part of the interior. To create a doll you will need fabric, insulation, scissors, thread, floss, needle/ sewing machine, decoration details.

The work process consists of the following actions:

  • preparing a doll pattern according to the height/volume of the teapot, transferring it to fabric for cutting out the parts and then sewing them together (except for the bottom);
  • turning the workpiece inside out is obvious, placing the filler inside;
  • preparing the lining and stitching it with filler, leaving a hole;
  • sewing both pieces together around the circumference, and after turning them inside out through the hole - completely;
  • making a wig from floss and gluing it to a head with a browned face, drawn eyes, lips, eyebrows;
  • tailoring (dress, apron with frills, lace, buttons, etc.);
  • complete design of the doll and placing it in the required place.

Motanka or amulet doll

These dolls have long been considered the guardians of the hearth and travelers, intermediaries between living and future generations. The skirt they wear represents the earth, the ribbon and scarf represent heaven, the shirt represents the present, future and past of life. Ancestors passed them on from generation to generation.

Important points is winding threads on a svarga (face) without eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips in the form of a sacred cross. It is here, on the symbol of the Mother of God Lada, that the main magic of the doll is concentrated. It is noteworthy that all parts of the body, hair, clothes are wound with threads (crosswise) in the direction of the sun without cutting them.

The work must be carried out at good mood within one day. All this contributes happy fate, resistance to disease and damage, taming natural phenomena(drought, rain). Each turn symbolizes filling the doll with energy potential.

There are 3 types of reels:

  • diapers (for newborns);
  • dolls in wedding dresses, which were intended for young wives before the birth of a child;
  • beregins - fertile, herbalists, wishers, Easter, willow, etc. They should have been located near the house or on its eastern part.

How to sew a doll from nylon tights

Making such a toy does not require special materials or skills. Here you will need nylon tights/stockings, padding polyester, threads (for sewing, knitting), a needle, scissors, pieces of fabric, ribbons for clothes. Along with interior “hosiery” products in the form fairy-tale heroes children's are popular play dolls. Even beginners can do them.

Step-by-step instructions: a doll made from a nylon sock

Making a baby doll of a simple shape is considered the most affordable.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • fill the sock with padding polyester and tie it;
  • mark the place of the neck with a thin stitch, and then pull it off and wrap it a couple of times with thread;
  • to form a nose, place a small circle on the head and pull it off;
  • mark circles for the legs with stitches and pull them together;
  • In place of the seam of the sock, make a navel-shaped hole by threading a needle from the back and grabbing the nylon from the tummy. The buttocks are designated similarly;
  • ears and cheeks are made by pulling the threads together in the right places, eyes and eyebrows are embroidered with threads, and beads are used for eyes;
  • the smiling mouth of the baby doll is made using red threads (the needle is stuck through the top of the head, where the knot will be located);
  • the handles are made from scraps of excess nylon on the head, and then sew them to the body;
  • hair is made from nylon socks of the desired tone;
  • The clothes are made of fabric, the socks are of different colors.

This technique will be the first step to mastering more complex models.

Dolls made from plastic bottles

A variety of methods for making dolls makes it possible to combine different materials with lungs plastic bottles different volumes. They can be used both as a frame and as the main component of a toy for children. of different ages.

There are different model options, namely:

These examples can be supplemented with user know-how or your own ways of creating exclusive models.

Author's frame doll

To make the doll's frame, aluminum/copper wire (length about 30 cm) of the same or different diameters is used. 2 loops are made on it, 12 cm long (for the head, torso) and 16 cm (for the legs). When making the frame of a doll up to 50 cm in size, up to 2 m of wire is required.

The head is made separately from a part of a sock/tights with further formation of the oval and parts of the face, attaching the eyes and hair from yarn/an old wig. The palms are made from pieces of wire, the loops at the ends of the shoe legs are wrapped with padding polyester/insulating tape (the thickness is arbitrary).

A piece of sock/tights is put on the blank for the palms, on which the outlines of the fingers and nails are embroidered, and “shoes” made of leatherette are placed on the legs. The head is sewn to the body covered with padding polyester. The final touch is sewing and dressing the clothes. The attractiveness of such a doll lies in the mobility of different parts of the body, its modeling different provisions.

Cut out a doll from paper

This method of making dolls has been popular for over 200 years. The blanks for them were colorful images on cardboard of characters in luxurious outfits. In times of shortage of toys, paper dolls were an alternative. Today they are considered as an opportunity to implement creative potential children and adults at the lowest economic cost.

A do-it-yourself paper doll for beginners is the easiest option for making a doll for a child.

Creation different models consists of drawing a silhouette on thick paper (candy/shoe box), cutting it out along the contour and coloring it. Then comes the production of clothing and accessories with fastening by bending several “flaps” on them. Here you can give room for the flight of imagination for the kids themselves.

How to make a three-dimensional paper doll

One of the latest methods manual creation of three-dimensional toys is the use of 3D technology. For volumetric models flat templates of princesses, Disney/fairy-tale characters, angels, animals, birds, etc. are used, printed on thick paper. These can be either independent figures or in the form of inserts in books.

When registering them, the following are used:

  • gift colorful paper,
  • fabrics,
  • glue,
  • threads,
  • buttons,
  • decorations
  • other available materials.

Among the most acceptable techniques are:

Each of them can be performed different ways, which you can get acquainted with in virtual master classes. As a result of borrowing the experience of others, you can create original creations that are different from each other, capable of becoming both toys and interior decorations, designer collections, an exclusive gift.

Any method of making a doll with your own hands expands the possibilities of expressing your individuality. For beginners, this is a kind of test of patience, an opportunity to realize their fantasies. For experienced craftswomen gives a chance for further improvement, and allows children to reveal their talents and appreciate work.

Video: DIY doll for beginners

How to sew a doll with your own hands, watch the video:

Do-it-yourself Tilda doll, master class:

The world of handmade is vast and multifaceted. This time we invite you to try sewing a textile doll using our patterns.

Dolls are not just a piece of furniture or a toy. Since ancient times, the doll has been a prototype of a person and participated in a variety of magical rites and rituals. The dolls were given the ability to speak, see, hear and even walk. To be on guard in the home of the owners or, on the contrary, to attract trouble to the house of ill-wishers.

Now, in the age of technology, the seemingly mystical meaning of the doll should have been lost long ago. However, things are different, and the process of creating a doll from plaster, porcelain, or fabric resembles real magic.

Dolls become small human copies

Do-it-yourself dolls: photos

Sewing dolls in last years has gained immense popularity along with and. It should be noted that sewing is not an easy task and is not suitable for everyone. Real seamstresses do not take on every job, but they always perform it efficiently and with soul.

Sewing dolls can be considered a hobby. But many craftswomen, with the help social networks or in some other way were able to find demand for their dolls. As a result, a hobby turns into a well-paid and beloved job.

If you want to sew high-quality toys, then you will need good tools and materials. You definitely shouldn’t skimp on these two components, because this is the key to good work. A well-made toy is pleasing to the eye. Therefore, the work is worth the cost in any case.

Little artist doll

Most often, such dolls serve as decorative elements. They fit perfectly into the interior of the living room, bedroom, nursery and even the kitchen.

How to sew a doll's head and face: patterns with descriptions and photos

The doll's head can be made in several ways:

  • sew from fabric
  • sculpt from clay
  • sculpt from plaster
  • felt from wool
  • molded from special plastic

Other materials are used much less frequently. In this part of the article we will tell you how to sew a head for a fabric doll. The easiest way, accessible even to beginners.

To make a textile doll, all parts must be sewn and stuffed separately. Synthetic padding polyester is usually used as a filler, less often - cotton wool. Sintepon wrinkles and clumps less, making it more convenient to work with. After the parts are ready, they are sewn together. This creates a blank for the future doll.

  • Using the pattern, cut out the head.
    • Pre-cut the stencil to the size you need.
    • Place the stencil on the fabric, fasten safety pins.
    • Cut along the outline.
    • Machine or hand sew the seams from the wrong side.
    • Turn right side out, stuff with stuffing and sew up.

  • Draw eyes on the finished head with a pencil. nose, lips. Try not to make mistakes; pencils are difficult to erase from fabric.

Step 1
  • Using the diagram below, make the drawstrings. They are needed to give the head volume: the nose, eyes, lips stand out.

  • Using small, neat stitches, sew along the contours of the eyes and lips.

Step 2
  • From the back of the head the view will not be the most beautiful. Don't be alarmed. Secure all the threads and cut them so they don’t stick out.

Step 3
  • Take acrylic paints, blend them to create a light nude shade and add color to the eyes, cheeks, nose, lips, chin, brows and under the brows.

Step 4
  • Sew on the doll a wig prepared in advance.
  • White acrylic paints with drops blue color To ensure that the eyes are not pure white, draw the whites of the eyes. Please note that it is better to draw the eyes themselves slightly below the line with which we marked them earlier, so that it turns out upper eyelid, and the eye was half-closed.

Step 5
  • Using the same acrylic fabric paints, paint the iris and pupil.

Step 6
  • Use brown paint to mark the growth line of the upper and lower eyelashes, eyebrows. You can add gold pigment to the paint.

Step 7
  • Using paint a little darker than you painted the eyebrows, draw eyelashes. You can also use false eyelashes.

Step 8
  • Add highlights near the pupils to make the doll look more realistic.

Step 9
  • Use light brown (pink, red or any other color) to draw the lips. The doll's head is ready. You can still improve it. This is the simplest option.

Step 10

With this step by step guide you can make your own textile doll according to all the rules.

How to make a body, torso for a doll: patterns with descriptions and photos

Torso textile doll You can make it on a frame or sew it by hand. For beginners, we recommend the sewing method because it is simpler and less costly in terms of time and materials.

Algorithm for sewing a doll's body:

  1. Cut out the stencil as in the diagram below. If necessary, its size can be increased or decreased. The back and front parts of the body are the same, so you can only use one stencil.
  2. Place the cut out stencils on the machine and fasten with safety pins, or outline with chalk.
  3. Cut out two pieces of fabric using the stencil.
  4. From the wrong side, sew the parts together.
  5. Turn the product right side out and stuff the body with filler. The work is ready.

How to sew legs for a doll: patterns with descriptions and photos

The legs will be somewhat more difficult to sew than the head or torso. And all because the leg consists of three components:

  • two leg parts
  • foot

Algorithm sewing legs not much different from sewing the body:

  1. First, a stencil is cut out.
  2. Then all the details are cut out using a stencil.
  3. They were sewn together with the following sequence:
    1. First, the two parts of the leg are sewn together.
    2. Then the foot is sewn to them.
  4. The product is turned inside out front side up and stuffed with filler.

Advice! To prevent the doll’s foot from looking “flippered”, make 4 small stitches that will represent the toes.

How to sew hands for a doll: patterns with descriptions and photos

To sew hands on a textile doll, you will need a lot of patience. You can sew a version for advanced people: with fingers, palms, even nails. Can you get by with more? simple option(as in the diagram), which even beginners can do.

Description of making a hand for a textile doll exactly matches the description of the leg execution:

  1. A stencil is cut out.
  2. The stencil is attached to the fabric with pins or outlined with chalk, and the blank is cut out.
  3. The hand blank (and the hand consists of two parts) is sewn along the edges, leaving only top part for attachment to the body.
  4. Then the future hand is filled with filler.
  5. After this, short stitches can be used to make the fingers. A total of 4 stitches are needed.

How to sew a beautiful textile doll with a big head: patterns with descriptions and photos

Textile doll with big head most often it is interior. It is not intended to be played with.

So, to sew an interior doll with a big head, prepare the following materials:

  • synthetic filler
  • textile
  • stencil paper
  • thread, needle
  • foam or plastic head ball

The process of making a doll.

  • Redraw the stencils on paper, or print them on a printer and cut them out.

  • Transfer all parts to the fabric, add an additional 2 cm around the entire perimeter of each workpiece.

  • Sew the parts together, leaving the areas marked with dotted lines on the diagram unsewn. Through these holes you will fill the doll with padding polyester.

  • Fill each part of the doll with filler.
  • The ball that we have listed in the materials is necessary for the head. Insert the ball through the hole in the top of the head and sew it up.

  • Fasten all the parts together. The result is a finished doll body.

  • Now you can come up with a dress for the doll, put a wig on it, and draw a face.

The finished doll may look like this.

interior doll with a big head

How to sew a beautiful New Year's interior doll: patterns with descriptions and photos

A New Year's doll can be a wonderful holiday gift. Including on New Year. But not everyone can appreciate this gift, so before giving someone such a thing, try to make sure in advance that the new owner will like it.

How does a New Year's interior doll differ from other dolls? Unless it's just an outfit. Therefore, you can take any of the previously described step by step instructions for sewing textile dolls. Dress her up in a beautiful New Year's dress, and the toy is ready!

How to sew a centipede doll with a solid head: patterns with descriptions and photos

How is the big-legged doll different from other textile dolls? This can be understood by the name. The doll has disproportionate centipedes big feet, regarding her body and head. This is the “trick” of this model. Bigfoot dolls have a unique charm and the ability to enchant. They look very nice, homely, and create a cozy atmosphere.

Refer to the diagram below to sew a centipede doll. All sizes are shown in the picture.

Parts name:

  • No. 1 - leg
  • No. 2 - foot
  • No. 3 - torso
  • No. 4 - hand
  • No. 5 - head, front part
  • No. 6 - head, back side

Description of the process of sewing a centipede doll:

  1. Refer to the pattern, redraw and cut out all the details.
  2. Transfer the details to the fabric by placing the stencils on it and securing with pins.
  3. Cut out the pieces.
  4. Sew paired pieces together.
  5. Fill the blanks with padding polyester. For the head you can use big ball made of polystyrene foam.
  6. Fasten all the parts together and sew.
  7. How to sew a Waldorf doll's diaper: patterns with descriptions and photos

    Waldorf doll very different from other dolls. She does not have clearly defined shapes (waist line, hips), as is customary with Barbie. Also, such a doll is made from very soft materials, pleasant to the body. Unlike interior dolls, it is intended exclusively for games. A Waldorf doll is great for developing a child's imagination because it has very few details.

    Sewing such a doll is quite simple. You will find a face tightening diagram, as well as the necessary stencils, below.


This tutorial on sewing a fabric doll from Elizaveta Titova is suitable for beginner needlewomen, but even those craftswomen who have experience will be able to find a couple of interesting points here.


● fabric (Korean cotton was used when creating MK)
● doll pattern
● scissors, thread, sewing machine, pencil
● buttons
● bamboo skewer
● a stick for stuffing (you can use a Chinese sushi stick)
● padding material (holofiber was used here)

This pattern should produce a doll ~24 cm tall. Do not sew up the areas marked with a dotted line. The way the lob goes is marked on the pattern with arrows.

Fold the fabric face inward to transfer the pattern onto it. The author of MK made blanks for two dolls at once, for this she only needed a piece of material 45x35 cm. Leave allowances of 5 mm everywhere except the head and neck - they need allowances of 1 cm. Sew all parts of the dolls on a machine (stitch length 1.5 mm), excluding the head. Don't forget to leave holes - you will use them to turn out the parts later.Cut out the head pieces.

Sew darts on them, fold them right sides inward and sew along the contour, leaving an opening for turning (it is located between the darts).

Cut out the pieces. For this you will need zig zag scissors. If there are none, just make notches in the rounded places. Sew the toe on your feet. Now it's time to turn everything out.

Stuff the head and body as tightly as possible. You need to sew up the hole for stuffing that you left in the head. Insert a bamboo skewer into the doll's neck with the sharp side down, stopping approximately in the middle, break it off, leaving about 2 cm. Leave the broken piece - it will come in handy later.

Try the head on the body and make a mark on the back of the head where you will later insert the skewer. Make a small hole like in the photo

1. Use a piece of a skewer to push the stuffing through it to the sides. Smooth out all seams. You can also add padding material if necessary, as in the photo

2. Attach the head to the body, as in the illustration

3. Sew it to the neck in a circle with a hidden seam - it will not be visible later from under the hair (illustration 4).

Due to the direction of the lobar filament, the head seems to be slightly elongated upward.

If you cut it the other way around, it will be shorter and wider, as in photo 5. In the 6th photo you can see from the side how the head will turn out.

Stuff the toe and heel of your feet. Use a pencil to draw fingers on them. Through the hole for stuffing, insert a needle and thread into one of the drawn lines and begin to pull the fabric back with a seam using tiny stitches.

Do this with all your fingers. The legs also need to be stuffed very carefully, sewing up the hole left earlier with a hidden seam.

The same applies to the fingers. To make it easier to stuff and turn them out, you will need a wooden stick. Stuff your hands to the middle. Next, photo 2 shows how to place your hands and make a mark on them where the fastenings will be. Thread the thread in two folds into the needle, tie a knot and insert it into the attachment point, leading out into the stuffing hole, as in picture 3. Sew the button, through the stuffing hole, insert the needle into the attachment point from the inside out, as in the 4th photo. Pull the thread and hide the button inside your hand. Cut off the end of the thread where the needle is. Now the button should be inside, and there will also be two ends of threads with front side- with and without a knot. Stuff your hands not very tightly to the end and sew up the hole for stuffing using blind seam. The result should be like in picture 6.

If this is difficult for you, you can do another option - immediately completely stuff your arms and do them with the buttons facing outward, like at the feet.

Put the toy's arms and legs aside - it's time to paint the doll's face.

To do this you will need several materials and tools:

● dark blue, light blue, white and black acrylic;
pencil, eraser;
synthetic brushes No. 4 and No. 1;
pastel pencils red-brown and white flowers, as well as sepia of two different light shades, one is lighter than the other;
pastel crayons - white and peach shade;
● sandpaper;
● water;
spray matte varnish.

Using a pencil, lightly mark two circles on your face - this will be the iris. To make it smoother, you can outline the buttons, as in picture 1. Next, draw the whites, eyelids, eyebrow arches, as in photo 2, nose and lips (picture 3). Use a pastel sepia pencil to outline the eyebrows, the middle of the eyelids, the contours of the whites, lips, and nostrils (picture 4).

Using a lighter sepia pencil, draw the contours of the eyes, lips, and nose. Paint over your lips with a red-brown pastel pencil, and use it to draw the top of your nose (picture 1). Using brush #4 you need to shade all the lines. Paint over the eyelids with white pastel, the tip of the nose, and also outline the highlights on the lips (picture 2).

Draw the whites with white acrylic, the iris with blue, you can mix blue with blue. Draw the pupils in black. Add a little white to the blue acrylic and outline the bottom of the iris. Dilute the color with white again to highlight the iris even more, as in photos 3 and 4.

Dilute Blue colour white but light blue and with brush No. 1, apply thin strokes to the iris (picture 1). Mark the highlights with white acrylic (picture 2). Rub peach and white crayons onto sandpaper, mix (picture 3) and apply blush to your cheeks with a large brush. Outline the contours of the eyes with the darkest pastel pencil and draw eyelashes. Using a mostly dry brush, apply white highlights to your lips and nose. Fix the result with spray varnish.

Now you need to sew on the legs.

They will need to be sewn on using buttons. Pull tightly and tie knots, hiding the ends of the threads in the body.

Sew on the arms.

The long end of the thread without a knot must be inserted into one shoulder, and the end of the thread from the second hand must be inserted into the other shoulder. Tie the ends of the threads tightly, pulling your hands close to your body. Hide the ends of the threads inside it.