Decorating a room for a teenager. Room design for a teenager - stylish solutions for a modern interior

Finding the perfect design solution for a teenager's bedroom is extremely difficult. The main problem is not only the variety of suitable style and planning solutions, but also the need to take into account the opinion of the future owner of the room.

A teenager is no longer the obedient kid who agrees with the wallpaper chosen by mom and the furniture selected by dad. Almost an adult, already having his own opinion and his own view of things, a teenager needs a thoughtful and rational space that leaves room for creativity and imagination.

Stylish room design for a teenager

Room for a teenager: what should it be?

At the mention of the phrase " perfect room for teenagers” each presents something different: cozy or technical, spacious or, conversely, compact. main feature and the difference between a teenage bedroom and a child's room is a pronounced individuality in everything from decor to layout.

Workplace for classes must be mandatory

The opinion of the child should be taken into account at all stages of creating the interior: from the choice of material for wall decoration to the final decision on the layout. Only participation in the creation of his own corner in an apartment or house will allow a teenager to feel his adulthood, significance and increased responsibility for his actions, words and his choice.

Original design for a dolmatian lover

Advice. Designers note the importance of loyalty and psychological mobility of adults who are creating a bedroom for a teenage boy or girl. It is not enough to give the future owner of the room maximum rights to final decision-making, it is important to direct and regulate his choice in a stylistically correct direction.

Drawers under the bed - convenient and practical

A room for a boy or girl aged 13-15 should be equipped according to standard recommendations:

Girls often choose purple colour

Suitable bedroom for a young lady

Touching little animals and graceful princesses are replaced by huge mirrors, dressing tables with cosmetics and wardrobes filled with outfits in a teenage girl's room. The little lady becomes real woman with a clearly defined desire to be beautiful, with attention to their appearance, with an interest in fashion and style.

But more often teenage girls still choose pink

The room of a 13-year-old girl is a bedroom with a transitional character, which should satisfy all desires: play dolls with her friends, and paint her nails with fashionable varnish. But by the age of 16, a teenager needs a more adult room, stylish and characteristic. That is why designers offer to choose not traditional girlish shades, but more neutral and calm options as the main tone for the bedroom during the renovation process.

Important. Beige or white can be easily shaded with pink, purple or lilac to give it a gentle mood. With the maturation of the hostess, such a room easily transforms into a room for a serious lady - you just need to change the pink tulle to gray, and instead of a plush bedspread with princesses, close the bed with a luxurious graphite blanket.

Interior design in a classic style

Mobility and the ability to change the mood of the interior are extremely important properties for a teenage girl's room. Paintings or posters on the wall, curtains on the windows, chair covers, rugs or flower pots are ways to quickly transform a room. For the development of independence, it is better to provide the owner herself with the opportunity to change the interior.

Room of the future gentleman: interior features

Boys perceive their room in a completely different way, so design tricks when organizing space for a 14-year-old teenager, they will be different. In such a room there is no place for children's sentiments and memories, because ahead is an adult life filled with impressions, for which you need to prepare now. Sports section, a toolbox, a wood burning table - this is the right content for the men's bedroom.

Room for a teenager in an army style (military)

blue light room

  • A place to sleep should not take up much space and interfere vigorous activity. Loft bed or reclining bed sleeping area would be a great option for a teenager's bedroom.
  • workplace, that is desk, should be combined with a place for the creative realization of the boy. For example, you can equip it with drawers with tools, mount a stand for sailboat models, install fasteners for a soldering iron and other electrical appliances.
  • Boys of any age prefer to relax actively, so if there is space in the room, it is worth installing compact exercise machines and allocating space for your favorite bike. Do not forget about other home entertainment: for example, a TV with a set-top box and a comfortable sofa will become a gathering place for the owner's best friends.

Wall murals in a teenager's room are considered not just a rational element, but also original way adding originality and individuality to the interior. The choice of a pattern for such wall decoration should be based on the appropriateness of a particular motive in the interior, and on the child’s desire to see a specific plot on the wall of his room.

Wallpapers on the automotive theme

Wall mural night city

Photo wallpapers on a sports theme

Designers pay attention to the importance of choosing the right place for such decor in the interior of a teenage room: photo wallpapers, as a rule, turn out to be too bright and noticeable, overwhelming other decor in the bedroom. On the other hand, for the bedroom of a child of this age, maximum harmony in everything is important, therefore, only the balance of colors and semantic load in the choice of decor will create a picture suitable for a calm life.

Things are somewhat more complicated. Limited space will cause certain difficulties with the choice of finishes, furniture and room layout. In a small bedroom, it is extremely difficult to allocate a full-fledged place for sleeping, working and relaxing. In this case, it becomes necessary to combine these zones in a minimum space. Most often, a working and creative corner is combined in one part of the room, using modular cabinets and retractable storage systems.

lemon color

Advice. A folding bed or bed hidden in a podium can be a practical way to increase the usable area of ​​​​a room.


The interior of a teenager's boy's room is a kind of synthesis of a room that combines a bedroom, a play and work area, a place to store things and books with working materials for study. Moreover, the playing area decreases over time, and the space increases for classes.

The task of parents is to properly organize for the child all areas of the interior for a teenager's boy's room, especially a recreation area and a work area, because if there is an uncomfortable table and chair or bed in the room, the teenager will be very tired, not getting enough sleep, which means that school performance will decrease.

The teenager can organize the rest of the comfort and decoration of the room for himself, according to his taste and his preferences and hobbies. Of course, parents may not particularly like the deposits of disks and models of airplanes, magazines about computers, or even scattered clothes, but the design of the room itself falls on their shoulders. So what are the rooms of a teenage boy?

Sports child's room

Boys who are fond of sports can arrange shelves for books or disks from skateboard boards, such shelves look very relevant and stylish in any room.
In addition, one of the walls free from furniture can be pasted over with a special poster, on a sports topic of interest to the child.

Sleeping accommodations for three children in one room

If there are several children living in the room, parents tend to prefer bunk beds, and this is a very good option for a small room. You can glue the walls with plain wallpaper in blue - blue tone, hang curtains to match the wallpaper, diluted with geometric patterns in other colors, and complement the room with cozy armchairs, a little darker than the room itself.

Modern furniture manufacturers offer another option for decorating a room for teenage boys, when the bed is located on top, and under it you can put a table for classes. It is worth noting, since the sleeping place for a teenager has standard sizes, the space in such a “study” is quite decent. Well, for the design of the premises itself, you can take the option proposed above as an example.

Corner room for two

The modern layout of some apartments is sometimes so original that the room has the shape of a corner, and all zones must be placed in it so that the child is comfortable there. In this case, the bed can be hung in the middle of the wall by placing a reliable ladder nearby.
A working area or a play area is set up below, but if there are two children, then a second steel place. It's easy to do, just install and think over the mattress and bedding, or order a rug according to the size of the podium for games.

For brothers living in the same room

If parents plan to allocate a study area in one place in a small room, for example, near the window, then in this case you can use those that fit the size of any room.
In this case, the space for rest is significantly saved. The upper bed is ideally complemented by a ladder, and in the free spaces on the wall you can hang interesting paintings or posters, or attach lamps. If there is space, then the working area can be separated by small functional partitions.

Minimalist room

A teenager will also like a minimalist style, for example, a simple white work surface, under which you can install open shelves. square shape on wheels, then they can be moved, besides, they can serve as a small table. This design can be supplemented with open shelves of different geometric shapes, interconnected, for storing textbooks, books or computer disks. A simple sofa will complement the minimalist interior in the room.

For a growing boy

Many parents think about creating a functional room, long before a teenager needs it.
In this case, it is recommended to install a bed and a comfortable chair on one of the walls, for example, for reading or watching cartoons. On the other wall, place a spacious wardrobe with open shelves or

Children grow up very quickly, before you have time to look back, and now the mischievous tomboy has become independent teenager who rebels against the rules set by the adult world. Therefore, the interior of a teenage room should be thought out with special care. After all, it is the design, color and decoration that will help to show its new character, tastes and hobbies.

Main zones

When remodeling a teenage room, all reminders of childhood should be removed from it. Wallpapers with funny drawings, funny curtains, even Stuffed Toys It's best to send it to a landfill.
When creating a completely new interior for a teenager, you should listen to the wishes of the owner, but, of course, you should not readily embody all his crazy ideas. It is better to immediately come to a consensus in order to avoid further misunderstandings. When planning an updated design, it must be remembered that special details of the situation must be present in the room.

The teenage room should be divided into special zones. This will help to make being in it comfortable, cozy and practical in any circumstances. Must be:

  • rest zone;
  • work zone;
  • storage space.

When creating the interior, special attention should be paid to the first zone, which implies the presence of a comfortable sleeping place where you can sleep, relax, read a book, talk on the phone, work on a laptop.

According to experts, it is better to equip a teenager's room with a bed with an orthopedic mattress. After all, the child's body is still growing, which means it needs the right bed. On the other hand, the bed can be replaced with a folding sofa. At night it will be a place to sleep, and during the day for communication and short rest. The main thing is that it be sufficiently elastic.

Design of the working area

The next step in decorating a teenager's room is the work area. There must be a table with a comfortable chair, shelves for books, CDs, a place for a computer and other equipment. Be sure to take care of sufficient lighting.

Separately, you need to consider a place to store things. Ideally, a room for a teenager should have a dressing room, however, in practice, this is not always possible. It may well be replaced by a spacious closet, where you can put clothes, household items, accessories.

A teenage girl's room should have a dressing table, a mirror, a cosmetics shelf, or a mini chest of drawers. For all things related to hobbies, you definitely need a rack with numerous shelves.

A well-thought-out storage system will help the child become more organized, besides, teenagers rarely attach importance to things and love to throw them anywhere. But with a convenient cabinet and shelving, this problem is solved.

The main mistake of parents

Many parents, inventing the design of a room for a grown child, make one, but very gross mistake. They strive to do everything according to their own taste and, from the point of view of an experienced adult, completely disregarding what the son or daughter really wants. This brings up not the most pleasant qualities in the character, besides, the ready-made interior design deprives the teenager of the opportunity to express his own opinion and develop really good taste.

Therefore, for just a few years, it is worth resigning yourself to the fact that the room for a teenager will resemble an enchanting spectacle, consisting of posters, strange objects and an absolute mixture of styles. By the way, the child can be offered to decorate the room in the kitsch style that is fashionable today, which quite allows for such an incredible combination.

Style selection

As for the stylistic directions, the design of the room can be chosen depending on various factors. First of all, these are the personal preferences of the child, fully agreed with the parents.

Not the last factor is financial side question. After all, some styles can be costly, then you can invite the child to do something with their own hands to set the desired theme for the room. The easiest way is to create an interior design, taking into account the main hobby or occupation of a teenager.

For athletes and researchers

For example, athletes will like a high-tech, loft or avant-garde room. These thematic areas perfectly accept awards, medals, flags, attributes of favorite teams, sports accessories and other things that great importance for an older child.

Teenagers who are so young age interested in oriental cultures, spiritual practices or historical research, interior design in the style of ethnic cultures is perfect. It can be Japanese or any oriental, Egyptian, African, country or rustic style.

All these areas perfectly combine both store-bought and do-it-yourself decor. In addition, self-manufacturing decorative elements help develop Creative skills, fantasy, sense of beauty and other useful qualities.

For techies and romantics

Young computer scientists and techies will appreciate constructivism, high-tech or avant-garde. In such directions, it is easiest to enter the most modern technology, electronic gadgets, all kinds of appliances. In addition, the created conditions will provide excellent motivation for the further development of technical abilities.

In a room decorated as kitsch, avant-garde and loft, romantic natures with artistic inclinations or passionate about music will most pleasantly feel. These styles are better than others for pleasant dreams, writing, reading, listening to music.

But travel lovers will be more interested in ethno and marine themes, safari styles, country music and other areas related to distant countries. In addition, often only color and some decorative elements play a decisive role in such matters.

Of course bring everything possible options, which will allow you to decorate the interior design interestingly impossible. However, they will always help. non-trivial ideas offered by the internet, fashion magazines and other available sources. And of course, it is necessary to connect imagination and fantasy.

Color in design

Another important factor in a teenager's room is color. And it is worth preparing that the child will choose the most poisonous. And even if it is believed that black or fiery red is not entirely appropriate in the rooms where children live, a little madness does not hurt at all. Especially if the presence bright colors design provides.

Of course, this does not mean that you have to paint all the walls black, red or Blue colour, and here are a few bright details refresh the interior, make it different. Speaking more seriously, in the teenage room it is more appropriate to use less aggressive tones.

Grey, blue, pale brown, blue, purple and green, as well as all shades of pastel colors, work well. Modern design will emphasize orange and lemon, classics with minimalism cannot be imagined without the traditional black and white combination, a safari can be decorated in brown, and a deep burgundy color will provide a cozy atmosphere.

In fact, it does not play a big role which color to choose for the interior, you can always find dozens of ways to soften excessive brightness or, on the contrary, refresh pallor.

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From about the age of 13, when the boy begins to grow up rapidly, it is time for a complete or partial renewal of his personal space. In this article, you will learn how to equip a room for a teenage boy 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 years old, where he can relax, study, read, chat with friends, play video games and even play sports. The material is useful for those who equip the interior from scratch and for those who wish to update the existing environment.

13 room decorating tips for a teenage boy

Tip 1. Do you want the owner of the room to take care of things and keep it in order?

It is not typical for young people to bring comfort and beauty into their homes with enthusiasm, but they can and should participate in the repair and some decorating processes. So, for example, a boy can independently choose a mattress, work chair, sports complex, pick up, frame and hang posters on the wall. The color of the walls and the style of the room can be chosen together by arranging a joint viewing of photos of modern teenage interiors.

  • The more the owner of the room contributes to its arrangement, the more economical and tidy he will be.

Tip 2. The most versatile wall colors in a boy's room aged 13-17 are white, light gray and beige.

These shades can be safely used in large quantities in almost any room - classic or modern, in the room of a 13-year-old schoolboy or a 17-year-old graduate. They are easy to combine with any other colors.

  • If the room is already too small or there is not enough light in it, then it is best to decorate the walls in white. And so that the interior does not seem like a hospital, complement it with bright accents.

Design of a small room for a teenage boy 15 years old with white walls

If there is enough light and free space in the room, then more complex shades are also suitable as the main shade: gray-blue, blue, gray-green, khaki, graphite, brown, orange and even black.

  • Remember that if there is a lack of light in the room, then warm or neutral shades should be preferred: beige, orange, green, brown.

For more information about color in the interior of a children's room, see the section:.

Tip 3. You can choose accent colors in accordance with the character of the boy

In large quantities, saturated and bright colors begin to annoy and crush, but as accents they are good both from an aesthetic and from psychological point vision.

  • If your son lacks activity and perseverance, he is shy and gets tired quickly, does not like to sit at home, then yellow, orange and red colors will help him develop communication skills, every day they will charge him with vigor, energy, good mood optimism, desire to learn new things. The ideal background for such bright colors is neutral (shades of white, gray, beige). Ideal companions are shades of blue and green.

  • If a young person lacks perseverance, patience, the ability to calmly deal with problems and difficulties, then it is better to choose discreet shades as accents: green, blue, blue, brown or black.

Tip 4. Loft, industrial and Scandinavian style are the most suitable interior styles for teenage boys

In the boy's room, not so much decorativeness is important as practicality, functionality and comfort. Therefore, it is the loft, industrial and Scandinavian styles that are so suitable for teen interior. It is easy to keep order in such a room, and numerous posters and posters will successfully fit into the atmosphere.

  • To create a teenage or industrial interior, decorate the walls with brickwork or “concrete”, finish the floor with textured wood, furnish the room with wooden / metal furniture, pick up simple natural textiles, leather accessories and retro-style lamps.

  • To decorate, use predominantly natural materials, neutral colors, furniture of modern design or in the style of the 60s. Geometric and abstract prints will look good in the decor.

Other related styles:

  • Sport style;
  • Strict and simplified classics (American classics);

Three teenage boys can live in such a room different ages e.g. 13, 15 and 17 years old

Tip 5. Height-appropriate and orthopedic mattress are the main requirements for a teenage bed

A teenage boy should buy an "adult" bed in width and length. Perfect option- an ordinary one-and-a-half bed made of wood / metal with additional “bonuses”: drawers, upholstered headboard or headboard with built-in shelves. The mattress should be firm and orthopedic.

  • A couch, which often has not only drawers, but also a soft back, and a mechanism for transforming into a double bed, will also be a good choice. In addition, it can be used as a sofa when friends come to visit. True, often couches do not have too much big sizes and for tall guys, 16 and 17 years old can be cramped.

  • If the room is small, then instead of a regular bed it is worth buying. So, on the ground floor it will be possible to equip a working area or a sofa for relaxation.

A room for a teenage boy aged 16 with a half-sleeping loft bed and a workplace on the ground floor

Tip 6. The work area should be as functional and comfortable as possible.

After 13-14 years old, when the boy's height exceeds 150 cm, you can buy a work table and chair standard sizes in an adult store. However, ideally, it is better to purchase furniture for study that transforms and adjusts the dimensions individually for the growth of the child. More about the principles of selection work furniture for a student, creating the right lighting and storage system for school things, read our article:. In the meantime, let's take a look at a few good examples arrangement of offices in the rooms of teenage boys.

Workplace for computer classes and lessons

Two jobs for two teenage boys aged 13 and 15

Tip 7. Choose practical and not too expensive pieces of furniture, textiles and wall decoration

Frequent snacking in bed and at your desk or, say, fun gatherings with friends are fraught with quick damage to walls, curtains, carpets and furniture upholstery. Therefore, you should not decorate the teenager's bedroom with too good wallpaper, furnish it with expensive furniture and decorate it with curtains made of expensive fabric. Ideally, the walls should simply be painted, and the furniture should be bought without carvings and unnecessary details that complicate cleaning. Ideal curtains for a teenager's room are thick or (they are easy to wash and adjust in length), as well as blackout curtains.

Here are some helpful tips to help young man learn to keep order

  • Buy a shallow closet and/or chest of drawers. Narrow furniture (30-45 cm deep) will not only save space, but also allow you to store things more intelligently. The fact is that in shallow cabinets it is very convenient to put things not in piles, according to the principle of vertical storage, when things are first folded into rectangles or rolls, and then stacked one after another (and not on top of each other). Thus, the effect of a house of cards on the shelves with clothes will be eliminated! However, in standard cabinets with a depth of 60 cm, you can store things in the same way.

It is more convenient to store things in a chest of drawers than on the shelves of a closet, but still you can’t do without a closet, or rather without hangers in a teenage boy’s room, because they allow you to store school uniform, shirts and T-shirts so that they do not wrinkle.

  • Hang a trouser hanger and a couple of hooks for belts, caps and sweatshirts in your closet.
  • Place a laundry basket in the dressing area so that mom doesn't have to look for scattered socks and T-shirts all over the room.

The boy's room is highly desirable. It's so great when young man there is a place where he can warm up, blow off steam, work on muscle tone and health. Choose a sports complex should be as far as possible premises. So, in a small room perfect choice for a teenager there will be a horizontal bar on which you can hang a punching bag or gymnastic rings.

  • If the room has at least 1 free square meter, then you can install a sports complex consisting of a Swedish wall, a horizontal bar, bars and a bench for the press.

In addition to the sports complex, the following will be useful in the boy's room: basketball hoop, weights and dumbbells (up to 16 years old, these should be small weights, until this age it is more correct to train with your own weight).

The photo below shows examples of how a sports complex can fit into the interior of a teenage boy's room.

Teenage boy's room 13 years old

Tip 10 . Let the room have a little decor, but it should be super-stylish and reflect the interests of the owner.

In the room of a teenage boy, decorations are not needed, because they only clutter up the space and complicate cleaning. But this does not mean that the decor should not be at all. Here is a small list of things that every boy aged 13-17 will want to have in his bedroom:

  • Original wall/table clock;
  • Pillows plain or printed;
  • Stickers and signs, posters, posters and posters of your favorite music artists, video games;
  • Living plant (for air purification);
  • Stylish lamps;
  • Globes and wall maps (you can even in the form);
  • Music records;
  • Conceptual photo within frames;
  • An organizer board to which you can pin class schedules, commemorative tickets to concerts, photos with family and friends, and more.

The main thing is that all decor items should not only please the eye, but also reflect the interests and character of the boy, mean something to him, amuse and even motivate him. Below in the selection of photos are examples of the decor of the rooms of teenage boys.

Uniform lighting creates a cozy atmosphere and visually enlarges the room, and most importantly - does not strain the eyesight of its tenant. Ideally, the chandelier should be supplemented / replaced with spotlights. On the desktop and by the bed must be desk lamp or a sconce, and in the play / sofa area you can put a floor lamp.

Tip 12. If possible, arrange a place to relax and receive guests

In their room, the boys not only sleep and study, but also, of course, relax, read, watch movies, play video games and chat with friends. Therefore, a recreation area here will be very useful.

  • A TV in a teenager's room is not the most useful thing, but very desirable, especially if the boy is the proud owner of a game console. The most compact option for placing equipment is with wall mounting, while the console is placed on a narrow wall shelf. An example of such a solution is shown in the photo below.

Another good option is placement in a shelving unit/bedroom set.

  • It’s good if the room has a place for a couple of armchairs or for where 2-3 comrades can fit at once and where a guest who has stayed up can spend the night.

If there is not much space in the bedroom, put a cozy chair or ottoman.

Well, even if there is not enough space for ottomans, then just lay a carpet on the floor and get guest pillows, which, if necessary, can simply be scattered on the floor for Turkish gatherings.

  • In addition to the set-top box and TV in the room of a teenage boy, you can put a table for chess and board games, synthesizer, drum set, table football.

According to sports superstition, you should not count your trophies so as not to frighten off luck. But we are sure that it is possible and necessary to store them on the shelves and in plain sight. After all, diplomas, certificates, cups and medals not only decorate the interior, but also inspire new achievements.

A person in adolescence, like a child in any period of his life, needs an individual space. An ideal option for a boy is a personal room. To make it truly modern, to choose the right design style, while taking into account the preferences of a teenager, is not an easy task, but quite feasible.

Modern interior styles for a teenage boy's room

Time dictates special conditions decorating a room for a boy entering adulthood. Teenagers need proper organization of the workplace. Everything should be in its place - a comfortable table, a chair, a computer.

A sleeping place is an indispensable attribute for a good rest. And what else and in what manner can be installed in the room modern teenager? The answer to this difficult question must be found, taking into account the opinion of the boy himself, his parents and professional designers.

In no case should parents dictate to a future man which design style to prefer, they can guide and advise. When starting repairs, do not forget about:

  • son's favorite activities;
  • the age of the child;
  • the size of the room;
  • their material resources.

How to choose a room style depending on hobbies

The choice of design solution for a teenager's room directly depends on his life hobbies. Active boys will be happy if the room is decorated in an avant-garde and constructivist style. For creative natures, kitsch, loft will appeal to you. Future computer geniuses will be delighted with high-tech.

For teenagers who dream of the sea and adventure, you can suggest using appropriate motifs or the "safari" style. The boy will feel like a captain or a hunter on the prairies.

If a young man is interested in philosophy, then offer him a design a la east. Who knows, perhaps immersed in such an environment, your child can become a wise and thinking person.

Hobbies and, consequently, the style of decorating a young man’s room can reflect topics such as sports, art, cinema, music, astronomy, computer “heroes” of games, etc.

age trends

Agree that a teenager of 12 and 16 years old are completely different "planets", so this fact must be taken into account when choosing a style for decorating a room.

The beginning of growing up (12-13 years old) can be reflected in the design of the room by placing accents on the boy's favorite hobbies. These can be cars, football, computers, etc. Design wallpapers, furniture, work and sleeping places, taking into account the preferences of the child, and thereby maintain the son’s interest in a particular topic.

Boys 14-15 years old are characterized by "idolatry". Take note of this and place posters, posters with photos of idols on the walls. Then your boy's friends will not take him away from home, on the contrary, they will love to come to visit you. Your son's room will be the center of meetings and discussions, and you will find peace, because your growing child is nearby.

At the age of sixteen, a young man can be given more independence in decorating a room, let him show his imagination and even try to do something without your help.

How does the size of the room affect the design of the room?

A teenager's room should be designed taking into account its size. It is not always possible to “turn around” and use all the components of a particular style if the dimensions of the room do not allow it.

In this case, you can resort to some design tricks that can save the chosen style and expand the space:

  1. Use of light wallpaper.
  2. The use of a large number of mirrors and similar surfaces.
  3. Well crafted lighting.
  4. Sticking photo wallpapers (with the image of perspective, seascapes, large open spaces, etc.).
  5. Multifunctionality of interior items.
  6. Replacing some traditional elements with more modern ones (for example, light pillows can be used instead of chairs).
  7. Use of built-in technology.

When filling the interior of a teenage room with dimensional restrictions, do not forget that all furniture must correspond to the growth of a teenager.

In small rooms, combine several zones into one. For example, the sleeping area may consist of a bunk bed, top part which is used for its intended purpose (for sleeping), and the lower tier of the bed can be converted into a work area with a computer and a desk.

High-tech teenager's room

High-tech can please young men who do not look back, but strive for everything new and modern. Ultra-novelty can be reflected in the use of the most advanced building materials, the minimum amount of furniture, the functionality of any piece of furniture.

Plastic, glass, metal elements are the most suitable in this style. It is also possible to use artificial stone. Natural materials are too expensive and not entirely appropriate in a teenager's room.

Color preferences - different tones with the addition of a shade of metal (black, white, blue, green, red, yellow). Contrasting combinations are desirable, smooth flows of one color into another are unusual for high-tech style.

Extra furniture in a room for a teenager is not needed, and especially in this style direction.

Lighting fixtures - without pretentiousness, simple and mostly built into the ceiling. No chandeliers and lamps with outdated decor.

High-tech decorative elements almost do not welcome. This is very suitable for teenagers who, unlike girls, are not attached to trifles.

Wall decoration is most often done not with wallpaper, but with paint of suitable tones. In addition to metallic shades, cream, white, and the color of sea sand are suitable.

Teenagers will love the high-tech ceiling made of plasterboard panels mounted at different levels. It looks stylish with various lights placed in prepared niches.

Young men will gladly accept the high-tech design of the floor. Only modern materials are allowed, such as linoleum and tiles. A teenager who likes to be on the floor for a long time will like an artificial carpet with a long pile.

Everything in such a room should be subject to the principles of minimalism and functionality, but sports equipment will be a useful attribute that will help the growing young man to be in shape.

One of the advantages of a high-tech teenager's room is the ease of cleaning it, because there is a lot of free space and minimal amount decorative elements.

Photo gallery: hi-tech in a teenager's room

Proper lighting plays a big role in this design.
A large toy bear emphasizes that a guy who recently said goodbye to childhood lives here.
Strictness and moderation can be traced in all interior items.

Gray-black-white color can be diluted with bright "spots" on the carpet and shelf elements
Nothing superfluous suggests high-tech design, only the most necessary
Urban motifs can be placed on the walls in the form of photo wallpapers or special stickers

Minimalism in the youth room

Simple, functional design with the presence of space - this is how you can briefly describe a teenager's room in the style of minimalism.

It suits boys who are pedantic and neat. Such a design can also become an educational measure - reckless and sloppy children will have to keep order, because in a room with minimalism, any chaos is immediately evident.

The design in this style is characterized by the use of natural, but inexpensive materials: glass, wood, concrete, metal. The use of artificial analogues is not forbidden if they are skillfully selected.

When buying furniture, you should give preference to compact and multifunctional items. This is especially true if the area of ​​​​the room is not more than ten meters. Furniture that easily transforms from one state to another will be successfully integrated into such a design. Oversized, solid sofas, tables and cabinets will "feel" uncomfortable in such a room. Beds without a tatami-type headboard and platforms (with storage space for bedding) are more suitable.

For older teenagers, pieces of furniture with a glass or mirror surface will be in demand: countertops, wall shelves, mirrored cabinet doors. It is stylish, beautiful, and gives the space even more freedom and emancipation, which is very important for young men of this age.

Simple bedside tables will be appropriate near the bed, and you can also add a table, wardrobe or chest of drawers to the room.

A large stream of natural light penetrating through a large window is one of the conditions for maintaining a minimalist style. You should not hang heavy curtains or curtains on them, it is better to limit yourself to Roman blinds or blinds. Artificial lighting - diffused and calm, no frills.

For the design of walls and ceilings, preference should be given to light colors. The palette of minimalist colors is white, gray, black, but you can go beyond this set by adding his favorite items of other colors to the teenager's room.

Stretch ceiling with LEDs - perfect solution for a young man's room in a minimalist style. You should not use multi-colored materials on the floor, only restraint and conciseness are the main friends of minimalism in all the constituent elements of the interior.

Photo gallery: indoor minimalism for a teenager

Minimalism style may appeal to teenagers who strive for order in everything.
Bright artificial light, a mirrored cabinet door, a glass chair - everything is designed in a minimalist style.
The conciseness of the forms, the absence of unnecessary things - quite suitable for a minimalist design

A large number of white color significantly expands the space, and light green spots add freshness
Despite the "scarcity" of interior items, there was a place for boyish hobbies: balls and darts
The minimalist style is very rich and does not tolerate anything superfluous.

Ecostyle is the right choice for future men

For the growing and developing organism of a teenager, the neighborhood with interior items from natural materials. Ecostyle will provide such an opportunity.

Materials that are applicable in the room of a young man with an eco-orientation:

  1. Tree. This material can be used both for window framing and for furniture. Floor, walls, ceiling can also be decorated with wood.
  2. Wool. Carpets, bedspreads, blankets, window curtains should be high in this component.
  3. Cotton, linen are suitable for windows and for all textiles used in the interior of a teenage boy. Such fabrics will not cause allergies, they are multifunctional and attractive in appearance.
  4. Bamboo, rattan, jute. They can be used for mats, furniture, decorative items.

But not only natural materials dictate their own rules to adherents of eco-style. Young men will feel comfortable indoors, on the walls of which there are wallpapers made of natural fabrics or using eco-friendly materials (bamboo, for example). The walls can also be decorated with natural stone, brick, wood.

For floor great option- parquet, wooden boards, and the ceiling will be in the theme of ecology if you install wooden beams or make it from natural materials.

The image of nature in the form of photo wallpapers, carpets imitating grass, jute decor, rattan furniture - all this is part of the eco-style.

The color trends of this design are the whole palette of natural nature with green, beige, brown, blue filling. The choice of this or that color should exactly correspond to the theme of ecology: the blue of the sky, the lush green of the grass, the beige of the sandy path, etc.

Of course, the use of natural materials is expensive, but eco-style can be sustained by adding a large number decor:

  • paintings from natural materials;
  • wicker panel made of jute (macrame technique);
  • ceramic vases;
  • pillows made of cotton, linen.

Photo gallery: using eco-style in a teenager's room

Commitment to eco-design can be seen in all interior items and details
Living green plants, a suspended ceiling with the image of nature coexist with a real boyish attribute - swedish wall and childhood memories - favorite toys
In this room there was a place for a large green tree, and a carpet imitating grass, and bamboo wallpaper and a favorite toy from childhood

This design will appeal to the boys, loving nature
Classic combinations colors, the predominance of a fresh green color scheme is in tune with the eco-style design
To embody eco-style, it is not necessary to go to the village, you can do this in an ordinary city apartment

Compliance with eco-style is carried out through the use of decorative interior items

Pop art - for young rebels

The random use of paintings, posters and other interior items depicting your child's idols can be directed into a design direction if you apply the pop art style.

The room of a young man in the style of pop art can look original, bright, with a delicate taste and a commitment to modernity. The use of deliberately flashy elements will not be bad taste, but an indicator of the chosen design.

A synthesis of hippies, rock, bikers and punks - this is how pop art might look in the room of a future man. Everything that is considered informal in the usual sense of the layman will feel quite comfortable here.

This style is especially relevant for the design of small rooms.

So, what is typical for the pop art of a teenager's room:

most important characteristic of this style is the use of paintings, posters, advertising posters. The image of the "idol" can be everywhere: on the walls, shelves, pillows, blankets.

The main thing is not to overdo it, stop in time and save fine line between style decision pop art and a chaotic arrangement of photos and drawings of a beloved person.

Photo gallery: pop art elements

Mandatory presence of bright and contrasting colors in the design of the room will be appreciated by the young man and his friends
Stylish, bright, modern
Among modern young men, there will definitely be admirers of Marilyn Monroe

The desire to love and be loved, aggravated in adolescents. reflected in a bright picture on the wall
White classic color goes well with the colorful paintings on the wall and bright spots on the blanket
A minimum of furniture, a large window opening, a picture on the wall - all these are elements of pop art style

The interesting solution of the bedspread immediately creates a mood inherent in pop art.

Avant-garde style in design

This style perfectly matches the inner state of a teenager, in which hormones are seething and looking for a way out in any resistance. Avant-garde design can become a natural opposition to the classics for this age, as well as everything established and solid.

No decorating elements, calm colors and classic furniture! The young man who preferred the avant-garde is ready for experiments and the embodiment of originality.

Juiciness, contrasting colors, the obligatory contrast of the palette of shades can be safely used to decorate walls, ceilings, furniture, and decor. Walls painted in different colors, the predominance of the brightness of red, green, yellow, black and white - this is the color scheme of the undergrowth room in the avant-garde style.

For the ceiling and floor, calmer tones are suitable, without a challenge, but also rich and juicy - white, black. The main thing is to maintain contrast with walls, furniture or other interior items.

The materials that are used to decorate the avant-garde will appeal to the boys, because there is no pomposity in them, they are modern and relevant - plastic, metal, glass, brick (or their imitation).

Furniture of non-standard shapes and designs will very organically fit into the avant-garde interior and will delight teenagers (hanging chairs, beds, furniture without a frame, etc.).

Any non-standard solutions on the design of a teenager's room, they will fit into the avant-garde style if they are safe and interesting. Surprise and at the same time delight future men:

  • ceiling that can rotate;
  • a chair hanging in the air and lowering so that the child sits in it;
  • flip shelves;
  • shapeless and "soft-bodied" furniture.

The center of the room with exercise equipment will look very stylish and completely on topic.

None small parts, only large geometric shapes, the absence of "sugary" decor - the characteristics of avant-garde design for a teenage boy's room.

Photo gallery: avant-garde style in interior design

Teenagers will love this interior. passionate about cars
Unusual designs of lamps and chandeliers, original carpet on the floor, interesting solution in the design of the walls - all this within the boundaries of style
Sports equipment takes center stage in a teenager's room, because he so wants to be strong and beautiful.
Unusual, sometimes bizarre forms of the avant-garde are perfectly combined with bright design walls, textiles in the style of pop art
Stylish, beautiful and at the same time comfortable looks such a room for a growing boy

Video: how to make a do-it-yourself lair room

Adding modernity to the interior

What if, according to objective or subjective reasons there is no way to completely change the style of a teenager's room? What ways will help make the room where the young man lives more modern and stylish?

Check out these helpful tips.

Adding themed elements

You can bring novelty and a breath of modernity into the room of a growing boy by creating accents on his favorite topics. They should reflect the interests-preferences of the child:

  1. Computer geniuses or computer game characters. You can order a poster bed sheets and other decorative elements with the desired image.
  2. Heroes of favorite films. Wall murals, posters, pillows with idols of our time will help your son feel their real presence and will significantly change the "bored" interior.
  3. Favorite athletes, musicians, actors, etc. Sports and music paraphernalia will be a wonderful inspirational moment for a teenage boy. and if you manage to get a ball, scarf or other item autographed by the "idol" - there will be no end to the happiness of a teenager.
  4. Scientific topics or other passions (space, physics, chemistry, nature). Mounting a false ceiling with cosmic bodies, a chemical periodic table on a wall or on a favorite bedspread, adding a modern landscape indoor fountain are simple but working details for transforming a teenager's room. Agree that in such a room a teenager will be not only comfortable, but also interesting

    Division into zones

    sign modern design living quarters - zoning.

    Here are the areas to highlight:

    • educational;
    • for rest day and night;
    • wardrobe;
    • guest room (can be combined with a sleeping area).

    As a separator, you can use different wall finishes, carpets, stationary cabinets or portable partitions.

    Multifunctional furniture

    Heavy solid pieces of furniture are a thing of the past, they are replaced by elements that can transform from one position to another.

    Safety and ease of use are the main characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing transforming furniture.

    A bunk bedroom complex can be two functional floors:

    • the first - with a retractable sleeping area, a computer and a modern TV;
    • In the niche of the closet you can arrange a great bed


      Of course, the spirit of modernity cannot be felt without the presence in the room of a young man of the most modern technological achievements:

      • ultra new TVs;
      • computers;
      • prefixes.

      Design of a teenage room for a boy in modern style requires careful study.

      Before you start decorating a teenage boy's room, do not rush to start rebuilding his home, but try to take into account all the nuances: the interests of the child, his preferences, craving for a certain design style. Only together decision can bring joy to your son.