How to quickly sell an item is a ritual. What to do if an item has been lying around for a long time and is not for sale. Self-conspiracy to sell furniture - a working ritual for goods

Sale conspiracies help to increase the flow of buyers, sell stale goods, and sell movable and immovable property. Such rituals are not recommended for major church holidays. They perform the sacraments only in complete solitude. Before reading the plot, it is useful to relax and calm your mind. For this you can read Orthodox prayer or devote a few minutes to meditative practice.

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    How to correctly read conspiracies and perform sacraments

    For the sale ritual to be effective, the following basic rules must be followed:

    • The words of the conspiracy are learned by heart.
    • Not a single word should be deleted from the text. Otherwise, the plot will not work.
    • Witchcraft should only be practiced in feeling good and mood, without having quarreled with anyone before.
    • During the three days of the ceremony, you cannot drink alcohol or smoke, attend entertainment events, swear, or even just get angry.
    • On the night before reading the sacrament, you cannot indulge in love pleasures.
    • If the conspiracy is performed by a woman, she should not have her period on that day.
    • It is useful to follow a vegetarian diet three days before the ceremony.
    • Avoid gossip, watching various shows, action films, and television series on TV.

    Rituals for good trade, selling goods

    The following rituals help attract buyers and speed up the process of selling goods. During the sacraments, it is useful to visualize how customers are buying up the entire assortment, trying to feel the emotions of joy and satisfaction from good sales.

    Per coin

    The ritual is performed at home, preferably during the waxing moon. Take a silver coin and drop a drop of oil on it tea tree. Then they cast a spell on her:

    "(Name of product) is sold, and my money will be returned. I accept the generous gift, I give away my useful product. Amen."

    Then you should go to the store and spend the coin to purchase any product (remaining essential oil You can wipe it off with a napkin first). The product that was mentioned by the magician in the conspiracy will be sold over the next few days.

    For a key and a rag

    To get rid of an unsuccessful streak in trading, you can perform the following ritual on the waning moon. Take a piece of old rag and use it to wipe off the dust from the counters. You can also wash the floor in the room with it.

    Then they wrap any old key in a rag and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

    “The burden is poor, without trade! You, the servant of the Lord (name), do not touch me. Go away on the water, and don’t call me again. Lie under an old snag, hold a clawed crayfish and a stupid fool with a white coat. And I don’t wear old sackcloth, You won’t be a beggar forever. You can quickly sell your goods and count your profits in the evening. The river wave will carry you away, but my trade is rich and full of money. I send poverty away, I lock the conspiracy. "

    Then the package should be taken to any body of water and thrown into the water.

    For salt

    Before starting, the Lord's Prayer is read three times. Then the words are said on the salt and ribbon:

    “A poor man walked with a handful of salt and looked for a better life for himself. He knocked silk thresholds, walked along golden roads. And behind him walked a merchant, a noble boyar, a good fellow. That merchant was wearing a red, satin dress, and he had a dime a dozen of money. And the roads My golden and silken thresholds, my gates made of semi-precious stones, I offer everything to the dear merchant. The poor man’s salt is scattered, and my goods are bought by the dear merchant. The plot is locked, and the key is lost.” .

    Then the goods are sprinkled with salt and tied with a satin ribbon. If the item is large, you can tie part of it (for example, if you are selling a table, the ribbon is tied around the leg). So it must stand for 24 hours, after which the conspiracy begins to take effect.

    To the poppy seed

    To perform the ritual you will need a poppy seed. On the waxing moon they buy a pack of poppy seeds. It is poured into a faceted glass and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced seven times:

    “Whoever steps on this poppy will instantly fall in love with my product. Whoever puts his foot on it will leave money with me. Amen.”

    After this, the poppy seed is scattered a little every day near the entrance of the store until the seed runs out.

    For a new thing

    If the product is not sold for a long time, the following ritual can be performed. They take any of their own new thing. They place the stale goods between her and themselves and pronounce the words on it:

    “In an open field there is an old hut. Mariana the beauty got up in the morning, baked pies and did not cook dinner. She took the paint, painted the hut, and sold it for a new one. The hut will stand for a century, delighting the new owner. So is my product ( name) will serve the merchant faithfully Amen."

    On honey

    They don't take a large number of liquid honey and say the words to it:

    “Hardworking bees flock to the honey, and buyers to my goods. Sugar honey is sweet for the bees, but the merchants need my goods, there is no end. Amen.”

    Then you should apply a little charmed honey behind your ears. There will be no end to buyers after this ceremony.

    On patchouli

    For this ritual, which helps to sell goods profitably and quickly, you will need a patchouli stick. When fumigating the product, they say the words:

    “Go away, (name of product), get out quickly, and in my wallet you will see the sound of coins clinking. Amen.”

    On an iron patch

    The plot is read on the waxing moon. They take an iron coin and read the words on it:

    “Pyatak Pyatakovich, give me growing luck. And I will give you to a good man for change. Amen.”

    Then the charmed coin is placed on the windowsill all night. In the morning they take it with them. The first male customer who needs change is given this nickel.

    For the scent of incense

    To perform this ritual, you should purchase incense in advance. aroma sticks. Smoking the aroma throughout the retail space, they whisper the words:

    “I hear, I hear, buyers are bringing me money. The smoke floats far away, it gives off a smell. People stand in line, just to make a purchase, to buy up my goods. Amen.”

    On a pin

    The ritual is performed on the full moon. To perform the sacrament you will need a new pin and a white handkerchief.

    In the light full moon You should put a pin on the scarf and pronounce the words of the conspiracy three times on the objects:

    “Lord God, I stand before you, I ask you to protect me and guide me on the true path. Send the whole holy army to my aid: John the Baptist, Archangel Michael, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Saint Luke, Alexander Svirsky and the Solovetsky saints. I will stand under their protection “So that they protect me from evil and help me in business. I will quickly sell my goods and give them to those in need for good deeds. Amen.”

    The pin is then wrapped in a handkerchief and kept secretly in the sales area. When the consumer flow begins to increase, you should visit seven churches (you can different days) and give generous alms to the beggars sitting at the entrance.

    For candles

    To perform the ceremony you will need:

    • three wax candles;
    • total daily revenue.

    “The eastern merchant Amirkhan, from the kingdom of a distant khan, came to visit and walked along the roads. Altyn Amirkhan took and took all the goods from me. I'll be sold. Amen."

    Candles must be extinguished with wet fingers or using a spoon.

    Rituals for selling a ready-made enterprise

    An entrepreneur who wants to quickly sell his business is recommended to first cleanse his own energy before conducting the sale ritual itself. The seller must be free from damage and the evil eye, and he must be physically healthy. In this case, a conspiracy to sell an enterprise will work most effectively.

    For sale of business

    On the eve of concluding a deal, you need to stand in front of a mirror in full height and, taking an open wallet in your hands, pronounce the words of the conspiracy in its reflection:

    "My flesh and blood, my veins, my work. I am selling you into new hands. You have always been mine, but now you will become a stranger. Let me get a decent payment for you. How much you are worth - no need for someone else's. Work for the benefit of the new owner and to the laity for joy. Amen."

    When the word “Amen” is pronounced, the wallet is closed and placed on the windowsill. It should be taken with you to the meeting with the buyer, but not opened until the deal is closed.

    For sale store

    Three candles are purchased at church. They are then placed in one of the corners of the store in the room where money is usually counted. The candles should remain there for four days. After this time, left alone, the performer of the ritual lights them and pronounces the words of the conspiracy:

    "There was a store owner - he became a client. I sell the store, I clean up after myself, I clean all the corners. On a visit good people called. The buyer did not wait for a long time, did not think, did not guess. And I quickly sold my blood business. Amen".

    The candles must burn out completely.

    Rituals for the sale of real estate

    Before performing the sacrament to sell your home, you should cleanse it of your energy that has accumulated during your entire stay. To do this, you need to restore order in all rooms. The ideal option is to make repairs, before which you need to take out all your things. The most good days for carrying out rituals for the sale of real estate, the 3rd, 7th and 9th days of the lunar calendar are considered. The money received from the sale of the premises cannot be spent earlier than three days later.

    On water for selling an apartment or house

    To quickly sell your home, the following ritual will do. To carry it out, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the apartment. During the cleaning process, you should prepare a bucket of water, which has not changed when moving from one room to another. Looking at the water, say the following words:

    “House owner, I’m turning to you. You and I lived side by side for a long time, we didn’t offend each other. And now I ask: help me sell my home, attract a buyer. He will now be in charge, and don’t do dirty tricks and be nice to him, How about me? Help him with cleaning and cooking and help with business, and don’t frighten him at night with the key, the lock, the tongue.”

    Then the water is poured out and the floor rag is thrown as far from the house as possible.

    Key for home sale

    To perform this ritual you will need a key. Both the key to the property being sold and any old one that no one uses anymore will do. The object is immersed in boiling water and the words are spoken to it three times:

    “Just as a person cannot live without an iron lock with a key, so he cannot live without seeing my house. Just as people cannot live without food and water, so they cannot live without (the name of the dwelling being sold). Amen.”

    The charmed water should cool down. Then it is poured into a clean bowl. Before communicating with the buyer, you must wash your hands in this water. When meeting a client, you should shake his hand. To enhance the effect of the spell, you can sprinkle the corners of the room with this water.

    This conspiracy is considered universal. It can be read for any item being sold, from land or housing to small objects everyday life It cannot be used only for the sale of pets or plants.

    For a broom for selling a dacha

    This white magic ritual is performed at dawn. For the sacrament you will need:

    • a new broom that has never been used;
    • bowl of spring water.

    The broom is sprinkled with water and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on it:

    “I sweep dirty linen out of the hut, I sweep it away, and I attract merchants to me. One will look, the second will look, and the third will appear and come and immediately take it for himself. Amen.”

    Then, with a charmed broom, you should sweep all the rooms of the garden house. During the sweeping process, this spell should also be repeated.

    For honey, money and candles for selling land

    To perform the sacrament you will need:

    • several gold-colored coins;
    • 7 church candles.

    The ritual is performed at dawn as follows:

    1. 1. Church candles are placed in the shape of a circle.
    2. 2. Place coins in a bowl and pour honey over them.
    3. 3. The container is placed in the center of the circle.
    4. 4. Light the candles clockwise.
    5. 5. Say the words of the conspiracy (see below).
    6. 6. The coins are taken out and buried on the site during the next trip.
    7. 7. The corner points of the area should be anointed with the remaining honey.

    Conspiracy words:

    “Golden coins stick to sweet honey, but my land attracts buyers. Whoever likes it will become the new owner. He will part with the money and take the land for his benefit. And the land will bring him income and good things. Amen.”

    For well water to sell land

    To perform the ceremony you will need well water. If there is no well, you can get water from a spring flowing along the ground. Turning their face to the east, they pronounce the words of the conspiracy three times:

    “I, the servant of the Lord (name), refuse this plot. Fast merchants are coming from the four corners of the world, they will quickly take this land. Without bargaining and without looking around, they will leave satisfied and without looking back. Amen.”

    Water is poured onto the ground, leaving a small amount. Before meeting with buyers, you should wash your face with this water. After reading of this conspiracy the transaction will be concluded quickly and without problems: the buyers themselves will do everything necessary for quick registration sales.

    On sugar for a quick deal

    The ceremony takes place at dawn. Take a piece of refined sugar and read the words on it:

    “Just as it is true that this sugar is sweet, so fortune will be on my side. Just as it is true that this sugar is white, so there will be no obstacles on my road. The red sun rises, and luck comes into my hands. Amen.” .

    Refined sugar should be carried with you. It acts as an amulet that protects against delays with documents.

    Using a rooster to complete failures

    If real estate for a long time is not for sale, you should purchase a young cockerel and bring it indoors. This must be done strictly on Thursday at sunset. The rooster must “crow” the seal of bad luck for three nights. The following spell is cast on the millet that is given to him:

    “I, the servant of the Lord (name), came out of the gate. My friend the rooster comes towards me, pecking the grains, walking, singing loud songs. You, my friend the rooster, will peck this grain, and these walls, and the ceiling, and the threshold from bad luck Peck the millet grain by grain, win the home from the bad luck. Just as it is true that you will spend the night here for three nights, it is also true that at dawn you will begin to sing the funeral service to the bad luck, and I will sell you for a copper nickel, and this home will have buyers. I’ll give you the key and the lock, come, merchant, to the threshold. A strong word, a quick deed, buy your home, boldly.”

    On Sunday, before 12 noon, you should give the rooster, asking for a nickel for it. When you come back into the room, you should throw the penny onto the floor as hard as you can. A buyer will be found soon.

    Sale of movable valuables, personal items

    To sell any item as quickly as possible, it is recommended to carry out the ceremony on the night from Saturday to Sunday. At this time, such conspiracies have special power to find buyers in a short time.

    Cars for sale

    To sell a car, you should write to clean slate paper words:

    “You gave me rides and drove me, you did a good job. And now I’m going to sell you. You will drive and ride a new person. The lights are flashing, the steering wheel is turning, let the buyer come quickly. Amen.”

    The note is placed under the driver's seat. There she must lie for seven days. After this period, from among the interested buyers, there will be one who will conclude a deal.

    For sale of any item

    Before advertising in a newspaper or other media, you should write the finished advertising text on a piece of paper. Then for some time you need to visualize a flurry of calls from buyers. After this, a simple conspiracy is read on the ad:

    “What I have in mind will come true, what I want will quickly come true. My words are true, filled with truth. Amen.”

    After this, you can safely submit an ad and wait for buyers to contact you.

    Furniture for sale

    If you need to sell furniture as soon as possible and get good money for it, the following plot will do. Take a wax candle. Without lighting it, they tap on the object and pronounce the words of the conspiracy seven times:

    “Messengers, ride on horseback, walk on foot. Yes, come to me, look after my good goods. Whoever catches (a piece of furniture) in the eye, he will forget his peace. At night he will see dreams about it, during the day he will come to me, he will be stupefied by the thing. He will quickly bring money Yes, he will leave satisfied with (the piece of furniture).

    Then you should light the candle and wait until it burns out completely. A small piece of wax from a candle stub should be discreetly attached in a secret place on the furniture. Buyers will be found soon.

    Coins for sale

    The following plot will help collectors who want to sell coins. To perform the ceremony, you should purchase a new handkerchief. They wipe their sweat with it, and then pronounce the words of the conspiracy on it:

    “You can’t count the stars in the sky, you can’t knead Mother Earth with your hands, and you can’t take away my word. There will be a merchant for these coins, may the matter be crowned. Like bees fly to honey, everyone wants to buy them. Old coins are sold, but I’ll get new money in return they flow like a river. Amen, amen, amen."

    Then the coins are placed on a handkerchief overnight. In the morning they fold it and carry it with them as a talisman for sale.

    Verbal rituals for various needs

    Unlike previous rituals, the following conspiracies will not require additional paraphernalia. They can be pronounced without special preparation at any time. lunar phase.

    For sale of homemade products

    To quickly sell your work, you should say the following words on the subject:

    “Evil angels are entangled in nets, struck by the Honest Cross. The cross protects me, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Evil spirits are defeated forever by the words of Jesus Christ, and His apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But You, Lord , protect me, help me in my affairs and save me.”

    After reading the plot, the item will be sold within the near future.

    For sale of food

    Before the start of the day, a spell is cast on food:

    “Who is walking along the road? - Father priest. And what is he carrying in his hands? - (name of the product). Go away from me, (name of the product), and return to me in hard cash. Amen, amen, amen.”

    The spell is pronounced once. After this, you should cross the products. During the day, to strengthen the ritual, you can recite the spell 3-5 more times.

    Homes for sale at a distance

    If you have to look for buyers far from the property, the following conspiracy to sell, operating at a distance, will do. Having opened the window, you need to say the words of the conspiracy three times:

    “Lord God, I turn to You, take care of my accursed soul. The plowman plows, the reaper reaps, and the merchant sells his goods. Let my (name of the object) be quickly taken by the buyer, and leave satisfied without looking back. Amen.”

    Why conspiracies and rituals are not always effective

    Magic rituals for sale may be ineffective for the following reasons:

    • The owner of the item is too strongly attached to the item. Subconsciously not wanting to part with it, he thereby blocks the impact of the conspiracy.
    • An item, an apartment, a car must still influence the fate of the owner. In the event that this is the case, higher power will certainly give a sign to those who read the plot. For example, this could be a call from a relative who wants to live in the property being sold for a while as a tenant.
    • The person performing the ceremony is under the influence of the evil eye or damage. This negative impact manifests itself in the form of physical illness, bad luck, nightmares, increased anxiety. IN in this case First, it is necessary to carry out a ritual to remove damage and only then engage in rituals for selling things.

    If after the first administration the sacrament does not work, do not lose heart. Conspiracies for sale can be repeated as many times as you have time and energy. Having performed the ritual 3, 5, 7 times, the magician significantly enhances its effect.

A conspiracy to sell things will help sell even a product that is not in great demand among buyers. It also helps out in situations where an item needs to be sold urgently. Using ritual magic, you can increase the chance of a successful transaction and get maximum profit.


In what cases can sales conspiracies be used?

Conspiracies to sell things are used to sell clothes and various small items, or to sell a dacha, apartment, or other large property.

With the help of conspiracies they sell:

  • trinkets;
  • car;
  • real estate;
  • business;
  • land;
  • goods on the market.

Rules for conducting rituals and reading conspiracies

In order for a ritual performed at home to work successfully, there are a number of rules:

  • fast for three days before the ritual;
  • no one should distract the practitioner during the ritual;
  • you can't tell anyone about magical actions, even after receiving the result;
  • the moon must be in its waning phase during the ceremony;
  • The plot should be read with seriousness and complete confidence.

20 best trading rituals

Time-tested trading rituals are carried out on:

  • good profit;
  • quick sale;
  • spring water;
  • key;
  • nickel;
  • patchouli;
  • waning moon;
  • a thread;
  • ring;
  • selling unnecessary things.

Rituals for sale have the following effect:

  • houses or apartments;
  • cars;
  • pet.

For good profit

For a ritual for a good profit, you will need a wax candle and an item that needs to be sold at a profit.

Execution sequence:

  1. Light a wax candle.
  2. Then, after tapping on the item to be sold, read magic spell exactly seven times.
  3. Let the candle burn out completely.

This ritual is performed for 3 days in a row - once a day.

You need to speak with the words:

Ride on horseback, walk, come to my trade, and look after my things. Ride on horseback, walk, come to my trade, and look after my things. Whoever catches your eye will lose peace, at night he will be drawn to this thing, during the day he will appear on it. He will not take the money into account, he will become intoxicated by this thing, part with the money, and just stare at the thing. The money is not counted, but given for this thing. It's a demonic spell, a black spell. They are gold to the merchant, but trouble to the people. The candle is a witness, if it burns with fire, then everything will be done, the word will be fulfilled, and my wallet will be filled with money. Amen.

For quick sale

To carry out a practical ritual that helps you sell an item faster, you will need the item you want to sell and a banknote. Paper bill must be of a large denomination.

The product is placed directly in front of you and fanning it with money taken from left hand, pronounce:

I sell, I sell, I invite everyone to the fair! Everything you want is right here, come quickly, friend.

For spring water

For the ritual with spring water you will need:

Execution order:

  1. Take spring water into a cup.
  2. Read a plot over it three times to quickly sell an item.
  3. Sprinkle the item being sold with enchanted water.

Conspiracy words:

Bargaining is going on in the market square. They sell everything: silk and fur. I will sell your product (name the item) too. Its price is (name the price). Anyone who sees it will want to buy it. Amen.

On the key

This ritual is a strong one, and the following is prepared for it:

  • key;
  • spring water;
  • vessel (glass or clay).


  1. Boil water in a convenient container.
  2. Throw the key into boiling water.
  3. Say a curse nine times over the steam.
  4. Set the water aside to cool.
  5. When the water becomes cool, pour it along with the key into a glass vessel.
  6. On the day of sale, spray the product and hands with water.

Conspiracy words:

Just as people cannot do without a lock and key, so they cannot do without (name of product). Just as people cannot live without water, they cannot live without (name of product). My word is strong. Amen.

For a nickel

The ritual for a nickel is performed on the waxing moon. The coin is held in the right hand for some time, and then the following is read over it twelve times:

“Pyatak Pyatakovich! Give me (your name) luck without giving up! For now, forever, forever! Amen.

The coin should be carried with you and not spent.

On patchouli

The method of fumigating a product with a patchouli stick with certain words is considered effective:

Get the goods out quickly, turn around in your wallet and the coins will jingle.

On the waning moon

To successfully sell an inanimate object, they use a fast-acting prayer, the peculiarity of which is that it is read on the waning moon.

Text of the prayer:

Just as a person cannot exist without an iron lock, or live without an iron key, so he cannot do without (let’s call a thing). Just as you people cannot live long without food and water, you also cannot live without (thing). Let it be so. Amen.

On a thread

You can make an effective amulet yourself by casting a spell on a red thread, for which you will need a spool of red thread and banknote in denomination of one hundred rubles.

The procedure for making an amulet:

  1. Measure the size of the bill using a thread 49 times.
  2. Wind the thread around the wrist of your left hand.
  3. Do not cut the ends or tie them together, but run them under the resulting bracelet.
  4. Repeat the conspiracy all this time.

Magic words:

Prosperity and trade for me, goods and change for you. Amen.

On the ring

This conspiracy to sell things is read on a ring and helps to attract buyers in a short time and increases sales.

For the ritual you will need:

  • deep saucer;
  • spring water;
  • ring (not engagement ring).

Sequence of performing the ritual:

  1. On the full moon, pour spring water into the vessel.
  2. Place the ring on the bottom of the saucer.
  3. Place your finger in the middle of the ring and start rotating it clockwise along the bottom.
  4. When the ring is rotated, a spell is read: successful trading.
  5. You need to pour water under a tree near your outlet.
  6. Wear the ring on your finger for a week.

Conspiracy words:

Just as water turns a mill, so my money circles around the world. They turn goods into goods and return them as gold. Like leaves in the forest, like stars in the sky, let my wealth become uncountable. A person comes to me, carries a coin, and takes apart the goods. There is food and drink here, here you have water, here you have goods. My word cannot be broken or dispelled. Amen.

Selling unwanted items

Words of a really effective prayer:

I, the servant of God (name), have that thing that I have not needed for a long time. But I am sure that many people need it. I want to sell it because it just bothers me and gathers dust. How sorry I am to throw it away. The point is that it is very dear to me and I simply cannot throw it in the trash. I want to complete the sales process and have a buyer found in the shortest possible time. If he immediately buys this thing, then I will become the most happy woman on the planet. Once a person sees this thing, he will not be able to pass by it. Thoughts about buying it will immediately arise in his head and I will be happy to show it to him. May higher powers hear the words of this prayer and help me. Amen.

Rituals for selling a house or apartment

There are powerful magical rituals who are able to help in the sale of real estate.

Reading for three branches

This ritual helps to successfully sell a house with a plot of land on which there are three or more types of fruit-bearing trees. It is held on the waning moon.

For the ritual you will need:

  • green wax candle;
  • vase;
  • a small piece of clean cloth;
  • trees growing on your own site.

Execution order:

  1. First, you should wander around the site and imbue yourself with the warm memories that are associated with it.
  2. When there is little time left before midnight, you need to pick a branch from three trees of different types.
  3. Take the lit green candle in right hand, branches - to the left.
  4. Circle the flame with branches counterclockwise three times, while reading the hex.
  5. Bring the branches home and place them on the window in a vase with water.
  6. Wipe every surface in the house that you can reach with a clean cloth. In this case, you need to say certain words.

The words of the conspiracy, pronounced while the candle flame is surrounded by branches:

They were raised by me, the owner, and will grow up with another merchant. For you healthy roots and a bountiful harvest, for me - profit, a big jackpot. So be it. Amen.

Words to repeat when cleaning the house:

The profits go into my pocket, the housing goes into the merchant’s life, for long-term joy. I sell my home, and take my happiness with me, let mine stay with me, and let his happiness settle with the merchant. Amen.

In this video, Samir Ali will share a ritual for selling property.

Cooking keys

This time-tested ritual can be carried out in two cases: when there is already a buyer, but he is hesitant, and when he is not yet there.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • pot;
  • salt;
  • keys to the property you want to sell;
  • small container for water.

This ritual should be performed correctly as follows:

  1. At midnight you need to put a pan of water on the fire and boil.
  2. Pour a handful of salt into the boiling water and wait until it completely dissolves.
  3. Throw the keys to the property you are selling into the pan. In this case, the keys should not be in a bunch.
  4. Wait until there is strong boiling and seething and read the spell (if there is already a buyer, instead of the word “merchant” his name is pronounced).

Just as merchants cannot do without a damask castle, and without a pound of key to it, so they cannot do without this house. Just as you, merchant (or name), cannot live without food and water, so you cannot live without this house. My word is strong. Amen.

The keys are left in the pan until the water has cooled completely. Then this water is poured into any container and sprinkled on the door, threshold and door handle in anticipation of customers.

Reading at a distance

For the ritual of reading at a distance, you need to prepare in advance:

  • holy water brought from the church on the eve of the ritual;
  • thick wax candle;
  • loose leaf tea (new pack);
  • cotton or linen tablecloth white(also new).

The order of the ceremony:

  1. Wait until the evening, when the sun sets below the horizon. Lay out a new tablecloth on the table.
  2. Pour holy water into a glass. Place it on the table, place a candle and a pack of tea next to it.
  3. Use matches to light the candle so that its flame reflects the surface of the water in the glass. Say a spell.
  4. Take a pinch of tea from the pack and, pouring a thin stream of tea into the water, say certain words.
  5. The candle should burn in front of a glass of enchanted water every day for seven days. Light it for 5-10 minutes.
  6. After a week, the candle stub is carefully wrapped in cloth and stored until a successful transaction.
  7. The water should be poured under a tree in the yard.

A spell pronounced immediately after lighting a candle:

The sun is clear, shine on a smooth path, spread light to the threshold, welcome merchants to my house.

Words to say when pouring tea leaves into a glass:

There are as many grains of tea in the water as there are merchants and sellers everywhere, but I don’t need many - let one be at my doorstep, but as soon as he steps through the threshold, he will buy everything.

Rituals for selling a car

To guarantee success, when performing rituals for selling a car, it is forbidden to replace the words used in, with modern ones.

Prayer for water

To pray for a successful car sale, you will need a large amount of holy water. It is used to spray the car interior, body and wheels.

Read the plot while moving clockwise around the car:

As the carriage flew and rushed through the heavens, so a white bird flew into the harness and harnessed itself. Everyone who sees that cart desires it, knows neither sleep nor rest, so that no matter who I offer it to, everyone will pay a generous coin. A large coin for a fast bird, and for a chariot. Amen.

Prayer for honey speeches

For this ritual, which helps to achieve the client’s favor, prepare:

  • white tablecloth;
  • natural wax candle;
  • saucer golden color;
  • golden bowl;
  • fresh honey;
  • a clean jar for honey.

The ritual process:

  1. On the eve of a meeting with a client, a new white tablecloth is laid on the table.
  2. A wax candle on a golden plate and a golden-colored bowl are placed on the table. The bowl is being filled fresh honey to the very edges.
  3. Light a candle using matches. Place a plate with a candle on the honey.
  4. Looking at the fire and holding a bowl of honey in front of you, covered with a saucer with a candle, read two spells.
  5. The candle is left to burn out.
  6. They go to bed without saying a word.
  7. In the morning, the honey is carefully transferred into a clean jar and eaten by the spoonful before meeting with potential buyers.

First conspiracy:

Behind the high mountains, behind the dense forests, behind the wide seas, a mighty oak grows, props up the vault of heaven, and turns up the earth with its roots. There is a hollow in its trunk, full of wild honey. Whoever discovers the honey, puts it in his mouth and eats it, will have great honor. Whoever listens to him will listen, become clouded in thought, lose heart, and agree on everything. I scooped up that honey by the handful, ate it with a big spoon, my mind is clear, my tongue is bold. As I say, so, in my opinion, it will happen that I want to buy it, and whoever I want will part with the money. Amen.

Second conspiracy:

Beyond seven mountains, beyond seven valleys, beyond seven seas, a magical oak tree grows. There is a hollow in that oak tree, in the hollow there are bees, the bees have honey. Whoever finds honey, puts it in his mouth, swallows it and eats it, will be honored. Every word is in your ear, every deed is sound, every thought is strong, and my honey is like that one, and I myself can do it. As I say, he will do what I command, it will come true. Amen.

Plot to sell a pet

The plot is suitable both for selling your own pet and for finding shelter for abandoned or lost animals.

You need to take a red woolen thread, tie it around the animal’s neck and say three times:

I cut the thread and tore the puppy/kitten (name) away from me. I tied it to the new owners so that the puppy/kitten (nickname) would find kind and affectionate owners, and would bring me benefits. Amen.

Let the thread remain on the animal until a profitable buyer is found.

Simoron rituals for quick sale

Effective for quick sales and easy to implement.

Attracting clients with poems and exercises

You need to scatter large, bright beads on the floor of the room. Stand in the middle of them and, raising your hands up, read the following verse:

I quickly raise my hands up, and attract clients to me, replace a minus with a plus, and collect beads from clients.

Then collect the beads by stringing the balls on a thread and place them on the workbench. The jewelry must be delivered to him with honor, always by car. It is advisable to inflate balloons and buy flowers in honor of this.

Clients surround

This ritual is performed like this:

  1. Anywhere in the room that is free from foreign objects, draw a large circle on the floor.
  2. The word “clients” is written many times along the circle.
  3. Then they jump into the middle, saying a magic phrase.

Words for the ritual:

Clients are surrounded!

Prayers for good trading

A really effective prayer that helps in the trading business is offered to Spyridon of Trimythous and Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Before you pray:

  1. They are cleaning the apartment.
  2. Two weeks in advance, they go to church and light a candle in front of the image of the saint.
  3. After visiting church, they try to fast.
  4. They clear their thoughts, ask for forgiveness from those they have offended, and make peace with their relatives if they are in a quarrel.
  5. Two weeks later they announce the sale of the apartment - they put up an advertisement.
  6. Two days before the announcement is made, they take communion in the church and bring candles and holy water from there.
  7. Before serving, thoroughly clean the entire apartment. The rooms are sprinkled with holy water, and then they walk clockwise with a lit candle through all the rooms and cross the corners with it.

After cleansing, you need to pray like this:

O Most Blessed Saint Spyridon! I ask you, Servant of God ( given name) beg the Lord God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us according to our iniquities and sins, but to deal with us according to His mercy and mercy. Ask for me, Saint Spyridon, from God a peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Protect and deliver me from all mental and physical troubles, from the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Lord and beg the Almighty to grant us forgiveness. Help me, Saint Spyridon, solve everyday problems and sell the apartment as quickly as possible. Do not refuse my request, but give me hope for life in the kingdom of heaven after death. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

If great difficulties arise in selling a car, turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Read the prayer with great faith:

I, the Servant of God (my own name), turn to you, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, Pleasant of God, for help and support. Do not reject my request, for in need I fall in prayer to your image, I ask you to hear me and do me a favor. Forgive me for this everyday request, which is very important to me. I'm trying to sell my car. Soon the client will come to me, and help me so that the negotiations are successful. Let him buy a car from me and be satisfied with his purchase. And the car will serve him long years for the benefit of. Let nothing stand in the way of a successful deal. Let it be so. I ask you, Nicholas the Pleasant, Savior and Helper of all those who suffer and turn to you, to beg forgiveness from the Lord for my known and unknown sins, of which I sincerely repent. Protect me, Saint Nicholas, from demonic temptations in the future. Let the bargain be completed in my favor. I'm not bargaining for the sake of money, but I really want to give my car to good hands. You are a miracle worker known to the whole world, so protect the one who buys a car from me from all the hardships of life. Amen.

Why are conspiracies for quick sales not always effective?

The ritual will not be effective if:

  • the moon was in the wrong phase during the ceremony;
  • the person was not sufficiently focused on the result when casting the spell;
  • mistakes were made during the ritual, its features were not taken into account;
  • the one who performed the ritual was skeptical or was in the company of people who did not believe in the power of magic;
  • The practitioner did not fast before the ritual.


The video from user Martin demonstrates an effective ritual for selling an apartment.

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Even the powers that be do not shy away from buying used items: for example, the former Prime Minister of Australia boasted on his Instagram about buying a refrigerator on a consignment goods website. However, online trading does not always go smoothly - some people easily get rid of everything they don’t need, while others have goods waiting for months for a new owner. So what's the secret?

We are in website We know exactly how to sell unnecessary things, and today we are sharing tips with you successful trading through the Internet.

Unnecessary items that sell best online

  • Electronics, video games and computer products. Game consoles that you've given up on, an unnecessary but perfectly functioning phone, video game discs and digital players are just a few of the things that are sure to have buyers.
  • Clothing, shoes and accessories. A dress that was worn only once, shoes that were so beautiful in the store but turned out to be uncomfortable when worn, and something that simply didn’t fit. All these things can be sold and thereby partially compensate for your financial losses.
  • Toys and goods for children. Perhaps the most popular type of ad. The reasons are extremely simple: children grow up so quickly, and young mothers buy so much that most things remain in perfect condition(they didn’t even have time to use them). Feel free to sell them.
  • Furniture and large household appliances. Have you decided to update your interior or maybe buy a new refrigerator? Everything unnecessary can be sold: perhaps someone is looking for furniture for a rented apartment or cottage and will happily buy yours.
  • Collectibles. Old books, newspapers, records - what people collect! Maybe the porcelain figurines that are collecting dust in your attic will become a real treasure for someone? In any case, you can try to turn antiques into money.
  • Services and handmade. Do you bake cakes, embroider or make flowers? Free classifieds sites will help you sell all your creations.

How to sell things?

1. Determine the optimal price

Perhaps, correct assessment cost of goods - the most important stage sales. Because it is based on price that buyers will filter ads and compare your product with similar products from other sellers. And no matter how you describe the merits of your product, no matter how good the photos you take, potential customers will first of all look at the price.


  • Assess demand. If there are plenty of similar products, then your business is bad. It is unlikely that you will be able to sell it at a higher price, so you will have to look for a middle ground or even dump it (which you cannot do for the sake of sale).
  • Do not set the price above 50–60% of the market price. It is unlikely that anyone will want to buy a used (even if only for a short time) item at the price of a new one.
  • Hold an investigation. See what prices your competitors charge. It is better to conduct reconnaissance on those portals where you, in fact, intend to sell. Determine the optimal price for yourself, but for a second put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. Think about whether you yourself could pay the assigned amount for this product or not, and if in doubt, then feel free to reduce the price.

2. Take good photos

3. Write the right description

After reading the description, the potential buyer will decide whether he should contact you. And here we will have to remember the experience of writing school essays and bring all your literary talent to bear. The description should be brief but informative. If you forget to write down the characteristics of the product, its size and describe its condition, then expect a flurry of calls, because people are interested in knowing what they are going to buy.


  • There is no need to indicate the reasons for the sale. Few people are interested in the fact that you are moving or that you are having a bad time and really need money. This is completely unnecessary information.
  • Catchy title. Don’t hesitate to use the tricks of the pros - a short and bright headline will attract the attention of buyers.
  • Format your text. Do not neglect paragraphs, because an ad that is well structured will probably be read to the end.
  • Publish the same product in different categories. For example, an advertisement for the sale of a DVR can be placed in the categories “Auto”, “Photo and Video” and “Security”. Accordingly, the chances that your product will be seen and bought will increase.

4. Never delay an item

People who often sell unnecessary things online are already accustomed to requests to postpone the goods until tomorrow, until Monday, until payday. There are many such “befores”. But think about it, because buyers are so fickle: today they got excited about buying an exercise bike and asked to put it off, and tomorrow they changed their minds about doing it.

When selling online, time is against you. If there is a person who wants to purchase the product immediately, then that’s great. Sell ​​and don’t suffer from remorse for refusing someone’s request to hold the goods.

5. Add a bonus

Everyone loves gifts. Marketers have long used this trick to sell less popular products. Free gift or purchase bonus increases the value of the purchase in the eyes of the buyer. Why not learn the invaluable experience of your sales staff?


When selling a laptop, offer a flash drive or headphones as a gift. If you decide to part with children's clothes, then it would be useful to put a toy or some useful little thing. Be sure to write about this in your ad in the very first lines.

6. Give the buyer the opportunity to bargain

Another secret of marketers: too low a price can alert the buyer. A person who has decided to make a purchase begins to have doubts: what if the product is defective or not as good as the seller writes about it?


Set a price slightly higher than what you originally planned, and indicate in the ad that you are willing to bargain. The magic phrase “Negotiable” usually attracts thrifty buyers and those who initially did not even think about purchasing this item. Give in gladly. Bottom line - great mood for all parties to the transaction.

7. Consider postage costs

The Internet has brought people together different corners world - international and long-distance sale and exchange are no longer a rarity. When composing your ad, think about the issue of delivery. Who will pay for postage, delivery or courier fees? These details need to be agreed upon before the transaction is completed to avoid unpleasant surprises.

8. Follow safety rules

As for safety rules, every site that posts free ads usually invites users to familiarize themselves with these same rules. Do not neglect this opportunity, follow simple rules, and most likely the transaction will go smoothly.


  • Do not disclose personal information.
  • Get a separate SIM card for online sales and orders in online stores.
  • Make meetings with customers in crowded places or invite friends with you. Don't invite strangers home.
  • When selling digital and mobile equipment, take a photo of the serial number. Often, scammers replace the purchased product with a broken one, and then return it to the seller. As a result, the seller loses money and goods.

Products that cannot be purchased secondhand

  • Digital camera with video recording function. Video shooting mode heats up the sensor, greatly reducing its service life. It is very difficult to determine the wear of this element, so it turns out that you are getting a pig in a poke.
  • Computer hard drive. A really fragile thing: even a slight blow can affect its performance.
  • Bicycle and motorcycle helmets, as well as child car seats. These are things that are literally responsible for life and health, and when misuse in the past they may not have been able to cope with their immediate functions. Don't skimp on safety.
  • Plasma panels. Phosphorus, which is part of the fluorescent coating of each pixel of the plasma panel, is unfortunately subject to the effect of burnout. A similar drawback is inherent in almost all TV technologies, but plasma suffered more than others.
  • Tires and wheels for a car. Purchasing these products is dangerous because it is simply impossible to find out under what conditions they were used.
  • Vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cleaners are high-power household appliances; they are used very often and not always carefully. The most expensive part in them is the motor, which is the first to fail, and its repair is very expensive.

The question of how to quickly sell a thing or property can arise before every person. And things don’t always go as well as we would like. Either the deal falls through, or the client is not satisfied with something and it is impossible to convince him. And it happens that for inexplicable reasons there is no demand at all, although the item or apartment is of very good quality. In this case, you cannot do without the help of ancient methods and the use of household magic. In particular, a conspiracy to sell or how to quickly sell an item.

For quick sale things or property there are a number of conspiracies

Not everyone is able to immediately complete a purchase and sale transaction. It happens that the client has to wait too long. Fortunately, a strong conspiracy to sell any item has remained, which will allow you to quickly sell the item without reducing its original value. A conspiracy to sell an item must be read immediately after an item for sale appears in the house. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

“I, the servant of God (name), have that thing that I have not needed for a long time. But I am sure that many people need it. I want to sell it because it just bothers me and gathers dust. How sorry I am to throw it away. The point is that it is very dear to me and I simply cannot throw it in the trash. I want to complete the sales process and have a buyer found in the shortest possible time. If he immediately buys this thing, then I will become the happiest woman on the planet. Once a person sees this thing, he will not be able to pass by it. Thoughts about buying it will immediately arise in his head and I will be happy to show it to him. May higher powers hear the words of this prayer and help me. Amen".

This quick sale plot will allow you to get rid of unnecessary things in the shortest possible time.

Examples of conspiracies for selling things

Human consciousness is a very powerful tool, by training which you can quickly bring the achievement of almost any goal closer, including successful trading.

Visualization is one of the most strong ways to achieve optimal results

Most people do not take the work of the subconscious seriously, and in vain. After all, often what a person thinks about most often comes true. This goes unnoticed and few resort to visualization. But in practice, this is one of the most powerful ways to achieve optimal results even in matters of buying and selling any thing. It is important that visualization works to sell personal items in a single copy. A set of goods will require more effort and it may simply not work.

It is necessary to take the item for sale in your hands. If the dimensions do not allow, you can simply touch it with your hand. You need to look at the object as carefully as possible, studying all its details. At the same time, it is important to imagine buyers who are interested in him and that their number is increasing every day. You can even try to visualize the dialogue with potential clients. Also, do not underestimate the price of the product too much. Once installed, do not change it. It is important that during the session no one disturbs the person and that he is in a good mood. Once the process is completed, you need to say:

“I will get what I have in mind! Amen!"

Despite the power of visualization, many continue to be interested in the question of what conspiracies help for a successful sales transaction.

On the waning moon

When using a spell for the waning moon, you will need to pronounce a certain text that will help sell an inanimate object, be it clothing or services via the Internet. Many psychics, for example, Vanga or Stepanova, believe that a conspiracy to get rid of something should be read precisely in the waning moon phase. To sell an animal, such a prayer for sale is unlikely to work:

“Just as a person cannot exist without an iron lock, or live without an iron key, so he cannot do without (name of thing). Just as you people cannot live long without water and food, you also cannot live without (thing). Let it be so. Amen".

This independent conspiracy on urgent sale will help to establish trade affairs.

The ritual with the key is the most popular ritual for sale.

This ritual for sale is considered one of the most popular. The point is that the key used in it represents an object that can be used to open and enter the heart of the buyer. Using this method, many sell apartments or land plots. For the ritual you will need a key, spring water and fireproof dishes. The ritual must be performed during the waxing phase of the moon. Before the ritual, you need to put your thoughts and mood in order. It is necessary to pour water and bring it in a container to a boil. Then a prayer is said for a quick sale:

“The key always opens the lock. People always need to have these two items with them to make their life much easier. Just as they use a key and lock, they will use my thing. No one will ever refuse such a pleasant deal as the one I offer. May higher powers help me and always be nearby. Amen".

After the slander, you need to cool the water and not take out the key. As soon as the liquid has cooled, the key must be taken out and hidden in a place that is difficult for strangers to reach. You need to keep it with you until the transaction is completed. This prayer to sell an item quickly and successfully, helped sellers for successful trading.

Ritual with honey

With the help of rituals with honey you can not only improve financial position, but it is also profitable to sell some thing. They need to smear themselves, reading the words for quickly selling things before the transaction, then wash themselves:

“Like bees swarming, rich merchants came to me as a merchant, praised me, and filled my bins. Amen".

It is better to carry out a poppy spell on Thursday

With the help of a poppy, you can win customers away from your competitors and profitably sell any item urgently and at a high price. The most suitable day for the ceremony is Thursday, the waxing moon. The ceremony must be carried out directly at the place of trade. You need enough poppy seed to last for 1 lunar month. It is worth calculating it, because you will need to scatter it at the workplace every time. Every day you will need to throw 3 pinches of poppy seeds with the words that need to be said 9 times in a row:

“I scatter poppy seeds, I attract buyers to me,

I have so many poppy seeds and I can’t count them,

So I can’t count the number of buyers.

How can a person step on this poppy?

So he will buy all the goods from me.

The magic of the poppy is strong, because it has more than one head.

The poppy seed should be wrapped in a thick cloth and stored in a secluded place, not forgetting to sprinkle it every day in a crowded area near the counter. You will soon notice good profits and an increase in your customer base.

If an item does not sell for a long time due to competitors, then you need to strengthen the ritual with a conspiracy for a quick sale

It often happens that some similar sellers use the same spell or talisman to sell, and this becomes obvious. First of all, you should not put a spoke in their wheels with the help of black magic - the evil will return doubly. Before getting angry at a competitor for interrupting the sale of your item, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Don't worry if the products are not similar. In this case, they will not kill each other, and with the help of conspiracies, everyone will be able to make their own profitable deal.
  2. It is worth assessing the importance of your product for the buyer. Products for daily use are good. You need to set yourself up for the positive, especially if the product is popular, then questions like “How to sell quickly and profitably” should not arise.
  3. Even with similar products, the situation may not be so critical. It is worth remembering that for every item there will definitely be a buyer, and in any case you can hope for a good profit.
  4. If an item has not been sold for a long time due to competitors in one direction and it needs to be sold quickly, a conspiracy to quickly sell an item can simply be strengthened by a ritual with a conspiracy to sell quickly.
  5. In order for sales to really go uphill with the help of magic, before using a spell to sell things, you need to clarify how to pronounce it correctly so that it really works.

What to do if an item has been lying around for a long time and is not for sale?

If an item doesn't sell for a long time, don't despair. Will help strong prayer, which should be read during the full phase of the moon, at the moment when it approaches the waning one. In the process of reading words, you need to touch the thing for the transaction to be successful, or look at its photograph:

“As the silvery moon shines in the dark sky, so my goods are visible in the light, my thing is so needed by everyone. I’ll go out tomorrow, I’ll show you my product (name of item), I won’t be able to hold it in the first hour. They want to buy it so much that they are ready to pay.”

This strong sales conspiracy will help you make a profitable deal in the shortest possible time and attract many buyers.

For successful trading, you can make a talisman from coins

Coins have always been considered effective talismans. Especially in the field of trade. This spell on a coin will help you make a talisman that will significantly increase your profits. The talisman can be made at home.

For the ritual, you need to set aside coins left over from sales profits for 6 days. Moreover, it is worth saving from the 1st day of the New Moon. After that, on the 7th day, you need to take the accumulated change and buy something that your heart desires. It could be a trinket or a wallet. The remaining coins must be thrown at the intersection over your left shoulder with the words:

“Paid in full, paid for everything. So be it".

Next you need to go home. Without looking back or speaking to anyone. An item purchased with coins will later become a talisman for trade. The talisman will help unnecessary things to sell faster and strengthen their position in the market. But speak the objects quickly, before 6 days have passed; if you miss a day, you will have to start all over again.

For successful trading, in addition to a coin, for example, you can charm a pin and use it as a talisman. The seller should say the spell before pinning the pin on the clothes. The talisman must be placed on an invisible part of clothing.

Selling property - movable and immovable - are ordinary everyday tasks that everyone encounters at least once. modern man. If the need arises to sell a car quickly and profitably, a conspiracy to sell a car can help you.

Even a very strong conspiracy is not able to force a specific person to buy your car. Such rituals do not affect consciousness, that is, they do not influence choice. However, this is not the main task of magic.

Performing special rituals helps attract the attention of more potential buyers to your product. Thus, the likelihood of concluding a successful deal increases many times over. Moreover, in the case when the car itself was to your liking potential client, then magic will only speed up the decision-making process and push you to make a purchase.

How to sell a car quickly?

Everyone has it magical ritual has its own characteristics. It all depends on the objectives and direction of the conspiracy. This is also relevant for rituals that contribute to the profitable sale of property. For the plot to work effectively and bring maximum benefit, it is necessary:

Demonstrate the car to potential buyers exclusively in daylight.

Sprinkle the vehicle with holy water in advance.

Be absolutely confident in the successful completion of the ceremony.

Have faith in your own strengths and in the ability to influence the world around you.

The most important rule any magical ritual - a positive attitude. The performer of this act must 100% believe that the car will be sold very quickly and on the most favorable terms for its owner. Even if a real buyer does not appear immediately after the ritual, you should continue to believe that the transaction will be completed in the near future. Under no circumstances should you fall into despair.

Ritual for selling a car

You need to walk around the car three times. The direction of movement is clockwise. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy should be pronounced:

“Lord God, I ask for your blessing. I will bless God's servant (name). And I will walk the path to the green meadow. And in it, in the meadow, wild flowers grow. Just as honey bees cling to those flowers and stick, so let people come to my product, even if it’s for money. Soon I found the meadow, so soon I need to find a buyer. So that he himself comes to my yard. My words are true and sealed with a lock. And in those words of mine: free will, strong strength. Let your wish come true! Amen, Amen, Amen."

Repeat the words as many times as necessary to walk around the machine three times. At the time of the ceremony, there should be no strangers near you or nearby. Therefore, to carry out the ritual, it is best to choose a dense forest or a secluded quiet grove. If this is not possible, you need to concentrate and imagine that you and your car are really in the forest. This is necessary to maximize the ritual. The words of the conspiracy must be pronounced by heart.

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers discovered the effectiveness of this ritual. Before going to the fair, they read this plot over a cart with goods in order to successfully sell all their luggage.

What is special about selling conspiracies?

As mentioned earlier, each of the rituals aimed at the successful sale of property assets has its own unique features. Before you begin choosing a specific ritual, you should clearly define your goals. You can use special rituals aimed, for example, at selling one or more items, improving sales in general, successfully concluding wholesale deals, etc.

Conspiracy to sell quickly

This ritual the best way suitable for quick sale inanimate objects, including furniture, cars, etc. To begin with, you should Sunday morning buy table salt and get some holy water. Before you start reading the words of the conspiracy, a handful of salt, you need to take your palm in your left hand and splash a few drops of holy water on it, tightly clench your palm into a fist.

You need to whisper the following words:

“People don’t live without salt, they add salt to their dishes, so even if they can’t live without my thing (name a thing that needs to be sold quickly). Let it sell easily and quickly. I reinforce my words with holy water and expect a successful result. Let it be so! Amen, Amen, Amen."

After you have finished reciting the ritual text, you should take a sheet of clean paper and pour salt on it, leave until completely dry on the windowsill, after which sprinkle the same substance on the item that needs to be sold, saying the following phrase over it:

“For food there is salt, and for goods there is a merchant.”

The remaining salt must be added to food within the first three days after the ritual action.