How to cut jeans into shorts. How to make shorts out of pants For experienced craftsmen

Breathe in old thing second lifeWe bring to your attention creative ideas about how to make fashionable shorts out of jeans, because quite often a situation happens when excellent, but rather boring denim trousers are lying around in the closet, which it is a pity to throw out and there is no desire to put on. It is in this case that you can turn them into a new stylish wardrobe item without any fear.

Planning stage

The shelves in stores are littered with a wide variety of clothing samples for every taste and style, but sometimes you want to find something like that. So why not create an exclusive little thing with your own hands? Handmade is relevant and unique, such things have always been valued above factory production. Each model has its own unique zest, which, with a skillful approach, will easily help emphasize the dignity of the figure.

It takes very little to get the job done. If you plan to simply cut off the leg, leaving a torn edge, nothing else is needed except for threads with a needle and scissors. But the choice of the latter should be approached carefully: ordinary ones are not always able to cut thick denim, it is better to purchase large, tailor's ones.

To make the cut neat and the same on both legs, stock up on a centimeter ruler and chalk. If your plans are not to leave a torn edge, but to stitch the product beautifully, you will need a sewing machine here.

Advice! If you do not have chalk - it does not matter, you can get by with a bar of ordinary soap. It also paints well on the fabric and is perfectly washed off in the washing process.

The fashion trend of the coming season is painted edges, for this you will need acrylic paints for fabric, a stencil and a special marker.

To ennoble future masterpiece, you can buy interesting stripes, appliqués, laces in sewing accessories stores.

The last but the most important detail are old jeans. What pants are suitable for this? If you want future shorts to effectively fit your ass, pants should also be tight. But keep in mind that stretch is an unsuitable material, due to its special elasticity, the product from it will turn out to be too frank.

Depending on the length and style, shorts are classified as follows:

  • Capris - slightly shorter than standard pants, cut off in the calf area. This model looks great with heels and sandals. Tight pants are best for them.
  • Bermuda - incredibly stylish, everyday option for summer, their length reaches the level of the knee. Loose-cut jeans are suitable for such a transformation.
  • Classic - about 10 cm above the knee. They can be made from both narrow and wide jeans. All sorts of holes and scuffs on the pockets and on the front of the thigh are welcome.
  • Short - beach option with an edge of about 5-8 cm. Wide models of pants are not suitable for their manufacture, since the hips will be too bare. Pruning should be approached with caution, because it is very easy to miss the size.

Trimming the pants and finishing the edges

Let's move on to the next step. Here you can’t rush, cut in one fell swoop and “by eye”. It is not for nothing that people say: “Measure seven times ...”, indeed, you need to measure carefully. The easiest way is to take the shorts that you like and draw a future cut line on them, adding a few centimeters to the hem:

  • to bend the edge once and then walk along the seam with an overlock, just add 2–3 cm;
  • for a double hem, 3-4 cm will be required.

Advice! If you have never done needlework before, carefully mark the places for cutting with chalk, pins or soap. Remember: it is better to cut a little more, and then shorten it to the desired length, than to make it too short and ruin the product forever.

Taking into account all the allowances for the ruler, draw a line along which the legs will be cut. On the inside seam, the future shorts should be slightly longer than on the outside. With such a wedge, your creation will look more original than with a straight cut. Check if everything is smooth, if the length suits. After that, fold the pants in half and use sharp scissors to remove excess fabric. If you plan to create fringe shorts, add a couple more centimeters for the allowance.

Advice!Girls, and who said that the cut line must necessarily be even? The figured bottom in the form of waves looks much more elegant. When you have drawn a straight line, take something round, like a cap or small cup, apply it along the selected path and trace it, creating a wavy edge. After trimming, you can fold it and hem it, or leave it unchanged.

The easiest way to process the free edge is to fold it and sew it on a sewing machine, manually, or go overlock along the edge of the leg. For greater convenience, iron the line along which you plan to lay the seam, you can also make basting stitches with a needle with a bright thread that you pull out at the very end, sew only from the inside out.

You can do without visible seams. In stores for needlewomen, a special “cobweb” is sold, a tape with a sticky edge, the glue does not dissolve in water and holds no worse than the strongest thread. The edge of the trouser leg is first processed with an overlock, then a “cobweb” is applied over the laid seam, the edge is tucked up and glued together.

A stylish fringe or frayed bottom can be created in two ways:

  • in the washing machine;
  • manually.

In the first case, it is necessary to wash the product with in large numbers revolutions, loose threads will fray, and you will get the desired result. At the end, just stitch the edges of the panel to prevent further dishevelment during wear.

In the second option, you need to manually pull out the threads until the desired effect is achieved, or go through the selected places with sandpaper. On the front of the shorts, you can make cuts with a blade or a clerical knife, also decorate the edges of the holes obtained in the form of a fringe.

Important!In the process of wearing, the slots will increase in size, so initially make them not very large. Be sure to place a piece of plywood or thick cardboard so as not to cut through both panels.

The final stage: give individuality to your creation

One of the trending trends of the coming season is gradient coloring or ombre. We can create smooth color transition on the updated shorts, but first they need to discolor.

To do this, take one part of whiteness and dilute it in two parts of clean running water. Soak the item in the resulting solution for 2 hours, then remove, rinse and dry. If the fabric is not bleached enough, repeat the process. If you do not completely dip the product, you can achieve a transition from white color to base shade.

  • when working with chlorine-containing products, be sure to use rubber gloves;
  • in order to avoid inhalation of toxic fumes, carry out the procedure on the balcony, on the street or near an open window;
  • the elastic look of denim contains spandex, which, when bleached, can give an ugly yellowish tint, keep this in mind, it is better not to bleach this type of jeans;
  • before the procedure, carefully inspect the material if there are obsolete yellow spots-there is a high probability that they will not go anywhere;
    it is best to first discolor a small piece of pants that remained during trimming, so you will understand what result you will get;
  • the lined fragment is weakly bleachable, most likely it will remain in its original form.

When your creation is crystal white, use acrylic fabric paints. Choose shades related to the color palette. Alternately apply paint on both sides of the panels, achieving beautiful gradient, blend the borders of the transition well.

A creative model will turn out if you sprinkle bright colors in random order. Lay your creation on a horizontal surface, first covering it with newspaper or a piece of cellophane. Then dip the brush into the paint and shake it on the cloth, alternate shades. The resulting negligence will only play into the hands.

Advice!In addition to paints, you can use special indelible markers. It's much easier to draw with them. On sale there are felt-tip pens with various "chips" - fluorescent, with a velvet effect, 3D-volumetric.

If you stocked up on stencils, you can use them to apply beautiful compositions. Just attach the selected fragment to the surface of the leg and apply paint with a sponge. Let it dry according to the instructions on the package.

Another interesting option forming a pattern using lace. Moisten the lace element in the bleach solution and apply firmly to the shorts for 30 minutes. Under the influence of bleach, your creation will change its color at the points of contact and a beautiful ornament will form there.

Stylish and elegant decor

Lace inserts look feminine and elegant; making such an ornament will not be difficult. This decoration technique belongs to the category of budget and low-cost in time. You don't need to have a lot of needlework experience to sew pieces of lace onto the base material.

There are many varieties of decorating denim shorts with lace inserts, among the most popular are the following:

  • decor by bottom edge trousers;
  • lace in the waist area;
  • patches on pockets;
  • side inner and outer inserts.

For example, we will tell you how to decorate your work with lace on the sides.

Take a piece of cotton guipure, a needle with a thin thread of the appropriate shade. Spread the side seams of the cut but not stitched shorts, cut a wedge out of the main fabric. From the selected decorating canvas, you need to cut a wedge of the appropriate size. Then the resulting wedges should be pinned with pins to the base panel with inside. Do not be lazy to try on during the process of creating a masterpiece, it is important to make sure that the fabric does not shrink at the bonding points. After the machinations done, carefully sew the guipure insert with blind stitches or sew on a typewriter.

Advice! In order not to overload the thing with excessive shades, give preference pastel colors lace - beige, peach, white. Too bright is not always good.

If you don't want guipure inserts - no problem! They are a great alternative artificial leather. It is good if it resembles natural as much as possible. Leather stripes or back pockets, a patch on the belt will help turn a mediocre model into an outstanding design masterpiece in military style.

The current trend of the coming season is a mix of styles, try to combine brutal leather or studs with feminine rhinestones, pebbles or floral appliqué.

Glamor look it will turn out if you decorate your work with sequins. Can be decorated like individual elements(lapels, belt, pockets), and the main canvas. Decide in advance how the sequins will be located on the shorts and proceed to sewing. This process is not quick, it requires care and perseverance. But the result obtained can exceed all expectations. By the way, there are both single and rolled sequins, the latter are chosen if you need to decorate large area canvases.

Handmade always appreciated, show creativity, put your soul into the process of creation and worn, pretty boring jeans will sparkle with bright colors in a new look.

So, everything is very simple.
First, choose a victim. Given that I already have shorts with a low waist, I wanted to light retro effect and I chose jeans with a high waist. For yourself, choose jeans with a good fit around the hips and NOT stretch denim, for tormenting, you need to choose the classic non-stretch denim.

In general, I really wanted to buy myself THESE ONE TEASPOON SHORTS! I think they are perfect! Moreover, I already have One Teaspoon jeans and I studied their dimensions ... But the kid said - the kid did it! Therefore, here is a post with instructions on how to cut jeans for shorts and not regret it!

So I will take this pair of UNIF as a sample ... They will be my model, so to speak 🙂

So here is the step by step guide:

1. We measure jeans in front of the mirror and determine the length of the shorts. To do this, draw an approximate cut line with a pencil. You can put on some of your miniskirt and determine by it ideal length for your figure. As you can see, my back length will be slightly lower. You understand - beloved women's seats gotta cover up! 🙂

2. So, we decided on the line, we arm ourselves with scissors (you can use regular ones, better manicure ones), a pencil (just to draw a preliminary line along which we will cut / tear) and something that has pointed nose and dull blade. For example, like mine table-knife. Or an awl. Then you will understand why.

3. The main rule in this case is less scissors - more tears! That is, we will use scissors only in exceptional moments, that is, at the very beginning, so that we can make a small cut in order to grab the edge and continue to tear with our hands. So, we start with the outer edge on the front of the leg. We make a small cut with scissors and then grab the edge with our fingers and tear to the middle (to the central part) of the front of the leg.

4. Next we need to make the transition 3 centimeters lower. For this we use scissors. Below you will understand why.

6. Repeat the same procedure on the left leg. And behind. Starting each time with the outer seam, and aligning with the leg that has already been torn.

Next, take something like an awl (see photo below) and grab the white threads, pull them out. It is necessary to create the effect of protruding white threads. Try not to tear them, but just pull them out from under the blue ones. If the blue threads become too bare and become tangled, they can be neatly shortened with nail scissors so that the white threads can be pulled further. Thus, we process the entire cropped edge of the newly made shorts.

7. But this is not enough for me. I want to create a couple of "scuffs" inside the product. To do this, I make such longitudinal cuts with scissors (see photo below). Notice, I make these cuts in the projection of the pocket, so that from under the hole there is white fabric pocket lining, not naked body. Although it’s like someone ... You can make such scuffs in the projection of a naked body - it will be more sexy.

8. Further, we process this hole with the same method. First, with an awl, taking out white threads without tearing them.

9. And then just pulling out short blue threads.

10. Here's what I ended up with. It took me about 40 minutes to process the edges and create the “scuffs”. And if you don’t have to vacuum the whole room from threads and debris later, then you didn’t work hard enough ... 🙂

11. And in the end, to give natural effect worn shorts, wash them in washing machine in the most brutal mode at the highest speed ... This is what my shorts look like after washing:

12. Eeeee Voila! I'm ready for the beach!

By the way, about the beaches, tomorrow I'm flying to one beautiful hot country for a week, so I’m postponing the post about the monetization of fashion blogs for 8-9 days. And then the post will be serious, it requires concentration, and it will be too hot and fun for me there 🙂

Follow me on Insta for details! I am there @ellena_galant_girl

P.S. And don't forget to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel! There's a lot of good stuff in there.)

And May PLAJ be with you!

Denim shorts are the trend of the outgoing season, but this does not mean at all that they will go out of fashion on next year. Some pieces, like cut-to-short jeans, remain stylish at all times.

In many boutiques, such garments are unreasonably expensive, often more expensive than the denim trousers themselves. But such fashionable thing you can get it almost for free by making it yourself and with your own hands from old jeans, which, most likely, are in the wardrobe of every woman. And it’s a pity to throw it away, because it’s not worn out yet, and it’s not fashionable to wear such models.

What to choose jeans for shorts?

Not every base is suitable for short pants. Too baggy and loose trousers will make the same shorts. It is unlikely that you will feel comfortable in them.

Too tight will result in an overly narrow product. Just imagine that the bodice and legs tightly fit your body, and in those places where they end with the legs, they will look a little swollen and puffy. As if your body was squeezed out of clothes by an incomprehensible mass.

Stretch jeans are also not the best option for converting them into women's shorts. The fabric contains plastic threads and elastic bands, which, when cut, tend to twist and pull the entire fabric along with them. If you don't want to suffer from constantly twisted legs, then give up stretch jeans.

The best option only one hundred percent denim trousers with straight, slightly tight legs can become fashionable shorts from old jeans. By the way, khaki pants can also be turned into shorts, as long as they also consist of cotton, which can be checked on the label.

How long should denim shorts be?

Before determining the length of the future wardrobe item, it is necessary to put the old one in order. Most likely, the jeans that you have chosen to perform a circumcision operation on them have been lying for a long time (in best case, erased) idle. Therefore, in order for them to settle slightly, and the shorts obtained from them are not shorter than the selected size, it is necessary to wash the trousers with any accessible way and dry well.

Only then can you begin to determine the length of the new product. And it can be completely different. From old jeans you can get:

  • Capri. To do this, you need to put on old jeans and determine where you have the middle of the calf and leave a mark on the product in this place. Capris look original with both sandals and heels. Therefore, if you do not want any drastic changes, a slight shortening of the legs is just right for you. For such a solution, tube jeans or even well-fitting denim trousers can be the best option.
  • Bermuda. Their length is up to or above the knee by a couple of centimeters. This is a very stylish and comfortable solution for every day. For them, both loose-fitting denim trousers and slightly tight ones are suitable.
  • Classics of the genre - middle length shorts. That is, those short pants, which are about 8 - 12 cm above the knee, only the most daring ones make shorter, and longer - they already get something similar to Bermuda shorts. Even heavily worn jeans are suitable for this option - it will even look more impressive - with scuffs and holes on the knee part of the legs.
  • Cropped shorts. As mentioned above - this is for the most daring with a beautiful outline of the legs. Now there are many lovely creatures who wear shorts that are too short. Such that burlap pockets are visible from under the trousers. The question immediately arises, why do we need pockets if you can’t even put a handkerchief in them? So when choosing the length of denim shorts, pay attention to such little things.

How to cut old jeans to shorts at home?

In order to cut off old trousers, they, oddly enough, must be put on. And then, using a regular or special tailor's chalk, mark the approximate line of the place of circumcision. Further, having removed the jeans, specify the place of the cut with a more accurate and thick line. What should be taken into account?

  • If you want to receive denim shorts with a fringe, then keep in mind that with it the product becomes shorter over time. Therefore, you need to add a couple of centimeters from the established line down so that the final length of the resulting product matches your desire.
  • If you plan to make shorts from jeans without a fringe, then the cut line should be moved one centimeter down.
  • If you want to get a standard sewing collar at the cut point, then you should lower the cut line by 7 centimeters.

Have you decided on the cutting line? Lay your pants on a completely flat surface. The best option is a table, as it is at the right height for work, it is convenient and comfortable not only to eat on it, but also to perform any work on cutting fabrics. If you are not a happy owner of a large table that can accommodate the entire subject of further cutting on its area, you can also use the floor.

Now take a ruler and draw an absolutely straight line using the same crayon, it is unlikely that it turned out to be current by hand. Repeat this manipulation with the other leg. As a result, you should get the letter V with an obtuse angle. If this angle is brought closer to an acute angle, then as a result you will get shorts that strongly and disproportionately expose the femoral part of your legs.

The next step for you should be cutting the legs along the line. Please note that this operation requires good scissors, not blunt and not “chewing” the material, but obedient and sharp, otherwise you will spoil all the work done and will not get satisfaction from the result.

But do not panic if suddenly you do not get a perfectly even and straight cut line. It's okay, small errors are easily corrected by fringe and collar.

Cut off? Now it's time to try on your work! So how is it? Are you satisfied with what you got? Think it's a little long? But if you plan to roll up the panties, they will become much shorter, keep this in mind.

The hem can be made on a sewing machine or sewn by hand. Bend the edge, it is best to use an iron to get a curved edge around the entire circumference of the leg and feel free to sew it on a typewriter.

Fringe is the easiest to get, since you don't need to do anything yourself. Just wash your denim shorts in the washing machine on a normal cycle. If the resulting fringe is not enough for you, wash it again.

exclusivity in new item wardrobe can be added by making some kind of embroidery on it, decorating lace ribbon, sewing beads on a special ornament or drawing acrylic paints some trendy pattern.

Sometimes there is a need to shorten jeans. This is necessary if the model is too long. In addition, old jeans can be torn or tired. Then you can easily turn the pants into shorts, capris or breeches. In this case, you need to cut and hem the products at the bottom. But this must be done competently and carefully in order to new clothes looked beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Let's find out how to cut jeans properly.

If you want to cut jeans for shorts, pay attention to the model of clothing. It is better not to use stretch fabrics and baggy pants. In the first case, the shorts will turn out to be too tight and tight, and in the second, they will be too big and awkward.

A suitable option would be dense denim and jeans with a content of over 90% cotton. With thin denim, work carefully so as not to accidentally tear the fabric. Wash and dry the products before the process. How to wash jeans correctly so that they do not sit down and are not dyed, see.

How to cut jeans straight for shorts

First determine the length of the future product. Capris are cut along the calf muscle, breeches - just below the knees, Bermuda shorts - knee-deep. Adjust the length of the shorts to your liking. To determine your circumcision, put on your pants and stand in front of a mirror. Draw a clear line with a crayon, a bar of dry soap, or fasten a pin.

After that, lay the product on the table, using a ruler, evenly and clearly draw a cut line. Then make a margin of 1-1.5 centimeters and draw the line again. Cut the jeans along the bottom outlined border. Cut each side separately. Do not cut the back and front of the trousers at once!

And move on to the processing of the edges. The edges at the bottom can be overcast by hand or on a sewing machine. The lightest and fast way will leave tousled and slightly torn edges. In this case, you can make stylish fringed shorts or ripped shorts.

Determine the cutoff line only by putting jeans on. Otherwise, the shorts will turn out too long or short. Always cut products with a margin of about 1-1.5 centimeters. To cut the shorts straight, cut the front and back sides separately.

How to hem shorts

  • To make it easier, turn the jeans inside out and iron them. Then, when hemming, the legs will not move out;
  • To hem products, choose threads that match the color and type of fabric;
  • Turn the product inside out front side, wrap the collar with the desired thickness and height, iron the product;
  • To hide the tousled cut-off edge, wrap it inward and smooth it out with a hot iron as well;
  • Sew the hem first with a basting using small stitches, and then walk on sewing machine. Then you will get a neat seam;
  • Without sewing machine it is better to overcast and hem the edges from the wrong side. In this case, the material is folded to the wrong side and then hemmed. Such the way is fine and for those who do not want shorts with turn-ups;
  • If you're hemming torso and want to give your shorts a trendy, worn look, rub the seams with a pumice stone.

How to shorten and hem jeans

If you need to hem too long jeans at the bottom, determine which piece needs to be hemmed. This is determined in the same way as in the case of shorts. Put on your pants and stand in front of the mirror, measure desired length. If you need to bend a small piece of fabric about two centimeters high, you will have to rip the bottom. If the piece is larger, you do not need to rip off anything.

If necessary, unpack the bottom and lay the pants on the table, draw a hemming line of the desired length without a margin and fold the excess material inward. Then carefully iron the jeans from the front and from the wrong side along the new bottom line. On the hem on the wrong side, mark an allowance of three centimeters and cut off.

The allowance is folded and ironed again, and then stitched along the wrong side at a distance of 1 mm from the fold of the allowance. This method is suitable for hemming shorts, capris and other types of trousers from the inside without turning up the outside.

Good and sunny day, my dear readers! It would seem that there is nothing easier than cutting jeans and turning them into shorts. But when you pick up scissors and trousers, you think and don’t know how to approach them so as not to spoil and create a beautiful new piece of clothing. Today I propose to figure out in detail how to make shorts from jeans with your own hands, how to decorate them or decorate them so that the result pleases.

Variants of shorts from ordinary straight women's jeans

Any old jeans can be turned into fashionable and. High-rise straight jeans are especially good for this. It is quite possible to make shorts of any model and length from them, from seductive minis to capris. This is done very simply:

Advice. If you decide to make shorts with a lapel, then you will need to add a few centimeters to the lapel to the intended length. Usually the lapel is made double and is added on average 2 times 3 or 3.5 cm.

Fold over the edge twice and secure with stitches on the inside and outside. side seam for reliability.

If you need torn shorts, then make cuts with nail scissors in the places where the holes are planned. Then release the horizontal threads at the edges and pull out the neatly cut vertical threads. You can simply fluff the edge of shorts or holes by taking out a few extreme horizontal threads.

Advice. Regular scuffs on the legs can be done with a large sandpaper or cheese graters.

Here are some tricks to help you get started:

  1. If you are making very short shorts, be careful with the pockets. They should be turned out or folded up before you start cutting off the leg length.
  2. In order to make it more convenient to work, cut off the length of the legs in half, and then measure and carefully cut off the planned length.
  3. Cut off one leg first, then measure and cut off the second one so that the shorts are symmetrical.

This is how you can easily and quickly turn old boring trousers into a stylish piece of clothing with your own hands. A little lower I will talk about how to decorate a new thing.

How to make DIY shorts from skinny jeans

From skinny jeans very short mini-shorts are best. You need to cut off your pants short, preferably trying on yourself. Notice the front and back pockets. Their inner part can stick out from below, it is now fashionable. For such models, high-waisted pants are good, but they will also fit with a low waist for very daring extreme women. After all, these shorts are more like panties. This model is best worn on vacation to the beach, for example.

We give a second life to men's jeans

Women's or men's shorts can be made from men's jeans ov s . For men, it is better to focus on the length just above the knee, to the knee or slightly below. To do this, you just need to cut the legs to the desired length. If you plan a subway, then do not forget to add 9 centimeters for it.

Women's shorts it is not recommended to make men's jeans, because the cut of trousers is always oriented to the gender of their owner. However, today the so-called boyfriend jeans are in fashion. Therefore, today's fashion opens up a lot of opportunities for girls in terms of the style of denim shorts. For men's jeans, make mid-length or knee-length shorts.

Decorating shorts

Separately, I want to dwell on shorts with lace. It is both feminine, dressy and stylish option, which can be obtained from old denim pants through simple actions with them. Make short shorts as described above and decorate the trouser legs with thin lace, sewn on the machine or carefully sewn by hand. In addition, you can decorate the back pocket with lace by cutting it out over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe old jeans pocket and sewing it in place.

On the sides, you can sew on lace of large flowers or motifs, starting from the bottom of the leg and down to the waist along the side seam.

With thin, light lace, you can trim the pockets in front by sewing it slightly into the assembly. Any lace patches in selected places on the shorts will look stylish and relevant.

Other decor options can be:

  1. All kinds of stripes, chevrons, applications.
  2. Embroidery with threads or ribbons.
  3. Rivets, rhinestones sequins.

A very interesting option for creating stylish shorts is to decorate the front with details cut out of double-sided fabric with sequins. You need to cut the front part right along the shorts and carefully sew it over the jeans.

Advice. Floral cotton piping and waistband transform denim shorts into a stylish summer piece.

This is what I managed to find or come up with for you, but there are a lot of options for design and fantasy. Come up with something yourself or put together several proposed options and you will get unique author's shorts.

I hope that you will find something useful for yourself among all the needlework tips and secrets in our article on how to make shorts from jeans with your own hands, presented on my page. I suggest you subscribe to my updates and be aware of all the interesting finds and women's secrets needlework and home economics. Share the link to the blog on social networks. I say goodbye to you until new interesting meetings!