"Animals of hot countries" lesson in the preparatory group for children with special needs. Open lesson on modeling Animals of hot countries. Turtle

State autonomous professional educational institution Samara region
"Tolyatti College of Service Technologies and Entrepreneurship"

Summary of educational activities
in modeling in the middle group
Topic: “Animals of hot countries”


Goal: To consolidate the ability to sculpt animals, conveying its characteristic
features, using previously learned modeling techniques;
develop fine motor skills hands when creating volumetric crafts from
salt dough;
develop the ability to correctly evaluate your work and work
Material for the lesson:
Illustration of a turtle, visualization of the stages of sculpting a turtle, beach
for turtle, salt dough turtle;
Salty dough different colors, stacks, napkins, stands for modeling.
Progress of the lesson:
“Let’s hold hands together and smile at each other.”
Children stand in a circle...
-Guys, let's play.
- Catch the ball and throw it
Name the animals of hot countries!
(Children's answers: lion, elephant, tiger, giraffe, etc.).
The children sit at the tables.
- Guys, what is this?
The shell is as strong as granite,
He will protect from enemies
And underneath it knows no fear
Slow Turtle.
- That's right, guys, well done!
Show a picture of a turtle. Looking at the picture.
- Guys, look, this is a turtle.
-Where does the turtle live?
- What parts does her body consist of?
- What is the shape of its body, legs, and head of our turtle?
-What shape is the shell?
Children's answers: oval shape etc.
A story about a turtle.
-The turtle lives in hot countries, loves to bask in the sun, lying on the yellow sand.
I put on the table a pre-prepared turtle beach on which lies one salted dough turtle
- Guys, be quiet, do you hear?
I take the turtle and bring it to my ear.
-My turtle whispered to me that she was very sad alone.
- What will you and I do so that she doesn’t feel lonely and sad?
Children's answers: make turtle friends for her.
Explanation of the stages of sculpting with demonstration:
-Now, children, I will tell you how to make a turtle from salt dough.
We make the turtle shell in the shape of a gingerbread. Roll into a ball and flatten.
You need to decorate the shell with moldings of flat cakes, sausages or spirals.
Make a head by rolling out a column, bending the neck, attaching the eyes.
We cut the mouth with a stack.
We make four thick sausages. These will be the turtle's legs. Can
Scratch the “fingers” with a stack.
Attach a small tail.
Standing physical exercise “Tree”.
Finger gymnastics
The shell is worn by a turtle,
Hides his head in fear.
Loves to run and play
Sunbathe on the sand.
- Now guys, let's get to work. If you need help tell me about it.
Modeling turtles for children. The music “Baby by the Sea” plays.
Review and evaluation of work by children.
- Guys, you are so great. My turtle tells everyone Thanks a lot, now she has a lot of fun and has someone to play with.
- Look how beautiful and different her friends are.
Lesson summary:
Met a turtle
She felt something sad
We thought a little
And they made friends for her.
-Guys, let's play with our turtle.
"The sea is agitated once"
Assessing children's work.
- Guys, let your turtles bask in the sun, lying on the sand. Their shell will be as strong as that of my turtle. And you can play with them.
-Thank you guys. Goodbye.

"Oh yes Africa!" Final lesson on sculpting in preparatory group(with parents)
Teacher of the highest qualification category MBDOU "Novotoryalsky" kindergarten No. 2 “Teremok” Mokoseeva L.A.
Learn to create a general composition from different figures, distribute work, making collective efforts to fulfill the plan.
Develop skills in conveying the movement of plasticine figures.
To create in children an idea of ​​the diversity of animal species in Africa, their habits, and way of life;
Develop skills in sculpting plasticine figures by composing them from individual parts, which are connected by adhesive;
Learn to complement plasticine figures with parts made of plasticine of a different color, beads;
Develop teamwork skills that require coordination of plans to achieve a common result.
Type of lesson: thematic.
Basic didactic method: verbal, practical.
Partial methods and techniques: questions for children, individual work.
Preliminary work: Classes
Familiarization with the outside world: “This is how Africa is.”
Speech development: “Why does an elephant need a trunk?”
Fiction: “The Tale of R. Kipling “The Little Elephant.”
Development of elementary mathematical representations: “Journey to Africa. How to help a boa constrictor?
Paper construction: “Parrot”.
Drawing: “Cats of Prey.”
Modeling: “Lion Pride”,
Didactic games for getting to know Africa: “Choose a word”, “Yes - no”, “Come up with a sentence”, “Hunters”, “Radio”.
N.I. Sladkov Multi-colored earth. Desert.
Sandy house. Turtle. Who can do what? Talk about sands.
R. Kipling. Why does a camel have a hump? Where does a rhinoceros skin come from? Where did armadillos come from?
O.A. Skorolupova. Interesting Facts about animals of hot countries.
Material: plasticine of different colors, stacks, planks, beads, drawings of animals, audio recordings of calm music.
For Africa layout: natural and waste material, branches, dried leaves, etc.
Methodological literature:

O.A. Skorolupova. Activities with older children preschool age on the topic: “Fauna of hot countries.”

T.I.Grizik. The child discovers the world.

Children's encyclopedias: Animal world.

1. Conversation, questions and answers, explanation, explanation.

2. Individual work children, teamwork parents.

3. Pedagogical assessment.

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit in a semicircle, in front of them is a map of Africa and a globe. Children find the continent of Africa on a map and globe.

Questions for children:

What is Africa?

How many climate zones are there in Africa?

How many seasons are there in the desert?

What is the name of the great desert in Africa?

Why is the desert depicted in yellow?

Are there plants in the desert? How did they adapt to survive in hot climates?

How do plants get water?

What are islands with greenery called?

What animals are found in the desert?

How did a camel adapt to live in the desert?

How does a fennec escape from the heat?

Why is the jungle called the rain forest?

How many seasons are there in the jungle?

Is it easy to walk through the jungle?

Whose kingdom is the tropical forest?

What features has nature endowed the leopard with to successfully hunt?

Why does a leopard need spots?

How many seasons are there in the savannah?

What trees grow in the savanna?

What tree grows only in Africa?

What animals can be found in the savannah?

What structural features of cheetahs help them hunt?

Why does a cheetah need its spotted coloring?

How do lions hunt?

What is the name of the lion family?

How do stripes help zebras?

Do rhinoceros have enemies?

Why do elephants have a trunk?

Why does the steppe fox fennec have big ears?

That's how much interesting we learned about Africa. Now let's invite your parents and let's go make some animals of Africa, your parents will make a model of Africa.

Review the techniques for sculpting animals with your children.

Individual work of children and parents.

What a wonderful Africa we have! Well done!

Target: the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language and the development of coherent speech on the topic “Animals of hot countries.”


1. Correctional educational

activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic of the lesson; improving the skill of writing a story based on a series of pictures; forming a holistic impression of what is depicted in a series of pictures; improvement grammatical structure speech (formation of possessive adjectives); improving the skill of singing in an ensemble with the correct articulation of hissing and sonorous sounds;

2. Correctional and developmental

development of coherent speech, phonemic awareness, visual gnosis, logical thinking; skills of sound analysis of words;

3. Correctional and educational

formation of cooperation and interaction skills. Fostering goodwill, independence, initiative, and emotionality.


Didactic game“Who lives where”, Kinder surprise containers (according to the number of children), orange peels, a crossword puzzle on the topic, sheets for the development of fine motor skills with graphic images of animals from hot countries, a simple pencil, sound diagrams of words (giraffe, tiger, lion), pictures for the game “Whose? Whose? Whose" (sealed with self-adhesive paper), a series of plot pictures "Lion and Ball", a container with foam plastic with animal toys on the topic of the lesson, sentence diagrams.

1.1. Organizing time.

Development of skills of dividing words into syllables.

Children, guests have come to our lesson, say hello to them and introduce yourself.

-My name is Diana, my name has 3 syllables.

2. Didactic game “Who Lives Where”(standing near the table) Improving drafting skillscompound sentences with the conjunction a.

Take out the animal cards from the envelopes. Look who is pictured on them and determine where they live.

-The squirrel lives in the forest, and the rhinoceros lives in hot countries.

II. Report the topic of the lesson. Main part.

1. Game to form a nasal inhalation.

To determine which of these animals we will talk about, smell the boxes and determine their smell.

-It smells like oranges, which means we’ll be talking about animals in hot countries.

2. Development of logical thinking and skillsreading, writing stories and descriptions. Solving the crossword puzzle.

If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, then in the red cells you will read the name of another animal from hot countries.

1. Despite the strange appearance,
He's not used to hunting

There are two horns growing on the nose, you recognize...a rhinoceros

2. King of beasts- big cat
He growls a little out of anger.
He sleeps in the den, having eaten,
He wears a mane, a formidable... lion.

3. clumsy and big, He grazes under water. Filling its belly, the hippopotamus nibbles grass

4. She lives in Australia

For lunch he chews grass.

She has high growth, her tail serves as support,

She jumps on two legs,

He hides the baby in his pocket. (kangaroo)

What word is in the red cells?

What do you know about the elephant?

This is a very large animal gray. The elephant has a huge head with large ears and a long trunk, a powerful body, and thick legs.

Elephant children are baby elephants. The elephant feeds on plant leaves. People use it to transport goods.

Z. Work on the development of phonemic representations.

Take the leaves and name the animals depicted on them in a chain. Hippo camel gorilla elephant lion monkey kangaroo crocodile

Take a pencil and circle: girls - names of animals that have the sound [r], boys - with the sound [l].

Name the animals you circled. Which animal did both boys and girls circle?

6. Drawing up proposals according to a given scheme.

Take the animal out of the container and say: who did you find, add 2 characteristics to each animal.

I found a long-necked spotted giraffe (striped, frisky zebra, a large strong lion, a cheerful dexterous monkey, a predatory cunning lion, a huge fat-bellied hippopotamus)

Make a sentence about your animal using this scheme.

7. Singing “Giraffe”. Improving singing skills in an ensemble with correct articulation of hissing and sonorant sounds, development of phonemic concepts

So that the giraffe does not catch a cold,

When it's cold, a giraffe needs a scarf.

And the wife knits for the giraffe

Six scarves made of red yarn.

What sounds are most common in singing?

Name words with the sound (g).

8. 3-sound analysis of the word “giraffe”.

Development of skills of sound analysis, visual gnosis.

Go to the board and find the sound pattern for the word “giraffe.” Let's check your choice (characteristics of each sound).

9. Psycho-gymnastics “Monkey”. Education of emotionality.

Monkey loves to make faces -

Ready to tease everyone all the time! Like Bunny, she was wary, Like a fox, she pretended to be kind, Like a stupid Donkey, she was surprised, Like a prickly hedgehog, she got angry. Like a Mouse in a hole, she got scared. And how you guys laughed.

10. Examination of the series of pictures “Lion and Ball”, conversation on it.
Forming a holistic impression of what is depicted in a series of pictures.

Who do you see in the first picture? What they make?

We see two boys and their mother. They come to the store and buy new balls)

What do you see in the second picture?

A boy and his mother enter the zoo.

What is shown in the third picture?

The boys and mother stopped at the cage with the lion. Youngest child

carelessly threw the ball into the cage.

What did the artist draw in the following picture?

The lion put his paw on the ball and raised his head proudly, and the baby cried bitterly.

He realized that the lion would not give him the ball.

What do we see in the fifth picture?

Mom and the older boy explain to the boy that nothing should be thrown into animal cages and began to calm him down. But the boy continued to cry bitterly.

How did this story end? (Children name their options)

Mom took the children to the Neva embankment to see the famous stone lions.

She showed a stone lion and said: “The lion in the zoo really wants to be

similar to his famous relative." The kid looked at the lion and smiled.

11. Children's story based on a series of pictures.
Improving the skill of writing a story using a series of pictures.

Come up with names for boys. You can start a story with the word “Once upon a time..”

III. Final part.

Summarizing. Didactic game “Whose? Whose? Whose?"Improving the skills of forming possessive adjectives.

What eye did we talk about in class today? What tasks do you remember?

Well done, you did a good job. I have one last task left for you: the animals are hidden, but you can see their paws, tails, hooves. Tell me. What do you see.

I see a crocodile's tail, a monkey's head, an elephant's body, tiger paws, camel humps, a lion's head.

As a group, you will paint the animals and bring them to the next lesson.

teacher speech therapist MDOU No. 32


Mamykina T. Ya

Modeling and applique with children 6-7 years old. Class notes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Animals of hot countries”

Lesson 19. Young ostrich

(Modeling from plasticine in combination with other materials)

Program content. Continue to teach children to combine plasticine with other materials in crafts. Strengthen the ability to convey the proportional relationship and arrangement of parts. Develop the ability to connect parts by pressing them together. Learn to achieve expressiveness of the image. Strengthen children's ability to understand and analyze the content of a poem.

Demonstration material. Image of an ostrich.

Handout. Plasticine, ash wings, for each child three straws 5 cm long, stacks, rags, cardboard stands, boards for modeling.

Progress of the lesson Read the poem by S. Marshak to the children:

I am a young ostrich,

Arrogant and proud.

When I'm angry, I kick

Calloused and hard.

When I'm scared I run

Stretching your neck.

But I can't fly,

And I can't sing.

Ask the children:

– Who is this poem about? (About a young ostrich.)

– What does the poem say about the little ostrich? (The little ostrich is arrogant and proud, he can’t fly or sing, but he runs well.)

Look at the picture of an ostrich with your children and invite them to make this bird out of plasticine and additional material. To do this, you need to roll two balls - a medium one (torso) and a small one (head) and connect them with a straw. Attach two more straws to the bottom of the body - legs with plasticine balls “put on” the ends. Stick a lot of ash lionfish into the body of the ostrich, imitating feathers. Decorate the ostrich's head: pinch the beak, attach eye balls.

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 17. Uncle Misha (Modeling from plasticine in combination with natural materials) Program content. Teach children to depict a scene from a fairy tale using natural materials and plasticine. Continue to learn how to transmit proportional relationships

From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 18. Dymkovo horse (Clay modeling) Program content. Continue to introduce children to the art of Dymkovo masters, consolidate and deepen knowledge about Dymkovo toy. Learn to sculpt from life, conveying the shape, structure, size and

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Animals of cold countries” Lesson 20. Penguins (Modeling from plasticine. Team work) Program content. Continue teaching children how to sculpt from plasticine using the techniques previously learned. Develop the ability to convey proportional relationships

From the book Lepka with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 33. Unseen animal (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. Develop your imagination. Teach children to draw non-existent animals on their own. Strengthen the ability to draw with colored pencils in accordance with their

From the book Lepka with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 35. Chickens (Hatching with felt-tip pens) Program content. Continue learning how to create a story composition. Strengthen the ability to draw a silhouette of a chicken with a simple pencil without pressure. Strengthen the ability to fit a composition into

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Animals of hot countries” Lesson 37. Lion (Drawing with sanguine and gouache) Program content. Learn to draw an animal, observe body proportions. Strengthen the ability to write an image on a sheet. Practice drawing various materials(sanguine, gouache) in

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Animals of cold countries” Lesson 39. Fur seal (Gouache painting) Program content. Learn to draw on stone. Learn to give expressiveness to the drawing, achieving resemblance to the intended animal. Develop your imagination Creative skills. Fasten

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 20. Meeting of the fox and Kolobok (Poke with a hard semi-dry brush. Gouache) Program content. Teach children to create a story composition. Continue to teach how to convey the features of the depicted objects using a hard, semi-dry poke

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 20. Bunny (Modeling from plasticine using natural materials) Program content. Learn to combine natural material and modeling from plasticine. Practice the ability to connect parts by pressing them together. Encourage children

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 17. Turtle (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Learn to combine plasticine and natural materials in crafts. Develop speech, thinking, fine motor skills of fingers. Handouts. Half a shell walnut,

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 18. Ladder for a baby squirrel (Plasticine modeling) Program content. Strengthen children's ability to roll out columns and attach their ends to vertical columns. Create a desire to help those in need

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 37. Baby goat (Hatching “loop” with felt-tip pens) Program content. Continue to learn to outline the silhouette of an animal on four legs, conveying its pose and structure. Introduce a new method of image transmission -

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 17. Pig and kitten ( Colored paper. Collective application from prepared parts of an object) Program content. Teach children to compose a whole object from parts, carefully stick on appliqué parts; bring the product to

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 18. Hare (Colored paper. Collective application from prepared parts of the object) Program content. Teach children to assemble a whole object from parts and carefully stick them on; bring the product to the desired image by using

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Pets” Lesson 17. Baby goat (Finger painting. Gouache) Goal. Continue teaching children to draw dots with their fingers, placing them close to each other. Learn to analyze and understand the content of a poem. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Learn

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” Lesson 18. Hare in the snow (Pokes with a hard semi-dry brush. Gouache) Goal. Teach children to poke with a hard, semi-dry brush inside the outline. Develop the ability to listen to a nursery rhyme and imitate the movements of a hare along the text. Give an idea of ​​life

Summary of GCD In the preparatory school group "Animals of Hot Countries"

Romanova Svetlana Viktorovna
Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about animals of hot countries.
Educational: deepen and consolidate children's knowledge about animals of hot countries, activate children's vocabulary, teach them to coordinate nouns with numerals. learn to form the names of baby animals.
Educational: development of attention, memory, thinking;
Educational: instill a love for animals, develop the ability to listen to the teacher and peers.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher: Do you love to travel? Do you want to visit Africa? (Yes)
Then we hit the road.
Waves splash in the ocean:
What do we see in the fog?
These are ship masts
Let them sail here quickly! (Slide 1 Sea and ship)
The song is from the movie “Little Red Riding Hood” Composer (music) Alexey Rybnikov. Author of words (text) Yuliy Kim
So we sailed to Africa, look how Africa is marked on the map. (Slide 2 map of Africa)
Today I will be your guide and show you the animals that live in Africa. What animals of hot countries do you know?
Dyudyuka Vredina appears on the Screen with his song. (Slide 3)
Teacher: Guys, look what Dyudyuka did. She mixed up all the animals. Let's take a look and fix the mistakes. (Slide 4)
Interactive game “Correct the mistake”
Children tell what is depicted incorrectly, why they think so and correct the mistake. Well done.
Please tell me what you can call a giraffe if it has Long neck, then what is he?
If a hippopotamus has thick legs, what is it like?
If an elephant has big ears, what is it like?
If a crocodile has sharp teeth, what is it like?
If the elephant a long nose, then what is he?
If the monkey a long tail what is she like?
If a lion has a big mane, what is he like?
(Slide 5) Dyudyuka appears on the screen - “Everything will be fine, in my opinion,”
Teacher: Guys, look, Dudyuka has done some mischief again. She separated Mom and her babies. Can you help mothers find their babies?
Interactive game “Mom and babies”(Slide 6)
Teacher: let's count how many babies a kangaroo, elephant, tiger, lion have?
Game "Count - 1, 2, 5"
(Slide 7) Dyudyuka appears on the screen - “Everything will be fine, in my opinion,”
The interactive game “Whose Shadow” by Zlyuk Dyudyuk hid all the animals, try to guess the riddle and the animal will appear.
Game "Make a riddle"
This animal is big and fat. He has strong, thick legs and a huge mouth. It lives in water and swims well. (Hippopotamus) (Slide 8)
Now try to make a riddle. (Children make up descriptive riddles and choose the shadow of an animal)
Slide 8 the evil Dyudyuk gets angry and disappears.
Guys, we helped all the animals and the evil one disappeared, and now it’s time for us to go back.
Waves splash in the ocean:
What do we see in the fog?
These are ship masts
We'll be back soon!
Here we are at home, did you enjoy our trip? What did you like most? I also liked the way you handled the tasks. Well done!

Presentation on the topic: Travel to Africa