Japanese Asahi facial massage correct technique. Video: Original facial massage by Asahi by a Japanese woman. Contraindications for Japanese Asahi facial massage

Time inexorably leaves its traces on a woman’s face. The feeling of a youthful soul requires external conformity. Looking for effective ways In order to regain their youth, representatives of the fair sex are ready to conduct the most unexpected experiments on their appearance.

Japanese cosmetologists suggest not to panic, but to use a time-tested massage technique.

The Japanese technique is based on pressing on the points of the lymphatic system, resulting in an effect on skin cells, as well as muscles and facial bones.

Directed pressure increases the speed of lymph movement and accelerates elimination harmful products disintegration from cells, which leads to their renewal. Over time, a woman begins to look as if she has become 10 years younger.

Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan. Video with Russian translation. Part 1:

Japanese rejuvenating facial massage. Tanaka Yukuko

Japanese massage is a set of exercises to activate lymphatic drainage. The idea of ​​​​bringing back a forgotten technique belongs to a cosmetologist from Japan, Heroshi Hisashi.

Her compatriot stylist Tanaka Yukuko, added new elements to the technique, increasing the effectiveness of the procedure. Tanaka Yukuko is the author of the popular manual “Facial Massage” in Russia, published in 2007.

About efficiency Japanese massage Zogan Asahi can be judged by the appearance of its creator Yukuko Tanaka at the age of 62

  • swelling of the face is observed;
  • facial wrinkles have become pronounced;
  • became dull and loose skin faces;
  • requires rapid removal of toxins;
  • a double fold appeared under the chin.

Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage. Video in Russian

The procedure, carried out according to the Japanese Asahi method (another name for Zogan), activates lymphatic drainage.

Important! The main rule of the Asahi technique is to control the degree of pressure on the lymph nodes. With strong pressure they can be damaged, which will lead to long-term treatment.

To free the ducts for the movement of lymph and ensure the effect, you need to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin first. All you have to do is wash your face warm water With toilet soap or use a special cleanser.

Japanese lymphatic drainage massage Zogan ASAHI. Video with Russian translation. Part 2:

If in general this massage technique is painless, you should still be careful when applying pressure to the areas of the lymph nodes - these areas require delicate handling.

Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan. Russian voice acting video lessons:

If the massage is carried out independently, then before the procedure you need to study the anatomy and determine where the main groups of lymph nodes are located. These areas and lymph flow lines can be pressed with very little force.

Otherwise, the massage is carried out with a certain intensity and maximum confidence.

Japanese Zogan facial massage: massage aids

To ensure that the fingers glide well, the Zogan technique uses aids. In Japan, for these purposes there is special cream , but you can’t buy it in Russia.

You can replace it homemade mask from oatmeal or your usual cleanser. They do not clog pores, ensuring the free release of harmful substances.

Asahi facial massage: for whom it is contraindicated

Asahi massage specialists warn about existing contraindications. The procedure is not recommended if:

  • there is an inflammatory ENT disease;
  • presence of lymphatic system disorders;
  • started viral infection and there is a danger of its spread through the lymph;
  • available pathological manifestations on the face, including rosacea;
  • period of menstruation.

Also You need to carry out the procedure with caution if you feel severe physical fatigue. However, this condition is individual: for some, massage invigorates, and for others, it increases the loss of strength.

Also, if the face noticeably loses weight after several sessions, the procedure should be stopped.

Read the popular article in the category: Facial massage by Asahi Zogan. Video lessons of Japanese massage from Yukuko Tanaka 10 minutes in Russian. Reviews.

Japanese facial massage Zogan: technique – forehead, eyes, cheeks, chin, neck

Tanaka Yukuko suggests performing massage while the patient is standing or sitting position while maintaining a straight back. The massage lasts 10-15 minutes. If it becomes difficult to keep your back straight, you can lie down.

Each stage consists of targeted massaging movements performed with intense pressure, not causing pain and discomfort. Movements are performed by three working fingers - index, middle and ring fingers.

Asahi Zogan facial massage requires knowledge of anatomical features. If there are doubts that theoretical knowledge and practice are not enough to perform self-massage, then it is better to consult a specialist.

When massaging the face of Asahi Zogan, any exercise ends the same way. The so-called finishing movement is considered the main one. Without mastering it, it is impossible to achieve the desired effect, since it is precisely this that ensures an increase in the speed of lymph flow.

To perform this movement, you need:

  • With the entire length of three working fingers connected together, light pressure is applied to the points in the area of ​​the auricles where the lymph nodes are located;
  • pressure continues for 2 seconds;
  • while maintaining the intensity of pressure, the hands smoothly move towards the collarbones.

The procedure begins with treating the forehead area. The flow of lymph into this area helps reduce facial wrinkles by accelerating skin cell renewal processes.

Thin skin around the eyes most often suffers from swelling, which leads to deformation of the face shape. Massage promotes the outflow of fluid, smoothes the skin texture, increases the size of the eyes, and gives expressiveness and brightness to the look.

Massage helps to model the shape of the face, correct nasolabial folds, eliminate sagging cheeks, and reduce the subcutaneous layer of fat.

Japanese self-massage of the face Asahi Zogan: rules of self-massage

Self-massage is best done in front of a mirror to ensure that the exercises are performed correctly. The treatment of each area ends with a final movement.

Japanese self-massage facial massage in practice:


With your fingers joined together, press on the central point of your forehead, count to 3. Maintaining the intensity of the pressure, smoothly move your fingers to the temples, then down at a right angle, ending with the main movement.

Massage your forehead in a zigzag manner with one hand from left to right and back again. Perform the main movement on both sides simultaneously.

Cheekbones, cheeks, upper jaw

Make upward movements from the central point of the chin to the eye area, smoothly moving around the lips, stop at the point of the lower part of the eyes for 3 seconds, then move to the temples, finish the exercise. The pressure should be equal in intensity.

To tighten up bottom part cheeks, treat the face separately on each side. With your free hand, place emphasis on the jaw bone, with the other move diagonally from the point of the lower jaw to the bridge of the nose.

Stop for 3 seconds, smoothly move to the tragus, and complete the exercise correctly. Do 3 sets on each side.

To strengthen the muscles in the middle part of the face, press your fingers apart from your nose towards your temples. Finish with a finishing movement.

To eliminate sagging cheeks, massage from the middle of the lips from bottom to top. Connect your elbows and palms in front of you, open your palms and press the junction to your lips.

Press and move upward towards the nostrils, covering your cheeks with your palms. Pause with pressure, count to 3, continue moving your palms to your temples, finish with a final movement.

To shape the middle part of the cheeks and lip line, it is necessary to make movements with the base of folded palms from the center line of the chin to the tragus.

Smoothing nasolabial folds

To smooth out wrinkles, make sliding massage movements with pressure 5 times with your middle fingers from the wings of the nose in the direction up and back to the starting point. Then connect the second finger and perform smoothing movements from the nose towards the cheeks. Finish the exercise.

Use your thumbs to hold your chin, and use your other fingers to press and stretch the skin different sides. Pause for 3 seconds and finish the exercise correctly.

Eye area

First, use your middle fingers to find the points on outside eyes, move your fingers without pressing towards inner corners to the bridge of the nose. Pause, count to 3. Then apply pressure and move back under the brow line.

Returning to the starting position, count to 3 again. Make a repeated movement to the bridge of the nose without pressure, return to the starting point along bottom edge eye sockets, pause, perform the final movement.

Lip line correction

To lift the corners of your lips, you need to perform massage movements from bottom to top. To do this, place the working fingers of both hands, connected together, at the central point of the chin, apply moderate pressure and hold the pressure.

Continue upward, moving around your lips, applying moderate pressure. Fingers should meet over upper lip at the central point, which needs to be pressed for a few more seconds.

Chin massage

With the heel of one of your palms, apply pressure alternately from the central point under the chin to the tragus. Finish with a basic movement.

Following Asahi Zogan's Japanese facial massage technique will not only improve your general state, but it will also be possible to restore the lost youth of the facial skin

Japanese facial massage, self-massage: what not to do

When performing self-massage, you need to carefully monitor all changes in the skin. and respond to them. If visible problem areas appear on the skin, it is best to consult a doctor.

Important! Severe areas of rosacea are strictly prohibited from being massaged.

If after the first procedures pimples appear on the skin of the face, then the massage should be stopped until they disappear, and then the product used for the massage should be changed.

Noticeable loss of facial weight is also a signal to stop the massage. Undesirable consequences can be eliminated by reducing the pressure during the procedure.

Swelling after massage appears if used oily base. A similar effect is observed if the procedure is carried out in the evening. Try rescheduling the massage for the morning, and also replace the cream.

An insufficient amount aid makes it difficult for fingers to slide, so after the procedure the skin may lose elasticity.

Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage video: benefits, effect after massage

Japanese massage techniques are easy to learn. They do not require special equipment and allow you to perform massage at home.

Lymphatic Drainage Facial Massage Yukuko Tanaka or Japanese Facial Massage Asahi/Zogan:

Advantages of technology lymphatic drainage massage are that with its help you can achieve the following changes:

  • acceleration of metabolism and intensive removal of decay products from the body;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • eliminating excess fluid and reducing swelling;
  • restoration of intracellular mechanisms for maintaining elasticity;
  • smoothing and reducing wrinkles.

External improvement of the face becomes noticeable after several procedures. This is proof that rejuvenation is possible without surgery.

Zogan massage. Reviews from cosmetologists

The effectiveness of Japanese massage is confirmed by positive reviews from cosmetologists, which they share on numerous forums on the Internet.

Cosmetologists note that the effect is observed on all areas of the face. In the forehead area, expression wrinkles are reduced, the double chin disappears, the cheeks become thinner, and the face acquires clear contours.

Self-massage of the face ZOGAN (ASAHI) - reviews from a cosmetologist:

Many massage therapists say that the effect after the procedure is more noticeable than after injections. With the help of Japanese massage, it is possible to correct the line of the lips, lift drooping corners, and reduce the depth of the nasolabial folds.

There is also an opinion that Along with the rejuvenating effect, there is an improvement psycho-emotional state person. After the massage, patients feel rested and filled with positive energy.

Alena Sobol, Japanese facial massage for wrinkles video

In Russia, a popular massage technique is the author of which is Alena Sobol. The knowledge gained while living in Japan helped her improve already known techniques and adapt them for women of all ages.

Japanese Facial Massage - self-massage for the face, video lessons:

Alena Sobol demonstrates by her example the effect of self-massage and claims that rejuvenation is possible with regular massage.

Alena Sobol's Japanese massage is based on the Zogan technique, which combines hand pressure and lymphatic drainage techniques. As a result, facial muscles relax, excess fluid is removed and wrinkles disappear.

In general, the massage repeats all the exercises of the Zogan technique, but Alena gives general recommendations that allow you to effectively perform self-massage at home:

  • to achieve greater effect, repeat each exercise 5 times;
  • massage is carried out in courses of 10-20 sessions;
  • After mandatory cleansing of the skin, apply any cosmetic oil;
  • the facial muscles should be as relaxed as possible, painful sensations excluded;
  • Do not apply strong pressure to points in the area of ​​the lips, neck and eyes;
  • when pressing, do not stretch the skin;
  • carefully treat all main areas, except for the area of ​​the lymph nodes;
  • make massage movements along the lymph flow lines;
  • The massage instrument is the fingers - middle, ring and index; when performing some exercises, the thumbs and bases of the palms are used;
  • If necessary, the massage is carried out in the morning and evening; with one session a day, the procedure can be carried out both in the morning and in the evening.

If you massage every day for 10 minutes for a month, you can get a lifting effect comparable to a salon Botox injection or other hardware rejuvenating procedure.

Alena Sobol proposed a unique technique that provides a deep effect on the muscular frame of the face and active points. This is an effective remedy for solving the following problems:

  • puffiness and fine wrinkles under the eyes;
  • lack of tone in skin cells;
  • noticeable nasolabial folds;
  • unclear relief and oval contours of the face;
  • expression and age wrinkles;
  • manifestations of acne.

Important to remember! Contraindications to the procedure are the same as for Japanese Asahi massage.

You will definitely be interested to know what it is: alginate face mask and how it helps.

Japanese acupressure facial massage shiatsu

Shiatsu is a Japanese self-massage technique based on influencing vital points in order to restore the body. The technique became widespread in the middle of the 20th century and has not lost its relevance today.

It is simple and can be used independently at home. But salon procedure from a qualified craftsman is very expensive.

With the help of Shiatsu massage sessions, the energy balance in the body is restored, physical and mental resources are activated.

Advantages acupressure Shiatsu:

  • targeted impact helps to activate recovery processes, both in certain areas and throughout the body;
  • noticeable improvements after the first session;
  • used to treat headaches, lower back pain, back pain, diarrhea, constipation, stress conditions;
  • massage relieves emotional tension, helps to smooth out stressful conditions, brings peace and peace of mind.

Shiatsu acupressure is contraindicated if available:

  • vascular diseases with manifestations of hematoma;
  • tuberculosis at stages 3 and 4;
  • skin neoplasms;
  • infectious diseases;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • skin diseases and allergic reactions;
  • requiring surgical treatment musculoskeletal disorders;
  • open wounds on the skin.

Features of preparation for the procedure:

On the first preparatory stage you need to cleanse your facial skin with any means, you can also use herbal infusions or soft natural scrubs;

For greater effect, apply moisturizer or vitamin cream to the prepared face.

Basic rules of Shiatsu that you need to follow when performing a massage yourself:

  • Pressing should be done with the middle and index ring fingers connected together, sometimes including the thumbs in the work;
  • pressure is applied with such force that slight pain is felt;
  • Movements during massage should be light and leisurely, pressure should be directed strictly at a right angle, preventing stretching and displacement of the skin;
  • pressure time - from 5 to 7 seconds depending on the thickness of the skin;
  • During each massage session, points are selected depending on the purpose and desired result.

Note! It is enough to apply intensive pressure on each pair of main points for 5-7 seconds every morning for 15 minutes so that your face takes on a fresh and healthy appearance.

There are many active points on the human body that are responsible for important body functions. But if Shiatsu massage is used for the purpose of rejuvenation and achieving a lifting effect, then three main points are used:

1. Royal Tenyo Point– to get rid of swelling on the face and neck, to even out the tone of the face.

2. Koryeo Royal Point– to tighten the facial contour and smooth out wrinkles.

3. Royal Point Sokkoko– for a visible skin tightening effect.

Japanese facial massage Kobido

The Kobido massage technique, which also came from Japan, is another alternative to expensive anti-aging salon procedures.

With constant use of this technique, you can achieve a noticeable anti-aging effect based on skin restoration at the cellular level.

The effect of massage using the Kobido technique is contained in its name: translated from Japanese - “image of beauty”.

The technique was intended for geishas to maintain youth and bloom appearance. The massage consists of pinching, kneading, rubbing and stroking the skin. But you need to be careful so that the subcutaneous epithelium is not damaged as a result.

The creators of the Kobido massage technique claim that there are lines on the human body that are responsible for the functioning of internal organs.

By massaging these lines, the work of organs is activated and metabolism is accelerated. This promotes the rapid removal of waste products from the body.

Immediately after the first session, skin cells begin to actively produce collagen and elastin, which increases skin elasticity and visibly tightens facial contours.

Stages of the procedure


During preparation, the face is cleansed, warmed up, and treated with a scrub to remove dead skin particles and fat. Then moisturizer is applied.

2. Active.

First, a warm-up is carried out using circular movements made with the fingertips. Then apply pressure with your fingertips while gently moving the skin. After the entire face has been treated, massage begins along the main lines.

Like any procedure, Kobido massage has contraindications: rehabilitation period after cosmetic surgery, cervical spine injury, pregnancy and various infections.

Japanese facial massage techniques can be used by women of all ages. For young skin, this is an excellent remedy for maintaining a healthy and blooming appearance, and for mature skin– a way to get rid of early age-related changes.

Japanese Kobido massage - a unique Kobido technique:

Japanese facial massage for wrinkles ZOGAN(translated as “Creating a Face”) has ancient Japanese roots. She revived the Zogan massage and introduced the popular Japanese beauty expert to her contemporaries Yukuko Tanaka(Yukuko Tanaka). Over the course of several recent years This massage technique is of continuing interest to women of all ages. Yukuko Tanaka described Zogan in the book “Facial Massage” (Yukuko Tanaka’s Face Massage) and published a series of video lessons teaching Zogan massage. In Russia, Zogan facial massage from Yukuko Tanaka is often called " Asahi massage".

In addition to the already famous Zogan massage, Yukuko Tanaka introduced new Zogan / Asahi 2 massage techniques, specially selected for different ages And various types faces ( thin, flat, round, square).

Self-massage, which is easy to learn, gives noticeable rejuvenating effect: wrinkles are reduced, the skin becomes elastic, firm and smooth, the oval of the face is harmonized and tightened, swelling and bags under the eyes are removed. The anti-aging effect is achieved by influencing the magical “beauty points”.

Conventionally, Zogan self-massage (Tsogan / Asahi), often called magical, includes two components:

  1. Lymphatic massage helps accelerate the removal of toxins, improves tissue nutrition and removes excess fluid from them. These unnecessary products cause swelling and grey colour faces that are one of the signs of facial aging.
  2. Deep facial muscle massage, including techniques manual therapy, relaxes the facial muscles, has a beneficial effect on the skin and blood vessels of the face, helps strengthen and improve them, and helps tighten the oval of the face.

The massage revitalizes and awakens the energy of the facial muscles. The face comes to life and acquires youth.

Tsogan/Asahi massage It is performed using force, but it should not be done very harshly. Particular care must be taken in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Emerging painful sensations are a sign that the massage is being performed too harshly. At the same time, you should not be afraid that the skin will stretch and new wrinkles will appear from the impact on the deep tissues of the face.

Additional impact on the active points of the face after Zogan massage consolidates the “face-up” face lifting effect.

Performing Zogan rejuvenating massage for 3 minutes daily will make you look 10 years younger.

Yukuko Tanaka's recommendations for performing Zogan rejuvenating self-massage:

    • Mandatory pre-cleansing of facial skin
    • You need to perform the massage using special cosmetic cream (makeup remover milk is also suitable)
    • First examine the location of the lymph nodes; you should massage the lymph system carefully, without strong pressure and do not put pressure on the lymph nodes themselves.
    • It is recommended to complete all exercises with a soft final movement along the lateral contours of the face from the parotid lymph nodes, then along the neck almost to the collarbones. Better this technique, as well as the Zogan massage technique itself, you have the opportunity to study video lessons Yukuko Tanaka.

The main rule of self-massage of the face ZOGAN (Tsogan) from Yukuko Tanaka: stroking the skin along the lymphatic pathways - from the periphery to the center. Do not press, do not massage the lymph nodes themselves, just stroke the lymph flow paths with light effort- It's enough.

Lymph nodes on the face and neck - Diagram

Here's how the major lymph nodes are located in the face and neck.

Contraindications for lymphatic massage

    • inflammation or disease of the facial skin;
    • diseases of the lymphatic system;
    • ENT diseases;
    • bad feeling;
    • rosacea (massage techniques in the cheek area should be excluded).

WARNING: Those who have a THIN FACE, with a small amount of fat on the face, with sunken cheeks, need to massage very carefully, working mainly top part face, in order to avoid even more facial weight loss. Use special equipment massage for thin face- Asahi 2. BE SURE to read the page Asahi Facial Massage - Reviews, rules, problems, solutions. This will help you avoid unwanted problems associated with excessive facial weight loss.

Online video of facial massage ZOGAN / Tsogan / Asahi

Below is a video teaching the technique of performing Japanese facial massage ZOGAN (Tsogan / Asahi). Yukuko Tanaka demonstrates massage techniques. Explanations are given at English language, understandable to many, unlike Japanese.

Watch online training video lesson Japanese facial massage ZOGAN(Tsogan / Asahi) Yukuko Tanaka with Russian translation- part 1

Adherents claim that Asahi massage is extremely effective technique :

* face straightens right before our eyes,

*skin appears younger for 7 years,

* the structure of connective tissue is noticeably improved.

From the above advantages it is clear that this is a multifunctional massage, since it affects

* skull bones, returning them correct position;

* connective tissue and deep facial muscles, awakening them (no more weak and flaccid muscles);

* skin, smoothing wrinkles;

* plus for the most important energy channels(after all, this is an energetic practice), opening and cleansing them, which revitalizes the entire body as a whole.

Since massage affects the bones of the skull, it is clear that it cannot be simple stroking. After all, if you want to put the bones in place, then you need deep and careful study.

By the way, if you decide to straighten your face, namely, set the bones of the skull, then you don’t have to go far, I mean, to Japan. It’s enough to look into the past, because our Slavic ancestors also engaged in straightening bones and called this action “editing.”

With the help of Asahi massage, we also train both superficial and deep facial muscles, giving them vital exercise. Naturally, this increases their tone, which means it gives a tightening effect, plus blood circulation improves.

However no need to overdo it- You shouldn't feel pain! Asahi self-massage should be performed delicately and carefully. In the area of ​​the lymph nodes - quite slowly, and on the rest of the face - energetically.

Asahi massage is a lymphatic drainage massage, so before starting it is necessary to clean the ducts through which the lymph flows. That is, to you mandatory requirement There will be a thorough cleansing of the facial skin!

Like everywhere else, Japanese massage also has its own contraindications. This is a general malaise, diseases of the lymphatic system, any problems and diseases of the head in general and the face in particular.

Massage is done with foam, gel or massage oil. Although in the original it is made using a specially developed composition (cosmetic cream with cotton). But, again, you can use our native folk remedies - oat milk, for example. Soak 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in milk for a short time. Then squeeze the milk into a cup (you can use nylon stocking). And this oat milk We are already applying it to the face.

Body position during massage:

* Japanese - standing or sitting with perfectly straight posture throughout the entire ritual;

* European - lying down (it has been noticed that the smoothing effect is better, since the muscles relax much more strongly).

As already mentioned, this is a lymphatic drainage massage. That's why in no case don't start it yet study the diagram of lymph nodes on the face and neck so as not to harm yourself.

Strict rule Japanese Asahi massage: massage the lymphatic system carefully and carefully, adjusting the pressure along the lymph flow, but without putting pressure on the lymph nodes themselves.

I note that the result will only be if you are doing a massage daily And Right. It will take approximately 7-10 minutes.

So, if you are not ready to take care of yourself every day, first study all the intricacies of the Asahi massage itself and, most importantly, the structure of the lymphatic system. Then don't waste your time - this technique is not for you. Well, or go to a professional massage therapist. Just make sure you are professional first. After all, the most important thing in health is DO NOT HARM!

And if you are not afraid of difficulties, then feel free to master, apply and get your stunning results.

Asahi massage movements are carried out from the center of the face to the lymph nodes.

Diagram of the lymphatic system of the face

The result will only be if you massage daily and correctly.
This massage will take you 7-10 minutes a day.

Before starting the massage, The facial skin must be cleansed and a cream (or oil mixture) applied.

CONTRAINDICATIONS for massage are: diseases of the lymphatic system, ENT diseases (especially inflamed tonsils), diseases of the facial skin. It is also not recommended to perform a massage if you feel sick (even during a normal runny nose).

Exercise 1. Strengthening the forehead

Press your index, middle and ring fingers both palms flat to the center of the forehead. Count to 3 and apply slight pressure to your temples. Turn your palms 90 degrees down and, reducing the force of impact, move them along the sides of your face to your ears, then, from your ears - perform the finishing movement to the pits on the collarbones, driving lymph away from the face.

Exercise 2. Strengthening the eye area. Preventing puffiness around the eyes

A. Raise your hands to your face, spreading your elbows out to the sides parallel to the floor. Place the pads of your middle fingers at the outer corners of the eyes and lightly, without pressure, move them to the inner corners of the eyes, going around the corners themselves (both internal and external - the Japanese call them the “head” and “tail” of the eyes). Stop at the so-called beauty spots. From them, with sufficient pressure, “describe” the hemisphere along top edge orbital bone to the outer corners of the eyes (which go around again) and stop for 3 seconds at the temples. Then, again lightly touching the skin, “complete” the circle under the lower eyelid again to the inner corners of the eyes, to the beauty points.

B. From them, again, with some effort, move along the infraorbital bone in the opposite direction, to the outer corner of the orbital socket. Hold near the outer corner of your eye for 3 seconds, applying gentle pressure to the points under your index and middle fingers.

Then continue moving your hands towards your temples. Having fixed the points at the temples for 3 seconds, without pressing, walk the route to the lymph node at the tragus of the ear, and from there perform final move, described above.

Exercise 3. Strengthening the mouth and chin area and lifting the corners of the lips

Place the middle and ring fingers of each hand in the hollow in the center of your chin. For 3 seconds, hold the point with your fingers, pressing on it with some force. Then, maintaining pressure, curl your fingers around the corners of your lips on both sides and connect your fingers at the center point above the upper lip. Press these points again with your fingers, trying to lift the nasal septum with your ring fingers. Keep pressure on these points for 3 seconds.

Sharply lift your fingers from the hollow above the upper lip, and without performing the finishing move, transfer them again to the hollow in the center of the chin.

Exercise 4. Strengthening muscles and eliminating nasolabial folds.

Immediately after completing exercise 3, smoothly move your fingers into the upper depressions of the wings of the nose and make 5 pressing movements down and up, as if you were drawing small figure eights on both sides directly around the wings of the nose. Then, removing the pressure, but without removing your fingers from the skin, smoothly move your middle and ring fingers to the upper part of the bridge of the nose and make 2-3 stretching movements from the central axis of the nose to the naso-cheek fold and back (from the eyes to the cheeks with force, back to nose - loosening the pressure).

Having completed the exercise, press your hands towards the tragus of your ears and perform the finishing move.

Exercise 5. Osteopathic exercise for the cheeks. Raising the corners of the mouth, upper jaw and zygomatic bone

Press the middle three fingers of your hands against the hollow in the center of the chin, as in exercise 3. Pressing quite firmly on the skin, muscles and bones, go around the corners of the mouth on both sides, and “dig” your fingers into the bone of the upper jaw near the nostrils, which should feel like “implanted” on the fingertips.

Squeezing until you feel a slight pain and lifting the jaw up, “reach” your fingers to the cheekbone, then, without stopping, move your fingers further, to the very eyes. Stay for 3 seconds near the eyes, continuing to apply pressure to the skin. Then, spread your fingers to the temples, from there, reducing the pressure and reaching the tragus of the ears, perform the finishing move.

Exercise 6. Strengthening the lower part of the face and lifting the cheeks (zigzag)

The exercise is performed separately for each side of the face.

Fix one side of your face to increase resistance, resting the center of your palm on the lower jaw bone. On the other side of the face, with an effort, dive three fingers of your hand from the beginning of the masticatory muscle (picture on the right), and with very strong pressure, move your fingers along the masticatory muscle, towards the eyes. Continuing strong pressure, linger at the eyes for 3 seconds, then, easing the pressure, move your fingers to the tragus of the ears and perform the finishing move.

Exercise 7. Strengthening the middle part of the face. Elimination of nasolabial folds

This exercise must be performed after the previous one, in exactly this sequence.

Spread your elbows to the sides and place your fingers horizontally on your cheeks so that they “grab” the cheekbone. You can do the exercise as in the picture on the left, folding your hands into a fist and working with the outer side index fingers. Squeezing your nostrils tightly, forcefully move your fingers to the sides, towards the tragus of your ears, and perform the finishing move.

Exercise 8. Osteopathic exercise. Face lift

The position from which we will begin this exercise is slightly different from the picture on the left. Bring your hands together in front of you at chest level so that your forearms and palms are connected, palms vertical, fingertips pointing upward. Then spread your palms upward, almost at an angle of 90 degrees, like the wings of a bird. Place your palms under your chin, press on your chin, which should overcome resistance, for 3 seconds. Then forcefully lift your still-spaced palms up your face. The thumbs then pass along the shell of the ears. The next step is the cheekbones, which should “lie” in your palms, which continue to press hard on your face. As if springing your cheeks with your palms, as if you were “throwing” your cheeks up.

From the cheekbones, pressing with the bases of your palms, spread your hands to your temples along the trajectory shown in the figure. Then lower your hands to the tragus of your ears and perform the finishing move.

Exercise 9. Correction of the oval of the face. Straightening the right angle between the neck and chin

Place the heel of one hand under your chin, fingers pointing toward your ear. It is important to capture not only the jaw bone, but also the muscles located directly under the chin. With noticeable pressure, raise your palm to the tragus of the ear, from which perform the finishing move. Do the same action with your other hand on the other side of your face.

Exercise 10. Elimination of a double chin

Place your palms in front of your face in a “prayer” position, with your thumbs pointing toward your neck at a 90-degree angle from the rest of your fingers. Then spread your palms in a diamond shape, place your index fingers to your face so that your chin lies in the resulting angle. Hide your nose between your palms. Stick your thumbs into the neck under the chin. In the upper area of ​​the face, place emphasis on the index finger.

Folded this way thumbs massage and knead the area directly under the center of the chin by “stomping” there with your thumbs. Do not "slide" out of this area with your thumbs. After this, forcefully move the remaining fingers of your hands in the upper part of your face to your temples, index fingers walking with effort along the infraorbital area. Then perform the finishing move.

Exercise 11. Zigzag smoothing of the forehead

Spread your elbows out to the sides, parallel to the floor. Using the fingers of one hand, gently smooth your forehead from right to left from one temple to the other in a zigzag motion, without trying to move the skin, then make the same movements in the opposite direction. After this, smooth your forehead with both hands, making horizontal pressing smoothing movements, as in the first exercise, and then perform the finishing move.

Asahi (Zogan) – ancient massage persons originally from Japan.

Asahi massage is currently causing close attention in female representatives.

Thanks to Yukuko Tanaka, a beauty expert from the Land of the Rising Sun, who revived this procedure in modern times, Zogan massage gathers entire armies of admirers of different ages and all over the world.

Easy to learn and perform independently, massage, according to numerous praising reviews, noticeably refreshes the skin of the face.

With this procedure, wrinkles become smaller, the skin becomes more elastic, the facial contour becomes clearer, and swelling under the eyes decreases or disappears altogether.

This result is achieved due to the impact on the so-called "points of beauty".

Don’t know how to do Japanese facial massage Sakhi (Zogan)?

In this article you will find everything necessary recommendations.

Self-massage Asahi (Zogan) comes in two types:

1. Lymphatic– helps speed up the release of toxins, improves the nutrition of skin tissue and its removal of excess moisture. Signs of aging, such as puffiness and a grayish complexion, appear precisely because of toxins and excess moisture.

2. Deep muscle massage– contains methods of manual therapy. This self-massage helps to relax the facial muscles, has a positive effect on blood vessels and skin tissue, makes them stronger and healthier, and also tightens the facial contour.

The benefits of Japanese facial massage are undeniable. It is truly a unique procedure. Massage affects not only the skin, but also bones and muscles. Not every salon procedure will give you a similar effect. The skin needs daily exercise so that the muscles do not sag and become flabby. Therefore, do not be alarmed by the fact that massage requires intense movements.

The Japanese Asahi or Zogan massage technique helps cleanse and open the channels, as well as awaken the facial skin. Thanks to such procedures your skin will be more elastic and soft. A significant advantage is that massage can be performed by absolutely any woman independently and at home. In addition, no additional attributes are required. All you need directly for the massage itself is your hands.

How is Japanese facial massage Asahi (Zogan) done? When performing it, force is required, but not excessive. Particular care should be taken near lymph nodes. If pain occurs during a massage, this is a sign that the impact is too harsh. At the same time, there is no need to worry about the appearance of new wrinkles and stretching of the skin. Daily self-execution Zogan massage for 3 minutes will help every woman look several years younger.

It is important to remember that face requires careful treatment. Any, even the most simple steps, are capable of causing discomfort. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to perform Asahi (Zogan) massage according to the rules and not neglect the recommendations of specialists.

How to properly do Japanese facial massage Asahi (Zogan)

Follow the basic rule: perform stroking movements in the direction of the lymphatic pathways - from their periphery to the middle. You can’t put pressure on the lymph nodes; you can only stroke the lymph flow paths with a little constant effort. Therefore, before performing self-massage in mandatory it is necessary to study the location of the lymph nodes. Trying to do better, you may accidentally harm yourself.

Basic rules for performing massage:

1. Before the procedure, it is imperative to cleanse the skin of the face and neck. Use a scrub or peeling for this. This way you will clean the ducts through which lymph flows. Because of daily use scrub is prohibited, use it 1, maximum 2 times a week. On other days, cleanse your face and neck with a toner or a special roller.

2. The base for massage must be applied in sufficient volume. Sliding your hands over the skin should occur without difficulty. The basis for the massage can be: cosmetic cream (as recommended by expert Tanaka), milk or gel for washing, oat milk, kelp milk, flaxseed broth, flaxseed, olive, castor, grape or other oil, water (preferably mineral) with a few drops oils

3. After the massage, be sure to thoroughly cleanse the skin. During the procedure, toxins are produced, which need to be washed off from the facial and neck skin.

Asahi massage technique (Zogan)

In what position to do Japanese facial massage Asahi (Zogan) you must choose yourself. Yukuko Tanaka advises sitting or standing while performing it. In this case, your posture should be straight, and your head should not rest on the wall or the back of a chair.

The massage contains 11 steps, which must be performed in the specified order.

1. Forehead– start movements from the center of the forehead. For 3 seconds, 3 fingers should freeze in the middle, and then move to the temples with sufficient force. Then press back side palms to forehead and move it towards auricle. Finish the exercise by moving your fingers along the sides of your face and neck up to your collarbone. Almost every exercise will end this way (except for the third).

2. Eyes– lightly touch with your fingertips, starting from the outer corner of the eye and ending with the inner. Do two of these movements. First along the border of the lower eyelid, then the upper. Between this, stop your fingers for 3 seconds at your temples. Make light movements on top, and with slight reinforcement below. Then move from the temple to the lymph node at the convex cartilage in the middle of the ear. Complete the exercise in the above manner.

3. Mouth, corners of lips and chin– press the hollow of the chin with the pads of your fingers and freeze for 3 seconds. Then, using gentle pressure, move your fingers upward until they meet in the hollow above your lips. Do not touch the corners with your fingers. Then, with sharp movements, return your fingers to their original place.

4. Nasolabial folds– move your fingers with the necessary force from the pits near the nostrils down 5 times. After this, move the pads fingers light movement towards the bridge of the nose. Near it, the fingers move from the edge and back 3 times. During the reverse movement, the force should be weaker. Then move your fingers back toward the prominent cartilage in the center of your ear. Complete the exercise.

5. Cheeks– forcefully stroke the area around the corners of the mouth with your fingertips, and then move them towards the upper jaw. Then move to the eyes and stop for 3 seconds. Next, relax your efforts and move the pads to the temple and bring them to the protruding ear cartilage. Complete the exercise.

6. Face oval– rest your palm on the lower jaw, thereby fixing the cheek. Move two fingers along the other cheek diagonally from the masseter muscle to the eyes. After 3 seconds, release the pressure and move towards the protruding ear cartilage. Finish.

7. A-zone wrinkles– place 3 fingers horizontally on the cheekbones, squeeze the nostrils forcefully and move the fingers to the tragus of the ears. Complete the exercise.

8. Lifting– fold your hands, palms inward, at chest level. Turn them horizontally and place your chin on top. Press your chin with your hands for 3 seconds. Next, move your hands over your face, running your fingers along the shells of your ears. Place your palms on your cheekbones. After this, forcefully move your palms towards your temples and towards the cartilage in the center of the ear. Finish the exercise.

9. Chin– Place it on the base of your palm. Point your fingers towards your ear. Move your palm forcefully towards the cartilage in the center of the ear. Finish the exercise. Repeat on the other side and complete as well.

10. Double chin– fold your palms near your face. Move your thumbs towards your neck (at a right angle). Open your palms so that your fingers form a diamond shape. Press your index fingers to your face. With the large one, massage the bottom of your chin. Extend the remaining fingers to the temples, running them along lower eyelid. Finish the exercise.

11. Forehead wrinkles– spread your elbows to the sides, gently stroke your forehead with the fingers of your left hand in the direction from one temple to the other (zigzag). Then repeat the beginning of exercise 1 with both hands. Complete.

Perform Japanese Asahi (Zogan) facial massage regularly. Repeat each exercise three times.


1. Skin disease of the face or neck

2. Inflammation

3. Disease of the lymphatic system

4. ENT disease

5. Cuperosis

6. Feeling unwell.

After you do the Asahi (Zogan) Japanese facial massage, you may experience some problems for one reason or another. Let's sort it out possible options and solutions.

1. Pimples and other rashes– first, determine whether this is related to self-massage. Most often, a rash after a Zogan massage appears in the area of ​​the lymphatic tract. In this case, stop performing the massage until you eliminate this question. Otherwise, you risk spreading acne further. Try changing the massage base to suit your skin type. And don't forget to cleanse your face properly after exercise.

2. Severe facial weight loss– do the Japanese Asahi (Zogan) massage carefully if you have sunken cheeks and a small amount of muscle fat. Work only on the top of your face to avoid more weight loss. You should also reduce the number of procedures performed or perform them in courses.

3. Swelling of the face in the morning– do not massage before bedtime, best time for him it is morning. Also try changing the massage base.

4. Reduction of tugor, exhausted facial skin - make sure that the massage is performed correctly and that all the above recommendations are followed. Apply more foundation to your skin as you massage.

5. Cuperosis– in this case, approach the massage with greater caution. Avoid massage exercises that place pressure on the skin of the cheeks. Or ease up on the problem area. Use a cream with hesperedin, which will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce spider veins. Do facial exercises. Be sure to consult a doctor, as vascular disease is serious.

If you want to improve the condition of your face and neck and look several years younger, but do not know how to do Japanese Asahi (Zogan) massage, then this article will help you. Follow all recommendations and rules to avoid possible problems. This technique will delight you with an anti-aging effect, revitalize and smooth your face, tighten your contour and make your skin more elastic.

Japan is the country that gave the world samurai, sumo, sushi, anime and, of course, Asahi. Asahi means "the sun that rises in the morning." This is how the name of facial massage is translated from Japanese.

This self-massage technique has been known in Japan for a long time, but the Asahi technique gained worldwide popularity only a few years ago.

The main feature is the rigidity of manipulation. The master affects not only the skin, but also deep muscle tissue and bones.

The impact on the bones returns them to their correct position, making the facial contour clear. Massage of facial muscles helps to relax and strengthen them, improves the outflow of blood and lymph.

The Asahi technique allows you to massage yourself at home.

Also in the technique of performing Japanese facial massage, Asahi is given Special attention lymphatic lines. Thanks to this, excess toxins are eliminated, the nutrition of muscle tissue is improved and unnecessary fluid is removed.

Rules for the procedure

  1. Clean skin. This is the most important and undeniable condition for a massage. You need to cleanse your skin carefully and thoroughly.
  2. Usage natural oils or cream. In Japan, special milk is available for sale; our women can use regular milk. olive oil. You can also choose suitable oil taking into account individual characteristics, based on the ancient knowledge of Ayurveda.
  3. The time for the massage is morning. It is the morning that is a fertile time for influencing the lymphatic and other systems.
  4. The movements must be performed either with the index and middle fingers, or with the middle and ring fingers. Massaging the cheek area is best done with the palms (base of the thumb).
  5. All manipulations must be carried out with a certain pressure on the massaged areas. An exception is made for areas where lymph nodes are located. In these areas, the pressure must be reduced.
  6. It is important to end the massage of each area of ​​the face with a special movement.

Asahi facial massage technique

The technique for performing this type of procedure differs from the area of ​​influence. Let's look at everything in order.

Forehead area

To begin, you need to place three fingers on your forehead. The palms should be horizontal. Then, remembering to press, you need to move your fingers to your temples.

Having reached the temples, we turn our fingers 90 degrees and move them to the collarbone. When the fingers move towards the neck, the pressure must be released.

Eye area

The starting point is the outer corner of the eye. Using your middle fingers, without pressure, make a semicircle along the lower border of the eye towards the bridge of the nose (it is important not to reach the inner corner).

Having finished the movement at the temples, you need to stop for a few seconds. After this, without pressing, we return back, but along the lower border. And again we do the same in the opposite direction.

At the temples we stop again for a few seconds and move towards the ear, where the lymph node is located.

Chin and mouth area

Nameless and middle finger it is necessary to press it to the dimple located on the chin. Then run your fingers around your lips, finishing in the hollow above your upper lip.

In this case, within 3 seconds you need to try to lift the bridge of your nose. After this, you need to sharply remove your fingers and place them at the original point on the chin.

Nasolabial triangle

Using the index and middle fingers at the base of the wings of the nose, we make movements, as if drawing the number “8”. You need to do this about 5 times. Then we place our fingers on the bridge of the nose, making movements from it and towards it.

By moving your fingers away from the bridge of your nose, the pressure needs to be released. Finally, we move our fingers to the ear. Then we make the final movement.

Cheek area

When doing self-massage of the face using the Asahi technology in the cheek area, you need to start the exercise from the chin. Then the fingers should be moved from the chin to the depressions under the nostrils, while making a circular movement around the lips.

Zig-zag in the cheek area

On the right or left side, you need to fix the cheek with your hand. On the other hand, with two fingers you need to draw an imaginary line from the base of the masticatory muscle to the eye diagonally.

A visual video with Russian dubbing on how to properly perform Japanese facial massage Asahi.

Then from the eye to the temple. The last one is the final reverse movement. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Cheek area and nasolabial triangle

Three fingers must be placed on the cheekbones, then squeeze the nostrils with force. Then move your fingers towards your ear, finishing the exercise with a final movement.


First, you need to fold your hands in front of you. Hands should be positioned symmetrically. Then the palms need to be opened at right angles. Place your chin on your palm and press on it for 3 seconds.

Then we move our palms over the face so that we can run our thumbs along the shell of the ear. As a result, your palms should rest on your cheekbones. Upon completion, we move our hands to our temples and finish the exercise as usual.

Face oval

Place your chin on your palm. In this case, the fingers should be positioned towards the ear. Then we make a movement from the chin to the ear, not forgetting to press. We complete the exercise with the usual movement.

Double chin area

First you need to fold your palms in front of your face, with your thumbs pointed away. Then we “hide” our face in our palms.

This should be done so that the chin rests on the spread thumbs.

In this case, you need to make massage movements under the chin with your thumbs.

Then we spread our palms towards the temples, running our index fingers along the lower border of the eye.

Forehead area

We fold our hands in front of our face. Your forearms should be parallel to the floor. Then, alternately, with the fingers of each hand, we perform movements from temple to temple. After this, as in exercise No. 1, we perform movements with both hands.

Problems you may encounter

Acne may appear during the procedure. First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the rash. This may be due to menstrual cycle or allergies.

If, after all, the reason is related to Asahi massage, then you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • stop the procedure until the rash disappears completely,
  • change the massage product,
  • After finishing the massage, rinse off any remaining product more thoroughly.
In addition, during a massage course, the problem of excessive facial weight loss may arise. In this case, the face will look haggard and tired.

This problem may occur in people with a certain type face: firstly, with a small volume of muscle and fat tissue, and secondly, with sunken cheeks. Steps to prevent and resolve this issue:

  • use of special techniques for of this type faces,
  • reduction in the number of procedures,
  • carry out manipulations without pressure,
  • if the problem worsens, stop the massage,
  • perform exercises to strengthen your facial muscles.

Another one possible problem- this is swelling. Here you need to follow the following tips:

  • change the time of the procedure from evening to morning,
  • do not use oil base for massage.

Contraindications to the use of massage

Like any other effect on the human body, Japanese Asahi massage has its contraindications, which include:

  1. Dermatological problems;
  2. Inflammation or swelling of the lymph nodes;
  3. ARVI, otitis media (runny nose, red throat, etc.);
  4. Migraine;
  5. Closely located blood vessels on the face;
  6. Menstrual bleeding;
  7. Bad mood or feeling unwell.

Expected Result

Asahi facial massage is the most effective method rejuvenation

Therefore, we can safely say that after several procedures the number of age and expression wrinkles will noticeably decrease, puffiness will go away, and bags under the eyes will disappear.

Also, the lifting effect will not go unnoticed. Numerous reviews of girls, after using Asahi facial massage, note a noticeable face lift.

The muscles will become elastic, and accordingly the facial contour will become clearer. Numerous people talk about this positive reviews women and girls who have experienced this miraculous technique. Don’t forget about the good mood that will be provided by external beauty.