Happy wedding day 15 years together. Congratulations on the Crystal wedding (15 years of marriage)

15 years life together
It's already a long time.
All past mistakes
This is a good lesson for you.

Congratulations on round date
you and all your family
Live the life you are rich
15 years at stake!

Health, happiness and success
Let there be more laughter in the family
Smile. Great joy
And today is such a holiday!

wedding, wedding,
rings, rings,
Remember 15 years ago
Everyone was happy to marry you!

During this period you have experienced a lot
You had everything, both care and anxiety,
And joys and sorrows
But you managed to pass this path with dignity.

We want to wish you a well-aimed aspiration,
Keep the family strong
Success, good luck in all matters,
Live long in happy deeds!

Congratulations dear!
15 years is a success
Live also. The best,
Let there be no obstacles in your destiny.

Handsome kids, what are you
Let the grandchildren of the little rascals be like you,
Live and give happiness to each other,
Expect good luck and success on the horizon.

15 years is a big date
May your family be rich in goodness,
I'm glad for the kids
And the cup of the hearth is full!

Happy wedding day
We congratulate you
Health, joy and happiness
IN in large numbers wish.

Let the children grow and delight you,
And your grandchildren will be, well, just a diamond!
Live in happiness and pleasant worries,
And not thoughts about their money work.

Good luck, success, let them accompany you
thank you for this tell the gods
Live in kindness and love,
In each other's eyes, you are the "groom" and you, the "bride", look!

Big event for your family
Exactly 15 years ago they played fun wedding You.
Be as young and bright
Please each other romantic gifts!

Your family is your strong rear,
The main thing is that he be faithful and reliable.
Take care of families, take care of children,
Raise worthy children from them.

Live in love and joy
Give children sweets
May your life be rich in events
But only for good discoveries.

15 years ago
You sealed love with the bonds of marriage,
Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge,
But your love still excites the blood!

I want to wish you great and bright feelings,
More happy moments
So that there are no secrets from each other
Live happily and long you!

15 years is a big date
IN family life your
Let happiness in the house boil with a full bowl
The weather is wonderful - beauty in the family!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
So your wish came true
You have created a strong family
15 years ago, we all walked your wedding.

We would like to wish you
The same bright, clear days,
Living next to each other
After all, you are one of the happiest families in the world!

Good luck, health, success, wealth,
Let your home be your kingdom!
Let your kids grow up in care
And there will never be problems at work.

Family life.
It has meaning for every person.
Love and understanding forever
15 years have already lived together, you, happy people.

Be happy, rich in success.
May your children be the best.
Family life is your glorious home
Let love and care be the main lever.

We wish you to live another 1000 sunny days
In affection, understanding, caring for a friend,
Raise Responsive People
and visit all romantic places in the world.

Today is fifteen years old
How we are together, my dear.
We had shadow and light
But still - I'm behind you!
We are like a ship sailing into the distance,
From happiness, joy, kindness.
But remember, dear, that crystal
Silver will be worse.

Yes, there are crystal castles,
Crystal thoughts and even souls,
There are vases and crystal weddings,
And you guys are the best!

Love, family - everything is in your power.
Save the crystal vessel!
The gift of heaven is your happiness!
Carry it carefully in your hearts!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

The family is fifteen years old. And it's a date!
You are together in sorrow and joy, in everything.
Love became our payment to each other,
And difficulties are easy to endure together.
Our gift, of course, is made of glass.
So that our relations are also pure,
But our life, we wish it was not fragile,
Flowed without sorrows, insults and regrets!

Astrologers say that crystal gives strength and hope, protection from evil forces and drives away grief. When we hear the crystal bells chime, we say, "The angel has arrived." Maybe this is so, or maybe not, but for some reason it becomes lighter in the soul. So let crystal, like a guardian angel, protect you and your home from all evil! Let the crystal ring! Bitterly!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

A decade and a half
Many or few?
There were many notes
Anything happened.
But love led in everything
main path,
And she was alone
God and judge.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish again:
Let nothing break
Wall of native shelter.
Let it continue
One Love
Leads you along
Gifting again and again
Bright destiny.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

The family is again drunk with love -
Where in the world to get more happiness
After all, the wedding is sonorous, “glass”!
Happy fifteenth birthday, dear son-in-law!
Be loving to each other, dear,
Keep comfort in two hearts:
Envy will "bend" the enemies,
Friends - sing for joy!

On the day of the crystal wedding, we will raise our glasses,
So that life loves you, so that happiness caresses
And so that neither grief nor anger finds you,
May we meet again in forty years!

fifteen years have passed since the wedding,
And it seems like it was only yesterday.
And now elegant glass -
Life gives you a sweet "Bitter!"

Guys! You were doing well
By the standards of the most important, the most strict:
And twice became a mother and father,
And they did not turn off the chosen road.

They managed to build a beautiful house,
Warming him with cordiality.
May God bless your union
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Live happily in advice and love,
Protecting and protecting each other
May joy warm your days,
Bride and groom, husband and wife!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

You lived fifteen years
And we wish you again:
Live happily for a hundred years
Advice to you, happiness and love!

I give you a glass gift
So that at the wedding dear,
Cheerful and ruddy
Grog and juice flowed like a river.
So that entering the day to come,
Not sad and not sad
We only loved more
I cherish the wondrous feeling.

Today we are celebrating a crystal wedding. Some people call it still glass, but we will not believe him - there are so many rainbows today, joyful chimes and champagne! There are too many of them for glass, but for crystal - just right.
So let's drink so that the life of the anniversaries will continue to be clean and transparent, like worthy glass, beautiful and festive, like magic crystal!

There is a reason for arrogance -
Fifteen years of family joy!
May the happiness of marriage continue in the future
Passes all dashing, gloomy,
So that it every day and year
It grew and grew stronger.
Live - live
Make good
Meet the holiday
Treat your guests!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

My dear and my beloved!
Crystal ringing of past years
Didn't run past without a trace
It is the secret of our happiness!
I'm not happy in the world!
Let our children grow up
We give them love
And maybe we'll give birth!
Accept my congratulations
And don't forget my words!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

You have a family anniversary -
And every year it gets stronger
I wish you to love.

Let the glass break for happiness
You don't need to feel sorry for him.
May you succeed in everything in life
After all, you just have to want it!

Having met love, you can be speechless; having met passion, you can lose your head; meeting pleasure, you can lose the sense of proportion.
So let's drink to the spouses who for 15 years now, meeting these three ladies, receive happiness from them as a gift!

Fifteen years together - "Glass wedding",
Bohemian chimes of crystal glasses,
But you, anniversaries, should not forget:

Fifteen years of happiness - not much, but not enough!
Fifteen years together - a milestone, not otherwise!
And to you, who pulled to the "highest measure",
We wish you great luck
And happiness in especially large sizes!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

glass wedding,
desired wedding,
Five-year-olds huddled -
Three at once.
God bless you good
To the fairy tale of the past
Continued again
Until the dawn of the earth.
To trouble with storms
Eyebrows did not frown
And framed the shoulder
Friends in difficult times.
For the light to come true
The most cherished
Relatives pleased
And the family grew.

And again Mendelssohn sounds,
The sound of crystal and bright light,
Fifteen years passed without boredom,
Live like this for another hundred years!

Fifteen years and dawn again
The same as then, for the first time.
And there's just no distance
And you are "young" today.
God forbid you break the glass
Your love, fate and honor.
Let it be clear and bright
Always when you are together in everything!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

Days and years fly by,
But I do not want absolute freedom.
We are connected with you by a single chain,
I'm so glad to be your wife.

Let our life be easy and carefree
Let happiness come to the house freely.
I wish you patience, my dear,
It's hard work being a family.

More than once we will meet
At this friendly table.
Although many years - fifteen
It's already gone its own way.
Glass is fragile and beautiful -
Keep an expensive vessel.
We wish you many happy years
Without hardships and mental turmoil.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

Everything in this world is fragile, like glass,
And the fate of two, alas, is no exception.
But to forecasts, and to hell out of spite
May joy and luck be with you.
15 years later, like the first time,
Let there be only a call of love
And with its purity caresses the eye
The transparent glass vessel is beautiful.

Congratulations to our anniversaries! We wish you to live together ten more times for 15 years in peace, harmony and love. Continue to share with each other all the sorrows and joys. We wish you great happiness, joy, good luck and good health!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

Our dear spouses!
15 years is not a date yet
But it's still an anniversary.
You were young once
But the years go by faster and faster.
You spent a little time together
And on that day we shouted to the bride:
scold smaller husband and children.
And you lowered your eyes
And gently caressed the groom ..
So we wish you to the sound of chimes:
Live to see the wedding of diamonds!

Don't believe that love is gone
Replacing yourself with a habit
She's still alive
Putting all of yourself into caring,
In the warmth, sincerity of the hearth
And you created comfort,
In children (the family is strong with children!)
And in faith that they will not betray.
For a decade and a half
You felt the fragility of feelings.
A secret is hidden in a glass wedding
Preservation of family ties.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

But what is a congratulation without the ringing of crystal?
It becomes dry and familiar.
Let the wine flow like a river, amusing spouses,
And the world becomes beautiful, unusual for them.

Loving each other and (names of spouses)! Congratulations on fifteen years of marriage. You have lived together so little, you still have a very difficult road ahead of you. The time is not far off when your children will have children of their own, as it once was with you. We wish you to live in full understanding with each other, patience to you for another 100 years of joint married life! Good health you, which nowhere and never for any money can not be bought!

Dear anniversaries! It's your turn to celebrate fifteen years of marriage. We wish that on your faces we see not grief, but only happiness and joy! And we wish you great success!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

Why is it glass?
No, not because I'm careful
She, fragile, must be treated,
Because you can see through the glass
If you look into the light into it,
Your life for all fifteen years.
All fifteen years in transparent glass
Your family years are the best, that means!
This is if you look back.
But the past is already known.
If we look to the future -
What will we see there, I wonder?
Now I can tell you that:
I see the distance, it is bright, beautiful!
Only quite far away - a piece is obscure,
Somewhere in about a hundred years.

Happy anniversaries! Congratulations on fifteen years of marriage. We wish you a clear sky above your head, so that you never know misfortune and grief, may only good luck and happiness accompany you, and your children and faithful friends!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

Dear (Names)! Today marks 15 years since you've been married. I am insanely happy from the realization that you have lived all this time together without getting divorced, without dropping the high title of a spouse and carrying high the proud banner of love and devotion. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you and wish you even more happiness, love and longevity!

It's already been 15 years
Tapping off the crystal years.
The family grew up and matured -
The one that was created forever.
Helping each other every day
You travel alone on the road.
Tenderness, warming love
Your family comfort and peace.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

Anniversaries (names of spouses)! Congratulations on your little anniversary! For family life, 15 years is a small date. We wish you to live until the big - diamond wedding. May only happiness accompany you, and sincere mutual feelings and huge strong love. Remember, if something happens, you always have a soul mate and true friends who should not be forgotten!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 15 years - crystal wedding (anniversary).

Bring all the gifts today to your home!
Congratulations ringing with expensive crystal!
Fifteen years lived together -
So many bright and sad days!
Today let the fountains flare up again
And tenderness, and passion, and fire, and love!
Let beauty reign in your house,
Let the dream inspire again with hope!
Let there be prosperity, good income!

Also in our magazine you can find a bunch of statuses (about 1500 status topics). Since in in social networks there are notifications about the birthdays of friends, we have a bunch of happy birthday greetings for this! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Congratulations on the dates of the calendar. All this in the Congratulations section.


Congratulations on a crystal wedding 15 years

wedding congratulations:

"Congratulations on 15 years of marriage"

Let the crystal glasses clink!
You have been one family for 15 years!
We wish you much happiness!
Loyalty, love, kindness, warmth!

Rejoice with each other and the kids!
May every day bring success!
Good health, many years to you,
To celebrate a hundred years together!

"Congratulations on your wedding day 15 years"

Congratulations on your glass wedding
You today, my beloved husband!
I wish you all the best
Do not be afraid of the winds, do not be afraid of the cold,

After all, we have family luck,
Which keeps 15 years,
And everything that means a lot in this life
Let him talk about love today!

"Wedding Anniversary 15 Years"

You are happy for 15 years
There is simply no doubt about it
You are so beautiful, good
What smiles the soul!

You always love each other
Take care of each other with your husband
Raise worthy children
And never be discouraged!

"Congratulations on your 15th wedding anniversary"

We are at a glass wedding,
And fun and desirable
They came with congratulations
Here's what we found for you:
By the whole imposing community
Happy Anniversary!

May wishes come true!
There will be a keen understanding
Mood is great
Inspiration in personal life.

Let children bring happiness, -
Will be the best in the world
And prosperity from the heart
We wish you hurry!

"15 years of marriage"

crystal wedding beautiful!
And I congratulate you on it!
I wish you good and good,
And happiness to you here and now!

May every day bring joy!
Let everything be easy!
Let there be love, tenderness, fidelity,
And let there be good in the house!

"Crystal wedding 15 years"

We are on the day of your glass wedding
We want to wish you together:
Go through life proudly, boldly,
And don't forget about friends!

And you don't have to regret anything
After all, everything that was - is gone,
You go through life side by side,
Live together in spite of everyone!

You've been together for 15 years
Try to save love
In love you will live up to 200 years!
After all, life is not worth living without love!

"15th wedding anniversary"

You used to trust each other,
And relationships, like glass, are transparent.
And you can easily call your marriage
Happy and, of course, successful!

glass wedding glorious anniversary,
Let it be beautiful, unforgettable!
Be included in the number the happiest families
We sincerely wish you today!

Gently pours the chime of glasses,
Each glance is filled with tenderness.
Gently "yes" to her beloved said
You are fifteen years ago.

He carried your tenderness these years,
Carefully and reverently keeping
Flying free today
Tenderness rings like a wedding from crystal.

And let the chime be cheerful
Excite your senses again!
And at a new stage of life
Love will thunder!

Your wedding with crystal -
You've been together for fifteen years.
There were joys and sorrows
But there was also a lot of happiness!

We want to live long
Treasure your marriage
And love each other more
To make it easier for you!

To understand each other
Never offended!
congratulations with a rhyme
And, of course, congratulations!

Congratulations on your crystal wedding! Let your relationship be as pure, transparent, sonorous, amazing as crystal. We wish peace, prosperity, good luck to your family. May your house be full of happiness, smiles and warmth.

Beautiful crystal ... Sparkling in the light,
He is in different shades goes over.
Feeling fifteen years long
In the radiance of that finds a parallel.

Fifteen years of sparkling love
What did the groom give to his bride.
They spend their days in harmony
The two who want to be together forever.

Fifteen more fifteen times
Live together as a friendly family.
Let sorrows not touch you
Let life be only a bright streak.

Let the bright light always shine
Filling my soul with great love,
So that in tens of years
It gave me a feeling of paradise.

Crystal is priceless, fragile and beautiful.
Love is more valuable, more fragile and more beautiful.
You lived, keeping the consent,
Fifteen years in love and quiet happiness.

I wish you in the fast run of days -
I'm not afraid of this beautiful phrase -
Shine with love with the sun on a par,
After all, the crystal shines like diamonds!

Today is a crystal date.
How would you like to wish
Love is very bright, rich,
Crystal to protect.

You've been through a lot together.
And how much more to come!
The love that sunk into your souls,
All life carefully bear!

crystal, tender feelings
Manage to keep in your hearts
For all anniversaries
Try to invite us!

crystal wedding date -
Family anniversary!
Fifteen years married
And love - stronger!

Eyes are burning in love
The house shines with light!
For you newlyweds
We drink champagne.

You are happiness and love
Warmed up the whole world!
We wish you health.
Let there be a feast today!

We know that crystal is beautiful,
And that he is so fragile.
But let troubles rush off into the distance,
We prophesy happiness to you!

Happy Crystal Wedding! Let love
Blooming like before
Excites the soul, heart, blood
And gives pleasure!

Happy crystal wedding! Let the candles burn
Let the wine sparkle in crystal glasses,
Crystal let toasts about happiness sound,
Crystal dreams will come true!

May heaven and earth bless you.
Let the crystal rains ring a good song,
And let feelings be more tender than crystal,
Let families not be more wonderful in the world!

Fifteen years - what a date!
So your faces shine with love,
How happy we are for you guys
May your happiness last forever!

Hand in hand you go through life
Not noticing petty insults.
Live happily and selflessly
And fate will bestow upon you in full.

Love puts on crystal chains,
You have a crystal wedding today,
Friends, congratulations - you have enough of everything,
But I'll read mine now!

May the sun of joy be above you
And the wind of hope carries away sorrow
And the path of your life is strewn with flowers,
And your marriage will be - hardened steel!

Let there be enough time for hugs,
And you will not forget the word love,
And passion, as before, boils in the hearts,
Your hopes and dreams come true!

Today we will tell you about the anniversary of 15 years: what kind of wedding is it, what to give, what traditions should be observed. The holiday on the 15th birthday of a family is called a crystal wedding. Usually, on the eve of the celebration, each of the spouses tries to come up with original congratulations for your soul mate, along the way choosing symbolic gifts. What presents for 15 years of marriage will be the most relevant and in demand? We tell.

Holiday traditions. How to celebrate a crystal wedding correctly?

15 years together is a lot, and not every couple can make it to such an anniversary. However, if the spouses managed to live in love and peace so long term, the celebration of the anniversary should be given special attention.

Since the crystal wedding has been celebrated for several centuries, this celebration has managed to acquire a variety of customs, and here are just a few of them:

Of course, most of the traditions of this holiday directly relate to its name. Crystal is considered strong, and most importantly, beautiful material. It has perfect transparency, but it can be brittle under strong external impact.

The relations of the spouses fully correspond to the characteristics of this material: they are just as strong and transparent, but they can suffer from outside interference. That is why on the anniversary own wedding It is worth remembering the importance of a reverent attitude towards one's own love.

The most popular tradition is the breaking of crystal goblets. It is believed that broken dishes can bring happiness to the house, and therefore the “newlyweds” should boldly break a couple of wine glasses.

In this case, the relationship of the spouses will only become stronger, and no external influence can't affect their feelings.

Perfect 15th wedding anniversary gifts for wife and husband

A gift for a crystal wedding from the second half must be touching and take into account the main nuances of the holiday. What presents for beautiful ladies are especially popular?

  1. A crystal vase with a magnificent bouquet in it is a gift that fully corresponds to the nuances of the celebration.
  2. Jewelry from rock crystal will be able to please the beloved on this joyful day.
  3. Now you can find a lot of decorative figures made of crystal in the form of flowers or animals.
  4. You can also give your wife a beautiful crystal jewelry box.
  5. Many men prefer more personal, intimate gifts, such as underwear.

A crystal wedding (glass, as it is also called) itself prompts the heroes of the occasion to think about ideal presents. rock crystal jewelry, beautiful vases, wine glasses, caskets - all this will become a symbol long love paired with.

If a man wants to truly surprise his soulmate, he can choose something more original. Very often it becomes a gift romantic evening or a set underwear. Such a present will only emphasize that a woman is still loved and needed by her man.

Crystal wedding anniversary - 15 years lived side by side! During this time, the spouses manage to get to know each other's habits and interests perfectly, so the choice of a present does not cause serious issues. Here are just the most topical gifts for the stronger sex on this anniversary:

There really are many options for presents, but a lady should still show imagination. The original picture on glass, copied from a photograph of a couple, is the very gift that will remind you of the anniversary for a long time, of each happy year lived together.

Gifts from friends for the 15th anniversary of marriage

Many spouses are used to celebrating their wedding anniversary (15 years) extremely violently, throwing large-scale parties and inviting all their friends to them. In this case, friends already have a dilemma about the gift. The idea with crystal or glass presents should also be taken as a basis, but you should not forget about the creative touch.

What can you give happy spouses?

  1. A beautiful set of crystal tableware is a versatile, and most importantly, the right gift.
  2. Friends can give a man a 15-year-old cognac in a crystal decanter, and a woman - beautiful bouquet roses.
  3. Another fairly common gift is a variety of glass figurines that you can paint on your own, making the present unique.
  4. Both husband and wife can be presented with beautiful glass brooches that will bring good luck to the couple.
  5. Many friends prefer to give the heroes of the occasion something original, such as theater tickets.

15 years of marriage is considered a very serious period, and therefore the gift must correspond to the status of the event.

At the same time, it must be touching and expressing the attitude of the guest to the couple. Do not forget about your own talents. For example, if a person draws well, he can create on glass with the help of colored sand very original painting. Such a present looks bright and usually causes a whole storm of emotions among the heroes of the occasion.

Standard gifts in the form of crystal glassware and various glass figurines can also be presented with taste, because they can be decorated with engraving. With the wishes of love and happiness engraved on the glass surface, any present in this category looks more interesting.

Do not forget that by the fifteenth wedding anniversary, romance is almost gone from relationships. That is why you can give spouses tickets to the theater or to a concert. Such a simple event will help bring some variety to the relationship, saving the couple from a possible crisis.

Presents from children for a crystal wedding

If the wedding took place 15 years ago, then in 90% of cases the couple celebrates the anniversary also in the status of parents. Kids don't usually have money for chic gifts, however, they can really please their parents by making presents with their own hands. What do they give parents for 15 years of marriage?

  1. Children can buy a photo album and collect all the photos of their parents in it, making an extremely touching present.
  2. You can make postcards with your own hands, along the way writing a poetic wish.
  3. Another wonderful present that the girl's parents often delight is hand-made knitted items.
  4. You can prepare a beautiful cake for all the guests of the holiday, which should be decorated with a touching inscription.
  5. To please adults on such an important day for them, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money. For example, paired pendants or key rings with two halves of a heart are very popular. Usually such decorations bring good luck and the best way emphasize the bond between spouses. They are inexpensive, and for a fee, such jewelry can also be engraved.
  6. Children can show their own culinary talents by preparing for their parents romantic dinner or a delicious cake that will become the main decoration holiday table. The main thing here is not to take on too much complicated recipes otherwise the gift is unlikely to be delicious.
  7. An elementary postcard made with love and with your own hands will be very an important gift. On this day, spouses usually wait touching words in their address, so the children should write the appropriate congratulations.

What to give for a crystal wedding if there is absolutely no money for a present? In this case, children can take crystal glasses from the family fund and paint them with paints depicting their parents, their initials and their wedding date. This gift is sure to make adults smile!

Anniversary congratulations

Congratulations on a crystal wedding are usually considered a secondary matter, not even paying them a fraction of attention. A person simply buys a card in a hurry, sometimes without even having time to sign it, and this is a fundamentally wrong approach. An ideal congratulation is one that was born with thoughts about the heroes of the occasion and the meaning of their holiday.

That is why each verse or prose opus should be written independently. It is great if in the text a person names the lovers, the date of their acquaintance or wedding. In this case cool congratulations will be even more focused, personal, which means it will be remembered by all guests without exception.

If certain difficulties arise with poetry, then attention can be paid to the prose form. Congratulations in prose can also be sincere, very tender. The main thing is not to go far from the topic, telling only about the relationship of the spouses, and not about abstract arguments about love.

The ideal duration of any congratulation is no more than two minutes when it is read out. The rhyme can be humorous or philosophical and very deep. If a couple is fond of cinema, then their relationship can be compared with good movie, and if literature, then with a book to which you want to return again and again. Of course, to write such a verse, you need to know the spouses well, to study their tastes.

A crystal wedding helps a husband and wife realize what an incredible path they have traveled through life, managing to maintain tender feelings for each other. The most amazing thing is that even more bright and incredible events await them ahead, which means that the love of the heroes of the occasion will only grow stronger!