Crochet bedspread for a newborn. Knitted blankets for newborns

A bed for a newborn is an important part of his dowry. Barely born, the little ones sleep 16-20 hours a day. And even a year old child will sleep 13-15 hours.

It is necessary that the baby's body temperature does not change and corresponds to physiological norms. It is impossible for the baby to overheat or supercool.

Therefore, mothers choose so scrupulously, Special attention giving a baby blanket, which should ensure the stability and comfort of the temperature regime around the child.

Selection rules

Before buying a blanket for a newborn, it is worth determining the time of his birth. For babies whose birth is expected in the cold season, insulated models are preferable: from fluff, fur or wool. Those due to appear in the summer will be more comfortable under a thin blanket made of fleece, flannelette or fine wool.

Overheating is more dangerous for crumbs than hypothermia. You should have a pair of blankets - warm and light, and keep an eye on temperature regime in the rest room.

Warm blanket for baby (photo)

How to choose blankets and blankets for newborns? - These products must:

  • be soft and gentle so as not to injure the skin;
  • easy to pass air, tk. an active child in a dream is able to wrap himself in a blanket with his head;
  • be hygroscopic - it is easy to pass moisture while retaining heat;
  • easy to clean, retaining shape and color, because hygiene rules for children up to a year provide for frequent washing of children's bedding;
  • be hypoallergenic.

If a child has an allergy, he can only sleep under a blanket made of synthetic materials. Such a thing will not provoke a negative reaction. Synthetic models are light, warm, and you can wash them as often as you like.

knitted product

Standard sizes for baby blankets:

  • 80 x 90 cm;
  • 95 x 100 cm;
  • 105 x 115 cm;
  • 110 x 140 cm.

Usually parents buy the smallest model and blankets according to the season in which the baby is due to be born. Big size take for next season. It turns out a set of two blankets - warm and light.

An overly large blanket should not be taken - the child will get confused in it, it will rise in waves, partially revealing the crumbs.

If you plan to use a blanket for walking with a baby, then you should take the smallest size. It fits easily in the stroller and does not take up much space in it. Such a blanket will be enough for six months old baby, because by this age the crumbs are already trying to sit and study the world. For the cold season, in any case, in addition to the blanket, you will need a jumpsuit or a transforming envelope.

Envelope for statement

Varieties of products for newborns

abundance various models blankets for newborns is amazing. Colors and design in this case are not decisive. more important material from which the blanket or blanket is made.

For newborns, it is categorically impossible to use old blankets: over the past years, a fungus could grow there. It is not recommended to buy cotton models - it is difficult to care for them, they do not pass air well, children under them overheat.

Cozy baby blanket

Knitted patterns

Blankets for newborns are knitted from:

  • cotton
  • wool;
  • acrylic.

Cotton is good for its naturalness and ease of cleaning. He is hypoallergenic. Modern models keep their shape and color perfectly even after repeated cycles in a household washing machine.

Knitted plaid

For children's knitted blankets, they take sheep, camel or goat hair. Things are light and warm. They perfectly absorb moisture, under them overheating is impossible.

And the lanolin contained in the wool has a healing effect on the baby, especially if the immune system small weakened:

  • sheep wool stimulates metabolic processes;
  • camel absorbs toxins;
  • goat has anti-inflammatory action, as well as bactericidal properties.

Woolen clothes are washed by hand only. They are contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Wool must be protected from moths.

IN pure form fluff for knitted baby blankets is not used. An excessive accumulation of down fibers in the baby's nose or mouth can be dangerous.

Acrylic is similar in its properties to natural wool. It dyes well and keeps the color for a long time. A mixture of acrylic and wool gives perfect combination: the yarn is soft, it does not roll, it retains the shape of the thing. But acrylic is non-hygroscopic, which calls into question the possibility of its use for the manufacture of things for babies in terms of hygiene.

Lilac color will calm the little capricious

flannelette blanket

A baize is a woolen, half-woolen or cotton fabric. It is durable and easy to maintain. The bike does not change color and shape even after repeated washes. It is hypoallergenic, made from environmentally friendly fibers.

A flannelette blanket can be either dense (winter) or light (summer). It is good to take it on trips - it folds easily, has a small weight, it is compact. Bike models hold heat well and can be laid in

Pick up beautiful bedspread on the bed for the girl will help.

Bike products

Blanket for discharge

The day of discharge from the maternity hospital is the first exit into the world for a newborn and the greatest holiday for mom and the whole family. For such an occasion, buy a beautiful blanket. In addition to aesthetic appeal, a discharge blanket should be comfortable and safe for the baby and his delicate skin.

The main task of any blanket for a newborn is, first of all, to create an optimal atmosphere around the child and maintain it unchanged.

A blanket for discharge must be bought taking into account the expected weather conditions at the time of the first appearance of a newborn on the street:

  • in the heat, light blankets that allow air to pass through are preferable;
  • in winter, you will need a blanket with a warm and necessarily hypoallergenic filler.

Knitted envelope for statement

Even for a grand exit, give preference to a blanket for babies, sewn from natural fabrics and with natural fillers.

  • coarse calico;
  • satin;
  • batiste;
  • wool;
  • silk.

Natural fillers:

  • bamboo;
  • silk cocoon;
  • eucalyptus;
  • down (eiderdown, goose);
  • wool.

Model for discharge for a girl

A simple crochet pattern

For a knitted blanket for a newborn measuring 80 x 100 cm, from 350 to 500 g of yarn will be required, depending on the thickness of the thread and its quality, as well as the density of knitting. To work, you need a hook number 3.5.

Make a yarn test: knit a 12 x 12 cm square sample. From it, determine how many loops turned out to be 1 cm in height and in width. Accordingly, dial as many air loops to get a chain 100 cm long.

The scheme of the initial row: the first double crochet is wound into the 3rd loop from the hook, then one double crochet is typed into each next loop of the chain to the end of the line. Flip the knit.

The scheme of the second and following rows: at the beginning, 2 air loops are made to lift the row, then double crochets are made in the same way as in the first row.

The edge is tied with single crochets, and then " step by step”: single crochets are displayed from left to right, as if “backing away”. The result is a neat tight edge that will hold its shape well.

Scheme and knitting plan

Decor options:

  • alternating stripes of different colors every 2-8 rows;
  • the use of narrow and wide multi-colored rows;
  • "chess" (alternating multi-colored squares);
  • satin ribbon passed through a row of dotted double crochets.

If the work is carried out in two colors, then the thread can be pulled along the edge of the product without cutting it. If several colors are used, the yarn is cut off. The ends of the threads should be securely fastened and hidden.

Fashionable crib blanket


This video will tell you how to sew a baby blanket with your own hands.

All things for newborn babies should be of high quality (neatly sewn from quality materials) and hypoallergenic. A blanket should be bought according to the season, with an eye to the purpose of its use - to cover the little one in the crib, wrap it up during a walk or for discharge.

Many young mothers are concerned about the question: We recommend that you read more about this.

The birth of a child is an important and very joyful event in the life of parents. The blanket for the newborn is necessary thing for the baby. Today in stores you can find a large number of knitted blankets for newborns, but a hand-knitted blanket will keep and give the baby all the love and awe of his mother.

Even those people who are just starting to try their hand at knitting will cope with this task. Of course, you will need perseverance, as well as the desire to make everything perfect - in this case, the results will not disappoint you.


Most of the time just born babies spend in the crib. Plaids and blankets for newborns should provide not only comfort, but also the safety of the baby, its strong and healthy sleep. When planning to start knitting, it is worth studying the features of these products:

  • The skin of a newborn baby is sensitive and only gets used to it. outside world. To avoid not only discomfort, but also injuries, soft materials should be preferred.
  • Children's bedding needs to be cleaned and washed more often than normal. The blanket should retain its qualities for a long time.

  • Hygroscopicity. The blanket should allow the necessary moisture and air to pass through, while maintaining the required amount of heat. This is especially important for active children who can wrap themselves in a blanket with their heads at night.
  • There is no need to spend time and energy on making a large blanket. The product will be constantly "lost", partially revealing the baby.

For walking, a small blanket is suitable - practical option, which does not take up much space in the stroller.

Material selection

Not all yarn, in the name of which the word "children" is present, complies with the standards. It should be understood that products for newborns must be of very high quality. When choosing a material, one should start from the composition of the yarn and the properties of its threads:

  • A suitable option for a warm blanket is wool. It will keep the baby warm and will last as long as possible. The softest and wearable material- cashmere. If the blanket is a gift, you should find out what material it is made of. Merino wool is well suited for children's products.
  • Children's acrylic will become less expensive. This yarn has synthetics in its composition, but (unlike wool) does not lead to allergic reactions at babies.
  • As summer version suitable linen or cotton, silk, bamboo. This yarn is natural and is more likely to not irritate baby's velvety skin. A duvet made from these materials is easy to machine wash, and you don’t have to worry that with frequent washing it will stretch and lose its quality.
  • Mixed yarns are an interesting choice. These are cotton and acrylic, silk-wool, silk and cotton and other options. Yarns containing silk fibers allow things to maintain quality for a long time.
  • The color of the yarn depends on personal preferences, the imagination of the craftswoman herself. However, experts noted that a baby blanket in pastel colors has a sleep-inducing effect. Bright products with an abundance of patterns cause activity and are well suited for baby games.

How to make with knitting needles and crochet?

Blanket for a newborn baby, size - 80 × 100 cm. You will need the following:

  • Hook number 3.5.
  • Yarn from 300 to 550, taking into account knitting, density and quality of the material used.

This option is the easiest to perform and even beginners can do it. First you need to make a test, a sample is suitable - a square measuring 14 × 14 cm. It is necessary to determine how many loops you get in 1 cm in height and width. As a result, you should collect so many loops to get a row 100 cm long.

In the first row, a double crochet is wound into the 4th loop (from the hook), after which one double crochet is typed into each subsequent loop of the chain of the row - to the very end.

The subsequent ones are performed as follows: at the very beginning, 3 loops are made to raise the row, then, following the example of the first row, double crochet columns. The edge, already without using a crochet, is tied with columns, which are then displayed from left to right. The result is a fairly neat edge, while tightly holding the shape.

It is possible to use decor for different tastes: a combination of multi-colored stripes, alternation of rows of different widths, “checkerboard” (multi-colored squares).

A blanket measuring 90 × 90 cm. For work, prepare:

  • Needles number 3.
  • Schemes of any openwork patterns.
  • Yarn from 300 to 500 g (approximately 6 skeins).

Knitting needles are going to 196 loops, knitting goes along front side(starting from the 12th row, knit according to the prepared pattern). It turns out two lines located horizontally, followed by two lines vertically, they fit from the edges stockinette stitch 10 loops.

30 holes are knitted vertically from the outer edges in a line, then along new horizontal ones (they are located strictly symmetrically). Everything ends with a facial stitch of 14 rows. The loops are dropped, and the edges of the blanket are tied with a column.

Plaid "of stars", size - 70 × 80 cm. In the process of work, you will need the following:

  • Needles number 3.
  • Yarn, 250-300 g.
  • Patterns with stars.

According to the pattern scheme, it is necessary to knit 20 hexagons (for one, 6 loops are cast on the knitting needles and knitted in the following order - edge, then front loop, yarn over and again edging). So you need to do 32 rows. Next, 20 loops are cast on from the edges (there are 40 on the knitting needles). The row continues to purl.

Next master class will teach you how to knit a children's plaid "from stars".

Woolen blanket, size - 55 × 75 cm. For work you will need:

  • Hook number 5.
  • 250 g of yarn (mohair, acrylic and wool).
  • Needles number 6.
  • Schemes of patterns with descriptions.

Knitting is done in three patterns, they are arranged in any order (6 squares in length and 5 in width). Squares are knitted according to the pattern, then 60 loops are knitted with knitting needles. The first and final two loops are made in garter stitch - before and after the hem loops.

In the middle, you need to knit squares of 28 rows. Having connected 24 rows, arrange the figures as follows: 2, 3, 1 (patterns shift in each line). At the end, everything is closed with a garter stitch. Using a hook, the edges give strength and a neat look.

Blanket for babies, size - 55 × 70 cm (knitting diagonally). In the process, you will need the following:

  • Yarn, 300-350 g.
  • Needles number 4.
  • Hook number 3.

This method is one of the simplest. 4 P. are typed on the knitting needles, everything is knitted LG. From each edge it is necessary to add until there are 160 P. on the knitting needles (using a crochet). Reaching the right amount, knit 3 loops before and after yarn over, knit up to 4 loops. Crochet around the end. In the passages obtained from the yarn, at your own discretion, you can thread the ribbon and tie it with a bow.

Since ancient times, crochet has been popular among needlewomen, and on this moment it has not lost its relevance, and knitted things, respectively, their popularity. Crocheted blankets for newborns are very beautiful, gentle and practical.

To perform this work, special skills are not required - it is enough to learn how to knit loops, as well as know the technique for making patterns. In this article, we will try to tell as much as possible about how you can independently knit a beautiful blanket for newborns using a crochet hook.

Stages of knitting a plaid

One of the most popular and common crochet patterns is to alternate crochet and single crochet stitches. For example, let's try with this method tie a square. Having mastered so simple technique crochet skills, you can easily take up knitting a plaid.

To get started, you will need hook number 4. At the end of the work, you should get a square measuring 13 cm by 13 cm.

For a sample, let's try to make eighteen loops for eighteen rows, filled with a fantasy pattern using the above hook.

  1. The first step is to complete a chain consisting of air loops.
  2. The second stage consists of creating a base row in a single crochet method, then we perform every second row in the same way.
  3. The next step is to alternate double crochets with single crochets.

After that, we proceed to the direct knitting of a blanket for newborns.

At the end of the work, with special care and accuracy, it is worth picking up and hiding all the threads. Attach the square itself with a needle to some solid base. Then gently stretching, give it right size. Next, wet a damp cloth and cover the resulting square with it until complete drying. After that, store our product in a flattened state until the end of the process of stitching the blanket.

A good example of knitting a plaid

A thread is threaded into the hook so that the slip knot is fixed 15 cm from the end of the thread. Next, a chain is knitted, consisting of 24 loops of the same size.

The base row is knitted using the single crochet method. IN upper part the second hook is inserted from the hook of the loop, and with the help of a yarn, the thread clings, after which it is threaded through the loop. As a result of these manipulations, two loops are formed on the hook. To complete the first column, the thread thrown over the hook must be pulled through these two loops formed on the hook. After that, single crochets are knitted in each of the loops of the chain.

Next, you need to make a turn using the connected air loop. The first row of the pattern begins with a single crochet in the first loop. This is done by inserting the loops of the previous row under the top two threads. Launching the hook under 2 threads, which is on top of the lower loop, a double crochet is knitted. The thread that is thrown on the hook passes under the two threads of the next loop. Next, the thread on the hook is pulled through the loop. To complete this stage of work, a thread thrown over the hook is passed through two loops, in the same way the thread passes through the last two loops.

The most beautiful thing that can happen in a woman's life is the birth of her baby. The preparation process for this significant event very quivering and troublesome, good sense this word. Knitted blankets for newborns - one of the items given to the baby. Every mother can make it with her own hands. In this article we will tell you how to crochet baby blankets and blankets for newborns.

Crochet openwork plaid "Chamomile Lawn" from square motifs

This product looks like a summer chamomile lawn. It is simple to perform. Each needlewoman will be able to make it with her own hands. The plaid is perfect both for an extract and for a photo shoot. The size of the finished product, together with the border, is 68 by 80 cm.

The layout of motifs and borders

For creating baby blanket we need to connect 120 motives, as shown in the diagram below. Then arrange them as shown in the diagram above and sew with threads.

When the motifs are sewn, tie the edges of the product with a border.

Plaid "Daisies" for the baby: video mk

Delicate crochet blanket for a newborn

These days it will not be difficult to find knitted blankets and blankets for the baby on sale. But it is much more pleasant to make such a transformer cover with your own hands.

To make it we need: 8 skeins (250m / 100g) of 100% merino beige yarn or milky, hook No. 4.5, decorative tape, fleece insulation. Knitting is done as the diagram shows.

We skip the tape in special loops, and then tie beautiful bow. The width of the ribbon is 2.5 cm, the width of the bow is 5 cm. The edges of the fleece should be sheathed. And then knit the edges of the bedspread through the sheathing. You get this beauty:

Everything, our transformer is ready. Now it can be used not only as a blanket, but also folded into an envelope. In addition, it is ideal for an extract or for a photo shoot.

A simple blanket for beginners: video mk

Beautiful plaid with hearts for a little princess

Knitted blankets are multifunctional. They can be used as a transformer, converted into an envelope, or taken with you for an extract. In addition, a multi-colored blanket can serve as an excellent developmental mat for a baby.

Before we start working need to cook: yarn of different colors, which contains cotton, hooks No. 3.5, No. 5. The blanket consists of motifs with hearts, the size of which is 10 cm by 10 cm. We knit them, and then combine them into a finished product. The colors of the yarn are conventionally denoted by the letters A, B, C. We start with the color A.

We collect 7 air loops, which we close in a ring. Next, we knit 3 rows of motif for a baby blanket in a circle, as the diagram shows. The 4th row is done with color B and we start knitting a sharp corner of the heart. 6th row we change color again, but already on C and again we knit a sharp corner of the heart. When the motives are ready, connect them with each other with a single crochet, thereby creating a beautiful blanket with hearts for the girl.

Crochet a ready-made plaid envelope for a newborn around the perimeter with a crustacean step, making 2 single crochets from one loop in the corners of the blanket.

Schemes for the execution of the motive and the crayfish step

Spread the blanket for the girl, moisten it, and then let it dry.

Plaid of motives: video master class

Exquisite plaid transformer for a newborn crochet

This blanket will be knitted from a thread that contains cotton. Such a crochet knitted blanket for a newborn looks very elegant. Thanks to the yarn, which contains cotton, it can be used cool. summer evenings. And if a blanket for a newborn is insulated with a woven lining, then it will fit in more cold weather. Such blankets can be safely taken not only for discharge, they are ideal for a photo shoot. Knitted baby blankets are also used as a transformer - if you wrap a baby in it, you get an envelope.

The size of the finished product is 90cm by 90cm.

To create it need to cook: 400g of Pekhorka "Children's Cotton" yarn, hook No. 2.5, lining fabric. We knit an envelope blanket as shown in the diagram.

A simple blanket for a newborn baby

This bed cover is easy to make. It is within the power of every needlewoman. A minimum of effort, time costs, and the baby will be able to enjoy sleeping under a warm blanket made with love. This duvet is perfect for an outing. In addition, it can be used as a transformer and converted into an envelope.

To create a baby blanket need to cook: hook No. 3.5 (4), 4 skeins of yarn blue color containing cotton

The size of the finished product is 92 cm by 92 cm.

We collect a chain of 206 air loops. From the second loop we knit a single crochet and continue according to the scheme, until the length of the baby blanket reaches a length of 86-87 cm.

Execution scheme

Ready product tie with double crochets.

Soft knit baby blanket

A light blanket made of cotton thread will always warm and decorate the baby. It can be taken to the maternity hospital for discharge or used as a transformer. If you wrap a child in a blanket, it will look like an envelope. These blankets are well suited for both boys and girls because of the versatile colors and patterns.

So for knitting need to cook: yarn "Begonia" 100% cotton and hook number 2. We start knitting the product from the center and continue in a circle. The diagram shows only half of it. Decorate the finished plaid with a ribbon, tie it.

Baby blankets for newborns for christening or discharge

This blanket is easy to make and perfect for christenings. The threads, which contain cotton, give the product a delicate look, lightness, as well as extraordinary beauty. It is customary to take such bedspreads for discharge or to church. They are also used as a transformer, converting into an envelope.

A handmade blanket for a newborn has a special energy force. It protects the child from harm.

To get started, need to cook: 400g COCO thread (German cotton), hook No. 1.75.

The size of the finished product is 90 cm by 90 cm.

We knit according to patterns. First we make the main product, and then the strapping.

Crochet plaids for newborns of this model consist of motifs. To get an openwork transformer blanket, you need to crochet it following the patterns. This is possible even for beginners. Before we start working need to cook: 400g blue and 200g white yarn 100% cotton, hook number 3

We start knitting an envelope, traditionally, with air loops and continue according to the patterns below

These blankets are perfect for cold autumn and winter days. Due to merino wool, they are soft, pleasant to the touch, weightless and very warm. Baby blankets are incomparably beautiful. They will appeal not only to adults, but also to the baby himself.

To knit a veil need to cook: 200 g 100% peach merino wool, 100 g - purple, hook number 3.

Scheme 1 - peach color, scheme 2 - purple.

We start knitting with peach color. We collect a chain of 70 air loops, then we knit 6 rows according to scheme 1. Next - 2 rows according to scheme 2, and then 2 rows according to scheme 1. We alternate until the 32nd row is ready. Knitting must end purple. We make rows 33-37 according to scheme 1. Half of the blanket is ready. We make the second half of the other side of the initial chain. The finished product must be tied with a border according to scheme 3.

Unusual blanket for a newborn

Knitted blankets for newborns are very beautiful and functional, they are easy to create with your own hands. Often, mothers knit them for their babies, and then take them to the maternity hospital for discharge. After returning home, it is used as a blanket or an envelope. Mom's love will always be with the baby. So, patience and inspiration to you, dear needlewomen!

The baby, especially in the first months of life, needs to be provided with a warm and favorable environment. For this reason, many mothers from the very first days try to wrap their child in warm blankets, diapers, blankets.

But it’s not at all necessary to cover the child with several blankets or diapers at once, you can simply crochet a blanket. It will turn out very warm and bright. If you have never done this activity, but really want to learn, then you should definitely consider knitting patterns for children's things, including a plaid.

If in the near future you plan to replenish, then you should think about a set for a newborn for discharge. In addition to standard diapers, undershirts, bonnets, sliders, an envelope, it is worth preparing a blanket. For an extract, you can crochet a rather beautiful, elegant and very warm blanket.

For knitting you will need the following materials:

  • 2 skeins of 100 grams of blue yarn with pom pom Marifefly Alize;
  • 100 grams of white yarn;
  • hook - 3.5 cm.

Instruction for beginners:

  1. To begin with, a chain is made, it should be made from air loops. In total, about 145 VP will be required. This value is average, it all depends on the structure of the yarn;
  2. For exact definition number of loops, you can knit a small sample of 12x12. With it, it will be possible to calculate the required number of loops;
  3. We knit the first row. One column is made with a crochet from the hook into the third loop;
  4. Then you should knit one double crochet to the end of the row through each loop;
  5. After that, you need to knit the second and next rows - we make 2 VPs to lift the row. After that, it is necessary to knit the columns again to the end of the double crochet row;
  6. If desired, the canvas can be made with stripes different color. Stripes can be made narrow and wide;
  7. The color of the yarn must be changed every 2-7 rows;
  8. During alternation, the thread is pulled along the edge of the fabric. Due to this, the edge is obtained with a rigid structure;
  9. At the end, the edges should be tied. For tying, you need to use a series of single crochets;
  10. After that, we back up and pass at a crayfish step.

Plaids crocheted for a newborn baby from motifs

"Grandma's Square"

Prepare the necessary materials:

  • for a canvas with parameters 110 cm x 130 cm, about 1800 grams of thread with different colors, but with the same thickness and structure of the fibers;
  • crochet hook - 3.5-4 cm;
  • needle.

Schemes and detailed description:

  1. We are preparing a scheme with which a canvas of motives will be knitted. It is better to use simple knitting;
  2. First we do the VP, in total you need to complete 4 VP;
  3. Next, you need to complete two double crochets + two VPs. This knitting pattern must be performed 4 times. At the end, it is necessary to connect the last loop with the first column in accordance with the diagram;
  4. The other next row is knitted from 5 double crochets + two double crochets through the VP of the first row + two VP + 2 double crochets through the second VP + 2 double crochets. Knitting according to the proposed scheme must be done four times;
  5. After that, you need to perform 7 double crochets + 2 double crochets in the VP of the second row + two VPs + two double crochets in the second VP + four double crochets. Knitting according to this pattern must be performed four times;
  6. A simple needle is used to connect knitting;
  7. The result should be a finished square:
  8. The remaining squares must be connected in the same way. For a canvas with parameters of 110 cm x 130 cm, 221 squares will be required;
  9. After that, all the squares are connected to each other. The picture below shows the connection method:
  10. The result is a large plaid of motifs;
  11. You can knit the canvas using the second version of the scheme.

How to make a woven fabric from motifs

What will be needed:

  • one and a half kilograms of yarn with different colors;
  • hooks 3 cm, 6.5-7 cm;
  • needle.

Let's start knitting:

Instructions for crocheting an openwork plaid for a newborn

What materials will be required:

  • 500 grams of cotton yarn;
  • crochet hook - 2 cm;
  • thin ribbon of satin fabric- 6 meters.

Knitting patterns:

Let's start knitting:

  • you can knit with a small hook No. 3 - 4.5 cm;
  • If you have never crocheted before, then be sure to learn first. It is possible to tie a small square as a sample for a sample;
  • do not rely on memory, always use diagrams. With the help of schemes, you can make a beautiful canvas that will last you a long time;
  • can be knitted with yarn different color. For decoration, you can make inserts in the form of stripes with different colors;
  • it is desirable to make a blanket for growth with parameters of 110 cm x 130 cm. It may be large for a newborn, but the canvas can be folded in half. But in the future, it will become just the size of the baby;
  • if you use yarn of different colors for knitting, then the thread should be the same in structure and thickness;
  • if you knit a blanket for a girl, then it is better to use gentle tones- pink, red, lilac, yellow. If for a boy, then cool colors are suitable - blue, blue. As universal will be green, beige, orange.

The process of crocheting a plaid for a newborn baby is enough hard process but the result is worth all the effort. The main thing is to do everything according to the scheme and description. A handmade blanket is very beautiful, soft, warm.

He will become irreplaceable thing to discharge a child from the hospital, it can also be used instead of a blanket and as a cover for a stroller when walking with a baby.

IN next video- Another option for crocheting a blanket for a newborn.